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Posts posted by Solomon

  1. Solomon nodded when Lee stated a name of which to be called. Solomon could tell this recruiting job was not really Solomon's strong suit as he listened to Lee. Listening to Lee and replying with honest and truthful answers wasn't the issue, so much as it was just not Solomon's greatest ability to do much past strategic planning. He seemed to understand Lee to persist things that catches his drift. Therefore, a good guild with a quality drive would cause him to work hard and climb the ladder, so to speak. So, Solomon stood for a brief second, contemplating what his next action would be. Lee seemed as though he would fit the tank build most, but he did seem a little hesitant of the guilds "helping the lower levels" concept. That wasn't by any means this guild's strongest point, but a tank would need to protect the weaker in the guild. However, Solomon thought that might just be him trying to get as much information on the guild as possible, which would be quite impressive. Looking over to his side, he could still see Vargas was in conversation with someone, even though it would make the most sense to send Lee to the guy in charge of the tanks. Looking around more, he noticed Eatos talking with someone. Solomon wanted to ask Eatos a question, as they were accepting people into the different guild categories today. So, making a swift and decisive move, Solomon raised a hand to point toward Atzo. Atzo was in the middle of conversing with someone, and therefore Solomon tried to dim his voice to the best of his ability. His voice still traveled through the air like a spring breeze following a roaring hurricane, "Lee, you have my approval if you so choose to partake in our guild. However, if you seek further questions, I request that you ask Atzo. I hope to be of better assistance the next time our paths cross." Solomon gave a affirmative nod of his head one last time, making certain Lee knew exactly where to go, and then began to walk toward Eatos and her recruit.


  2. Solomon noticed a great resting location to his right, a shady marble wall atop a stone slab that jutted out from the hill. Solomon moved himself off of the marble without making much noise, but apparently he wasn't that skilled at sneaking. Someone from behind him must have heard something, which caused Solomon to turn his head around. Solomon immediately noticed a girl with long blue hair, who was slightly higher up the hill than himself. However, this girl, whilst still being uphill was still only the same size as himself. Solomon immediately found himself asking an initial question, his voice carrying through the leftover ruins like an earthquake, echoing like a voice within the depths of a cave. "What causes you to come to the six floor, stranger?" Solomon didn't recognize this person from anywhere before, and he wanted to make certain he wasn't in any immediate danger. Fully knowledgeable that he would look quite suspicious if he wasn't subtle. Looking the girl up and down for threatening weapons, Solomon decided to make his impression more acceptable. It wasn't as though Solomon would fall victim to the girl who stood and had been giggling, but Solomon had given his word to the girl that walked on to the next city that he would survive. Looking to both sides for any other people walking around on this floor, he began walking forward and extended an arm as an offering to the girl for a hand shake.


  3. Solomon gave an ever so slight nod and took a step back. He was supposed to answer questions, and give the players a good understanding of what the guild's intentions are. Solomon was waiting for only a couple seconds before a man appeared in front of him... well, it was much closer to his shoulder height. Looking down slightly to inspect the man, he was a formidable man at about the peak of his age. Solomon listened to the man speak, a question popping up in the first couple words, "Yo, so you got any selling points?". Solomon looked to the ground before he looked back up at the man, saying with a voice resembling a volcano's eruption, "We can only have selling points if our low level recruits we approve are capable to rise to the top with action and perseverance, maintaining the order of our ranking system that is unlike that of most others." Solomon gave no expression, but wouldn't stop himself from giving a hand gesture to show his kind heart. He extended his arm for a handshake, which was something Dominion had done once or twice as a initial greeting to Solomon at a previous time. Solomon had taken in enough information to understand that this guy couldn't process large amounts of information from different sources at once. More of a pre-focused guy, wanting to take things in one at a time, which Solomon could understand. Solomon nodded his head and waited for another question to be shot in his direction. "Now, might I first learn the name by which I can address you?", Solomon asked Lee, after having placed his arm back to his side.

  4. Solomon sat with this girl, who apparently knew him from somewhere. This girl had met with him earlier, when she embraced him and kissed his cheek. He had no recollection of any past memory with her, but the more he was around her, the more Solomon felt at peace. He was about to ask her a question he had been forming in his head when a notification appeared in the corner of his eye. He opened it using his index finger by pressing up to read. The message was directed to players, mostly as a reminder. it stated that there was a meeting today, which Solomon had no quarrel with. However, he would need to give his apologies, as it only seemed right when leaving someones presence unannounced. He spoke to the girl that sat beside him. "Again, I must go and do my job at the mansion", Solomon said, his eyes having some trouble staying focused as he gazed into the blue, warm eyes. She nodded, her expression showing that she would not stop him. She did speak, but it was with few words, "please, return to me soon". Solomon gave a slight nod of his own before turning to leave. He stopped and spoke with his head facing away from her, "I have a question to ask of you", before beginning to make the trek to the teleport pad. 

    He arrived on the second floor, at the nearest town. It would take him several hours of journey to arrive at the mansion, and it wasn't as though he would take up valuable time. He could see a few others making their walks up through the mountain forests. He could feel the necklace around his neck, and the adornment of the moon placed upon his skull. The braided and beaded hair laid upon his back as he moved amoung the trees. Taking one large stride after the other, Solomon found himself nearing the mansion. It was the same wood log structure as the days before, a wonderful design atop the mountain in this terrain. Solomon did not smile, but he maintained a neutral expression. He would wait until he was welcomed inside by the host.


  5. Solomon was was sitting in the shade of the town of beginnings, one arm to the side, while his other arm was casually placed over the shoulder of the girl, Iseult. She seemed to be fast asleep, and Solomon had no intention to wake her. He felt great in the heat of morning, his clothing allowing the air to flow as normal. His long, dark blue hair was braided and beaded with various adornments. However, he could see the notification pop up on in the corner of his eye. He was going to ignore the message, as he was in no way eager for the given moment to end. However, another notification popped up not long after, which Solomon finally gave into. He tapped her shoulder as she rested her head on his arm. She raised her head, a yawn escaping her lips before she looked over to Solomon. Her blue eyes caught his attention, like a warm blue fire. Solomon spoke to her, "I will be back soon, please find something to do while I return to my job. Hopefully it won't take too long. Solomon smiled when he looked over to her, standing up carefully from where they sat together, apart from the chaos of the world.

    Solomon began to walk forward, his eyes showing a hint of disappointment with focused eyes. He had a strange feeling coursing through his veins, but he knew that his job should come first. He stopped quickly, reading each notification with great detail. Solomon was one of Atzo's friends, and found this second pm more of an insult. He didn't have any hateful feelings toward his friend, as he had placed trust in him. Upon walking toward the middle of the town, Solomon noticed the people gathering around Atzo. He seemed somewhat stressed, which was not a good thing. His eyes and ears resembled that of a wolf, while his fangs showed when he spoke. Solomon spoke, his words traveling to his friend over the people like a overflowing river toppling over planks of drift wood and onto the peaceful banks. "Atzo, you called upon me?", Solomon spoke with no aggression in his eyes. A quick view of the people around him would likely prove sufficient.

    Solomon looked from one side to the other, quickly eyeing the players on each side.  


  6. Solomon stood in silence, taking in the battle from a strange perspective. He felt as though he were in the midst of combat as players moved about to make successful and unsuccessful attacks, but at the same time there was a lack of fear. Solomon stood with nothing but his bare hands, feet and the clothes he wore while beside the monk guy. A man that Solomon supposed was on his team began to run at a boss yelling words with intent and purpose, but it was pretty much in vain. That is, Solomon could not see why he should join in the combat. Solomon knew, however, that Dominion should help out the other team, if somehow he was able to. Looking to his side, Solomon could see that Dominion was spacing out. Solomon pointed to the other team, which was currently being protected and gave him a questioning look. Dominion quickly took off and ran among the players. Solomon turned to watch the player that yelled attack a soldier that somehow spawned. Solomon was intrigued by the quick slash of the sword and the lowering of the health bar. However, the words made little sense, and Solomon remained silent as the figure of Dominion appeared beside him once again.


    Refrains from attacking

    Col. Nato:      0/650    | Mit.: (SA Rank x 5) 
    Gen. Baran:  266/1250  | Mit.: (SA Rank x 15) 
    Asterios:      3384/4000  | Mit.: (SA Rank x 30); EVA: +2

    Trainee Soldier#1 - -10/100 HP | 0 Mit [Killed by Hikoru's DoT]
    Trainee Soldier#2 - 40/100 HP | 0 Mit - PARALYZED | BLEED 2/2 ROUNDS

    Field Commander#1 - 300/300 | 50 Mit | 75 DMG - PARALYZED

    Group 1

    [H:0] Vargas  - 288/320 - 25/32 - 18 - 16 
    [H:0] Atzo    - 175/200 - 13/20 -  0 - 10
    [H:0] Yamato  - 299/300 - 24/30 - 34 - 15 - 14
    [H:2] Izzrikl -   0/20  -  2/2  -  0 -  1 Dead!
    [H:0] Hidden  - 288/320 - 26/32 - 18 - 16
    [H:0] Raina   -   7/20  -  2/2  -  9 -  1 -  7 - SAFEGUARDED
    [H:0] Heathcliff - 1615 - 143/150 - PARRY ACTIVE


    Group 2: Attacks Asterios
    [H:1(all)]  Hikoru - 919/1175 - 116/116 - 66 - PARALYZED
    [H:4]  Ariel  - 780/1215 - 103/120 - 75 - 60 (Bleed [-35 HP] 4/5) - PARALYZED
    [H:3] Zandra - 1151/1335 - 104/132 - 66 - 66 - PARALYZED 
    [H:10]  Morgenstern  - 864/880 - 88/88 - 134 - 44 - PARALYZED


    Group 3: Attacks Baran
    [H:8 Baran] Shield -  641/680 - 66/68 - 111 Mit - 34 - 28 - STUNNED (150-111=39 DMG)
    [H:1 Baran] Hydra - 625/755 - 49/74 - 66 - 37 (150-66=84 DMG)
    [H:3 Baran] Sey- 652/800 - 55/80  - 57 - 40 (150-57=93 DMG)
    [H:1 Baran] Beat- 395/560 - 30/58 - 81 - 28 (125-27=98 DMG)
    [H:2 Baran] Domarus - 426/540 - 29/54 - 54 - 27 - 28 (125-54=71 DMG)
    [H:2 Baran] Aereth - 467/660 - 46/66 - 18 - 33 - 16 FA (150-33=117 DMG)


    Group 4
    [H:0] Dominion - 480/480 - 48/48 - 3 - 24 
    [H:2 Trainee #2] Soredell - 200/200 - 12/20 - 9 - 20
    [H:0] MIss Mestophales- 80/80 - 8/8 - 0 - 4 
    [H:1 - Trainee] Tomas - 80/80 - 4/8 - 27 - 4
    [H:0] Solomon - 100/100 - 10/10 - 0 - 5
    [H:0] @Aoda - 60/60 - 6/6 - 0 - 3


    Group 5: Attacks Asterios
    [H:1 - Asterios] Itzal 1,080/1,080 - 96/108
    [H:3 - Asterios] Mack: 874/1190 - 106/106 - 84 - 53 - 0
    [H:0] - Beatbox: 1075/1075 - 106/106 - 84 - 53 - 0
    [H:2, Nato] - Macradon 1215/1215 - 111/120 - 66 - 60 - 0


  7. Solomon looked down his appearance one last time, realizing that he looked different from everyone in the real world. He wore the silk shirt and baggy pants... which meant he wore those clothes in the real world before somehow joining the game... Solomon gazed back up to Hei's height, noticing the features mention by Hei. *Why would I have joined a game? What reason would there have been for me to do so? I don't even remember who I am, none the less how I got here. I must have been motivated by something...* Solomon placed these questions in the back of his mind as he continued to listen to Hei a bit longer, able to form a couple questions on these matters. "No health = death? If there is death, the real body will be killed by the hardware, which is the game?" Solomon kept his eye contact with Hei as he said these things, not quite yet aware of the meaning. He knew that he had to be cautious of his health bar, to make sure he didn't die without knowing these simple things. 


  8. Solomon listened with intent, as he needed the information to speculate the truth with the reality. It was as if he was memorized the words into his vocabulary... Solomon would then attempt to piece together information that he was given to form a new judgement to his reality. So, told by Hei, a piece of hardware is somehow connected to the actual appearance, the body. Hei then said something about the brain and feeling, to which Solomon only knew that the chest was connected to feeling. Solomon pointed to his chest when Hei said brain, nodding his head as he did so. Then, taking a brief second to come up with words, Solomon asked his question to Hei, "Then what I look like here isn't the original form, but only something altered from the "real world", a place that my actual appearance dwells?". Solomon then memorized the word "Nervegear" and "Sword Art Online", which he only recognized two of the four words in the phrase.


  9. Solomon stood, bewildered. Airi had left to find the "notebooks" Hei had asked for, which left himself and Hei. Hei took a step toward Solomon, and then he spoke, " "Hey Solomon" " do you know where you are, and how you got here? "  ". Solomon just stood still, his mind trying to recall any past memories from before he became conscious in this place. However, doing so was in vain. He could only remember what had happened moments ago, as well as some cultural things that he retained, such as speech and maybe some symbolic references. He raised his head slightly before giving his usual blank expression. He did not know where or who he was, nor did he understand why or how he had gotten the clothing he wore. His hair was longer than everyone else, he was taller than everyone else, and he had bare feet. Nobody else he had seen walked around without something to cover their feet, and that seemed to be the strangest thing to him. However, he didn't want to judge himself based on others, though he didn't have anything better to do. 

  10. Solomon had once stood by Atzo as they (the group traveling from the tavern) had gotten ready for combat at the event's location. Standing in his spot, Solomon seemed like some sort of guard, however, he obviously didn't wear anything but his clothes and fists. Solomon, however, had nothing ready for combat and stood by his betrayer's side without that foreknowledge. Atzo was a friend, and Solomon had to trust that friendship in order to be of any assistance. However, he was quickly notified by one of the leaders that he was in a group with Dominion, and not Atzo. Dominion was a strange, yes, but he was also the most friendly of men in times of trouble. Solomon had no judgement over who people were as of yet, and Solomon could only hope that would remain for as long as possible. Solomon turned around, just before the terrible thing had happened, to see the first group move in for combat against the boss, with the appearance of a rather large beast, only somewhat resembling a human. Solomon had turned around when the boss struck out against the players, and was only drawn back by shouts and shrieks from the players, both around him and amidst the battle. When Solomon turned his head, he saw what looked to be rain from a cloud, but a none existent one. Dominion fell down, a couple players raged upon their own bosses with the madness of hate, stating words of odd language. Solomon found no hate in this. He still lacked a good understanding of what had provoked such reactions from the people. When the second group was assembling for combat, Solomon moved over to the sitting Dominion, the monkey king armor and the engravings upon it shining with the light of the sun. Dominion was dressed for combat, though his eyes were foggy, as if in major discernment. Solomon decided in that moment he would sit with the man, only to find the man getting back up. After a couple seconds of just standing and watching, Solomon reached his hand over his neck to remind himself of his blue braid. If he found himself in combat, he would need to make sure that he knows the disadvantages to the hair length. His eyes were neither clouded nor friendly, but clear of feelings. 


    Does not take any attack action

    Col. Nato:      319/650    | Mit.: (SA Rank x 5) «Bleeding» 2/2  «Envenom» 2/4  «Blight» 0/2 (-12 Envenom, -28 Blight, -28 Thorns, -16 Flame Aura, -24 Bleed)
    Gen. Baran: 720/1250  | Mit.: (SA Rank x 15) «Envenom» 2/4  «Blight» 0/2 (-12 Envenom, -28 Blight)
    Asterios:      3328/4000  | Mit.: (SA Rank x 30); EVA: +2  «Envenom» 2/4  «Blight» 0/2 (-6 Envenom, -14 Blight)

    Trainee Soldier#1 - -10/100 HP | 0 Mit «Envenom» 2/4  «Blight» 0/2 (-12 Envenom, -28 Blight) [Killed by Hikoru's DoT]
    Trainee Soldier#2 - 100/100 HP | 0 Mit

    Field Commander#1 - 300/300 | 50 Mit | 75 DMG

    Group 1: Attacks Nato

    [H:1] Vargas  - 288/320 - 25/32 - 18 - 16 
    [H:2] Atzo    - 175/200 - 13/20 -  0 - 10
    [H:1] Yamato  - 299/300 - 27/30 - 34 - 15 - 14
    [H:2] Izzrikl -   0/20  -  2/2  -  0 -  1 Dead!
    [H:1] Hidden  - 288/320 - 26/32 - 18 - 16
    [H:0] Raina   -   4/20  -  2/2  -  9 -  1 -  7


    Group 2: Attacks Asterios
    [H:1(all)]  Hikoru - 1053/1175 - 116/116 - 66 - 58 PARALYZED! (188-66=122 DMG)
    [H:4]  Ariel  - 990/1215 - 103/120 - 75 - 60 PARALYZED! (Bleed [-35 HP] 5/5)[300-75=225 DMG]
    [H:3]  Zandra - 1335/1335 - 104/132 - 66 - 66
    [H:Na~6| Ast:2]  Morgenstern   - 880/880 - 88/88 - 134 - 44 


    Group 3: Attacks Baran
    [H:2-Nato, 6-Baran] Shield -  679/680 HP - 34 En  - 111 Mit/54 Regen - LV 34 - 28 Thorns (112-111=1 DMG)
    [H:1 Baran] Hydra - 709/755 HP - 61/74 En - 3 ACC - 66 Mit - LV 37 (112-66=46 DMG)
    [H:2 Baran] Sey - 745/800 HP - 67 En - 3 ACC/57 MIT/12 Dmg - LV 40 (112-57=55 DMG)
    [H:1 Baran] Beat - 493/560 - 41/58 - 54 regen - Lvl. 28 (94-27=67 DMG)
    [H:1 Baran] Domarus - 497/540 - 42/54 - 3 ACC / 2 Thorns / 54 MIT / 14 DMG / LV 27 (97-54=43 DMG)
    [H:1 Baran] Aereth - 584/660 - 56/66 - 3 ACC / 1 Flame Aura / 18 MIT / 1 EVA / LV 33 (112-36=76 DMG)


    Group 4: Attacks Nato
    [H:0] - 480/480 HP - 48 ENG - 3 MIT - 3 EVA - 3 CD - Lvl. 24 - No thorns
    [H:2 Nato] Soredell - 200/200 HP - 16/20 ENG - 9 MIT - 2 EVA - Lvl. 20 - No Thorns
    Miss_Mestophales - 80/80 - 8/8 - 0 - 4 
    [H:0] Tomas - 80/80 - 7/8 - 27 - 4
    [H:0] Solomon - 100/100 HP - 10 EN - 0 MIT - Lvl 5 - No Thorns 
    [H:0] Aoda - 60/60 - 6/6 - 0 - 3


    Group 5: Attacks Asterios


    Please try to keep to the current formatting and use a OOC at the end to tag people, it makes it easier and faster for the mods to make calculations .
    [Hate] Name - HP - EN - Mit - Level - Thorns(if any)


  11. Solomon waited for someone to greet him at the giant log mansion door, specifically expecting Atzo to be the one to open it. However, that was not the case. Ren, related to Atzo as a brother, opened the door to let Solomon enter. Solomon turned his head to the right and down to face the stranger whom now held his arm with both of her own. She remained silent while Solomon looked back up and into the doorway. He could see a man with black hair, who he did not recognize. Even though there were several other health bars and cursurs that popped up inside, the black haired man was really the only person visible from outside the front door. Solomon appeared to tower over that man, and found his own head to be closer to the height of the door. Solomon looked to Ren, who had just opened the door, and said, "I remain at a distance".  Solomon was speaking of staying outside until he was properly greeted, lest he find somewhere else to go in that time. He turned to the girl who was clinging to his shoulder while Ren did whatever it was that Ren would do. "May we speak alone before I am welcomed?", Solomon said this in almost complete silence, which was not normal in the slightest for Solomon to do, especially to a girl whose deep sea blue eyes took his attention away.

    Iseult loosened her arm from around Solomon's right arm when Ren opened the door, but that did not delay her from strengthening her grip once again. Solomon then turned to look down at her, Iseult's black flowing hair seemed to have a shine when caught by the direct sunlight, and brought up a question that seemed rather strange. He had something on his mind, as was clear in his eyes and the basis of the question, but she had no idea what or why. They (Iseult and Solomon) had never spoken secrets (or in silence) to one another in the real world, as they only really knew one another for a week at best. Iseult looked up into Solomon's blue eyes, his speech giving her a feeling of warmth and security. She grinned and replied back, "You know we may talk at any time for any reason, just ask", before resting her head on Solomon's shoulder. Iseult spoke to Solomon in a near dead silent whisper so it would be for just the two of them. "If you do have something important to discuss with me, might you wait until a better time to do so?", Iseult then raised her head to stand up straight, and took a half step back to avoid being in the way of the people.

    Solomon could not think or recite any number past 10 while the girl looked up at Solomon, and then the girl proceeded to place her head on his shoulder. Solomon had not only been confused by some stranger, but also that same person was acting as though they had an odd past, and one that he couldn't recall off the top of his mind. He had to shrug this off as if they both actually knew one another, at least for the time being. Solomon reached his arm around Iseult to give her some comfort before allowing her to move back. He looked to Ren, who was still holding the door, and spoke with words like a tempest, echoing like a magnificent mountain and snow falling from the summits. "I will remain in the wilderness until summoned".

    This may be edited (but this is the main text)

  12. Solomon, standing where he stood with a look of friendship on his face, looked past the group toward the giant wall that surrounded the city, a quick thought crossing his mind. "Must we find work? For how else will we live?" Solomon asked his open ended question, hoping to spark something new. He lifted the last of the cookie to his face, biting it and chewing it. It tasted so pleasant, like something he would eat when something were going wrong, with hope to add a new "something" right into the mix. Solomon turned his head then and looked to each of the players around him. Solomon listened carefully but a moment of silence arose from his words. During this brief gap in sound, Solomon was able to think. Nothing around him could interrupt his train of thought. He would need to learn the requirements of this quest before he would dare accept it. Turning to look at Ren, who now sat on the ground and Atzo and Dominion, Solomon spoke, "Is there even one amongst us who has?".

  13. Solomon found himself wandering the sixth floor with this strange woman, who met him only days ago, completely aware of most of the risks. She, being that same girl who embraced him and kissed his cheek, had told Solomon that she wished to stay with him wherever he went, even though Solomon found that to be somewhat problematic. Finally Solomon nodded in acceptance to the girl with long black hair, her beautiful blue eyes drawing his attention when she looked into his own. Solomon placed his arm around the girl, as he walked the various paths together. He was traveling the floors now, only half understanding the significance of each. The one that he traveled today was as different from the town of beginnings as all the others were. Solomon stood on his bare feet at a stunning 6' 6", his overall body was muscular, but skinny. He had long, dark blue hair that was braided with various adornments along his back. He wore a silk shirt that his chest could be seen through and baggy pants, like that of a easterner in the real world, and rare was the moment that he smiled. Solomon was happy that he had company with him, but he needed time to himself. He asked the girl, as they approached an abandoned settlement of sorts, to go on ahead. He knew that the path would bring her no harm, having studied it several hours before the journey. He knew that he would have to explain his request in terms that she would understand, but he found that he lacked words. "I will survive, now go" Solomon said, as loud as a river and mighty as a large mountain, to his apparent friend. She seemed to understand and nodded reluctantly, her concern piercing through her eyes. However, the girl turned as they walked, hugged him, embracing him before she removed her arms. Solomon hugged her back, lifting her into the air with his muscles, a slight smile visible on her face. When she was put back on the ground, she placed a hand on his cheek, a sign of affection, but she obeyed his request, turned from him to the path and began to walk. Solomon had a slight smile on his face, his heart was warm. He turned to explore the ruins that stood upon a slight hill, his hands at his sides in a relaxed manner. He moved quickly, taking long strides upward and swift glances to each side as he climbed some of the smaller ruins, arriving at one of the columns covered in greenery. There, Solomon leaned against the marble, his eyes wondering to each of the other ruins he had passed for a good spot to hide and rest for a while.



    The Ruins of Tsjericanth are a massive expanse of ruins, whose decayed buildings were made from a mixture of stone and clay that has mostly eroded from the constant rainfall. These ruins are filled with stone columns that are similar to the ones in Krycim, although they tell the story from the large snake beast's perspective and appear to have been constructed more recently than the ruins themselves. The detailed inscriptions claim that the Amazonian warriors attacked them unjustly and laid their sacred home to ruin. Nature has long since reclaimed the ruins, although there are still some ways inside the labyrinth-like ruined city.


  14. Solomon noticed out of the corner of his eye an unpleasant look appear on the Airi's face. Solomon didn't focus on that at all, as he needed to figure out his own probably quickly. Hei gave him a bit of assistance, specifying that he needed to press the one on the right and the one with the check mark. He didn't know exactly which symbol was the check mark, but he just pressed that exact one by random chance. His name appeared on the party list, beneath everyone elses. "Airi, Hei, Solomon" was the order of names Solomon saw in the top left corner. Solomon just took a breath as he didn't even attempt to read his name. However, his name was pleasant to look at on the list. Solomon quickly swiped his arm to the side and closed the menu. Those three names still remained, a simple reminder that he was in a party. Solomon couldn't know the significance though, and he just stood still. Solomon gave a slight nod to both Airi and Hei below him, showing that he was ready to go wherever they intended to go.


  15. Solomon found some amusement in the talk between Dominion and Atzo, both of which seemed to be great in their own way. Solomon actually smiled for the first time, humor beginning to come back to him. "Atzo, I doubt we speak of the same person", Solomon stated aloud, all would be able to hear. Solomon quickly went back to his usual state of silence to listen to Atzo's words, most of which regarded Raina, while Ren was later mentioned. The same blond haired man, stated to be the brother of Atzo. They, Solomon, Atzo and Ren supposedly knew one another in another world. However, with all this mention of games and long acronymic words, Solomon could not be certain of anything. Solomon pulled his arm over his head to swing his long, blue braided hair over his shoulder. He looked down on Atzo and Dominion, extending his arms wide with acceptance. "Your older brother is arriving? Must we not fill him with the utmost wine and watch him lust in vain like all men?" Solomon grinned, a odd humor Solomon used to have back in the real world, which seemed to have returned to him. He understood his words, but he would not be able to explain them. In short, he was asking why they didn't just spoil Ren with pleasantries. However, Ren approached them from the street, seeming to have caught sight of them. He held ale in one hand and cookies in the other. He called out to his brother, showing his cookies and drinking the ale. Solomon gladly took a cookie and ate it. It tasted sweet, but he couldn't think of a word to describe it. "Good to see thou again, Ren" 

  16. Solomon was lost, and his facial expression was absolutely blank. This man, Hei, was asking him to accept an invitation to be in his party. Hei told Solomon that he couldn't answer that question, the one that was more to double check Hei's. Even though Solomon didn't understand much, Solomon had a keen eye. He noticed that Hei was able to open something by swiping his hand to the side. Solomon reached out with his dusty right hand, which had been used to draw the images, and swiped in the same motion as Hei had. A notification popped up at about the same time. The notification alarmed Solomon, who quickly jumped up onto his feet and took a sudden step back, his feet now on the ground, his hands up as if to fight. However, a second of thought allowed him to calm down as he stood, staring at the invitation. There was a simple crossed line sign, while another was a slanted check mark. Solomon knew not what these signs meant, nor would he for some time from now. He didn't want to mess with anything past this, and therefore looked back at Hei instead of pressing either. He wouldn't know if Hei understood his problem or not, but he clearly didn't know what to do from this point. Solomon honestly did not understand anything that was going on. 


  17. Solomon took notice to another figure coming from the shadows. As she approached the small duo, Solomon continued to ponder and reword his previous question. While Solomon sat, his question answered with another question, he knew that his question didn't connect with the man. Based on the skill of the woodcutter, he was making the connection between trees and paper for writing. However, it was not his fault. He knew nothing but words of which he didn't understand. He only knew what he wore, what people that walked around wore, his appearances to their appearances and . He looked up to see the red haired girl who spoke to Hei. She said her name, Airi, which he didn't recognize in the slightest. Hei asked what he spoke of a woodcutter. So, Solomon did something. Solomon took his index finger and began drawing on the ground. An elaborate tree being engraved with different shades and depths in the dirt, an ancient equivalenvy sign to symbolize the equality between his drawings, and a inscription of a scroll. He drew the symbols without knowing of there significance. When the girl with red hair gestured toward Solomon, which might have been for a second time, Solomon was aware. He looked up, his eyes glancing from one person to the other. Something was going on, as Hei's face was starting to become the same shade of red as her hair. However, he spoke simply with his booming voice to both of them like a raging river, echoing like a massive mountain cave. , "Who am I?".


    Image result for dirt drawing of tree

    Related image

    Image result for drawing of a scroll


  18. Solomon was simply surprised to see that Atzo and Dominion had made a connection, even if it was just a simple greeting. He remembered how well the two had communicated when he spoke, his voice having surprised him more than anything. However, even now Atzo was nearby, as if he had something to say, but didn't speak his mind. Solomon had honestly forgotten his presence, being as quiet as they were. Atzo jumped down from the post, Solomon not caring where the player decided to be. Atzo was now deformed, fangs seeming to appear in his smile. Solomon kept his blank expression, completely unwavering as he didn't pay any attention. His thoughts, however, were more focused. He first had a question that had to be asked, but he didn't know how to ask it. Solomon turned to Dominion, then to Atzo respectively. "She was beautiful, like a speck that tips the scales or a drop of morning dew that nourishes the ground... Who was she?"  The voice was as loud as a roaring river, and mysterious as the dark side of the moon.  Solomon had an idea that his words would make no sense to these players, but his intention was as pure as could be. He was asking about the girl, a person whom knew him but he didn't himself know.

  19. Solomon stood at the entrance of the first floor beginning city, the one place he had seen his acquaintances before. He had been rescued and returned to the city with the help of three players, now wanting to find out what he had missed in all that year. Solomon's long blue hair was braided back along his spine with adornments and beads. He was a player, if seen by others, as almost eastern. He was barefoot, with nothing to cover his feet. He wore the baggy pants and silk shirt, showing his chest through the orange and yellow silk. Solomon was leaning against a post, one that had been placed there for seemingly no good reason. He suddenly caught sight of the yellow haired player, who seemed almost too excited. Solomon quickly moved to the side to allow the man to pass by, and only after a couple moments did it click. *This guy was there on that day with the woman on the building* Solomon turned his head to the side to watch Dominion come to a sudden stop. There was a monkey on his shoulder, but almost looked like a human besides the tail and hands/feet.

  20. Solomon's mind slowed, his concentration becoming more focused. However, Solomon was quickly disturbed by a man nearby. Simply put, the man was asking something about a notebook. Solomon hadn't a clue what a notebook was, but apparently, something was making this guy search for it. There were other words mentioned, but he had not a clue what most of them meant. Solomon glanced up, his expression blank to the man. He couldn't speak, his voice seemingly dead. However, a simple motion might express his answer. He lowered his head toward the ground, his chin against his chest. He took a brief second to think of any words, but none came to his mind. When he looked back up, he began to speak. "A skilled woodcutter that saws down a tree giving it a coat of coloring?" Solomon stopped speaking. The words he spoke were like a raging river, echoing like a massive mountain cave. Furthermore, Solomon couldn't piece his own words with the question from the man named Hei.

  21. Solomon had passed that group, got rid of the dude that persisted to follow him, and made a clear line to the trees. His long blue beaded hair lay horizontal in the air as he ran, somewhat like a kite. The adornments were flashing with the light of the now setting sun, his silk shirt shining an array of orange gold and yellow. He ran barefoot, nothing to protect the soles of his feet. He looked up to determine his next set of actions. However, the trees were quite a distance from the town of beginning, and he would need to walk to conserve energy. Thus, Solomon slowed his pace once more, keeping an eye out for the boars that roamed to either side. A person had just been recently killed by a boar, honestly not that far from the entrance to the town of beginnings. This had sparked resolve in Solomon's eyes. He had been challenged by a red haired player to go and survive in the forest of the first floor for more than a day. That same guy stated that he would pk people, and that Solomon might be next. Solomon would prove he could survive in the wooded area for way longer than a short day. However, he had no reason to say any of this out loud, as it was his own thoughts and not that of the talker. He had more reason to strive for this accomplishment with the player that had just been wiped out by a boar not minutes ago.

  22. Solomon stood, quietly taking in all there was to see. The area seemed adorned for that of a leader. The decorations that had been made for the occasion were well designed, and that was an understatement. Solomon carefully studied each symbol, sign, or item that was blemished with color. It made it seem as though there would be some sort of feast. to the side appeared to be some sort of food table thing, and in front of where Dominion and Solomon stood was an alter or sorts. Solomon didn't know what a table thing was doing in such a strange spot, but he wouldn't make any judgement about this until he understood. However, when asked that they take a seat, Solomon did not hear. If that was truly the reason, nobody would be able to tell by his blank stare, nor was there any social que to prove otherwise. Dominion didn't seem to react to whatever it was that was said. Instead, Solomon proceeded to memorize symbols in his mind, having to do with the decorations. 

  23. Solomon made it to the other end of the teleport pad, the girl still diagonal to his person. He was aware of the environment, made of forestry hills and a smaller settlement dead ahead. The sun was decently in the sky, few clouds giving scattered shade to the land. He didn't have a clear mind, this girl stealing away his thoughts. *How does she know me? Was I that significant to someone while I was still alive that Atzo didn't tell me about? He must have an answer to this." (OOC, Atzo hasn't a clue) 

    The girl pivoted her body to face Solomon directly. Solomon was simply surprised by all of this. He had no way to prepare for something like this happening. The woman looked into Solomon's eyes. They both had that one trait in common. Both had blue eyes, although they were slightly different shades. She waited a moment before making a move. She wondered where he was going, but she wouldn't question her only friend. She simply smiled and placed her hands around his arm, keeping her body close. Solomon just took a short breath and began to walk. He didn't have any comment, and they walked for a while. He had an idea of where to find a mansion in this environment, but his focus was attracted somewhere else. This person seemed to know him, and he still found this to be something from his memory. Logistically, Solomon thought he was hallucinating. There was a girl by his side he had never seen before, whom kissed his cheek and embraced him. They were an hour late, and they still needed to trek through the woods.

    As they began the 3 hour walk up the mountainous area toward the supposed house, the woman stopped. She was in no way prepared for this walk, and she knew this. Solomon, being a wise man, swept her off her feet and would carry her the entire rest of the way. He knew he was strong enough to do so, but he realized that she wasn't necessarily expecting it. She coward slightly as she was held in his arms, reaching over his neck and grasping for her life. Solomon began to walk forward, his eyes were now beginning to catch small details in the land. Someone had walked this path recently, and that person wore shoes. He followed the path, coming to the mansion about an hour late. He held this woman in his arms up until the very last seconds, placing her feet gently back to the earth. The woman stood slightly behind him as he walked up to the door. His voice boomed like the roar of a river, and the echo of a mountain. 

    "Atzo, It is Solomon! I was summoned here by you!", Solomon looked back to the girl, who was not fearful of his voice in the slightest. Instead she curled her arm around his, a small grin on her face. She remained silent as they stood together in front of Atzo's mansion.

    Girl wearing only the dress:

    Image result for Beautiful Anime Witch


  24. Solomon stood in the massive metropolis known as The Town of Beginnings, which was located in the central part of the floor. He found this floor to be a very memorable one, as he had almost all past memories from here. He walked the streets, his silk shirt displayed his chest, his long dark blue hair braided back with different adornments. He walked on bare feet, feeling breeze touch his skin. He changed his focus from straight ahead at the people in front of him, from the tops of buildings made with fine architecture, and even to the small assemblies of people that congregated on either side of the street. He had been conscious since that day, gathering as much information as possible on what was going on. Suddenly, a message/notification popped up in his notifications tab. His apparently good friend and car crash buddy, Atzo, as asking for everyone to meed on the second floor, some house or something. He closed his notifications, but just after doing so, he was surprised.

    His surprise came as a player ran directly into him, embracing him with a tight hold around his abdomen. She had long, black hair, wearing a dress which was unlike everyone else. Upon looking at her, it was apparent to him that she was not someone he knew. She placed her head on his chest, lamenting. He held her there embraced against his body, at that moment, stunned. Solomon didn't know this girl... So what was going on? Solomon didn't speak, as they stood there in the street, a bit of attention being drawn to them. When she finally let go of him temporarily, she kissed his cheek and embraced him once more. She whispered, tears falling from her eyes onto his silk shirt, "I am so glad you are alright. I could only pray to the gods so much for your well-being." Solomon had nothing to say... but yet, how could he just walk away from another potential clue of his memories. For all he knew, anyone in this game knew him from somewhere and just didn't speak out about it. 

    He gently separated himself from her embrace by placing his arms on her shoulders and stepping back, completely aware that he must leave for Atzo's house soon. "Will you follow me?", Solomon spoke, afraid his voice might sound too threatening. However, the girl nodded her head in approval, no doubt in her expression. It was now clear to Solomon that these tears were tears of joy. Solomon turned around with her standing diagonal to himself and began to head to the teleport pad in the town.

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