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Posts posted by Huginn

  1. Her words hadn’t clarified her point at all. He was still just as confused as last time, but he nodded along as if he understood. Confidence doesn’t suit me. Nor does self deprecation. He looks down at the materials before him and starts to crunch up the leaves with the mortar and pestle. But in order to woo her, I have to have a healthy amount of both. Not a fiber of his being knew what she was saying, yet he was sure she knew what she was talking about. She approached him, and she approached Zackiriah no issue. Yet Shiro still didn’t trust her.

    A stranger approaches claiming to be a friend is still a stranger despite her words. No one can be trusted until they earn it, and her charms only put the boy more on edge. The devil himself would have trouble resisting her temptation if he were real, and that was the issue. He didn’t know if he should believe anything she says, or if she was playing him like a fiddle.

    Still, she was friends with Mishiro. Best friends. A concept Shiro was never familiar with but knew had some significance among most people. It meant she had insight, and insight was more than what Shiro had. So he would have to endure...

    To keep going.

    The materials turned to a bright glowing light in front of the boy, and he stared into it as he watched it take shape into a potion of deep red. Sliding the flask over to the old man, Huginn gave him a gentle smile and walked out to the front of the shop. “I still don’t entirely trust you as a person, but your advice has been helpful.” He looks over to her, right in her eyes his confidence unwavering. “I’d call you a good person, but it’s too early to tell... so for now, I’ll call you helpful.” A weak smile crosses his face, in an almost ironic way of saying thanks.

    ”Young man, and lady, could you please take this box of materials to my old pal Lyle for me? It’d make you two good souls bond a little more.”

    ”I don’t see why not.” He looks over to the purple haired girl once again and moves his head towards the exit. “Care to suffer me a little longer?” Of course, he didn’t want her to come along, but it was the polite thing to do and Shiro’s dad was so strict about being polite. Walking alone would be amazing, especially after having to suffer with her all day.


    ID: 129642

    CD: 12

    perfect success


  2. Shiro looked down at the girl, and just smiled. Her head pat meant more to him than she could know. A soft smile placed itself on his face, one he had needed for so long, it was weird. Then she told him to stop crying, and he looks at her. Her body was distorted as he stares at her, through the tears in his eyes. His hand comes up and wipes his tears away, as he looks down at her. She ruffles his hair and drops her hand, tugging at her scarf. His face turns a bright pink and he watches her turn her gaze elsewhere, and his follows suit. He sees the girl he was going to have to raise. What the? Suddenly, like a branch breaking under his feet, something in his head snapped.

    No... she can’t be right. Stupid purple haired witch.

    He felt the warmth in his face as Katsumi rushed the pair and jumped up on Huginn’s back like a piggy back ride. The feeling inside of him, towards the two of them, Kat and Mishiro... they were similar. It wasn’t the same, but they both made him so happy when they were around. He wanted to spend all of his time with them. Maybe she is right. Maybe he does like her. “I could never grow tired of Oreos... not when they make me so happy.” He smiles.

  3. For a moment, Shiro couldn’t focus on Mishiro’s question. It was like he was more worried about the little girl off on her own than the other one he was speaking to at this very moment. Of course, he would never completely ignore the girl next to him though. “Yeah, most people call me Shiro though.” He explains, before the girl asked him another question.

    Mishiro’s question made him think for a bit. It had been a while since he had written his name, and even longer since he had specifically looked at how it was written. “It’s written like...” he scratches his cheek for a moment. “Mountain Palace.” He says, not long before she compliments him on his outfit in return to his previous compliment. “Thanks.” He smiles brightly, pulling the black scarf like cloth over his head like a hood almost.

    They approached the shoreline, and Shiro looked at the ground. Foot prints all over the place and butt prints next to each other. Following the footprints in his mind, he could get a general idea of where everyone was and what happened. Not that he cared really, but he could tell it was a large person, a medium person and a small person, probably a child, and they were all swarming each other. I would hate to be any of them. Out of the corner of his eye he notices the purple hair of a woman he wasn’t too fond of, standing next to a taller man and a medium sized girl with pink hair. Oh God... his eyes follow the trail up towards the refreshments table and right under their feet, and his soul sort of escapes his body for a moment. We’re getting too close to her. She’s going to talk to me again. Oh god, that boy is gonna talk to me. Oh god. Oh no. He begins to silently panic as Mishiro starts towards the refreshments table.

    Upon reaching the refreshments table, Huginn had covered his face with his scarf towel thingy, pulling it up over his nose like that would make a difference in someone recognizing him or not. Quietly and quickly, Shiro grabbed some oreos from the desserts table and nonchalantly walks back over towards the girl with black hair. Her question catches him off guard and he looks down at her. “Kat? I met her in the garden a little bit after...” his gaze drops to the sand as he plays with his foot in it. “I saw her dad losing to a pack of wolves, and I grabbed her and ran.” A tear rolls down his cheek. “I didn’t want her to see, so I ran backwards. I watched it happen. So until the game is cleared, I have to watch over her.” He explains, pulling up an Oreo and eating it slowly.

  4. The girl before him apologized instead, and Shiro was taken aback. Why is she apologizing? He thinks to himself, looking down at the sand for a moment before she pulled herself out of Katsumi’s vice-like grip to introduce herself. Kat lets out a small giggle as she puts their names together and sees the similarity. “Hehe... Yamashiro and Mishiro...”  she laughs gleefully before walking away to the water.

    ”Remember Kat, stay in my field of view.” He reaches up and gently pushes Felli towards the young girl and smiles. “And Felli, you watch over Kat.”

    Mishiro brings up a great point and Shiro nods. “Honestly, I don’t mind only being at these with you.” He smiles, before he realizes what he just said and his face begins to warm up, his cheeks turn red and he gets flustered. It’s exactly what he meant, so there was no need to try and explain it better. As he turns away, he watches Kat play with Felli and try to build a sand castle for “princess Felicity.” His face forms into a calm and endearing smile, one that would look out of place on his face usually. Before he looks back, he works up the courage to say, “You look nice by the way.” He smiles.

    Totally unbeknownst to Shiro, Katsumi would walk up to Kityuisa and sign up for the swimsuit contest for Huginn, but not herself.


  5. Shiro smiles as he walks around the rock to pick up Kat, pulling her up and giving her a piggy back ride over to the party that was slowly turning into a large gathering. Normally Shiro would turn around and head back to the inn, but not this time. This time he was ready to face the noise and finally apologize to Mishiro. As he walked in towards the beach he heads over towards the refreshments table grabbing a snack for Kat and himself a drink, before he grabs her hand and guides her down to the water. As Katsumi played around in the sand and water, Felli was dancing around her and dodging Kat’s attempts to catch her.

    ”I’m gonna catch you!” The young girl giggled as she jumped as high as she could clasping her hands to try and catch the small blue flame.

    Shiro decided it was time to find Mishiro, so he had Felli keep a watchful eye on Kat and he started walking up the beach until he saw her. She was standing on the shoreline and just staring out. She looked beautiful, and Shiro couldn’t help but stare at her. When she turned around Shiro shook his head and prepared himself. “Mishiro.” He says, his voice still soft and weak as it usually is, but this time there’s just something different about it. Like he was sure about something for once, but he was still scared to talk to her about it. I need to apologize. I need to make sure she knows I didn’t want to leave her alone that night. I wanted to go on that walk with her. Why would she forgive me? She has no reason to, other than an apology. I don’t deserve forgiveness. Especially not from her. He begins to think about the day in the garden, and he clenches his fist. “I...” and like she was made specifically to calm Shiro down, Katsumi made her way up to him and wrapped her hands around his wrist.

    Shiro’s eyes shoot open and he looks down at the young girl and back at Mishiro, bowing to her. “I’m sorry I left you alone in the garden.” He places his hand on Kat’s head. “But, had I not left I wouldn’t have sweet Katsumi here, and she would be...” he just couldn’t bring himself to say the word. She has done so much for him that she doesn’t even know, and Shiro can’t help but smile as she walks over and hugs Mishiro. “A friend of Shi’s is a friend of mine!” She smiles up at the black haired girl.

  6. Shiro was out getting some food for him and Katsumi, his new best friend. They had formed a familial bond over the last few days and Huginn was taking care of her for a bit. Except for the fact that Shiro had no idea what he was doing, they were gettin along great. As he dropped the pouch of col on the counter and picked up the tray of food, he spun around and placed them in his inventory, walking out of the shop to see her beautiful smile. She was chasing Felli around like a butterfly, and it put a soft smile on the boy’s face. Suddenly, a loud ding of a nessage yanks Shiro’s attention away from the girl and his familiar.

    Beach party? He looks down at his body, Mishiro’s there? He thinks for a moment, but when he reaches the moment he decided to just ditch her in the woods, he gets truly angry at himself. His hand comes up and punches the wall behind him. In the real world a broken hand a girlish whimpering would’ve followed suit, but this was a game, and his hand didn’t break.

    He looks around making sure the commotion didn’t draw that much attention before he walks over and picks up Kat, setting her on his shoulders as they walk through town. He was planning on showing her the beaches today anyways, and this would give him a chance to say sorry to Mishiro for what he did. “You ready to see the beach Kat?” He asks playfully up to her. “Yay! The beach!” She replies loudly and happily.

    He finally makes it to the party and Kat flips down to the ground from his shoulders, sitting next to the rock to watch for anyone approaching while Shiro walked behind the rock and changed in an instant.

    Peering around the rock he smiled as Katsumi took her job very seriously. She had her arms crossed, her chest puffed out and her face looking as angry as she could get it to. All except for a smile, which they shared. He walks out and reaches out to grab the little girl’s hand as he makes his way into the designated party area. This is gonna be exhausting.

    [Huginn’s appearance]



    [Katsumi’s appearance]




  7. His legs push him back to the safety of the town as he sets her down and places his hands on her shoulders. “Listen to me. Do you have any other friends? Anyone else who can protect you while you’re in the game?” He asks. The small girl shakes her head no, with tears still streaming down her face. What am I supposed to do? He asks, thinking to himself and then it hits him. He sets her on a bench, looks her in the eyes and says this, “Wait here, accept this and I’ll be back in a bit.” He says, looking at the nearest gate. It wasn’t far at all but it was far enough that being out in the field he couldn’t really see her all that well.

    Standing up he walks down the street to the nearest food stand and buys a cookie, setting a small amount of col on the counter and taking the cookie back to his newest companion and sitting next to her on the bench. “You can stick with me for a while then. I’ll keep you safe.” He smiles gently at her as he pulls her in for a side hug.

    ”Thank you mister.” She says, her voice filled with sadness and sorrow, while she hugged him tightly. This hug brought nothing but joy to the young boy’s heart. He had a new goal, protect her as best he can until she can take care of herself. It was at this moment that Felli came down from the sky and floated around Kat playing with her a little. She giggles as the playful little flame flies around her in such a way it reminded him of a cat with a laser.

  8. She pulls down her hood and looks up and Shiro, wiping away her tears. “Thank you sir... mister, what’s your name? I’m Katsumi! You can call me kat.” She says so happily to the boy and he just smiles. Standing up he looks around and sees a grown man who looks worried. His sword moves back and forth as he fends off two wolves. Shiro’s spear materializes as he charges in next to the man. “Hello sir, is that your daughter over there?” He asks, the man nods and focuses on the wolf to his right. “I got this one sir.” Shiro claims, pulling his spear and spinning it. The blade on the end of the staff pierces the side of the dog as he kicks it.

    The other man, Kat’s father had pulled his sword back and slashed at the monster, but his blade explodes into the blue pixels and his eyes fill with fear as he moves his view back to the child in the corner of the field.

    Shiro quickly takes a stutter step. It was clear this man was low on health and not making it back to the tavern tonight. Damn it. I’m about to become a guardian aren’t I? He sighs and takes off running towards the girl, picking her up and holding her in a hug as he runs. He feels a wetness on his shoulder as he runs and tries to hide the horrific view from the girl, and he realizes she can see clearly what about to happen. His right foot plants itself and Shiro spins, running backwards and soaking the image into his brain. “It’s okay Kat. I’m sorry. I’ll keep you safe.” He says, a tear rolling down his cheek.

    Keep going.

  9. Shiro grabs the glass, the cold glass presses against his lips sending a shiver down his spine. Why can’t I just go and talk to her? Why can’t I just make my way back to the garden? She should still be there. It hasn’t been that long. He slams his drink down, standing up and walking out of the tavern. A ways away he reaches a gate, walking out and into the wild. New players and faceless blobs pass him by as he makes his way towards the garden he had come from.

    Through the brush and shrubbery, and the small open forest he cuts through and reaches the garden he had spent so long at. His eyes fall on a different group of players, playfully chasing each other through the field.

    He looks around, searching frantically, and grabs his temples looking at the ground. His eyes widen and he realizes, it hasn’t just been a few hours. The days seemed to morph together, but then it comes to him. This isn’t the first time he’d been here since that day before, and come to the same exact conclusion. It’s been days, he lost so much time. He had reached the point of sleep deprivation where his days blur. Everything is a haze and his body is on the verge of forcing him to sleep.

    Keep going.

    A voice crept up in his mind, pushing him forward. A young player had approached him and tugged on his jacket.

    ”Mister... I’m cold and can’t find my dad.” A small girl, couldn’t be much older than 10, was asking for help. Even someone as cold as Shiro couldn’t just tell her to find him herself. Her white hair reminds him of someone he’s close to. She was crying, and like a mirror, Shiro followed suit...

    Keep going. Don’t stop. Help her.

    ”I’ll help you find him.” A bright smile punctuates the statement as he kneels down next to her. His black sweatshirt comes off and slides over her head. “There... that should keep you warm until we find your dad.” He smiles brighter.

  10. His legs keep pushing, his eyes close and he keeps running until suddenly he realizes his eyes are closed and he opens them. I’m so tired and worn out. He thinks back to the last time he slept, but the image is all blurry and there’s no feeling attached to it. He can’t remember the last time he was in a room by himself.

    Slowly his speed begins to drop, and his legs stop moving entirely. The warmth of the sun on his black jacket and his blue jeans makes him feel like he’s wrapped in a comfortable blanket on the couch of his house. Why did I have to put on that stupid nerve gear? He slams his fist into a nearby tree. The purple icon shows up and he reads it, scoffing a little and turning around, leaning against the tree. How long have I been running? Why haven’t I gone back to training yet? Why can’t I focus on the task at hand? He looks down at his hands, wondering what he was gonna do. Felli was keeping her distance, she knew when not to step in or intrude.

    He leans forward and pushes himself off of the tree walking into the field and grabbing his spear. He wasn’t just gonna waste time thinking of a mistake he made.


    A drink is set in front of him. He stares at the condensation on the outside of the glass rolling down the side. Connection every droplet along a path that made no sense. He wondered why water acted so differently to everything else in this way. A solid would fall straight down, and a gas would just fill the room, why was liquid the only one to get to do whatever it wants? Is it stronger than everything else? Is it smarter? Is it lonelier? Why does it seek out the other droplets and drag them along? Maybe one day someone will do that with me. Maybe someday I’ll have someone to chase with a youthful vigor and a childish glee.

    Quit being unrealistic.

  11. Shiro ran, ran from all the pain, all the emotions, all the hatred. The garden he had spent so much time in with those two grew smaller behind him and his legs just wouldn’t stop. He wanted to. He wanted to come to a screeching halt and spin on his heel to see if she was okay. He wanted to be there to make sure nothing happened to her, but something kept pulling him away. Pain. His feet felt like weights. His arms swung like logs as he pushed himself to the very limits of his speed. Run. Keep going. The pain won’t catch you if you’re fast enough. He took step after step, throwing himself deeper down the rabbit hole and hoping to never have to climb out.

    6... 6 days since he last slept. No... more. He had lost count at this point. It all seemed to blur together to the point that he had no idea how long he had been running. His feet start to hurt, and his eyes feel incredibly heavy. No... no sleep. No wasting time. I can’t. I won’t. He shakes his head and keeps pushing himself. Every step sent a shockwave up his leg, like stepping on a live wire with wet feet. His eyes felt like someone was lighting them on fire and blowing that fire out over and over again.

    Keep going.

    He had reached the edge. There was no where left for him to run. Looking up he could see the bottom of the next floor, and he shivered in fear. That was where he met her, so if he could, he would avoid it as best he can. His right foot shoots out and he turns right in an instant. He was now following the edge of the map. Why did that stupid Ares have to show up? Why couldn’t it have just been her and I? A tear falls down his cheek. Why didn’t I stay? Why didn’t I keep my chin up and ask for that walk she owes me? Why don’t I stop and go back? Would she forgive me? Stop. Stop. Stop now. Turn around. Backtrack. Apologise...

    Keep going.

    His pain culminates into a spear on his back that he spins out and pushes into the ground. Using the momentum of himself and the reach of his spear he pushes himself even faster than before, like a pole vault, but forward instead of up. His speed increases just a little more as he keeps doing the same move over and over again. Why? Why can’t I even bring myself to think of her name? Why can’t I think of her face? Why haven’t I stopped? Why haven’t I even checked to see if she’s mad at me? You can’t do this... you can’t

    Keep going.

  12. Shiro listened silently as she spoke, the material she had returned to him made him tilt his head. Thanks I guess. He watches her start to walk and follows when she signals for him to. Confidence? Why should I have confidence when what I say matters? Pride will be your downfall, or at least that’s what old people always said. He listens more, absorbing the information she spews at an unreal rate and then he stands up straight, a louder and more confident voice escapes his lips. “Like this?” For a moment even Felli grew close to him, she floated around him and started slowly moving towards the purple haired girl. Dejected, the boy exhales and returns back to his normal quiet and somber self.

    ”Dad always said bravado isn’t a good look on me.” He remarks quietly, not any quieter than pretty much anything else he says most of the time. It’s why I was always better at hit and run fights than brawling. He always said ‘If you have to fight someone stronger than you, the only way to win is to be faster.’ The memory of his father places a warm smile on the boy’s face, but his eyes stay locked on the ground.

    Suddenly they were in the town, the boy’s train of thought must’ve pulled him further away than he had noticed. They were getting close to the shop of Zackiriah and Shiro’s nerves wouldn’t settle at all. His smile disappears and he looks up and around. He had missed so many faces, what if Misako was one of them? I might’ve just missed my sister because of this stupid quest and my stupid head. The bottom of his palm comes up and slams into his forehead and his eyes land on the woman in front of him, and almost in an instant, he goes back to his regular self.

    They make their way into the shop and Shiro pulls out a material, putting it in a mortar and pestle. He grabs the pair, smashing up the material and putting it on a filter sheet, setting the sheet on top of the bottle. But when the materials fall on top of the bottle, they disappear and are replaced by the blue shards signaling a failure. Of course it couldn’t be that easy, why would it be?


    ID: 122773

    CD: 2 (fail)


  13. Shiro looks around the bar, and then looks at the lady who took down all of the pricks who were bugging her. “I don’t really want anything.” He returns, looking back at the bar he was sitting at. His familiar floated around his head for a moment before he looked back up at the tall man and simply said, “I guess maybe food for my familiar.” A simple request, but still one that was hard to fill unless you knew what you were doing. The kind bartender picks up a glass and starts cleaning it and putting it away. Honestly, the only reason I wanna do this is to get some experience. I have to get stronger. He picks up his glass of ice water and takes a sip recoiling at the crisp chill of the glass.

    ”Fine then, here’s the coordinates.” The bartender smiles as he sends them a message and sends the two on their way. “Go to any Sunset Tavern on the bottom 4 floors and ask for Roger when you’re done.” He smiles as he pushes them out of the bar and shuts the door. Sunset Tavern? So cheery and bright... I hate it. Shiro begins walking in the direction of the teleport gate, hoping the lady will follow.

  14. Shiro smiles, chewing on the stick as he listens to the people talk. He climbs a bit higher and pulls out his violin for a moment, looking at the bow and the strings, thinking to himself. I could play up here. No one would hear me. No one would know. He puts the instrument under his chin and thinks. After a few second he pulls the bow across the strings and a calm quiet whine rings out. He had made the first note. As he continued to play, the tempo kept rising and falling, along with the volume. It was like he was painting a picture of a mountain range with music. He slows down the tempo, drawing out the last note a few minutes later before Felli comes up and floats around his head.

    The small flame floats around his head and he begins to lose his balance, he falls to the side landing on a branch and he frowns as he falls the rest of the way. Landing upright, but his violin had fallen separate from him, and on the other side of his violin was a wolf. Shiro looked the wolf in the eye and he looks at the violin.

    This is gonna be tiresome.

  15. Shiro’s spear twirls around again, his hand tightly grips the shaft as he throws his weight forward and the spear pushes clean through the monster and suddenly it explodes into blue shards and red pixels. The fight was finally over but Shiro still felt something weighing him down. Must be my low energy. He transfers his spear back into his inventory and whistles for Felli. Hoping the other two didn’t hear him as he turned around and slid his hands into his pockets, he had no idea what to do. They appeared to have something between them, whether it be a past or tension, it still pained the boy to watch... so he didn’t.

    He closed his eyes, shook his head and started walking the other way. Why did I even agree to come here? I could’ve just as easily stayed home and accomplished the same goal. He frowns, watching the grass underneath him as he steps over it. Why did I stay and fight? Why didn’t I just make Ares do it and leave long before the monster died? Why did I watch them? He was hoping to disappear into the plains, maybe he would never see that stupid mask and cloak again. He didn’t care either way.

    He just wanted to go to the inn and sleep for the rest of his life. Staying up and practicing seemed like it wasn’t working, but even still, he would keep doing it. Keep pushing himself to catch up with the frontliners, keep learning all the fancy tricks and nifty skills to try and find Muninn. He just wanted to know if his sister was okay.

    Even in this world, the boy had learned to live life the same way as before. Reserved and secretive were always much safer than open and outgoing, because that reveals weaknesses. Shows kinks in your armor. That’s why he felt weak, weighed down and sluggish around them. His right leg pushes out further than the last few times he had taken a step, and the next step was even longer. The strides kept growing until he was running as fast as he could as far as he could. He had to get away, had to be alone. He needed to hide, escape, disappear. This was how he did it.




    ID: 120152

    BD: 8

    Heft on Flytrap

    5 * 2 = 10 DMG

    10 - 10 = 0 HP

    ID: 120153

    LD: 5

    CD: 7

    loot: 120 col, (4) T1 Materials


    Huginn: 80/80 HP | 2/8 EN | 5 DMG | 1 Para

     Flytrap: 0/40 HP | 12 DMG [DEAD]

    [OOC: If no one stops Huginn, he’s leaving the thread. I won’t post next round unless he’s stopped.]


  16. Shiro gripped the spear and spun it around, Felli being over by Mishiro made this a little easier if he was being honest. He liked Felli, but she could be a nuisance; every she sees someone new she always makes him approach them. Obviously Shiro wasn’t the best at talking to people, but he managed just fine when it came to Mishiro (Not really, but he likes to think so) and he was willing to get by with just managing to barely be friends with people. Normally though, it would be Misako pulling him to meet new people. Shiro hated that. It was his sister though, so he couldn’t do anything about it.

    Not again.

    His spear moves towards the monster in an arch slashing at the monster once again, but the vines holding up the flytrap separate just enough to allow the spear to go through without hurting it. Maybe Felli being away wasn’t so good after all.

    The small blue flame draws a halo above Mishiro’s head, and then splits in two, floating down next to her head and then orbiting her body at varying heights. Slowly she made her way around the girl and then floats over to the boy in the cloak with the mask. Her flame heats up a little, turning a little purple towards the Flickering top of her sprite. Anger was apparent in this little ball of anti-Shiro matter.


    Familiar left Huginn: -1 base DMG

    ID: 118981

    BD: 4


    MD: 4


    Huginn: 80/80 HP | 2/8 EN | 5 DMG | 1 Para

     Flytrap: 10/40 HP | 12 DMG

  17. Felli floats back up to Shiro’s shoulder and hovers there, but he ignores her. She always causes scenes and expects Shiro to deal with her crap. “Well ma’am, sorry for intruding.” His shy nature makes itself apparent again, as he can’t look her in the eye. He sheepishly sits down and waits for his regular glass of water. The bartender walks over and looks at the two of the players and the people that had caused the commotion.

    A tall man with red hair sets a glass down and pours a pitcher of Ice water into the glass. “Those kids are always causing trouble, thanks for taking care of them you two.” He looks between the two players and tilts his head. “If you’d like some more work, about three floors up there’s a bear I tracked, you’re welcome to kill them and I’ll pay you for it.” He explains with a smile on his face. This man gave Shiro the chills, but mainly because he was a complete stranger, but Shiro looks over to the lady and shrugs.

  18. The boy was watching on as the man found his second material. “The problem with serving food to people is I’m not... not very good at talking to people.” He explains, his mind moving back to the lady with black hair and how he has tried to talk to her a number of times, failing just about every time. Even worse was the purple haired girl who had taught him that speaking to people isn’t that hard. Gosh darn, I hate talking to people. He pulls his hood up and tilts his head. Something about this area keeps me on edge, but Felli seems to be comfortable. Huginn looks towards the man.

    ”Call for me when you’re done.” He leaps off the nearest rock, landing firmly in the tree. His eyes fall on the area as he surveys it. Nothing seems to stick out to him, but he still watches the area carefully. Stooping down and chewing on a stick he watches players that frequent the area walk around in search of mobs and materials, he watches them socialize and play around. A quick leap carries him to another branch, and he hears a conversation. One player was telling another about the quest where you fight the iron guardian thing. The other complains about being to weak and instead suggests the Avalanche quest.

    I could ask Hikoru to help me on that quest.


  19. Shiro watched as the man grabbed a material and explained that he was once a merchant. The boy’s mind began to run with why he wanted to change. Then he mentions something about playing Piano and Shiro gets to thinking. “I play Violin and a touch of piano if you ever need anyone to play while you cook.” he explains, looking around and realizing the man probably needed to do this for himself. “I’d help, but I don’t know if this quest allows for that.” He says, Felli floating around his torso playfully as he talks. “Felicity helps me find stuff sometimes, and she helps me see at night.” He smiles, giving her a little pat. He smiles and looks at the dirt dropping down to sit in it. “But mostly she helps me kill things so I can level up.” He says.

    He hadn’t mentioned that that had slowed down recently, and even though he still stayed up late every night to practice in the boonies, he couldn’t help but feel like if he was doing harder quests he’d be stronger. He was getting sluggish after a three night binge of hunting and killing, but what was he to do? Just let gap between the frontliners and the newbies grow? No, he was gonna try to bridge the gap and catch up to this man he was assisting.

  20. He seemed to be weirdly curious about Shiro, and it was understandable. Huginn had learned over the two years that frontliners were always risking their lives, so being on edge was a regular occurrence for them, but the boy wasn’t nearly strong enough to harm the man. “Stealth, but Felli likes to make that difficult for me.” He says, poking the familiar floating around him. “I did the math and the two handed assault spear does the most damage without needing to do a quest, and stealth makes it easier to not get hit, so I figured why not try to combine the two?” He pulls his hood up over his black hair, and he walks out into the field. Felli was having a field day messing with the boy who could be mistaken as goth.

    As the grass crunched beneath the boy’s feet he begins to wonder something. “Why did you just now decide to do this quest? You’re high level so I would’ve assumed you’d have done this already.” He explains, thinking he was onto something, maybe even make a little conversation, but wasn’t expecting much.

  21. “Okay...” His timid nature had made itself known once more. Sometimes when he doesn’t think about it, he can be a regular introvert. His hands slide into his pockets and Felli floats around him. Usually Felli would be hanging around the girl Shiro was usually with, but Shiro wasn’t worried about the small blue flame, and Felli wasn’t fond of people like Shiro. He turns to start walking towards the area he had stated was the best spot, but his steps were quiet and his movements sluggish, almost like he was scared.

    As they walk through the town on their way out, the boy begins to wonder why the man assisting him was helping him out. Shiro hadn’t even made a name for himself in any manner. He’s a shadow everyone usually forgets, but this frontliner asked him to accompany him. Of course, he had made it a public request anyone could join, but he still accepted a nobody with an all black outfit. “By the by, my player name is Huginn. In case you needed to know.” He says softly to the other player.

  22. “I’m Shiro... sir.” He responds to the player who had invited him on this quest. He decided in the beginning to keep his manners on point because even though he wasn’t with his parents to make them angry, he figured when they got out it would be better that he never broke the habit. “I would be happy to help you out.” He says, nodding and turning to look at the familiar of the man before him. His hand moves towards his familiar and While Shiro was worried, he figured nothing would happen to Felli.

    ”With all due respect, I think we should head out here soon.” He smiles and turns towards the southern gate. “I had heard the best place is somewhere out that way. South into the woods.” He says, looking back at the player. “I’m sorry... I’m sure you already know that.” He looks down to the ground.

  23. Huginn had been reading requests for the easiest ways to earn experience and maybe get a little better at what he does. His little blue flame floats around him and hovers by a very specific request. The earning a living quest. Doesn’t look like it’s that hard, besides, it’d be nice to see what I’ll be doing when I get a profession. He pulls the request off of the pin and walks out towards the central plaza.

    As he walks into the teleport plaza, he notices a frontliner. A very particular frontliner that he had spoken to at the christmas party. Should I talk to him? Maybe he’s busy and I shouldn’t bother him.  Before Huginn could even work up the courage to convince himself to talk to the master of stealth himself, Felli takes it upon herself to fly over towards him out of nowhere.

    Her floating while erratic, gives off the vibe of endearing friend meeting an old pal. She was always so happy meeting new people, mainly because it annoyed Huginn and she apparently liked to annoy him. “Felli-“ he says as he follows her up to the player, and without saying a word, grabs Felli and pushes her back to right above his shoulder (where she belongs).

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