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Posts posted by Telrenya

  1. Telrenya followed after the man attentively, being careful to keep a steady pace. "Oh, mm," The woman seemed to give a moment of thought to her answer. "Well I have done a couple on the first floor. I'm a bit...scared to really tackle them on my own, so..." She hesitated at the admittance before a sheepish grin broke out on her face in an attempt to lighten her own anxiety. "I managed to get myself a weapon, so once I can get just a little more armor I think it'll be a lot better." She explained vaguely, not directly stating which part of the situation would become 'a lot better'.

    It didn't take long for the duo to reach the edge of the Delilah. Within minutes they were past the safe zone's border and heading in the direction of a dense forest. Telrenya's head swiveled to survey the fields around them. The scenery seemed a bit similar to the first floor, but the area around Delilah had a very distinct feel. It felt more...foresty? Natural? Elf-like? The blonde wasn't sure how she could even describe it.

  2. 0cfc10f370ab8cf21db764ec1004dddf.jpg.19e8bc760b6a2a6ed6df8df8669a1b08.jpg

    In the heart of Delilah stands an impressively busy cafe. From morning 'til dusk, the building covered in flowering vines and appealing decor sees players in and out, with many returning to frequent the establishment. The popular cook that owns the cafe surely has an exceptionally high skill level and access to even the rarest materials to work with.

    Located just to the left of The Wildflower Cafe lies a building that looks quite plain in comparison. A small flowerbed lines the large windowsill that spans a generous portion of the front wall. Behind the glass lays plenty of empty display stands, indicating that perhaps the shop owner was short on supplies, not open for business, or had only just established their profession. Indeed, if one would enter the humble Artisan shop, they would see a young blonde woman dressed in her knightly combat equipment, having not yet even acquired a set of crafting items. Telrenya can be found hard at work--attempting to craft new pieces, organizing the few different types of materials she has on hand, or simply studying her newly-acquired skill.

    Rank 3 Artisan
    48/5120 EXP
    Craftable Items: Trinkets | Jewelry
    Materials on Hand: (8) T1 | (6) T2 | (0) T3
    Tools In Use:



    CD Result:


    ►Rank 3
        [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
        [2-4] = Fail (Lose materials)
        [5-7] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 11+)
        [8-10] = Uncommon item (1 slot)
        [11] = Rare item (2 slots)
        [12] = Perfect item (3 slots)



    T1 Uncommon: 300 col / 2 materials
    T1 Rare: 600 col / 4 materials
    T1 Perfect: 1200 col / 8 materials

    T2 Uncommon: 450 col / 3 materials
    T2 Rare: 900 col / 5 materials
    T2 Perfect: 1800 col / 10 materials

    Order Form:


    Your Profession: Artisan
    Your Rank: 2
    ID: [leave blank]
    Roll: [leave blank]
    Item Type: 





    • ID#: 86994
      • LD: 14 - Fail! (1 Total)

    Telrenya walked along the fields, the distance between herself and Ruby slowly growing larger as they searched different areas. "Oh, it's alright!" She called over her shoulder to the other blonde. "I actually have pretty bad luck, but I won't be surprised if we don't find much." She gave a small, sheepish grin at her declaration of her own misfortune. At least her superstitions had taught her not to raise her expectations too high, if nothing else.

    Lacing her fingers together behind her back, the woman took their time out in the wilderness to try and enjoy herself a bit. She walked leisurely, still trying to keep an eye out for anything of interest as she went. In the back of her mind, she secretly hoped that she might step on some really rare material or something. Otherwise, the pair might find themselves spending the better half of the afternoon outside just gathering for quest objectives.

    • ID#: 86988
      • LD: 8 - Fail! (1 Total)

    A frown grew across the woman's face, replacing the cheerful daydreaming expression she had worn just a minute ago. Ruby seemed just as confused at the display as she was. Regardless, Telrenya could only think about how mean and unfair that was for the game to tease her like that. Without much she could do about it, the blonde simply gave a small shake of her head and a tiny sigh. "Ah well... Back to searching then, I guess." She concluded, only hoping that the older woman would have a change of luck soon. Besides her own instance of what she was chalking up to as dumb luck a few moments ago, where she had actually stepped on a piece of material, Telrenya looked back to the area around her. Nothing out of the ordinary, and Cardinal wasn't giving her any assistance with locating another item. Maybe she would just have to walk around until she tripped on another hunk of rock in the ground or something.

    • ID#: 86983
      • LD: 16 - Success! (1 Total)

    Telrenya walked out into the green fields, taking in a breath of air through her nose. Her lungs filled with the simulated smells of grass, dirt, and other naturally-occurring scents. She couldn't remember experiencing anything like it back home, not in the middle of the city, anyway. With what little she'd seen of Aincrad so far, she could only wonder how many new kinds of places she might see and what types of new experiences she would get to try. The thought brought a wide, child-like smile to her face as she was lost among her daydreams.

    Suddenly, a sound rang in her ears that indicated a system message. "Huh?" Telrenya mumbled, stopping in her tracks to give a look around. Her chin tilting downward, the blonde lifted up her foot to reveal something shiny protruding from the ground. She blinked, spotting the dialogue box that hovered over it, reading <<Small Silver Ore>>. Her face brightening once again, Telrenya eagerly unearthed the item, watching it disappear into her inventory. Giving a glance over to where Ruby was looking, her expression was quickly replaced with one of surprise just as she watched the item in her hands burst into light. "Whoa... What happened?"

    • ID#: 86979
      • LD: 12 - Fail!

    'Telly.' She repeated the nickname in her head. It wasn't something she would have thought of on her own, but she thought the name was kind of cute. The blonde grinned towards Ruby, giving a nod as she led the way towards the town gates.

    Telrenya had only been out of the city a handful of times so far, although she was looking to change that. From previous experiences, hunting for materials seemed to be a game of luck, which already had the girl feeling nervous. She just knew her bad luck was going to kick in whenever it had the opportunity. Still, she tried to be a bit optimistic as they exited the safe zone, placing her left hand on the hilt of her rapier as her head swiveled side to side. "Well... I guess we start here!" She gave a small shrug, taking a few steps out into the wilderness ahead of them.

  3. The blonde grew flustered for just a moment more at Ruby's last question. Giving a small shake of her head, Telrenya inwardly sighed. 'She kind of reminds me of someone...' She thought, remembering her encounters with the equally flirtatious rehead, Able. Maybe because of her previous experiences with the man, or maybe just for the fact that Ruby was a woman, Telrenya was a bit better at rolling with her suggestive comments than she used to be. She certainly hadn't been able to predict Ruby's personality, but she still thought the blonde was very sweet to help her out, in more ways than one.

    Jogging to catch up with her, Telrenya followed after her until they found an Artisan shop a few blocks down. "There we go! Be right back," She slipped into the shop to speak with the NPC and obtain the quest. The blonde was only gone for a couple of minutes when she stepped back out with a smile on her face. "So! I just need to get some materials from outside of town, and then turn them in here." She explained confidently.

  4. The woman brought up a hand to rub at the back of her neck, already embarrassed so early in the conversation. She averted her gaze at Ruby's teasing, but her attention was quickly drawn back to the confident blonde when Telrenya felt her chin being turned ever so slightly. She froze up, unsure how to react when suddenly a finger tapped her on the nose. She blinked, trying to comprehend the taller woman standing in front of her, wearing a playful smile. She was so...so... 'Cool.' Telrenya concluded.

    Despite her fascination at how different Ruby's personality was from her own, Telrenya felt a smile growing across her face when the woman's offer to help her registered in her mind. Her hands clasped together in front of her chest, fingers entwined. "Ahh, would you really?" She asked with a hopeful, grateful tone in her voice. "I mean, I'd really appreciate your help, if it's not much trouble." She continued. "Do you...know where it is?" She asked in a small voice.

  5. "Huh?" Telrenya straightened back up at Ruby's reply. She held a blank stare as the woman's comment of a kiss on the cheek registered in her mind. 'Wh-wha?' She felt flustered for a moment, a pink hue coloring her cheeks. The blonde stranger quickly changed the topic, allowing Telrenya a moment to compose herself. "Oh, uhm," She looked thoughtful for a moment before letting out a tiny sigh. "Right..." She mumbled in agreement at Ruby's advice to stand up for herself. Here she was in a virtual fantasy world--an alternate reality, even--and she still found herself easily pushed around, with other people coming to her rescue.

    Picking up her spirits, the woman with a knightly appearance gave Ruby a friendly smile in return. "Ahh, well..." She seemed a bit hesitant to explain, but spoke up again anyway. "Yes, I was looking for the quest to learn the Artisan profession." She said. "I'm not sure where to go, so I started asking around... I suppose I asked the wrong people." She chuckled sheepishly, admitting her naivety.


  6. The blue-haired blacksmith presented Telrenya with an item that exceeded her expectations. A brilliant orange rapier rested in front of her, both elegant in design and not too flashy. The woman's eyes practically began to sparkle as she took in the weapon's appearance alone. She hesitantly reached out to it, despite Eatos having offered for her to inspect the item. A dialogue box appeared hovering over the item, giving Telrenya all the data on the item. A wide smile grew across her face. "It's perfect!" She exclaimed, looking over the item's quality once more. "This is only a rare?" She asked in a mumble, as if in slight disbelief.

    Regaining her composure, Telrenya glanced at the information on display that showed the woman's pricing. It would take a lot of the col she had managed to save up, but it was worth it. Buying new equipment was that saving's purpose, after all. "That's 500, right?" She smiled at the blacksmith and opened up a trade to offer the woman the col in exchange. "Oh, my name is Telrenya, by the way. I think I would be happy to commission another weapon for you in the future." She said confidently, hoping this item along would be a major stepping stone in her growth.

    <Radiant Dawn> for 500 col

  7. The men grew more visibly nervous the closer Ruby got to them, now ignoring the shorter blonde behind them and focusing intently on the martial artist. When Ruby's fist shot out in a flash, the one she had struck was knocked back and landed harshly on the uneven stone walkway. "Urgh... The man grunted at the unpleasantness, looking up to the blonde beauty with a fresh look of fear. At her final warning, one of the two that were left standing wasted no time turning and running off. "Wh-wait up!" The other mumbled, looking between Ruby, his friend on the ground, and the figure that was running off. He quickly made a decision as well, backing away a few steps before bolting after the first guy. The one remaining stared in disbelief as his friends abandoned him, swallowing as he looked back to the woman's red eyes glowering down at him. The man scooted back a bit at the sight, clearly intimidated before he scrambled to his feet and followed his friends to avoid the Ruby's wrath.

    Once the cowards had disappeared, the breath left Telrenya and her chest dropped with a sigh of relief. The woman looked to Ruby--her savior--and her eyes practically began to sparkle. "Th-thank you!" She exclaimed, straightening up and bending her torso to bow towards the blonde with gratitude. "Ah!" Telrenya perked up as if she had remembered something. She brought her right hand up to rest over her heart, still bowing towards the woman. "My name is Telrenya," She introduced herself. "Thank you so much for saving me from those guys."


  8. "Uhhn?" One of the men grunted, looking over his shoulder when a voice called out to them. His eyes fell upon a tall blonde babe that nearly caused his jaw to drop. Instead, his lips pursed together as he let out a small whistle. "Well, have mercy!" He nudged at the men on either side of them to get their attention. All three players were focused on Ruby now, ogling the woman whose hips swayed tauntingly as she walked. When her expression changed to that of an angry scowl, the man in the middle flinched slightly. "H-hey now," He started, clearly made nervous by the blonde's intensity. "We're just playin' around, isn't that right, girlie?" The man grinned innocently as he shot a glance to Telrenya who stiffened up in response. The woman's eyes darted from the men around her to the intimidating blonde across from them--the one who was sticking up for her. Telrenya took in a breath, puffing up her chest slightly as she put on another determined expression. "No, we're not!" She said defiantly.


  9. There were many different kinds of players that hung around the first floor. Some used it as a central hub where business could always be found. Some established it as their home city, and others simply liked the feeling of the vast, sprawling capital. But where there was peace, there would always be trouble found lurking around.

    "U-uhm, no I'm sorry... You must have the wrong person." A feminine voice stammered out. Telrenya, the knightly-looking blonde, stood nervously surrounded by three other players. Three males vastly differing in appearance, the one thing they did seem to have a shared interest in was the woman caught in between them. One of the men frowned at her words. "Huuh? Well, why don't you join us anyway, sweetheart?" He spoke casually, leaning in towards Telrenya who flinched backwards in response. "N-no," She swallowed, puffing out her chest slightly in an attempt to hide her fear. "Once again, I'm sorry, but I must be going." She responded decidedly and with more confidence in her voice. Just as she willed herself to take a step forward and slip past the strangers, the man at her left placed a hand on her shoulder. "Aww, pleeease?" He asked with a sarcastic tone. "C'mon, what'll it take to get a hottie like you to hang out with us?"


  10. Finally, Telrenya had some spare col she could use on equipment. Her starting items were getting her nowhere quickly, and as she'd began to level up she was hoping she could get some of the stats she desperately needed from a player-run shop. It was her second time on the fourth floor, but she had recalled spotting a couple of shops that she wanted to take a closer look at the last time around.

    Letting herself in, Telrenya's brown eyes scanned the interior of the shop, letting herself take in the various crafted items on display. A smile quickly grew across her face as she tore herself away from admiring the decor and weaponry. Instead, she focused on locating the shop's owner. Once the blue-haired woman was in sight, greeting her with a smile, the blonde walked up to the counter. "Excuse me, hello," She started with a friendly smile. "I'm looking for a rapier with bonus damage, maybe something mid-range?" She hoped the blacksmith would understand what type of item would best suit her. "Do you happen to have anything like that?"

  11. Telrenya couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the girl's reaction. Not meaning to tease the poor player, the blonde woman flashed another friendly smile towards Kievla. "Hehe, that's okay, me neither. At least, nobody I really know." She tried to reassure the girl. True, she had met a handful of players since entering SAO, and there was one individual she still desperately hoped to find, but until then she couldn't say she really had any friends in this world. "Sorry if we scared you, by the way. Oh," She perked up a bit as if she had remembered something. "I never told you my name. It's Telrenya, but you can call me Tel if you want."

    Just then, the blonde started to wonder if her demeanor would come off as a bit condescending. At that thought, she gave a small clearing of her throat. "Mm, anyway..." She tried to think of how to change the topic, or something else that the girl might like to talk about, only to fall short and let her sentence hang in the air.


  12. Telrenya wondered for a moment what could possibly be the source of all of this girl's anxiety. Was this simply her personality, or had the circumstances of the 'death game' caused this much strain on her? 'I'm not any kind of counselor or psychiatrist, though...' The blonde thought in minor defeat. She didn't know the first thing about dealing with extreme anxiety, depression, or any of those negative feelings.

    When Atzo spoke up to offer each of them something to drink, Telrenya paused for a moment. She seemed to battle with herself for a fraction of a second, as if she was first going to decline before she spoke up. "Well, since you've offered... If you have a way to make that coffee taste sweet, I would love some." She smiled, hoping the request didn't sound too childish. Back home, she loved a warm cup of coffee, but only if she had some milk or flavoring on hand.

    The woman turned her attention back to Kievla, holding her hands behind her as she tried to relax a bit. "Soo, is there anybody that you know here?" She asked gently, hoping that she took well to a bit of conversation rather than letting the silence hang over them. Telrenya glanced upwards, her gaze drifting to the window when she spoke, referring to the world that they were in--Aincrad--when she said 'here'.

  13. Telrenya idly rubbed a hand at the back of her neck, standing and following after Atzo when he headed upstairs to the guest bedroom. She agreed with his logic, the same thought process that brought her all the way out here in the first place, but found the situation more than odd. She almost had to act like a mediator so the circumstances wouldn't look sketchy. 'It's a shame we have the tendency to think that way...' The woman frowned. Atzo was only interested in keeping the poor girl safe, but he had to worry about coming off like a creep or a kidnapper.

    Telrenya waited behind the redhead at the door, straining to hear Kievla's tiny voice stammering behind it. It Atzo were to go ahead and open the door, the blonde would peek around the man to offer the green-haired girl a small smile. "Hey there," She tried to keep her voice gentle. "Do you feel any better after sleeping?" She asked.

    @Atzo @Kievla

  14. Telrenya followed after Atzo, keeping to herself for most of the journey to his home. She had no other plans for the day, so it wasn't like the trip was keeping her from anything. When she thought over Atzo's comment telling her he didn't even know the girl he held in his arms, the blonde couldn't have stopped herself from following them even if she wanted to. While she didn't want to have any negative presumptions about Atzo, it didn't seem right for her to leave what seemed like such a mentally frail girl alone with a guy she didn't know. At his house, no less. Hopefully her presence, though just as unfamiliar, might ease her mind even the tiniest bit.

    At least, Telrenya could hope. She thanked Atzo for inviting her into his home once they had arrived, and took him up on his offer to walk around a bit while he laid Kievla down in a guest bedroom. She explored the common areas of the first floor, thoroughly impressed with the building and its contents. Player housing was an entirely foreign part of the game to her, and it left her a bit longing for a home of her own.

    A tiny sigh escaped her lips while she moved back to the living room, hesitantly taking a seat. When Atzo appeared again, she offered the man a friendly smile. "Thanks again, for going out of your way like this." While her own schedule was a blank canvas, she only hoped the redhead wasn't too bothered by the turn of events. "I have to compliment you on the place, though." She changed the topic and took another look around them. "I'm still pretty new at a lot of this stuff, so I didn't know things like this were possible. It's really amazing!" Her tone was genuine, her smile growing a bit wider as she admired her surroundings.

    @Atzo @Kievla

    ((Just a note, I don't want to ignore your post Kievla, but I figured I'll give Atzo the chance to react to the noise of her waking up first this time :P))

  15. 'King? Leader?' Telrenya must have had quite a puzzled expression on her face when she finally thought to return his introduction. "Oh, my name's Telrenya," She placed her right hand across her heart and offered another bow, this one in greeting rather than apology. She blinked in surprise when her gaze shifted towards the girl with green hair that Atzo motioned towards. The player looked frantic, and it wasn't long before Telrenya watched her eyelids flutter while she toppled to the ground. The blonde gave a start, freezing for a moment. She was certainly a stranger to them both, but did Atzo know her? It didn't sound like they were close from his description, but Telrenya wouldn't let herself ignore this helpless girl. The woman rushed over to where Kievla had fallen, kneeling to the ground and hesitating a moment before moving the girl as gently as she could, propping her up into a sitting position with her back facing the blonde.

    "Well, I can't say no after that," She looked over to Atzo, whom she could only assume would be just as quickly coming to the girl's aid. Telrenya's eyebrows tilted upwards with a troubled look. "Should we bring her to an inn? I don't have a place of my own to let her rest..."

    @Kievla @Atzo

  16. 'Ack, it's so crowded today...' Telrenya had no destination in mind, and was quickly regretting her decision of going on a walk through town. She had been taking a not-so-deserved break from hunting for quests and killing monsters on the lower floors. Honestly, trying to do all of that stuff by herself was exhausting, and her desire to grow stronger simply wasn't outweighing that--not today, at least.

    And so, the blonde woman strolled along as comfortably as she could past a string of player-run shops with a limited amount of personal space. "Aah, no way!" A feminine voice called out beside her. 'Hm?' Telrenya was just about to turn her head to see who was fussing about what when a force pushed roughly against her shoulder. A girl with short, jet-black hair had swayed to the side, crashing against Telrenya and causing the woman to stumble. Luckily, she had managed to catch herself before falling to the ground. Unluckily, though, she had only done so because she herself had bumped into a red-haired man that had stood up from a seat outside of a small cafe.

    "Aaah! Ah, I'm so sorry!" As if her mind had lagged behind the past few seconds, Telrenya straightened up to face the stranger, bowing to @Atzo with her apology.


  17. As Aoda continued to involve himself in the situation, the blonde boy grew more and more flustered. He seemed taken aback that the raven-haired player was offering to pay him for the potion that had been destroyed, his cheeks tinting red with embarrassment as he was called out for his actions. Perhaps the player had a particularly short temper. Perhaps he had never really learned much about etiquette and basic manners. Perhapps he simply chose to be a rude and irritable person. Whether any or all of these possibilities were true, he quickly began backtracking when the third party insisted on stepping in. The boy scowled, as if finally admitting defeat. "N-nevermind, keep it! Just be more careful!" He growled, feeling the need to tack on some unnecessary order. As if he wanted nothing to do with Aoda after he had stepped in, the blonde kid turned and hurried away.

    A few moments passed before Telrenya raised her forehead from the ground. She let out a small breath of relief at the realization that the aggressive player was gone. Her cheeks were a deep shade of red, her brown eyes drifting to the stranger. "U-um, thanks..." She stammered out, clearly embarrassed by the earlier exchange.


  18. "Phew," The players were rotating smoothly, slowly taking down the monster's health while it was unable to attack. Telrenya let out a breath to ready herself for her turn to strike again. Her energy bar was depleted, leaving her with only one option. She'd have to forget any more fancy moves and just stick to getting regular strikes in with her rapier. Taking advantage of the last of the monster's status effect, the knightly woman lunged forward, her metal blade stabbing into the creature's exposed ribcage. Flames licked at her weapon as she pulled away, and her attack dealt only a single point of damage. The woman frowned, but stayed silent knowing she couldn't expect much better results from her beginner equipment and low level.

    When the sound of whispers reached her ears, Telrenya gave a small start. She was just about to search for the source, anticipating another enemy to appear or something similar, but Vigilon's explanation came shortly after. The woman silently raised a brow as her mind processed it--a charm that whispered. It was odd, and she would agree with Able that it might be a bit creepy at times. This game certainly never stopped surprising her.

    ID: [86474] | BD: 8 - Hit! [1 DMG]

    @Able: 180/180 HP | Energy: 11/18 | Hate: 4
    Telrenya: 40/40 HP | Energy: 0/4 | Hate: 2
    @Vigilon: 160/160 HP | Energy: 15/18 | Hate: 0

    Molten Skeleton: 63/90 HP | Damage: 27

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