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Posts posted by Telrenya

  1. It wasn't until Telrenya followed after Embers and they left the shop that she caught sight of the weapon sheathed at her back. Befitting of her height, the red-head sported a broad axe with a long handle. The weapon was certainly intimidating, but also somehow fitting. She didn't have time to dwell on the item for long before her teammate's sudden laughter gave her a small start. She exclaimed the NPC's name, and Telrenya finally put two and two together to understand what had caused the woman to burst with laughter. She hadn't really given much thought to NPC names. Most of them were of a generic fantasy-sort, or even just plain names. 'Lyle' on its own was pretty forgetful, she thought. But the name 'Tealeaf' did seem a bit funny, and least for a man of his stature and profession. Telrenya found herself chuckling a bit as she thought the name was more befitting of the alchemist she had encountered from the first in the quest chain.

    Coincidentally, she met Ember's gaze as the fiery woman glanced over her shoulder. Telrenya immediately tensed, thinking for a split second that she had done something wrong, but the lazy expression in the woman's face allowed her to relax. It was impossible for Telrenya to explain why she was feeling on-edge around Embers. Perhaps her aggressive attitude was reminiscent of those who weren't afraid to step all over her in the real world. Still, Embers showed no signs of ill will towards her--at least not yet--and so, Telrenya did her best to convince herself that she had nothing to worry about.

  2. "Hm?" Telrenya was a bit surprised to hear a new voice among the crowd, directed at her of all people. The woman turned to see a man draped all in black, and she registered his question just as he mentioned something about crows being black. She hesitated for a moment, simply taking time to process what the stranger was asking of her, while Hei seemed to spot the situation rather quickly and take over for her. Not only that, but Styder addressed them as a whole soon afterwards. He confirmed them to be a potential group of seven rather than six, and Telrenya felt a friendly smile crawl onto her face. 'Looks like everyone's here. I'm glad everyone seems...mostly nice.' Her thoughts held a bit of apprehension. She could only hope that everyone in their rag-tag party would get along. Discord on the battlefield could be a deadly distraction, after all.

    Telrenya perked up, standing at attention when Stryder's eyes expectantly met hers. "Oh, right," She seemed a bit unsure, as if thinking about how to answer his simple question. She placed a hand on the hilt of her rapier as she spoke up again. "I have my weapon skill right now, but I was hoping to build...umm..." She hesitated, lowering her eyes as she searched for what she wanted to say. 'What's the term... High...?'

    "Hybrid!" She stated when the word finally clicked into place. Giving a small clearing of her throat to dissolve some of the embarrassment she began to feel. She ran her hand through the air in front of her, tapping some button as quickly as her muscle memory would carry her until she summoned Fear Eater, the shield that Hei had gifted to her. She lightly bit her bottom lip as she wielded the shield on her arm, wondering how much the other players might think she didn't look suited for the role. "I would like to take some more defensive skills. If it would help our party through the more difficult quests, I would even focus on them over more damage abilities." As always, she spoke honestly, hoping Stryder and the others would accept her answer.

  3. "Oh! You're the woman from the fourth floor!" Telrenya exclaimed after she recognized Eatos. Her blue locks were hardly common, but at the mention of a blacksmith, she felt the need to speak up. "Thank you for this, by the way," She smiled and placed her left hand on the hilt of the rapier resting against her hip. Radiant Dawn had served her well, and it would very likely continue to do so until she'd reached an even higher level. "Once I have the money, you'll see me back at your shop." Her smile grew a bit wider.

    A couple of other people had shown up, leading Telrenya to count a total of six players. The size of the group had her feeling a little intimidated, left to wonder what could require such a large party. Before she had a chance to voice her concerns, the girl with orange hair spoke up with a similar question. Telrenya thought she had heard Stryder mention the girl's name, but she couldn't recall exactly what it was. After catching Eatos' name in her introduction, that would mean the ginger girl was the only person she was really unfamiliar with.

  4. Embers had taken the lead and urged her along, but not before stopping to give Telrenya her name. "Oh, I'm Telrenya." She answered simply. As if she had forgotten to do so a moment early, the woman gave a small, quick bow to the tall redhead before trotting along to follow her into the smithy.

    A heavy hammer striking hot metal was the first sound to reach their ears. Lyle stood, leaned over an anvil as he worked on what looked like it would become another one of the basic weapons that lined the walls of his shop. When the door had been pushed open, the man looked over his shoulder and spoke up with a gruff voice. "So, you've finally returned!" He let out a low, rumbling chuckle with his words. It wasn't clear if the NPC was addressing one or both of the players, but he continued with his scripted dialogue before they had the chance to get a word in. "Ready to help me out with those boar tusks, are you? Remember, I'll make it worth your while with a free piece of equipment. One for each if 'ya each get me a fair share." He briefly explained the quest objective. When the man fell silent, he went back to hammering away at his work as a small dialogue window appeared before either of the women, prompting to accept or decline the quest. Without much thought, Telrenya lifted her hand and pressed the blue circle to accept. "Killing boars, huh..." She mumbled in a small voice. Her eyes naturally trailed over to Embers, who she was now fully considering the leader between them. Curiosity got the better of her, and she quickly began to wonder what kind of skills and weapon she would see the woman using in combat.

  5. Telrenya froze up like a gazelle standing before a cheetah. She felt the urge to apologize again and hide welling up inside of her before the woman in front of her snickered. 'Huh?' Now she was simply confused. The player had taken a casual stance, changing the topic to the building they both stood outside of and the quest that the NPC inside would offer them. Telrenya blinked at Embers' proposal. "O-oh, uhm," Was she being friendly? If so, she had an interesting way of addressing people. Or was there something else going on that she was simply too naive to understand? She averted her gaze, unable to look the woman in her sharp amber eyes.

    "Sure, uhh... I didn't really want to go alone, so..." She had nothing else prepared to say, and so her sentence trailed off into silence. 'Oh God, why am I so awkward, this is terrible!' She mentally scolded herself. 'I don't want to make her mad... I already knocked her over and now I'm stammering at her like an idiot.

  6. After the initial fright, Telrenya couldn't help but laugh as Hei pulled back his hood and apologized. "No no, it's okay! I just scare easily, I guess." She chuckled while giving a small wave of her hand. "It really is cool, this game has so much detail for clothes and equipment." It hadn't taken her more than a few moments to return to her normal friendly demeanor.

    "Hmm, yeah I'm still using a lot of basic stuff..." She mumbled, looking down at her own clothing. The only enhanced piece of equipment on her was Radiant Dawn, so her armor wasn't doing much for her in terms of actual protection. Not only that, but she really wanted to create an item that boosted her accuracy. After some of her previous encounters, she wasn't looking forward to repeating the experience of repeatedly missing her target.

    She looked around at the items on display--not paying as much attention to the gear on the male mannequins, she brought a hand up to her chin as she studied the available items that she could potentially combine with the shield. 'Hmm... A loot item might not be a bad idea, but should I should focus on combat stats, right? Evasion, Light Momentum, Recovery...' She mulled over what she thought the most useful enhancements would be. With a slightly troubled expression, the woman turned back to Hei with a slight tilt of her head. "Erm... I'm honestly not sure about this stuff. Is there anything you recommend?" She asked shyly.

  7. As Vigilon's sword sank into the monster's bony ribcage and its health finally depleted to zero, Telrenya let out a sigh of relief. In truth, they hadn't been in much danger. Save for the rocky start, the party had taken down the monster without taking too much damage themselves. Telrenya's shoulders dropped a couple of inches as she stood up straight and relaxed her stance. She took a moment to sheathe her rapier before Vigilon approached her with a handful of col. "Oh...thank you." She felt a bit shy about accepting the reward. She felt as though she hadn't done much, but also didn't want to raise a fuss over the boy's generosity.

    When the question of what they should do from here arose, Telrenya put on a small, thoughtful frown. "Hmm..." She hummed, glancing between the two players. "Well... I'd hate to stop after just one fight, but..." Once again she felt bad, this time for suggesting that they stop their training. "There are still a lot of quests I haven't done on the lower floors yet. If you're free sometime and need to do them, I wouldn't mind meeting up again!" She gave Vigilon a friendly smile with the offer.

    Thread Complete!

    Telrenya: 1 SP, 233 col
    @Vigilon: 1 SP, 233 col
    Able: 1 SP, 233 col

  8. She gave a nod at his suggestion. Ichi was helping her out with this quest, so she would help keep him safe while they fought these monsters for some much-needed experience. With her Rapier drawn, she also summoned another item from her inventory--the shield that Hei had given to her not long ago. It was a bit bulkier than she would have liked, reminding her that she would need to search for something more manageable when she had the extra money. 'Maybe a small buckler would be nice.' She mused. While Telrenya was busy thinking about an ideal shield to pair with Radiant Dawn, her teammate found a suitable target and hurried to take the creature down. The woman nodded to herself, needing to get to work herself, and spotted a nearby creature that was just slightly higher level to allow her to qualify for a loot drop.

    She ran forward, blade glowing at the ready as she rushed towards the monster. She unsealed her strongest sword art, dropping it's health while the boar squealed loudly in response to the attack. It swung its head violently, large tusks crashing against the surface of her shield. Charging forward at her, the beast rammed into her defense hard enough to knock her off her feet, hitting the ground with a small grunt.

    ID#: 88134 | BD: 6 - Hit! Quadruple Pain Activated
    (1 Base) + (2 Skill) + (2 Equipment) = (5 DMG) x (4 Sword Art) = 20 DMG

    MD: 10 - Critical Hit!
    (21 Base) + (1 Critical) = (22 DMG) - (9 MIT) = 13 DMG

    Telrenya: 127/140 HP | 10/14 EN | 5 DMG | 9 MIT | 14 Thorns
    Wild Boar: 50/70 | 21 DMG

  9. "Thank you!" Telrenya called to the innkeeper as she stepped out into the city. The woman stretched her arms over her head, still feeling a bit of lingering sleepiness. She had no plans for the day, something that always made her feel a bit anxious, with a need for action beginning to fester. Walking out into the lightly populated streets, Telrenya heard a ringing in her ears that demanded her attention. "Hm?" She mumbled, quickly pulling up her menus and navigating to her messages. It was a rare thing for her to receive a message, and curiosity quickly welled up inside of her. Her brown eyes skimmed over the contents of Stryder's message, and once she had finished they nearly began to sparkle. 'A raid? Oh my gosh, is there going to be a lot of people? Why did he choose to invite me?' A slew of questions filled her mind, but she didn't bother to dwell on them.

    It didn't take her long to reach the city gates and enter the fields outside of town. Telrenya looked around for a moment before she spotted what she thought was the somewhat familiar figure of Stryder sitting in the grass. Near him were the figures of two other women, each sporting a vibrant hair color. She quickly recognized Embers, and a nervous smile took over her expression. The fiery redhead was a bit intimidating, but she was grateful for her companionship in taking on the other beginner quests with her. Forcing her legs to carry her forward Telrenya approached the small group with a tiny wave. "Hey, uhm... I got your message?"

  10. "Nice to meet you!" She said with a persistent smile. Though a bit naive when one stops to consider they are trapped in a death game, the woman had already made the decision that Ichi was a nice person. He seemed friendly, and asking her for help reminded her of the countless times that she had approached strangers herself for a quest or some other objective that she was too nervous to take on by herself.

    "Right, no point wasting time here." She nodded at the player's enthusiasm. Telrenya started off in the direction of the closest city gate, her memory easily recalling its location from where they were in town. She felt like she had spent so much time in the Town of Beginnings she was starting to have a better feel for its layout than her actual hometown in the real world.

    It wouldn't take long for them to reach the edge of the safe zone. Glancing over her shoulder to the dark-haired man, Telrenya gave another small smile before speaking up. "So, we can take some on together, or split up a bit. The drops that we get depend on how strong the monsters are, so I wouldn't want to force you into anything dangerous or keep you from getting loot." She waited to listen to Ichi's decision as she drew her rapier from its sheathe.

  11. Telrenya felt a growing unease when the man spoke. He alluded to the fact that Telrenya didn't look much like a fighter, and she couldn't stop herself from mentally agreeing with him. She wasn't brave or courageous like some of the other fighters. She wasn't particularly tactful, strategic, or noteworthy. Any talents that she possessed were either of little value in Aincrad, or spread thin to make it difficult to focus on one particular strength.

    His last comment brought her only the smallest sense of relief. The woman gave a small nod, as if to agree with his words. "It's not the place that I'm best-suited for," She admitted. "but there's something I'm searching for, and I believe that's where I need to be to find it." She spoke with certainty and determination in her voice. "I mean, I want to help everyone, too!" She hurried to continue as if she felt the need to add to her reasoning. The blonde brought a hand up to linger at the back of her neck, left a bit shy after her choice of words.

  12. "Oh...really? I could pay you for it," Telrenya was surprised when Hei offered to hand the shield over to her possession. She would greatly prefer something smaller, like a simple round buckler, but a shield was an item she had been longing for, and the one displayed in front of her had solid stats and an...interesting design.

    The man walked away while she continued to study the item, perhaps leaving her to her thoughts for a moment. She wasn't sure if he was simply passing time, or if he had something to do while they were in his shop, so she decided to wait a moment before looking at any other pieces of equipment. Taking her eyes away from the shield, Telrenya turned to see if she could spot the brunette among the displays. As soon as she had moved, however, the woman was met with a hooded figure that caused her to jump. Telrenya let out a small scream in reaction, taking a step back before it dawned on her. "H-...Hei, is that you?" When she quickly realized that it was in fact the brunette playing a prank on her, the woman's brow immediately furrowed. "You scared me! You look so creepy in that outfit." She nearly pouted at him.

  13. As Vigilon's sword slashed through the flame-covered bones, the skeleton let out a hoarse cry. His grip on Able loosened, dropping the player to the ground while the monster's HP bar dropped significantly from the attack and lingering bleed debuff. The skeletal hand that had grabbed onto the red-headed player raised up before it came crashing down to the earth. The monster caught a glancing blow on Able before he was able to fully evade the attack, but luckily the player's large health pool wasn't in any danger of going into the red anytime soon. Telrenya had taken a few hesitant steps back after Vigilon had warned her to back off. Luckily, the monster didn't seem to be paying her any mind. Still, the woman felt a bit bad for how little she had been able to contribute to the fight. "Uhm... I can try using a stun again soon!" She called out, even if to try and justify her current inaction. "If we even need it by then..." She muttered out after taking a look at the monster's remaining HP.

    ID# 88035 | MD: 6 - Hit!
    Running Away CD: 12 - Success!
    Telrenya left combat

    [4] Able: HP 126/180, EP 12/18
    [2] @Vigilon:
    HP 160/160, EP 11/18
    HP 40/40, EP 2/4

    Molten Skeleton: HP 5/90, Bleed: 1 turn, 12 DMG | 27 DMG

  14. 'Alright, come on, it can't be that bad.' Telrenya thought to herself as she paced back and forth. The woman had been standing outside of Lyle Tealeaf's blacksmith shop for a few minutes now, and at least a couple of other players had already cast strange looks her way as they passed by. 'How hard can a solo quest be? You just go in there, accept the quest, and do it. Easy!' With how she was acting, it wasn't hard to believe that Telrenya had gotten the few levels that she had without embarking on a single quest by herself. The blonde continued to try to work up the courage to enter the shop, pacing back and forth on the side of the street beside the shop's doors. Oblivious to her surroundings, the woman got much too close to a corner without paying any attention to who or what might be on the other side. Without warning, Telrenya collided with another player, stumbling to the side as she struggled to keep herself from falling over with the impact. "Ah! S-sorry!" She exclaimed once she had realized the situation before her. The woman's brown eyes fell upon the long, bright red hair that Embers sported, captivated for a single moment by its vibrance before she looked the woman in the eyes, a dark shade of pink creeping to the surface of her cheeks.


  15. Telrenya's search for a party member had only just begun when another presence made itself known. A player with dark hair grabbed her attention. He stuttered a bit, and seemed a bit nervous to approach her, but Telrenya wore a smile at his request nonetheless. "Oh, sure!" Perhaps it wasn't the most wise thing to blindly accept a request from a stranger, but Telrenya had faced her fair share of cautious rejection since beginning the game. If her assumption was right, the man seemed to be wearing basic equipment, leading her to wonder about his level and other game-related pieces of information. 'Well, as long as he's willing to help,' She dismissed the thought of being intrusive and simply glanced back down to the flyer in her right hand.

    "There's a quest here to kill some monsters outside of the city. Want to do it with me?" She asked. After hearing his response, the blonde would introduce herself with a small bow. "I'm Telrenya, by the way. You can call me Tel if it's a bit much." She added, recalling the times when others seemed to prefer a nickname for her.

  16. (OOC: Since we're so close to 40, I wouldn't mind snagging the one extra SP :P It would just be forcing you to make one more post, if you're okay with it. Sounds good though, have fun with whatever you're doing! :3)

    Telrenya's face soon returned to its normal color while Jomei's words of agreement and reassurance reached her ears. She wasn't sure why she had been so flustered throughout the afternoon, but she was grateful for the man's kind nature. Her normal smile returned to her face and paired with a wave when Jomei bid her farewell. She turned slightly as he walked past her to be on his way, watching the ginger and the owl on his shoulder for a moment. Filling her lungs with air, she faced forward again while trying to give thought as to what she would do at this point. Perhaps getting back to her shop and grinding some Artisan levels, to which she thought, 'I'm really overdue for it... And I've really got to get some new equipment, so maybe I can make something useful.'

    Remembering the material that Jomei had passed onto her earlier, Telrenya came to a quick decision. Taking a moment to get her bearings and recall the location of the teleport gate, she set off for Delilah.

  17. "Oh, sorry!" Telrenya felt the need to give an apology after Jomei's. He seemed to regret letting the small bird near her, and the blonde gave a nervous chuckle. "I'm an open book, huh?" She felt a bit embarrassed to admit it, though she knew very well that she couldn't conceal her emotions no matter how hard she tried. No convincingly, at least. "I really do think she's cute! I'm just kind of shy with animals." She tried to explain, her eyes drifting to the forest floor with a light blush and a tiny smile on her face.

    Once the pair had reached the safe zone, Telrenya gave another smile. "Of course!" It widened in response to the man's question. She laced her fingers behind her once again and rocked back and forth on her heels a couple of times once they had stopped. "You said not to, but I'm gonna say thanks again." Although she had something else to add, she wasn't quite sure how to put it into words. In order to get it out before a silence crept over them, she added on, "I'm usually not busy, so just uhm... I guess message me anytime you're free...like, to practice, I mean. O-or if you just want to meet up, that's fine, too. I mean, whatever is okay with me, really..." In her haste to address the topic of her mentoring, Telrenya tripped over her words. She felt the heat in her cheeks as she stumbled around the topic, finally silencing herself after some more poorly thought-out words.

  18. Travelling down to the first floor before they would begin their expedition into the Forest of Wavering Mists, Telrenya's nerves were slightly quelled by Hei's words. His explanation and planning did well to reassure her that they wouldn't be blindly charging into something they wouldn't be able to handle. Even if they did find themselves up against something dangerous, it sounded like he had a knack for strategizing. The woman nodded along with his words, and before she knew it they had arrived at his shop.

    Besides the NPC shops in another part of town, Telrenya hadn't found herself in a Tailor's shop before. It was much more impressive than the automatically-generated gear that Cardinal offered--she could tell that players had more creativity in their crafts, and she found a smile on her face as she carefully stepped inside. The man allowed her to look around, and so she curiously eyed the various items he had on display. It took her a few moments to familiarize herself with the different stats and buffs they provided, and she tapped a finger on her chin while she thought about what would be good for the type of build she was considering.

    Finally, she spotted an item that was a bit different than the other gear on display. A shield, not an outfit, that displayed something like a monster's face. The item's creepy appearance alone almost had her make a face, but she found herself turning back to the brunette with a question. "Did... You didn't make this, did you?" She wasn't sure how to word it at first.

  19. As the three novice players took on the flaming skeletal creature, Telrenya stood cautiously with her rapier pointed at the monster. Vigilon's attacks were proving unsuccessful so far, but the blonde simply hoped that he would be able to hit his mark soon. She knew all too well how cruel the targeting system can be to a low-level player. Without accuracy bonuses, fights can drag on painfully long, and this was an opponent she would rather not have to deal with for much longer.

    Able made for another attack with his martial arts, but as he got into range of the monster the skeleton reached out a bony hand to firmly grasp the man's loose collar. Telrenya's eyes widened slightly in surprise as the redhead was lifted off the ground with what seemed like no effort on the monster's part. Despite any attempts to swing at the skeleton or free himself, the monster refused to release its grip on the man. Telrenya's jaw tightened slightly, a chill of fear running up her spine. Should they retreat? Would they be able to down the monster before Able would take too much damage?

    ID# 87964 | MD: 6 - Hit!
    Telrenya's Action: Running Away (Begins Next Turn)

    [4] Able: HP 153/180, EP 12/18
    Vigilon: HP 160/160, EP 12/18
    [2] Telrenya: HP 40/40, EP 1/4

    Molten Skeleton: HP 35/90 | 27 DMG (Stun Immune 1 turn)

  20. Telrenya nervously twisted a lock of blonde hair around her finger. Several times she would loop around before pulling down and letting it straighten out, only to begin the motion once again. In her other hand the woman held a worn-looking piece of paper that she was thoroughly studying. The rapier-wielder stood in the Town of Beginnings, just east of the shopping district and not quite in the middle of the main plaza. A troubled look rested on her face as she studied the details of the quest that were written out in front of her for at least the fifth time. Killing six monsters... Even if she was careful and spaced them out, she'd never done that much on her own before.

    A sigh escaped the blonde, and she finally tore her eyes away from the flyer in her hand to survey the crowds around her. Was today going to be another day of asking others for help? Her heart slowly sank, already discouraged by the thought. 'How much longer before I can do something on my own...?' She wondered. It wasn't that she disliked partying with other players per se, but it felt like her dependence on strangers was weighing down on her. A troubled expression rested on her features as she filled her lungs with air. Doing her best to start with a friendly approach, Telrenya proceeded to approach any players that looked willing to hear her out.

  21. The woman gave a small start at the sound of a loud whistle. Telrenya watched in confused curiosity as Jomei looked expectantly towards the sky. Her expression quickly changed to that of surprise and wonder at the sight of the bird overhead, and she stared wide-eyed at the creature that perched itself on the ginger's shoulder. "Whoa..." She breathed out while looking into the owl's large golden eyes. When the familiar spread her wings and moved the distance from Jomei's shoulder to her own, Telrenya stiffened up like a child with stagefright. Unsure of how to react or what to do, she simply stood rooted in place, looking flustered with a slow sideways glance to the creature that had landed on her.

    "O-oh, she's really cute!" The blonde stammered out. Although she was being sincere, her nerves got the best of her. The tawny owl did look quiet adorable, but perhaps she just wasn't the best with animals--even virtual ones. She suddenly started to have second thoughts about trying to get a familiar of her own. She wondered if she would even be capable of taming an animal of her own.

  22. Continuing along the path back to town beside Jomei, Telrenya simply enjoyed the scenery that passed by them. She was used to living in suburban areas all her life, so the nature and different environments that Aincrad provided was a change of pace that she hadn't realized she had longed for before joining the game. The Irishman's voice spoke up again to get her attention, and Telrenya looked over to him as he asked a small string of questions.

    Her head tilted to the side slightly as she looked forward. "Hmm, other quests..." She mused. "I've done one of the beginner quests on the first floor. I'm...trying to do the rest, but I might have to do those alone. Some higher level players have told me that they're level restricted." She explained with a defeated tone. After completing the first of the quest chain with Invious, she hadn't been able to find the masked woman again. "I've done another one on this floor with finding a little girl in a bat cave. Oh, and I do have a profession as an Artisan. I just set up my shop in Delilah last week." She replied with a proud smile.

    "Familiar..." She echoed, trying to understand what he meant by the term. The woman suddenly remembered her encounter with Domarus in the quest that she had mentioned, and the fiery dragonling that rested on his shoulder that had mesmerized her when they met. "Oh! No, I've seen one of those once, but I hadn't even thought about trying to get one. Is it hard? Are there different kinds?" She shot back a few questions of her own as her curiosity swelled.

  23. "Hmm..." Telrenya hummed thoughtfully as Jomei's explanation matched her earlier feelings in the battle against the wasp. She looked down, giving an occasional nod of acknowledgement as the man spoke while she reflected on the fight. She made a mental note to check out some more shops once she had the free time--hopefully this quest and the col that Jomei had passed to her would give her enough to pick up another piece of enhanced equipment that she was sorely lacking.

    She looked back up and smiled again when Jomei suggested heading back to Urbus. "Mm, yeah." She agreed, glancing over her shoulder to check if the way back to forest was clear. "You've still got to find a good place for your shop, right?" The woman grinned when she remember Jomei's original explanation for being on the floor in the first place.

    Their exchanges had been comfortable and refreshing, something that Telrenya was grateful for. It wasn't often that she found someone so willing to help her gain experience, and even more rare that she wasn't the one approaching strangers. While she'd received help with quests and such from players here and there in the past, she was looking forward to seeing Jomei again. "Oh! That reminds me," She perked up, taking a hand from behind her and drawing it through the air to navigate her menus. She tapped on a selection with a smile, sending a friend request to the man.

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