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Posts posted by Esther


    Lycan's eyes danced over the field, and Esther followed his gaze, watching as the people she had spent her time in SAO with worked. She smiled. It was teamwork, genuine teamwork. No fights, no arguments. Everyone had a job, a job they knew they had to do - they each relied on each other, how is that so simple here, but so much harder on the higher floors? She tilted her head back to Lycan, "I supooose I can forgive you then." She said in a sing-song voice. The matter had been over in her mind, but she let Lycan further explain his intention with his words. It was an interesting insight - and she was glad to hear it. "You're a good person Lycan." She mused. To her, it didn't take much to be a good person. A smile here, a kind gesture there, but her words held such a powerful innocence to them, spoken with such genuine intentions - it was difficult to brush off a compliment from her.


    "You're an Alchemist too! Oh, gosh! I'm lucky." Esther beamed. "We can hopefully help each other out then. I hope I won't be encroaching on your territory." She paused, listening to Lycan's advice. "Ah. This whole profession thing is new to me. I never thought about looking for Alchemic ingredients. Now that I think of it...it seems logical, almost obvious to people who actually play games. Alas...I am not one of them." Esther admitted sheepishly.

    She held out her hand to him again, pinky finger extended before giving an exasperated sigh. He didn't link his pinkie with her, there was no promise made. She gently grabbed his hand, her skin was soft, smooth compared to the calloused hands of a fighter. "Here!" She exclaimed, linking her own pinkie around his and giving it an affirming shake. "Now that's how you do it." Esther said proudly as she let go.


    "Let' focus on here and now first. I can focus on getting better materials when I actually have the profession to do it for."

    Esther couldn’t exactly laugh at the joke Lycan made, she found it somwhat funny, just not funny enough to physically laugh out loud. Esther was honest that way, she wouldn’t force herself to laugh when she didn’t feel the need.

    “I think I’d have better luck throwing a shoe than my fists.” She mused.

    “So, shall we?”


    Esther groaned, pushing herself up onto her knees. “Man, that takes a lot out of you! I was worried I’d get hit by a mob or something, considering I don’t have any weapons...that would not end well right?” Esther said as she looked up at Mari with a self depreciating laugh. Esther dusted herself off, and got to her feet. She didn’t mean to ignore Mari’s threat, she just couldn’t help it. There was so much going on in this little store.

    Where to begin?

    It was quaint, small. Three people could fit, but any more and it may get cramped. The thick smell of spices and heavy perfumes hung in the air. The light was dim, something Esther wasn’t fond of, but the type of light made it almost magical. There were a plethora of jars hanging from  cords that zig zagged along the ceiling. Each Jar was filled with buzzing fireflies, creating a wonderful - moving yellow glow that oozed a etheral kind of warmth. The walls looked like they were made of thick, faded material. The floor was covered in rugs and pillows of varying colors, shapes and sizes. Some of the pillows looked so soft and comfortable Esther had an urge to just hurl herself into one and take a nap.


    There were few pieces of furniture.  Straight opposite the entrance sat a low table with Alchemic tools strewn across it. Behind that table sat a very, very, angry looking Mari. Esthers eyes lingered on the other women before shifting to the other things in the room. A cabinet that held an array of crystals  stood to one side. Esther wandered up to it - her green eyes staring at each one in amazement. They all looked like they were high levelled. Mari was an amazing alchemist. How can someone so skilled at making healing items be considered so feared?

    On the opposite side, there was a table.The table was littered with various potions and concoctions. She picked one up and glanced at its contents, it looked like a galaxy. She gave it a shake, and her eyes lit up. “Oh Mari!” She exclaimed in utter delight. “You made all this?” She asked. Gesturing toward the potions and crystals. “You’re brilliant!” Esther turned to the table, glancing over them - she grabbed at least 5 different vials, and bought them over to Mari. Clambering to sit in front of her. “Look at all this. This is what I want to do.”

    Esther wasn’t afraid of Mari, she wasn’t put off by her exterior or her harsh words, right now - that seemed like nothing compared to the rush of excitement she felt.

    “I want to become your apprentice.”

  3. Lycan mentioned that a good qaurter of the people had given up on their first adventure. The honest, and seemingly innocent statement didn't sit right with Esther. "Now that's not a nice way to put it." She mused, "They - we aren't so much giving up on our adventures, as we are talking up other roles. Child carers, bakers, farmers. A lot of the food that the higher levelled players consume are made and harvested by us. We may not be out slaying creatures or clearing floors - but many of us, are working just as hard." Esther seemed to almost chastize Lycan with her words - but she meant no harm by it. She said her spiel with a small pout, and her words almost had a sense of proud vigor. After her words, Esther offered him a smile, and a laugh. "It's not as fame worthy or glorious, but to me, everyones efforts are equally as important...you know?"


    Lycan had breached the gap and taken her hand in his, gripping it warmly and snug in his black leather glove. "It's good to meet you Lycan, and place a name to your face." Esther said in full earnesty. It may have seemed that his earlier remark bothered her, but it was far from the case. Esther enjoyed talking about the efforts of the people, she spoke about them with a proud confidence - and it seemed that she revelled in the opportunity to highlight their work. Lycan seemed like a jovial enough fellow to take it in stride. Unlike Arc, Lycan's features were kinder- calmer. The corners of his mouth turned up into a smile as he asked what she needed help with. 

    The question seemed to bring life into the young woman. She glanced down and realized she was still tightly grasping his hand, "Ah! Help! Yes!" She said, quickly letting go, her mind jumping to the topic at hand. She opened up her menu, and bought up the quest requirements. "You see... I..Uh.." Esther gave Lycan a sideward glance and a sheepish grin. "I hadn't thought about gaining a profession - to me, looking after the children was rewarding enough, but a chance encounter with a grumpy man made me want to reach that little farther-" She paused, glancing up at the bright blue sky. "I am content with where I am now, but I see nothing wrong with wanting more. So. Long story short...I want to gain a profession. An Alchemist to be exact. It requires me to gain several materials, and bring it back to the quest shop. If I know my games - and lets face it... I really, really don't..." She paused, laughing at her joke, and her own inept skills within SAO. "I'd assume I'd have to craft something to complete it."

    Esther stepped in closer to Lycan, so he could easily see the details on her user interface, "the issue is...I am somewhat of a pacifist. Call me stupid, but I don't have a starter weapon selected - and would rather leave that be. I don't have the talent for that. So I need someone to help me, I don't want to run into trouble. I can't pay you in Col...or even materials, but I promise I can make it up to you in the future."

    She turned to Lycan, holding out her pinky finger - it was a very childish action coming from a young lady who if one knew her age, seemed far too old for such things. Still, the young, innocent appearance of Esther almost matched her heartfelt action. "Pinky Promise."

  4. Esther wasn’t entirely sure what to think of their encounter. It ended almost as quickly as it began. What did she mean by she didn’t hurt people? That they just hurt themselves. The words seemed so simple, but they could hold so many different meanings. Mari could mean that people attacked her and she fought in self defence. She could mean that people just rubbed her the wrong way and they should know better. Her last words hinted at that, but they seemed to be quickly thrown in. The pacifist watched as Mari practically stormed off, even bothered - the other woman had a certain grace about her that Esther just had to admire. She looked roughed up, worse for wear - torn and broken.  Yet, that brilliantly candy coloured woman - continued to hold her head high. Her eyes continued to look forward. Esther found that quality beautiful, in a way.

    Esther bought her knees up to her chest, and wrapped her arms around them. Enjoying the scenic sounds of the forest. The rustling of the grass, the chitter of the birds above. Even the far off grunting of Boars -which if she encountered she’d have a high chance of being hurt or worse, killed. It was tranquil. Serene. Her own little world in a virtual world, in a bigger world still. These moments, they were the moments people needed to enjoy more often.

    “I wonder who she is…” Esther mused out loud. There were two ways she could find out, and she would try both. First - would be a message to Arc. If he so wanted to reply, he would. If he was uncomfortable with talking to her, or didn’t want to. She’d accept that as it is. Esther believed that somehow, the two would cross paths again


    To: Arc
    From: Esther
    Subject: Who is this?

    I am sory to bother you. I just encountered a woman who seemed a little sad. She is an alchemist and I want to find her store. She is short, and looks younger than what she sounds like. She’s got pink hair, blue eyes, and wears pink armor. She’s also a PKer. Do you know who this might be?



    She sent the message off. That was the first option. Now the second. Going into town and asking around herself. It didn’t take long to make her way into town, and it was even shorter amount of time to find the information she was looking for. The first person she asked, stared at her wide eyed indisbelief, as they whispered in a hushed tone. “You saw Mari? The Pink PKer?”


    Esther knew of her, but didn’t know of her. She had heard the name before, and with some more prying she found that the woman had a shop on the 10th floor, just outside the safe zone. Esther shivered at the thought of traversing so far up by herself. Still… it was only just on the border of the safe zone right? And worst case scenario….she would just ask for help. Surely a stronger player would happily help her head toward the shop.


    Esther had a plan, she had a goal, there was no time for hesitation. She wanted to send one last message to Arc. To let him know not to bother with it, as she had found the information she was looking for.


    To: Arc
    From: Esther
    Subject: Open this first

    I’m really sorry. I found the information I was looking for. I’m heading up to the store now.
    Please forgive me for wasting your time.


















    Now that was settled, it was onto the 10th floor.

    The 10th floor was a dreary and dark place. There was no bright lights, no soft breeze carrying the scents of lush life and greenery. The entire floor felt like it sucked the life out of you. Just by being there. Esther hugged herself. It wasn’t a place she liked. If that Mari woman spent most of her time here. There was no wonder she was so miserable. Esther wasn’t sure how she could help, or even if she could help - but she had an idea. One that she wanted to at least try to implement.

    Esther, had the unfortunate realisation that she was the only other player currently on the floor - the NPCs were terrifying. Ghouls and undead creatures. She had walked into a store only to quickly excuse herself seconds later, the stench of decay simply being too much. Esther had to be quick about this. She made it to the gate of the town; where a giant dragon stood watch. It payed her no mind, so Esther did the same. Assuming it may just be part of the scenary.

    Taking a few steps out of town, she saw blackness beyond her. Total darkness. Except, a dim glow off to the left. That had to be it, right? Esther bit her lip, and ran.

    She just Ran to the glow. Past a few shambling zombies, past some other undescribable creature, she ran. As she grew closer - she noticed it was a ramshackle tent. With one final burst of energy she threw herself through the ‘door’ of the tent. Collapsing on the floor, breathing heavily. “That. Was. Intense.” She said between ragged breaths.

  5. ID:66737  LD: 6


    Esther got a response she was somewhat expecting from the other woman, a cold tone and what sounded like an empty threat, the pink haired players voice cut through Esther, and sent a shiver down her spine. The air she carried was different than that of Arc, hers held a real threat. This woman was not someone to mess with, still she felt no real mailce from her, despite her powerfully venomous tone. “Mmm…” Esther backed away from the pink player and seated herself cross legged across from her. She held onto her ankles and rocked gently back and forth. “Better?” She asked gently, feeling much calmer at the turn of events. “Oh, I’m Esther, by the way.”

    Calmer wasn’t the right word. Esther was nervous, and her heart continued to beat hard against her chest. This was a form of conflict she didn’t exactly like, but it confirmed one thing. This woman wasn’t a ferocious PKer. At least not the ones she heard rumours about - if she was so bloodthirsty surely she would have struck Esther down then and there without a warning or second thought. Instead, the woman pushed up her defences, and offered a weak threat.

    The woman shot Esther a glare before going back to what she was doing. Esther just watched. The flowers themselves were...for lack of a better word. Breathtaking. They were a soft hue of blue, almost white, and beneath the canopy of the leaves- they almost seemed to glow. Esther reached out, plucking some of the flowers to give to Arc. Hoping that he would appreciate the color. She, then mimicing Mari, also tried to pry out flowers to gain material. She failed.

    It looked like she was gathering Alchemy materials. Was this woman an alchemist? Isn’t it strange for a Pker to make potions and crystals that help and aid people...it seemed counter intuitive to Esther. “Hey.” Esther spoke, against her better judgement. She was going to sit silently, but as always curiosity got the better of her. “You’re a PKer right? But you also look like you’re an Alchemist.” Esther pointed to the materials the other was trying to  gather. “Forgive me if I am being rude, but isn’t that...mmm really opposite? I mean, you hurt people, but you also make things to heal them?” Esther gave an awkward laugh, “Is that a business plan you have?”


    +1 Etheral Blue flower bunch added to inventory

    Esther wanted to collect more ingredients - she wanted to better herself, to practise more, to better her new profession goals. Esther’s hand danced gracefully through her hair as she chewed on her cheek. Wondering if it really was this easy...going out...hunting for materials...returning to a store...practising...it seemed so mundane it was almost pleasant. It was structured, it gave her a schedule to adhere to, and realistic goals. Esther didn’t have to venture far out of the town to reach the forest. There were nearby mobs, but she was careful enough to avoid them. Esther still did not want to fight, even if it were against virtual beasts.

    She came to the edge of the forest, and noticed a flurry of pink. “Hmm?” It was such a curious color. Something she would never expect to see in a forest of all places. Was it a monster? Unlikely, Aincrad wasn’t the kind of game to have cute fluffy pastel monsters. “Hello?” Esther called out, approaching the movement. Esther stepped between the trees, heeled boots crunching softly against the earth. It didn’t take long for her to find it. To find someone. There in front of her crouched a small girl, her hair was disheveled, and her clothes dirty and torn. Esther had no idea who this girl was, or why she looked so unkempt. “Oh my gosh!” Esther cried out, breaching the gap between her and the other girl. “You look hurt, are you ok?” Esther asked, as she placed a hand upon the others back.

    Peering into the other girls face Esther almost recoiled, the dirtied features - the cold, dead blue eyes that stared back at her - and the angry mark of a PKer stared her down. Esther didn’t know who this girl was, but she wanted to know. This girl had killed someone, but that might not make her a bad person. She looked like she was in trouble, in need. Esther placed a trembling hand over her thumping heart - and took a few deep breaths. Trying to calm herself.


    This girl was a PKer.


    But she looked so….hurt….

    Esther shut her eyes, almost afraid to look at the other girl in the face again. “Can I help you?” She asked, her shaky voice betraying the adrenaline rushing through her, she was afraid - but she couldn’t just assume something about someone. She didn’t know this girl, nor her reasons. All she could do was offer the other help.

  7. Arcs words were short, spoke with a clear, distinct shortness. It was obvious, even to Esther, that he was intending to keep the conversation short on purpose. "I'm sorry, but I don't regret it." Esther muttered. Unsure if he had heard the words. She'd honestly rather he didn't. Such words would only set off the man. She had seen a part of him he fought so hard to hide, she saw a glimmer of emotion. A brief look into the person that Arc was. Esther felt as though she intruded on an important part of him, but at the same time - because it was such an important part, she felt humbled that she bore witness to it.

    As Arc turned to the door Esther swung her body toward him, legs sticking out from the sheet he had tossed over her. Esther watched as his hand gripped the door. If he were to leave then and there, in those short moments. She would have let him go. She would not have questioned his actions, she would have left him be. There was a pause, and Esther offered Arc a smile. One that he didn't see. He still seemed at war with himself. Arc struggled with the door.

    "You know...my dad saw this movie once..." She said quietly, watching his white shaking knuckles clutch the doorknob tightly...struggling to click open the door. "He fell in love with a saying from it." Esther smiled softly, tilting her head to the side. "The way he went on about it, it was so amusing. Did you want to hear it?" The question was redundant, she barely gave him time to answer before continuing. "There are two wolves who are always fighting, one is darkness and despair. The other is light and hope. Which one wins?" She glanced up at him. His entire head was downcast, if she didn't know better- she'd almost say he was shaking. "The one you feed." She finished. 

    As Arc continued to struggle with the door Esther stood, her footsteps barely made a sound, at least not one that could be heard over his failed attempts to open the door. She paused just out of arms reach. She could see it, or imagine it. Two hurt wolves, fighting each other within the man. The wolf of light and hope was small - and the wolf of darkness and despair, it thrashed around wild, panicked. 

    "I think it's a nice saying, but I can't entirely agree with it." Esther continued, being sure to use a soft voice so as not to trigger Arc any further than she may already have. "I don't think they should fight - we all have these things inside us, and that's ok."

    Arc spoke, and Esther paused, allowing him to talk. As Arc spoke, Esther approached the door, and pressed her back against the wall next to it. She linked her fingers in front of her, fumbling with her hands as she looked up at the mercenary. His eyes reflected such Pandemonium. "That's a stupid thing to say." Esther mumbled, shifting her gaze away from Arc as he said how failing to protect one person voids a right to protect anyone. "If you fail to protect that one person, and give up - isn't that a bit of a kick in the teeth for that person? Isn't it an insult to them? Don't you feel that they, that you deserve better?" her words were frightfully honest. She didn't sugarcoat them like she'd normally attempt to do so. Esther couldn't find any better way to sugar coat them. There was no nice way of saying it. Would he dislike her because of them? Probably. But they needed to be said. Esther didn't want to remain silent and live with that regret. 

    Her eyes snapped back to him as she heard the creak of the door open. Another cold response. Another way to push himself further into the gaping jaws of that dark, beastly wolf. Esther didn't try to stop him. She just watched him with a sympathetic gaze. Even as he faltered. As he mentioned this 'Thom' person again. It didn't click until now...but the way Arc spoke about Thom, using only past references. Did this person die? Or was he just not within Aincrad?  Arc said the game was a terrible decision, and Esther could not argue. So much had occurred in the game. It would be downright disrespectful to deny that this game, was a bad decision.

    Esther went to reply to his question, "Easy, you learn how to fl-" But her words were drowned out by laughter. An insane laughter that started out as quiet giggles before rupturing through his entire body. Shaking his form from the core. Esther frowned as she pushed the door shut with one hand, clicking it locked once again so no one would intrude on this moment. 

    "I don't think I can offer you any uplifting words." Esther said quietly as she knelt down in front of Arc. "This is a little scary." Esther admitted. It wasn't a lie, if she were to breath slow, her breathing was erratic, and her heart beat hard against her chest. This was all so much to process. She reached out with shaky hands. Placing one on each side of Arcs head. "But don't you think it's better this way?" She asked innocently. "Isn't this less tiring?"

    She softly let her fingers dig into his hair, gently running them back and forth through his dark locks.

    "This is ok."

  8. Esther watched through half lidded eyes - fighting sleep, watching Arc. He seemed so uneasy in his sleep. She wasn't sure how to help him. Esther guessed the only thing she could do was watch until sleep took her. Not long after her words - he seemed to startle, sitting straight up. Eyes wildly looking around the room. His eyes landed on her briefly for a moment and she wondered if he was bothered by her watching him sleep. Arc scrambled to his feet and appeared to back away. Did she do something wrong? Did he even know she was awake? The room was dark, so chances were he didn't. Unless he had some sort of skill to let him see in the dark.

    The man glanced down at the flower crown, his hand tightened around it - almost shaking. Esther couldn't place if the feelings were positive or negative. It was as though he was hurled into a world unlike his own. Her world, filled with flowers and dancing sunbeams- and his world; filled with shadows and venomous words. She wanted to help him. She wanted to cradle his swimming head and whisper that it would all be alright. Except that wasn't right was it? That was something that one would save for lovers and Esther certainly didnt have any such feelings for Arc, and she (quite wrongfully so) assumed Arc had them feelings for this 'Thom' fellow.

    As Arc approached her, dropping the crown in his wake - Esther shut her eyes tight, she felt she was intruding on a private moment. She could feel his presence above her now - then - warmth. It was unexpected, how tenderly his arms looped around her petite form. How strong and careful his grip was. How each step he took was slow, as if even the slightest sound or sudden jolt would wake her. The slow, steady beat of his heart. Thumping against a hard chest. This made Esther feel all the more guilty. He was trying so terribly hard not to wake her. Yet here she sat, nestled against his chest. Awake.

    She felt him lower her onto the mattress, and Esther couldn't do it any more.

    "I'm awake." She said finally. In the softest of voices. She knew he was by the door, but she stared at the empty wall in front of her. Picking up the flower crown and running her thumbs over the petals. "I'm sorry. I think I intruded on some very private moments. Without intending to."

  9. Esther heard the heavy footsteps grow closer, then stop. She craned her head - pressing her ear hard against her door trying to listen for sounds of a door opening and closing, or sounds of surprise. She heard none, just silence. Esther fidgeted before cracking her door open - peering out to see if she could see anyone. There he was. Just a few doors down. Arc. She gave a mischievous grin as he looked down at the flowers in confusion. He picked it up and Esther shifted her body trying to contain her fit of excitement. Then, the unexpected happened. He swayed, then fell with a loud thud. "AH!" 

    Esther swung her door open, worry and concern replacing her excitement from moments before. "Arc!" She breached the gap between them, "Are you ok? Oh my gosh that was a heavy fall." She exclaimed, but he gave no answer. Just a murmured snore. Esther sighed, it would seem that there was no way she would get a response from him. Now that she was closer, it was clear he was exhausted. He was dirtied from battle, and the bags under his eyes were dark and sullen. "Just what did you do?" Esther asked in disbelief. "Welp." She stood, and tried his door, hoping that perhaps he had at least opened it before passing out. 

    Esther turned the handle but it stopped, giving a sharp clicking noise. No luck. Esther slumped down on the ground next to the unconscious man. This was a predicament. What should she do next? She couldn't leave him on his own out here. She couldn't get him into his room. She could drag him to her own room, but wasn't entirely sure he would appreciate being man handled. Arc seemed like the type of person who wasn't too fond of getting close to people. Staying overnight in someone's room? That seemed way out of the mans comfort zone. Esther had to admit she didn't like the idea of having a man stay in her room either - it seemed a little scandalous. Still. He was someone in need.

    "Stay right here." Esther said as she gave him a small pat on his shoulder. Standing she went into her room. It was still littered with flowers and petals, but that wasn't important. She headed over to her mattress and dragged it onto the floor. There was no way Esther would be able to lift the man onto her bed. So this was the next best thing. 

    As Esther exited her room she saw another man, dressed in black standing over Arc. He held Arcs wrist, as though he were about to use the  fact Arc was unconscious to his advantage. Esther stared down the other man, with a disapproving gaze - he seemed to hesitate, he let go before retreating back down the stairs. It wasn't common, so Esther couldn't have been sure if the man was planning to sleep PK Arc or not. Perhaps he was just going to use the exhausted Arcs hand to trade Col, something more likely. The scenario could have escalated, and Esther wasn't sure what she would have done if the man didn't back down. She held her hands over her heart and gave a deep sigh of relief. It was a bit of a scare, to first see Arc collapse and then to see that. Still, everything had worked out. "It's ok." She told herself as she approached Arc. "It's going to be ok." She said again, although the phrase was more for herself than the sleeping mercenary. 

    Esther wasn't sure how she was going to shift him, first she tried pulling by his arm but ended up falling. Next, she tried to push him - but his body was heavy and unmoving. Finally, she squirmed her way behind him and looped her arms under his armpits, and locked her wrists together over his chest. With a great deal of effort she managed to drag him to her room. At this point she had to let go. "Phew...heavier than you look." She muttered as she locked the door behind her, as optimistic as Esther was - she wasn't stupid, and took night time security seriously. On more than one occasion she had woken up to someone jiggling the door handle. 

    The woman rolled up her sleeves, and bent over Arc - proceeding to roll him onto the mattress on the floor. "There." She carefully wrapped him up in the blanket, and set his hands so they were resting over it. Esther tried to pry the flower crown from his hands but he didn't budge. "You're welcome," she said, exasperated from the physical exertion. At least he liked them, even if it was subconsciously. 

    Esther was feeling fatigued herself, she headed to the windowed side of the room. The moon was half full, and its light poured into her room. She rested her head against the open curtain, and allowed herself to slide down to a seated position. She made herself as comfortable as she could, and simply watched the mercenary. Every so often he'd stir, and again- mention the name Thom - and flowers. Esther wanted to know who Thom was, his grandma, and why flowers had anything to do with him. Was Thom the mans friend? Lover?

    "S'ok Arc. I'm sure you'll see Thom again soon." She muttered sleepily.

  10. I'll show him good...

    The thought ran through her head as she headed down the long hall. This particular inn was the only one in the Town of Beginings. Despite that, it wasn't very big - haing only the one floor of rooms. Esther guessed that it was because not many stayed in the town for long, other than herself there was only two other carers for the children. Most others used their shops as a makeshift home, but since Esther didn't have a profession she didn't have that luxury. She headed toward the end of the hall, second from the end- she opened the door and closed it. Giving a small sigh she leaned her back against the door.

    Esther wasn't going to follow him, in a sense - what he said was right. It was getting late and monster spawns always doubled, sometimes tripled in the evenings and at night. Having her tag along outside the safe zone was just stupid and irresponsible. It's why she didn't push the matter. Opening her eyes they gazed across her room. It's furnishings were simple enough; a bed, dresser, table and chair, and mirror. The same as every other room. What wasn't the same, was the amount of flowers strewn across the floor, on her bed, on her table - everywhere there was a myriad of yellow and white daisies. Some had been linked together to form crowns. She was working on them as a surprise for the children tomorrow. Now, she had a different plan. The children could wait another day for theirs.

    Esther de-equipped her boots and wriggled her toes. "Much better." She stretched and plonked herself down on the floorr amidst the flowers. She started working. Threading the ends together to create more crowns. The work was time consuming, but relaxing. Esther sung a cherry tune happily to herself as she worked. Unafraid of who may hear her slightly off key voice. Before she knew it, hours had passed and night had fallen.

    "Oh crap!" She shouted as she went to stand, only to stumble and fall straight back down with a loud 'thump' if the pain limiters weren't on, she would no doubt have winded herself or bruised a bone, out of sheer clumsiness, a few petals were lifted into the air, and nestled into her hair as they fell. That wasn't the case though. She brushed herself off and dusted her hands. "There." The room was now clean, aside from a few petals and stray flowers that sat on her floor. Too bad the same couldn't be said about the lilac haired girl. She gave a sniff, and wrinkled her nose. The room, and her hands were rich with the smell of flowery perfume. Esther was covered in pollen, stalks and petals stuck to her clothes and hair, but she didn't mind.

    With the flower crowns safely in her inventory she left her room and started to hang a crown on each door knob. "This'll show him..." She mumbled to herself. This was Esthers great plan, to put a flower crown on every door. Why? To show Arc two things. One, that she was sorry, and two; that the world wasn't so black and white. That if people just enjoyed the smaller things, it'd make living more bearable. 

    Esther did a lap of the floor, throwing petals onto the wooden floor as she ensured that every single door knob had a wreath on it. There was one floor to her plan, one that only crossed her mind as her hand rested on her own door. What if Arc didn't come back to the inn? What if he had his own place to stay on a higher floor? 


    She heard footsteps trudging up the stairs. Esther quickly glanced around, double checking her work before opening her door an ducking in. Unsure if the person who was approaching had seen her not-so-quick retreat.

  11. Esther could tell that she was getting on Arcs nerves. His look of anger at her revealing her name stung a little. He put emphasis on her player name, hinting that she should use that instead of freely giving her real name. Esther didn't see the taboo of it. She wasn't giving her full name. It's not like he was sitting at a computer and track her IP or anything of the sort. She wasn't a gamer, so she didn't grow up with the knowledge that it was a major faux paux, and how rude it could be interpreted. No one thus far had corrected her on it. Esther shrugged, ignoring his seething comment, biting down on the unease she felt. Her words would no doubt only anger him more - but she felt they needed to be said. "I see it no different than if we were to meet in reality. I know some call it taboo, others feel that it is a safety issue. Personally...I see it as a link to who I am. An affirmation." She paused, challenging his gaze with one of her own, "I'm not going be become lost in this world. I have my own way of doing that." 

    Arc spoke next through gritted teeth, and his tone didn't so much scare her as it upset her. "I'm...very sorry about that. You're right." She said, "I shouldn't have said you were a liar, I know it isn't much of an excuse, but it just sort of slipped out. Watching you... I see you contemplate every word you say, or at least seem to. I can't do that, if I did - I'd probably fight with myself far too much, and end up saying the wrong thing anyway." She gave a small bow of the head, repeating her apology in body language rather than words.

    Esther watched as Arc deftly caught the saucer between his fingers, she wanted to point out that she had bought it entirely for him. That he never had to offer her any of it. That she could have bought it for him and left, and that the two never would have engaged in such discussion, that maybe, just maybe if he wasn't attempting to be kind then she wouldn't piss him off so much. Esther didn't say those things, she held her tongue. This time.

    "Lots of people are already not too happy with me." Esther said with a small shrug, "People get frustrated with my demeanour. They don't like how chipper I am, they don't like my honesty, but that's ok. They don't have to like me. Not as Esther..." She paused, "Not as Phoebe." There was another pause, that was sure to rile him up, she didn't intend to do so, she just wanted to make her equally valid point made. "I'm ok with that. Again, if I can see one person smile a day. It kinda makes me feel worthwhile."

    Arc made it crystal clear that she were not to follow him. Esther was about to argue the point, but it wouldn't get her anywhere. Instead, a different idea flashed across her mind - she gave him the smallest of smiles, and if Arc were paying attention he may have noticed the devious glint in her eyes. "Well, you've made that obvious. For what its worth, I enjoyed my time, and conversation with you."

    She stepped forward, and took his hand, giving it a warm shake. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Arc." She gave it one final squeeze before turning around, happily humming to herself. Each step she took toward the upstairs of the inn, the rooms hired out, had a spring in it.

    I'll show him...

  12. Esther didn't want the next drink, she wasn't one to drink until drunk. Those moments were few and far between. Still, she politely sipped at the saucer. Eyes focused on Arc as she intently tried to listen to him. To watch him. There was more to him than he let on. Unlike her, he seemed to take a great deal of time between sentences. His words were very calculated and guarded. Many people were like this in Aincrad. They became different people. But Esther, she wanted to continue to be Esther, to be Phoebe. To be her, and not let anyone waiver her core beliefs.

    There was more silence between the two, but Esther didn't mind - their conversation didn't bore her and he was a complex person. Each dark look he gave her, every half lidded gaze which drifted away, it just made her all the more curious about who he was. Between the words he spoke, it looked almost as if he was fighting with himself. Almost. Esther had no way of telling for sure. She could only make haphazard guesses.

    He broke the silence, stating that he was fine. "That's a lie," Esther blurted out, as soon as the words left her lips she covered her mouth. A look of remorse fell across her features, she had thought it, but didn't intend to say it. "I mean..." She stammered, wanting to fix the situation. "You look troubled, and you say as fine as anyone in this world can be, but that's just it." Esther began, "We aren't just in this world, we exist both here - and in reality. In the real world. I'm Esther, but I'm also Phoebe. I'm fine as Esther, because I'm fine as Phoebe."

    Arc closed his eyes, and Esther felt that she was fighting a loosing battle with this man. She gave her head a small shake, no. It wasn't a loosing battle. It was a challenge. He spoke, and his words made Esther smile. He reaffirmed that she did not need a sword to help people. "You don't need to use the title mercencary to help people either." Esther mused. Of course, her words were a haphazard guess. For all she knew, Arc took his job very seriously. He wasn't the first mercenary she had come across, others had offered their services to the people of the Town of Beginnings before, but were shrewd. Not offering even a second without the exchange of a plethora of Col. "I'm sorry if this is rude, but this is just me guessing, most mercenaries wouldn't help me like you did. They wouldn't sit with the company of another, or offer consoling words without some form of payment. But you have." She gestured toward the empty Sake, "You shared a drink with me - when most would claim it for themselves only."

    She wasn't able to continue her conversation, as Arc abruptly stood, Esther leaned forward to steady the table which had been bumped. He said he should go, and Esther was almost going to let him do so - but, she was curious. She was bored, and she had no duties to perform today. So, she got up, offered him a smile and asked. 

    "Ok, where are we going?"

  13. A voice called out to her, and Esther gave a small jump - she had been lost in her own thoughts. Here she was, trying to find someone to help her scout materials, and lo and behold, someone had offered their assistance. Esther smiled warmly at the thought. For all the trials and tribulations that occurred on the higher floors, all the despair and betrayals that she heard rumours about, it was still nice to see good, decent people on the lower floors.

    Esther turned on her heel to fully face the other. He was tall, and slender - with youthful features on his face. His eyes were that of honey, a subdued orange, brilliant and wide with curiosity. Wisps of white hair framed his face. His attire was simple, with shades of red and black. Very common colors in Aincrad. He looked vagually familiar, Esther had seen him on occasion out in the fields, slaying boars for some of the cooks to gather materials. So Esther could only assume that he was, an all around decent person. "Yes, actually." Esther said, as she broached the gap between them with two long steps. "But first, I think it's polite to introduce myself first~" Esther chimed as she held out her hand. "I'm Esther, It's nice to meet you. I don't know you, but I know of you." She began, not giving the poor youth time to respond to her introduction. 

    "You come here every so often don't you? You go and slay the mobs that are too close to the town. That's very kind and generous of you. So thank you for all your hard work."

  14. His replies to her prying questions were short and avoided any sort of definitive answer. Esther knew the hint, but she didn't entirely accept it. She was a curious woman, and often, that curiosity got the better of her. She gave a dismissive wave of her hand, "You're only as good as your actions, so far to me, that's a 100% goodness reading." 

    Arc continued, stating that it was a living. Her smile faded and her hand lowered. It hadn't exactly bothered her lately, moreso. Her lack of anything seemed to bother other players. Esthers eyes lowered as she contemplated her predicament. Arc seemed like a nice enough person, if not a little standoffish. She felt comfortable enough around him to open up. Despite his cold demeanour his presence, it felt powerful, and calming. "A profession...huh...." Esther thought aloud, her hands shifting to grip the fluffy pale pink trim of her coat. "I've been....content here." Esther began, "I've been looking after the children - I don't see a reason to take up a sword or weapon." Esther laughed softly at herself, "I haven't picked a starter weapon. Nor a profession. Most call it weak, cowardly. Boy have I had that thrown in my face at times by stronger players! But I don't think it is - is it really that weak to wish to help others, to want to see smiles on all those kids faces? To wipe away their tears?" Esther turned her attention back to Arc.

    She noticed his drink empty, and had reached out to refill it, but he beat her to it. Esther gave him a sheepish grin as if it apologize for the awkward interaction but she wasn't sure if he caught it. He seemed so focused on his own drink, and actions. Esther poured another drink for herself, and took a sip. The tingling burn touched her lips and travelled down her throat. Resting in her stomach. The sensations were nostalgic, as again, Esther reminisced about her father. Another smile touched her lips. She replied to Arcs gruff comment on how it was sentiment. "Is that a bad thing?" She asked in an airy tone, still awash with nostalgia.

    "People always need help!" Esther began again, her tone sudden and at least three octaves louder than her previous statement. Esther had leaned forward, green eyes burning with intensity at his statement. "Look around you Arc!" she began, "So many people sit with downcast eyes. They are sitting right across from someone, but they don't even have the heart or will to look at them anymore." She said, her statement wasn't aimed at Arc, more so at the others around her - if she had been more attentitive to details, she'd notice that he was doing the exact same thing. "I don't see it as suffering. I see it as...." Esther paused, "Mmm...." Her brain wasn't as quick as her mouth. "You know....uhm..." She trailed off, and a few seconds passed before she exclaimed the next word with renewed energy. "CHALLENGES!" She exclaimed. "I may not be able to relate to what people have gone through here. I may never know the depths of what they have had to deal with - but I can still fight. I may not fight with a sword, but I will fight my own battles, in my own way. One weakness, is just another strength. Isn't- oh! I'm okay I-" She paused, fussing over the fact that Arc had topped up her drink. Esther hadn't planned on drinking any more. 

    "Thank you." She said to him, the action seemed to have calmed her down again. As Esther realised that she was getting a little carried away. She gave an awkward laugh, "Sorry, I think I lost myself a bit there." She said lightly. Esther allowed a minute of silence to occur between the two, she took this time to silently watch Arc. He looked troubled.

    "Are you ok?" She asked, genuine concern in her voice.

  15. The lilac haired woman had not thought about obtaining professions, or travelling higher floors up until now. Some may call her weak, or cowardly.Technically, she hadn't even picked her starter weapon yet. Every so often her eyes would linger over the blinking prompt when she had her menu open, but never - did she bother with it. Esther was one of the people who chose to stay behind after the mad dash to the higher floors. Her reasons were all varied, and in her eyes justified. She wanted, hoped that she would meet up with the friends she lost in the scramble. She was not a fighter, conflict stressed her out, and she was not a gamer. Fighting mechanics would only confuse her. There was also the matter of tending to those who were in less jovial spirits than her. The people who could not mentally handle the reality of being stuck inside a game, and children. Esther had spent most of her time up until now looking after those children. Only ever leaving the town to visit the nearby Horunka Village;  and to collect flowers, a simple thing she had come to enjoy within Aincrad.

    Would that be considered cowardly to some?
    Is looking after the wellbeing and wellfare of young kids really considered wasting ones time?

    Esther didn't think so.

    Still, despite all this - the young woman found herself walking up to a small establishment near the village centre, on the door in neat gilded letters were the words 'Profession Quests' Her hand reached out and traced the letters. Her earlier run in with Arc had somewhat of an impact on her. There were many professions, and many ways to help others. He was right in one sense, Esther had become too complacent with her current position. If she just reached a little higher she could not only better herself, but others around her.

    With a deep breath Esther pushed open the door. The interior was much like the other stores that littered the town. There was a counter closer to the back, and behind the counter stood a stalwart man in his mid thirties. At least, in looks. NPCs did not age after all.

    Esther engaged in a brief conversation with the NPC, it went simple enough - he asked her if she wanted to take on a profession, and she chose the one she thought would suit her best. Alchemy. After all, if she were able to, she would have gone for a healer, a mage, or some type of spell caster. Unfortunately her friends failed to mention that such mechanics did not exist in SAO. Alchemy, seemed to be the next best thing.

    Upon accepting the quest Esther left the quaint shop. However, her confident stead soon faltered as she neared the boundaries of the town. She was supposed to find materials, she could probably find them easily enough, but doing so whilst avoiding battle? 

    "Mmmmm...."  The woman shifted her weight from white heeled boot, to white heeled boot, debating on what her best course of action would be. "Should I message Arc to help me? He is a mercenary, he would probably want something in return...." She mused loudly to herself.

  16. Esther noticed the man quirk a brow and she held up her arms in a defensive position as she quickly waved them to and fro. "Ah, no -no! I did not mean to offend." She muttered, embarrassed. He didn't need to mention her social faux paux, his actions alone were easily read by Esther. She took a small breath, lowering her hands and closing her eyes. Calming herself. If he had an issue with it, he would have mentioned. Esther, in Esther fashion was worrying over nothing. She opened her eyes. Now calm. The man, whom had introduced himself as Arc confirmed that he was drinking Sake. Esther couldn't help but feel a little proud at his comment. She wasn't the most attentive. The scent was just familiar. Every so often she would spend a late night with her father over a bottle of the stuff, catching up on each others lives. Esther smiled softly at the fond memory. 

    Arc also mentioned that he was far less drunk than he would have preferred, she wondered if he was an alcoholic. Or Did he have a hard day and wanted to forget? Was drinking his way of relaxing? Esther opened her mouth to question it, but couldn't think of any nice way to address it. So she held her tongue. His reasons were his own. Despite how curious she was. 

    Arc motioned for her to join him to where Esther could easily assume he sat earlier. In a dark corner away from the hustle and bustle of the main area. Esther didn't follow him straight away, she went to the bar to procure more Sake. As she joined him at his little dark corner she gave a frown. It was difficult to make out his face. She glanced around, the gas lamps above them had been dimmed. Without a thought to her present company and his preference Esther set the drink down, before reaching up and turning the lamps up till it was bright enough for them to clearly see each other. "That's better." She exclaimed, "sitting in the dark can't exactly do much for your mood. Surely." She mused as she sat down.

    Esther poured a drink, first for him then for herself. "A Mercenary. So you do things in exchange for Col, or favours right?" Esther asked. "Isn't that lonely?" Esther couldn't imagine that it was  a very friendly profession. She assumed that a Mercenary would have to keep business contacts at arms length - that a reputation would precede him, and he'd be hard to approach. Esther picked up the small porcelain cup and let it rest in her lap, carefully tracing it with her index finger. Esther spoke in a low, thoughtful tone, "I can kind of admire that. I couldn't do it. Pushing others away doesn't come naturally to me. I'd find the loneliness crushing. Sometimes, I lie in bed and wonder - just how many players are in this world...that have used it as an escape from a harsh reality, only to come face to face with a harsher one still. How lonely that must be..."

    Arc made a comment about how she seemed like a nice person. Esther raised her eyes to meet his. His eyes were similar to hers in colour, although several shades darker. It was difficult to read him. Not that Esther was good at reading people in the first place. This man was a mercenary, so Esther could only assume he was many levels above her own. Higher leveled played avoided the first floor. Was he here on business? If so was she interrupting it? "You say that..." Esther said, taking a sip from her cup, "but you came to a strangers aid without hesitation. I think that was a nice thing to do. Besides..."

    Esther paused, taking another long sip till she finished the cup and placed it nimbly back on the small table. "I don't mind too much if people abuse my kindness." She absently began twirling a long strand of lilac hair around her finger. "We were all thrown in such a harsh environment. It's only natural for people to handle things differently. If I can help them deal with that - then isn't it worth it? If you can make that one person smile, ease one mind...I see so much negativity. I hear so much about it...strong players going into hiding, throwing themselves off the edge of Aincrad...It's so sad, but if we let those things get to us. We've already lost. I may not ever be strong enough to join the frontlines, but if I can make a small difference here - if I bring light to one person's dark. Then I don't mind it if people abuse me for it."

  17. It happened so quickly Esther was unable to react appropriately. One moment she was trying to pry shaking fingers from her arm. The next; calloused hands brushed her own soft ones aside and her vision was obstructed with shades of black. The woman blinked, trying to quickly asses what happened. Esthers nose prickled with the scent of grass and faint hints of alcohol...Sake? She wasn't sure. Green eyes glanced up at a man, almost two heads taller than her. She couldn't see his face, nor his eyes. But the tone of his voice was threatening, almost demanding as he, in a much less kind way than her - told the kid to leave. She had to feel somewhat relieved at the sudden interference, but his way of handling things made her nervous.  Esther didn't exactly do well with conflict, and tried to avoid it where possible. 

    Still...the act wasn't entirely unwelcome. For the moment, Esther watched in silence - assessing the unfolding commotion. 

    The kid stared up at Arc, eyes wild. "WHO are YOU?" He sneered before grinning - offering an insult that only further showed the immaturity of him, and his age. "her boyfriend? I bet she doesn't even like you that much! Why do you think she spent all that time with me?"

    Esther tilted her head at the accusation, was that an insult? Green eyes studied the red headed boy. No...it wasn't directed at her. Still, the situation seemed to be escalating. Esther glanced around to see other patrons taking notice of their presence. If this continued. It wouldn't end well for at least one of them, and she placed her bets on the youngest of the three. Despite his outburst and bothersome demeanour, the woman didn't wish any ill will toward him. Esther raised a hand, placing it atop the dark clad strangers. "I think that's enough now." She added in a calm yet stern voice. Turning to the youngest she spoke, "Chatting to you was....interesting..." Esther mused. "But I think you're a little young for me." She stepped closer to the red headed boy. Leaning in to speak to him. Raising a hand to cover her mouth, as though she were whispering. Despite the fact that she failed to lower her voice. "I'm 23 you know...that's a little perverse don't you think?" Esther asked in a playful manner, standing. She couldn't help but give an amused laugh at the shocked look on the redheaded boys face. 

    "EEW! You're as old as my sister and she's OLD!" He muttered as he stepped back from the table. "I got better things to do!" He quickly retorted, as he made a brisk exit. Esther simply waved him off, wishing him goodbye with another soft laugh. "I would have told him how old I was earlier, if I knew it'd get rid of him that quickly." Esther mused. Shooting the man a cheeky grin. "Thank you-" Esther paused, she wasn't sure what to call him, and she dare not ask anothers name without first offering her own.

    "I'm Esther. Despite the circumstances, It's nice to meet you." She pointed to his face. "I hope I'm not being rude, but I could smell some sort of alcohol on your breath, Sake? Wine? To thank you - would you like me to buy you a drink, it's price - your name."

  18. Esther sat at a wooden table. Long fingers tapping against its surface, she wore a small smile on her lips, and every so often she'd make a sound to affirm that she was 'listening' It was clear she was uninterested in the youth who chose to sit across from her. How did the young woman find herself in this position? All she wanted to do was enjoy a quiet meal. Next thing she knew, she was approached by a red-headed boy who struck up conversation with a very poor attempt at a pick up line. His voice was high, young. Esther had to wonder how old he was....13...? 14...? Surely no older. xXxMiamxXx....or was it Xavier? She couldn't recall his name, other than the fact it seemed to be plucked straight from one of those Japanese animations. He was going on about how he had slayed a boar. The story he told had changed, from one boar, to three, to twenty. He'd been at it for half an hour now and had blatantly ignored anything Esther had to say.

    "It's been...lovely...really...but I must be going now." Esther said, as she stood to depart.

    "NO! WAIT!" The red-headed boy shouted, as he lunged over the table grabbing her arm. "I haven't finished yet! Why aren't you listening to me? What is WRONG with you?" He shrieked, voice breaking. Esther was startled by the action, as anyone would be. It was unexpected. She blinked a few times, and tried to pull her arm away from the boy. "Please. Let go. You're being a little irrational -don't you think?" She asked, carefully placing her hand over his, as she tried to pry his fingers off her arm. "If you let go, I'll listen a little longer- but we have been talking for half an hour now. I'm sure you have many more adventures to have. Talking to me mustn't be that entertaining."



    Col Gained   Col Lost    
    400 - Re: Start  2,000 : Innocence that burns
    10,000 Trade with mari  


    *Listed in Chronological Order*


    << CHAPTER ONE >>
    -Synopsis Here-


    Esther Meets Arc, a dark clad antisocial player. The two have a conversation before Esther heads off to bed, thankful for Arc's aid earlier that day, she created a flower crown for him. The mention of flowers triggered memories for Arc, and Esther saw a little more of the normally recluse man. She aided him in getting bed rest, and he swore to repay her kindness. 

    Alchemic Remedy!
    With renewed vigor, Esther decides she wants to help people in more ways than just standing idly by. So she chose to become an Alchemist. During her venture out into the fields of the first floor - she meets Lycan, and quickly becomes friends with him. The two collect materials, and head back to his stall after nightfall. However, Esther was too trusting, and accepted a potion from a mysterious man named 'Addel' this caused her to become fevered, and after a hasty remedy administered to her by a flustered Lycan - she recovers, forges her craft - and succeeds in her quest to become an Alchemist.

    This Can't End Well
    Esther was now an Alchemist, but had little knowledge of Alchemy - she finds a woman named Mari, and insists on becoming her apprentice. Arc, knowing Mari's reputation rushes to aid Esther - only to find that the situation wasn't as dire as he first thought. Esther, with her brash actions consumed a Truth Serum, and in a series of awkward and heated moments, agreed to be collared by Mari. Meanwhile, Arc and Mari spoke about Thom- and Thom didn't seem to leave on the best of notes.

    Secret Medicine of the Forest
    -In Progress-

    Scouting Of The Field
    - Blurb In Progress-

    The innocence That Burns
    - Blurb In Progress-





    Detailed info here

    Real Name: Phoebe Harmon
    Age: 23

    Gender: Female

    Height: 157cm

    History Esther is the eldest of three siblings. There is not much to say on her history. It is uneventful. Dull, and typical. In the sense that there is no great tragedy here, no parents dying, no military school, no underground secret gangs, just a regular, simple life. She has a loving father and mother. Divorced. She lives in a small two bedroom apartment in a bustling city with her father, and her two younger sisters live out in the country with her mother. Esther moved to the city so she could go to University to Major in Astronomy and to minor in English.

    This is quite possibly the only thing Esther dislikes about her life. Esther loves the night sky and fondly looks back upon memories of the family cuddled up under blankets drinking hot cooca watching the stars. Living 4 hours away  from any major town wasn’t viable if she wanted to study.


    Esther is a friendly girl, she has a few close friends, both in the city and back home, with the use of modern technology she easily manages to keep in contact with them, and her family in the countryside. This Technology, funnily enough..was exactly how she happened upon SAO.

    Esther wasn’t ever that big into ‘games’ but she had friends back home who were, there wasn’t exactly much to do in a small town- and they insisted that she play with them. Esther reluctantly agreed. They met up in the Town of beginnings, but lost contact with each other when the proverbial ‘crap’ hit the fan.


    Esther was concerned with the situation - but being the woman that she was, she didn’t let it get to her- she told herself she had to stay calm, collected, and to logically tackle the situation.



    Esther is a boring, kind, typical millennial young adult, but she does have her quirks. She’s the kind of person to visit a stranger's grave to leave flowers. She gets irrationally nervous in hospitals, and during confrontation. She always eats with cutlery - even if it were a pizza, sandwich or chocolate bar.

    She’s usually up for a friendly chat, but sometimes grows bored easily with constant pleasantries where the conversation goes nowhere. If she finds someone uninteresting she’ll attempt to politely excuse herself rather than put up with a situation she does not want to be in.

    To mistake Esthers kindness for weakness, or cowardice is foolish. Esther is honest, sometimes, brutally so - without meaning to she can hit peoples nerves, and ask very pointed questions; at times tearing down their walls. All the while smiling innocently as though she can do no wrong. She can hit nerves, tug at heart strings, and unknowingly manipulate her way around various situations. She's calculated, and knows what she wants, and how she wants to do it. Its difficult to waver someone with as much resolve as Esther.

    Just as she is skilled in weaving her way in and around others, others are able to do very much the same with Esther. She has a few quirks that make her more comfortable being a follower rather than a leader, she is content to let someone guide her as long as she doesn't have any conscious objection to it. Esther can pick when people are lying directly to her face, but somehow still manages to find herself manipulated and played for a fool.





    W2CRIFP.jpg Virtues
    Optimistic Esther is optimistic to a fault. Wanting to see and find the good in everyone, and everything. She judges situations as they come, and quietly contemplates how best to address the situation to spin it into a positive light. Her personal endeavour is to attempt to restore hope where it has been lost. Feeling that Aincrad has lost the light of innocence it once had. She tries her best to be bright and have a positive demeanour.

    ✽ Charming: Call it charming, call it charismatic...Esther just has a way with words. She is well spoken and most who first meet her instantly like her. She is easy on the eyes and ears - and with her soft demeanour not many find her a threat. Esther has, on occasion used such wiles to her advantage, but those times are few and far between. Esther is simply, in the most boring sense - an outgoing person. Esthers kindness with her words can often be seen as a weakness, but she brushes it off without much thought.


    ✽ Honest: Its always difficult to elaborate on being ‘honest’ - it can be misinterpreted as being tactless, crude, even thoughtless. It’s one of those fickle things where if you don’t deliver something the right way, it can have a negative impact. Esther is honest, but she is generally thoughtful on how she speaks to others. Carefully navigating the situation to avoid strife. Despite how careful she tries to be, Esther can get herself into trouble with what she says. Generally asking questions, or stating things that are better left unsaid.







    Trusting: Generally considered a virtue. Being too trusting is a double edged sword. Trusting the wrong person can land Esther in a myriad of trouble. She isn’t easily fooled, so can pick when someone is lying or attempting to deceive her - however Esther, being the trusting optimist that she is - often lets it slide in hopes that she can still help the person somehow- and in doing so it would all work out in the end.

    ☩ Impatient: Just because someone is kind, it doesn’t mean they have to deal with, or put up with crap they don’t want to deal with. Esther bores easily, and despite her best efforts to be polite this shows with physical tells. Her eyes will wander, she’ll sigh, and slouch - before finally excusing herself.

    ☩ Nosy: Esther is curious. If she finds someone or something interesting she will brazenly go and investigate. This can be something as small as asking someone what they are doing, or something like jamming herself into a conversation in which she does not belong. She may pick up objects that don’t belong to her, pry for information she is not privy to - or go where she does not belong.







    Profession: Alchemist





    check SP against speadsheet for confirmation


    Total Skill Points: 19

    Utility and Mobility Skills


    Combat Skills


    Locked Skills







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