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Posts posted by Rin

  1. Rin gulped nervously as she began to spy even more players showing up that she recognized she hated being like this but she wanted to break free from the current crowds she looked over toward the food once more. She was feeling a bit awkward among the crowd being dressed as one of the few hostesses as she saw a rather strange masked figure who was now approaching the punch. Something was ominous about her as she now heard the groups all talking about how they were preparing for the tournament. She winced uncomfortably thinking about how people would want to fight to show off or because they enjoyed it. The only good news being that at least a few who saw the higher players were already backing down or giving up on it. Although when she saw Lowenthal dressed for the dancing competition she had some hope for this as well perhaps people were going to enjoy the competition she was helping set up as well.

    She hummed happily now watching as the two who approached her grew more distracted by the crowd, waving rather shyly to @Itzal and @Arc as she now made her way over. Perhaps a drink was really what she needed as she began to grow closer to the mask figure who was having the same issue she had when she dressed up in her Katz costume she had created to disguise herself. This might have proved to be a conversation that she would enjoy to talk about, maybe she could learn something of concealing herself or feeling less ashamed in a Maid outfit.

    "Umm hello there miss ... or if you are somehow a sir I guess ... "

    Already she felt herself coming off on the wrong food as she didn't think it would be possible for her to be anything but female but she did know of some strange potions and the like.


  2. Rin sighed in relief as she finally seemed to get her name correct, perhaps this whole predicament wouldn't be quite as awkward now that she wasn't being called Onion-san. Her eyes now fixated upon the ears that were twitching ever so realistically. She was fascinated by them as she merely kept her eyes transfixed upon the two ears protruding from her ears wondering if they helped with searching as well. As she stood up Rin blinked with a yelp as she was pulled up to her fee not expecting all of this as she was pulled along toward the field as she was apparently going to go flower picking which was not in her plans for today she was just going to sit back and relax. She mewled now attempting to keep up with Ivory as they slowly approached the field, that was when the girl seemingly told her with an excited wave to join. A flustered blush creeping over her face as she slowly strolled along till a hard yank upon her hand dragged her even farther.

    "W-wait but what are we doing with the flowers w-we don't even have any vases or water for them?"

  3. In that moment she began to glance around the field, already a small group of people were approaching the area she gulped nervously now shaking her head as she mewled uncomfortably. She wasn't use to wearing anything with frills, her hands now reaching down to the short skirt of the uniform and yanking it down as if afraid it was going to reveal to much beneath. It wasn't at risk since the day hadn't been all that windy, it was a perfect day for it. The mist was blowing over, but that was most likely do to the morning atmosphere. Rin just felt the tremors taking over her body, she shook from head down to toe till she heard a familiar voice shout out her name. That was the most terrifying moment as she let out a soft squeak as she glanced back to see @Itzal. As she spun around she also noticed another man, @Arc who was now waving toward her she couldn't remember if she met him off the top of her head. She had already been on so many different adventures that she was starting to lose track of reality.

    She silently waved back to both of them before glancing around hoping that the little girl who was bringing the appetizers, at least she thought they would be appetizers. Their she was now setting up cookies, pizzas and a punch bowl. At least they had someone bringing food perhaps she could now ask Itzal if any of the chefs from his guild could possibly bring more. As she stood she felt a small gust now forcing her skirt to the side, she winced and clamped her hand down upon the front and side that were facing people as it passed. 

    "H-hello welcome to the dance and fighting competition I hope you both enjoy your stay here. I'm here to uh serve anything you want for now as I'm sorta acting as host I guess."

    Rin gave a rather meek bow that had her completely hunched over in half till she heard another voice joining into their rather awkward conversation. It was Hakai, thankfully she didn't have to keep up speaking to much she would much prefer to listen to them discuss information. She mewled and waved back to Itzal now as she commented back. His questions made her flush as she now turned to Hakai hoping she would help her out as she didn't know what to say other than what was spewing from her lips.

    "I'm fine I just was hoping to do something for the community after everything they have done this far. The frontliners all deserve a break from their fighting and well food is always good."

  4. The High Field of Crossing


    It wasn't Rin's first day out in the field, although it was the first time she was asked by someone who seemed to care for her development to break out of her rather nervous shell. She was sitting in the fields, a great deal of tables chairs and a vast field now set for the general public to start venturing fourth and inviting themselves or even seeing the large message that was sent by the woman who set her up in this situation. The girl groaning weakly as she then sat down near the small pond as she wasn't really expecting to act as a hostess for large groups. She frankly hoped that the crowds avoided this little get together mostly due to the reasons that many would show up. It was after all both a dance competition as well as a tournament for those to practice or prove their own worth in combat. Rin just wanted to sit away from the fights and hide her face in the maid outfit. As she sat their by the pond she began to see a haze looming over the flowers, it all felt quite ominous with how they were looming over like it knew what was about to begin. Perhaps some would even use that environmental hazard to their advantage.

    "I really just hope no one gets to carried away with all of this, I would hate to see any hurt feelings or pride when this is all said and done."

    Rin sighed before now standing back up and pulling out a few glasses from her inventory and plates and forks. She only could hope that more chefs and the like would be willing to show up to help offer their catering services. She thought about texting a few people she met to host it if she wasn't so embarrassed.

  5. As he spoke she could hear that intimidating change in tone, she gulped nervously now back off ever so slightly before she found herself shrieking in fear as she was gripped by her shirt lifted up off her feet.  They peddled in the air as she glanced down to her feet and back toward the enraged man. It wasn't like the man she met at the lake, he was so welcoming and even invited the group to enjoy the warm water. He must have worked so hard to clear the monsters for how long their party had lasted Tears streamed down her face seeing him like this, she didn't know him well but it didn't feel like the real him despite what he spoke. As he shouted out those words of him being a monster she mewled and closed her eyes as she now stopped struggling the sensation over taking her as if it was an abusive relationship she was suddenly stuck in some how.

    "S-someone doesn't have to pay,  aren't you suffering enough for all parties involved. D-don't you remember that lake part you were so nice to invite complete strangers to join you. T-that doesn't sound like something a murder would do or someone who was selfish like  monster."

    She softly murmurred now looking away nervously as he was a loose cannon at this point. She half-expected him to simply toss her aside and end her miserable life, it wouldn't come to a shock to her she knew that her own caring would one day be her down fall. A solemn voice now sounded from Rin as she looked down through her bangs, tears still streaming down her face.

    "I-I'm sorry you are suffering ... if you need to hurt someone ... go ahead."


  6. Rin mewled weakly as she hung her head in despair still awkward from being smacked by a complete stranger upon her tush, she wouldn't know what Hakai was thinking though about all of it. Hearing the comment of never being touch in such a vulgar way again made her feel a bit safer as she followed Hakai but she was still utterly embarrassed despite being told how she could be taught through wearing it to overcome it. She didn't do well at roleplaying different roles she was always that pathetic little girl who let everyone else walk over her no matter what the circumstances.As she felt her head being rubbed she mewed softly now resting her head against Hakai's shoulder as she felt her warmth being soaked by her cold body. She didn't know what it was but she enjoyed being around other girls around her age they understood how to help her.

    "I-I will try b-but I don't know how to be something that I have never been before ... I think I'm sorta a hopeless case miss Hakai."


    Hakai: 1 SP 200 Col

    Rin 1 SP 200 Col

  7. Rin glanced toward the heads up display that was now displaying all the reward for the dungeon she blinked rather shocked as she wasn't use to making much or any col except while at her shop selling off goods. Even that was running slow do to her severe lack of experience in skills and materials. She always seemed to fail before she started to succeed. A deep heavy sigh would be muffled by her mask till she now felt her boot sink into the sand it was already nearing rising of the sun upon the horizon which meant that the desert heat would probably be back upon them by the time they made it back to Armadillo. This was one floor she wasn't going regret avoiding for the rest of her life since she was still practicing her movements. Perhaps it was nearing the time when she would ask some of the other players to help figure out how to fight other monsters and people in a defensive nature. This wasn't really the time though as she was growing quite weary from the long days worth of adventure, maybe another. day.

    "Thank you both for helping me through this."

  8. As he commented on looting the old corpses of the drow's that had fallen before she winced not the largest fan of scavenging of the dead even when it was a monster. For her shop though she saw the pelt's use as a way to respect them. She slowly crept forward till she was standing side by side the knight who had been acting somewhat like a guardian for the longer portion of the day. It was quite awkward feeling like the helpless damsel that was just tagging along for the experience. The weak seemed to leach of the strong even now he found some material again to help in the creation of her new winter coat. She winced and drooped embarrassed as she happily accepted the rawhide.

    "Thank you sir."

    She murmured softly a partial blush in her cheeks as she always felt like she was weighing the other players down even when she wasn't doing anything, as that in itself slowed progress for not all working together.

    "I guess we can head on back now huh?

  9. Rin was still staring toward the ground her feet within her frame of vision till she watched Macradon equipping some of his gear. She winced realizing what that undoubtedly meant the mission had requested that you slay the drow. She gulped hearing him talk about just that he was planning on venturing forward without her and slaying the creature so that she wouldn't have to witness it. It was quite a noble thought taking the unnecessary slaying out of her eyesight. A brief nod and sigh as she began to look around realizing she couldn't venture to far off on her own without fear of stumbling upon a beast that was even more formidable than it. Rin gently brushed her black locks from her race as she began to fidget in place, she didn't enjoy being all alone least of all when her imagination could run wild with the way that the completion of the mission was being done. Imagination could be quite harsh least of all for one as emotionally unstable as she.

    She began to contemplate just what he was doing, perhaps the drow was actually a vile beast or perhaps even innocent of all crimes that could be suspected of it. All she knew was that it's material would be used in the long winter leather coat that they would return to the smithy. Shuddering she then rubbed her temples knowing that those thoughts wouldn't help. All she had to do was sit tight and wait for Macradon to return he could handle it no problem. A few minutes passed in the silence of her clearing till she heard  the battle cry of the beast. She tensed up now gripping her knees as she sat there upon the ground till She saw Macradon return now standing up and nodding.


  10. As Alisa admired the coat Rin felt a bubbly feeling in her chest, perhaps pride that someone else enjoyed a product she had created in her shop before. Rin now giggled and nodded happily as her friend was asking her to start moving off into fourth floor, the snowy backdrop acting as gorgeous background for them to venture out into. She fully intended locating all the resources she could ever want. The only downsize is she hadn't taken the gatherer perk yet which would have assist greatly in her little endeavor. As they strolled forward Rin began to hum a rather soft melody. It resembled a version of a recent hit song that she had been listening to before they wound up stuck in the game. It was a bit off though as it had been some time since she listened to it. Each passing step left another print in the snow which would be filled in by the game in due time to help keep it's pure unhampered scene. She would remain quiet for the most part unless asked questions though as she was busy scanning through the snow for materials.

    A little ways ahead of them was exactly what she needed. The game randomly spawned dead animal for their hide and she would happily take the pelt without having to fight

    ID:68819 LD: 11 + 1 S&D +3 Equipment = 15 

    1 Material found.

  11. Rin lied there upon the ground lost as she seemed to be talking in a circle, introduction had already been done and she explained that her name wasn't Onion-san already which only made her grimace uncomfortably. It wasn't her place to continuously correct or yell at the girl from once again butchering her name it was three little letters after all it isn't that hard to remember. The nickname persisted still her face red with embarrassment hoping nobody was about to hear this newly founded nickname. She regretted laying down now and plucking out the onion from the ground to nibble on. The meowing yawn was rather startling though as she did love cats, but she was just sitting there she still didn't know why she would sit down beside her.

    "M-my name isn't Onion-san it's Rin. B-beside I'm just trying to relax as I sorta thought that I was alone but obviously that isn't the case any more."

    She sighed still wearing her leather evasion gear now sighing as she felt uncomfortable till she now looked over Ivory once more. 

  12. Rin squeaked confronted with utter embarrassment and shame as she stood there inside her own maid uniform that was just now bought for her by Hakai as far as she knew. Her eyes lit up as she then glanced about the shop realizing that if she didn't hurry up she would be left behind. She squealed  nervously glancing toward the door of the shop and then down to her own new uniform as it seemed wincing awkwardly as she hung her head. She groaned weakly till she finally managed to get herself out the front door of the shop still dressed in the uniform as she now realized that she wasn't hidden any longer. A few passing males gave out loud whistles that made her lock up one passing by giving her a firm slap on the rear launching her forward. A loud squeal ringing through the air till she finally ran into Hakai and buried her face deep into the back of her shirt. This was the only way to spare any of her dignity by hiding her face in the back of the friend who pushed her into wearing this.

  13. As they sat around the table she saw the hungry eyes glancing over toward the Pizza she now reached over to grab a slice as if attempting to tell them that it was fine and they didn't have to wait up on her account. She raised it to her mouth before taking a rather pleasant whiff of marinara and cheese. She sighed relieved now that she was about to get one slice of pizza if not even more for the first time in Aincrad. It was a question if any pizzeria's ever decided to open dedicating their time and material to only the art of pizzas. As she spoke about her life story in this game she realized that if she hadn't had a boyfriend entering it she would have had a similar start, but then she still did since his death she was now wandering through life half dazed as she tried to accumulate what little wealth she had in this game. It wasn't her place to attempt and become a scout or way these two down they obviously were intending to be a great help to society some day she on the other hand would let herself slip into the background as if an NPC among the villagers in this game.

    She took a big bite from her piece of pizza before now eyeing both of them rather curious how they would go about training at searching around the wilderness when the perks made it possible for them to do so.


  14. Rin's eyes now blinked, he hadn't been among the founders of the Knights of the Blood Oath. In all honesty she thought he must have been the most senior member or even a leader of the brigade by this rate. Sadly she wouldn't know what really would become of the guild though as she didn't really want to know about the hardships and losses that they had experienced. Perhaps they didn't even have the original group and leader any more after a boss fight, they might have died maybe Alex even joined up with them once or twice for all she knew. Dwelling upon that past was a sorrowful memory though as she now began  realize a tear formed in her eye, she quickly dispatched her hand to rubbed it away to prevent any further waterworks as she cried enough for a life time.  As offered means to calm her down she nodded taking a few deep breathes before glancing about the forest floor. At the very least the materials if any were about could help her shop thrive once more.

    ID: 68733 LD: 5 + 4= 9 None


  15. Rin's eyes wandered from her knees to the boss, it looked like they were prepared to end this any second and that was just what Zandra had planned as she dispersed the boss into pixel's with her final sword art. Zandra's harsh words to the mob cut deep into Rin's heart as she now mewled and buried her face deeper into her cat costume before glancing up. The monster had been slain, although she still felt some sense of lost in the disposal of it as if they extinguished another human life in the video game rather then just a bunch of binary digits which constructed the boss. Her large battle axe was quite menacing and she frankly never would have thought that people could ever lift such bulky weapon least of all a girl that was roughly her own size. The cheerful smile which she offered back partially reassured her that she was indeed among friends now giving a deep sigh and wiping her face of a few scattered tears. As she now stood up and slowly walked behind them both she continued to show rather heavy breathing before Mac spotted the exit from this dungeon. As Mac began to climb up the ladder she began to regret her own outfit choice she slowly took a step up and follow afterwards beneath the skirt was underwear she made that basically matched her own suit's face if the other girl dared to glance up.

  16. Rin glanced toward both who was greetings, Baldur offering up his concerns to see whether she was ok. It would be a lie to say she was at her best while among these praying eyes, but she was feeling at least a bit more comfortable after her initial attempts to leave the lines. A shrug of the shoulders would answer Badlur while she had to think about how she felt when Domarus now sounded ecstatic that she finally joined the fun in the water. Her fingers now began to glide through the water, it was always soothing to feel the wet liquid parting about her skin as she displaced it even now. 

    "T-thank you for your concerns sir, but I think I'm fine now. although I'm not quite use to these large parties. They seem a bit more hectic for my comfort."

    Rin answered truthfully as that was the only way  to reply to another person. It wasn't civil to lie to possible friends, she didn't really count anyone here as a friend yet. Minus the select few individuals who had shown out of the kindness of their hearts that they understood her problems or those who have constantly sought after her companionship on missions. Come to think of it where that guild group go. As she glanced around she noticed the chaos was starting to calm after the fish incident as the front-liners seemed to have it well under control. As Domarus spoke about her shyness she blushed and hid her eyes behind her bangs once more.

    "Y-yeah it's true."

    @Domarus @Baldur

  17. When her creation was met with flying colors she simply blushed the cold that caused her paler colors made the embarrassment contrast quite brightly as she shrugged her shoulder. She didn't think that it was anything special, she had heard of other tailor that had been in the business far longer than herself and practicing long hours in the night at their trade. Compared to them she was still a child. She then glanced back up toward her companion as she offered a rather flustered nod, yes. She then rocked back and forth from the pads of her toes back onto her heels as she thought about what to do. The snow crunched beneath her as she packed it down with her motions till she finally stopped and pointed out of the city.

    "I was actually going to go on a search for materials now since my shop is slowly running out of business due to a severe lack of materials. I have been sorta failing to hard at the needle and thread for some reason."

  18. As the left the blacksmith she took a deep breath of the fresh air, due to his forge and the bellowing smoke in their she felt a bit off. Perhaps even lightheaded at the start of their conversation with the blacksmith, before long though she was glancing back over to the knight. She had heard something about his guild the Knights of the Blood Oath. All she could remember was what Itzal said, a mutual acquaintance of theirs who thought their guild was a selfish one primarily stuck on beating through all the different boss fights by collecting all the higher leveled players who would be able to assist upon the frontline. She didn't mind that to much, she would have preferred to stay at some nice warm shop or house and await the day where they all eventually were free once more from Kayaba's crazy game. Sadly, the recent deaths and the increasing rate of pker's were reaching overwhelming heights in her eyes that they might never be rid of this world to be completely honest. Shuddering she then glanced back hearing his comments about the Drow.

    A simple nod of the head would tell him that she understood what he was talking about, although the dark elves she thought of were just as human as they were in most videog games and this was whom they were going to hunt. It didn't feel right, not one bit. She spied the guild symbol before now poking at it with a question to ask.

    "Why did you guys pick that to represent your guild?"

  19. Rin  was peacefully lying there, her own mind drifting into a motionless dream till a girl came crashing down beside in a highly talkative fashion. Her words flowed nonstop, it was like a river cascading down a cliff side into a loud waterfall as she merely became confused by her companions quick and playful attitude. Her jaw now stopped it's grinding movement as she just sat their with the onion's weedy end sticking straight out of her mouth in shock. Rin's eyes were nearly bulging with concern when she suddenly felt the woman touch her finger to her in what could only be classified as a boop. A bright red blush now engulfed her cheeks as she tried to mumbled through the onion not really making out anything comprehensible. It wasn't long before she swallowed the end and spat out the stock as she shook her head.

    "W-what, I just am eating onions a-and my name isn't Onion-san it's Rin."

    She murmured softly now casting her gaze away from Iovry as she wasn't feeling comfortable with how quick she was to meet and greet. Even more startling was when she felt their bodies touch, the girl began nuzzling  into her as she let out a startled squeal.

    "S-stop w-what are you even doing I don't know you?"

  20. As she entered the room Rin just stood there rather awkwardly, a shallow sigh escaping underneath her usual breathing as she shook her head in disagreement with the comments that she looked beautiful or even natural.  The girls bangs already drooping into her eyes before being combed back out of the way Rin really didn't believe a word she just said, even if it was the truth.

    "I don't really think this helped bolster my confidence at all, as I am even more afraid to walk out in public now after wearing such apparel."

    In a matter of seconds Hakai then left though, uncertain if she had been heard Rin now mewled and peeked her head out the pet upon her head further making her think she was a feline. She shuffled out and reached out.

    "W-wait t-this can't possibly be helping this come back!"

    She whined now wandering out without removing the maid outfit as she now spied back and forth nervously making certain that no one else in the shop was looking.

    "H-hakai pstt!"

  21. As Rin heard her comments about being rather spineless when it comes to displaying herself for the world to see caused great discomfort in her stomach as she now groaned and nodded in agreement. She understood needing to stray far from her comfort zone, but wearing a maid outfit didn't really leave her in a state where she would say no to anyone least of all this girl. A weakly wavering hand reached up to grip the maid costume and then she began to wander back toward the dressing room, a moment of hesitation as she glanced back down to the monochromatic outfit and then to the girl who picked it out. She's right it isn't like you have to buy this ridiculous outfit or even let anyone else see Hakai could just wandering into the changing room after she was done if she really wanted to see it. A gurgle from her stomach opposed this idea still as she now loomed over it feeling sickly if that was at all possible. Her hand gently reached up and removed the gear she was wearing her skinny form slowly re-materializing the maid uniform as she stood in the room. The door now creaked open to indicate she was done but unwilling to come out.

  22. As she was rising though she heard Lycan now closing in on her position, his thumb nestled tightly into his chest, her eyes now fixed upon that point. Her one moment in attempt to break through to Lycan was now trampled by his stern menacing speech that he commanded down upon the meek girl. She wasn't able to control her own motor functions now as she heard the self loathing, mistaking it as a hatred toward her. Tears beginning to form at their ducts as she continued to shrink before him till she finally collapsed backward in terror against the surface. A weak mewl no longer even audible from her as she just lied there, eyes clamped shut as she began to cry again. There was nothing she could say that would help ease that suffering he felt. Although, the fear of him doing the same as he did to another woman only made her uneasiness around him grow as she now shuffled around afraid.

    Perhaps this wasn't a man who was unsafe to party up with, but it felt wrong to just run away now after how far she came and her little speech. Was what he said the truth or was it all a means to intimidate her from following him out into the floor for materials.  She shook her head before softly speaking.

    "Y-you wouldn't do that though, you are a good man I believe it a-and if you aren't t-then prove me wrong."

    The girl didn't really want him to prove anything then her thoughts to be correct otherwise she believed she was going to end up dead or crying in these woods.

    Rolling ...

  23. "Training? What on earth type of training can you get from other players in the game? I honestly thought that this wasn't the type of gain that normally allowed for apprenticeships. Although I don't really know what else I want to do in this world other then gather some materials and craft some different clothes or the like."

    As she sat among her friends she smiled now as the pizza was opened up. It smelt delicious although to be perfectly honest Rin didn't have the same college life as other students as she didn't normally go out partying with others. She was silent type who would rather stay on her laptop her nose in a book where she could conceal her true thoughts. A simple shrug would reply to Itzal's comment on what she really wanted to do. Perhaps deep down she just wanted to find a new place in this life whether it was beside a stronger player or in her very own house where she could try and make a new life for herself. With the progress so far it was hard for her to believe that they would ever escape from this game. Although people like her were the problems merely surrendering to this new life rather then fighting to break out of it.


  24. Rin was wandering about in a daze, it wasn't long before she found herself laying beside the fence around the town now sighing with relief. It wasn't every day that she had to run off from beasts that actually aggro'd to her which wasn't a problem if she hadn't been in a cave at the time. It was a terrifying experience to be stuck between two tigers and the rock walls that made her escape only through them. It wasn't easy but after a few scratches and the pixels showing upon her own avatar she made it to the safe zone. She was out of breath from the long run back to the city limits. Rin rolled over, her face nuzzling into the grass till she could smell it her lips gently brushing over it till she smiled feeling the fresh herbal smell. It happened that part of the clumps were actually onions which she now happily picked out from the ground. The intoxicating smell of onions now inflaming her nostrils till she rolled back closing her eyes.

    "This would probably taste delicious in sou or something, but right now I just want to taste it fresh out of the ground."

    Her lips opening wide till the end now popped into her mouth suckling upon it till her back teeth now began to gnaw upon the end.

    @Ivory Lotus

  25. As she sat in contemplation, Rin sighed Domarus and Esther appeared to be having loads of fun. What was even happening now here the crowds were growing to much that she couldn't even pay attention to it all. The girl began to twirl about in a circle attempting to take in all the surroundings till she finally groaned. Her feet were oozing into the muddy lake side shore till she managed to slip back in she had decided now that so long as she was here she was going to enjoy the company of those who were  now playing about within the lake. She was wading once more through it toward the direction of the two who had swam over to talk with her and had then left to give her some space. As they slid in close through to a more intimate position. Their slick bodies nearly merging in Rin's eyes as she merely watched this display, jealous that they were enjoying one another.

    "I-I umm you two planning on staying here in the lake all the time or would you like to maybe ... start up."

    Her words were soft and hardly audible as she stood to the side of Domarus and Esther now drooping down into the water as she noticed that even Esther was feeling embarrassed in the situation. At least it wasn't just her, but he seemed so confident with women, it was discomforting.

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