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Posts posted by Rin

  1. Alas, he made a rather excellent argument in favor of being among the bland and musty crowd as the natural color without the use of search and detect did help one blend into the darkness. Unfortunately here they were during the day where the world was at it's most colorful state. Greens, browns, yellows and reds ranging from the bark and leaves from a tree to the petals of a nearby flower which didn't blend at all with this Niger Natio. It was a struggle though that people would have to face unless they bought countless different outfits that would fit no matter what biome or backdrop they were upon so she could understand simply going with black especially as most of the gaming population were night owls or thrill seekers attempting to fight monsters in the most dangerous of circumstances. A rather solemn yawn as she nodded and glanced back over the world. As he plucked a flower from the ground she nodded and graciously took it and planted it into her inventory.

    "That will work perfectly, frankly anything that can be ground up into a paste will be good enough as I'm gonna have to probably use the in game dying mechanic anyway which thankfully makes it a lost simpler then if I was doing it by hand in the real world. Also, why exactly if you don't mind me asking took on such responsibilities to watch over the weaker players with a scouting build? I would have thought people like you would want to protect them with a tankier role built like a brick wall to keep gaining the hate of the mobs."

    As she commented on his rather odd choice of paths she realized that she was revealing that she had learned a fair amount about the game from Alex. She then blinked twice have shocked by her own knowledge as she really never thought about the builds or the fighting style's of others in the game. After he found some more useful materials she decided that perhaps this section still was capable of being milked of mats. Her eyes furiously scanned the nearby vicinity now as she returned to her feet. A frown now pressed across her face as she began to see the differences between someone trained and the likes of her.

    "This is rather helpless, I'm not even gonna be of use for people to find mats at the rate I've been going."

    ID: 66801 LD: 5

  2. "Well of course I'm not going to find any wool out in the middle of the grass silly, I know it comes from sheep but still sometimes one will walk through the brush and lose a little bit. Besides, the real reason is because I'm looking for any yellow flowers that I can use to make a dye for my first wardrobe plan. Oh and a few shades of orange, red, black, and - maybe some." 

    As she realized she was leaving most things rather vague she remembered how observant her companion had been previously as she seemed quite instinctively perceptive about that other girl and her issues. In order to remain anonymous in her plans she was going to have to exercise digression and a little bit of deception which made this rough. It wasn't easy trying to be a masked vigilante who wanted to merely build up her own confidence but perhaps that would change as the role continued on. Perched upon her heels she then glanced back toward Itzal her rather unique companion, although most the people she met so far in this game seemed a tad 'quirky'. A rather soft hum now being sung by the girl as she was reminded of a rather gorgeous melody. She then stopped to continued to converse.

    "I can understand the reasons of needing to be stealthy, although I think the game mechanics itself help prevent people from seeing you no matter what color you dress your wardrobe in. Oh thanks."

    As he sent her over some of the materials he found she offered a comforting smile as she was quite grateful for any and all assistance. As for the comments on seeing to little of the area she began to ponder it that did make sense in a certain respective. Although she was a fan of the intimate details zooming in on a single strand of grass and observing how the pixels would create even the most simplest structures. Another glance about the wilderness caused her to feel partially defeated realizing that she needed to keep furthering her skills in search and detect.

    "I just really wish it wasn't so hard for me to level up."

    ID: 66794 LD: 9+1=10 Nothing


  3. Rin's eyes lit up with surprise as he mentioned that he had some sort of obligation to continue to work with down here on the first floor, she now furrowed her brow rather confused as she tried to figure out a reason he would be tied to this floor. Perhaps he really just was a robin hood of sorts, sticking on the lower levels to keep a close eye over the weak and needy. After his comment about that one individual, a member of the Knight's of the Blood Oath? Perhaps that wasn't what the acronym actually stood for as she wasn't the greatest with them after all, every field seemed to have the exact same one standing for completely different things. None the less, Rin struggled with a strong steady conversation topic to keep it ongoing with Itzal perhaps as she searched it would become easier. Within a few seconds just that happened a spark for possible interest as she blushed hearing his comment on how her method of searching for materials was quite unique. 

    "Oh, yeah umm I just find it easier for me to search for the specific materials that I need while laying close to the ground. I know that pretty much any material can be counted as useful but I'm right now planning to make a rather particular outfit. Obviously I'm sorta going the same route, but instead of searching for combat I'm planning on starting up my very own market where I will create and sell light armor and clothing."

    As he brought up concerns again, she realized a rather uneasy bias in this subject that she frankly was a bit saddened by as her belated friend probably fell into the same category as he wasn't really helping her get stronger. Though he was sweet and would always look after her so, she had not thing to complain about besides his death. 

    "Uh yeah, I'm attempting to become a tailor as we speak. Looking for lots of cotton, maybe some wool. Although I must admit I'm also seeking out various plants that can act as dye's so I can add a new identity of color into this game. It's sorta dreary that everyone tries to wear the same bland clothing don't you think?"

    As she crawled about she readjusted her medium length skirt a bit self-conscious now still unable to find anything as she decided to take a small break and sitting back on her heels.

    ID: 55792 LD: 9

  4. Rin's eyes kept tracking through the grass as she was quite determined in collecting a large amount of materials today, although she hadn't really suspected meeting anyone today upon her travels. Of course, it was impossible to not run into anyone while adventuring even on the first floor when so many players still weren't leaving this floor due to the safety that it brought with them. What came to a surprise was that the other player that noticed her knew her name before hand which meant one thing, she must have met them. The girl rotated about still partially hunched over as she was still scoured the floor for material. Although due to the nature of the greeting she decided it would be best to sit up and at least pay a great deal of her attention to her salutation. She wasn't entirely certain about names, that day they met was rather hectic when the large mob practically descended upon her location, luckily it seemed to just be him so he she had no fear from just a single player.

    "Oh? Hi there, um Itzal right? I must admit that I wasn't expecting to see your face of everyone when I came out here, what exactly have you been up to down here on the lower floors?"

    A rather honest question as he was fairly over leveled to be hunting or slaying any of the mob spawns that would appear on the first floor. After lobbing the ball into his side of the court with her own question Rin now knelt back down as she crawled forward she intended to get at least twenty materials if not more on this little endeavor because she needed to make a large set of gear. Ranging from a dark mask to help improve her ability to scout. Armor to protect her from harm and preferably some type of weapon. These in themselves weren't enough to keep her safe, but she knew that if she worked at it she would be able to keep working on her own ability.

    As she shuffled along the ground she began to fear she already fount all the materials she could in this location. A deep sigh passing over as she continued to aimlessly look about.

    "As you can see I'm not really having the greatest of luck on my Earn a Living quest."

    ID: 66787 LD: 7+1= 8

  5. Another beautiful day here in Aincrad, despite the unfortunate fact that they were still trapped here in this virtual prison. Rin sighed as she woke up once more just barely making ends meet to pay off another night at the inn, Barrel's and Oats. It was a rather strange name, but considering every morning you woke up a bowl of oats was sitting by your bedside, it was quite suitable. She yawned and took her leisurely time as she hadn't a need to get a move on to quickly. The usual stretching routine before leaping forth from her bed tear stains still upon her cheek as she glanced at her own face now rubbing them. A brief shaking off of the morning jitters and coughing to clear her throat. 

    "I really don't understand how this game works still, but here is for hoping that I don't mess it up again like I have always been. Besides you have that new job lined up right, gonna become a tailor and start making your own gear. Maybe even design that,"

    As she thought out loud she turned it down a notch, despite the fact that the inn rooms were said to be sound proof, she didn't intend to let on that she was planning a little exercise to help her out with breaking out of her shell. She needed materials and her ability to create hopefully perfect gear as she wanted to be able to further her ability in searching and detecting. Vigilantism was an odd term but she supposed that was what she had intended to do since Alex left her. She wanted to make a name for herself even if it wasn't her real name. She grumbled and stuck her head into the sink washing it off.

    "New day new job, need to get to work quickly on this - I probably should go material hunting while I prepare to for this since I'm sorta lacking in material to work upon it."

    As she strolled out of her room she glanced about the inn and nodded as she  made the transaction her Col balance once again reading 0. Everything she owned, or lacked their of read 0 including her equipment as she never had the guts to buy herself a weapon yet. A brief stroll now took her out of the town of beginnings her eyes furiously studying over the foliage as she attempted to find anything that would be of use. As she took a few steps forward she smiled now strolling off to collect some cotton.

    "That should help a bit."

    ID: 66780 LD: 15+1=16 S&D

    1 Material

  6. "Brr"

    As she stood there in the snow partially hunched over putting the wolf skin into her inventory she then began to shuffles her hands through the snow before giving a rather startled sneeze. The cold wasn't uncomfortably painful at the moment, but it was clearly getting to her as she wasn't fully equipped to remain perfectly insulated through the wintry domain. This floor was quite discomforting to those players who hadn't been properly dressed or prepared. The happy song playing through her heads till she heard a voice that was speaking up form behind her. A rather startled chirp like a bird escaped her lips as she now twirled about to peek at the woman who had appeared behind her.

    "Wait what when did you get there I thought?"

    Rin nervously looked back and forth through the wilderness before realizing she wasn't appearing hostile, nor did she have a red cursor which meant she hadn't been pking anyone recently. Although that could just mean that she was lurking for someone weak and feeble to prey upon. No stop, I'm sure she's just out and about wondering why I'm out here or just adventuring. A rather meek wave shook back and forth to greet her.

    "I'm sorry that isn't a way to greet someone that I just met, I'm Rin what exactly are you doing out here? I just have been looking for materials - no luck now though sadly."

    ID: 66769 LD: 7+1=8 Nothing

  7. Rin merely sniffled and rubbed her eyes as she now began to plan her own absence as she wasn't prepared to talk with the rest of the gang after all, although it had only been a few hours this had done a major number on her. A ding would sound in her menu as she saw the message and friend request sent by Mina, a smile now spreading across her face. It wasn't a trouble at all as she hardly recognized the changes within the girl whom was having some issues internally and externally when she fell. Pulling herself back to her feet she laughed and rubbed her eyes as she happily clicked on the accept. It would be nice to meet up with her again, plus it was lonely to just meander about the floors of Aincrad alone so it would be rejuvenating after the abundance of solitude. The girl pulled herself up by her bootstraps now taking a few deep breaths as she traveled back through the town to either Mac or Kalu if they were all to run into one another. With the final words she would bid anyone who came in contact with her a good day.

    "I'm sorry if I made either of you two worry about little old me but I'm fine now I just was needing some peace and quiet. Still do actually but if we don't see one another I'm planning on sending everyone else a friend request."

    She would stroll over to the teleportation pad and now type out her message.

    To: Everyone Whom it may Concern.

    "So sorry for running away from you all like that, I guess I just needed some time to cooldown. Anyway with this message I send out to you I attach a friend request in case anyone wants to meet up again. Ciao."

    Thread Closed

    All participants get 2 SP for 40 pages and 200 COl

  8. Rin began to tremble, her own skin chilled down to the final inch about her belly button as she looked about the frozen tundra back toward the town that was continuously coated in a gentle dusting of snow. As she exhaled her breath nearly crystallized on the expulsion into the frozen air, she hardly could believe that this was a floor designed for it's beauty. While she was outside the city she gladly managed to avoid most of the dangerous floor hazards and mob encounters that would have made quick work out of her. Farther outside of the city she had little to no luck in her attempted search for material, perhaps closer to the outskirts their would be more supplies to gather, although it was difficult to tell if anything was growing under all this snow as it was covered with an inch within a matter of minutes. The dark sky was riddled with specs of snow now dancing down within the cold winter breeze. It was almost as if it was an eternally Christmas here. 

    "Just have to fine an evergreen with some presents underneath of it."

    She sighed peering through the snow as she wasn't at all convinced that magically gifts would appear for her to happily take in as it probably wasn't even the right time of the year to being thinking of Christmas. A soft hum now accompanied her upon her adventure eyes scanning the forest. As she shuffled, her boot felt the cold snow sliding in over the top and soaking her sock. A loud mewl escaped her lips when she stopped and saw what appeared to be animal pelt that was just laying about as if it was from a falen mob. A luxurious white pelt that she happily would take. Feeling the soft white fur with her hands and face as she frowned.

    "I promise that your sacrifice will no go in vain little pup."

    ID: 66738 LD: 14+1=15 S&D

     Materials 1

  9. Rin's sudden disappearance from the squad seemed to be quite readily acknowledged as she now sat upon the ground now covering her ears again. She just wanted to get away for a second, but already someone had decided to enlist the search parties. Remember just calm down and think about how life would be if you didn't meet people right? You wouldn't have ever met these people who are now out their searching for you, or met the man who brought you into this - er that thought wasn't the type I needed. Alex was wonderful, but ultimately he brought me into this game an then took a quick exit out before completing the goal of so many players. The virtual sky was beginning to show the slightest patches of shade from the overhead clouds wafting through the afternoon sky. That's right she had wasted an entire morning prior to this, and now she was planning on wasting that like the rest of her life here. The girl's arms began to wrap about her torso legs again as she pulled back up to a normal sitting position as she contemplated whether to speak out and alert the group to her whereabouts.

    A deep saddening sigh escaped her lips as she wanted to tell them of how she felt and how she just wasn't great in crowds but that was precisely why she remained silent. This just didn't feel like the time and place to be rattling off her emotions. The world was always terrifying without a strong guiding hand of a companion perhaps that was ultimately the final nail in her proverbial coffin. The cheerful Rin died that same day she lost her best friend, her boy friend no less. 

    "I'm going to go search for materials after apologizing to them all for my behavior - if they found me."

    The girl mewled rather softly  into her legs as she wasn't sure why she had to be such a basket-case. Unlike the rest of the group she didn't seem to have that much an issue, between strange fashion which they were all acting about one another.

  10. Rin's eyes now began to bounce back and forth through the whites of her eyes, as if a tennis match was being played due to the quick tempo of this conversation. Stranger one, Macradon, to Itzal back to stranger one then suddenly Mima and Kalu and back to the prior. As they continued to converse she found herself attempting to continued to follow all of the talking. How could one ever deal with all the negativity and deaths of lovely people whom she hadn't even met. She already knew death all to well in her own mind as she continued to have flashbacks of when she was happy and care free in this realm with Alex. She mewled and now curled up her feet flat-footed against the ground as she was attempting to recover from the increase in tension.

    There is the stranger in armor who seems to be a part of the KOB who is in fact down here for some strange reason although was he really just searching for new recruits but that made no sense. He was down on the third floor after commenting that he wouldn't dare put people who were lower then level 20-30 into the boss raid they would simply be nothing more than cannon fodder in her own interpretation of what they were talking about. To add to it all Itzal is saying that his guild somehow would be one that would look after the future of all the weaker players whom were still searching for a path in this world. That isn't at all possible though, their seemed to have been updates in combat which she vaguely caught glimpse of that made it an impossible feat for someone such as herself. Never mind her own inexperience on the battlefield, what was a weakling like herself suppose to do given such a situation. As she leaned over her black mane now began to dance down before her eyes as she began to contemplate a means of making her own way through this life.  Work. Material collection. Miscellaneous jobs. Yep, that seems to be the best way I could do this, I know there is a new gathering skill that might help me in collecting materials due to the increase in mob strength since it is a field that will continue to remain important. Player killers. Teayre. Dom, deceased I guess? From the talk that the KOB member has been implying. Opal, green but pk'd at her own discretion. How is someone like me, a non-fighter suppose to defend myself in this situation when I'm still a level one. Pickles! Her own mind not even capable of swearing inwardly as she just couldn't find herself to bring such terms into her vocabulary.

    She sunk down and began to cover her ears now attempting to blot out the rest of the conversation as she just needed some peace and quiet as her mind shifted through the motions. Itzal's offer to stay at his house, I really wish Alex was here he was always the one with the better judgment of a person's character. And the way Itzal and Mima keep conversing with one another on a strange level is questionable at best. Rin's face now nestled into her upper legs as she took deep calming breathes s Kalu's words about how weaklings like herself and him would be completely helpless before them. Frustration consuming her like a wildfire that was roaring through the once calm meadows and forests that she hid herself in.

    "Gahh! Please just for a second can we stop talking I am freaking out here just a bit trying to process all of this. You're telling me that  being afraid of leaving the towns that I call home and find security in is something I shouldn't be worrying about while seamlessly contradicting by telling me about the terrors that await me outside the safe zone?"

    This was a larger crowd then she had really intended to meet after her week of grieving, and yet here she was attempting to make things awkward. Failed. A discomforted expression now spreading over her features as she winced, and backed up into the tree having forgot her location and letting out a high pitch shriek. Spinning around she saw the tree as she didn't even pay attention to those who would have been questioning if she had been ok while curled up like a fetus as she was merely attempting to work through all of this. 

    "I can't stay her I'm sorry - It was a pleasure to meet you all -"

    A quick bow would cause her lower back and head to go parallel to the ground before a she made a hasty retreat from the section of Delilah village as she bolted much like the beginning of this day when she left off back into the town center and twisting through the houses till she found a NPC's backyard where she sat down to rest. 

    "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0." 

    As she sat down counting backwards from ten she closed her eyes now breathing in and out as she was feeling a bit flustered among that crowd finding the solitude a bit beneficial after her partial meltdown. You are such and idiot! You can't just do that when you are trying to socialize and work yourself back into the economy of this video game. Idiot Rin. As she awaited perched on her heels she leaned forward to hit her head against the fence unpleasantly. She now cried, she simply couldn't explain it but everything led up to this great big freak out for her she simply didn't know what was wrong with her but time would help in the calming of her nerves.

    "I'm and idiot."

  11. As Macradon entered the group she found it more difficult to just exit of her own accord, a simple hand wave toward him finished in greeting as he mentioned that he was out upon a scouting mission on the third floor. A moment of silenced was needed as she mulled over this, he seemed to be stalking the small groups of widely ranging leveled players for a mission. Despite the green cursor her own suspicions only grew more worried at these comments, as it frankly sounded like something a pk guild would do if they were searching for unsuspecting prey. Lure them with a strong intelligible player who seems like a savior and then strike. It was an overly complicated plan though and one that few people would have unlikely actively used as she imagined the majority of a pk guild would be red as they all want that morbid thrill of killing another human being. Rin wiggled like a worm peeking out of a frost covered ground shivering from her own thoughts, why do you always have to look into the morbid side of life. Cringing as she thought to herself.

    "It's a pleasure to meet you mister. And I know that what you all are telling me is for my own good, but I have decided to find my own way through this crazy game. I will probably soon start taking skill points to help protect myself and fight with my opponents but for now I'm still  planning to stay within the city walls away from possible harm."

    As she finished off that thought she then nibbled her lip realizing what the other male was saying was quite true, she couldn't just keep living a life of solitude pushing away any and all help that is offered to her. Rin simply sighed and gave him a nod as his words of wisdom did not go unheard.

    "You're right, I shouldn't be turning down a welcoming invitation. Um, Itzal was the name right or was that someone else's name - oh cheese and crackers this group is getting to big I can't even remember which name is which any more. What is your name again new guys?"

    She pointed at Macradon as she was quite positive that he had not introduce himself yet, if he answered or didn't mattered little she would  be making a mental marker of his looks. As she finished memorizing that she went onto Itzal, Tri, and Kalula.

    "I guess I will check around for the day and maybe if I see you again or don't find a job I will take you up on that offer later?"

  12. The town of beginnings, it is odd how players always managed to find themselves returning to this historic city where all the player base was flipped around onto their heads being told this was how life would be for them. She still remembered the number of deaths which were merely people's parents unplugging the machine unknowing or unwilling to believe the dire circumstance. Rin had worried the first week, she and Alex were both in their own apartment just the two of them, although it appeared someone must have gotten a list of buyers and set up those who were connected. Honestly she didn't quite understand how a power outage or the like didn't trip the country forcing numerous of them die in a mere instance. Her feet slowly maneuvering her through the town till eventually she found herself in alone at the edge of the town center now glancing around.

    "Oh monkey feathers, why did I have to turn down that Itzal character when he offered me housing and lodging."

    Her entire bodies fatigue now drained as she had been up since that day still in search of money and food. Her stomach growling discomforted by her lack of attention being rendered to service it. As it groaned she now curled up onto the flooring wincing her stomach tightly wrapping about her belly as she now propped herself up against a wall of a nearby shop.

    "So tired -"

    She remained like an angle braced supporting the building with the front of her head as she slowly grind down the surface of the wall. While she slumbered she manage to groan out a few strange words.

    "Jelly bean castles. - Ole' lobster henchen. - John Chriton ~giggles~ wizard of Oz."

    As the minutes progressed she finally collapsed on her side snoring ever so silently.


  13. As it progressed, Rin began to worry more an more about how this conversation was going and worse their was someone fighting outside the city with a rather dangerous looking foe. As Tri collapsed she nibbled her bottom lip nervously crouching down as well now as she would reach for her hand attempting to find the words in this situation.

    "Hey? Are you sure you ok, normally when someone just keels over like that it's due to an issue with their blood pressure of sustenance intake. Although I don't really know if either of those are probably causes - since it's a game after all."

    She would remain concerned and close in case Mina needed some assistance standing back onto her own two feet as she was starting to partially enjoy the strange array of company. As the new lad introduce himself Rin simply gave a brief recognition of a head nod and a giant smile as she nibbled her lip. It was still odd that she would suddenly fall down, as Mina explained the situation of being another version of herself being at conflict she blinked now a bit startled and edging back into the side of fleeing from this group. Something felt off about the majority of them, between the higher level man asking if she was fine and the girl now collapsing without a warning on account to internal conflicts? She now pulled herself meekly back to her feet and backed away. 

    "Sorry I really ought to be going now, after all jobs aren't going to find themselves for me." 

    A hesitant remark as she then turned around and stopped realizing she still had a tree blocking her path. She mewled as if she was an overgrown feline as her shoulders and head drooped.

    "Not the way back into town -"


  14. As the crowd the commotion continued the small crowd surged forward onto her location now there were two men and a women partially encircling the tree as she shuffled over partially ducking behind the female. To be honest, this was her first day out and already she had seemed to catch a larger crowd then she truly intended now glancing back over her shoulder as she heard some ruckus coming from outside the town. As the girl now continued to add onto his explanation about how this world was filled with possible player killers, caused her to exercise even more caution as she now began to wander further away from the edge of the safe zone no longer intending on leaving it for the better part of this game with all this talk.

    "You really have seen a lot of player killers, I can't believe that really is a thing attacking another individual as if it was some sort of sport."

    A shiver raced up and down her spine as she now slowly wandered over toward the side of Tricolor feeling like she was the easiest person that she could relate to being the same gender. As she began deducing what had happened to cause her crying she began to panic once again, she had nearly hit that spot on with deciphering her tears to be the expulsion from her inn room. A gentle nod and hanging of her head would answer the assumption as she closed her eyes in attempts to prevent any further bouts with those emotions.

    "It doesn't really matter though, now that I'm out here - in this crazy killer world I need to find myself some form of money. And hopefully gear to keep myself safe since I can't rely on my own abilities. I don't enjoy fighting at all, I would rather just explore and gather materials. I wasn't attacked or anything I just haven't been having the greatest of weeks. Thanks for being concerned for me though."

  15. Rin blinked now watching as another stranger began to approach them blinking a bit startled from suddenly drawing another individual to her own location essentially on accident. Her eyes and head both bouncing back between the two players who were standing in front of her as she began to droop down the trunk of the tree only to see the small little chirping familiar, it was quite adorable in it's also obnoxious tone which it attempted to greet them both. The male was offering a rather sweet deal, housing possibly food all for free while she found herself homeless and poor. A rather concerned brow was raised though as she wasn't quite sure if she was ready for another male roommate ... not after what happened. She simply shook her head. 

    "I can't impose upon a stranger like that, not because I don't enjoy the offer mostly because I'm not sure if I would be a good roommate yet - plus I don't really know if I should be sleeping alone with - with a guy. In another room."

    Her own spacing of that thought now causing her to grimace uncomfortably as she wasn't silver-tongued, manipulating both the flow and vocabulary that she had to work with in any fashion. Yeah that wasn't at all weird Rin. Might as well tell him you don't want another dead boyfriend in the works since you are still emotionally unstable. proverbial mushroom cloud sigh ending that though when she then returned toward Tri_Color.

    "And hello there as well, and no he isn't bothering me - I just am a bothered person I guess. Yeah that's -"

    Awkwardly the girl began to fidget now realizing that her comments weren't going to be quoted in any form of literature any time soon. A bit taken back her entire body continued to tremble uncontrollably as she continued to plot out a way to salvage this introduction. The longer she thought the farther her mind actually trailed from the conversation till she simply stated the only word that was left in her mind, despite the fact if it fit into the conversation.


    ID: 66593 LD: 6 

  16. Rin nodded agreeing wholly with the young man’s remarks about figuring out the twisted fate that this community had been encapsulated, all due to a single mana. After that she began to glance about realizing she had wandered qutie far away from home, surely any lurking witches would have loved to have gobbled up the poor thing. Thankfully she was among company that seemed to sympathise for all intents and purposes. You really need to figure out some sort of way to deal with this churning when you talk with others girl, come on … er wait maybe that is because my last meal was  how long ago? Wincing as she felt quite stupid, she would always see food appear in the inn room every morning, but that was all up for change. As she spotted the crowd still lingering near the outskirts, although relatively distant to her prior location as she would have been prepared to run off rampant uncertain of why the NPC’s were still up in arms. She had caused a minor ruckus yes, but nothing that should have lingered for so long.

    “Anyway I’m sorry to cause such alarm again, and I’m fine for now assistance at a later date perhaps.”

    She spoke softly without a shred of confidence now wrapping her arms back about her body and nibbling the bottom of her lip.

    “Although, does your guild have many visitors that aren’t apart of it? Like tenants whom can ask for housing?”

    As time progressed the sheer number of NPC's began to decrease as they all had important duties to serve this village between the bakery, the farms, and a small in which of course she was evicted from. As it dispersed she began to glance about cautiously as she would. In the real world there were all sorts of treacherous folks and with the crowds mostly broken up small gaps within the lines of the road leading in would reveal themselves to incoming travelers. She then held out a hand toward the man in greetings.

    "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Rin."

  17. As the voice spoke out to her she let out a started mousy squeak as she realized that it was a guy who was now beside her. Her head crooked up from her defensive ball maneuver now arms wrapped around her legs as she sniffled. One hand reaching up toward her eyes and the other still comfortingly hugging her lower appendages to her rather small figure. She wiped both her eyelids of the salty tears that had been partially been formed on her face.


    “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to raise a ruckus, I’m just - coping”


    The hesitation between answering and recovering from her more frightened state was brief one now as she finally was pulling herself to her feet. Shifting her weight from her left foot over to the right as she seemed to have calmed down a small bit. Interacting on scales of one person at a time was always simpler, perhaps the nerves just got to her in that moment. Glancing about the village she laughed a bit embarrassed before rubbing her head. See not that bad silly girl, stop freaking out because of nothing. She stayed there seated at the base of the tree before slowly planting one hand firmly against the base of the trunk and pushing herself up.


    “Sorry. Again.”

    It was as if she had managed to push her fears aside momentarily as she realized that was the more responsible thing to do.

    “I guess coping with death in this game is as real as life itself intended for us.”

  18. There was a shuffling beneath the covers of the nearby bed inside the the inn on floor three, Delilah Village had never felt vaster. The terrifying expanse of this virtual world finally coming to grips with the the lonesome girl. Ever since Alex’s death she had kept herself locked away into this room, unfortunately she wasn’t capable of paying the wages that this service racked up and she wasn’t prepared to leave quite yet, not without some means of concealing her true nervous self as she now quivered in the bed, a rather ominous shaking of the supports worsening the matter. No matter what the cause she wasn’t going to escape this uneasiness.  Pacing back and forth with the covers over top her head she now mewled in a rather pathetic fashion only to realize that she had no say in the matter. An NPC quickly snapped to work once the timer ran out lifting her up covers and all squirming and squealing. The terrified female now clawing at the door of the inn as it closed behind her leaving her homeless and col-less.


    “No wait! You can’t do this to me I have a condition!”


    Her nerves always did seem to get the best of her, a dry heaving breath now pathetically sounding through air as she practically forced herself into hyperventilating only to realize that wasn’t quite possible in this world. Still her fit managed to gather a small crowd of observers much to her own fear. Back up against the wall, Rin leaped forward sliding through the crowd like a greased sardine now slipping through the school of fish on the reef.


    “Gotta get out of here, which way is to a place?”


    The panic sending her into a tizzy that only ended when she sprinted off to a tree on the brink of the safe zone. Now curled up and crying due to her lack of control. Darn it girl get a grip of yourself it’s just like before you just don’t have a guide is all nothing to fear. What am I joking Alex is dead and I have no means of feeding or housing myself. A disheartened sigh now dissipated into the air.

    “You are you going to have to grow up fast. Right? … Right!”

  19. Real Life Vs.









    User Name: Rin

    Real Name: Miya Nao

    Birthday: October 2

    Age: 19

    Height: 5'4"

    Weight: 114




    Miya Nao was born and raised into a family in the heart of Tokyo Japan, where both worked hard to pay for room and board of Miya and her two younger sisters. As the years progressed, Miya's parents began to realize that their oldest daughter was getting back home from school quite quickly due to her constant bullying. A book worm at heart and pascifist at best she never really managed to advance out of her socially awkward stage. Due to this bullying though she also began to fear interacting with student of her age, luckily out of the vast class sizes she did manage to make one friend. A rather large Russian foreign exchange student who had a fancy for both her as well as video games as he constantly looked out for her and ended up spending nights with Miya and her family as they had more appliances to entertain themselves than he had back home, they also ended adopting him on as his host family. A timid creature indeed who barely recognized that by their high-school prom, Alexander had been attempting to imply he was going to ask her out without frightening her off as a few earlier date options had. It was the perfect match up frankly as she was a nervous wreck in such situation and he was a sturdy boulder willing to anchor her down and enjoy the evening. The only problems during the night was when she insisted on going to the bathroom right when she got there, essentially locking herself in a bathroom stall for the first thirty minutes till Alex asked a janitor to unlock it so he could drag her back out.

    After prom the real world began to slip into the duo's lives whom actually found their own line of business developing graphic novel games, where Miya wrote the various plots and story arches that would span from game to game. Each one enthralling their audiences with the emotional heartaches, to the romantic coupling that Miya wrote and Alex animated. In total the two manage a surplus of money which they of course spent upon the new nerve gear as Alex adored video games of all sizes and asked if Miya would accompany her in such a great adventure. It had been months, Miya found herself seeking employment but terrified to the point where she couldn't leave the inn room that the two had been housed in. Realizing this game had a tragic learning curve Alex told Miya that no matter what happened he would be fighting all her fights for her till they managed to break free of Aincrad once again. Before finding the most recent boss though, Alex was slain by a fierce group of mobs that had flanked his position and striking him down. After his death tears would wash over her cheeks in the most odd of times. She refused to give up on life though, as she knew that Alex would have wanted her to escape this nightmare.




    Gentle: As life lessons from life experiences as well as other people's life experiences have caused her to realize that sometimes one must approach life with a calm heart and a gentle approach. This virtue acting as an instrument of great joy and sorrow to the life of Rin, as she often finds those who take advantage more often then those who would generously appreciate it. In this respect, Rin finds herself easily attracted to animals and them to her as she always is the first to offer them her hospitality. Regardless, Rin's own speech almost floats with the same caring thoughts or words she will embarks upon others.

    Gracious: Another long developed trait that Rin had high praise for form her peers was her sincere attitude always willing to apologize and take a step on the cheerful side of even tragedy. Even toward the bullies that would physically and emotionally assault her she managed to hold the higher ground in her moral battlegrounds against them. Graciously revealing to them that despite their horrendous actions she would always tell them that they were welcome when they took her lunch money.

    Inventive: After Alexander passed from this world, Rin began to panic as she hadn't lived without him in so long it became hard to do simple tasks such as buying food or paying the inn keeper. As she sat in bed one evening she devised a way for her to face the world of Aincrad once more, taking a simple order for a feline like robe that would mask the majority of her features. This deception however was one needed as after Alex died she began to fear facing not only Aincrad but people again.




    Deceptive: Rin hide's herself in one of the most eye grabbing outfits that most people have seen or would ever dare to wear. She wanders around masked and silent attempting to regain her composure and muster the strength to maybe one day fight and escape this death game. Those who attempt to unveil her identity normally find themselves  holding onto nothing as she generally freaks out and bolts using either her speed or a teleport crystal to do so.

    Nervous: A palpable tension tends to accumulate in any room that Rin sits in exposed without her flaxen disguise due to a partially broken emotional barrier due to her lost. Once Rin was able to stand strong and proud beside her boyfriend who dispersed into the matrix of 1's and 0's that made this deadly system. Among all these reasons Rin never was less antiquated with the trends of being hip and socially out going as the best means of making friends.

    Pacifist/masochist: After her boyfriend's death she began to adopt rather poor habits in wandering out into the fields and charging monsters without a weapon in hand. Unwilling to strike the mobs she finds herself lingering about and tanking hits that are pointless as she attempts relieve some of her issues as well as understand what she would be signing up for. The lack of actual pain in the game made it simpler for her to accept such beating as she never suffered anything past that of a paper-cut.




    Sp Total: 5


    Search and Detect (1) LD+1, 200 Col








    1 Dagger

    1 Crafter's Respite - USED

    +1 CD Needle




    [F3-OP] Troubled Times 2 SP

    [F1-PP] The Long Haul <<Earn A Living>> 2 SP, 24 Material, 200 Col, Dagger +1 dmg

    [F4-PP] Pursuite of Happiness 2 Material, 200 Col, 1 SP

    [F3-PP] Another New Friend 1 Material, 200 Col, 2 SP

    [F4-PP] Winter Storms 12 Material, 200 Col, 1 SP

    [F2-PP] Meek and Mild 1 SP, 200 Col

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