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Posts posted by Kairi

  1. Kairi had nodded her head, Hestia's plan seemed like it could work, to perform a all in to see how much damage we could both do towards the Witch, she had watched Hestia strike the witch again doing a good handful of damage, Kairi was still in shock that Hestia could actually do damage now, however she had moved forward with one more powerful slash against the witch using basically the last of her energy to deal a ton of damage, the witch was almost dead after she landed her hit... Hestia just needed to finish the Witch off. Kairi had smiled and said "Well... my energy is basically completely out Hestia, can you finish it off for me?" she had tried to look cute to almost incentivise Hestia to attack the Witch. After a moment though, she did place her Buster Sword back onto her back as she was done with combat.


    Sword Art Used: Galaxy Destroyer [Damage: 15*13=195-70=125.]
    ID: 114977 - BD: 8+3=11

    [2] Hestia: HP: 1760/1810    Energy: 143/172 DMG:17   MIT:151  Thorns: 54 ACC: 1 Eva: -1  BH: 80  Rec: CD:+3  Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction [burn]
    [6] Kairi - HP: 536/640 - EN: 5/64 - DMG: 15 - MIT: 66 - ACC: 3 - EVA: 0 - Hate: +1  [burn]

    The Witch>>

    • 60/700 HP 
    • 100 DMG (minimum 50)
    • 70 MIT
    • EVA 1
  2. Kairi had blushed when Hestia had grew a huge smile seeing that she had gotten engaged, she was really glad that she was happy with how Kairi had progressed both as a player but as a person. She had nodded her head and said "Did you ever think I wouldn't invite you Hestia?" she giggled, she wanted to hug her however... there was something more important that was at hand. Kairi had placed her left hand back onto her Buster Sword then looked to the Witch where she had moved forward once again and landed another powerful slash onto her dealing as much normal damage as she could once more. However... Kairi grew a little worried over her Energy, she knew that she only has one of those left in her, she had looked over to Hestia and said "I only got one real attack left in me, I either need energy, or you're going to need to carry me." she giggled.


    Sword Art Used: Galaxy Destroyer [Damage: 15*13=195-70=125.]
    ID: 114971 - BD: 3+3=6

    [1] Hestia: HP: 1760/1810    Energy: 153/172 DMG:17   MIT:151  Thorns: 54 ACC: 1 Eva: -1  BH: 80  Rec: CD:+3  Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction [burn]
    [4] Kairi - HP: 586/640 - EN: 17/64 - DMG: 15 - MIT: 66 - ACC: 3 - EVA: 0 - Hate: +1  [burn]

    The Witch>>

    • 308/700 HP 
    • 100 DMG (minimum 50)
    • 70 MIT
  3. Kairi had gulped, it was finally time to fight the floor boss. She was... nervous to say the least, but she was more than ready. She had followed behind her group: Ruby, Hestia, Neopolitan, and Pin to fight against what appeared to be a Leviathan appearing with... weird Fragment things. Kairi had mostly shrugged, however she was a little stunned to the sudden strategy and all in majority of the people had followed blindly attacking and moving to the Segments rather than the boss. She had thought to herself "Well... they are doing it... maybe I should too." she had pulled out her Buster Sword and looked toward the third one that had some attention but not much then moving forward she had slashed down a really powerful angular slash against the Segment even critting it in the process! However, she could only hope the damage would go through.

    ID: 114953 - BD: 10 [Sword Art Used: Galaxy Destroyer (Damage: 17+2=19*13=247-50=197 target Segment 3)]
    Segment 3 receives Paralysis (YEA EAT IT, STOP MOVIN~)

    Party 2:
    [5] Hestia: 2065/2065 HP | 170/170 EN | 1 DMG | 196 MIT | 84 THN | -1 EVA | 103 BH | 2 HM | 6 REC | 25% STNW [Antidote 2/2] [Antioxidants] [Snowfrost]
    @Ruby: 1200/1200 HP | 120/120 EN | 17 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 35 MIT | 9-10 PLZ
    [H: 1] Neopolitan: 1025/1025 HP | 75/86 EN | 18 DMG | 59 MIT | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 8-10 PLZ | 2 REC | 9 PRB | 4 FLN [Antioxidants] [Snowfrost] [Well Rested 2/3] [Squeaky Clean] [Antidote 3/3]
    [H:1] Kairi: 640/640 HP | 51/64 EN | 17 DMG | 5 ACC | 2 EVA | 76 MIT |  1 TNT | 3 PRB [Antioxidants]
    [H:1] Pinball: 1100/1100 HP | 91/104 EN l 23 DMG | 5 ACC | 6 EVA | 9-10 PHS | 8-10/36 FRZ [Clean] 

  4. Kairi was sitting at home reading a book, researching more and more into the monsters and bosses we have seen in SAO thus far to prepare her for things that could be seen again, or to generally prepare if she had faced off against those monsters. However after a moment she had received a strange message from a NPC named "Hermes" Kairi had squinted her eyes a bit seeing the name as that was a name more for a... greek god? After a moment she had opened the message and read it, while it used words FAR beyond Kairi's vocabulary she could basically boil it down to she was being summoned to the gates of Mt. Olympia for a challenge that was ready for her. With a sigh, she had closed her book and placed it back into her inventory and stood up stretching her arms upward getting ready to head outside.

  5. Kairi had blinked a few times when she had raised a sword to her, she had looked at the sword presented to her and smiled looking up to her and said "Well then you are too determined in this game, or you really have a lot of spare time. Maybe even both~" she giggled. When they had arrived to the tower Kairi had looked over to Hestia however before she could say anything Hestia had basically knocked down the door immediately then moved to attack. Kairi had sighed and thought to herself "No time for strategy I guess.." then she had walked inside pulling out her Buster Sword then attacking the witch with a angular slash dealing the most damage she could normally. After a moment she had moved her left hand outward to reveal on her ring finger a ring showing that she was engaged to Macradon she had just closed her eyes and giggled.


    Sword Art Used: Galaxy Destroyer [Damage: 15*13=195-70=125.]
    ID: 114946 - BD: 7+3=10

    [1] Hestia: HP: 1760/1810    Energy: 154/172 DMG:17   MIT:151  Thorns: 54 ACC: 1 Eva: -1  BH: 80  Rec: CD:+3  Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction [burn]
    [2] Kairi - HP: 586/640 - EN: 29/64 - DMG: 15 - MIT: 66 - ACC: 3 - EVA: 0 - Hate: +1  [burn]

    The Witch>>

    • 433/700 HP 
    • 100 DMG (minimum 50)
    • 70 MIT
  6. Kairi had giggled as she continued to comfort him and pat his back saying out "Ah no need to thank me darling~ if anything it should be me thanking you for showing me such care and letting me stay here.. sleeping out on the streets and Inns previously was never fun." she had giggled. Then hugging back she had said to him "Well I at least hope that I am, I learned all this from anime to be honest with you~" she giggled. After a moment Kairi had stared back into his eyes and smiled, she appreciated his help with everything... giving her own place, love, and helping her grow as a player in the world. She had giggled and said out to him and said "So are you going to kiss me or are you going to stare into my eyes forever?" she let out a small chuckle waiting for his next move.


  7. Kairi was ready to strike at a moments notice to strike them all down, however as she had charged her sword, she had looked over to Hestia which had finished the job and removed their HP values. Kairi had blinked... she was geniunely shocked that she actually did damage, the last time she had seen Hestia she wasn't really all that able to do damage like that. She had looked to her and said "Looks like I am not the only one that kind of grew while I was away from you for a while." she giggled "When did you learn how to do damage?" she continued to giggle. Putting her Buster Sword back onto her back she had smiled and patted the back of her head and said "I've been trying to improve his mood! After the boss fight he came home and cried into his pillow, thankfully I was home to help him. I've been trying to reshape his confidence to get him back into the frontlines. If you keep it quiet I'll let you in on a secret~" she smiled.


  8. Kairi had looked over to see that she had smiled, she liked the visual look of Hestia which showed that she had approved of how much she has grown since she first saw her. She had then looked over with a more challenging look as more Elite ones had flew their way. Kairi had smirked and grabbed her Buster Sword out once more getting into her battle stance. She had looked over to Hestia then with a determined smile she had nodded her head understanding that this battle was all her at this point. Kairi had moved forward with her Buster Sword and used the same sword art on the two, however this time she had slashed them 3 times each instead of technically two. After the damage was done she had taken a look at their HP bar, it was low... however she was unable to one shot them all, however still smiling she knew one more aoe should knock them both out.


    Sword Art Used: Calamity Disaster [Damage: 15*12=180-35=145 to all targets.]
    ID: 114860 - BD: 4+3=7

    ID: 114861 - BD: 4+3=7

    Hestia: HP: 1810/1810    Energy: 164/172 DMG:17   MIT:151  Thorns: 54 ACC: 1 Eva: -1  BH: 80  Rec: CD:+3  Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction
    [2/2] Kairi - HP: 640/640 - EN: 29/64 - DMG: 15 - MIT: 66 - ACC: 3 - EVA: 0 - Hate: +1

    Elite Flying Monkey 1: 75/220 HP   90 DMG (45 minimum)   35 MIT
    Elite Flying Monkey 2: 75/220 HP   90 DMG (45 minimum)   35 MIT

  9. Kairi had looked over as a swarm of Flying Monkey had come down to fight them, Kairi had reached to her back and pulled out her giant Buster Sword and looked around at the monkeys that had surrounded her, Kairi had gotten a little more serious and stood in a battle stance ready to move at any given moment. When Hestia had said it was her turn, she had smiled proudly to how much she had grown over the years and she had moved forward striking 6 powerful strokes onto the four, one to each then one hitting two, and once more another hitting two. Afterwards Kairi had moved her buster sword into the air then placed it back onto her back, and as she did so the four had dropped to the ground then exploded into crystals that disappeared into the air. "Well... that was fun~" Kairi had said out with a giggle.


    Sword Art Used: Calamity Disaster [Damage: 15*12=180-20=160 to all targets.]
    ID: 114856 - BD: 6+3=9
    ID: 114857 - BD: 3+3=6
    ID: 114858 - BD: 5+5=8
    ID: 114859 - BD: 6+3=9

    Hestia: HP: 1810/1810    Energy: 164/172 DMG:17   MIT:151  Thorns: 54 ACC: 1 Eva: -1  BH: 80  Rec: CD:+3  Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction
    Kairi - HP: 640/640 - EN: 44/64 - DMG: 15 - MIT: 66 - ACC: 3 - EVA: 0 - Hate: +1

    Flying Monkey 1: 0/150 HP   70 DMG (35 minimum)   20 MIT
    Flying Monkey 2: 0/150 HP   70 DMG (35 minimum)   20 MIT
    Flying Monkey 3: 0/150 HP   70 DMG (35 minimum)   20 MIT
    Flying monkey 4: 0/150 HP   70 DMG (35 minimum)   20 MIT

  10. Kairi had nodded her head when she had offered the guild to her and she had said to her "Well I will totally think about it! There is a handful of guilds there that I can join... I have just been a little uncertain about it all is all." she then looked forward and thought about the guild offering given to her did she want to join someone she knew dearly? Or one of the recent guild openings given to her? She had thought for a moment, however her train of thought was broken she had mentioned that Ruby would be a part of the guild. Kairi had nodded and said "Well, its nice to hear someone I know joining back, but... I just don't know her very well. I don't know why I haven't... maybe its because I am too lazy or it might be a little bit too much work, but I should really speak to her one day." she smiled with a giggle.


  11. Kairi had nodded her head, but before she could say anything, she had mentioned that she had something for her, with a bit of a confused look she had blinked till she had handed over one of the same +CD items from the quest. She had looked up to her smirk and said "A-are you sure? I don't know whether or not other people need this item or not.." however she knew how Hestia was, to just accept the item so after a moment she had just placed it into her inventory. Then she had equipped her Heavy Armor with Valkyrie design and work, along with her giant buster sword then began to walk with Hestia towards the location of the quest that was at hand. Looking over she had placed her finger onto her chin then let out a hum then saying "I don't know at all, I was going to try to join a guild with Macradon... but he's really not in the mood. I've been trying to improve on that mood... but, there is only so much I can handle. So I am still looking for one I suppose."


  12. She had giggled and said "Well, I wouldn't be saying such things if you two weren't holding hands and one kissed you on the cheek you know~" then looked with a little bit of wide eyes as she explained things that had been going on leading up to noting that she had left the old guild. Kairi smiled and stood straight and said "No I know, I left too! See?" she pointed toward her HP bar showing that her guild symbol had been missing. "Me and my macraroon maybe have been looking for a guild elsewhere as he spoke about leaving KoB a while ago, the guild has basically disbanded at this point. Hardly anything is ever done with it anymore." then she had shook her head with a giggle in response to her last statement waving a hand forward "No, no~ no need to thank me Hestia, I wanted to get there at some point anyways, even if you had more than enough people you all still probably would need me to be a part of the crowd~" she then got a little more serious saying out still in a cute tone "So are you ready to go help me with getting something?"


  13. Today was the day, while she was nervous about it all joining a boss raid finally... she was somewhat proud of herself to be able to make it to this point. She had looked around and saw all the different people that were around, Kairi had just smiled and kept moving towards Neo to acquire some items from her. She had walked up to her and said out "Heya Neo! I'd like a couple items you are offering thank you~!" she had jumped being a little cute despite things being a little more serious in nature. Then after consuming what was given to her she had made her way to her group and just bounced with excitement being the way that she is. For the remainder of the time before the fight she had just stood there and impatiently waited for it all to begin. "I hope I will be able to make it out alive..." she thought to herself.

    Getting From Neo and Used:


    Spinach-Artichoke Dip:

    • Snack
    • Tier: N/A
    • +2 evasion
    • A well made spinach and artichoke dip, great for use with all manner of chips

    Hummus Dip:

    • Snack
    • Tier: N/A
    • +2 ACC
    • A hummus dip, made from garbanzo beans. Goes great with just about anything.

    Tofu burger:

    • Meal
    • Tier: N/A
    • Protein 2
    • A small tofu burger meant to work as an excellent vegetarian protein substitute.

    Iron-fortified Salmon: 

    • Meal
    • Tier: 2
    • MIT 3 (+30 MIT)
    • A salmon filet fortified with extra iron

    Small fruit Salad:

    • Snack
    • Tier: N/A
    • Antioxidants
    • A small fruit salad in a cup comprised of blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and cherries

    Small Miso Soup: 

    • Snack
    • Tier: 1
    • Probiotics 3
    • A small bowl of miso soup, good for protecting you against the wear and tear of a fight.

    Kairi's Stats:


    Kairi - the Battle Princess
    Level: 32 - HP: 640 - EN: 64 - DMG: 17 - ACC: 5 - EVA: 2 - MIT: 76 - Hate: +1 - Antioxidants - Probiotics 3
    1. Sigrdrífa [T2 Two Handed Straight Sword - Perfect] - Enhancements: Paralysis / Paralysis / Accuracy [+1 ACC / +2 PARA]
    2. Hjörþrimul [T2 Heavy Armor - Perfect] - Enhancements: Mitigation / Mitigation / Mitigation [+54 MIT]
    3. Reginleif [T1 Trinket - Perfect] - Enhancements: Accuracy / Accuracy / Taunt [+2 ACC / +1 Hate]
    Karona the Mimic [T2 Familiar] - Enhancements: Familiar Mastery - Fighter [Rank 3 - +6 DMG]

    SP Total: 105 - SP Used: 100 - SP Unused: 5
    Skill Slots: 2/5

    >> Rank 5 | Two Handed Straight Sword - +7 DMG [50 SP]
       Mod    | Ferocity - +1 DMG [15 SP]
    >> Rank 2 | Heavy Armor - +12 MIT [13 SP]
    Extra Skills:
    >> Survival [3 SP]
    >> Rank 3 | Familiar Mastery: Fighter - +6 DMG [18 SP]
    >> Rank 0 | Martial Arts - N/A [0 SP]


  14. 2 minutes ago, Symphony said:

    Name: Symphony 
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: T1 Tailor
    Roll ID: 114424
    Roll Result: 11
    Item Type: Orange Leather Belt 
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Accuracy, Evasion

    This orange leather belt is hand-crafted with the finest leather. Imprinted in the material are hand-made designs like circles and twirls. 

    Post Link: 




  15. 5 minutes ago, Neopolitan said:

    ((post links at the bottom, the last post is getting written as soon as this eval is submitted))

    Name: A boiled potato
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8/9
    Roll ID: [112904A] [112904B] [112908] [112911] [112913A] [112913B] [112913C] [112929] [112930] [112932] [112933] [112936] [112938]
    Roll Result: 7(13), 6, 8, 6, 7, 8, 7, 6, 5, 6
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +30 over-health
    Description: A potato boiled and ready to eat. Not much flavor but helps that little bit more

    Name: Tofu burger
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8/9
    Roll ID: [112907] [112910A] [112910B] [112912] [112937]
    Roll Result: 10, 11(13), 11, 9
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 1 (scaled from 2)
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Protein 2
    Description: A small tofu burger meant to work as an excellent vegetarian protein substitute.

    Name: Iron-fortified salmon
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8/9
    Roll ID: [112905] [112931A] [112931B] [112931C]
    Roll Result: 12, 13(18)
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: MIT 3
    Description: A salmon filet fortified with extra iron.

    Name: Golden Toast
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8/9
    Roll ID: [113084A] [113084B] [113084C] [113086] [113088A] [113088B] [113088C] [113089A] [113089B] [113089C] [113091A] [113091B] [113623A] [113623B] [113626] [113628] [113630] [113632] [113633] [113636] [113662] [113668A] [113668B] [113668C] [113670] [113672] [113673] [114354] [114355A] [114355B] [114358]
    Roll Result: 6(18), 7, 6(19), 6(20), 6(14), 7(12), 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 8, 6(17), 7, 5, 5, 7, 7(15), 6
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 LD
    Description: A well toasted piece of bread to remind one of a cozy and quick breakfast. Tastes good with a fair crunch to it.


    Name: Spinach-Artichoke Dip
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8/9
    Roll ID: [113083A] [113083B] [113083C] [113087] [113092] [113629A] [113629B] [113629C] [113631] [113638]
    Roll Result: 11(19), 9, 11, 10(20), 9, 11
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: rare
    Enhancements: +2 eva
    Description: A well made spinach and artichoke dip, great for use with all manner of chips.

    Name: Hummus Dip
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8/9
    Roll ID: [113656A] [113656B] [113660] [113664A] [113664B] [113664C] [113674] [114357A] [114357B] [114357C]
    Roll Result: 9(15), 11, 9(17), 10, 8(18)
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +2 acc
    Description: A hummus dip, made from garbanzo beans. Goes great with just about anything.

    Name: Golden Garlic Bread
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8/9
    Roll ID:  [113621] [113625] [113627] [113639] [113659] [113663A] [113663B] [113663C]
    Roll Result: 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13(18), 12(14)
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +3 LD
    Description: A perfectly toasted piece of garlic bread. Tastes delicious and has just the right amount of crunch to it.

    Name: Small Fruit Salad
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8/9
    Roll ID: [113090] [113666A] [113666B] [113669] [113671] [114353A] [114353B]
    Roll Result: 12, 13, 13, 12(12)
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: perfect
    Enhancements: antioxidants (ignore the next status effect applied to you this thread)
    Description: A small fruit salad in a cup comprised of blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and cherries

    Name: Small Miso Soup
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 8/9
    Roll ID: [114356A] [114356B] [114360] [114361A] [114361B] [114361C] [114362A] [114362B]
    Roll Result: 11(15), 13, 11(18), 13(15)
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: perfect
    Enhancements: probiotics 3
    Description: A small bowl of miso soup, good for protecting you against the wear and tear of a fight.

    Post links:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Approved :3

  16. Kairi had stepped out onto the main settlement on the second floor after a good nap at her hubby's home with the intent to get some nice hunting out today as the floor boss was soon and she was going to be participating in it, however... she did remember the previous girl that tried to join the guild along with her, however... she had disappeared after a moment. Kairi couldn't recall her name at all, but she hoped to be able to find her again, Kairi had walked through the streets of the second floor as well in hopes in finding her, if she didn't it was alright... she was more than capable of hunting on her own especially with her huge buster sword. She had wore her heavy armor so her chest wasn't too exposed as they typically were, however some looked over due to the fact that she had one, she had just continued to roll her eyes and move on.


  17. 10 hours ago, RyujinSeaLord said:
      Reveal hidden contents
      Reveal hidden contents
      Reveal hidden contents
      Reveal hidden contents
      Reveal hidden contents
      Hide contents

    Name: Valkyries Armor

    Your Profession: Black Smith

    Your Rank: Rank 4

    Roll ID: 114094 (ignore Purpose just realized i cant craft shields yet)

    Roll Result: 9 (8+1)

    Item Type: Heavy Armor

    Tier: 2

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: 1 slot of mitigation (+18 mitigation)

    Description: Armor that was typically worn by the guardians of the Nine Realms often with the aid of the Norse Gods. Fighting like a Girl never felt so good. 

      Hide contents

    Name: The Pincushion

    Your Profession: Black Smith

    Your Rank: Rank 4

    Roll ID: 114096 (ignore Purpose just realized i cant craft shields yet)

    Roll Result: 11 (10 +1)

    Item Type: Heavy Armor 

    Tier: 2

    Quality: Rare 

    Enhancements: 1 slot of mitigation (+18 Mitigation) + 1 Slot of thorn (+18 Thorn)

    Description: Imagine fighting a man who looks like Pinhead from Hellraiser except the spike arnt attack to his skin just his armor. And instead the spikes are are about 2cm in diameter piercing you body the moment you strike.


    All Crafted in the following link: The Royal Forge

    Approved, but DM sent.

  18. 8 minutes ago, Sey said:
      Reveal hidden contents



  19. Kairi had giggled in the hug, missing the embrace of her long lost "sister" in a way, then she had looked toward Kuro and said "Aw you don't remember my chest? He doesn't bite~ Unless you are made of gold!" she patted the top of her mimic, Karona just licking Kuro in a friendly manner. Then seeing her blush she had said out poking her cheek "But that blush and frantic movement tells me otherwise~!" She had nodded her head and said "I know of Zandra! She helped me get a really cool sword! It has a really special enhancement on it too! I just need to stop being lazy and get two essence of steels though..." she puffed out her cheeks and looked over poking her two pointer fingers together. After a moment she had bounced with excitement saying out to her "I am excited to be in the new raid and everything though! Its super exciting to be a part of something new!"


  20. After a bit of waiting, Karona her mimic familiar had smelled something... familiar. Suddenly opening its mouth, Karona had stuck out its tongue then started to scuttle toward that scent. Kairi had looked over seeing where he would be off to. After a moment of him walking, Kairi had seen Hestia, with a smile she had walked past Karona to hug Hestia saying out to her in the hug "It has been a long tiiiiime!" she had giggled then seeing Karona step up to Hestia then licking her leg. Breaking from the hug she had looked down to her familiar and giggled saying "I suppose my familiar misses you too~" she had stepped back then said "But how have you been? It has been way too long, as I have been doing.." she had placed a finger on her cheek tapping it a few times saying "... some things." she had sparked excitingly then said out "So, tell me about the new girlfriend from the raid! Tell me! Tell me!" she bounced with excitement.


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