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Posts posted by Esther

  1. Esther finally saw Domarus' head pop up and out of the water, she waved toward him - hoping to catch his gaze, but he turned his back to her. "HEY, DOMA-...rus..." Her shout toward him was interrupted, as another approached. Esther recognised him from that time in the fields, when she was with Mari. He was one of the people who had intervened, and wanted to be reassured that Esther was happy with Mari. He wasn't quite as off putting as Oikawa. He stood on the side of the lake, whilst Esther, was partly submerged in the murky waters, which rested just above her collarbone. "Baldur....right?" Esther asked, slightly guarded. She glanced over at her shoulder - eyes searching for Domarus, but it appeared that he had run off again.

    Domarus is quite the social butterfly today...

    Esther turned her attention back to Baldur who confirmed his name as he introduced himself to Rin, who was now further away. "Yeh..." Esther mumbled. She cleared her throat, shaking her head. "Sorry, sorry." She offered Baldur a smile. "I'm well thank you. I was invited here by Lycan and Domarus, and I'm glad I was..." She glanced around her at the jovial crowds. "It's nice...seeing so many players gather like this - and to have no conflict. It reminds me of home yanno? It reminds me that there is still so much good and it just, makes me feel all warm inside." Esther felt embarassed by how cheesy her words sounded. She quickly waved them off. 

    "Ah, I'm rambling, how are you Baldur?"

    @Domarus @Baldur

  2. The two figures walked through the town. Addel, a tall, lithe man who wore black dress pants and a black hoodie over a white shirt held the end of a thick, metal chain in one hand, which was casually slung over his shoulder. His other hand was shoved deep in his pocket. He had narrow, blue eyes and tousled sandy blonde hair. He was the type of guy you'd expect to come across in a dark alley, smoking a cigarette. In fact, that is the very place Addel used to spend most his time, before he had his newest acquisition. Addel and Esther, his pet, were headed out to a small settlement on the 5th floor. He had business to conduct there. The two were just passing through.

    Esther trailed behind. Green eyes dull and glassy. Her attire was interesting to say the least, and extremely befitting to such a hot, Arabian styled floor. She wore a thick, golden collar around her neck, imprinted with a snake-like logo. The stylised golden accents were dotted throughout her outfit, a band around her arm, a thick belt around her waist, and a small belly dancer chain around her hip. Esther wore loose fitting, white material, layers of silk and chiffon wrapped tightly around her waist and crossed over her back to just barely cover her more erogenous areas. To call her attire revealing would be to put it lightly. It was what Addel liked, and Esther was his. So it was only natural to assume that she would dress to his desires. 

    "Pet, c'mere." Addel paused, near the entrance to the town, he stood to the side, few people were passing through. So it wasn't likely that they'd be disturbed. "Yes Master?" Addel pointed to the floor, "I need so sit a minute, make yourself useful for once." Esther gave a small nod, positioning herself so that her knees and palms were flat on the ground. Her back straightened, head down toward the floor. "Good." Addel noted, as he sat on her back. Leaning his own against the wall, he pulled out a flask of water and took a long sip from it. "We'll move along soon."

    "Yes. Master."

  3. The potion finally seemed to wear off. Esther breathed a sigh of relief when it seemed that it didn't seem to have too much of a negative effect on him. It just seemed to make him tired.  "Domarus...." He leaned the entirety of his weight onto her and Esther struggled for a moment, before she regained her composure. She shifted him, guiding his had to her lap. "You're still tired right?" She crooned, gently running her hand across his forehead. "It's ok, it exhausted me too - it takes a lot out of you, huh?"

    Esther grinned, as he said he'd ensure her own happiness too. "So, that's a deal then mm Domarus we'll keep a close eye on each other ok?" She continued to grip his hand with her own, and with her free hand, she lightly traced the contours of his face. "Domarus, I know you may just be falling asleep right now, but are you ok - after the potion I mean...?" 

  4. There was a strained silence between Esther and Domarus. There was the sounds of Keres preparing meals in another room, and the slight shuffle of the material as Esther continued to rub his arms. Esther was nervous, worried about Domarus mental state. She couldn't voice it, not right now.  Esther glanced downward, into Domarus' eyes - even with the starry glimmer, they held such a fire. Such a warmth. 

    Then, the question was asked.

    Esther wasn't sure how to respond to that. "If you said you...." Esther stopped rubbing his shoulders, she pulled away from him so she could probably look into his features. Waiting for some sort of sign that it was a joke, a smirk, a wink...anything, but he wasn't. He was serious, and it was so difficult for Esther. What did she feel? What was it that she felt when she was with Domarus...? 

    "Domarus..." Her words were slow, and for once in her life, calculating. "You have an amazing warmth. I've said it before - you're like the physical embodiment of fire. Your fierceness, your ability to capture the attention of all those around you - your crimson gaze." She pressed her hand to his head, once again brushing his stubborn bangs away from his eyes. "Your presence, is very much like a fire too, you heat up those around you - you blaze through everything before you in an unrelenting torrent of destruction, but at the same time, you bring an undeniable peace and pleasure to those who get close enough to you..." 

    Esther sighed, "And what I feel...." She bit her lip. "mmm...when I am around you, I am happy. There is no denying that. I want to be able to help you, I want to see you smile, but there are times - where I am a little afraid of you. You have this anger, and all these manipulative plans and hidden agendas...DOmarus..."

    Esther took a deep breath, "You ask me - if you said you loved me, could I say the same back. The truth is, I don't think I can - because I cannot irrefutably and unfathonably give you an unconditional answer like that. Not when I don't know what it is I need to feel - I couldn't do that to you but...I do know I care for you Domarus, greatly so, and I'll do all I can to ensure your happiness stays with you."

    Esther leaned forward, and pressed her lips to his. 

    "That's a promise." She said, pulling away.

  5. Esther was growing increasingly more uncomfortable with the situation. She felt like she was intruding on his inner most private and intimate thoughts and desires, granted, that's what the potion did - but Esther didn't expect it to have such an effect on him, she didn't expect it to completely twist him into a different person. If she had known....would she have done it? Would she have subjected him to this? What would Domarus say, when he came to? Esther bit her lip, she stopped running her hands through his hair, instead she started rubbing his arms. 

    Domarus started talking to his mum again and Esther kept quiet. She didn't know what his 'mother' was saying, but they were discussion love it seemed. Such a concept, Esther knew love, she felt loved by her family, her friends, but she didn't quite get it in the romantic sense. Esther was one to love many people, yet to fall for any one person? it was such a foreign concept.

    "Mmm? Ask me something? what did you need?"

  6. Esther furrowed her brow. "B-both of us?" She glanced around, still seeing nothing. Domarus must be seeing his mother. Esther wasn't sure how to act in this situation - what to do. Should she just keep stroking him, keep ensuring that he remained warm. His heaving sobs began to die down. Esther carefully wiped them away with her thumb. "No more tears?" Esther asked quietly, sweetly. She felt a little guilty. The potion would wear off soon...if he was seeing his mother right now - just how would he act when she disappears again? 

    Domarus gripped Esther tighter. It hurt, not physically. Emotionally. To see someone so very strong and prideful - someone who could tear a man apart just with a gaze, be crumbling and shivering like this. "It's ok." Esther whispered, pausing to press her lips into the top of his head. "You're safe here Domarus." He shifted, turning his attention to his mother, whom Mari could only imagine was behind him. He questioned her, and what she said. Esther tilted her head, "mmm? What was that Domarus? I didn't hear."

    Esther couldn't tell him that she saw nothing could she? Would that shatter his reality? Would that make the visage of his mother disappear?

  7. The potion quickly wore off Esther, she drew in a sharp breath when she realized where she was. Lips pressed against Domarus, what was...she planning to do with him exactly? Esther knew she wanted to wrap herself up in his warmth. Esther blushed, she had wanted him to envelop her, she wanted to feel his lips pressed against her own, but not just that. Esther forced her eyes shut, shaking the lewd thoughts from her mind. She lifted her head shifting away just enough to be able to glance into Domarus' eyes, she reached out and brushed his red bangs away. A galaxy he was still deep under the effects of the potion. She wondered, how long it would affect him for. 

    Domarus' eyes seemed to fall elsewhere, and his body shook. Esther tightly gripped his shoulders to show that she was there for him.  Domarus pulled away from her, mumbling about his mother. Esther looked to where he was looking, where he was reaching out to. But she saw nothing. Her heart wrenched at the sight. Someone as big and strong as Domarus, someone who always held himself with such confidence and Finesse. Domarus muttered a few more words, before turning to Esther. Falling into her form he started to cry.

    "It's ok..." Esther mused, lightly stroking his hair, "I'm here. Dom, I'm here." She allowed her fingers to curl deep into the tangled mess that was his crimson hair she allowed her fingers to lightly scrape against his skull. "Does that feel nice Domarus?" Esther asked, trying to treat him with the same comfort and affection that he had treated her with.

    "Did you want me to get Keres? Is there anything I can do?"

  8. Esther felt her head swim, the all too familiar sensation. Her eyes fluttered, and they reflected a shining galaxy, equal to Domarus' own illustrious gaze. Domarus seemed dazed, his eyes shifted over her form, and there was a silence. Esther glanced away, feeling a little nervous. A flush fell on her cheeks and she clutched at the them of her silken nightgown. "D-domarus..." She muttered in a small pout. "Don't look at me like that unless you're going to-" She paused, Domarus collapsed to his knees wrapping his arms around her thighs. 

    Esther felt that incredible warmth burst forth from his touch, a warmth she craved, a warmth she desired more than anything. Esther was never able to explain his warmth, she wasn't able to explain his intoxicating scent. The way his eyes watched her every movement with such interest. His dominating presence, his powerful arms. They were all things Esther wanted. Esther shifted, allowing herself to fall into his embrace, pressing her form close to his. "I want this..." She muttered, shutting her eyes and burying her face into the crook of his neck. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and inhaled deeply. "I don't want to leave this." She mumbled soflty, pressing her lips to his neck.

  9. Esther's eyes lit up as she watched Jonathan spin around thrice on the heel of his foot, annihilating the bats. "Oh wow!" She jumped up and started clapping. "Jonathan! That's absolutely amazing. Esther turned to grab the little boys hand, grabbing hold of him tightly. "C'mon we're going to go bring you back to your mother."

    Esther pulled the boy forward, walking back just behind Jonathan. "PHew...I'm glad we've finally got that sorted." Esther commented. "It seemed to take absolutely forever, you must have amazing patience. I really admire it." She gave Jonathan a smile, "Really...thank you." 

    The two wanted to get out the caves, so they quickly made their way out of the caves and toward the town, engaging in small talk, talk about Esther and her Alchemy profession, she had invited Jonathan to her store to visit sometime for a few potion or two for all his hard work. Then, he spoke of his guild, and the different ranks in it.

    They made their way back to town, and reunited the NPC child with their mother. The <<Quest Complete>> message popped up, and the both of them, we very very glad that it was over and done with. They parted ways on friendly terms. And Esther thought Jonathan was lovely, and hoped that they would meet again soon.

  10. Esther hesitated, standing over him, the vial now in her hand. It seemed...devious, almost sinister to just pour the potion down someones throat. Esther tried to recall what she went through with the potion...how long it lasted - if she gave him half a dose, would that lsessen the effects...or just make it last a shorter amount of time? Mari said how long it lasts completely varies.

    As if to alleviate her conerns, Domarus tilted his face up straightening his back to softly kiss her forehead. The heat radiated from where he kissed her, and her cheeks flushed a rosy pink. His hand reached out to stroke her hair, and Esther lowered her head - rolling the vial around in her hand. "Domarus...." She spoke with a pout. He was making it incredibly hard for her. He was almost goading her to give into her curiosity. 

    Esther pressed her thumb against the cork of the vial, pushing it open, the corked made a -pop- sound and Esther instead of giving it to Domarus bought it to her own lips, she took a small sip from it, swallowing. She wondered what this must have looked like to him. Would he call her mad? Would he ask her to pay him back for using his potion? She wasn't sure. Esther downed the rest of the vial - but didn't swallow. Instead she leaned forward, catching hold of his cheeks in her hand. Esther pressed her lips against his, and allowed the Starry Eyed Illusion to flow past his lips into his own mouth. 

  11. As Lowenthal obliterated the nepent and started complaining that once again - they didn't get the drop. Esther turned away, feeling guilty... "K-kinda...I mean....I guess we don't need to finish it if you don't want to. I just - I feel bad having you here,  I feel like I'm stealing all your attention."

     Esther approached Lowenthal, just a few feet away from him she reached out to cup his injured cheek. Her thumb grazing over his wound. "You're hurt..." Her eyes were filled with concern as they glanced from the red pixelated gash to Lowe. "Does it...I mean....is it painful?" She asked, stepping closer. "Is there anything I can do to help? You've been so kind to me."

    She paused, biting her lower lip, trying to think of something, anything to help. "I got food, we can take a break and I'll make sure you're well fed?" Esther managed to laugh. "Heck, I'll even hand feed you if you want."

  12. Esther picked up the potion and placed it in Domarus' hand. She shook her head, clasping her hands around his. "Domarus..." She gave it a squeeze, and lowered her hand. "I can't lie. I'm curious. I'm a nosy, curious person. All these potions fascinate me. So Yes - a part of me wants to see how you'd act, what you'd do under the influence of something like Starry Eyed illusion. Because you're so...." She paused searching his eyes for an answer. "You're so composed and calculated. Everything you do has forethought, reasoning. It's almost the opposite to me. I act without much thought or reason. Even so...I can't ever be the one to decide if you take that potion. That's a power I dare not take away from you." She pushed her hands down, to lower his hand before letting go.

    "The answer you've given me? That's more than I could ever ask for." Esther stood, pushing strands of lilac hair behind her ears. She wasn't sure what else to say, Domarus was being incredibly sweet- showing her a kindness she can't recall having being shown for a very long time, one that she had never been shown during her time in Aincrad. Esther liked Domarus, she wasn't sure if it was friendship, or love, or a platonic love. Regardless- there was a connection there. A strong connection she didn't want to let go. It was a long tapestry she wanted to unravel and learn about, but not one she wanted to snap or break. "I suppose we're similar on that front..." Esther said with a small smile. "I don't even know what love is. I mean. I know what it is, but again - the concept confuses me. I am a very emotional person. I am easily attached to people, I adore them, I adore my friends and family. I want to be around them, I want to hold and kiss them - but - most people would save that sort of thing for a spouse or partner right?" Esther shook her head. "I don't know."


  13. Esther frowned. Quickly retorting to Mari's grim outlook. "Well. Yes, but that's why we have trials. Mari..." Esther turned to Rin, she wasn't sure if she should be saying what she was about to say in front of Rin, but if anything - Mari would just storm off, Esther knew Mari wouldn't do anything to hurt them. "Mari... what kind of Jury would prosecute someone who was forced to kill their own daughter? Would you judge someone guilty of murder - if they were just protecting a group of children like you did? Yes...its...it's wron...Murder is so wrong...but...not everyone can be judged in just black and white..."

    Esther shuffled, the conversation had turned incredibly dark and serious. She should have expected as much, as this was Mari, but still. "Rin.." Esther murmured, so Mari couldn't hear the two talk. "I'm sorry. Maybe this wasn't a good idea...I just, I don't know - Mari doesn't seem to be in a good mood today." Esther gave Rin's hand a tight squeeze, stepping in closer to her. "We can still go material gathering."

  14. Name: Paralyse Water

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: Rank 1

    ID: 68432

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Paralyse Water: paralyses the drinker for one turn

    Description: A small vial of water, it has no scent and no taste. The vial has been stamped with the 'Black Adder' insignia. 

    Post Link: Here





    Name: Paralyse Water

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: Rank 1

    ID: 68433

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Paralyse Water: paralyses the drinker for one turn

    Description: A small vial of water, it has no scent and no taste. The vial has been stamped with the 'Black Adder' insignia. 

    Post Link: Here

  15. Attempt #1  ID:68432  CD: 11 = Rare
    Attempt #2  ID: 68433 CD: 10 = Uncommon 

    Addel had once again, accompanied Esther into the store. He paused, placing a large sign in the glass of her window - once again, it was the Black Adder insignia. This, did a number of things. One: It told everyone that this store, belonged to - and was a part of the Black Adder Guild. Two; it protected the store from other members of the guild, and three...it served as a warning. That this girl, was the property of the guild. 

    Addel turned on his heel, tugging Esther along behind him. Just like the day before. Addel sat down on the chair, and pulled Esther into his lap. His hands wrapped around her waist and tightly squeezed. "Put your disgusting fingers to good use, and make me some paralyse water. Two lots."

    Esther gave a small eep, blushing as Addel tightened his grip around her lithe flimsy dressed waist. "Y-yes. Of course." 

    Esther pulled out a few deathcap mushrooms, and finely minced them up, her face flushed. Hands shaky - it was proving difficult to concentrate with Addel's wandering hands. Still. Esther didn't complain. She'd do just as he wished. She wanted nothing more than to serve him, and to please him. Her mind awash with thoughts of him, and nothing else.  Esther finished mincing the death cap mushrooms and threw them into a boiling beaker of water. She continued to stir till they evaporated. It was a very simple recipe. She poured the solution into two separate vials. Carefully labelling them with neat handwriting. Then, she stamped them with the Black Adder stamp.

    "Good Girl." Addel crooned, pressing his lips to her neck. "Very good girl."

    Name: Paralyse Water

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    DescriptionA small vial of water, it has no scent and no taste. The vial has been stamped with the 'Black Adder' insignia. 

    Effect: Paralyses the user for 1 turn/post


  16. The enthralled woman peeled another grape, and placed it in Addel's mouth. He chewed, swallowed and signalled to her that he was done for now. Closing his eyes with a sigh. 

    "I like this..." Esther whispered softly, gently brushing Addel's hair out of his face. "You look so peaceful. You have such a glorious malicious grin Master...but I think, what I like most - is when your facial features soften, when you sleep." Esther was completely under the influence of the Black Adder potion. To her, Addel was the only person who mattered- the only person she needed to be around and converse with. Everyone else was beneath him, herself included. Still, even with all the physical and psychological abuse, even after being fed a toxic concoction of potion after potion - Esther managed to retain her kindness, her innocent words, her loving touches. Things, that, if she continued down this trapped, dangerous path - would no doubt fade away into the void of her subconsciousness.

    These things, did not go past Addel unnoticed. "Mmm? Is that so." He reached out, and tugged hard on her chain, forcing Esther to lean further over him. Her lilac hair spilled over her shoulders, creating a silken curtain that hid their faces from the rest of the world. "Since when did I give you permission to have such thoughts?" Addel was, for the lack of a better word - shocked, and concerned at her admission. He hadn't heard such kind words spoken to him in a very long time. Of course, Esther was his toy. She idolised him, she was entirely devoted to him. Just, the tone of her voice unnerved him. Perhaps it was time for another dose of the Black Adder Toxin.

    Esther blinked. "If Master wishes for me to not voice them, then I won't."

    Addel stared at her eyes, looking for any sign of free will, any sign of sarcasm or defiance. He saw none, her blank, glassy, half lidded eyes stared back at him. Waiting for his response. "It's fine." He roughly pushed her away, as he sat up, out of her lap. "I think it's almost time for your medicine." He muttered dryly. He had to nip the behaviour in the bud, so it wouldn't be an issue in the future. Dekkar warned Addel about multiple doses. But Addel wasn't one to care for warnings. It wouldn't affect him negatively, only her. He didn't care about her. Addel shifted so he sat on top of the large boulder they were leaning against. He firmly placed his feet on the floor, and motioned for Esther to kneel between his legs. "Here."

    Esther crawled between his legs, looking up at Addel with dazed, doe like eyes. "You're nothing - you know that?" Addel roughly grabbed her chin, tilting her head up, he leaned in. "You're a stain, and when I am done with you - I'll have you wander off the edge of Aincrad, perhaps I'll have you do it nude, like the wanton b**tch you are, and all the while - what will you say?" Addel asked, uncorking the vial of black, heinous liquid. Forcing it down her throat. Esther choked, coughed but obediently swallowed. She seemed to sway slightly, her eyes slowly opening and closing. "What do you say?"

    "Whatever you wish, Master." Esther responded with a groggy voice.

    Addel seemed pleased with the answer, he bought his foot down lightly on her head, forcing her to bow to him. "Get to the floor where you belong, you enjoy this don't you pet? Feeling my foot pressed against your trash head?" Addel was overcompensating now, Normally he wouldn't bother with such crass actions - but he wanted to literally stomp out whatever remained of her previous personality. Esther replied, her voice low. "The fact that masters foot graces the trash that is myself makes me very happy Master." Addel shifted his foot off her head. Crossing his arms he leaned back to see if any other player was watching. Seeing no one in the immediate area he continued.

    "Good. Now lick the dirt off my boot. It's dirty."

  17. Esther blinked when Lowenthal came to check on her. "O-oh...yeh...I'm fine It was you I was worried about." Esther turned her body fully toward him so she could peer into his eyes. "Mmm...you had your head in your hands before. I thought maybe you were getting a headache from all this battling. We've been at it a while now- and Whoa!" Esther stepped back, only to find her back against a tree trunk. The Nepent Variant flung Lowenthal to the side, "L..Lowe!" The Nepent hovered over her, big dollops of drool dripping from pursed lips. "Oh god....oh god that's disgusting...."

    Then, just before it had managed to wrap its tendrils around Esther, Lowenthal dashed forward pressing his dagger into its side. Such a simple action had almost wiped out the Nepent. Lowenthal had damage, his cheek grazed. "Oh..oh no...Lowe...." Esther felt a sudden pang of guilt tug at her chest, maybe it would've been best if they didn't take this quest. "I'll make it up to you...." she mumbled - watching as Lowenthal turned to take another swing at the variant. 

  18. Esther watched, as Lowenthal burried his face in his hands. A look of worry fell across her features. Was he ok? He seemed to be perfectly fine before, was this just him being frustrated, bored? Esther couldn't blame him. They had been out here for a few hours now - and he was constantly fighting, what was Esther doing? Playing around in the dirt...picking mushrooms and being an all around useless asset to the quest. She sighed, feeling guilty. 

    Whatever ailed Lowenthal, seemed to stop - as he swung at the last remaining Nepent, destroying it in a single strike. "Eh? OH!" Esther laughed awkwardly, realising she was staring. "Y-yeh. I'll be alright. I'll just keep trying to find materials...or something." Esther turned on her heel, and picked up the two ores she had already obtained. Placing them safely in her inventory. Next - she thought she'd try to pick some more of these mushrooms, mushrooms...Lycan said they were pretty versatile in potions right?  "Almost...." Esther tried to pick a mushroom, but once again, had accidently ripped off its cap. Leaving the stalk firmly in the ground. "Gosh Darnit."

    ID: 68427 LD: 2

  19. ID:68422  LD:16= success

    Esther continued to shuffle around in the dirt to see if she could find any other hidden gems. She wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty, and started digging deeper into the fresh earth. "Hah..." She pulled out what looked to be another piece of gold ore. "Hah...I must be channelling some super good luck here." She placed it to the side, next to the other glittering material. "I'll give these to Lowenthal. Hopefully that'll make up for this whole mess." Esther said to herself, as she dusted her hands off.

    She turned to see exactly how the youth was going. One of the nepents were falling, it came crashing down into a sea of data and pixelated hexagons. There was only one left - then - the nepent variant. Esther clasped her hands together, giving a silent prayer, hoping that they could finally finish this quest.

    2 Materials


  20. Esther turned to look up from her material gathering. Lowenthal looked like he was going through a mixture of boredom and frustration. She couldn't blame him. They were so close, so very close to finishing the quest - only...the gosh darn variant didn't drop the item they needed. Esther pursed her lips together in a pout. It was really very kind of him to help. Esther told herself she'd have to thank him somehow someday. For now, though... all she could do was rummage for materials, and if she were to find any - she may just give them to Lowenthal. "Hey!" Esther called out to Lowenthal. "IF we get this done soon, I'll give you a surprise!" Esther called out. Not realising the implications of her own words. Why would she? She was sweet, and seemingly innocent. To her, a surprise could mean anything.

    "Right!" She told herself as she turned to try and gather more materials. "I'll get him so many materials, he won't know what hit him." Esther rummaged through the pile of sticks and twigs, and pulled out a small, metallic ore. "Hah!" Luck was on her side today.

    ID: 68420 LD: 20

  21. Esther bit her lip. Turning away from Domarus as he started gushing, reassuring her with kind words. She wasn't used to being reciprocate of them. Sure, it was easy for her to say those things to others. But to hear them? Especially in her defeated state. Esther felt her gut wrench, like she wasn't sure if she deserved those words. Domarus was so kind to her, and she didn't entirely understand why.

    "Domarus...." Esther shrugged off his touch, standing - she turned to face him. Placing a hand firmly on each arm of the chair. "What am I to you? You say all these things, you give me all these comforting touches, and you say I'm your friend. Right? I'm not..." She averted her gaze, "I'm not exactly good with relationship stuff, I'm rather oblivious to it. I don't entirely understand the concept of devoting yourself entirely to one person...when you can simply love so many people...so it confuses me. Just...what am I to you?"


  22. Esther gave him a confused look when he started saying numbers, but her furrowed brows relaxed when he explained it. "O...ohh...close. 23." Esther took the potion from him and drank it. Coughing. "That's..surprisingly sweet." The empty vial shattered in her hand.  "It's not my first time drinking, I just...I don't drink to get drunk. At most I would have one or two. I never...saw the point in it..." She shook her head. "I just...last night really messed me up Domarus. Seeing someone you really care about twist into this angry person...having them press their boot to your head..." 

    Esther was able to talk about the incident a little easier, but it still bothered her. She lowered her head, wrapping her arms around her knees. Pulling the blanket over her shoulders. "Hangover wise...I don't have one...emotionally..." Esther trailed off, "I feel like trash." She finally admitted. She could see Domarus relaxing, stretching out in the chair, he asked her if she remembered much of last night. 

    "Most of it. I think. We talked, and you pulled me into the bed, and comforted me till I fell asleep, right?"

  23. "Oh?" Esther grinned. "Wouldn't it be funny if its the same person? If it is - please give her my thanks - and tell her I adore looking at her handiwork." Esther commented, she didn't see many blue haired players either - an for all she knew, they were the same person. What was more interesting however - was the tone of familiarity Arc used when he reffered to this blue haired player.

    Esther nodded. "Right. I'm glad. If you don't mind. Tomorrow, after I get back from my familiar quest. I would very much like to meet up, and we can find Lycan." She lowered her gaze. "Eheh. I wonder - if he'll like my choice of a familiar. I'm not 100% certain on what I want, but I know...I know what floor I want one from." Esther shook her head. She was babbling again. "S-sorry. Arc." She looked up at him one last time before they'd separate.

    "Thank you. For helping me, for being a good friend. I appreciate it."

    Esther held out her hand for him to shake - then - they'd part ways.

    She'd see him tomorrow.

    And they'd find Lycan

  24. It had been 3 days since the disappearance of Esther. Of Phoebe Harmon. 3 days since her friend list had been cleared and she had sent her last fevered messages to friends - warding them away from her, and 3 days since the existence of Esther - as Phoebe Harmon. Now, she was entirely and irrevocably the property of Addel. A member of an underground Alchemist guild known as the Black Adder.

    Addel wasn't planning on taking Esther out all too much. There was the risk of running into her former friends, and them reacting negatively. There was the concern of running into Lycan, or Arc - a little too soon for his plan to be fully set into motion. Still, Addel was a fickle man, and he enjoyed showing off his 'work' The two casually strolled through the town on the second floor. Addel in his usual, casual attire. Black dress pants, black shirt and a black hoodie. His blonde hair a toussled mess - one hand shoved in his pocket. The other pulled on the thick chain linked to Esther. "Come now pet, I want you to feed me by the lake." He tugged the chain, aggressively harder causing Esther to stumble forward. Esther didn't mind. She looked up at him with her dulled gaze and smiled. Reaching out to brush his hair away from his face. "Of course, Master."

    Addel pushed her forward, purely so he could watch her backside whilst she walked. "Heh." Her attire was loose, he hadn't changed her out of the wispy white material that wrapped around her waist, criss-crossing over her back to tightly cover her erogenous areas. Her collar was a thick, golden number- inscribed with the Black Adder insignia. Esther even wore the insignia on her arm. Permanently scared by a tattoo - until Allison - their artisan would deem fit to remove it. "My you are a treat pet."

    "Eh?" Esther turned to glance at Addel from over her shoulder. "I don't get it...." She shrugged, shifting her attention forward again as they left the town. "But- you're smiling. So I guess it doesn't matter."

    The two left the town, and Addel once again took the lead, not before giving her a good hard slap across the rump as he passed her lithe form. They neared a lake, and Addel signalled for Esther to sit. So she did, folding her legs up underneath her. "Good pet." Addel rubbed Esthers head, and Esther melted into the warmth of his hand. "Now, let's enjoy some fruit shall we?" He asked, positioning himself so his head rested in her lap. Esther lifted her hand, opening up her HUD -"Eh?"

    "What is it?"

    "I have more messages."

    Addel wrinkled his nose. "Don't look at them. Delete them." Esther nodded, and without checking any of them, she did just as he asked. She then pulled out a small bowl of grapes and strawberries from her inventory, and - as though they were intimate lovers - She began carefully peeling the grapes, popping them gently into his mouth. 

    Addel chewed slowly, "Ahh~ I love being me."

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