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Posts posted by jeremy12

  1. Okay. Fine, but why. Then she felt a shiver down her spine. Okay I know why but I don't think I have a teleport crystal. It's usually something I grab when I'm going to kill some boars. But I can run fast. Should I run to town? She looked to Seldentar.

  2. He grabbed some more metal and banged on it. Come on you have to work. He watched it glow and form. Come in work he yelled at it. In the name of Jace Wayland is say work. Perfect.

    Crystal (Ruri can rename)

    Item type: Katana

    Item description: A katana of ice metal and is known to freeze its opponents and look deadly ad cool. It can freeze a fire in place. Ruri can change.

    Item abilities: Ruri needs to choose

  3. Clary started walking the lkng walk up the mountain. If we got in a fight we'd probably die. We'd fall off the mountain. As they reached half way clary got out a water and started to drink. Clary grabbed her knife and struck at a hige branch that was in their way. How does that horse get up here?

  4. Shays i thought you said it was Kanya. Clary felt the warmth of Kanya on her legs. You're a cute wolf. She pet Kanyas head. Hi Lanya do you want to help me get a horse? They are very rare you know. Clary said well are you ready? I'm ready to get a sky horse. Clary put her blond hair to the side and started walking forward.

  5. Hey Ruri! How are you? I was just wondering if you would help me get a sky horse off of the to of one of the flat topped mountains. Don't worry they run fast they don't fly. I wish they did but they don't. Clary equipped her knife and said will you help me.

  6. Clary found a fine place to cook by herself. She grabbed some rabbit and put it in a stew for 50 minutes letting it start to cook. She made a sandwich and decided to cu up a few carrots to pit I the stew. Grabbing a kitchen knife she tapped the carrots and hey cut themselves in a mere second. Too easy she thought. She put it in the stew.

  7. Clary put the food she just got from the NPC gypsy in her inventory. It was a strange golden apple. She said go to the top of the tallest mountain to find the creature you are looking for. That was where she needed to go to find a sky horse. Riding in the paths of the floors on a sky horse would be amazing. But she would need help so she PMed Ruri to come help her please.

  8. Seeing Ruri running back with some flowers Clary asked what are those for then the boy she had seen fight earlier said umm... Hey.... Thanks for trying to help. Clary laughed and said you're welcome. Want a sandwich that I made if not Ruri has one to. Clary had seen Ruri thinking hard before getting flowers maybe Clary had said something. Wait she said Sister. Maybe she had a sister I bhe re who died.

  9. Sure but can I have spark instead of col I don't think I've made a blade as good as that. He grabbed his hammer and said I will try. And icy katana huh? He banged on some ice metal. I Jace of Sao command you to be perfect. Ahh it worked last time. He scraped the metal and said that was my last craft of the day.

    Craft 4/4 progress 63/80

  10. Your guild? Your a guild leader?! She took a bite of her sandwich. Right now I'm solo with ought that many friends. Low leveled and haven't even come off the first floor. Brother, best friend, next thing you're going to tell me you have a boyfriend and a sister here as well.

  11. Oh make my own sandwiches handing the sandwich back opening the HUD. She got out the sandwich she had made earlier that day. I'm going to be a chef. Clary thought about Keith. No I didn't know that. One day I will be a frontliner but for now I will stick here training. Aren't you the girl who owns a stage? She took a bite of her sandwich.

  12. I don't ind I was watching the fight its actually kind if funny. This girl did seen high leveled. Clary seen her push her ear to the side. Oh I always mostly have it in a ponytail. But it looks more Comfortable that way so I will do it that way. Clary let go of her pony tail and her blond hair flowed down to her shoulders. She then trained her green eyes at the high levels girl. My name is Clary what is yours not bothering to look at the girls


  13. She grabbed some corn out of the cabinet and started to cook it. This was weird she was just watching the NPC do all of this. Clary waited for the corn to

    Finish and then the lady said its your turn. Clary took control by making a sandwich and then making some weird tasting macaroni. This was not worth it. She grabbed her

    Sandwich and left the house.

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