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Posts posted by Telrenya

  1. Trudging through the sprawling fields outside of the Town of Beginnings, Telrenya couldn't help a small frown from resting on her face. The first floor had always been rather peaceful, but this was just...too quiet. She had only passed by a couple of stray mobs since making her way back from the forested area a bit farther from the safe zone, which was odd considering she'd spotted several packs of wolves and boars roaming these areas just a few days ago. Her basic rapier was left sheathed on her left hip, and she brought a hand up to rest against the hilt as she walked. Things had been a bit slow-going for her tastes; she still needed new equipment and she didn't have enough skill points invested into her weapon in order to deal significant damage to monsters around her level. Taking on quests or higher-level challenges was close to impossible, at least if she wanted to try to do anything on her own. Despite how soloing was discouraged, Telrenya thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of freedom it provided.

    Closing the gap between herself and the town's southern gate, the blonde squinted into the distance when she thought she spotted a figure laying in the grassy field. She held up a hand to block the sunlight from interfering with her vision while she came to the decision to investigate. If there was a player that was hurt or otherwise vulnerable, what kind of person would she be to turn a blind eye?

    Once she was close enough to make out some features of the person on the ground, she blinked in slight surprise. That red hair paired with the man's clothing was almost unmistakable. 'Is he asleep? Or...' She thought curiously as she continued to approach him. If the man hadn't opened his eyes by the time she was close by, Telrenya would lean over to stare down at him, her blonde hair falling down over her shoulders. The man's face would be upside-down to her the way she was facing, and she would simply hover there for a bit while she debated what she should do or say.

  2. Telrenya took on a small frown when Invious explained her opinion on having a support build. "Not at all!" She chimed in. "Building support is more risky, isn't it? It's harder to fight on your own without the damage, and you can't take as many hits without the defensive skills." She reasoned, nodding to herself as she spoke as if she agreed with her own points. "You have to depend on other players, so you can't level at your own pace."

    The woman was about to take a few steps forward towards a grouping of trees that she hoped would hold more materials. Before she moved, however, an oddly-colored plant at her feet caught her eye. She knelt down a moment, plucking a bundle of herbs from the ground and depositing the item to her inventory with a small smile.

    Straightening back up, Telrenya continued moving and turned her head over her shoulder as she continued the conversation. "That's what I think, at least. It's a really selfless way to build, since it makes it harder to fight on your own." She smiled softly, hoping to pass some more encouragement to the robed woman. Telrenya felt a bit selfish by comparison; she wanted to be able to level up independently, at least once she had a few levels under her belt and some equipment to keep her afloat in combat.


    Material Gathering:

    • ID#: 85655
      • LD: 12 - Success!
    • Invious: 4/5
    • Telrenya: 3/5


  3. "Right." Telrenya simply nodded at Domarus' instruction. While the red-haired man stopped in their path and turned his back, the blonde woman continued on through the cavern. She nearly hesitated once she realized that Rhozarth was following her rather than staying with his master. She looked over her shoulder at the dragonling, his uninterested expression keeping her gaze from lingering on him for long. 'Domarus must be in control of him, so I guess he doesn't mind holding the line in this darkness.' She reasoned.

    The rapier-wielder didn't have to walk much farther before the sobs that echoed through the tunnels grew much more clear. With the dim light radiating off of Rhozarth, Telrenya was soon able to spot a small figure curled up at the edge of a dead end. When she approached, the woman frowned for a moment, hesitating while she stood in front of the unnamed child. The sobbing continued, and Telrenya felt a knot begin to form in her stomach. 'Talking to NPCs is so weird...' She thought. Sometimes an NPC's programming could make it feel as if it was a real player. Then Telrenya would have to remind herself that she's just interacting with a part of the game's coding. With a small sigh, the woman knelt down before the little girl to try and get her attention.

  4. Telrenya let out a giggle when the man continued to joke around, relieved that they could find a way to enjoy the situation, even a little bit. With how little damage the goblin had managed to do, and how the creature was acting more like a childish troublemaker than an actual threat to their safety, she began to think of it less as a monster and more as a nuisance. She allowed herself to relax a bit, telling herself that there was no need to be on edge while the little goblin squealed and chattered and danced around them like a fool.

    "Hm?" Telrenya looked toward the man as he asked her to tell him about herself. She hesitated after his question, as if unsure of how to answer it. "Oh, umm..." She filled the silence to allow her some time to think. What was it he wanted to know? She didn't think she was a particularly interesting person, and at the same time she wasn't sure how much personal information she was comfortable with divulging to an acquaintance. The woman shifted her weight, her brow furrowing in thought as she mulled over the possible responses to his request. "Let's see... I enjoy classical music?" The statement left her with an upward inflection before she continued. "I play--err, used to play violin, so there are a lot of pieces that I like to play and listen to." She felt the need to correct herself, recalling just how long it's been since she held the instrument in her hands.

    "What about you?" She curiously shot the subject back at him. Music was always easy for her to talk about, so she was happy with her choice in conversation.

  5. Telrenya's bottom lip twitched into a frown, her shoulders tensing up at Able's exclamation. "Aahh... I've given you some of my bad luck, haven't I?" Her words alone would most often wouldn't be taken seriously, but the woman didn't mean it in jest. She looked a little troubled for a moment before Able apologized, and she was quick to wave her free hand in front of her torso. "No no, you're fine! Our stats aren't exactly high enough to be easily clearing through these monsters." She tried to reason.

    The blonde continued to stand off the the side of their scuffle, keeping a cautious eye on the goblin's movements in the event that its programming would have it do something unusual. For all she knew, this little goblin had more than a rusty dagger up its sleeve. Bringing her another distraction, however, Telrenya couldn't help but let out a laugh when Able nearly began to make a show of it. She took a moment before adding on herself, raising the back of her hand to her forehead and slouching her stance a bit to give a dramatic pose. "Bystanders watch helplessly! Is there no hope for our hero?"

  6. "Hm?" Telrenya echoed back. Invious seemed surprised when the blonde admitted she wasn't very game savvy. That was probably very odd, wasn't it? A ground-breaking new VRMMORPG, and here she was taking part, having hardly played games herself. 'It's not like I had really planned on playing...' Her thoughts would've sounded more like a pout as her mind felt the need to justify herself. 'I mean, brother was ridiculously nice enough to get it for me... But still, I would've liked a tutorial or something.' She fought to keep an audible sigh from escaping her. She still wondered whether or not James knew that she was here in Aincrad. 'Hopefully he's okay.' The woman was almost positive her brother was here in the game, somewhere.

    "Mmm, anyway," She pulled herself back into the conversation. "Thanks, Invi. I'm sure you'll be a great supporter, too!" The blonde gave her companion a wide grin with a thumbs-up.


    Material Gathering

    • ID#: 85619
      • LD: 8 - Fail!
    • Invious: 4/5
    • Telrenya: 2/5


  7. Telrenya continued to hesitate, resisting the urge to rush in and try to strike the goblin herself. The creature had landed a glancing blow on Able, catching him off guard and leaving the man unable to counter the attack. The woman held herself steadying, knowing that she would be in trouble if the goblin turned on her and her significantly smaller health pool. A quick glance to the health bar hovering beside the man indicated that the single attack didn't pose a threat. Being able to gauge the damage the creature dealt was refreshing, though she imagined that her own health bar would be much emptier if an attack landed on her instead.

    The thought forced her to stay back, and just as she had come to the decision Able had spoken up. A small smirk made its way to her features at his nonchalance. She relaxed her pose slightly, still prepared to step in, but following his words and taking more of an observer's position for now. The smirk on her face soon vanished once his last comment registered in her mind, unsure whether she should feel flattered, embarrassed, or both. Or did he mean it as a harmless comment? 'C'mon Estelle, focus!' She urged herself not to dwell on his words. Instead, the woman held her rapier at the ready and tried to offer her own words of encouragement. "Hurry up and give that thing a good smack in the face, then!" She called, feeling the small smirk return to her once again.

  8. Telrenya gave an absent nod here or there, chocolate brown eyes scanning the areas in front of them as they walked and talked. She was a decent multi-tasker, so when Able finished talking about his own school work, she smiled softly and echoed a small, "Numbers, huh?" Discussions like this normally caused her mind to wander, and she would begin thinking of her own plans for the future, or lack thereof. With both the school and her parents nagging her to declare a major at this point, the subject would often cause her unwanted stress. A quick reminder of her surroundings, however, allowed her to dismiss the troublesome thoughts. She wasn't in any place to worry about school when they were quite literally fighting for their survival.

    Minutes later, Able had focused his attention on a small group of rather ugly creatures. Telrenya blinked, frowning as the one goblin that the man had lured away from the group hobbled over towards them, rusty dagger in tow. While the monster waved the jagged blade in the air, she didn't know whether to think of the creature as pathetic or frightening. She couldn't tell if its screeching and babbling was just nonsense, or if it had any more intelligence than a first floor's boar. Able hadn't wasted much time, calling over his shoulder to make sure she was prepared before rushing at the monster. Telrenya quickly drew her rapier from its sheathe, holding the blade at the ready in front of her. She waited patiently until the monster's attention was focused on the man as he had suggested. The goblin's head swiveled between the two of them, as if unsure who to pay attention to. When the red-haired man rushed in for an attack that missed its mark, the blonde hesitated at his words. Telrenya took a couple of steps forward as if preparing to lunge her blade into the monster, but she froze in place when its gaze turned on her.

  9. Telrenya couldn't help but cock an eyebrow at the man's playful words. Although she certainly acted like one at times, it was difficult to remember the last time someone had called her a kid. Probably her brother, or one of the people she didn't care for back in high school. Still, she simply nodded in agreement to Able's point that a map would fix any problems they had with not knowing the floor's layout, and quickly followed after him while he made his way to the gate marking the edge of the safe zone.

    Once they had left the safety of town, the redhead's question caught Telrenya off-guard. She wasn't sure exactly how to answer him, but luckily his readiness to give his own answer eased a bit of her discomfort as she continued to listen. The man continued to surprise her, opening up so readily on topics that she had gotten the impression were rather taboo after players had come to terms with being trapped in the game. Many people seemed to want to keep information about their real selves secret, or simply treat this as a different life entirely, putting their past in the real world behind them. Telrenya wasn't sure how she felt on the matter, but didn't see any harm in offering her new training partner an answer to his question.

    "Well... I don't actually play many video games. She admitted, determining that to be the best place to start. "It was my older brother that got the game for me. He's always looking out for me and trying to make me happy, even though he goes through a lot himself." A wry smile rested on her face as she spoke. "He'd probably beat himself up big time if he knew I was here." Keeping to her thoughts, she couldn't help but wonder whether or not James knew if she was in Aincrad. She had considered continuing on the topic, but instead gave a small shake of her head, forcing her train of thought back on its tracks. "Anyway, there's not much more to it than that. I was in college, undeclared major." She gave a small shrug, as if feeling a bit indifferent toward the subject. "I was always good with school and general studies, so it almost seemed like a waste not to with my grades."

    She gave Able a sideways glance as she spotted the map pulled up in front of him while they talked. He mentioned that it wouldn't be much longer until they found some suitable targets for their training session, to which Telrenya would reply silently with a small nod.

  10. While Noct swapped out some of his equipment and otherwise prepared himself for combat, Telrenya simply unsheathed the basic rapier at her hip, holding the weapon at her right side while she kept her attention on the dark-haired man. She wasn't sure of the numbers that made up his own level or combat strength, but his words made it clear that he had more knowledge than she did. The blonde nodded in acknowledgement of his explanation, giving a small "Right." in reply. Her gaze drifted to the fields in front of them, spotting a handful of monsters going about their programmed paths of grazing and pacing until a player would eventually disrupt them with the initiation of combat.

    Waiting patiently, the woman wasn't in any hurry to rush into fighting. Although she enjoyed the overall mechanics of combat, her low level and unimpressive equipment gave her plenty to fret over. Her only reprieve in this expedition was Noct, whose presence she was immediately grateful for. If all went well, she would be able to focus all of her attention on attacking and doing the most damage that she could without the stress of taking too much damage in return.

  11. Telrenya had knelt down in front of a few wild flowers, her HUD indicating that they were items she could pick up and use towards the quest objective. She gladly did so, the bundle of flora vanishing into her inventory a moment later. Her attention turned back up to Invious as she explained her desired build path, causing another smile to grow over the blonde's face. "Ah, me too! The rapier part, I mean." She clarified. "Mmm, I think I'm going to just put my skill points into damage, and maybe some defense later on." Still kneeling after collecting the flowers from the grassy field, Telrenya rested an elbow against her knee and propped her cheek up against her knuckles. "I actually...don't know much about these kinds of games." She admitted, averting her gaze. "So I'm just kind of winging it."

    Material Gathering:

    • ID#: 85577
      • LD: 16 - Success!
    • Invious: 3/5
    • Telrenya: 2/5


  12. "Hmm..." Telrenya frowned thoughtfully while Able explained his plan. "Martial Arts, huh?" She was surprised to learn that such a skill existed--it wasn't in the list of default skills, so it only left her wondering how many other skills were unlocked with a quest. Her hand rested on the hilt of her rapier, unsure if she would change the weapon that she used if given the option. She rather liked the visual appeal that the thrusting weapon gave, and if she had heard correctly from other players in the past, it had some of the flashiest moves.

    Telrenya finally gave a nod of agreement at the man's proposal. "Alright, sounds good!" She smiled. She wasn't going to pretend that she was very experienced with combat either, so perhaps this training session would prove quite useful to them both. The woman gave a quick look around them. "Err, I don't really know this floor, though." She admitted.

  13. Watching Invious pick up another item and drop it into her inventory, Telrenya perked up as she realized she had gotten side-tracked from their objective and caught up in the conversation. The blonde turned, walking along slowly and keeping an eye out for any more useful items she could come across. "Hmm, well I suppose so," She said quietly in response to Invi's justification. Sword Art Online felt like an odd contradiction of game types. It was an MMO that promoted teamwork, party compositions, and tactics, but at the same time the last-attack drops, lack ranged-based combat, and linear skill sets made it feel very much like a game built for solo players. Telrenya grew a small frown, resting her hand on the hilt of her rapier. Feeling the metal underneath her palm, the woman gave another sidelong glance at Invious. "Come to think of it..." She mumbled before raising the volume of her voice. "Hey Invi, which weapon do you use?" She asked, unable to spot an equipped weapon on the robed woman.


    Material Gathering:

    • ID#: 85555
      • LD: 8 - Fail!
    • Invious: 2/5
    • Telrenya: 1/5


  14. "Mm, right." The blonde nodded her head in agreement when the man had suggested the third floor. She let him enter the teleport gate first, idly wondering about the different names he had given her. 'Tobias... Able? Are one of those his real name?' Her curiosity was piqued, and with it she found herself unsure of which to address him by. Wasn't a player's real name considered valuable information? Perhaps it all depended on the player's opinion on the matter, so maybe not.

    "Teleport: Delilah." The blonde said aloud when she had entered the gate. A light engulfed her, and Telrenya found herself squeezing her eyes shut like she always seemed to when teleporting. She was almost afraid she would go blind if she tried to keep her eyes open. "Whew!" The girl couldn't help but exclaim once she had appeared in the third floor's capital, the cool wind hitting her cheeks and relieving her of the volcanic aura. With a small shake of her head, she let her hair down and brushed the front of her clothing as a habitual motion. "Now then," Telrenya looked around a moment before she spotted the red-haired man again and another smile rested on her features. "Much better. So, what is this 'training' you have in mind?" She asked curiously.

  15. Before the blonde had time to turn back towards the teleport gate, a presence behind her made itself known. The voice that called out to her caused the woman to turn around in slight surprise, her eyes quickly locking onto a red-haired man as he went on about offering her to participate in some training. Telrenya cocked her head to the side, curious as to who the man was and why he would approach her. The former point was quickly answered as he seemed to realize his lack of introduction. "Ah," The woman smiled softly and brought her right hand up to her heart and offered Able a bow. "Pleased to meet you, I'm Telrenya." She straightened back up, seeing the outstretched hand that had been offered to her. Her smiled widened a bit as she accepted it, giving the man a brief handshake.

    "Well, I appreciate the offer. Perhaps we can at least move to a more...suitable floor to talk?" She took a brief moment to find the right words as she spoke.

  16. "Aaahh, it's too hot!" The blonde exclaimed. Telrenya hadn't been in the main settlement of the ninth floor for long, and already she was feeling the draining effects of the volcanic heat. She held up her hand in a fanning motion, as if that would provide her with some sort of reprieve. Her long hair was tied back, bangs brushed away from her face before they could cling to her forehead.
    The woman had made her way around town, finally stopping in front of the bulletin board. "Ugh... Just as I thought, way too high level." She grumbled, scanning over the available quests and job offers from other players. Her level was still terribly low, and her equipment was the most basic the game could offer. A small sigh escaped the blonde's lips as she continued to think aloud. "Guess there's no reason to stay here any longer. Thank goodness..."

  17. Telrenya found herself distracted from her task while Invious explained her thoughts. The blonde watched the robed woman as she spoke, intrigued by her honesty. It was surprising to hear so much detail from her, given what seemed to be her shy nature. Perhaps the 'mystery woman' feeling only lasted so long around other company. "Mmm..." Telrenya mumbled out, shifting her weight and bringing a hand up to tap an index finger on her chin. "Well, I think I've more or less decided..." She started slowly, as if she was still mulling over her answer. "I think Tailoring has the most options when it comes to clothing. It would be really fun to design outfits and stuff like that. Plus I can make my own gear." She gave a sheepish grin and rubbed the back of her neck. "Although it's a much more selfish reason than yours, I think."


    Material Gathering:

    • ID#: 85522
      • LD: 1 - Fail!
    • Invious: 1/5
    • Telrenya: 1/5


  18. Telrenya nodded as the pair made their way to the nearest gate leading outside of the city. She recalled hearing at one point that the monsters surrounding the perimeter past the safe zone were nearly the same types of monsters in any given place. In other words, a lot of boars and wolves wherever you went. Perhaps venturing farther out, into the woods or mountainous areas would provide more variety.

    Once they reached the outskirts of the capital, Telrenya placed a hand on the hilt of her rapier at her waist. She walked out into the fields without hesitation, only stopping for a moment to scan the area for a good target. The woman shifted her weight, giving Noct a sideways glance before speaking up. "So, should we take them on one at a time?" Although she wouldn't admit it, Telrenya was feeling a bit nervous. She had very little experience with combat, and one of the main reasons she had for wanting to become a Tailor stemmed from her lack of gear. Being able to craft her own equipment was ideal, especially since she didn't have enough money to buy from other players.

  19. Through her concentration, a small smile rested on Telrenya's face at the man's comment. Her expressions likely wouldn't be visible unless Domarus was paying close attention, as only the faint light from Rhozarth was cast on her. She was thankful for the fiery dragon's presence, providing them just enough light to give them a sense of direction. The woman walked in silence; she wouldn't be opposed to conversation, but her sense of hearing was too concerned with locating their objective to listen to her own voice reverberate off the walls.

    Only their footsteps echoed lightly down the winding tunnels. For a few long minutes they walked in silence, but before much longer another sound met them. It was faint, but Telrenya could make out the sharp breaths and sniffles that resulted from a child's crying. The blonde frowned slightly as the sound reached her ears before turning her head to the red-haired man. "Must be our target." She said quietly.

  20. Telrenya gave another nod, watching the weapon materialize behind him with slight interest. The axe certainly looked more impressive than her basic rapier, and she made a mental note to get her equipment upgraded as soon as she'd saved up enough col.

    When Domarus appeared to be ready to go, Telrenya got herself moving as well. It didn't take long after they had entered the cave for the light source behind them to grow farther and farther away, leaving them in a growing darkness. The blonde squinted her eyes against the virtual darkness, unsure if her vision would gradually adjust like in the real world or if they would be forced to travel through the caverns in near blackness. Rhozarth, still perched on Domarus' shoulder, was their only source of light once they had turned a corner and the mouth of the cave disappeared from view. The flames that covered his skin gave off a weak glow--just enough to allow them to see the cave walls around them, but they would likely still be left at a disadvantage in combat. Hand still resting on the hilt of her weapon, she tried her best to stay attentive. The woman wasn't sure how they were going to find a lost child in these conditions, but it seemed like sound was going to be their best bet.

  21. "Well then, pleasure to properly meet you, Domarus." Telrenya paid no mind to his lack of providing a name in their first meeting. The blonde was even a bit surprised they had run into each other again at all. When the dragon-tamer offered his proposal to team up, the girl mirrored his curious expression. He had been friendly with her, for which she was grateful, but her first impression of the man had been that he was much more skilled than her. Though her judgement could always be incorrect, she couldn't imagine things going any differently than Domarus wiping out any monsters without her being able to contribute. An easy quest completion, sure, but she wasn't eager to be anyone's baggage. The girl brought up a hand to idly rub at the back of her neck while she mulled over his offer. "Mm, I can't help but feel it's a one-sided deal," She felt the need to voice her concern before continuing. "but if that's really all you want in return I'd be foolish to turn you down." A small smile came back to her features, resting her right hand on the hilt of her rapier. "Thank you, then." She offered the man a nod.

  22. It was rather refreshing to have Noct walking beside her as they made their way through town. Telrenya typically navigated through town on her own, so she appreciated his company allowing her someone to talk to. A small chuckle escaped the blonde's lips as a wry smile settled on her features. "I suppose you're right. The freedom we have here can be a blessing and a curse." She let out a small sigh.

    Quickly shifting her demeanor back to her usual cheerfulness, Telrenya's hands came together at the mention of his own profession. "Oh, so you make accessories, trinkets, things like that?" The name Artisan seemed pretty straightforward. The girl gave Noct another smile while her fingertips pressed lightly against each other in front of her torso. "Whenever you're open to the public I'll have to stop by."

    Despite some of the more dense crowds, the pair reached their destination before long. A humble NPC Tailor shop, Telrenya entered tentatively before her gaze fell upon an eccentric-looking woman hunched over a half-finished garment. Her words planned and ready, the player was about to approach the NPC when they were quickly acknowledged. "Hello? Ah yes, hello!" Looking up from her work, the woman with short, unkempt sandy hair and impossibly bright green eyes grinned as she looked up at them. 'Ashwin', the name hovered over her head to indicate her status as an NPC. Telrenya brought a curled hand up to her mouth, giving a small clearing of her throat to compose herself. "Hello Miss," Only realizing that pleasantries weren't necessary after she had given the Tailor a small bow, Telrenya then got straight to the point. "Erm, you can help me become a Tailor, right?" She hoped the question sufficed to begin the quest.

    "Right you are, darling~!" Ashwin replied enthusiastically. She placed her elbows on the work table in front of her, lacing her fingers and letting her chin rest on top of them. She seemed to ignore Noct's presence, but Telrenya wasn't able to worry about the reason why. The blonde opened her mouth the speak, but before any sound left her, the NPC Tailor spoke up again. "Tell you what. I need some more leathers and fur for my next project. If you can bring me say...two boar, and three wolf pelts then I'll show 'ya how to use the Tailoring skill. Deal?"

    Telrenya had agreed without thinking, and didn't linger in the shop before slipping back outside with a small sigh. "Well then..." She mumbled before turning back to Noct. "I guess we've got some hunting to do, huh?" She asked, half in idle conversation and half for confirmation that the man was still willing to help her with the tasks.

  23. 'Hmm...' After depositing the item that she had received from the berry bushes into her inventory, there didn't seem to be anything else that she could obtain from them. Disappointed that her find only yielded a single material, Telrenya gave up on the shrubbery and placed her hands on her hips as she walked around the area. She scanned around her for more lootable objects, and while nothing was making itself visible to her, the woman didn't care for the silence that began hanging over them. "Soo Invi," The blonde started, only hoping that the masked woman didn't mind her chatter. "Is there a certain profession you're after?" She hoped that her small talk didn't sound too forced, but Telrenya was genuinely curious about the woman. She would have liked to ask more personal questions, such as the reason behind her mask and robes, or if she was partial to other video games before Sword Art Online. There was a clear line of politeness and respect, however, when it came to talking about the real world. Telrenya wasn't eager to cross it.

    Material Gathering:

    • ID#: 85464
      • LD: 3 - Fail!
    • Invious: 1/5
    • Telrenya: 1/5


  24. "Hm? Oh, uhh," Telrenya was a bit surprised when the man had seemingly changed his mind and asked to join her. She would certainly welcome the assistance and company, so her surprise lingered for only a few moments before she smiled again. "That would be wonderful!" Quickly accepting his offer, the blonde motioned for him to follow while she began walking towards the shop where she would find the quest-giver. The open areas in town were still teeming with players, forcing the pair to sometimes have to slip between other groups. Telrenya let out a small chuckle in response to Noct's last statement. "Are there many of those around here?" She asked, half-jokingly. She liked to think that everything in the Town of Beginnings was generally calm and peaceful, although she knew that it was incredibly naive to think that way. Even in Aincrad--especially in Aincrad--bandits and ne'er-do-wells were all too common.

    As they made their way through town, Telrenya's curiosity got the better of her. "So, do you have a profession of your own?"

  25. The blonde let out a small sigh, still weighing her options. Surely, completing the quest would award her some much-needed experience, but the possible risks were starting outweigh those rewards. Perhaps she would have to spend some time killing monsters in the surrounding forest. If she could hold her own against them, it probably wouldn't take long to gain a level or two and leave her with a higher health pool to face off against any bats lurking in the cave.

    Rousing her from her thoughts, a voice that Telrenya only barely recognized called out behind her, causing the woman to turn and spot the same red-haired man from town. "Ah, the dragon-tamer!" She called back with an amused smile. "Something about a lost girl and some bats, right?" She asked him back, figuring they must have taken the same quest after all. The thought struck her as odd, however. Thought she couldn't see his level, she had assumed the man was much more experienced than her. Perhaps she was still correct in her assumptions, and it was just a quest worth his time. "Yes, I'm here for the quest," She confirmed, "however I'm afraid I may be sorely underleveled." The woman admitted with a small frown.

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