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Blog Entries posted by Kataware

  1. Kataware

    Logistical Feedback
    The topic of providing staff mechanical rewards (of any kind) for their efforts has generally been a taboo topic because of multiple reasons including skepticism from dubious intentions and a longstanding belief that staff work should be enough of a reward on its own.  However, a larger goal of staff and its individuals for the past couple of years has been to re-establish trust in staff in hopes of fostering a healthier environment. We’d like to bring it the topic to the table once more and clearly define what the mechanical rewards would entail and how staff would earn it.
    First and foremost, I’d like to mention that the mechanical rewards would entail only Col at this time. In any case, we have no interest in providing staff rewards that would be exclusive to them and create a dishonest and toxic environment. Secondly, staff members would earn rewards based off of the amount of content that they approve which is easily some of the more intensive work on staff with the possibility of including rewards for helping to run an event or boss (which is usually a one- and sometimes two-person ordeal for a larger player turnout) and other staff works in the nearby future. Currently, the baseline that the GM team has set is 1000 Col per page in a thread or crafting day evaluations (i.e. crafting approvals equivalent to one crafting day). We believed that this baseline was suitable, especially given how Col is one of the easiest resources to gather with mob grinding. These numbers and rates, including what provides it, is flexible and up for discussion (e.g. there were some ideas to decide based off of batch of approvals/thread to simplify the rewards).
    We’d love to hear your feedback regarding these things and hope that you are open to the idea.
  2. Kataware
    Crafting/Shop Changes:
    Crafting in a player's shop thread is now considered an out-of-character interaction. Systems & Development Comments: One of the main reasons why crafting required a 100 word requirement was because the «Merchants and Shops» sub-forum is considered an in-character sub-forum. Now that crafting is an out-of-character interaction, there is no longer a 100 word requirement while crafting. However, any in-character interaction (e.g. interacting with another player; filling out a custom order) would still require the 100 word requirement. Housing Changes:
    New Room: Guest Room: Player Limit: 1 Buff Name: Decor: «Name of Amenity» Buff Effect: Players can have one «Amenity» in a «Guest Room» and the «Amenity» cannot be recovered. Players are allowed to change which «Amenity» is in the «Guest Room». Multiple instances of the same «Amenity» do not stack. This buff affects the player and their choice of up to two party members. New Amenity: Spooky Amenities: Effect: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 5% (rounded down). Systems & Development Comments: The Spooky Amenities is given to everyone who participated and bought into the Halloween event. We apologize for not having released this earlier like we thought we did. Enhancement Clarification:
    Upon further review, «Keen», «Savvy», «Light Momentum», and «Heavy Momentum» all stack with each other over multiple procs. For example, the more you miss with «Light Momentum» and «Heavy Momentum», you gain more accuracy and damage. Quest Changes:
    [F-xx] Training Your Friend: Can now be taken as a party of two (was previously a solo quest). [F-01] Let There Be Light: Quest Clear SP reward increased from 1 SP to 2 SP. [F-03] Worn out Welcome: Quest Clear SP reward increased from 1 SP to 2 SP. [F-04] Absolute Zero: Quest Clear SP reward increased from 2 SP to 4 SP. Zero Degree Icicle enhancements changed from Freeze / Accuracy / Accuracy to Freeze / Accuracy. Zero Degree Icicle no longer melts after one thread (i.e. it is now a permanent item). [F-05] Butcher of the Stands: Can now be taken as a solo party (previously required a party of at least two players). [F-09] Bandit Camp: Quest Clear SP reward increased from 1 SP to 2 SP. [F-09] The Iron Guardian: Quest Clear SP reward increased from 1 SP to 2 SP. [F-10] Wail of the Banshee: Reduced page/post requirement from 2 full pages/41 posts to 1 full page/21 posts. [F-15] Bane of Blood: Quest Clear SP reward increased from 3 SP to 4 SP. [F-16] The Swashbuckling Buccaneer: Quest Clear SP reward increased from 2 SP to 3 SP. [F-17] «Herculean Labor» The Nemean Lion: Quest Clear SP reward increased from 3 SP to 5 SP. [F-18] Just for the Halibut: Quest Clear SP reward increased from 2 SP to 3 SP. [F-19] Keep Calm and Ki'Raion: Quest Clear SP reward during Daytime increased from 2 SP to 3 SP. [F-21] Betrayal of the King: Quest Clear SP reward increased from 2 SP to 5 SP. Quest Clear Demonic weapon reward changed from Fallen Damage / Paralyze / Damage / Damage to Fallen Damage /  Paralyze / Accuracy / Accuracy. [F-21] The Hidden Village: Quest Clear SP reward increased from 1 SP to 5 SP. [F-22] King of Lakes: Quest Clear SP reward increased from 2 SP to 3 SP. [F-22] Witch of the West: Quest Clear SP reward increased from 1 SP to 3 SP. [F-23] Ugzeke the Mighty: Quest Clear SP reward increased from 1 SP to 3 SP. [F-24] Incognito Assassination: Quest Clear SP reward increased from 2 SP to 5 SP. [F-24] Raging Rhino: Quest Clear SP reward increased from 2 SP to 5 SP. New Questline: Scents of the Wild: This new questline is comprised of six quests spanning across several floor. Each quest rewards statue that provides its own unique buffs when activated. However, only one statue can be active at a time and you can only activate the statues when you have obtained them all. More information can be found at the questline. Systems & Development Comments: In order to not cheat anyone out of some of the SP reward increases, we're allowing everyone who's finished these quests before this patch to simply update their journals with the respective SP amounts.
  3. Kataware
    As many of you may know, the meme of a 3.0 release has existed since the first iteration of the patch was delayed. This eventually became a tradition within our community, especially as its contents were sealed away from the community the entire time. That was changed a while back, as this newest iteration of staff released an information dump regarding 3.0 and the mechanics that had been kept from the community. I'm glad to say that the unrefined work that you saw in the previous info-dump has been now fully updated to a higher standard which we believe will be better for our community. A lot of the work has been towards ensuring balance, but also towards maintaining a level of complexity that isn't too harsh for a roleplay site. There are numerous changes that are too many to list in this blog post but I will be sure to making a patch notes in our usual style eventually for those who simply wish to peruse the differences from our current systems and this (nearly) finalized version of 3.0. Of course, none of these things are set in stone. Part of doing this is to ensure transparency between staff and community while also receiving feedback on updates before they get released. There's quite a bit of stuff to trawl through (69 pages of it), but we'll be doing our best to make sure that the systems side of 3.0 is settled.
    However, before we move onto the info-dump an important note has to be made. The Floor Team has also been through the arduous task of trying to update all of the floors and quests to something more substantial than we currently have. They have tried to flesh out all of the floors and quests that have previously lacked detail and direction while maintaining the flexibility that our site tries to maintain. While Floor Team has made amazing strides towards this goal, they have not had the ability to work on it as long as the mechanics were being developed. This push has been done largely in the past several months and with the level of quality they have put towards their reworked quests and floors alongside their real lives and other hobbies, there simply isn't enough time. When 3.0 is released, floors and quests will see a rolling update. In other words, they will be updated incremently. The currrent goal is that all quests should at least have their mechanics (mainly the damage, HP, EXP, etc.) updated to 3.0 so players have something to do while they are being fleshed out by Floor Team. I realize that Floor Team's current project was something that may not have been expected, but I wanted to put this forward in case anyone knew and had high hopes for a complete rewrite of the inner workings of site as we know it.
    Without further ado, have at it.
    Sword Art Effects:
  4. Kataware

    Patch Notes
    EXP Rewards:
    Standard EXP rewards for thread progression changed from (5 EXP * Player's Tier) for every 30 words to (Word Count / 10) * (Player's Uncapped Tier) * (Group Factor). Group factor table: Group Size EXP (Group) Factor 1 player 100% (1x) 2 players 70% (0.7x) 3 players 60% (0.6x) 4+ players 50% (0.5x)
      Staff-run events and raids may award lump EXP bonus rewards scaled to tier instead of standard EXP rewards. Dungeons now reward EXP upon completion instead of per wave. Players gain EXP based on their uncapped tier. Players must participate in all waves of combat in order to be eligible for dungeon EXP rewards. Dungeons and their mobs will continue to scale to the highest party tier. Dungeon completion EXP reward table:
      Uncapped Player Tier Dungeon EXP Reward Uncapped Player Tier Dungeon EXP Reward 1 150 11 4950 2 360 12 5760 3 630 13 6630 4 960 14 7560 5 1350 15 8550 6 1800 16 9600 7 2310 17 10710 8 2880 18 11880 9 3510 19 13110 10 4200 20 14400  
    Previous Dungeon EXP Reward Table:
    Dungeon Tier EXP Wave #1 Wave #2 Wave #3 1 100 250 400 2 250 450 850 3 500 750 1500 4 1250 2500 4500  
    Field Bosses now reward its combat participants with EXP based on whichever is lower: the Player's Tier or the Field Boss' Tier (previously was a static 500 * Field Boss' Tier as long as the Player's Tier was lower). Players must participate in the full duration of combat in order to be eligible for field boss EXP rewards.
    Field Boss EXP reward table:    
      Uncapped Player Tier Field Boss EXP Reward 1 100 2 240 3 420 4 640 5 900 6 1200 7 1540 8 1920 9 2340 10 2800  
    Systems & Development Comments: After the 3.1 update, levelling was very quick due to the fixes to the levelling curve and standard EXP reward. By reducing the standard EXP rewards and increasing the EXP rewards for other contents, we hope that it will incentivize more engagement with content and normalize the standard EXP rewards. Social Threads & Early Closure:
    Players are now permitted to close purely social threads without having to reach a 20 post minimum and get standard thread rewards as long as they meet the following criteria: A minimum of 10 posts. Must involve at least two characters (may belong to the same player) Each player must provide at least three 150 word posts per page to obtain standard thread rewards as normal. The thread cannot have any systems mechanics (eg. combat, quests). Systems & Development Comments: Narrative pacing and a 20 post minimum does not always match each other. Allowing early closure of purely narrative threads should hopefully alleviate players from drawing out a thread just to get standard thread rewards. Labryinth Searches/Labryinth Guardians:
    Blank Dungeon Maps can no longer be used to increase Scouting party maximum from 4 players to 6 players. All players participating in a Labyrinth search must be at least of tier in relation to the highest unlocked floor (e.g. Tier 4 to search floor 32). Reduced number of posts required before parties can begin searching for the Labyrinth entrance from 20 posts to 10 posts. Reduced cooldown for individual players searching for the labyrinth from 5 posts to 4 posts without the Reveal mod and from 3 posts to 2 posts with the Reveal mod. Changed how the cooldown for labyrinth searching works: individual players can now search every x posts instead of needing x posts between each searching attempt. Ex: Players with the Reveal Mod used to need 3 posts between each search attempt (search, filler 1, filler 2, filler 3, search, etc). Players with the Reveal Mod can now search every other turn (search, filler, search, etc). Players are now responsible for keeping track of LD roll contributions for the purpose of the additional EXP rewards given to the first and second player who contributed the most to the LD pool (still +10%/+5% EXP bonus). Players must now follow post rotation order as if they were in combat and must make search rolls when eligible. Labryinth Guardian fights now cap at a total of 8 players fighting the Labryinth Guardian at any time. Defeating the guardian and/or hosting the raid prep meeting will no longer convey any systems-based bonuses during the raid. Searching now causes additional events based off of the following table:
    LD Result Outcome [1-8] The party discovers a puzzle or environmental obstacle. This obstacle may be defined by the party. Each player in the group must each post once, describing their contributions in resolving this obstacle before they are able to resume their search. Players may use this opportunity for rest, but searching cannot resume until this obstacle has been overcome. [9-15] The party is ambushed by a large group of 8 loot-minimum enemies, with respect to the highest levelled player present. On a CD4+, enemies will go first in turn order, and will attack the party at random. Determine the party members attacked by CD. Searching cannot resume until all enemies have been defeated. [16-20] The party encounters a pair of elite enemies with the following stats: 
    HP: (Tier * 300) | DMG: (Tier * 70) | MIT: (Tier * 30) | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | Phase.
    On an LD15+, a Sentinel ignores hate and attacks a random party member. Determine this party member by CD.
    Searching cannot resume until all enemies have been defeated. [21-25] The party encounters a threat or obstacle which requires stealth to overcome. Each Player must make a post including a Hiding roll. Results of 12 or less cause the player to lose 25% of their maximum hit points (round down). [26-30] The party finds a treasure chest that has to be opened. A separate post action is required to open it.
    On a CD6+, roll for its result as per standard Treasure Chest proceedures. Otherwise, the chest is actually a mimic with the following stats:
    HP: (Tier * 500) | DMG: (Tier * 90) | MIT: (Tier * 40) | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3
    It immediately attacks the player who attempted to open it before the party can react.
    If a mimic is spawned, searching cannot resume until it has been defeated. [31+] Nothing happens. On three consecutive searching results of 31+, the entire party regains all hit points and energy. Systems & Development Comments: These Labryinth search changes hopefully make things easier by effectively reducing the cooldown between search rolls by two and more interactive by having a player's search rolls affect the thread in a larger way.
    Performer Debuff Changes:
    Changed Performer Debuff Songs Hypnosis, Lullaby, and Misperception effects lasting from one battle to two turns. Revamped Incarcerate: Previous Effect: Effect: Applies to a single enemy. When played, all active DoTs on the enemy gain an Incarcerate effect causing them to deal double their damage for their duration. DoT effects applied afterwards do not gain this effect, but this effect will persist when the DoT is refreshed. Revamped Perpetuate: Previous Effect: New Effect: Applies to a single enemy. When played, the user can select and refresh any number of active debuffs on the enemy. Reminder: DoTs and their non-damaging effects are considered Ailments per the current site guide. Systems & Development Comments: Incarcerate and Perpetuate, ever since they were made to be non-stacking, have been pretty much redundant. In fact, the best damage still lied with Incarcerate rather than Perpetuate. We hope that these changes will make using performer debuff songs more interactive, while making Perpetuate have some niche. Hiding Skill/Mechanic Changes:
    Players in stealth are now vulnerable and can be targeted by mobs performing AoE attacks and environmental effects.  Being hit, suffering damage, or other effects while in stealth will not break stealth.   Players performing AoE attacks cannot target entities in stealth unlike mobs performing AoE attacks. Players no longer need to make rolls to maintain stealth after an initial successful roll. Actions which previously broke stealth (eg. attacking) continue to do so. Hiding Skill: Blindside Mod has been removed. Players are immediately refunded the 4 SP at no additional cost. Untraceable Mod will now grant users an additional +1 Stealth Rating. Systems & Development Comments: There was a potential for the issue with players being able to maintain stealth and be invulnerable. We also looked for Quality of Life changes in the stealth mechanic such as reducing the number of necessary rolls to use stealth and reduce the number of effective mod slots that were needed. Miscellaneous Changes:
    Reduced the damage multiplier of the RAW-A collected sword art from x3 to x2. Reduced the number of extra skill slots required to use the Block skill from 2 extra skill slots to 1 extra skill slot. Reduced Charge's base damage bonus from 5 to 3. Systems & Development Comments: Largely due to power balance and comparisons between Surprise Attack Assassin and Charge. Buffing Assassin would prove clunky since it would require changing Trickster as well to compensate for the power balance. We are seeking more ways to carve out niches to hopefully reduce the tension and back-and-forth nature between many builds. Paralytic Venom (Defensive) enhancement has been removed from play.  Players with this enhancement on an item may select another valid unique or standard enhancement as a free replacement.  Affected items must be submitted for approval in the player's personal evaluation thread before they can be used. Custom Skill Playtest:
    A new Custom Skill system is being introduced for playtesting. This new Custom Skill system aims to maintain a non-exclusive catalog of Custom Skills that players can pick from or propose new Custom Skills to. More information can be found in the playtesting Eternal Hunt [v3.1.2] thread and below. Custom Skill mechanics will not be allowed in staff-run events or boss raids to alleviate issues of keeping track of several Custom Skills and specific interactions. Custom Skill mechanics will trend away from pure damage to ease balancing issues and the consistent arms-race of buffing one's own damage. Custom Skill mechanics will be balanced around the idea that, when implemented, these Custom Skills will cost around 10 SP. Players at the current level cap (level 32) may participate in this playtest until May 15th, 2022 by creating Custom Skill playtest threads and including 'CSPT' in the thread title (eg. [PP-XX-CSPT]). No new Custom Skill playtest threads may be created after May 15th, 2022. There is no SP cost of using Custom Skills in these playtest threads and players may switch and try out different Custom Skills between different Custom Skill playtest threads. Everyone is encouraged to provide continuous feedback in the #systems channel in our Discord. We would like to hear your thoughts, suggestions, and experiences regarding this seemingly cursed mechanic. Custom Skill Catalog:  
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