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Posts posted by Eatos

  1. The walk back to the town with Angel at her side had, honestly, been peaceful. It had, in so many ways, just reminded the girl of back home. It was something she missed, but Sword Art Online had, in many odd ways, become like home. It was far from standard, but she wasn’t scared for her life constantly anymore, so there was that?

    Arriving up on the 9th floor, something in Eatos’ heard flinched. She knew this floor, she’d been her once before and it was far from a pleasant memory. She let out a sad sigh, it seemed, her life of late, was nothing but memories that haunted her. Why would here by any different? The weather, sucked, but thankfully, despite the heat, the girl managed to keep herself under control. She felt the Husky at her side whine, but she’d live.

    Finding Stryder, and Hei with him, wasn’t too hard and the girl came up behind them. She heard Hei speak, but said nothing. She knew the answer, after all, she’d been there when they’d found the wolf. Instead, she simply took a look around incase anyone else was invited.

  2. Stryder made an, honestly, an annoying good point to a certain extend. It was true that their guild did not have a single member capable to moving to the front lines, not did she want them too. As Stryder said, only three members of the guild were mentally prepared and even then. It was a slight annoyance, and the girl stanced to pace, her Katana placed on her hip as the battle vanished in her mind.

    It took several moments, but it finally clicked. Accessing her private notes, she flicked through them. It was a mimic on the storage system Silver used, but she’d added her own little twist to it.

    “We don’t have to supply them with combat, outside of maybe a healer or two. We have a wide viariety of stores, we can offer them supplies at a discounted rate in exchange. Compensationated, which I would have to discuss with them, but I can handle that” The girls ambers eyes flared up with confidence “I may not have the killer instincts of my parents, but I know a shot when I see it”

    Caught up inher mental game, the girl hadn’t actually taken a swing at the monster they were looting for its gold, although, in part, she questioned why bother. Her damage was barely scrapping into the double didgets…

  3. Eatos wasn’t looking for sympathy dammit. She hated it, hated hw everyone told her they knew how it felt, or stating obvious information such as she was a healer in this game. Like she didn’t already know that. She had become a healer, in part, for that entire purpose. That was part of the reason!  

    “Stryder, don’t pull the wool over my eyes” she said, looking up and giving him a weak glare “I know that here, I’m not doing much. I’m not near the front lines where I could be saving everyone, and I’m just too scared to go anywhere near them. My store isn’t all that, and my healing ability is sub-par at best” She couldn’t stand being treated like a kid, not after Silver helped her recover…

    Stryers last question cut through her, and she couldn’t help but flinch from it. In part, she could say what the judge said. That she had no idea what was going on because of the drugs in her system but that was a lie. She knew, all too damn well, what had been happening, she had just closed her eyes to reality.

    “Because…it just happened. At first, it was just, lie to the cops and say I was with you. That went on for, months. Then it was ‘come out with me’, and I watched him kill. After that, it was helping him get them in place…” The girl took a deep breath “I can’t explain why it happened, the doctors said I was drugged up or something, but it was two years. No way he drugged me for two years…b-because, I remember it all, every single detail…”

  4. Eatos was at Frostbite Lake, down on her 4th floor, singing at the lake. It was a pastime the girl adored, it was just something she loved doing. Singing had always calmed her down, and of late, she had felt nervious. To finally escape and sing, and even spin in the snow as she did, had flooded her system with relief. Even Angel seemed to sense it and was simply sitting and watching her.

    Of course, that’s when she heard the message noise. She slowly opened it, and frowned. After the discussion Stryder and her had, she was a tad surprised to receive something this soon. Then again..a..The girl smiled. Stryder, that young boy, was really looking out for her. Part of her knew she didn’t deserve it, but she pushed that thought away.

    I’ll be there, I’m out at the lake so give me time’ The reply was simple, yet true. Even though she knew everyone throught she never left her bed.

    The girl started to walk, Angel at her side. It felt, just so natural now. Whenever the bluenette went, that overprotective husky was by her side. Glancing at it as she casually walked through the snow wearing her black suit, she found it impossible not to smile. In a weird, weird, way. Sword Art Online wasn’t her home, wasn’t her real world. But it was close enough.  

  5. If Eatos was honest, she couldn’t imagine being allergic to dogs. She adored them too much, had spent her entire life with them. To never be able to spend time with them, it would have been impossible. Eatos stroked her familiars head, the husky making a howling-like noise which made the girl laugh slightly.

    She listened to Tsu explain why her tongue was the way it was, and Eatos was very very taken aback. People that were willingly used to test hybrid dna?! She’d heard rumours, but who hadn’t? Onlike, people were always saying that a government had tested this or approved. She didn’t expect any of those stories to actually be true, yet here, sitting next to her, was a living breathing example.

    “I was just curious was all Tsu. Naturally, I saw it and couldn’t help but wonder, but I didn’t want to ask at first. Partly because I feel like everyone asks, and partly because, well, it shouldn’t matter. You’re still you, tongue or not” The girl was mostly speaking to Tsu, although she felt part of what she’d said could easily be aimed at herself. “Other than that, not really I suppose. It’s not really my place to pry…”

  6. Katherine Williams couldn’t, honestly, believe it. Silver, her best friend, was standing against her. Back in the days, she used to hide behind him when people accused her of murder, threw rocks at her. Now, she drew her Katana and stood against him.

    No, this wasn’t her friend, this was a demon wearing his face. A demon of Pride, her own selfish Pride at how much she needed him. Despite holding the weapon, her mind remained focused and clear. Pride would not be her downfall. Even with the face of her friend, even standing before her, with his mixed eyes and unarmed, she had to do this.

    The demon charged first, and took a swing. But she knew how her friend fought, she’d watched him many times. And his demon, in an attempt to be Thorsten, attacked like him. An open palm aimed for her face. Eatos dodged out the way, and swung her Katana with two quick blows, and the demon let out a cry of pain.

    “I know why you hate me, I know that I was weak. That I needed protection and I took advantage of you Silver” She said. She knew it wasn’t him, but this, of all times, was the time she could be honest with him “I needed you, more than you ever needed me! I asked for everything…and never, not once, have you asked someone from me…”



    Eatos: 400/400 HP | 38/40 EN | 7 DMG | 3 EVA | 3 ACC | 9 MIT 

    ID: 96625

    BD: 5(+3)=8 <Hit>

    Sword Art: Han'ie <EN2> (2)7= 12 dmg

    Pride Demon <Silver/Thorsten>: 88/100 HP | 4 DMG | 2 MIT 

    ID: 96626

    MD: 7(-3)=4 <Miss>

  7. Eatos wasn’t sure how Stryder would react if she was honest. She knew his opinion of player killers, they had discussed as much when setting up the guild and its approach to player killers and such.  All that time, she had kept it buried within her. She kept her focus on Angel, holding the familiar that was still her life line back to the real world. She hadn’t expected Stryder to hold her, and after a short bit, she tried to shrug him off. She had never liked hugs, too personal.

    “You’re wrong” she said instantly to Stryder as he finished his piece. It was an all-too familiar piece she’d heard from every therapist she spoke to “I had my own life, before and during him, I was independent…” She took a deep breath, but his final comment received a glare, a violent one “That’s Why he picked me. He knew, somehow, he knew…I’m good at lying, good at keeping emotions in. Good at….killing. Over those years Stryder, he killed over a hundred people…and I..I killed 32”

    Within her trial, there were three things that allowed Katherine Williams the non-guilty verdict. The first was evidence, while there was plenty of evidence on Adam Tains, there was no hard evidence saying she had ever killed (Despite her full testimony that was never released). The second was her information, but giving the police everything, evidence and a testimony, she was given a free pass by the legal system. And the third…was her own body. Police had found her body loaded with drugs, too many for the girl to remember. In the trial, the judge had said they made her ‘easy to control’ and ‘submissive’, and she was not accountable for her actions during her drugging. But the third she hated, hated the idea that she wasn’t herself.

    “When I hold a blade here…o-or even a knife back home. I can’t help but have…flashbacks, to the alley ways where we…we used to kill” The girl look a deep breath and forced, yet another, image back “It’s why I’m a healer, why I make armour. Because of me, Stryder. Over a hundred people are dead…”

  8. It did make sense given Tsu unique appearance that the girl would make a kin-ship with frogs. They both had a certain property. Namely, the tongue. That and the occasionally ribbiting. Part of the girl wanted to ask about it, since she had never seen, or heard, anything about it before in her life and, well, curiosity killed the cat. Despite that fact that satisfaction brought it back.

    The bluenetter sat beside Tsu, with Angel lying down next to her owner and resting her head on her lap. Eatos reached out and slowly, lazily, pet her familiar. “I know what you mean, sorta. For me, growing up, I always had a dog. My first one was a German Shepard, a former attack dog. My parents got him to look after me, and he was the biggest sweetheart. He refused to sleep outside of my room…” The girl started laughing and smiling brightly at the memories of her pets “Tsu, I’ve been meaning to ask. Your tongue is, well, I’ve never seen anything like it before” 

  9. Having taken too long of a break, the girl got back on the forge. The items were simple. Fae had a dagger she wanted, and Hei needed his gear 'upgraded'. Upgraded, in this context, wasn't simply updating them. She loved the weapon she made for Hei, Gae Bulg, the Infamous Spear of Pain. It was a weapon whose history was coaxed in blood. This new one, well, it wouldn't be like that. The design was less gaelic, and more roman and greek in design. 

    At the end of it all, it wasn't the best. She had @Fae order complete, a fact she messaged the girl about. It had taken her long enough...As for Hei, she was...well, half done. She had the weapon, she just needed a few items to pick it up. As for the armour, another problem...for another day. The girl let out a yawn, and went into the back room to take a nap. 


    Name: Trishula

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    Roll ID: 96529

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: One Handed Assault Spear

    Tier: T2

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Damage (2 Slots)

    Description: An ancient looking trident, made of bronze and the essence of a god. One says that the user of this weapon can form water to his will.

    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15168-floor-4-rank-6-a-heroes-infinite-arsenal/?do=findComment&comment=541505

    Payment Method: <Combination (5 mats, 500 col) >


    NameGale Strife

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    Roll ID: 96529

    Roll: 6

    Item Type: One Handed Assault Spear

    Tier: T2

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 Accuracy

    Description: A Golden Lance with runes etched throughout the weapon, uniting at the tip of the weapon.

    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15168-floor-4-rank-6-a-heroes-infinite-arsenal/?do=findComment&comment=541505


    NameWo Dao+

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    Roll ID: 96527

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: 1H Dagger
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Bleed, Bleed, Accuracy

    Description: A blood red short blade designed to puncture and cut skin

    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15168-floor-4-rank-6-a-heroes-infinite-arsenal/?do=findComment&comment=541505

    Payment Method: 700 Col



    Daily Attempt 1: 1EXP 

    Type: Tier 1 Dagger  Roll: 96526  

    Craft:  5 (Salvage)

    LD: 7 (+3LD) = 10 (Material Lost)

    Daily Attempt 2: 8EXP 

    Type: Tier 1 Dagger  Roll: 96527  

    Craft:  12 (Perfect)

    Daily Attempt 3: 1EXP 

    Type: Tier 2 One-Handed Assault Spear  Roll: 96528  

    Craft: 5 (Salvage)

    LD: 4 (+3LD) = 7 (Material Lost)

    Daily Attempt 4: 3EXP 

    Type: Tier 2 One-Handed Assault Spear Roll: 96529  

    Craft:  6 (Uncommon)

    Daily Attempt 5: 1EXP 

    Type: Tier 1 One-Handed Assault Spear  Roll: 96530 

    Craft:  4 (Salvage)

    LD: 12 (+3LD) = 15 (1 Material Recovered)

    Daily Attempt 6: 5EXP 

    Type: One-Handed Assault Spear  Roll: 98531  

    Craft:  10 (Rare)

    Daily Attempt 7: 1EXP 

    Type: Tier 1 One-Handed Assault Spear  Roll: 96533  

    Craft:  1 (Failure)

     EXP: 20

    Used: 2 T1, 4 T2


  10. Animals, as well as humans, had a fear of the dark. Eatos knew why, after all, her studies before this game caught her, taught her plenty about people and how they worked. Seeing Angel, even as a big Husky, being fearful. It was somewhat painful to watch, given how much she adored the familiar. But, she would look after it.

    The army of frogs that met them caught Eatos very much by surprise, and the girl paused. Frogs were far from her favorite animal, she knew she much preferred the company of canine animals. They just seemed to, well, get along with her better. It wasn’t that she disliked frogs, she just wasn’t a huge fan of them.

    “I’ll admit, I know…well, next to nothing about frogs. They, well, back home, I don’t think I ever actually saw a frog…” It was for, in part, she spent a lot of her time indoors with books and her pet. Why would she go outside when she had all she wanted indoors?

  11. As they went into the cave, Angels growling became louder. Indeed, the familiar disliked caves. Ironically, Angel hated the dark, a fact Eatos found out when she turned her furnace off only for the familiar to freak out. Eatos glanced backwards and petted the familiar. She used to pick up Angel when she freaked out, but the husky was far too large to do that now. "She gets nervous when she can't see, so caves and the such without my light get to her..." The girl followed Tsu in, and Angel had no choice if she wanted to keep her human safe, following in aswell. 

    Tsu, and herself, couldn't be more different in that aspect of floors. Floor 16 had a beach? That sounded, well, not enjoyable. She wasn't a fan of beached, hot weather and her never had gotten along so... "Given your enjoyment on nature, i'm sure the beach is great. I'll admit, me and the beach are just...well, i'm not a fan of hot weather so i avoid it where i can, you know?" The girl looked around the cave, and wouldn't lie, a small sense of claustrophobia kicked her in the chest. but despite that, her heart, and face, remained peacefully calm. 

  12.  “S-silver…” She reached out, but her friend took a step away from her. What had she done wrong? Whenever she had needed him, he’d been there to look after her. He knew her sin, and had always been there for her…

    “That’s what you expect, isn’t it? For me to be there every single time you need me, for me to drop everything to look after some girl that doesn’t even love me” His words came out as harsh and Eatos flinched. Did he, really think that? Was this the same boy who had given up so much all for her? But he wasn’t done and took an aggressive step forwards “I moved away from my family, gave up the family life I had, all for you! To look after you, and here you are now, you haven’t changed a bit. Even after everything I’ve given you!”

    Eatos took a shaky breath and shook her head. This wasn’t Silver, and she knew it. There was an easy way to prove it. Love. In her way, she did love him. Loved him for his kindness, love him for the fact he had done so much for her and had never asked her for anything in return. She’d been selfish with him, and for that, she wouldn’t forgive herself. But he wouldn’t hate her like this.

    “You’re wrong, I have changed. You did so much for me Silver, and that, I will never take away from the fact you saved my life so many times. But y…he, did it out of kindness. He saw how lost I was and came to me” The girl grabbed her Katana, and took a deep breath. She could handle this, she could keep calm “You are my Sin, Silver. When I was weak, I needed use and I used you, I made you give up so much. My Pride refused to let me see what you gave up at the time, but no longer…”


    Eatos: 400/400 HP | 40/40 EN | 7 DMG | 3 EVA | 3 ACC | 9 MIT 

    Pride Demon <Silver/Thorsten>: 100/100 HP | 4 DMG | 2 MIT 


  13. Eatos was sitting in the shade, with her familiar nowhere in sight and was wearing her combat gear, namely because her other clothes was a suit which would be too hot. So her jacket, which flapped in the wind, would just have to do.

    The other girl arrived and Eatos stood up to meet them, and she did notice the other girl was wearing, black armour. The poor thing, why would she do this to herself? Black in heat, well, its her call at the end of the day.

    “Heya. I say lets get started as soon as possible, because I can’t stand this weather. Back home, it was nice and cool, ice and just, pleasant. This floor, is everything I despise…” The girl looked up, and slowly, walked out of the shade she’d been hiding in and prompted Saphira to head towards the route she knew was where the quest was “I don’t think, well, that we’ve chatted at all, really…you know, since you joined the guild..”  

  14. There was no escape, and even telling Stryder wouldn't absole her of what she had done in the past, what her sin was. It was a burden that she would bear until death came to claim her, or worse. But, he was right. It was affecting her in a negative manner, and if he knew, he could help her. Ensure she wasn't placed into situations her flashbacks would trigger, keep her away from danger when not needed. Of all the people, Stryder wouldn't understand it. But he could comprehend what occurred...His words may not be enough, but they were all she had. 

    "When, i was 16, i committed my first major sin...I, was with someone, my boyfriend at the time. He...well, he was a sociopath they said afterwards, incapable of feeling proper emotion. And me, well, i had part of that in me, a detachment. My heart, usually, never changes it pace unless i'm running. They said, afterwards that...." She cut herself off, had too. She took a deep breath and cuddled Angel tightly "For two years, i dated a Serial Killer a-and i....I helped him. I lied to the cops, i was his alibi. A-and later on, i...." She shut her eyes tight, refusing to look at Stryder "I killed people for him....several, he gave me the knife and i...did what he said"  


  15. Eatos let out a sigh of relief. It appeared pin would keep it to himself, and that was all that mattered. She needed to find a way to solve her issues, to hold her Katana, or any weapon, without panic consuming her and finding herself back in the alley. 

    "I really appreciate it Pin. The others don't need to know, a-and, well, the less know the better" If any of them asked what caused the break, well, she didn't have the answer for that. She wouldn't tell them the truth, that she was having flashbacks to a time where she had committed her ultimate sin. If any of them knew, they'd, well...It was her burden, the sin that she, and she alone, should bear. She placed her weapon away within her inventory, not risking to have it on herself than she absolutely had to.

    "...D-do you wanna rest at mine for a bit? I've got a couch you can rest on, and i think i have some food if you're hungry..."

  16. The narrow path had Eatos glancing back at Angel, she didn't want the familiar to do anything silly so the girl kept a low-pitched whistle. Angel had learnt a few things, and this whistle meant to stay close and no playing around. Watching around with her blue eyes, the Husky familiar's tail had slowed down as there was less fun. The cave apeparing put the familiar on alert, and a soft growl emerged from its throat.

    Eatos smiled at Tsu, but said nothing. The bad dreams she'd been having wouldn't normally plague her. Except that they were far from just your average dreams...far worse. She took a deep breath, she could worry about her sin later. For now, she had other things to focus on. 

    "I think, that figuring it out as you go, is for the best. When i went to find my familiar, i had no idea what i wanted. Then Angel, well, she found me" It had been rather amusing, she'd be telling Atzo about her past then Angel had come up from behind her and climbed into her lap. Angel had chosen her, she didn't chose her familiar. It seemed too perfect sometimes.

    "My favorite floor? W-well...It's either the 4th, or the 17th. 4th, which i'm sure you know, is the ice floor. It just reminds me of home so much that, well, i can't not love it. As for the 17th, it's a floor based on ancient Greece. As...well, as a history teacher in training, it's everything i was hoping for..."  

  17. Eatos let out a sigh, but she couldn’t even argue against it. She had been, different on late. More emotional, less calm. It was all the nightmares fault, keeping her awake. When she closed her eyes, she’d find herself in that alley way, knife in hand, blood painted on her like a sick joke.

    She looked over at Stryder as he sat down near her, he wanted to know? She glanced at the ground as she felt Angel walk up to her and lie down, resting her head on Eatos’ lap. Unable to not, she began stroking the huskies head.

    “I’m sorry Stryder. But there are just, some things, that should be kept under wraps..” She looked down at her familiar. Under wraps, yeah…Like she was being successful in suppressing the memories the past month. She let out a sigh “Stryder, I want an oath. A contract, that if I tell you. No one, and I mean no one, finds out the truth about me….” The more despicable of truths… "If you do that for me...I'll tell you, i'll tell you my sin..."

  18. Was something bothering her? Yes, and it had been for weeks now. Was she going to tell Froppy/Tsu? No chance in hell. It wasn't her desire to be rude, but rather, there were something things that are always left unsaid, and in this case, it would be best if the truth never met the light of day. Even if the doctors had said she'd been drugged beyond belief, it had still been her hands that held the knife...

    "I've just been having some poor dreams is all" She said calmly to the girl as she followed her "Some rough sleeps, nothing too bad" After all, the best lies were those with the truth buried within. Eatos didn't know how to confront her demons, just how to run from them.

    Hearing the other girl say the path was narrowing, Eatos whistled once loudly. Angel was by her side within second, and kept a step behind her master. Eatos knew her familiar had a tendency to roam around, and Angel loved the snow, but HATED getting wet. A moody Husky was one thing, a mood wet husky, was something even worse. "You seem to know this area quite well, you make this trip a lot i presume?"


  19. The girl didn't bother trying to stand up, she knew her legs wouldn't take her yet. "Please Pin, just...keep this to yourself. I don't need anyone to...baby me, i'll handle this" She said. Did she expect him to talk, yes. She knew her mental break was far from normal, but there was nothing she could do about it. She woudln't tell him why, it was her burden to beat. She shook her head at Pinball, and whislted with Angel coming to her side. She used the familiar to help lift herself up.

    "Its...back in the real world, Pin. I made some bad decisions, a lot actually. But there are a few things you never forget, and aren't forgivable. I'm not going to share my burden, but just..." She let out a sigh as she tried to reel back in all the emotion that had exploded out of her. "I'll be fine, and please. Just keep this to yourself, i'll handle it. I always have..."She wasn't sure what else to say. She wouldn't have him knowing, couldn't. She was a leader of a guild that dispised Player Killing. How would they react upon learning that one of the leaders had done one worse than kill in game? 

  20. Angel sniffed around Froppy, going around her two to three times before barking loudly back at Eatos. Angel had established this person as not a threat, and the Husky, now happy her owner was safe, sniffed around the area and went exploring a little, keeping a close proximity to her owner in case the other person was a threat.

    Eatos smiled as the familiar declared Tsu 'friendly'. She'd never seen her familiar actually attack someone outright, but she always had to 'check' someone. The blacksmith walked up to Tsu, smiling warmly "She's been like that since forever. She'll warm up quickly, and, well...She's something" The girl followed Tsu, after all, she had no idea where frogs were. She wasnt' too surprised it was a frog, after all, the girl made a LOT of frog noises. It did confuse the girl, but she didn't question it. After all, Fae talked about herself in the third person. Maybe this was, yet another, coping style?

    "I'll follow you lead on this one Tsu. As for the food, well...i can't really say no to nuggets.." 

  21. Froppy. The girl had recently joined the guild and was wanting to spend time finding, a familiar? Eatos couldn't not find it amusing. Why, whenever someone wanted to find a familiar, did they come to her? Stryder had, Atzo had, Fae had and now Froppy was also. But, in a way, it was good. It would get her out of the store and out of her memories. Standing up, she sent a quick reply back to Froppy.

    'Sure thing! I'll see you up there'

    With her message sent, she put on her suit and placed her combat gear in her inventory. A quick whistle and it was off to the 10th floor. Well, it would have been quick, it she didn't have to deal with a moody familiar who wanted to be lazy!

    It look a lot longer than planned, but Eatos finally made it to the 10th floor and to Froopys store. She had to give the girl some credit, it was smart, making her store like she did. After all, it would sell. She spotted the other girl rather quickly, but walked up to her as Angel ran forwards up to Froppy. The large Husky stopped a small distance and started sniffing Froppy's test and legs.

    "S-sorry...Angel is just, very protective. Just let her sniff you and you'll be fine. She's, yeah...She's been like this for as long as i've known. Overally protective familiar.."

  22. The voice in her head kept talking, telling her to pick up the blade. Take the knife and stab them. Just this once, babe, for me. Please. It won't happen again, i made an error...

    The voice was right in her ear, it always was right ther. The girl, feeling herself able to move, collasped onto the ground and covered her head with her arms. The duel no longer existed in her mind, and Pinball was gone. It was just the voice, that one tormenting voice. With her eyes shut tight, Eatos heard a voice. If she were rational, she'd know it was her guild mate. But days of nightmares, hearing that voice over and over. She was far from sane and rational. 

    Suddenly, the girl stops moving and uncurls, looking up at Pinball. There were no tears in her eyes, but Pin didn't have to be a genuis to see there was genuine terror buried in her amber eyes. Her breathing had slowly started to slow down as she made no attempt to stand up. "..I...i'm sorry Pin. I just....Please, just, keep what happened to yourself...i..." She couldn't find the words to explain. How could she explain what had happened, why it happened. She knew, but gods, she hated it. "I...i do't think this is how a duel is meant to go, with us just...chatting. S-sorry, i'm not a good dueling partner..." Her mind was doing anything it could to move on, trying to act as if she hadn't had a mental breakdown mid-fight. 

  23. The girl opened her eyes, although, she had no idea where she was. Eatos tried to think back, but nothing. Her mind was simply a blur of wasted time. It was just empty and useless, just like herself. She blinked once, and frowned. A building had appeared before her and...

    The bluenette looked around and knew where she was. This was, her house. Not long after the incident where Silver looked after her, day in and day out. Protected her from people who would insult her, exile her. Even try and hurt her. He had kept her from going too far, from ending her own life, all those years ago. He'd done so much for her, and yet, she had never asked why. He'd never explained about his family, and in her selfishness, she had never asked. But why was she seeing it, why was she here?

    Slowly, she walked across the street and reached for the door handle. Behind her, she heard the clearing of a throat. She knew that noise, only a single person did that to get her attention when her back was turned. She spun around, and was met by the mis-coloured eyes of her best friend. Silver. But there was a look of disappointment on his face, and the girl couldn't not flinch. Had she...failed him?

  24. Eatos knew Pinball had a unique weapon, although, she wasn't there at the event so she wasn't sure HOW it was unique. All she knew was that she had to be careful, but she blinked and found herself back in the alley. She looked at her hand, once again, it was dripping red. In those few seconds, Eatos felt her heartbeat, which had remained a steady pace in the fight, nearly triple in an instant. She took a step back, and blinked again. It was gone! But, Pinball was right there swinging at her, and her Katana was lying on the ground where she'd dropped it when she'd found herself back in that alley. She had frozen for a few seconds, and now couldn't move, she tried but it was as if her body wasn't responding to what she was telling herself to do!

    For many moments, panic set in. It was all too familiar, a lack of feeling in her body, a blade and a target. She closed her eyes tight and tried to block the entire world out, even letting out a scream of "GET AWAY!" As the world around her melted away and she could hear a voice, not her own, in her head. She tried to move, but the Freeze effect negated her such as basic commodity and the fear she felt within her chest grew even worse. She could no longer hear Pinball, he had faded away entirely. She was muttering a single sentence, over and over and over, quietly under her breathe as she was frozen, eyes shut tight "Not again, oh god please not again" 

  25. Spoiler

    -At least two [2] Pages (21 or more posts)
    - The cargo must be found
    - Repeat completions will not reward the player with additional skill points.


    1. Survival: (Extra Skill) No Ranks. Passive. Effect: Increases the health you regenerate per post to 20 when out of combat. Survival also gives immunity to damage dealing environment effects.
    2. 1 Skill Point

    The 5th floor. There were not enough words to describe the hatred Eatos felt for the this stupid floor. It was nothing like her home on the 4th floor, where the cold breeze kissed you gently on the cheek when you stepped outside. This was like a sledgehammer hitting you across the face and then coming back for more! The girl was hiding in the shade of a nearby tavern, and looking at her messenger system. She had opted to leave Angel, her Husky behind. Namely because the familiar, much like herself, HATED this floor. She opted to let her dog stay safe from the weather.

    She opened the system and found the player she was looking for. Saphira. Eatos hadn't done much to chat to the girl, and she was part of 'her' section of the guild. It made sense that she should spend some time with her.

    'Hey Saphira. I figured, if you weren't doing anything, you might wanna come to the 5th floor and join me with the Traveler quest? If you're busy, that's all good. I just figured we could spend time together since we haven't really spoken much. Cheers, Eatos'. After sending the message, the girl took another long drink. This trip was going to suck...so much!


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