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Posts posted by jeremy12

  1. Jace held his blade tightly for no reason in the town. He started t head to the end of town to walk out. He equipped his coat and traveled off into the snow. He brought out his blade and started to hunt for a monster. Maybe a few bits off frost metal for his shop wouldn't hurt. Poison arrow his sword looked white in the snowlight. It began to get dark and he began to look for a monster. Night was his hunting time.

  2. I Jace say that this shop is closed. I had a pm from a GM that I did something wrong in my shop. I foxed it but I would not like it to happen again and me get IP banned. Sao is my life practically. It makes me happy. Without it I'm just a regular 14 year old kid with nothing. Soon am stopping this shop an taking all of the mats and weapons with me. Sorry Artorias I hope you can forgive me. And everyone else.

  3. Bring it he thought grabbing his blade and striked it at the opponent. He seen its black armor that might just stop the damage. And he hit hard knocking the opponent back with bleeding and three damage.

    Jace 22/22

    Phantom 19/22 ( 2/2 turns bleeding)

  4. Jace ran across the river and heard noises far off into the dungeon. Those noises were mixed clangs and screams. Oh no he thought charging into the cave before finding himself face to face with a black phantom soldier. Crap he thought reaching for his blade. Silvee stay back he said.

    Jace 22/22

    Phantom 22/22

  5. Jace grabbed his blade and kept moving. He has gotten 1 dragon heart stone and he was still moving on. He came across a river and he started to walk along. He found a item that said <>. Crystal bond he though what would drop that? Wait someone would have to kill this beast for it to drop. Someone is in this dungeon.

  6. Dragons turn.

    The dragon felt its HP low but kept on fighting. The dragon took its chance with a move. If it failed it would die from the pain of failing if hit then the boy would lose 5 HP.. The dragon missed and exploded leaving Jace the winner.

    Jace 18/22

    Silvee 16/17

    Dragon 0/15

  7. Jace's turn.

    Jae ran at the enemy full of rage. Time to finish this. He jumped up slashing his blade at the opponent fast as lightning. He twirled striking at its face. He hit the enemy striking for two damage and the the bleeding took one away leaving the dragon almost dead.

    Jace 20/22

    Silvee 16/17

    Dragon 1/15

  8. Dragons turn.

    The dragon felt the boy open another gap with his sword. The dragon snarled and charged the boy again determined to kill the little rat. The dragon jumped up and clawed at the boys armor. It hit with enough force to smack him back against the wall.

    Jace 18/22

    Silvee 16/17

    Dragon 4/15 (1/2 bleeding left)

  9. Jace's turn

    Jace got back on his feet Nd backed up. He looked at his arm which had a red spot from where the dragon slashed him. He told his wolf Silvee to attack this time. Silvee ran at the dragon and clawed at it with its move crystal strike. It was a critical strike causing four damage plus one for the bleeding.

    Jace 20/22

    Silvee 17/17

    Dragon 6/15

  10. Dragons turn.

    The dragon turned as the pain inflicted its chest. A blood spot was where the pain was. The dragon roared in anger and leaped at the boy who had stroke its chest.as the boy got in range the dragon clawed at him. He hit him for two damage bringing the boy to his feet.

    Jace 20/22

    Silvee 17/17

    Dragon 11/15 (bleeding 1/2 turns left)

  11. Jace's turn.

    Jace ran at the dragon hoping to kill it. He jumped up twisting and strick at the dragons head. He hit it for three damage and the dragon started to bleed. Jace laughed as the dragon screeched.

    Jace 22/22

    Silvee 17/17

    Dragon 12/15 (bleeding 2/2 turns left)

  12. Jace walked through the dungeons his familiar Silvee by his side. Jace seen some monsters ahead. He grabbe his blade hoping to dismantle every monster in the room. He took on the closest. A dragon. They dropped a dragon heart stone. He ran up to strike at the creature.

  13. Jace stood sword to his side eying the mountains below and dungeons looking for demons. They were not actually demons but anything that killed a player is one to him. He started running down his mountain. He seen a dungeon and headed in.

  14. I'm sorry for interrupting but I said that you can't add to your combat dice with armor. Seeing that Nikki has the exact same enchantment - the adding to combat dice I will do the negate or whatever you want but once for Nikki she wanted a blade shield a shield that is a shield but is practically a crirved sharp shield with a handle. A crescent made of metal with a handle you can hold. She wanted it to do +2 to combat dice for rare and +3 for a perfect. Saix himself said that no adding to combat dice for armor my apologies for interfering. Have a nice day.

  15. OOC wow I'm not sure if you can negate critical damage. PM a GM if this is all allowed. I'm not sure if that is possible. An the armor can not increase battle dice or damage. Gauntlets can though

    Wow this quite a lot. I'm not sure i can pull it off said Jace scratching his head. That must be like the best set I've seen. I'm not sure if I can pull it off by myself. I might have another blacksmith help me. I can maybe call Ender. But I'm not sure if he will oblige.

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