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Posts posted by Gambit

  1. The guy woke up, spinning around... and promptly slugging him in the face. Gambit barely flinched, like Yukiro had just punched a wall - and he was equally as emotional. Pain was a thing of the past, after all, so he looked more confused than injured as Yukiro frantically apologized. Gambit, equally as frantic, tried to explain the situation.

    "No, no, it's okay! It's okay! Look!" Gambit pointed to the tiny nick in his Health Bar. "You're actually super weak! I'm alright!" 

    Then, he glanced up, noting the boy's cursor. The green crystal hovering over the player's head darkened, vibrant green becoming a muddled orange. Gambit gestured upwards, towards Yukiro's head; it was the price to pay for an unprovoked attack on another player. "But the system doesn't think that. Looks like you're gonna be orange for a while, huh? Try not to go around punching people too much. That's like, not cool." 

    Then the two other girls spoke up, one of them introducing herself and her level. The other said they all looked weak, like newbies - which might have been true, if Gambit's rippling muscles hadn't practically been tearing at the seams of his shirt.

    Just kidding. 

    "I'm Gambit," he said happily, accepting the party invite. "And oh, jeez, this really is like the start of a Young Adult novel, huh?" The teen grinned. "Little do we know, the big bad is lurking just around the corner... watching us." 

    Not funny. He waved a hand, dismissing the thought. "Anyway. Nice to meet you all!"


  2. Gambit had been playing it safe for a while now. 

    For two years, actually. But it was boring now, and charity work was getting kind of old. It was all too obvious that the frontlines were grinding to a stop, and it was even more obvious that they wouldn't be going anywhere any time soon; which was, for lack of a better word, unfortunate. Gambit had left the first floor, putting the orphaned kids behind him for now to go and see what all the hold up was. 

    The only problem was that he wasn't exactly sure who was a frontliner and who wasn't. See, Gambit had quite literally been living under a rock - but that's an explanation for another time. 

    Needless to say, the Third Floor was a bit dangerous for someone like him. But he traveled alone. He'd saved up enough col for armor that could protect him for the first couple of floors, and this one was no exception. Gambit was not a fighter by any means, but that was just as well and good. He had no intention to fight. 

    It was after a while of traveling that he slowed to a stop. A sunny clearing - almost blindingly slow - and people gathered all around. 

    "Well," Gambit proclaimed, "isn't this convenient!" 

    He gestured to the people gathered, spreading his arms wide, a wide smile on his face. 

    "It's like we're book protagonists, and we all just happened to stumble across each other in the prologue! Isn't this great?" 

    The boy paused, looking between the two players collapsed on the floor. One on top of a rock, the other... sleeping, he hoped. Gambit thought for a moment before waddling over to the one the girl with the potion was behind. Gambit crouched beside her with a sigh. "Well, you can't really fulfill your destiny if you're schlumpt like this. Psh psh, take this healing. For you." 

    Gambit would sort of rub his glowing healing hands all over the player's face, smooshing their cheeks and squishing their face. 

  3. WHAM! Gambit's fist landed hard, producing a noise that worried Gambit more for his fist then for the rock's durability. "Jesus!" Gambit exclaims, checking his fist, finding tiny pixelated scratches on his knuckles. It hadn't effected his HP bar, so he assumed it was just what happens if you repeatedly slam your fist into a rock. Not too different from real life, except in reall life it would have hurt a lot worse. He took a step back from the rock, happy he was determined enough to keep going, and happy with his luck so far. Before going back to the rock for another swing, he stole a glance at the sun, which from the colors in the sky he guessed was setting. "One day I'll watch that sunset from a nicer view," he muttered, looking back to the rock. "Back to business!"

    ID#: 73747

    Battle: 9 [Critical Success] (+1 DMG)

    Rock: 47/50 (-2)

  4. This time, Gambit's punch landed, doing damage to the rock. "Woohoo!" he yelled, throwing his fists in the air. There wasn't any noticeable damage done to the rock, and he certainly had his work cut out for him if he meant to break the rock, but he was excited nonetheless. He decided that after he got the Martial Arts skill he would try out fighting against a live opponent. It was a stretch from what he was used to, seeing as he had spent a considerable amount of time hiding in the starting city, but he felt it was necessary if he was going to grow as a player. "Alright, Johnny boy," he says, patting the rock, " let's do this one more time." He stepped back, fist raised, wondering if he'll be able to land another punch on the massive boulder.

    ID # 73746

    Battle: 6 [Hit] 

    Rock: 49/50 (-1)

  5. Gambit threw a punch at the Boulder, yelling "Mama rock me!" much louder then necessary for one in the mountains..

    ID#: 73173 

    Battle: 2 (Fail) 

    Rock: 50/50 (-0)

    And his fist slid off to the side of the rock, doing nothing to the rock itself but leaving Gambit embarrassed, despite nobody being around to witness his failure. 
    He checks his fist for any marks, but finds none. He suddenly became interested if he could potentially hurt himself while punching the rock, and decided that he would probably find out soon enough.
    He stands straight and brushes his pants off, checking the area to make sure nobody was watching. After confirming that nobody was around, he turns back to the Boulder. "Our relationship isn't going to be a good one, is it?" He pats the rock before taking a step back, mentally preparing himself for another failure.
    "One more time," he says, and winds up another punch.


  6. Gambit had heard people talking about a quest that grants the Martial Arts skill for those who are able to break a boulder with their fists. He figured if he could destroy the boulder he would be getting both an extra skill and a better understanding of how the game's combat system functions. He hadn't fought any boars yet for fear of dying to one, and his greatest fear so far was being the guy that got killed by a mob the equivalent of a Slime in any other RPG. This fear held him back from leveling up, he knew, so he thought that a boulder would make the perfect opponent for him. Finding the rumored hut that the quest giver lived in was easy, though the climb up the mountain itself was tiring. An NPC jumped out and painted whiskers on his face, telling him he couldn't remove it until he destroyed the rock using his fists. "It's huge," Gambit said aloud, suddenly doubting his ability to even put a crack in the rock. He sighed, rolled his head, and stepped up to the rock, knowing he would have to get this done sooner or later if he didn't want to face actual enemies. "Let's get er done," he says, cracking his knuckles as he prepares to throw a punch.

  7. Gambit nodded, acknowledging his stature. He didn't know much about guilds, but @Beatbox seemed to be quite experienced if he was that high up. He was also impressed by the confidence with which he spoke and held himself, a trait many aren't able to boast. He was surprised then when a fox poked it's head from around Beatbox's neck, sniffing at Gambit. Chuckling, he pointed at the fox and said "I don't know exactly what it's capable of, but I'm sure it could kill me if it felt like it." He looked back to Beatbox now, nervous laughter and all, not sure whether to be worried or interested in the small fox. "But yeah, I was just going to try to take out a few boars, preferably not dying in the process. Never going to catch up if I can't do that." He touched the pommel of his sword, looking warily upon the mobs wandering the fields.

  8. He was walking through the fields, trying to decide which boar he was going to go after, when he heard a voice close by. Upon hearing the voice, Gambit wheeled around to face the source, his sword raised upwards quite awkwardly. Gambit quickly located the source, a blonde youth leaning on a tree behind him. He stared at the man for a few seconds, trying to get a quick read on him. He was briefly uncertain whether or not he could be trusted, but decided that he seemed friendly enough. Lowering his sword and breaking into a sheepish grin, he replied "Actually, I was one of those players for quite some time," He says, sheathing his sword. He wouldn't need it at the moment. "I have a bit of catching up to do, huh?". He glanced at the vast amount of boars roaming the fields, scratching the back of his head. Then, looking back at @Beatbox, he offers his hand. Smiling, he adds, "Name's Gambit, by the way."

  9. Gambit scrolled through his inventory, and equipped the starter sword he hadn't examined prior. Before he knew the game was a death trap, he had been very excited. In fact, as soon as he had joined, he had immediately started exploring the starting city. He was taken by the amazing features and graphics of the game. However, when the announcement was made, Gambit ended up letting himself aimlessly wander the starting city while others moved on to fighting, too afraid to take the risk of dying. For the longest time he didn't consider leaving the city, but when he started to see guilds of players determined to beat the game, he became aware of the cowardice in his decision. That brings him to the present, where he's now somewhat motivated to make something of himself. "And if you die, at least it can't be said you didn't try," he muttered to himself, before unsheathing his sword and stepping further into the fields of Floor 1.

  10. SP LOG:


    +5 Starting SP
    {PP-F3} Blooming Trust ~ +2 SP 
    {EV-F1} An Unexpected Affair ~ +2 SP 

    Total SP: 9
    Spent: 5
    Remaining: 4 

    Refund/SP Spent History: 
    +5 SP: OHSS Refund 
    -5 SP: First Aid - Rank 1 




    Level: 4
    Health: 80 | Energy: 8
    DMG: 1 | MIT: 27 | THRN: 18 
    Combat Skills:
    ►<<First Aid>> [5/50]: Rank 1 - Novice 
    Weapon Skills:
    Armor Skills:
    Extra Skills:
    Utility Skills:
    »[Equipped] [Perfect] Ranger's Harness: +3 MIT (+27) 
    »[Equipped] [Perfect] Rounded Retort: +2 Thorns, +1 Regen 
    »[Equipped] [Perfect] Thinkin' Cap: +3 LD 
    Battle Ready: 
    » N/A


  11. Profile
    Username: Gambit 
    Real Name: Kiya Tanjiro 
    Age: 16 (14 at start) 
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'7" 

    About: History/Personality

    Until recently, Kiya Tanjiro lived a sheltered upbringing. His parents were neat freaks; orderly and practical, and they were loathe to let their first and only son go out and about to mingle with anyone in the real world. They were below him - below Kiya's status, and it was unseemly to be seen with people not apart of the higher echelon of society. 
    Without any true friends to call his own, Kiya turned to his books and his games. They were supplied to him by his family's maids and butlers semi-annually. He was given only the best while his mother and father were away on business trips. 
    His imagination ran wild. He rebelled, he was promptly scolded; he tried living up to his family's expectations, he was corrected and told to do better. Eventually, Kiya grew weary of his parent's restrictions and started looking elsewhere. Instead of sneaking out, though, he bided his time; he was getting older, and soon, legally, he would be allowed to leave if he wanted. For now, he was content with the wait. 
    It was when the new package of goodies came in that Kiya was introduced to Sword Art Online for the first time. He would have no way of knowing what was in store for him. 


    Upbeat: Always quick to smile in the face of adversity, there's not much that Gambit lets get him down. With a deceptively quick wit and a dorky smile to boot, Gambit might very well be one of the most obnoxiously excitable people you'll ever meet. He doesn't have a filter, either - he'll run his mouth like a leaky faucet, whether he's in good company or not. 

    Optimistic: It would be wrong to say that Gambit sees the world through rose tinted glasses. Rather, he prides himself on his ability to see the brighter side of life. In the end, the good times always outweigh the bad; all you can really do is push through it all with a smile on your face. 

    Sympathetic: At risk of sounding cliche, Gambit has a heart of gold. He is kind to a fault, and that shines through in the best and worst of times. Growing up sheltered like he had has left him hungry for emotional interaction; and he seeks out the happiness in all people. He has a knack for being able to put himself in someone else's shoes, and he utilizes that almost subconsciously to the best of his ability. 


    Naive:  Living such a sheltered upbringing has affected Gambit as a person. He is naive: he trusts people he shouldn't, aiming to make friends and please people over sussing them out and learning whether they should be trusted in the first place. It's in his nature. He lacks what can be easily defined as common sense in most cases, and a brain in some others. 

    Sensitive: He has a good heart - though some people might say it's because he's childish. While this sensitivity has made it easier for him to empathize with people, it has also left him wide open for taking others' criticism; whether he shows it or not, it will likely have some sort of effect on him. This isn't to say he lets this rule him. He's his own person, with his own beliefs and ideals, and he won't be so easily shot down by people only aiming to hurt. 

    Weak: Gambit is not, and likely will never be much of a fighter. It's not that he's incapable - most everyone in the game is capable to some degree - it's that Gambit is almost comedically bad at it. You'll never meet someone who's survived as long as he had this horrible at fighting. Long, awkward lapses and boring, drawn-out moments of hesitation in the heat of battle that last much too longer than they should spell out nearly certain doom for someone fighting day in and day out for survival. This lack of confrontational drive can often translate to other things as well - his social life, for one. Yikes. 


    » First Aid - Rank 1 - Unskilled



    Weapon skills:

    » Starting Plate - T1 - Heavy Armor (Starting Package) 
        -> +1 Thorns, +1 Regen 

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