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Posts posted by Telrenya

  1. "Mm, right." Telrenya nodded and followed the dimly-lit path that Rhozarth revealed as he flew steadily through the air. The child walking along beside her had quieted down, tears still beaded at the corners of her eyes. The woman was a bit unsure of the NPCs behavior patterns, but assumed that as long as they stayed near her she would just keep walking with them back to town.

    They walked for a while, heading back through the forest with NPC girl in tow. While their journey back to Delilah was uneventful, Telrenya made some idle chatter here and there to fill the silence, trying to gauge Domarus' reactions in the event it seemed he would rather travel in silence. When the pair found themselves back at the NPC woman, stuck in her programmed loop of softly sobbing into her hands, she lifted her head and face them. Her sorrowed expression was replaced with one of joy as the mother and child were reunited with one another, and she reached into a pouch at her side to hand each of them a small bag filled with coins. The quest had been completed, and Telrenya turned back to Domarus with a smile. "Well, it was a pleasure!" She had to first resist the instinct to thank the man yet again for his help. Having already discouraged her repetitiveness, she figured Domarus would be likely to tell her the thanks weren't necessary yet again. "If we run into each other again, I hope to be much better suited for combat," She explained with a bit of confidence. "I wouldn't mind helping you out with a quest or something sometime, if you ever need it."

    Thread Complete!


    • 2 SP
    • 275 Col


    • 2 SP
    • 275 Col
  2. "Right, I'm ready when you are." Telrenya nodded, holding her weapon steady in front of her. The woman only hoped that should would be able to contribute in some way--her previous experiences with combat had her feeling pretty weak, due to both her low level and her basic equipment. She was unsure of Noct's combat ability, but her worry was more for her own ability than their survival. For some reason, she felt confident that they would complete the quest objectives without any worry for their safety.

    "Hm?" The blonde found herself getting distracted listening to Noct's last statement. "Erm... A thing?" She tilted her head with curiosity. Her stance had relaxed somewhat as she looked over to him, waiting for clarification. Quickly realizing that her attention had strayed from the beast before them, Telrenya readied herself again. "Sorry, I can fight and talk. But what do you mean?" She asked with a curious smile, waiting for the dark-haired man to make the first strike.

    @Nocturn (OOC: I re-took the quest for Artisan, but I'm open to finishing this if you want)

  3. Just as the boy had opened his mouth to speak again, he stopped short when another voice caught his attention. "Huh?" He looked as though he was about to snap back at the raven-haired player that had stepped in, but his words failed him at Aoda's last question. A bit flustered, the blonde boy turned his attention to the stranger, his hands still resting on his hips. "Hey, because of her the potion I had was destroyed!" He exclaimed. "It was expensive! She should have to pay me back for it!" The more the boy went on, the more childish his arguments began to sound. Still, his brows were narrowed with a pouting frown on his face, clearly unwilling to let the incident go.

    Meanwhile, as curious as Telrenya was when the sound of another player's presence fell on her ears, she dared not lift her head. After the boy had tried to explain himself, the blonde spoke up again to repeat herself. "I'm very sorry! I'll... I can make up for it somehow." She sounded unsure as she tried to find the right words. As much as she appreciated the sound of someone trying to intervene, she didn't want anyone else feeling like they had to involve themselves in her mistakes.

  4. A commotion was a rather uncommon thing to occur in the main settlements of Aincrad, especially in the calm scenery that made up the city called Snowfrost on the fourth floor. While the blanket of night rested over most of the normally-peaceful area, the booming voice of a player who had been the victim of a very unfair and unjust situation rang out.

    "And just how are you going to pay me back for this? Huh?!" Anyone within the vicinity of the teleportation gate just moments earlier might have caught sight of what happened between the two players. A boy with bright blonde hair and sharp amber eyes stood with his arms folded over his chest, an expression of anger and disgust stuck to his features. He stared down at a young woman who was down on her knees, blonde hair spilling over her shoulder and onto the snow piled on the ground as her forehead pressed against the back of her hands.

    "I-I'm really sorry!" She spoke up loudly enough for the agitated player in front of her to hear, earning her a scoff in response. Telrenya's eyes--though hidden from view--were squeezed shut, the feelings of guilt and embarrassment squirming around in her stomach.

  5. The man had replied with reassuring words and a comparison to his own time and experiences in the game, allowing Telrenya to relax a bit. Still, the brunette seemed a bit... 'Reserved? Stoic? ...Unfriendly?' While he waved for her to follow along, Telrenya tried to search for the right word to describe her first impression of the seemingly famous tank. 'No no, he seems nice. I've just been around Able too much.' She assured herself. The difference between Able and Shield's personalities was certainly drastic.

    While her internal discussions continued, the blonde woman came to attention when Shield began listing off some general details of what she only assumed were the various quests available on the third floor. His knowledge was impressive, but pushing that thought to the side for now, Telrenya focused on answering his question. "Oh, the name of the quest is Worn Out Welcome. I believe the objective is to defeat a dark elf, yes." She picked out his mention of it. She wasn't sure if she wanted to continue on for a moment, but made the quick decision to give a touch of small talk a try. "I want to progress as quickly as possible, so getting this armor reward should be a big help." The woman wore a small smile as she walked, her left hand idly resting on the hilt of her rapier while they made their way to the city's edge.


  6. Telrenya listened to the exchange, at first feeling a bit nervous that the men wouldn't get along. With Noct's suggestions, Able's eventual agreement, and most notably the apology towards her that followed, the woman let out a small chuckle. She waved a hand in front of her, giving Able a quick, "No no, it's okay." with a friendly smile. Although she brushed it off as nothing, she appreciated his words. With how often jokes would go right over her head, Able's flirtatious demeanor often threw her for a loop. Still, she was glad the man seemed to be taking that into consideration.

    "Hmm..." She found herself musing as the topic of what they should do was still at hand. "Well before I forget, let's make it official." She nodded to herself, swiping through the air to open up her menus. Selecting a couple of buttons, both Noct and Able would find party invitations hovering in front of them. With her interface still floating in front of her, Telrenya tapped a finger on her chin thoughtfully. "That's true, we did okay on the third floor..." She mumbled as she talked to herself. Once Noct had joined the party, her eyes flickered up to the corner of her vision to read his level after it was displayed. The raven-haired man was comparable to herself, though if he had better equipment--which was likely--he would easily deal more damage than her. She quickly found a frown pulling down at the corners of her mouth. She was starting to second-guess her initial suggestions. "If we just want the fastest experience..." Her head swiveled around as she looked out over the almost barren fields. "I admit, it might be better to move up one or two floors. Buuut, we could still try going past these spawning areas to find something cool. I think I'm still leaning to that." She admitted, the grind for the fastest and most efficient experience gain sounding very unappealing to her.


  7. Telrenya was about to open up her menus when she spotted the map hovering in front of Invious. Allowing the masked woman to lead their way through town, the blonde followed after her before she was presented with a set of questions. "Oh, right..." She seemed to be taken off guard by Invious' concern, hesitating a moment before speaking up again as if she wasn't sure exactly how to answer. "Yeah, I think once or twice I might have tried an RPG kind of game. But I never got very far, and this is just...way too different." She had worn a small smile, but felt her fingers pressing into her palms before she answered the next question. She hadn't planned to talk to anyone about this, and now she found herself opening up to the woman in white. She didn't want to brush off Invious' questions, or lie to the woman, but finding the right words was more difficult than she had thought. "Umm...yeah. I hope so. I mean, of course he's okay. I have to believe that he is." Telrenya had forced a grin onto her face, but shook her head lightly as a lump started to form in her throat. She couldn't get all choked up now, not in front of Invi. "I-I don't, no." She cleared her throat with a bit of embarrassment at her own stammering. For the longest time, she had only wished that she knew what he had chosen as a username. She had never paid much attention to the details of her brother's gaming habits, and now was the time when she sorely regretted not knowing such a minor thing. "I only know what he looks like. But you can change how you look and what you wear in here, so... I don't even know if he'd recognize me in this." She gave a weak smile while she looked down to her own knightly equipment.

  8. Telrenya had tensed up when Able so readily charged in against the field boss. Should she have even been worried? The redhead was a higher level than her, and as she caught Vigilon's words she realized that he wasn't far behind the man in terms of stats. She already knew she was the weakest one among the three, but now she just felt another reminder. Still, they were out here in order to train--to get experience and gain levels wherever they could, so as long as this nasty skeleton didn't give them too much trouble, the blonde told herself they would be just fine.

    Able attack landed successfully, leaving the man as confident as always. The blonde couldn't help but smirk back towards him after he called out. "Flawless, indeed!" Perhaps the pressure of combat made it easier for her to joke around, as it provided her a distraction from the danger. She normally wouldn't offer much banter of her own, but she felt a bit braver than normal herself. "Keep that up and we'll be done here in no time." She held her rapier tightly, not wanting to waste any more time in following-up after the redhead's attack.

    "Here goes," She breathed out, rushing towards the monster with her blade ready to strike. The metal glowed a bright yellow, indicating a sword art of her own. Unlike the normal thrusting motions that she would have struck with, Cardinal had her blade swinging down upon her target's skull. The attack had barely moved the monster's health bar, but as Telrenya disengaged she spotted the status effect flashing beneath it. The skeleton was practically frozen in place, causing the woman to grin with excitement. "Yes! Got it!" She exclaimed.

    ID: [86346] | BD: 6 - Hit! [Used SA - Above - x1 Stun] [2 DMG]

    Able: 180/180 HP | Energy: 14/18 | Hate: 2

    Telrenya: 40/40 HP | Energy: 0/4 | Hate: 1

    @Vigilon: 160/160 HP | Energy: 18/18 | Hate: 0

    Molten Skeleton: 64/90 HP [Stunned] | Damage: 27

  9. "Err, you're lost right? Let's head back," Telrenya wore a friendly smile while trying to interact with the NPC child. Her feminine instincts conflicted with the fact that the crying little girl in front of her wasn't actually real, leaving the woman hard-pressed for words. Despite her uncertainty, the wailing child sniffled and rubbed at her eyes, calming down a bit as the game registered Telrenya's interaction with her. She gave a small nod, tears still running down her cheeks while she stood up. It wasn't much longer when Domarus had caught up with them, approaching behind Telrenya and kneeling as well. She turned to look at the man with a weak smile.

    "It took a little bit, but she's finally done crying." She said, a bit relieved that the noise had died down. Standing herself back up, Telrenya rested a hand back on the hilt of her rapier and kept on eye on the NPC child to make sure she was following after them now. "You've taken care of the bats already? Good job, that was fast." Her smile grew a bit wider.


  10. "Hmm," Telrenya hummed lightly in response to Vigilon's explanation and comparison to his real-world skills. Although levels and stats ruled in the end, the woman thought it was interesting how muscle memory and previous weapons experience could play a part in how comfortable someone was able to move in combat.

    The small smile that had rested on her face was quickly wiped away when the flicker of light in the corner of her eye caught her attention. She hurried to her feet and drew her weapon, acting a bit jumpy when compared to the other two players. Perhaps being the lowest level among them had her more worried and cautious. When the skeleton appeared before them, flames licking the bones that made up its skeletal body, Telrenya felt herself swallow. Able's voice caught her attention, a sideways glance while he cracked another joke causing the blonde to let out a small chuckle. "Hmm..." She stared at the monster , attempting to analyze the creature for some sort of a strategy they could use against it like Able had suggested. "If we could use water in some way...maybe it would be weak to that?" Telrenya couldn't even try to mask the uncertainty in her voice. Seeing the monster bathed in fire, she simply threw out the first thought that came to mind, with no plan on how to execute it. She hesitated, drawing her weapon and holding the basic rapier out in front of her while she waited for Able to take the lead just as he had done against the goblin they fought earlier that day.

  11. When Veriost circled around her and then seemed to be seeking attention from her, Telrenya gladly obliged. The creature appeared friendly, and so the woman ran her hand along the dragon's scaly back. When Vigilon spoke out to her and offered an apology, Telrenya simply waved her free hand lightly in front of her. "Oh no, it's alright. She's really cute." The blonde smiled, continuing to offer Veriost careful petting strokes as long as she would want them. The woman looked back to the redhead in front of them just as he established an area for them to wait for monsters to spawn. While she couldn't say that she was used to his normal, flirtatious behavior, it was odd to have seen it die down. Watching Able take a seat on the grass, Telrenya followed suit, folding her legs to the side as she leaned on her palm planted flat to the ground. Hoping to ease any lingering tension between them as new acquaintances, the woman thought for a few moments before trying to strike up conversation. "So, I have my normal rapier and Able here fights with his fists," She looked to the redhead with a small smile before turning to Vigilon. Her eyes fell upon the sheath of his weapon. "Is that a straight sword that you use?"

  12. It wouldn't take long for Telrenya to reach the agreed meeting place. With a small spring in her step, the blonde woman walked through Delilah just as an afterthought occurred to her. 'Oh shoot, I didn't tell him what I look like or anything...' A few taps of her index finger against her chin, and she came to the conclusion that she would send off another message once she'd reached the cafe. The pinging sound of a notification rang in her ears at just that moment, indicating a reply from the player she had reached out to.

    After dismissing the concise reply that she had received, Telrenya spotted the Wildflower Cafe on the other side of the plaza she had stepped into. "Hey hey, isn't that Shield?" A male voice beside her caught the blonde's attention. The opportunity to identify the person she was meeting had presented itself, and Telrenya found herself pausing to find the player that was pointing out the tank to his party members. She spotted a boy with jet-black hair and an outstretched finger. While Telrenya stood still, her eyes followed his gesture until they reached a tall man with brown hair that looked to be waiting in front of her destination. As she stared at the man in question for a moment, she caught the boy's voice when he spoke up again. "He's like, the best tank on the frontlines right now!" Telrenya's mind slowly stopped paying attention to the conversation that followed beside her that included comments about the latest floor boss fight, and questions like why such a high leveled player would be here.

    'Hm? What? Best frontline...?' Telrenya felt her stomach drop as the pieces began to come into place. Had she just messaged one of the highest-leveled players in Aincrad to ask for help on a third-floor quest? The woman swallowed, forcing herself to move forward until she had approached the brunette. Her nerves had her behaving rather stiffly, but she still raised her right hand to rest over her heart as she bowed to the man in her typical greeting. "You're... Shield, right?" She smiled and brought her fingertips together in front of her torso as she straightened back up. Trying not to let her embarrassment show too strongly, she continued. "I didn't realize you were a much higher level than what's suited for this area... Really, I don't want to waste your time, so I understand if you aren't actually interested."

  13. ((OOC: Sorry, I'm usually on mobile and can't see signatures. And Able, I didn't mean to misinterpret your writing. To be fair, Tel's still not used to taking Able's jokes as lightly as he means them. :P))

    When Vigilon's familiar reared back, Telrenya tensed up in slight surprise. Despite the clear, sunny weather the dragon breathed a visible frost in a small retort before her master held her mouth closed. The girl blinked in a moment's disbelief at the display before a smile took over her features. The woman found herself staring intently at Veriost before her gaze eventually shifted back to Vigilon with a friendly smile as Able would send out a party invitation. She found herself admiring the dragonling, but didn't want to be rude or pry about the creature.

    "Oh," The blonde hurried not to fall behind Able as he wordlessly led the way. His silence felt a bit odd, but she followed after him without questioning it, resting her left hand on the hilt of her rapier. When he did call back to mention the time of day, Telrenya looked out to the setting sun in the distance. 'I would be making dinner about now.' She found herself thinking about the real world again. Adjusting to life in Aincrad had been a huge task for her, and the blonde often dwelled on things she would 'normally' be doing, or what might be happening in the real world at certain times. Urging herself back to reality, she gave a small shake of her head. "Sounds fine to me."


  14. "Hm?" A voice calling out to them quickly caught Telrenya's attention. Shifting her gaze, her eyes fell upon a player with sandy brown hair with a friendly aura about him. The blonde smiled in reaction to his presence only for Able to speak up about the 'thing' that he had seen earlier being the boy's familiar.

    The redhead was beginning to confuse her now. First, he declined the stranger's offer for assistance. Then he turned towards her and asked her what they should do, only to offer that the brunette was welcome to join them. The blonde couldn't keep her head from tilting to the side slightly, not even registering his embarrassing choice of words as he called their excursion a 'date'.

    Still, Able offered the player a friendly greeting. Realizing she hadn't done the same, Telrenya hurriedly perked up, bringing her right hand up to her chest to rest over her heart while she bowed towards Vigilon. "Oh, sorry! My name is Telrenya." After straightening back up and dropping her hand back to her side, she kept the friendly smile on her face. "Would you like to join us for some monster hunting?" She echoed Able's offer to indicate that she was fine with it.


  15. Able had answered Noct's question for her, but his response caused the woman to grow flustered with each word. "Wait, w-what?" The woman stammered out before giving the redhead a pout. "Jeez! Stop saying such weird things." Telrenya had finally called the man out on his embarrassing comments before turning her attention back to Noct and trying to compose herself. "I believe this man is confused." She tried to play off his words in a joking manner of her own before taking a more serious tone to answer the raven-haired man's question. "But really, I was just exploring a bit. I don't have much map data outside of the cities, so..." Her words trailed off as her thoughts failed to keep up with her explanation.

    Not realizing that she had referred to them together herself moments ago, Telrenya tilted her head just slightly. "Are we making a party? Do you guys want to?" She looked between Noct and Able. The trio seemed to have come together by chance, but after considering it for a moment Telrenya had to admit that they would make a strong team. She wasn't in any position to deny experience--in fact, she was finding herself more and more impatient to raise her level lately.


  16. 'Whew, finally.' Telrenya repeated the thought as they headed back to town. As much as the woman enjoyed Invious' company and getting out of the city walls for once, their task had felt lengthy and very much like a chore. Then again, what could she hope to expect from something called a 'beginner quest'. Were all quests like this? Surely, some must involve fighting monsters or saving townspeople and things along those lines. It was at this point that Telrenya mentally cursed her normal disinterest in role-playing games. 'Well, you're living in one now, Estelle.' She reasoned with herself.

    As they entered Zachariah's shop after what felt like a whole day's worth of material gathering outside of the safe zone, Telrenya let out a small huff of breath. When presented with their final task of crafting a potion, the blonde looked to Invious while she quickly got to work. The task didn't seem to pose any difficulty for the masked woman who swiftly produced a high-quality potion. The NPC alchemist clapped in approval at the creation, causing Telrenya to frown slightly with apprehension. "Alright, guess I'll give it a shot..." She followed the instructions that the quest-giver had given them, combining the ingredients into a single potion that was comparable in quality to the one Invi had made.

    ID#: 86134  CD: 8 - Success!

  17. Telrenya gave herself a small nod of encouragement, pressing down on the 'Send' button that hovered in front of the message she had typed out. The low-leveled rapier-wielder had spent a good deal of time taking initiative and asking around the town of Delilah. Specifically, she was looking for a certain kind of player. Her lack of defensive equipment meant that completing quests by herself was going to get more and more dangerous the higher the floor she moved to. A player that didn't mind defending against monsters was the perfect solution.

    Would you be willing to assist me with completing a quest on the third floor? I will happily offer you a share of the rewards for your help. If so, you can find me in front of the 'Wildflower Cafe' in Delilah.


    At first, the blonde woman was worried that the message was too stiffly written, but urged herself to sent it off without any changes. She would be standing there all day allowing herself to tweak and change her words until she would eventually be satisfied. From the numerous people around town that had been willing to answer her questions, one player was overwhelmingly mentioned in high regard: a man who simply went by the name of 'Shield'. Appropriate, Telrenya thought, for the type of person she was looking for. With an over-confident smile on her face, the woman quickly made her way to the cafe she had mentioned, where she would wait patiently and hopefully for the player in question to make an appearance.


  18. Telrenya's smile grew wide when the woman asked if she would like to complete the rest of the beginner quests together. After getting an idea of what the quests were like, it seemed like it would be possible to complete them on her own. She might not have much difficulty with the quest tasks, but the dangers of being alone outside of the safe zone loomed over her. She was weak--low in level and lacking equipment that would ensure her survival. Without those things, Telrenya only imagined what could happen if she were to cross paths with a particularly nasty monster or player out in the wilderness.

    Besides her own survival, she would admit that she enjoyed the woman's company. She was kind, but still as mysterious as ever. The blonde would even go so far as to say Invious' appearance and demeanor made her seem rather cool. The blonde nodded her head towards the masked woman as her smile extended to a cheerful grin. "Sure! We can do all of them, and get a ton of levels." She gave Invious a confident thumbs-up.

    Setting to work to find the last quest item that she needed, Telrenya was lucky enough that she didn't have to search for long. Her sights fell upon a bundle of herbs growing among the grass at her feet. Inspecting the item quickly revealed its classification as a material and eligible quest item, causing the girl to swiftly retrieve it and turn back to Invious. "There we go, all set. Shall we head back?"

    Material Gathering:

    • ID#: 86031
      • LD: 18 - Success!
    • Invious: 5/5
    • Telrenya: 5/5
  19. A red tinge made its way over Telrenya's cheeks when Able had finished speaking. It wasn't as if she had never been flirted with before, but she hadn't expected such nonchalance with the multiple times the man had given her some compliment or made a suggestive comment. She began to wonder if this was simply his personality, and whether or not she should give his playful words any more thought. She didn't seem to need to say anything in return, as Able was already in the process of determining their next course of action.

    Telrenya gave a start when the man pacing before her was struck in the back of the head. The blonde hadn't even seen the projectile coming, let alone had enough time to call out a warning. Giving a small, sympathetic chuckle at the man's frustration, she nodded in agreement at his suggestion to changing locations.

    With her fingers laced in front of her, Telrenya had been walking casually and wondering if she should try to strike up another point of conversation. Before she had the chance to decide on a topic, however, she was pulled back to reality with Able's outstretched hand and an exclamatory question. "H-huh?" She blinked, looking to the area he indicated to try and determine what he was referring to. "Err, no, sorry... What was it?" Her head tilted to the side slightly, curious as to what Able could have possibly spotted in the sky.

  20. 'Yes! If I can get some equipment and keep doing stuff like this, and quests...' Telrenya was almost lost in thought before she pulled herself back to reality, flashing Able a smile. "So then, shall we find some more goblins, or look for some different monsters to torment us?" She teased the man lightly. The blonde took a moment to stretch her arms out in front of her after she spoke up, having placed her rapier back in its sheathe for the time being. The plains outside of Delilah were rife with wildlife, aggressive monsters and neutral creatures alike. Other players were a bit more rare; the lower floors weren't a very common hunting ground it seemed, save for specific crafting materials that were locked to certain levels.

    Keeping an eye out for any threats to their safety, such as patrolling monsters that may wander too closely to their position, Telrenya only hoped she could get some resources from this excursion. She recalled what the red-haired man had told her earlier--something about giving her a rapier, which quickly caused her to realize that she hadn't addressed the statement. "Oh, and don't worry about giving me anything!" She tried to politely decline his generosity. Of course she wanted new equipment, but Telrenya's newfound sense of pride already had her feeling guilty from his teasing comments. "I should be the one getting you something!" Although she knew she had no means to do so, she still threw out the comment with a smile.

    (This is a continuation of where @Able and I left off in a previous thread. Feel free to jump in however you like, @Vigilon!)

  21. While Invious continued the conversation and finished collecting the last of her own quest objectives, Telrenya's arm was raised above her in an attempt to grab a single fruit hanging from a tree branch. "I guess...you have...a point." The woman's sentence was broken up between small hops as her outstretched fingers inched closer to their target. With one last jump the blonde managed to knock the fruit loose, her feet landing back on the ground while she hurriedly moved to catch the item before it would crash to the ground and disappear. "Whew... Almost." She replied to Invi while dismissing the item away into her inventory. "I still have to get one more." Placing her hands on her hips, Telrenya leaned back and tilted her chin up, looking to the other branches of the tree for any other materials that she might be able to get from it.

    Material Gathering:

    • ID#: 85876
      • LD: 13 - Success!
    • Invious: 5/5
    • Telrenya: 4/5


  22. "Hm?" Telrenya looked up in surprise at the sound of another, yet familiar, voice in the distance. She quickly spotted the black-haired man and broke out into a grin at his greeting. "Hi again!" She lifted a hand for a small wave while Noct made his way over and questioned the red-haired man on the ground, casually nudging him with his shoe. Before she had a chance to reply, Able spoke up himself, causing the blonde to look downward towards him again. Her grin had vanished, replaced with a flustered expression as she registered his flirtatious comment. Not to say that she had never been teased before, the blonde was simply too 'innocent' to return the redhead's nonchalance. Despite having just graduated high school before entering the game, Telrenya couldn't confidently say she had been in a functioning relationship before.

    'Ah, what am I getting sidetracked with?' The blonde questioned herself, straightening up and taking half a step back to allow Able the space to stand up himself. While he had moved to offer Nocturn a greeting, the woman found a small smile returning to her features. "Well! Looks like I'm the mutual acquaintance here." She clapped her hands together in front of her chest, maintaining an air of positivity. "It's a shame all of the monsters were cleared out," A small, thoughtful frown appeared on her face. "Do they take a long time to come back? Or maybe we could look somewhere else..." Subconsciously inserting herself into the situation--or even Noct as well, as her vague use of the word 'we' left it unclear--the girl idly tapped her index fingers together as she tried to think of a solution to the man's dilemma.


  23. "Hmm..." Telrenya mused after Able told her a bit more about his family. She nodded at the comment about the brother she so eagerly went on about. "Mmhm! He always looks out for me. Even if he can be a typical big brother sometimes." The woman rolled her eyes. The way she was talking, it would almost sound like she was back in middle school.

    "Aah, there we go!" The blonde cheered with a wide smile as Able landed a solid set of blows on the monster. She eagerly brought her weapon to the ready as he called out her turn to attack. 'Let's hope I can pull this off...' She thought, concentrating on her target. She took a few quick steps to close the distance between them while her blade began to glow a bright golden yellow. She thrust the weapon forward, striking the goblin twice in succession while the user interface indicated critical damage.

    Pulling her weapon back, the goblin had let out a small shriek of pain before its entire form snapped and burst into pixels. Telrenya wore a confident grin that quickly shifted to include her embarrassment when she turned back to Able. "Sorry... You did all the work that whole time and I came in just to finish it off." She hoped the man was indifferent towards her taking the last hit, but felt the need to apologize anyway.

    [ID: 85680]
    Telrenya: [BD: 10] [(1 Base) + (2 Crit) + (1 Skill) x (2 SA) = 8 Damage]

    @Able | HP: 158/180 | NRG: 8/18  | Hate - 2
    Telrenya | HP: 20/20 | NRG: 0/2 | Hate - 2

    Goblin | HP: 0/30 | DMG: 9 |

  24. Before long, a blanket of silence draped over the two. Only the ambient sounds of the wilderness, paired with the incessant chattering and chuckling of the little goblin dancing around Able could be heard. Telrenya began to feel a bit nervous, wondering if they should continue trying to fight the creature or just turn back the way they came until it would eventually scurrying back to its post with the other goblin mobs. The blonde wrapped her fingers around her forearm, the tip of the blade on her rapier just barely poking into the dirt at her feet.

    "So... Does your sister like video games?" She asked, attempting to prevent the conversation from dying out. She decided to follow Able's earlier trend, offering up an answer for her version of the question before expecting him to speak. "My brother is way better than me," She seemed to perk up a bit when speaking about him again. "Sometimes he gets me to try different games, but I'm usually awful at them. Or they're just too violent." She explained with a disapproving frown.

  25. "Hmm..." She mused while Able spoke about himself in return. "I'm not great at sports myself." She tacked on, a bit of disappointment in her small voice. It seemed those were two subjects where their talents most certainly differed. In the real world, Estelle would occasionally wish she was more athletically gifted, but truthfully she just never put much work into it. Any focus she did put towards her body was more superficial--she was rather strict with herself when it came to taking care of her skin and watching what she ate, but exercise was also an area she slacked off in.

    She hadn't dwelled on the thought for too long before Able shot another question her way. "Oh, a build?" She repeated to herself. "Mmm..."A mumble left her as she tapped a finger on her chin. "Well, I know that I want to get damage first. I'm not sure how many damaging skills there are...but maybe after that maybe some defensive skills?"

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