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Posts posted by Rin

  1. Rin stood behind the two warriors before seeing the Boss appear a stronger, larger version of their previous foes. Rin quickly sprinted off toward the corner of the room now wedging herself in and attempting to hide within the dark shadows of the ruins. It was no match for her companions but she had no means of striking down a foe like that without the assistance of these two.  As she curled her toes within her boots she now whimpered hating all this violence, she wasn't a combatant and she frankly wasn't expecting any fights when she first went on this mission but here she was now staring into the back of her knees because of a dungeon raid that they discovered while they were waiting out the sandstorm. Although they made quick work still, the walking in itself would have been enough passage of time in her mind for the storm to have past.

    "C-can you please just end this already, I-I want to get out of these ruins now!"

    She shouted as she had put a fairly large gap between herself, Macradon, Zandra and the monster now as she just shivered in the corner of the tomb.

  2. "Ok then, I will take the leather coat that offers up some mitigation when in combat as I need more protective gear at this rate. It's a pleasure to see you offering your trade at such terms sir."


    Rin bowed her head before glancing back up toward Macradon, it wasn't going to be to long now before they had to go in search of the materials which she still wasn't certain where to find such fine leather. Perhaps their were a few beasts that would need to be slain to acquire it, as freshly killed creatures would have offered healthier hides. As Macradon sat in wait she pointed to the outfit she would like crafted. It was long and sleek and she fully intended to start using it to the fourth floor on her visits as she imagined it would be warmer then anything in her current wardrobe. As that business was done she would walk toward the door, either Mac would open it being gentlemanly or she would do so it didn't really matter but once out she would ask.


    "Where exactly would we find that stuff?"




  3. Rin's eyes rolled back, the pleasure of the back rub from Esther causing her to now lean backwards into the other girl before shaking her head back into reality. As she blushed she now wrapped her hands around her chest before gulping nervously and nodding in agreement with the two of them. As the tears were rubbed away she cringed and began feeling her body push away with the touch of her eyes now being exposed like a window who's curtains have been parted for prying eyes to look into. The harsh talk about how she would probably end up dead thanks to her rather submissive nature made her nod feeling that maybe it would be a better idea to just jump out of this world and join Alex in the next one. Her own lack of courage made that impossible though as she didn't have the stomach to end her own life.

    Rin now stood there nervously before sighing and attempting to not think of how Mari could be completely correct about this place, it was dank and dreary but she at least new people who saw it in the light. Esther was one of  few whom shared her view on life perhaps that was why they were trying so hard to open Mari back to the good things in life. Rin simply nodded in agreement and now wandered off to search for some mats her eyes occasionally jumping back up to Mari's back.

  4. As Hakai wandered off toward the racks once more Rin now sighed brushing her hair over her eyes, she was partially regretting these outfits till suddenly a maid outfit was danglign before her eyes. The girls face lit up in shock as she began to nervously shake her head back and forth realizing this wasn't a good plan as she would probably come out and be hired on in that outfit.

    "N-noo thanks you I'm fine with this we can by this instead and just k-keep looking for other ones."

    She spoke now wandering away as she began to shuffle through the clothes attempting to ignore the option that Hakai had picked out for her. Their were stranger people out in the world that she knew would gladly take in a girl with that type of dress code. Rin preferred staying away from them as she wasn't certain if her safety would be compromised while working with them. Instead she pulled out a pink Sunday dress as she held it up to Hakai. 

    "S-see you would rather see that on me right?"

  5. Rin now peeked over to Hakai as she felt a bit awkward in the blue outfit now as she wiggled about in it like a ringing bell in the bell tower. She mewled weakly before glancing up toward Hakai as her hand gripped the folds of the skirt. Twirling it back and forth before wondering how she thought about her own appearance. The explanation of why she didn't feel sexy made complete sense she wasn't the type to act like that despite her thoughts wanting to be prettier. A shy nod would agree with Hakai upon the subject of her appearances and confidence as she longed to be stronger then she was emotionally, but that would take a miracle. 

    "I know I just don't think that I can be confident and sexy in outfits that others would easily be able to strut their stuff in. Call me awkward but I'm more of a long skirt and tights girl or even big winter coats. W-what is the next outfit?"

    She blushed now wiggling back and forth still uncertain of what dresses she is going to try and wear.

  6. Rin began to look about the winter wonderland when she saw the woman who messaged her now strolling up to her she was rather adorably short to be perfectly honest which made it hard to hide a smile behind her blush. A small giggle escaping her pursed lip as she then shook her head and waved.

    "Hello again, it's Alisa right I remember when you and I met with Itzal. That was a rather interesting day I guess. I promise that I have been getting a proper amount of sleep since then."

    She now watched her small shivering figure as she began to stroll up closer as she began to remember she had recently crafted a cloak to help keep out the battering elements of the weather. Her digits poking through the hud as if she was insane and trying to poke sparkling lights that didn't exist till the large fur cloak appeared now in her hands. 

    "If you want you can wear this it is purely vanity so don't expect any buffs but it should help keep you warm it also serves as a nice warm blanket. And I would love to go searching for materials with you."

  7. Rin's eyes were closed as she laid there in her shop upon the third floor, she groaned rather sadly weakly as she had some issues dealing with the recent incidents with her beloved friend, Esther. A soft sigh now escaping her lips till she heard a Ding~a~ling. The messenger system now lighting up green with the new message that just appeared upon the menu  causing her to jump a bit startled from her half dazed slumber now realizing that the majority of the day was already escaping her. As she poked the green mail button she now watched as the messaged popped up and smiled seeing another familiar player whom hadn't seemingly removed her from her friends list. She tapped her fingers down till the hud was off again allowing her to maneuver without any distractions.

    She put on long black tights and a silken skin tight turtleneck before placing over her own gear over it a leather armor which was short but would help break through the wind.This is a material hunt, she thought now putting on the pink collar with a small medallion dangling down that granted her better searching ability. She was all done now and quickly skipped off toward the teleport pad speaking. 

    "Floor Four." 

    As she materialized on the new floor she wrapped her arms tightly about herself now shivering as she remembered that one day she would need to make winter fur coat.



  8. Rin watched her hands now stretching out worried while he staggered over, it was almost as if he had to many drinks and the booze were affecting his motor functions. As he escaped her grip she desperately attempted to make her way back over she didn't care if she would have to take him upon her own back to help him stay steady. Until, as he talked about not wanting to weigh her down. The girl frowned as she drooped her head shaking it back and forth, she didn't care if he burdened her at all she already felt guilt and shame that she thought was unbearable when her lover was killed in game. It wasn't dramatic like a pker, at least not to knowledge as she thought he just went out with his small band of players and got slaughtered by the bosses minions that protected the path onto his door.

    As he motioned to the materials she looked down and sighed agreeing that they would make a wonderous dye but for now she really could care less about her own materials as he seemed to need some sort of antidote.

    "I-I don't care if you are trying to not be a burden! You idiot why do men always think they have to be strong when faced with a girl just because I'm not a fighter doesn't mean that I can't help you walk ok. Stop being so proud and let me help if I have to pull you up onto my back and give you a ride I will!"

    An uncharacteristic shift took over Rin as she now clamped a hand to her lips as she thought Esther was dead tears now streaming down her cheeks as she hadn't heard the girl for a while and then her name disappeared. Rin now quickly pulled out the plant putting it in her inventory and started her search for more.

    ID: 68534 LD: 3 + 4 = 7 None

  9. It wasn't long before Rin found herself stumbling in on the rather awkward exchanges between three people, two she had never seen before and one whom she saw a dear friend. Although just recently Esther's name had disappeared from it causing her to fear for the worse, yet there she was standing tall and but something was terribly off about the whole situation. She winced as she now began to trot forward her own limbs taking no conditioned form as she wasn't experienced in running effectively since she first went the a gym class. As she reached the clearing though her  body stopped she merely sat there behind a bush peeking over the hedge in hiding as she glanced back between Addel and Opal. Both were quite terrifying in their own right but she looked toward Esther who didn't seem to be her usual bubbly self. She had to do something to get the girl away from them both.

    That was when they started talk, Addel ordered that the girl, nay pet Esther, to talk back to the women and explain how she was fine with the odd treatment. She hadn't seen the dehumanizing use of the girl as furniture but just the way they spoke about her caused Rin's stomach to gurgle uncomfortably her entire essence fighting these words as she looked upon Esther. Perhaps it was her love for the cheerful girl that made her uneasy as she now knelt behind the bush but she wanted to do anything even if it was a wasted attack upon hire ups who were stronger then herself.


    Rin's shouted now charging forth through the bush toward Addel as he seemed to be the first thread right now, she had been charging straight at him before the coffin materialized. She shrieked already running at full speed toward him when the wooden box blocked her direct path to delivering a rather feeble punch to the man. Instead her body tripped over it and tumbled forward till she collapsed before him. The dirt from this floor now smudging her outfit, it would disappear in time but at that point she would just lay there curled up ashamed of her failed rescue attempt.

  10. Rin felt the weight of Lycan now bearing down upon her as well as she nearly began to stumble along in attempts to help support his weight. Something was off about this whole deal and she frankly had no thoughts on how or what was wrong with him. Could exhaustion truly leave you in this near walking corpse like state where you could drag down two people? As they strolled out into the second floor exploration zones she began to scan about now wondering what he was searching for.

    "Any materials I should keep an eye out for or are we picking any odd materials? I'm personally looking for more dyes, leather and some cotton as I am a Tailor, what you need?"

    She was almost insistent that he start explaining as she thought that he was going to have issues attempting to find anything while they strolled along. He looked deathly ill almost and she was ready to do her part to wake him up. Rin lifted a finger to his mouth realizing she really didn't know his name either.

    "Oh well I'm Rin I just know that you and Esther looked rather close so I was hoping to help you out here. I guess you just seem like someone who wouldn't kill another player to me am I wrong?"

  11. As Macradon introduced herself she winced and bowed respectfully ashamed for her disrespect for not introducing herself, that wasn't quite like her normally. As she raised again fluster was apparent over her entire face as she was feeling rather bad for the lack of introduction. She then glanced over her own head drooping rather miserably. She actually had no idea what a drow was suppose to look like, but she supposed that would all change as soon as they meet the one that is outside. Rin now nibbled her bottom lip before shuffling over toward his arm and as she now shrugged. 


    "I don't really care one way or another although I am lacking gear that has the mitigation enhancement right now so that could be useful?"


    She then wandered over again to look at the book to see what the leather gear might look like as she had a rather odd taste in armor and gear in general.

  12. Rin blushed and peered back as she saw the last few Templar's now being slain by the white knight, Macradon. Zandra herself had to explain how he needed to finish off the last group as they all shattered into pixels. A shallow thumping in her heart now making her mewl weakly as she saw the rest of the group start the boss fight of the dungeon. Rin now glanced about the dark dungeon before giving a deep sigh. She slowly crept up behind Zandra now following the two in hoping that the boss wasn't a threat to her as she was still mostly terrified with the fights.

    "I'm just going to sit back near the door till you two finish it off if you both don't mind. I"m sorry for not being as helpful to you during this fight but I just don't want to get in the way of the rest of you."

    She stated plainly now wrapping her long sleeves up about her upper torso as she sorta gave up on her search for materials which was a shame because she need them to keep her business afloat.

  13. Rin rested against Mari's chest tears rolling down her cheeks like they were rain drops till she pulled her face away from the woman's chest now looking up as if she was a child against her mother. It couldn't be far from that as she had a dreary backstory that was rather suddenly introduced to Rin who was incapable of holding back her true emotions yet. How was it possible that Mari managed to find a way to live on even after such a crushing lost. After he passed away she nearly shut down in that inn room unwilling to leave at all if it wasn't for the payments needed to keep her place and the inn keeper kicking her out abruptly. She didn't really expect her emotions to be met with such gentleness as she thought Mari was the type who would have just tossed her away and yelled at her for being to sympathetic as people who were orange probably deserved none in her own thought process if all this was true. 

    Rin's grip slowly loosened as she kept up apologizing till finally she now slid away her face stained by the tears and still glistening as she couldn't stop. It wasn't every day she heard tragic stories that were even worse then simply losing  beloved friend, this time killing her own daughter. She never would know the reasons completely but she didn't need to know if she was protecting others like Esther said. This was a new project perspiring into her heart as she wanted to help the woman as badly as Esther knowing the full reasons. 

    "I-It's not fine though you can't just shrug away those feelings of your daughter!"

    She shouted a bit angry that she would push out those sensations before raising her hand to her lips to silence herself a bit startled by her own words.

    "I'm sorry I didn't mean it like t-that."

    She now glanced over to Esther hoping for help.

    @Esther @Mari

  14. Rin now winced, deep down their was that a part of her that understood what Mari was saying wasn't merely to be harsh. She needed to check he priorities but she also knew what her heart felt and deep down she knew Esther was right something about the woman seemed gentle, if not structured by a large imposing wall that she was currently confronted with. This talk was quite dreary, Rin found herself falling deeper into those desperate emotions wishing that they could attempt to alleviate the atmosphere that was now about them. As she listened though Esther brought up the sensitive topic it would seem of why Mari's crystal was the shade of orange that associated one with the pker's. Her eyes now watering a she heard the summarized story not understanding how terrible such events would rock one morally. She continued her stroll hand in hand with Esther as she sympathized with the mother. As Esther tried to apologize for the situation though as she shook her head back and forth to whisper back.

    "It's ok I know that she is just trying to protect us I really should have been more hesitant with pker's as not all of them are safe to be around. I-I just c-can't imagine she must have gone through?"

    Rin wanted to stroll up and hug Mari, no mother should have to see their daughter die and was this game the cause of such horrendous scenes. Mother and daughter's turning against one another what if that happened with her and Alex she didn't think she would have kept on living. As the continued on her urge to hug Mari only grew as she continued to think through the story till finally she pulled Esther along and leaped into Mari's chest wrapping her arms and nuzzling her face into Mari as she cried.

    "I'm sorry but that must have been terrible to live with."


  15. The next day Rin woke up from her failed attempts of crafting any designs of a spectacular nature, a few outfits and one enchantment upon the gear that was of higher quality. She now rubbed her eyes with the sleeves till she managed to perch once more on the edge of the bench. Needle and cloth in hand as she now looked down toward the materials once again she had heard rumors of people wanting Tailor's to make special custom gear a few ideas she had heard of but she needed the inspiration to strike and make what could be mediocre into the marvelous and luxurious outfits and accessories that she could find. A deep sigh and a twirl of the needle on her thread began her experimentation once more. Hours would pass like this as the needle danced through the threading of the cloth she had already created the ideas rushing over her like a stream over bedrock.

    ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Post Link Time
    68439 7 7 6 1 Rin Msg_hover2.png 2016-09-24 04:51:22
    68438 7 4 2 6 Rin Msg_hover2.png 2016-09-24 04:51:13
    68437 9 8 15 4 Rin Msg_hover2.png 2016-09-24 04:51:02
    68436 2 2 3 8 Rin Msg_hover2.png 2016-09-24 04:50:49

    CD: 8 Good EXP 2

    CD: 5 Bad EXP 1

    CD: 9 Good EXP 2

    CD: 3 Bad EXP 1

  16. Ever since the entrapment of this video game, Rin had been wondering what had caused the reasons for people to start plotting different ideas. Some individuals were in search of guilds and designers who would help craft wondrous pieces of art as she saw it with enchantments. Sadly few people had the same outlook of herself as a shop keeper as she preferred giving each piece of work a purpose in her designs. A silken thread for embroidery within the design of a new leather plated armor which acted a a deterrent for damage or the cutest ribbon that tops the most beautiful girl's head that you could ever meet. No one had showed up in a long while though as she now scanned about dressed in her usual wear, a rather cute collar and the leather blouse she had designed. It wasn't the greatest plan wearing it in the desert but at least their wouldn't be any water damage done to it and it would buff out the raging sands when they got whipped up by the breeze. Rin' realized that while Esther enjoyed seeing her eyes, it was best to keep them  covered to the best of her ability to help prevent the particles from getting in them.

    Concerns voiced their own opinions in her mind as she sat on the outskirts of the desert city laying underneath a rocky overhang that was now stopping the desert beams from kissing her pale skin. She hated the drastic temperatures of the fourth and fifth floor but she knew their was much needed material wherever you go and that wouldn't stop her from showing up and exploring the floors. Rin stretched out under the rock and glanced back up waiting for the dark to fall upon them. While the day was unbearable heats the nights it grew quite cool a wonderful trait of most deserts no matter if it was virtual or real. 

    "All I have to do is wait a few more minutes." 

    She stared out toward the horizon as the sun was now painting a beautiful swatch of colors. Blues, purples and reds all swirled together like a famous artist piece.

    @Opal @Esther

  17. Rin eyed him, disbelief across her brow as she merely shrugged away her concerns and sighed now taking deep breaths to keep herself calm as she wasn't use to discussing adventures with males alone. The lass encountered numerous female companions while not dressed like her Katz doppelganger but she really wasn't comfortable even in hiding like that. She had met a large amount of people to date: Alisa, Morgenstern, Esther, Mari, Hakai, Itzal and his entire guild to honest. The majority of her friends, if she was even able to associate herself in that fashion with them. She of course wasn't that big of deal at the lake side, she interacted with one or two people, Domarus and Esther sorta jumped on her while she was hiding out in the weeds.

    "I'd say, looks to me like you have slept in a week or so. What do you say after this I will rent out a room for you and I will insist that you take either a long nap or a long relaxing bath or something.  As you seem to be exhausted which is the best I can think of right now."

    She smiled now and began leading the way as her arm would merely lock with his as she saw the locking of hands as a bit to intimate a detail to hide when traveling about outside with a companion. Although, it could also be taken as a betrothal then as many marriages had them escorting in such a fashion. There was no comfortable way to be in contact with someone else you didn't know it figured.

  18. It was another normal day in the Katz Kneadz store, few customers little to no productivity and less in the department of creativity. Ever since she finished her own gear she was missing out on the fun of devising knew gear that would allow for a certain amount of creativity.  A shallow sigh escaped from behind her lips as she now went into the back room where she kept all of her crafting supplies and her own gear that she displayed upon herself in this shop. It wasn't often you became your own model and best customer owning two separate outfits. Her ears drooped as if the stuffing within the hood had been deflating or removed fully as she now planted her face against the crafting table. A deep and whining groan now dribbling form her lip onto the table with some saliva causing a small puddle to form underneath her.

    ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Post Link Time
    68403 10 9 6 7 Rin Msg_hover2.png 2016-09-23 18:27:52
    68402 10 6 12 3 Rin Msg_hover2.png 2016-09-23 18:27:42
    68401 2 9 12 5 Rin Msg_hover2.png 2016-09-23 18:27:33
    68400 2 5 14 1 Rin Msg_hover2.png 2016-09-23 18:27:21

    CD: 10 Uncommon +3

    CD: 7 Good +2

    CD: 10 Uncommon +3

    CD: 6 Good +2

  19. His quick chortle caused Rin to mewl embarrassed as she then jumped ever so slightly from the patting upon her shoulder. She didn't like being drawn into the spotlight even in a conversation of two and here she was being asked whether or not she would ever one day join the front lines as a possible hearing hand personnel. Her head shook, the almost rattling of her rather dislodged mind and thoughts were haywire since he asked her possible employment in the same area that got her lover dead. She wasn't capable of such tactical warfare she preferred living out the rest of her life, no matter how short it may be. A deep sigh and gurgle in the depths of her stomach. As soon as she felt herself moving though she glanced over watching her arm extend into the mans arm as he dragged her along her heels toward the quest giver.

    "H-huh what are we?"

    He continued to pull her along till she realized they were headed to whomever or whatever they needed to talk with for more information on the quest. She managed to finally regain her bearings and stroll behind Macradon again feeling rather ashamed of just tagging along as a talking buddy.

    "Um do you do these quests all that often, I guess I sorta expected someone your level to be done with all of them least of all this one."

    They finally reached the blacksmith shop and she simply would keep quiet listening as the explanation of the quest was talked out with her companion.

  20. The boy seemed sub par at best, his own motions were drowsily keeping up with his continuous eye rubbing if he did it any harder she would have worried about pink eye and other infections that would become of it. She now strolled even closer till she hesitantly reached up a hand toward his face it was clear through her facial expression and her stuttered movements that his agitated condition was making things difficult for her. 

    "H-how about we get you a cup of hot cocoa or maybe a bowl of soup, you don't look all that well which is something I frankly didn't think possible in this game. Everyone I have ever met was healthy as a horse ... until they disappear from this world forever that is."

    As he tried to calm the tension in his body she now nibbled her tongue that was just barely hidden between her pursed lips. Her hand slowly raised till it offered itself to be held as if preparing to act as a seeing-eye-dog or something through the forest.

    "Well are you going out as well to search for some materials? I was planning on finding more tailor supplies till I ran into you."

  21. As the man kept bouncing through his menu and messenger system, at least she assumed by the furious manner which he kept writing his message to whomever was contacting him. Her wandering eyes now examining him rather concerned as he seemed to look partially  ...  sick? But that isn't at all possible I thought this game was designed to have no illnesses at least no major ones. Perhaps though the cardinal system was adapting or developing methods to make this game more life like. Or perhaps it is something more serious then that their were poisons made in this game that were designed to slowly drain the victim of their energy and health. 

    As he turned to face her she yelped nervously watching him rotate with clenched fists as if prepared to strike her she nervously shivered as her entire body flinched. She stood there frozen in that moment bracing for impact till she realized nothing was coming. Ideas passed through her mind including one to beg him to stop his motions till she realized that he hadn't moved form his spot other than his fighting stance. An eyelid now lifted as she took a quick peek realizing that he indeed seemed to be calming down perhaps.

    "I'm sorry I didn't mean to barge in on you, but you looked sorta angry to me and I was just worried that you were in need of something?"

    The maiden frowned and drooped her head down frightened as she was merely trying to make friends with any and all she could in game. He didn't seem like he was interested though. She bowed before imploring.

    "Please forgive I will g-go away now."

  22. As waited among the splendors of nature Rin smiled her eyes clamping shut as she decided to simply enjoy the company of a splendid companion as she felt the grass tickle her feet. She giggled before then stopping hearing the chilling voice now ringing out over the area, it felt like spring had quickly took a pass through autumn to winter. The girls head now began to crane over, an almost  tangible creek accompanying the silence as she now curled up nervously hearing the rather forbearing outlook on how death in this world was nothing like that of a dream, she was of course right but there was still a hope. As none of them ever escaped this virtual reality they couldn't specifically testify to what Kayaba declared when he ensnared them in this realm.

    Her dear friend Esther now attempting to alleviate the situation by simply stating that her rather imposing companion was just grumpy and possibly awoken on the wrong side of the bed. As she spoke about how she seemed to be into some awkward sort of fetish with collar she inwardly protested. She softest displeasure of being associated with such indecent thoughts or pleasures, unfortunately Mari's comments were only met with silence. The girl's composure flipping like the faces of a coin, one side a stoic posture of a face the other the backside known as the tail. A body-part she would have displayed if she leaped onto the bandwagon of her fears.

    "I-I'm not ..."

    The girl softly murmured in response to Mari's comments about being  a kinky collar sister.



  23. Rin was merely wandering about the second floor as if it was any other day, she enjoyed the peaceful town of Urbus with all it's picket fences. It wasn't long before she came across a man though sitting against a fence. She remember when she herself had done a similar thing although from this distance she could make out much, fifteen maybe twenty meters away from her speculation. As her steps drew closer though she winced hearing the enraged profanities that he was shouting into his own arms.

    At that point Rin normally would have ran away nervous about interacting with those who obviously had their own internal strife that they were attempting to fight through although a slight utterance of a familiar name. Esther? Wait, I remember he was the guy who invited us all to the lake side that fateful day. He was talking with Esther then to.

    Fidgeting ever so slight she now sighed realizing that she should probably act as a substitute Esther for the moment. How does she always manage to bring smiles and remain cheerful no matter the circumstance. Ok Rin be happy and just talk with him a bit and whatever you do don't freak out screaming and running away. 

    "Um hello there are you ok ... mister?"

    Her voice was gentle and nervous as a stutter passed through those words as she was scared to be honest she didn't know the man that much and he seemed to be in a bad mood. It wasn't obvious if he would hear her at first but she would then speak up a bit louder as she now arrived toward his side.


  24. Every word resonated in Rin's soul as she listened to just how marvelous Esther saw the world, deep down she knew that this wasn't real and that almost fictional sensation of being lost in her own thoughts before now peeking down to her own boots. It wasn't a fashion sense for her, it served it's function to help shield her feet from the mud merely due to a habit. In this realm germs and the like didn't matter. Rin peered down toward Esther's bare feet, her toes now gripping into the ground as they normally would when faced with the comforting sensation of cool ground beneath them. She smiled and then removed her own shoes sending them off into one's and zero's that made it up, her own feet now making an impression into the soft ground. A soothing sigh of rang out as she now decided that it was as good a place as any to relax.

    Rin hunched over herself eyes staring down into the yellow daffodils as she now knelt down to sniff one. She smiled and peeked back over to see Esther happily dancing the soles of her feet across the grass and flowers she wasn't certain if it was her own mind adding in the giddy laughter of enjoyment or the smile that was worn by her. 

    "Everything is beautiful here, it's like the man who created it wanted us to enjoy the marvels even with this imprisonment. But I don't think it is as hard as you may think. In our dreams we are able to imagine such marvelous sensations all the time why would this be anything different then one of those?"

  25. Rin listened and winced uncomfortably hearing that summary of her own words made it sound quite incoherent then how it did in her own mind. She sighed and nodded as she realized just how helpless her communication skills were. If it weren't for this game she would have been out their in the real world probably taking a class in communication to help assist this little problem. In here though everything one was to do was through experience. She merely sniffled before nodding an audible, Uh huh, would inform that she was starting to get over the cruel words of the other players. It was common sense really, bullies get satisfaction from seeing that they got to you she just had issues of controlling those brain synapse that controlled the water works that reflexively ran whenever someone said something about her. Rin bit her bottom lip and then tried to put on her happiest smile.

    "I'm fine now thanks for just being about to talk Esther."

    Rin honestly spoke as she felt for once that all her quirks an awkwardness were no longer something to fear but something to embrace and learn from. She now looked through the leaves and branches as her tears were wiped a way. Deep down there was something missing in her heart, she knew how to love but since that void was created she realized that it would only take time for that void to fill. 

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