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About Neopolitan

  • Birthday April 21

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  • Guild Name
    Garnet Rangers

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  1. Calling all merchants! (Or anyone else that wants to gather a whole lot) I'm going to start grinding for my unique enhancements soon and will be doing a bunch of nature's treasure threads to find the gear to get identified from fishing up treasure chests. If anyone would care to join me in one of these threads, just ask. I don't want to go in groups larger than 2, but I will take on as many threads as people would like. Let me know if you want to do one and how long you would like to go for that thread, I'm doing them until I get them done.

    Specifically to merchants, I'll be coming around and getting identifications done. As this will be in batches, I'm not just going to be using one. I would also like to begin to help merchants who are trying to rank up. To any merchant that identifies an item I don't plan on using I will let you keep it and do with it as you wish. All I ask in return is that any cost besides the identification cost be waived for that item.

    I'm going to bed right now, but if you want to start it go ahead and just ping me when you do. Otherwise, respond here or DM me on discord and I'll start it as soon as I can.

    1. Dustin


      I might be down for that, I want some stuff too.

    2. Neopolitan


      I can start it once you're ready here.

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