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Posts posted by Eatos

  1. The game mechanic made sense, the ability for tanks to switch who was the focus. It made a lot of sense in the grand scale. A team with several healers, focus a tank, then swap to a fresh tank. Rinse, repeat, you tank never dies. It was a logical system, and one she approved off. However, it was also a system she didn't want to be part of it. Despite her intention, being on the front line scared her. Not as much as it used to, but she could handle it. 

    Switch. She heard Stryder yell the word, and spotted the opening he made for her. She dived forwards, but as she swung her blade, it was intercepted. The Forgotten raised its' clawed hand and caught it, and Eatos realized she was right in its face as an easy target. She completely messed this up! A tank was needed for this, someone who felt confident in the front lines. She was not that person. 


    ID: 91447

    BD: 4 <Miss> CD: 8, +2EN>

    Sword Art: Rage Blow. 4(2)=8

    Stryder H20 - 520/520HP | 35/52 EN | 54MIT | 3 ACC 

    Eatos H0 - 340/340 HP | 34/34 EN | 4 DMG | 9 MIT | 3 EVA | 2 REC | 1 THRN

    Forgotten (Loot Standard) 225/450HP - 78 DMG


  2. He had been given his chance. She had her back turned to him as the Student stood up. The perfect chance to strike at her, but Eatos knew it was already over. In this temple, she would hear him running. When he got close, she'd strike him down. She knew it was over, yet his struggle. It was sad, yet deserved. She took a deep breath and looked at Angel, who barked once. She had tried, but his soul was black, unable to be saved.

    The Student charged forwards, yelling loudly as he swung as her. Even with Angel there, his swing landed and stabbed the girl through the shoulders. The phantom pain was there, but Eatos knew where he was. She spun around and used her Sword Art, and rammed the blade through the students chest. He hit the ground as she pulled the blade out. It was over. 

    The student exploded into pixals, defeated. The girl was silent. There was nothing needed to be said, it was all over. She placed the blade on her belt, nothing had to be said. Without even a word of respect, Eatos simply gave what was the corpse a simple nod, before turned and heading for the door. It was over, vengence was upon that who deserved it. 


    Eatos - 319/340 HP | 28/34 ENG | 3 EVA | 4 DMG | 2 REC | 1 THRN | 9 MIT

    ID: 91445 <Cd: 7, +2EN>

    BD: 7 <Hit>   <Miss>. Sword Art: Rage Blow. 4(2)=8

    Failed Student - 0/40 HP | 12 DMG | 

    ID: 91446

    MD: 7  12-9=4DMG


  3. During the wait, Eatos spent most of her time playing with Angel. The large Husky adored her, sniffing and licking her a lot. It was a simple interaction for her. The Husky loved attention, adored it even. She was needy a lot of the time, yet, well, she had a stern side. Mostly when combat started, the Husky always shoving her out the way of damage. She loved the dog for it. Even without a player nearby, she had her familiar with her at all times. When Hei stood up, she knew it was time to get going. She double checked her inventory, she had her combat build set. Against the Snow Beast, she wouldn't need the additional energy regeneration. She had more than enough base.

    The walk itself wasn't too much, not with Angel leading the way through the snow. She watched Hei start the fight, and drew her Curved Sword, Divines Sword. This was yet another battle, where she would not longer be hiding on the backline. She charged in, and landed a blow. But, more important than the damage, was the stun status effect applied onto the Beast. Now Hei could use the weapon she made for him, and wipe out out without a second thought. 



    ID: 91444

    BD: 6(+3)=9 <Hit, non-crit>

    Sword Art: Fell Cresent <Stun> 2 EN. 5(1)=5 DMG

    Hei: 460/460 HP | 33/46 Energy | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 9 base dmg | Hate: 2
    <Snow Beast> 125/250 HP | 160 dmg | Partial Phase -> min 24 dmg through MIT | Stunned 1/1
    Eatos: 340/340 HP | 34/34 ENG | 5DMG | 3 EVA | 3 ACC | 9 MIT | Hate : 1

  4. The girl nodded her head at the question. She did indeed recall where the quest occurred, but getting there would be a pain. The weather on this floor had been acting up of late, more storms and blizzards flowing in. It hadn't been making her life easy that was for certain. "It's in a cave a few minutes away from where we are now. The mob spawns alone, and it does have a few special kicks to it, overall, it's nothing too special" She could go into it, and how the Snow Beast always did 24 damage regardless of armour. But that was something Hei would learn on the move.

    "As for getting there, we'll be fine. Angel's never lead me astray before, and even in a storm, her tracking is amazing. We'll make it to the cave..." She leaned out and pet her dog, rubbing its head a little "Well, whenever you're ready to get moving, just say when..."   

  5. She landed the blow and paced around the failed student. His eyes glared up at her, and she sighed. Once chance. "Do you regret trying to slay your master?" She asked simply, pacing back and forth around him. Angel nearby watching. She had time until her stun wore off, she would give him this time. Not a second longer. 

    "He was weak. He told me that there was no hope for me, and yet, i struck him down!"

    She shook her head. "I know not what you've been told, nor denied. But anger results in nothing. You're a child, hitting against the wall"

    "What of you, why do you do this? Power, greed. Cowardice?"

    The girl lashed out at the ground in anger, her blade cutting close to the student, but missing as she walked away. "Once chance, that was all i promised. You've failed in redemption, like i knew you would. You types who lust for power are all the same. This time, i won't run. I'm going to destroy you..." 



    Eatos - 323/340 HP | 28/34 ENG | 3 EVA | 4 DMG | 2 REC | 1 THRN | 9 MIT

    ID: 91217  <Cd: 1>

    BD: 1  <Miss>. Sword Art: Rage Blow 2EN. 4(2)=8

    Failed Student - 11/40 HP | 12 DMG | 

    ID: Unusable

    MD:   1?-9=4DMG


  6. It was, somewhat amusing to the girl. To Stryder, she was, incomplete. At least from his point of view. she was some young girl who was scared on the idea of dying who hadn't suffered before this game came around. To Eatos, it was highly amusing in a sad way. She did wonder if she should tell him the truth, the reality of of it. That she was scared of many things, but, perhaps that was a conversation for another time. For now, she would simply focus on this. Perhaps, in the future, she would tell him. Perhaps today? It would come up. It occured to her how little she knew about his real life. Maybe, in the future, that would come up.

    "So it's a system designed to, swap the one who is being focused by the monsters?" She'd done more work, and had learnt about the abilities and upgrades that allowed for monster aggression to be swapped. However, she hadn't heard about the Switching mechanic. "I presume there is something to do about it, some special gimmick?"

  7. At being fed, Angel got more excited. The Husky actively leaped into Hei's lap and claimed it as her own. She lay down lazily, almost as if preparing for a nap. Like owner like pet. 

    Eatos couldn't hide her smile seeing Angel being close with someone else, specifically resting in anothers lap. The dog was much like herself, and napping around those who made them feel comfortable. Angel felt comfortable around Hei, and she did too. She joined Hei on the couch as he explained the quest he wanted to do. She knew of the quest, Essence of Steel, it was used to upgrade items. For anyone who made items, it was an item that is powerful indeed.

    "I see what you mean Hei. The drop the Snow Beast gives is very good, for items. I've fought it once before, it didn't last long before myself and Stryder" It was almost ironic. She needed the item to help Pinball, and now, here she was once again. Helping pinball once again. 

  8. NameMark 1 Zevulum Combat Armour

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    Roll ID: 91126

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Heavy Armour
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +2 MIT, +1 Thorns

    Description: His high quality combat armour is adorned with the mark of the Zevulum bloodline. It works as semi-modern bullet proof armour. What appears to be cloth is in-fact layers upon layers of graphene sheets that allow for maximum mobility while remaining fully functional

    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15168-floor-4-rank-6-a-heroes-infinite-arsenal/?do=findComment&comment=531059


  9. Eatos hadn't expected Silver to visit, and smiled as she saw her long time friend enter. Angel, being Angel, barked loudly and demanded all of Silvers attention each step within her store. The husky had seemed to sense Eatos' familiarity towards him and mirrored it. She looked at the order, and indeed, she did recall what he was talking about. She'd seen it before, at his place. 

    "I should be able to get this done soon, and you're welcome to watch. But, i can't promise it's hugely interesting. After all, blacksmith ain't too complex as is it just time consuming. Although, it has its own rewards, mostly just the knowledge that people are safer with my stuff..."

    At the end, she had his piece done up nicely. Smiling, she passed it over to him. "This should be just it. If you'd like an upgrade, well, you know where to find me"




    NameMark 1 Zevulum Combat Armour

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 6

    Roll ID: 91126

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Heavy Armour
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +2 MIT, +1 Thorns

    Description: His high quality combat armour is adorned with the mark of the Zevulum bloodline. It works as semi-modern bullet proof armour. What appears to be cloth is in-fact layers upon layers of graphene sheets that allow for maximum mobility while remaining fully functional

    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15168-floor-4-rank-6-a-heroes-infinite-arsenal/?do=findComment&comment=531059




    Daily Attempt 1: 1EXP 

    Type: T1 Heavy Armour

    Roll:  91122

    Craft:  4 (Salvaged)

    LD:  16 (+3LD) = 19 (1 Material Recovered if 11 LD)

     Daily Attempt 2: 1EXP 

    Type: T1 Heavy Armour

    Roll: 91123 

    Craft:  3 (Salvaged)

    LD: 13 (+3LD) = 16 (1 Material Recovered if 11 LD)

    Daily Attempt 3: 1EXP 

    Type: T1 Heavy Armour

    Roll: 91124 

    Craft:   1 (Fail)

    Daily Attempt 4: 1EXP 

    Type: T1 Heavy Armour

    Roll: 91125 

    Craft:  5 (Salvaged)

    LD: 10 (+3LD) = 13 (1 Material Recovered if 11 LD)

    Daily Attempt 5: 8EXP 

    Type: T1 Heavy Armour

    Roll: 91126 

    Craft:   12 (Perfect)



    Total EXP gained: 12 EXP




  10. The girl gazed at the curved sword once again, soon, she'd find a way to upgrade into the Katana skill tree. But for now, Divines Blade was enough to do what she needed of it. After all, she wouldn't be a groups main source of damage, but rather, have a way to protect herself. Other than simple healing. She nodded her head at Stryder.

    "I have so many lives on my shoulders in the guild, it's my responcibility to ensure they stay alive. And the best way to do that is have a way to fight. If i do that, then, i can ensure the monsters target me. Just like when you fight" It was, in a way, childish, but it was simply how it was. She nodded her head for advise, she could use some if it. She'd been hit but monsters a few times now and each time is really sucked. 

    "You've been fighting since the game started, anything you teach me would be amazing"

  11. The blue-haired girl didn't easily co-operate with Silver, at first simply refusing to look him in the eyes. His embraced forced her to listen, she didn't have an option as she continued to fly down the spiral of hatred within her. But, she found herself stunted by shock. Silver had given up everything, for her? For a girl he barely knew at the time, he gave up his family, a life, because he saw a girl crying on a bench. Because he cared enough...

    She found herself at a loose for words, unsure what to say. She was selfish and greedy and useless, yet...Silver had given up so much, for her. And never, not once, had she asked him about it. She'd used him for her needs, and never put any thoughts upon him.

    "You're right, i'm not the same girl. If i was, i wouldn't be here in this game....I'd be back on the first floor, hiding in a building terrified for my life still. I'd panic every time i see a knife , and never trust anyone again. You....saved me, all at your own expense..."

  12. "You're wrong. You can't just take what you want, you need to work for it" She said calmly and she took a deep breath "There are some things in this world that are worth the wait, worth the suffering. It's a symbol of the dedication you put into it"

    "You're wrong! That is the weak say to excuse their uselessness!"

    The student charged forwards and managed to land a strong blow across her face, but Eatos didn't reel despite the pain. This time, she used his attaack as an opening herself and swung her blade in an upwards motion, the blow landing on the NPC's face and they hit the ground. Stunned. The girl let out a breath, pleased she'd landed the stun finally. She looked down at him. She was meant to offer him mercy, but she knew, deep down, he would never accept it. He saw something he wanted, and knew no other way than violence, to take it. 

    One chance, that's all he had, before she was forced to end his life. 


    Eatos - 323/340 HP | 30/34 ENG | 3 EVA | 4 DMG | 2 REC | 1 THRN | 9 MIT

    ID: 90921  <Cd: 10. +2EN>

    BD: 10 <Crit, +2>. Sword Art: Fell Cresent 4EN. 6DMG

    Failed Student - 11/40 HP | 12 DMG | Stunned

    ID: 90922

    MD:  9 <Crit +1> 13-9=4DMG


  13. She didn't realize how much pressure she'd thrown onto him by stating what she knew in her heart. The reality, for her, was simple. Partying up for quests was something of a business deal, with Stryder being the 'store', and herself, the money behind it. If the store failed, the money dies. That's how it works, and that's how this worked also. Stryder was a strong combat player than her, on that where was little doubt. Much stronger than her, although most were. If a monster was able to kill Stryder, well, there was a very slim chance of her surviving. Her only 'hope' was that the monster would be taken so low, she'd have the damage to finish it off. But even then, it was not an ideal She'd lose so much...

    "We'll be fine Stryder. I've done the maths already, we've already won this fight"

  14. Save him. It took so much will power to not cry. So much more than she expected, she had to hold her own hand to keep herself from shaking. Atzo was dead! She couldn't' save him, because she'd failed him and he was already dead. Years ago, Silver had saved her from herself, and maybe, just maybe, if she could do that for someone else, her life would be worth it. But no, she couldn't even do that. She couldn't save Alexander, and because of her failure, he'd ended his own life. 

    "I can't save him...." She muttered quickly, trying to push back all the emotions that starting punching at her "Unlike you, i was too late. I couldn't save Atzo, i couldn't save anyone from...from him..." 'Him', was an all-too-familiar face "I thought everything was ok, that i was stronger than i was before. That's why i took up a sword skill. But i'm not, i'm just as useless as when you first met me" Her thoughts had ganged up on her, a negative mindset that impacted Katherine her entire life. Once she started down a dark thought, the deeper she went, the harder and harder it was to bring herself back to normal. A spiral of self-loathing that fed itself. 

  15. The girl was at the back of her store, in the 'private' area that consisted of her 'home' within her store. It wasn't much, but it was hers. And she heard the door opening, the girl let out a groan. She didn't want to get up, but had no choice. Sitting up, she nudged Angel to move. the large husky let out a whine, but moved off the bed and went to see who was at the door. The large Husky barked once at Hei, before walking up to him, tail wagging and demanding attention from him. 

    The girl exited the backroom barely a minute later, dressed in her usual get up. She smiled at Hei as Angel tried to force him to pet her. 

    "Hey there, so what is this quest you're aiming for?" She didn't know too many quests on the 4th floor, other than Steel, but was that one that even interested Hei?

  16. Eatos was in bed, sleeping, again. Angel, her larget Husky, was lying with her as she napped. It had been a long day for the blacksmith. She'd woken up and spent a few good hours out at Frostbite Lake today, mostly singing because she enjoyed it. After singing, and playing with Angel in the snow, she returned to take a nap, which she was currently doing. That was when she received the message from Hei. Grumping, the girl dragged herself up and read the message, not expecting it from Hei. If she was honest, she hadnt' interacted as much with him as perhaps she should have, even more since they were now all leaders within the guild. While indeed Stryder made the call to pick Hei, it had been her suggestion they have 3 leaders to impose some level of democracy. 

    'Hey @Hei, i'd be happy to come along. My store should be unlocked, so just come around when it best suits you' 

    With the message sent, Angel made an insistant howl and the girl sighed. "I know you lazy klutz, but we have a job to do. We'll get up when he arrives" 


  17. In an amusing way, she was lucky she was fighing a 'human' opponent. Striking against this, while unnerving, wasn't scary. Against a demonic monster, well, she may have been struggling more. She steadied herself as she looked at her target, she knew what she wanted to do, she wanted to land Crescent Fell. While the move wouldn't do much damage, AND would cost her 4 energy, it also had a stun attached to the move which is why she wanted to use it. To give this student one chance or repeat, to have forgiveness said. If not, she'd kill it.

    "Without conviction, all you stand for is pointless!" The student said, charging forwards. The blacksmith raised her blade, planning on blocking the strike. "You must take what is yours without hesitation!"

    For a reason beyond Eatos, that struck her. She had never done that, taken what was hers. Was that...her weakness? Being too kind. The blow connected before she was ready, and even Angel couldn't push her out of the way in time as he cut through her arm. She let out a whimper of pain as she hit the ground, panting for air and glaring up at the student. No...her kindness wasn't a flaw, it was a virtue...it had to be. 


    Eatos - 327/340 HP | 32/34 ENG | 3 EVA | 4 DMG | 2 REC | 1 THRN | 9 MIT

    ID: 90814  <Cd: 7. +2EN

    BD: 2<Miss>. Sword Art: Fell Cresent 4EN. 

    Failed Student - 17/40 HP | 12 DMG

    ID: 90815

    MD:  10 <+2 Crit> DMG: 14-9 (5)


  18. The issue was, despite his words. Eatos did worry about him, did dwell on him, and took the blame. She could have saved him, could have fixed him! It was on her, and she'd failed. Even as her friend looked her in the eye, he'd see that she blamed herself. An all-too familiar scene playing out before him once again. 

    "I could have saved him Silver, i could have helped him. I was helping him, i was making him a better person. I was getting through to him...." She slumped on the ground, hiding her face in her arms "I just thought....If i could help someone, anyone, just one person, it would be worth it. My living. But i couldn't even fix one lost child.." 

    She exited her arms, looking up at him. She felt vulnerable, weak. She hated it, and part of her wanted to run away. She loathed this feeling, hated feeling weak. Yet, it was all she felt talking about Atzo, and believing it was all her fault he was possible dead. 

  19. Eatos nodded her head. She knew she had her maths correct. The boss of this quest, a Snow Beast, did a max of 160 damage with a minimum of 24. Even without factoring in Stryders armour, he could take 4-5 hits. Then it was Mitigation, Evasion and her healing, there was no way Stryder died before he killed the boss, who only totaled 160 HP. Stryder would kill it in 3, if not 2 hits. Simple maths, that's all questions like this had to be. Clean. 

    "Have faith in me Stryder, i've never let you die  yet and, well...Lets be real here, if you go down. This boss will kill me, so no pressure"

    It was mostly meant as a joke, but there was some level of undeniable truth in these quests. Stryder was the toughest player she knew, if he died in a quest, there was no chance she'd be able to finish it. Her life was, quite literally, in Stryders hands now. She smiled as Angel barked loudly "Come on, we wanna get going. Snow Beast won't wait forever"

  20. Eatos had, well, in part, forgotten that Stryder hadn't seen her Sword Art Skills before. She had wanted to keep them secret for a bit, but, well, she had to improve and the only way to do that was with practice. She glanced away, down at the weapon, Divines Blade, sitting in her hand. It hadn't been a decision she'd made easily, but, well, it was one she had to make. Of course the penalty was that she had majority of her skills at Rank 1, the only exception being Rank 3 First Aid. With the arrival of Thorsten, and a large number of the guild being lower level than her. She had to fight.

    "That was my original plan, i was just so scared to fight. So, i opted into the style that would minimize combat for me. Then, i met people and realized that, i could learn a way to help, without placing myself in danger..." The girl looked out at the rest of the map, letting out a short sigh . It was almost poetic in a way "But, when, we made the guild, and Silver came back. All of them lower levels than me, healing isn't enough to save everyone. So, i picked up a sword to protect them. I'll protect them just like you've protected me all this time.."

  21. There was no doubt in the mind of Katherine. Atzo, and Alex, were the same person dammit! She swore silently, it was too much to hope they were different people, so much to hope that now, she carried the knowledge. That Alex was, more than likely, dead. Killed at the hands of his own insanity, the crippling loneliness that ate at him each and every day. It sounded like a massive family blood feud, and this was the first she was hearing of it. She had never really asked about Silvers family before, never really thought about it. At the times, well, she had her own battle to fight. So all of this, well, she was slightly taken aback by it all. 

    It was a burden, while normally keeping secrets was easy, this was one she wouldn't carry alone.

    "I met him, he went by the screen name Atzo. We, well...I was helping him, like how you helped me. He was in a bad place, and...He vanished" She didn't look at him, couldn't. Out of shame, she'd failed Atzo. It was her fault he was gone again. She wasn't good enough! "I, last time he vanished...I found him just in time to stop him walking into lava....He vanished months ago now..."


  22. Eatos has to admit, today was, well, unique. To meet Silver again, to have Silver and Stryder get along and know each other, and then, to have him in the guild under her section. It was not what she expected when she woke up and went to sing. But, it was everything she wanted now that she had it. She stretched out her arms, smiling at both of them. 

    "I'm looking forward to it too..." The girl tappered off as she recieved a message, and her face lit up a little "Ohh, someone just messaged asking for a custom order...I, i need to get going. But i'll talk to you both later!" She began a fast walk back to her store, excited. Today had been a hell of a day, but there was one part of her that was worried. Even with the skills of a medic, a healer...She couldn't protect people, only recover when damage was done. Was there a way to protect other than heal? A quick glance through the skills said no, unless she was willing to place herself on the front lines of battle to save others. To learn a weapon, a sword skill of a weapon, and fight like everyone else did. Was that, her only option, to keep Thorsten, and those like him, safe?


    Thread Complete


    Eatos - 1 SP, 133 Col

    Stryder - 1SP, 133 Col

    Thorsten - 1 SP, 133 Col

  23. Spoiler

    Rhaegal - the Emerald Hatchling

    HP: 125 - MIT: 25 - ACC: 0 - EVA: 0 - DMG: 50



    <<Cute Rawr?>> On a LD roll of 17+ when this boss attacks, this boss will make a very adorable sound that somehow freezes your character in place, removes all evasion properties.



    Recommended Level: 10

    Post Limit: 1 Page (20+)




    1 SP - 500 Col

    <Rhaegal’s Emerald> [Vanity Quest Item] : 1 of 9, collect all 9 and meet whom that waits before you, only then will you get the grand prize.


    Back onto the first floor, the blue-haired blacksmith let out a short breath as she looked at the message she was going to be sending. Well, it was two messages but that was beside the point. The guild, Guardians of the Rising Dawn, were going on a guild raid. The Dragon Raids, to help everyone level up as well as ensure survival and teamwork. Of course, they were outsiders, three. Aster, Telrenya and Embers. While Eatos didn't have any issues with the outsiders, it was the idea alone that they needed outsiders. But, Stryder had promised them to come so who was she to object. Aster had her clear uses, namely that the girl was a healer. Telrenya, well, Eatos knew little of the girl and the same could be said about Embers. Outside of them, she knew each member of the guild, maybe not personally, but what they were capable off and that was enough to make the parties. 

    'To all members of the Rising Dawn. We are commencing a Guild-Raid, the Dragon Hunter Anthology quest. All members of the guild are expected to come, as we cannot add you into the quest at a later date. Please arrive on the first floor and make your way to the edge of the safe zone headed north after you exit the portal. If you need any weapons/armour, i have some with me and will be giving it out for free. See you soon, Eatos' The girl looked at her message. Hopefully it would be enough to get the guild down here, Stryder and herself had been planning this activity for some time now, and she took it upon herself to start it. After all, despite their titles, she was the co-founder of the guild and had the same 'power' as Stryder when it came to decision making.

    After that, she sent a message to the three outsiders privately, saying that the guild was doing on the Dragon Hunter Quest, and they were welcome to join if they wished, but were not being forced to by any capacity. After that, she sat down and waited. Angel, her Husky familiar, barked once and sat next to her, resting its head in her lap.



    Eatos: HP: 340/340 ENG: 34/34.  5 DMG | 3 EVA | 2 REC | 1 THRN | 9 MIT 



    @Stryder @Pinball @Fae @Telrenya @Paglikha @Embers @Crozeph @Hei @Saphira @Aster @Jade Eye @Thorsten 

  24. Wait, hero? Had she actually said that? What was she thinking? Katherine was no hero, just some scared girl who was an idiot. An easily manipulated fool. But, then again, in this game, she wasn't Katherine. She was Eatos. A guild leader, a healer. Someone capable to protecting and, now, fighting, for those who were weaker. In part, it terrified her that this was all on her. But then, it had to be. Before, no one would step up for her, with Silver not there, she had to care for herself. 

    She swung her blade forwards, using her Sword Art once again and landing a powerful blow into his chest. But this time, the Failed Student grinned and swung at her. With her blade embedded in the NPC, dodging was impossible. Thankfully, Angel moved and bumped into her, but not enough as his strike came into contact with her face. The girl backpeddled, one hand on her face. Thankfully, despite the blow, she was still in the green. But she had to be careful dammit, against stronger mobs, that mistake could be lethal...



    Eatos - 332/340 HP | 34/34 ENG | 3 EVA | 4 DMG | 2 REC | 1 THRN | 9 MIT

    ID:  90656 <Cd: 6. +2EN

    BD: 7 <Hit>. Sword Art: Rage Blow 2EN. 4(2)=8 Damage 

    Failed Student - 17/40 HP | 12 DMG

    ID: 90658

    MD: 9 <Hit>, Crit +2, 14DMG

  25. The blacksmith was somewhat surprised at just how quickly Domarus was able to make her order, she knew she was struggling of late, but perhaps it was just her that wasn't that good at crafting. She glanced around the store as the waited, pondering on the item she was getting. It would make combat easier, scared her to no end, but it had to be done.

    Upon recieving the item, the girl smiled and even equipped it. "Thank you very much Domarus, it's perfect. I'll be fine for now, but i'll keep you in mind should i need anything else" 

    She then went to exit the store, saying a short word to the maid "Thank you" 

    Recieved: Guardian Necklace

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