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Posts posted by Eatos

  1. "We're going....I know what i said yesterday but something came up. We'll still go to the lake, but tomorrow. We're going and that's final Angel! Now get off me!" Eatos had recieved the message from Fae and had replied that she would be there as soon as she could. However, that meant that Angel had gotten in an odd mood. She had promised her dog they'd go to the lake today, as Angel loved to play in the snow. But now with a change of plans, the Husky was lying on top of Eatos, keeping her 'trapped. Partly because the girl didn't have the heart to shove the fluffy familiar off of herself and cuddled up to it. After what was a 10 minute argument, Angel finally got off. 

    So nearly 15 minutes after having sent the message, Eatos finally arrived up on the 8th floor with a grumpy Angel,the Husky barking happily upon seeing Fae and jumping around the small girl. Eatos shook her head. He was always like this. Grumpy when going, then overally happy when he gets there. "I'm sorry that took me so long Fae. Angel there was, well, refusing to come. I promised him a trip to the lake so, the change of plans wasn't met with a lot of approval"

  2. Despite the fight still occuring, the bluenette was no longer in Sword Art Online. At least, not mentally. She had tried, oh so hard, to not go down the rabbit hole that existed within her mind. But holding a blade, fighting. It always brought her back there. To those alleys, to those fights...She shook her head, trying, and failing to push the images out of her mind. Ever since Silver, or Thorsten, had come back, it had been worse than ever. The shock of Sword Art Online had allowed her to forget, or at least, ignore, all the images that existed within her mind. It seemed, the more she fought, the more she found herself back within those places. Blood...

    She forced her eyes open, the darkness vanishing from her face, buried deep behind her amber eyes as she looked around. It seemed the fight, was over? She looked to see the wolves gone, and Stryder was petting the surviving wolfess. It seemed, finally, he had gotten himself a familiar. At her side, Angel stood. The large Husky seemed unaware of her mental absense, as did, hopefully, everyone else. 

    Eventually, the girl walked over to Stryder, but kept her distance. "It seems, finally, you're successful in finding yourself a familiar. Silver Aurora, hopefully she'll make you happy" Despite where her mind had been, and still was, she couldn't not smile as she glanced at the Husky at her side. This world, with a familiar, was one that you could still make yourself happy in.

  3. The fight turned quickly turned overwhelming in their favour as her amber eyes watched the battlefield change. She could hear her heartbeat within her chest, the worlds only constant if she was honest. One of the wolves fell to her blade, and the pack leader fell to Stryders hand. The fight, which had been a three on three, was now a one against three. The solo wolf was already dead, and if it was smart, i would have backed away. However, pride must be in the pack. This last wolf opted to continue the fight. Perhaps, it knew that Stryder would never let it live for what it had been doing. 

    The girl kept out of the argument discussion between Embers and Stryder. They both were right, in their own way. Ember lived life by the nature of the jungle, survival of the fittest. While Stryder believed in its direct opersite. Where you must protect every single life regardless of its use. As for her? Well, she wasn't too sure which side she stood. 

    The wolf was her target, and she made two quick cuts. Her damage wasn't a ton, but it was enough to take something away from its Health Bar. The girl was silent as she closed her eyes. This fighting, it reminded her of another time. She shook her head! She could dwell in her self-loathing later, she was in a fight. 



    Sword Art: Han'ie (2)

    ID: 95253

    BD: 9 <+1 crit> 8(2)=16 DMG on Wolf Hunter 1


    Stryder - 445/540 HP 54/54 EN 3 ACC 7 LD +6 DMG H2

    Arctic Wolf - 40/540 -  0 DMG (Injured) -2 EVA, - 1 ACC (Note, just for flavor for the Story i'm doing, will not get hit in place of a player)

    Eatos 360/360 HP | 28/36 EN | 7 DMG | 9 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA H1

    Embers:  100/100 HP - 6/10 EN - 7 DMG - 27 MIT H1


    Wolf Pack Leader - 0/160 HP 35 DMG 2 ACC - 1 EVA

    Wolf Hunter 1 - 96/140 30 DMG 1 ACC

    Wolf Hunter 2 - 0/140 30 DMG 1 ACC


  4. Eatos listened to Stryder and Embers have their disagreement, while the girl herself simply took deep breaths. For her, there was more than they realized. This was a good time to use her Katana, a proper test of her skill with the weapon. She saw that one wolf was on low HP, and knew one of her Sword Arts was an Area of Effect one. Meaning she could hit all three wolves at the same time. With Stryder taking one of the wolves to the red, it was worth giving a go. 

    The animals were focused on Stryder, so the blacksmith threw herself forwards and swung her Katana. She managed to slip between all of the wolves, and spun around a few times. Her blade missed one of the wolves, but connected on two. It even killed the weaker one, and right as it exploded. The Blacksmith retreated back to the 'line' with Stryder and Embers. The girl didn't say anything as Angel barked at the wolves loudly, the Husky staying at his masters side incase she was attacked by any of the wolves. 



    Sword Art: Tsumuji Guruma (AoE)

    ID: 95218

    BD: 6(+3)=9 <-1> 8 <Hit> 7 DMG to Wolf Pack Leader

    ID: 95219

    BD: 1(+3)=4 <Miss> 0 DMG to Wolf Hunter 1

    ID: 95220

    BD: 4(+3)=7 <Hit>. 7 DMG to Wolf Hunter 2 



    Stryder - 510/540 HP 54/54 EN 3 ACC 7 LD +6 DMG

    Arctic Wolf - 40/540 -  0 DMG (Injured) -2 EVA, - 1 ACC (Note, just for flavor for the Story i'm doing, will not get hit in place of a player)

    Eatos 360/360 HP | 30/36 EN | 7 DMG | 9 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA 

    Embers:  100/100 HP - 10/10 EN - 7 DMG - 27 MIT 


    Wolf Pack Leader - 153/160 HP 35 DMG 2 ACC - 1 EVA

    Wolf Hunter 1 - 126/140 30 DMG 1 ACC

    Wolf Hunter 2 - 0/140 30 DMG 1 ACC


  5. The girl frowned slightly as Stryder. Waiting to find one that clicked? Did that mean he'd tried many times in the past to no success? She wasn't entirely sure and probably didn't want to know if she was honest. She couldn't imagine SAO without her Angel. Without that overly-protective Husky at her side, she didn't want to think where her mental state would be. Probably in just a bad one as when the announcement the game was a death game.  Ever since she'd gotten herself a familiar, it had almost been like this was the real world. Almost. With her pet, and Silver. Maybe, she could make this a home of some kind. 

    The girl stood up and whislted for her Husky to stop bothering Styrder.

    "Well, we might as well head back. I've gotten the item i needed so no point wasting our time eh?"

  6. The teams were, honestly, simple. Damage to keep the aggression system away from their weaker members. The girl looked at her options and quickly edited them to suit her mental notebooking.

    Crow, Pinball and Fae. Out of team 1, Crow and Pinball were the main damage threats, and should keep the aggression onto them. She put them above Fae, who hopefully, wouldn’t get targeted.

    Team 2, which was made out of Saphire, Hei and the outsider, Embers. She knew Hei would get the aggro, but wasn’t sure about the other two. Embers seemed, well, violent, so maybe her.

    As for team 3, well, that wasn’t worth noting. Stryder, herself and Thorsten. She knew that Thorsten didn’t deal damage, much, and Stryder wouldn’t need healing. That made her have to recuperate whoever was in the first party.

    The blue-haired girl looked out at the guild, and let out a deep breath. She could do this. No worries.

    “Ok, so we all have a team assigned and hopefully we all know what we’re doing once we find the boss. Just, remember. The first few ones won’t be too tough, and we’re mostly aiming to get practice. The higher the floor, the harder it’ll be. Learn early and you’ll be fine” The girl didn’t have the heart to add what she truly wanted to add. All because she’d glanced at Stryder, with Fae on his back.



  7. Eatos hadn't been prepared to run into, of all players, Embers. The girl had joined the guild on several ones, and she seemed. Well, highly emotional and that was her being kind. She had a feeling, if she knew the red-haired girl more, they'd get along. But it was impossible to theorise. She simply let out a sigh at the word date, although Stryder reacted differently. To Eatos, the word date was, well, odd. In her mind, that would be someone with whom you have absolute faith and trust. Something that, if she was entirely honest, she wasn't with Stryder. There were still parts she had no intention to reveal.

    Stryder ran off, once again. The girl could only let out a sigh. This was so typical of him. she jogged to catch up, and the boy had placed himself between three wolves and a weaker one. It took the girl a moment, before she realized what was occuring, She ran forwards, and snached the Katana, Celestia Sword, before striking at one of the wolves. However, it ducked its head out of the way and the girl took a step back. She didn't say anything, but threw a look at the wolf. Stryder would protect it, and after, it would become his. She was simply, a witness. 



    ID: 93775

    BD: 1(+3) =4 <Miss> Sword Art: Han'ei (2EN)

    Stryder - 510/540 HP 54/54 EN 3 ACC 7 LD +6 DMG

    Arctic Wolf - 40/540 -  0 DMG (Injured) -2 EVA, - 1 ACC (Note, just for flavor for the Story i'm doing, will not get hit in place of a player)

    Eatos 360/360 HP | 32/36 EN | 7 DMG | 9 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA 

    Embers:  100/100 HP - 10/10 EN - 7 DMG - 27 MIT 


    Wolf Pack Leader - 160/160 HP 35 DMG 2 ACC - 1 EVA

    Wolf Hunter 1 - 140/140 30 DMG 1 ACC

    Wolf Hunter 2 - 140/140 30 DMG 1 ACC


  8. He wasn't entirely wrong. When it came to combat, Stryder was the 'lucky one'. However, outside of battle, in direct comparason, well, it was her domain. The girl knelt down in the snow and gently ran her hand through it, until she found what she was looking for. Materials, 4 of them. She smiled as she stood up, a sly grin on her face. 

    "Gunna go on a slight guess here and say i won this round?" She asked as she added the materials into her inventory,  and looked around. The white ice coated the entire area, and, well, it reminded her of home in so many ways. It took her back to when she was just a little kid, exploring her parents backyard. When she was younger, the snow had always fascinated her. Even now, as an adult, there was something so special about it. She couldn't name what it was, but it was there. Always it was there, in her mind.

    "Stryder, are you ever planning on getting a familiar?" As if knowing the convosation, Angel walked up to Stryder and demandingly  bumped into his legs, demanding his attention. 


    ID: 93595

    LD: 17 (+3)=20

    Cd: 12 (+3 materials)

    Result: 4 T1 Materials Found


  9. Guiding Light. The first place she ever made in her store. Simply seeing it, well, it was impossible not to smile seeing it. "Of course i recall it. I made it remember?" She knew it was coming. The 'Gloves of Greed'. The item he had made her. The girl glanced away.

    "...I gave them to another player. They needed it more than i did. They were poor, starved. So, i let them take the gloves" She did feel, well, some guilt. But, she had rationalized it. That player needed the item, and she. Well, she could get herself replacements. Sure, it wasn't 'right' but it had to be done. "I'm sorry that i gave them away, but they needed the item" She looked around, and heard a player making a lot of noise. She looked over, but couldn't see what was happening.

    "You hear that? It sounds like someones screaming murder over there.."


  10. NameGae Strile

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    Roll ID: 93519

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Two-Handed Assault Spear
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +2 Accuracy <+2 to the BD Rolls>

    Description: A blackened Spear made of reflective metal. The Spearhead is heavily spiked.

    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15168-floor-4-rank-6-a-heroes-infinite-arsenal/?do=findComment&comment=534876


    NameGae Bilke

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    Roll ID: 93520

    Roll: 9

    Item Type: Two-Handed Assault Spear
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1Damage <Increase Weapon Damage by 1>

    Description: A golden-Yellow Assault Spear. It has Gaelic runes etched along the shaft.

    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15168-floor-4-rank-6-a-heroes-infinite-arsenal/?do=findComment&comment=534876




    NameGae Ignition

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    Roll ID: 93530

    Roll: 6

    Item Type: Two-Handed Assault Spear
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1Accuracy <+1 BD to combat rolls>

    Description: A Red Lance with a spiked spearhead.

    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15168-floor-4-rank-6-a-heroes-infinite-arsenal/?do=findComment&comment=534876




    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    Roll ID: 93532

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Two-Handed Assault Spear
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +1 Acc, +1 Paralyze

    Description: Similar in shape to a Chinese Guandao, the pole arm is approximately 8 feet in length (a 6-foot pole topped with a 2-foot blade). The pole arm has a cloth wrapping near the base of the pole that can be used as a grip. Where the blade and the pole meets, there is a green sapphire embedded into the pole. The blade is ornate with a golden design engraved onto the flat of the blade depicted two crossed spears.

    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15168-floor-4-rank-6-a-heroes-infinite-arsenal/?do=findComment&comment=534876




  11. Two orders had to be done. An Assault Spear for one guild member, and a dagger for another. She had been lazy with her shop for some time, and now, she needed to get it done. She sat at her forge, and looked over at Angel. The husky barked once, and the girl nodded her head. She knew what the dog was telling her, and she nodded her head. She knew she just had to get it done. She let out a sigh, and nodded. It was time to get to work.


    At the conclusion of it all, she wasn't a overall success. Mostly. But, well, there was one bonus. She could use the item from her Esscence of Steel Quest to upgrade it. At least that was one order done...Far from all of it however. 




    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    Roll ID: 93532

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Two-Handed Assault Spear
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +1 Acc, +1 Paralyze

    Description: Similar in shape to a Chinese Guandao, the pole arm is approximately 8 feet in length (a 6-foot pole topped with a 2-foot blade). The pole arm has a cloth wrapping near the base of the pole that can be used as a grip. Where the blade and the pole meets, there is a green sapphire embedded into the pole. The blade is ornate with a golden design engraved onto the flat of the blade depicted two crossed spears.

    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15168-floor-4-rank-6-a-heroes-infinite-arsenal/?do=findComment&comment=534876


    NameGae Ignition

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    Roll ID: 93530

    Roll: 6

    Item Type: Two-Handed Assault Spear
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1Accuracy <+1 BD to combat rolls>

    Description: A Red Lance with a spiked spearhead.

    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15168-floor-4-rank-6-a-heroes-infinite-arsenal/?do=findComment&comment=534876


    NameGae Bilke

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    Roll ID: 93520

    Roll: 9

    Item Type: Two-Handed Assault Spear
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1Damage <Increase Weapon Damage by 1>

    Description: A golden-Yellow Assault Spear. It has Gaelic runes etched along the shaft.

    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15168-floor-4-rank-6-a-heroes-infinite-arsenal/?do=findComment&comment=534876


    NameGae Strile

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    Roll ID: 93519

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Two-Handed Assault Spear
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +2 Accuracy <+2 to the BD Rolls>

    Description: A blackened Spear made of reflective metal. The Spearhead is heavily spiked.

    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15168-floor-4-rank-6-a-heroes-infinite-arsenal/?do=findComment&comment=534876



    Daily Attempt 1: 1EXP 

    Type: T1 Two-Handed Assault Spear Roll: 93519 

    Craft:  3 (Salvagable)

    LD: 6 (+3LD) = 9 (Material Lost)

    Daily Attempt 2: 5EXP 

    Type:  T1 Two-Handed Assault Spear Roll: 93520  

    Craft:  10 (Rare)

    LD: 5 (+3LD) = 8 (Material Lost)

    Daily Attempt 3: 3EXP 

    Type:  T1 Two-Handed Assault Spear Roll: 93521  

    Craft:  9 (Uncommon)

    Daily Attempt 4: 1EXP 

    Type:  T1 Two-Handed Assault Spear  Roll:  93522

    Craft:  3 (Salvagable)

    LD: 14 (+3LD) = 17 (Material Recovered)

    Daily Attempt 5: 3EXP 

    Type:  T1 Two-Handed Assault Spear Roll:  93530

    Craft:  6 (Uncommon)

    Daily Attempt 6: 1EXP 

    Type: T1 Two-Handed Assault Spear   Roll:  93531

    Craft:  3 (Salvagable)

    LD: 18 (+3LD) = 21 (1 Material Recovered)

    Daily Attempt 7: 5EXP 

    Type:  T1 Two-Handed Assault Spear  Roll:  93532

    Craft:  11 (Rare)



    TOTAL MATERIALS USED: 5 (2 recovered)


    Total EXP gained: 19 EXP


  12. The girl couldn't not smile. He would get her home? Was that, his mission? Was that that meaningful in his life? Surely not. That must be impossible, there is no way she was so much a focus for him. She couldn't quantify that in her mind, it made no sense to her. The blue-haired girl simply smiled at Stryder. She had nothing extra to say, no wise-crack to pull. Nothing needed to be said here.

    "My...gloves?" She asked confused, not realizing what he meant until after a few seconds, where she looked at the ring on her finger. The silver ring with nordic symbols. She unequiped the item, and held it out to the raven-haired player. "This is the Relic Draupnir...In Nordic times, it was an item, created by master Dwavern Crafts, that was said to create all the gold Odin desired. Of course, it has a different role in the game..." After having explained the history, she felt, well, somewhat foolish explaining the history of the item, but she couldn't help herself.

    "As long as it'll help you now, and you give it back...then use it however you need"

  13. Stryder wasn't entirely correcy by saying he wasn't sure who to contact. Telrenya. She was part of a stronger guild, and the girl knew Stryder and herself got along. That itself could easily serve as a catalyst to uniting the guilds. The real question she had, was if to tell him or not. She hadn't ever really hid her business-like instincts from Stryder, but she did walk a fine line. She wasn't her parents, but she was similar. Was there a humane way to manipulate Telrenya into getting her guild to ally up with theirs? Probably. She just needed time to think about it. 

    "Isn't Tel part of that guild, holy dragon alliance? They could possibly be allies, and we sorta get along well with Telrenya. Maybe you could bring it up with her?" The girl had actively mentioned the name for two reasons, the first being the point itself. The second, being that she could read Stryder like a damn book sometimes. Not only did he have a soft spot for the girl, but there was something else. Something she couldn't put her finger on the 'what', but she could smell it like blood in the water. 



    Stryder H0 - 520/520HP | 19/52 EN | 54MIT | 3 ACC 

    Eatos H0 - 340/340 HP | 34/34 EN | 4 DMG | 9 MIT | 3 EVA | 2 REC | 1 THRN

    Forgotten (Loot Standard) 450/450HP - 78 DMG


  14. Eatos nodded her head. Indeed, back in the real world, she had a pet dog. A husky, who was just as big as Angel was now. 

    "His name was Gluttony, after the sin. I had him since he was a pup, never wanted to stop eating, even as a littl' one. He was always with me, through thick and thin. I miss him so much, but, Angel here helps. She's a reminder, that the real world is still out there waiting for us. That i have to survive, if not just for me, for everyone outside of this game that wants me to come back home..."

    Eatos shook her head. She hadn't thought about home in so long, about her family and friends who were probably...Would they even be panicked anymore? She feared that her, being in hospital, was a normality for them at this point. It had been so long, trapped. No, they wouldn't leave her. They'd move on with their lives, but constantly look behind them for the day she came back. She knew her family.

    "It was a pleasure to spend some time with you Hei. Let me know if you ever need anything, alright?"

  15. Eatos knew what he meant. Angel was her pride, her heart in this game. She couldn't even entertain the idea of the dog getting injured, didn't want to consider it. It was nice to see Stryder getting himself a companion, it was an amazing experience to have someone by your side throughout all of your troubles. Angel, hearing her name, came up and barked loudly, demanding attention. The blacksmith petted the large Husky, who seemed to glow under the attention.

    "She's grown a lot, i couldn't be happier with her. I had a husky back home, a large fluffy guy called Gluttony. To have Angel here, well, she is no replacement. But a reminder, of what the real world...It still exists.."

    The girl knew she'd been talking too much, but it felt nice to get it off her chest. She was curious what kind of familiar would come to Stryder, which one respected him enough to approach. In her case, Angel had 'snuck' up on her while she was talking about the real world. Maybe this game could tell what they needed, and would give it to them?

  16. The girl had her mind in a darker place, but she pushed past it as Angel barked at her. A warning. She looked up and, well, there he was. Angels' dilligence had, once again, paid off it seems. She stood up and took a deep breath. She knew why stryder was doing this, although, it was two part. From what she knew, he was getting a familiar namely for the combat uses of it. She ahd done it for a companion. But, both sides were just a valid. After all, he was combat, she was support. That was just the way the world operated. 

    "Well, i was here before you ever sent the message. Angel was getting restless being couped up all day, so i brought her out here to run about..." The large Husky had been a lot more relaxed of late and was no longer growling at anyone who walked up to her. "So you're finally getting yourself a companion then. It'll be good for you, help keep you company" 

  17. The idea of getting others to help them was logical, however, the chances of outsiders caring enough to help was...slim at best. She didn't like the idea of relying on others to get their job done, but, maybe if they got closer with other guilds. They could go on combined hunts or missions, and that could be to the benefit of both? It was, at the very least, a thought for the future. "If we are able to form an alliance with another guild, one of the stronger ones. Then perhaps, we could go hunting for some of the stronger monsters? It would require time, and the right contacts, but in theory, its possible..." 

    What the girl didn't say, was that she would be willing to use someone as a tool to get there. The first person that came to mind was Telrenya. She knew Stryder and the girl got along, and the girl was part of a larger guild. If they could ally, then maybe...

    "But that's for another time no? My energy is fully recharged, so i think we can find ourselves another monster to kill now, no?"

  18. The girl opted to just drop it. Stryder was someone who, when they believed themselves right, they argued it. She would argue otherwise, but right now, it wasn't needed nor required. They had won, hopefully it would continue. She simply nodded her head and walked towards him. She placed her blade onto her hip and followed him into the cave. There was a chance of something being here, but there was only one real way to find out. As they walked, the girl accessed her inventroy. She swapped out her gaunlets, which were combat focused, for her ring. It would allowed her better chance to acquire materials within the cave itself.

    She looked out at the snow in front of her within the cave. Hopefully there wasn't any other monsters ready and waiting. Hopefully...

    "Well, lets get a look then eh?"

    Unequipped - Gauntlet of Divinity

    Equipped - Relic Draupnir


  19. Eatos had to keep a sly smile away from her face. Realisically, Hei could probably have solo'd the snow beast, but, she was simply an insurance to ensure that he survived the encounter, nothing more. The damage she dealt was, honestly, pathetically weak. But, that was the life of a support player...You help others deal the damage and keep them alive as they do. It was needed, and the safer of the two options. The blacksmith petted the Husky, who lazily barked. Eatos found it impossible not to smile "I'm just glad i was able to help out, and getting out of the house was honestly juts a nice experience. Being a blacksmith, well, i don't get out a ton. Hopefully it'll be better weather next time"

    Eatos smiled as Hei sent over another snack for Angel. She brought it out for hte dog, who barked happily, her tail hitting the couch as she sits up attentive. Eatos smiled warmly as feeds the dog as she pets her "Thats, really nice of you Hei. It's nice to find someone who loves pets as much as i do. Angel is more than just my familiar, it's the one piece of the real world that i've got.." 

  20. Eatos knew she was treating Fae different to everyone else, being more careful as she was a young child. But, she couldn't help herself. Fae was 9, but more so, didn't speak in the first person. She knew that, of everything, was the warning flag she had to be aware of. Shock, fear. The girls mind was possibly so damage from the experience...She hated to be more of a burden to Fae, than Fae was to herself.

    "We'll be fine. From what i'm aware, there are some monsters in the quest. There will be no need to hold back, take out the monsters as you see fit. I'll probably get a few of them on my face, but, well, i'll be fine. I have my Angel to look after me"" The girl looked over at the field where Angel was simply rolling in the grass. She smiled, it was almost like Gluts back home, who did the same thing in the snow... "Are you ready to get going Fae?"

  21. Eatos smirked. He was heading to the lake. Her reply was simple and curt.

    'I'll see you there then'

    The blacksmith had been at Frostbite lake for an hour, and now, there was no point moving. The girl smiled. She'd spent the past hour singing and watching Angel play in the snow, and now, she was waiting for Stryder. It seemed right for her to help, with Angel in tow. She could also show off her newest skill, the ability to use a Katana. She wasn't wearing her Guardian Angel armour, but rather, her suit. Ever since it had been made, the girl had been wearing it whenever she wasn't in combat. Proper clothes. In made her feel, well, like the world she was living in was, to some degree, normal. Like she was meant to be here, and her real body wasn't currently lying in a hospital bed looking more sickly by the day. 

    "So tell me, does a sin stain the soul of one forever~ Or may they find retribution within the eyes of the angels...?" 

  22. Only three thousand? That was a good amount, in a way. But ultimately, given the price of a guild hall, no where near enough. The realize of the matter was simple. The guild hall and everything it has, was a long way in the future. Months easily, maybe even years given the price. And that wasn't even looking at all the extra costs that came on top of that. She couldn't not let out a sigh. 

    "At this rate, even if i split money from my store 7 grand a piece, it'll take us some time to purchase a guild hall...If they were a bit cheaper..." She shook her head. There was no point thinknig about that, it wasn't the realize she was in. The reality was simple. They needed money, and the main way to earn it was killing monsters. There was no way around it, but in this game, how long would that take...

    "You realize a hall is many months in the future no?"

  23. The blue-haired girl let a sigh escape her lips. Sometimes he was too reckless. Hopefully it wouldn't kill him. She looked back at her inventory, the item she had was acquired. There was no need for them to stay within the cave. The girl whislted, and Angel was at her side in barely moments. She nodded at the familiar, who barked once before heading towards the exit of the cave "I know you were confident, but there is always a risk. Something may have gone wrong, you never know. Not everything will go to plan..." She knew she was being too cynical, and should back away, but there was always a fear within her at death...

    "Well, we have achieved what we set out here to do. I have the item i need, and it'll get Pinball the item he wants. Thanks, for coming to help" It was unspoken that she could never have done this quest alone,yet, as a blacksmith, it would be needed...a lot. 

  24. As the girl waited, she looked around the area. She knew Angel was nearby, her Husky was seen the open field and ran off the instant she saw it. She wouldn't prevent it, after all, Angel was her own being, despite being offically a familiar. She was a pet, and a member of her family. The only real one who lived within SAO. But, that didn't mean her family couldn't be made. Experience was just an able force, as blood. 

    In her suit, sitting down, she did feel slightly overdressed. She looked over as Fae approaches, and despite the awkward look when the small girl hugged her, she returned the hug. "It's a pleasure to see you Fae. The quest itself shouldn't be too hard. I'll confess, it's in hard because i want to test something out" Accessing her inventory, the girl pulled out a Katana. The design itself was rather simple. A silver blade, black handle and golden hilt. She placed it on her back after a short display "I acquired the ability to use a Katana last night. I wish to...test it out" There was another reason all-together, but that was personal. It was her job to be a symbol for those in the guild, a leader at the front. This was, her test...to herself. 

  25. Spoiler


    -At least two [2] Pages (21 or more posts)
    -Defeat Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Information:
    <<Dark Elf>> is a mob and has the following statistics:
    HP: 12
    Damage per Attack: 9


    1. Leather Coat/Dragon Bone Cuirass (Light/Heavy): An uncommon armor with any standard armor enhancement chosen by the earner of the weapon which fits the armor type chosen. Only one person may earn this armor per thread.
    2. 1 Skill Point

    Eatos wasn't, well, she wasn't hugely for, or against, the 3rd floor. More like, unused to it? That would be much more of a apt description. She stood at the blacksmiths, the start of the 'Worn out Welcome' quest. It wasn't too hard and if she was honest with herself, she could probably solo the quest herself. However, why solo the quest when she could do it with another. Fae, the youngest member of the guild. She had a soft spot for the girl, honestly who didn't? 

    'Hey Fae. I know we haven't spent too much time hanging out, i'm wondering if you wanna do a quick quest down on the 3rd floor? It's just a short combat one'

    After sending it, the girl sat down. She'd been spending a lot more time in her black suit, she was really enjoying having a separate set of clothes to wear that wasn't her combat gear. 


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