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Posts posted by Esther

  1. 6 Days....

    It had been six days since Esther disappeared, since every friend was removed from her list and she became hopelessly devoted to Addel. The two had made brief appearances in public. Neither ended well, but Addel was a man of pride, stubborn pride. And he lavished in the negative attention. Thrilled by the rush of adrenaline as threats of death were made in his name. He walked with Esther. She was no longer bound by a chain, but still wore the flimsy garment that covered little, and left even less to the imagination. With each step her hips swayed, and the tulle like material shifted, shimmering in the bright light. She walked, just two feet behind Addel. The man seeing her subservient enough, and so far gone that she no longer needed that precaution. She was given the command, that if anyone were to try and pry her from him - she'd attempt to fight. 

    "Ah, look, it seems we have happened across an event, Pet." Addel gestured toward a large group of players. Some in the midst of combat. "Let's not bother them pet. I'm hungry." He pointed toward the ground, and Esther sat, her legs beneath her. Addel grinned, reaching out to run a hand through her hair. "Such an obedient puppet." He shifted, and placed his head in her lap. Waiting as she once again, tore through her inventory finding what she was looking for. She placed the bowl of grapes to the side, and started to peel them, gently popping them into his mouth. 

    Addel loved it, he loved the sweet and tangy taste of grapes, he loved having complete and utter control of another. He loved seeing the hurt and anguish in Lycan, and the boiling rage in Arc. He manipulated all of it, like an orchestra of despair. 

  2. Esther  blinked. "Oh? you know Lowe too?" Esther asked, Ariel didn't seem too happy to hear about what he did, and Esther felt a pang of guilt. Perhaps she shouldn't have spoken so freely of the matter. It was a private one, the lilac haired woman quickly backtracked, shaking her head. "Oh, no, no, no It's ok now... I mean...he wants to apologise! He said he wasn't in the right frame of mind. We all have our bad days, right?" Esther laughed awkwardly, trying to diffuse the situation she had caused.

    With a flash, the girl had changed her attire. Esther's eyes widened. "oh wow..." She breathed, tilting her head and walking around Ariel in a circle, inspecting the outfit. "It's like...a school outfit, but it looks much more mature on you." Esther grinned, offering Ariel a smile. "I think you look really cu-eh!?" Esthers compliment didn't quite make it out, as she was distracted by a trade option. 

    "You want to give me...something....?" Esther hesitated, "It's such a kind offer, I don't really have much to give you." She went to push the accept button, but a warning rang out through her memory.


    Esther lowered her hands, a look of regret on her features. "I...really appreciate the offer, Ariel." She muttered, pressing decline. "But, for whatever reason - Mari doesn't want me to wear anything made by you." Esther paused, biting her lip. "D-don't take it the wrong way I love what you've made, and what you've offered - and I don't...I don't understand Mari's dislike of you, I mean..." Esther began talking quickly, trying to defend Mari. "I mean...she doesn't like anyone really...but like...there were certain people she told me to not shop from or to avoid, and I mean, its not like I'm letting her control me, I'm just...trying to get her to open up more yanno...and if part of that is listening to her crazy requests, just for a short while then ah....yanno...." 

    Esther trailed off, fidgeting with her hands. "In due time...I'd love to purchase something from you. In the meantime, I guess I'll have to go without armor." Esther forced a laugh, "Aha...unless there's a quest or something for it. haha."


  3. Esther worried.

    This encounter didn't go according to her plan. Not that she was good at planning much of anything anyway...She didn't expect Mari to snap at Rin, or for Rin - who usually seemed so timid and shy to latch onto Mari. Esther didn't expect Mari to treat Rin with kindness, Mari didn't even treat Esther with that sort of kindness, but - it was oddly comforting to see that Mari didn't immediately push Rin away.

    As Mari shifted away from the two Esther approached Rin. Placing a hand on her shoulder. "You don't believe that, right?" Esther asked softly. "That there are no happy endings?" Esther guided Rin to look at her. "There are so many possibilities." she squeezed Rin's hand. "So many endings. We can make happy ones. Not just endings, but beginings, how about it Rin?" Esther stepped closer. "You and I, we're pretty similar, yes? Why not work together. Let's make all those sad stories happy ones." 

  4. Mari pulled her hand away from Esther, and Esther felt disappointed, the feeling quickly dissipated as she instead, felt Mari wrap a strong, lithe arm around her. Her fingers clutching tightly into her shoulder. Esther had to remind herself just how strong Mari is, and how her looks really were deceiving. Mari began to talk, about Aubrey, she never told Esther much about that day - just that she snapped under the weight of her own toxic potion, and how everyone kept pushing the notion that she was nothing more than a monster. 

    Esther felt Mari's grip on her tighten. If it weren't for the pain limiters the action would probably hurt, instead it was just a mild sensation to let her know the intensity of the other woman's grip. Mari had such a dark, black and white view on things. Esther wanted to comfort her, but no words came. 

    Oikawa had words though, his words weren't exactly inspiring - but they were fact. Facts that Mari needed to hear. The blonde haired youth shifted his gaze to Esther, his words taking on a tone of warmth.  Esther felt her cheeks flush. Her hands reached out to clasp over Mari's. Offering her a gentle squeeze, a sign of solace. "Oikawa...that's...it's not...." Esther shook her head, "It's not fair to say that." she stepped away from Mari. Timid scared eyes looking with his crimson. "You can't offer someone comfort, then say they'd be better off locked up! She doesn't have to see that. She's trying, that's worth more than anything in the world." Esther hiccuped. "To just try...." She spoke through gritted teeth, her body heaving as she held back more tears. "Isn't that...isn't that what is most important...to keep fighting...to push forward?"

  5. As the battle waged on, digital plant vs digital human. How long had they been at this now? This was the third wave of nepents.....their sickly grinning teeth, their big red lips. The drool that oozed down in big dollops. Esther shivered. "Bleh..." She was glad she didn't have to deal with them, even if she could battle, even if she did have the will to fight. She doubted she'd be able to handle having that disgusting drool touch her.

    "I hope so too." Esther finally muttered to Lowenthals comment about the pain limitations. "It's bad enough we are all trapped here, but being trapped....and feeling the pain of each battle...." She shook her head, not wanting to voice it further. "Mmm..." She offered him a unseen smile, as he was focused on the sways of sword against vine. "It's sad to think about, instead list food you like, I'll be sure to buy you some when we return to town. I love sweet things." She laughed, "I always put at least 5 teaspoons of sugar in my coffee."

  6. Esther watched, as Lycan broke down, her heart ached and she whispered the words again, "I'm sorry.." She hiccuped, tears stinging her slowly clouding eyes as she watched him turn and walk away. She wanted him to stay, she wanted him to tell her she'll be alright - but that was impossible now. She knew that she belonged to Addel, and any lingering feelings she had for Lycan, friend or otherwise - would slowly fade away, drowning in a thick, black, toxic void. "please don't leave me..."

    Her mind began to cloud once again. She blinked, what was I...doing? She pushed herself up and rubbed her eyes, as though she were waking from sleep. "Master...?" She said, groggy. She turned up to look at Addel, her eyes widening at the scene before her. Her heart wrenched, her head pounded. "What...the...HECK?" Soft features twisted into tarnished rage as she pushed herself to her feet. Pulling Arc and the other player away from Addel, she shot Arc an angry look. "I don't know who you are, but you have NO right to start a fight here." She spat before turning her head toward Addel. 

    The two players that held onto him were flabergasted, they loosened their grip and Addel wrenched free - heading toward Esther. He quickly wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Pulling her close. "Master..." Esther's fingers softly graced his cheek, "Are you hurt?"

    "No." Addel replied, using his free hand to smooth down his clothes. "They will be soon." His eyes shifted from her to Arc. "You don't know who he is?" He inquired, his eyes ablaze with a sick curiosity. Wondering if this was an affect of overdosing on the Black Adder Toxin. Esther shook her head. "No. Should I?" Addel lifted her chin to stare into her dazed eyes. "No pet, that was the perfect response. Come. I think it's time we upped your dosage."

  7. Addel fell back, not expecting the slap from Arc. His cheek tingled. Addel threw his head back in laughter. "Yes...yes! I felt that!" He shouted with estatic glee, "Oh Mari is a genius, she's found it. She's removed the pain limiters. Hit me again, I want to feel that rush." Arc obliged.

    The ornate bottle pressed against her lips with haste and urgency. Esther denied Lycan's desperation. Her thin arms attempted to push him away, her left arm buckled under the searing pain she was in. "M-Master, Help!" Her words were Lycan's chance, as she called out to Addel the thick liquid poured down her throat. Esther swallowed, and her eyes lilted, staring blankly with half lidded eyes The pain faded. She went limp in his body. In one instant, bursting with life and vigor, and the next, as still as though death had taken her. 

    "Esther....Esther wake up, I'm sorry...Oh god I'm sorry.." Lycan shook her limp body, his voice breaking over inherent sobs. Still, Esther did not respond. Her limbs lightly dangling to and fro, as though she truly was nothing more than a puppet without Addel's influence. The player known as 'Esther' and the bright, wonderful woman known as Phoebe. Gone. Her skin, cold as ice, the warmth quickly draining from her form, her pale skin taking on the debilitating color of death. "No...No...this was meant to help..." 

    "Ha! You f**king idiot." Addel turned to Lycan, shoving Arc to the side. "I should have told you sooner, the entirety of her belongs to me now." He sneered. Addel tugged hard on the chain, and bringing hand over other- bought Esther's limp form out of Lycan's lap. She slid lifelessly away from his shaking hands, unresponsive and unmoving. Her chest didn't rise and fall with soft breaths, her eyes didn't flutter, she didn't smile. The twisted blonde man kneeled down, casually bringing up his HUD, pulling out another dose of 'Black Adder Toxin'   "You'll just kill her, course - " He paused, grin widening. Addel licked his teeth, gaining a sick satisfaction from watching the silver haired teen before him tremble and break. "You would have, wouldn't you? If Allison didn't intervene. My I am glad she is in our care now." Addel pulled her up by the length of her hair and pressed his face against her skin, breathing deeply. "Mmm, still smells like lilac though. The tip of his tongue rolled down her cheek. "Tastes almost as sweet as she sme-" 

    Addel was yanked back, hard, not only by Arc - but by two other patrons who having seen others challenge Addel gained the courage to join the fray. One patron stood between Addel and Esther, the other held back his arms along with Arc. "The F**k! I'll have you all killed!" Addel screeched. The toxin fell from his hands, and rolled over the floor toward Lycan. Clinking against his knee.


    Her voice was small, weak, but it was hers. It wasn't marred by airy tones, or thickly coated with the toxins she had been forced. Esther called his name, voice filled with overwhelming hurt and emotion. "Run. Forget me." Her emerald eyes, brimming with tears stared back at him, begging for him to leave, begging him to find safety. Already, the effects of the Black Adder toxin were returning. Inky blots of black began to swirl in her irises, as though someone was dropping the very essence of darkness into the colors of her eyes. "I'm...sorry.."

  8. The lilac haired woman blinked as she received a message - thin brows furrowed as she breezed over its contents. The day was coming to an end, and she had yet to spend time with everyone she had wanted to. Her green eyes drifted up to Domarus, who seemed to be putting on an act for Baldur. Esther didn't question it, nor bring it to light. She knew better than that. Domarus had his way of doing things, and she had hers. Esther reached out, her hand fell onto his bare shoulder. She dragged it gently down the length of his arm, her fingers dancing between the curves and concave of his muscles before her hand nestled neatly into his hand. She gave it a tight squeeze. "Domarus, it's been lovely- but I want to go find Lycan, and at least wish him goodbye."

    With that she turned and headed toward the shoreline, pulling herself out of the water to gain a better vantage point. It didn't take long to  find him, he was wearing his battle gear again. Esther padded over toward him, reaching out to grasp his arm. "Lye...." Her voice was filled with a myriad of worry, regret and relief. "I'm so sorry...time escaped me, I really wanted to spend more time with you." she said, speaking to his back. "Can...can we meet up soon, and do this again?" She offered him an unseen smile. 

    "I'll even bring special coffee, to make up for everything, sound good?"

  9. Esther lapped it up,every last drop, almost panting as she did so. Arm's shaking from the increased pressure of Addel's feet. She did just as he asked. She licked up every last drop, and - as she finished she heard the low drawl of his voice. Thick, like wine. "Good Girl."  Those words....Those words that he muttered sent warm, comforting waves through her body, bursting forth from the pit of her stomach, and Esther yearned to hear them again and again. She'd do anything to hear them, to please him. 

    "Reward time, pet. Get on my lap."

    Esther's eyes lit up when he said those words. His lap? She lifted her head up to look at him. Dull eyes brimming with excitement. Masters Lap He normally only ever let her sit there when crafting, to have such an honor...such a gift...Esther scrambled up and placed herself into his lap. "M-Master...." She breathed, as Addel wrapped one arm firmly around her waist, placing the palm of his hand taught under her buttocks. The other opened up his HUD, Addel turned to glance to the side, and it was then - he noticed a very angry looking Lycan. Addel didn't show that he had noticed the silver haired player. This was soon. A little sooner than he expected, still it would work. Slight change of plans.  Addel quickly sweeped further down his inventory list. "I have a gift for you, pet. From Mari. Remember Mari?"

    Esther tilted her head, her brows furrowing. Mari. Yes, she did remember her, but couldn't exactly recall any of the emotions tied to teh woman. "Yes. She had my collar before you, but I enjoy yours far more master."

    Addel nodded, pulling a vial out from his inventory. "Right, quite eager to please me - aren't you. Well, your former mistress is quite adept at making potions. She's perfected one that removes the pain limiters placed by the Cardinal system, we've tried - but haven't had much success. It's such a shame she continues to refuse our requests to join, despite her relationship with our leader. Ah, but I digress. Open."  Addel pressed the tip of the vial hard against Esthers lips, and she opened her mouth, just as he requested. Addel jammed the contents of the vial into her mouth, and tossed it over his shoulder - aiming for Lycan. Hoping that perhaps he would catch sight of the vial, and its effects before it disintegrated. "Goood, good girl" Addel drolled, grabbing the chain just before it met her collar. Forcing her head close to his. Esther murmured in turn, her cheeks red, remnants of the potion trickled from the corner of her mouth.

    Addel grinned, giggling maniacally as he pressed his tongue against the underside of her jaw, drawing it up to take up the trickle of saliva and potion, and cover her eye in a rough, aggressive licking motion. "Mmm, my pet, I can taste your devotion. You're oozing with it." The remnants of Mari's potion caused a tickle on his tongue. It seemed to be a powerful potion indeed.

    Addel glanced to the fire, and his eyes alighted with a brazen, cruel, sadistic, and brilliant idea. A way to test the effectiveness of Mari's potion, and the obedience of his toy. Addel pushed Esther off him, and headed over to the fire. Near it, lay a poker. "New request pet.  I need to test what I just fed you..." Addel picked up the poker and placed it into the fire. "If you're loyal to me, if you love me - you won't make a sound. If you utter a word, whine, or even whimper. I will have you blindfolded and gagged and dragged out of here by your hair. Understood?"

    Esther lifted herself up off the seat, and adjusted her attire so she was not falling out of it. "Of course Master." She smiled, sweetly, innocently, a smile that rivalled the 'old' Esthers grin. "I just want to make you happy." As she approached him, she dropped to her knees. "I will do whatever you ask."

    "So you say...but I wonder..." Addel muttered, pulling out the poker to inspect it, its tip glowed a bright orange.  "Just how far your loyalty really lies." Without further warning, Addel took a step back, and using a horizontal swinging motion, he swung it into Esther's upper arm - the one without the Black Adder mark. Upon contact her skin made a sizzling sound, and Esther recoiled. Screaming with pain as she fell to the floor, tears in her eyes.

    "What. A disappointment...." Addel muttered, looking down at her.

  10. "A-aah..." Esther made a surprised sound as she felt Domarus' slick, wet arm pull her form close. It was one thing to be in such close proximity with another when you were dry...and well...clothed, it was another when there were two semi naked bodies being pressed together. The heat radiating from Domarus caused a blush to fall on Esther's lightly colored cheeks. 

    "Thanks." Esther mumbled.

    Her tall friend told her that he won't let anything happen to her, he mentioned that there was some sort of unspoken truce, so everyone could have fun. Esther wanted to believe that, and most of her did. Esther bit her lip, speaking the thoughts that lingered on her mind. "I do...feel mostly safe. It's just, I suppose Mari just instilled this...paranoia into me, especially regarding PKers. She really drove the point home that they aren't to be trusted, and to always be on guard around them." Esther tilted her head up toward Domarus, "Wasn't it you, who said you wanted to make sure I wasn't so trusting?" 

    Esther smiled. "I feel safe though, with you and Lycan here. Speaking off...."  Esther glanced around, trying to catch sight of him. "I wanted to talk to him some more...where did he go?"


  11. Esther turned to Domarus who had rejoined her again. She looked up at him, offering him a warm smile. She couldn't exactly reach up to his shoulder, Domarus towered over her. Instead, she placed her wet palm on the mid of his back, "Domarus, this is @Baldur, and Baldur - this is Domarus." 

    Esther turned to Domarus, removing her hand from his back to slick back lilac bangs out of her face. "I was going to chase after you, but I couldn't track you underwater, and I wasn't going to swim aimlessly around. Especially with so many people here." Esther laughed, pointing to his height. "Although, when you stand like that' you're pretty easy to spot out of the crowd." Esther gave a happy sigh, staring at Domarus for a moment - before pulling her emerald eyes away to look at the scene before her.

    More, and more people showed up - Esther was amazed, really. It overjoyed her to see so many people floating around, and every single person got along. Then, Esther noticed there were a few orange crystals floating around - which was unnerving. Esther made a worried sound, stepping in closer to Domarus. "There are Pkers here..."

  12. Esther looked up at Lycan as he approached her. Her nose was sniffly, and her eyes bloodshot, red and wet with salty tears. "Yes." Her voice was quiet, speaking a soft lie. She was not alright. Not in the slightest, but Esther couldn't say that, she couldn't say she was upset and was struggling to handle the situation before her. Not when there were other people in mourning. Esther exhaled, with the slightest of turns she glanced away from Lycan, feeling guilty at having lied. Even though it was the smallest of white lies, a common one at that. An adult lie, the lie you tell when you put on a brave face, when you don't want others to see you suffering, when you don't want others to worry. So why did she feel so guilty in telling Lycan she was fine.

    The silver haired youth sat down next to her. The warmth from his being was very much welcomed. He asked what happened, and who the pink haired maiden who glided across the lake was. Esther reached out with a shaky hand till it found a length of cloth from his form. "Yeh. It's Mari." Esther mumbled. "She's saying goodbye to her...ah...lover, who died in a boss raid. He was Arc's close friend too. I wanted....I wanted to help somehow, but I'm afraid...I've made things worse."

  13. "M...Mari.....R-rin..." Esther looked between the two, at first it seemed like Mari was going to push Rin out the way, or at least slap her - but she didn't. Esther grabbed her heart, breathing a sigh of relief. Mari wasn't as angry, or violent as the rumours made her out to be. Mari just seemed...shocked that someone started to hold her. Esther bit her lip. She had to admit, she was a little jealous. She had known Mari longer, and yet Rin had managed to get closer to her than she, but that wasn't a bad thing was it? Mari having someone hold her? When was the last time Mari did something like that? Esther wasn't sure.

    Rin started crying, and Esther carefully approached from behind. Lightly Rubbing Rin's back to help comfort her. "It's ok Rin. It's upsetting." Esther bit her lip, trying to shift the conversation, and the mood to something less....depressing.

    "M-Maybe we should start looking for materials now?" Esther asked

  14. The lilac haired woman nodded toward Oikawa. "Y-yes!" She gave a smile, relieved that he was listening to her, and willing to a least try to see her point of view. "I mean...if you see yourself as a good person, even though you're a Pker too, it's only right to at least try  to see Mari in the same light. Right?"

    Esther blinked, Mari had approached, interrupting their conversation. She stood between her and Oikawa. Is she...protecting me again? Esther frowned. A little confused. She thought Oikawa was a decent person, didn't he and Mari shake hands? Did that mean they had come to some sort of understanding?

    "M..Mari...." Esther mumbled, stepping toward her and grabbing Mari's upper arm. Why was she being so hostile toward him. As Mari questioned Oikawa, Esther finally realised why. It was because Oikawa was a Player Killer - it meant he murdered someone, right? Esther lowered her head. Murder the word sounded so heinous to think about....but...Mari was in the same position as he was right?


    That wasn't right.

    Mari had shut herself away from the world, Mari was punishing herself. Was she upset that Oikawa wasn't doing the same? 

    "Mari..." Esther mumbled. "Shouldn't you hear him out before judging him...?"


  15. Lowenthal laugehed as Esther bought up his wound. She stared at him with brows furrowed, thick glossy lips pursed into a pout. "Yeh. I get that pain isn't a thing, I mean... I kinda get it.." She glanced away, lowering her hand. "I mean - isn't it a little odd...being able to feel everything but pain. Does that mean that someone can take away that limitation and make people feel pain?" Esther shook her head. "That's a very scary thought." 

    More nepents began to appear from the depths of the forest, and Lowenthal grinned, stating he'd have a break after the battle. "If that's the case. Lowenthal...then I shall go back to material hunting, and we will take our break together, ok!" Esther smiled. "Good luck." She took a few steps back, so she wouldn't be in the way of his battle - if she was going to be of any use - she'd have to focus hard on gathering the materials. She had to admire Lowenthal, she was glad...they were both worried about the same thing, the boredom of the other, but Esther was enjoying herself.

  16. Name: Rare Potion

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: Rank 1

    ID: 68536

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements:  Instantly heals you for 20 HP

    Description: A vial of green liqiud that looks to be fizzy, like a carbonated soda pop. It tastes like popping candy.

    Post Link: Here

  17. cKQnrow.jpg?1Attempt #1  ID: 68539  CD:9 = Good
    Attempt #2  ID:68536  CD:11 =Rare

    Another day, another series of crafts, the two sat in their usual positions. Addel on the chair, mischeviously fondling Esther - and Esther sitting in his lap, attempting to complete her crafts for the day.

    "One day Esther....you will be my personal Alchemist. I'll teach you to make so many potions. Who knows...maybe one day you'll be as good as Dekkar. Here." Addel pointed to the piles of ingredients she had. Death Cap Mushrooms, the bark of spiked tree, and some Night Howlers. He guided Esther through the steps, watching intently as she tried to cut, grind, and blend the ingredients. She was successful in making a potion, 'Follow Me' but it wasn't up to scratch. Esther would need far more practise. 

    "That player....wanted 4 uncommon healing potions, but surely - having one  rare potion would prove...better, right Master?"  Addel shrugged at Esthers question, "He seems too stupid to make that connection. If he pays us. I don't give a damn." Addel was busy inspecting Esthers handiwork. It was a piss poor attempt at a potion, she'd have a lot of work to do if she were to be up to the Black Adder Calibre. 

    Esther nodded, standing with the Healing Potionand 'Follow Me'. She silently left the crafting room and placed each potion neatly in the display case within her store. As she did, a small message popped up <<Alchemist Rank II>>  Esther didn't think too much of it, and with a wave of her hand, swiped the menu away.





    Name: Follow Me
    Description: A small vial of a murky brown water. It has a bitter taste. The vial has been stamped with the 'Black Adder' Insignia 
    Effect: A very poor attempt at a mind control potion. Whoever drinks this will be forced to obey one command, the first command they hear. 
    Creator: Esther


    Name: Rare Health Potion
    Description Heals 20 HP. Takes a post action to use.
    Effect: Heals 20 HP. Takes a post action to use.
    Creator:  Esther.




    Addel laughed at the comment that spewed forth from the womans deep purple lips. “If I ask her to, yes. Although - personally, I prefer the soft mewls of a kitten myself.” Addel pocketed his water. His cold, analysing gaze drifting up and down the woman before him. He knew her from somewhere. He didn’t know her. He had never met the woman, but it was very hard to not know of her. Violet lips, flaring eyes to match, stark silver hair pinned back. “Opal. Right?” It was a guess, but Addel was confident it was a right one. “Awful lot of threats coming from someone who belongs in Laughing Coffin, isn’t it?” He asked, standing. With a click of his fingers Esther shifted, and dusted herself off. She didn’t acknowledge Opals questions until prompted to by Addel. “Well Pet, don’t be rude. She asked you a question.”

    Esther turned her eyes to Opal. They were dull, and slightly listless, to an ordinary onlooker, she may just seem tired or worn out. It would be difficult to tell she was under the influence of a powerful alchemic concoction unless one knew her prior - or were an Alchemist. She blinked, staring at the woman. Opal was beautiful, but she had a cold, and demanding presence. As though her very entrance to a room demanded silence, and demanded all eyes rest of her. She was powerful. “I’m not a woman.” Esther said in all earnesty, her mind awash, her thoughts and senses dulled by the constant flow of the Black Adder toxin. “I’m Addels pet, every part of me - belongs to him. I do whatever he wishes, and take immense joy in doing so.” Esther offered Opal a smile. “I appreciate your concern, but there is no need for it.”

    Addel shrugged, “There ya go. Straight out the horses - or in this case, kittens mouth. You can make all the demands you want, Opal - but I don’t have to listen to them. We’re within a safe zone. You can run your mouth all you want. You can flash your fancy weapon and wave it around in the air, like you just don’t care all you want. Whilst we are within this zone, I am safe. Sure, you can challenge me to a duel - but I’m not stupid enough to accept. Besides.” He tugged at the chain, pulling Esther toward him. Addel wrapped an arm around her waist and rested his chin against her shoulder.

    “Would you really risk the life of a completely innocent girl?” He paused. “You would, wouldn’t you - have you no shame?”

  19. Luckily for Lycan - Addel did not see him, nor Arc as he wandered into the Tavern. He was too busy parading around his 'prize' Esther was still being helplessly dragged across the floor with her arms bound together, the use of her legs - banned. Addel was cruel, but he didn't think himself a monster. He wasn't going to drag a lifeless body around by their neck. Even he had his limits. Mostly. The scene sparked a few murmurs from patrons, "Isn't that symbol from that guild?"   "I ain't touching that - ignore them." the mention of the snakelike symbol on Esther's arm, how could someone treat a player like that - others tried to rationalise it. "Maybe it's a Kink?"  "Is it an NPC event?"  Addel simply grinned, closing his eyes and basking in the stilled atmosphere he created. He stepped away from the bar, instead he headed toward the fireplace. 

    Addel threw himself into the chair, pulling the chain up to him - he undid Esther's binds. "You can use your legs now, but have you learned not to walk beside, or in front of me now, Pet?"  Esther nodded, "Yes Master." Addel smirked, she looked dirty, the side of her face, was dirtied, her white silken attire was roughed up, and parts of it had torn. Leaving little to the imagination. His eyes wandered over her curves. Her chest, her thighs, even her calves. He could see why Lycan, and that red headed man were so enthralled with her. She had some very nice assets, it was a shame she hid them in her usual attire. Course, that wouldn't be an issue anymore. 

    Addel ordered two glasses of whiskey. He casually sipped out of one, the other he poured onto the floor beside him. "I need a footstool, puppet. Be a good little thing and help your Master out - and don't forget to lap that up. Every. Last. Drop. This is a gift, and you wouldn't want to make me angry now would you?" Esther got into position, placing her knees and palms flat against the floor, and Addel bought his feet up onto her back.

    Esther watched with listless eyes as the amber liquid was poured in front of her. She didn't like whiskey, at least - she thought she didn't like it. Her nose wrinkled, but Addel wanted it. Her Master wanted it. As the heels of Addels feet were jammed into her back Esther murmured. She lowered her head down, and, just as he commanded, started to lick the whiskey from the floor. This was right. This was her place, those thoughts constantly ran through Esther's head, thoughts of Addel, thoughts of his chains binding her, of his commands, and how much comfort she gained from following each and every one - and how much pain she felt, how her head throbbed if she were to deny any request. A blush formed on Esther's cheeks as she lapped up the last of the spill.

    "Good. More."

    Addel poured more onto the floor, and she continued.

  20. Once Esther had finished, with both shoes Addel stood. Inspecting her work. "Good, your mouth must  be filthy now. Of course, it always is." Addel tugged at the chain and Esther obediently followed. Having just consumed more of the Black Adder toxin she seemed more subdued than usual. Addel took note of this. Wondering if he should give her constant, smaller doses throughout the day, instead of one big dose every 24 hours. As he headed to the lake with her, he held a conversation with Dekkar - the one who created the 'Black Adder Toxin' 

    Addel put forth his suggestion, Dekkar admitted that it may work, but once again - it could have lasting, adverse effects on the girl.That Addel should let time tick over, and see what she was like off the potion before continuing. Addel, wasn't going to take that risk. Not now. Maybe later. 

    The two got to the lake. The very lake that everyone had played in, laughed, and enjoyed each others company. The last place Esther was able to truly be herself and enjoy those around her. Ah, the Irony.  Addel kicked Esther till she collapsed onto all fours. He kneeled down and grasped a handful of her hair in his. Without warning he unceremoniously shoved her face into the water, and held it there before allowing her to come up for air. His eyes lazily watched her heaving face, dull, listless eyes rolling into the back of her head. "Mm I think you're still dirty."

    "P-please...more Master."

    Addel's grin twisted into a malicious smirk. Good. This was good. None of that sweet, happy crap she was spewing earlier. Nothing but obedience. Addel dunked her face into the water again, holding it under just long enough for the warning of 'drowning' to appear, before letting her go, allowing her to come back up for a few gulps of precious air. Addel did this another 2-3 times, before he grew bored with it. He stood, dusting off his hands.

    "Lets bring some drinks back to the guild hall to celebrate your utter dominance, shall we?"

  21. cKQnrow.jpg?1"Kid. You are not in any position to make demands, or threats. I'm her master, and will do with her. As I please. Isn't that right, Pet?" Esther looked up at Addel, then at Gotz. She furrowed her brow at the sudden outburst. "That's right. I don't appreciate you using that tone with my Master. I'm happy in my position."

    Addel's grin grew wider. "Look at you, tryin' to be all ferocious. What are you." Addel's eyes glanced up and down the other user. "Level 3? Before you could even blink, I'd have you writhing on the floor, of course. I wouldn't do that. I'm not one for idle threats. I'm not one to dirty my hands. If I did, I'd have to have my kitten lick them clean. Let me get a few things clear for you."

    Addel held out his hand, raising each finger with each point he made. "One, you can't put my head in a bag, we're in a game, a game that doesn't have the mechanics for that. Two: Don't you feel  it a little insulting to bisexual people to use your orientation as a threat? Three; your words aren't insulting. They're pathetic. Four: She will contact you, when she has finished your order." 

    Addel gave one final grin, giving Gotz a wave. "Have a nice day, and do  come back to Alchemic Remedy."

  22. cKQnrow.jpg?1Addel glanced back at Gotz. The kid had his hand on his weapon. Addel snorted. Didn't the kid know that fighting wasn't allowed in a safe zone? That shops were a place of safety for all? He seemed like the type that was easy to anger. Addel pushed himself up off the wall and headed over to Esther. He rested his chin on her head and wrapped his arms loosely over her shoulders. Esther stopped talking and moving, but Addel urged her to continue. "Go on, Pet. Continue."

    Esther nodded, turning her dull eyes back to Gotz, she grinned. "Custom orders are the same as regular orders, I don't want to charge my customers more for the same thing. Unless it becomes overly complicated." She paused, and started explaining the prices that were listed in her store. "Uncommon items are set at 100 Col, Rare at 200, and finally - Perfect at 300 Col. Each quality heals a greater portion of health. I am currently unable to craft any more today. However, if you return tomorrow, I should have some form of healing potion ready. Would you like to place an-" She was interrupted.

    Addel had tugged on her chain again, forcing her to her knees. "Kneel. Pet." Esther did as she was told, Addel leaned on the counter. Mischievous eyes on Gotz. "So, you heard the lady. Ya gonna place an order?" 

  23. cKQnrow.jpg?1Addel stood behind Esther, leaning his back against the wall. He ignored Gotz, his eyes turning away from the player as he was addressed with the question. It wasn't his problem. Esther was the one who technically 'owned' the shop. He was just in control of her assets, her materials, and her crafts. He controlled what went in, and out of the store. Addel just twirled the end of the chain around absently in his fingers. Awaiting Esther to finish.

    Esther bent down to pull the vial out of the counter. "Ah. I apologise." She twirled it around in her fingers. Inspecting the tiny vial, stamped with the Black Adder logo. "I'm very new to Alchemy you see, so my descriptions may be a little off." she laughed softly, offering Gotz a warm smile. "Now that I re-read it, it does sound confusing. I'll have to fix that up in the future." She placed the vial down on the counter. 

    "This is a paralysis potion, it is administrated...orally." She pointed to her glossed, pouty lips as she said this, unconsciously licking her lips a she spoke.  "It paralyses whoever drinks it for a few minutes. (1 post/turn) It has no flavor and no scent. So it's most useful when mixed with a beverage, or food." Esther bowed her head slightly, "I am so sorry for the confusion. Will that be all today?"

    Addel tugged at the chain, hard, causing Esther to be pulled back. She blinked, realising what she had forgotten. "Oh...We also do custom orders. I am currently a rank 1 Alchemist, but am limited. However, if you have any custom orders, please keep us in mind."

  24. cKQnrow.jpg?1The door to the store jingled, signalling a customer. Esther was still in the back room, cleaning the table she used to craft her items. She sat in Addel, her masters lap. Her eyes still glazed- as she was clearly under the effects of the Black Adder mind control potion. 

    "Pet, that was a customer. Don't you think we should go see who it is?" Addel didn't wait for her to answer. He unceremoniously pushed her off his lap. She fell to the floor with a  -THUD- that could be heard from the front room. Esther didn't seem to mind being pushed off him, she  didn't even seem to mind as Addel headed toward the front room, tugging hard on the thick chain that hung from her neck. 

    Addel peeked into the front room, seeing a young man with brown hair and blue armor. He offered the man a smile and a wave, although it was clear he had ulterior intentions. Addel had a snakelike face, his eyes narrowed. "Hello there. Don't worry." He tugged hard on the chain behind him till Esther appeared. "This shop is under the control of Black Adder." Addel pointed to the snake symbol in the window. "So we can assure you, we have quality items here. Isn't that right pet?"

    Esther appeared behind Addel, and slid behind the counter. She looked up at Gotz with glassy, half lidded eyes and offered a small smile.

    "Hello Sir. Welcome to Alchemic Remedy, is there anything I can help you with today?"

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