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Status Updates posted by Killia

  1. Who here mains Martial Arts? Post below.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Takao


      all fists all day bb

    3. Martha


      Nice nice, a list of people who can help me with <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>. Can I get a raise of hands from a volunteer willing to help a young woman?

    4. Killia


      Looking to start an MA only guild that works sort of like a Fight Club. Any MA users interested?

  2. Looking to protect a female player that also needs no protecting. Aiming for good friends. Open for awkward romance.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kooh


      *finger guns*

    3. Ruby


      *also finger guns minus relationship part*

    4. Killia


      *returns fire @Kooh* Profile looks solid. What kind of quests are you still needing to finish/work on? We'll knock out two birds, one stone.

  3. This is the taco's birthmas? Happy birthmas!

    1. Takao


      thanks bb ❤❤

  4. I'm a firm believer that everyone needs a heavy bag they can tape someone's face to. It may drastically decrease workplace and domestic violence.

    1. Calrex


      Now just picture if everyone's cubicles had a heavy bag with the same person's face ;)

  5. Lycan is dead. Suicide after what happened to Esther. Say hello to his replacement.

    Now, anyone able to help equip me with some pots and gloves for punching rocks?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Killia


      This isn't a male enhancement ad. But yes, he's just like his senpai.

    3. Calrex


      *Phone Guy from FNAF voice* Uh hello, hello? Well, if you're hearing this, you must have made a terrible career choice... 

    4. Beatbox


      *Day 2 Phone Guy from FNAF voice* Uh hello, hello? H-hey, wow you made it! Good job, good job. I didn't expect you to make it this far so heh-uh congrats!

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