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Posts posted by jeremy12

  1. Jace stood quietly waiting for his friend Ender. He awaitednon floor seven in the town called nimbus. The town was placed inside a mountain and all houses were made of stone. Due to it being dusk the green crystals that were known as lights already glowed. He had stolen two of them for torches in the dungeons.

  2. One more hit she thought. She looked at him on the ground. This easy. She was better than half life then him. Well I'm ready to end this striking her sword downward at the boy. She hit him for two. Wow. She ha won. Yes! I did it. Don't fight me or you'll get it! So ready for that riding lesson. Or would you like me to teach you a few things about fighting?

  3. Okay first things first. The basics of fighting is strength accuracy and agility. You have to have strength to keep going in a fight and to wield a weapon. Accuracy, you have to be able to hit you opponent. And agility. You must be quick about your attacks or your opponent will hit and kill you. I am finished speaking. Now we will duel! For half life!

    Jace 22/22

    Clary 11/11

  4. Clarissa Fray stood b her horse petting its mane. She hopped into the saddle and pulled bak on the reins and the horse raced forward. They went halfway around te lake in floor one. Blue was her horses name. She got of tied the rope to a tree and fed her an apple. Here ya go girl. She sat by the lake waiting for him to arrive. Jace. He had promised her some fighting lessons if she gave a riding lesson.

  5. Clary was pulled away by Seldentars amazing speed she was zooming away quickly from Vile and the green cursor es boy. What's going to happen to him Seldentar trying to get his attention off sprinting. He can't hold Vile off. You would need everybody.

    Topic is Closed due to no posting.

  6. Clary watched the two have a little fight. Apparently they know each other. And he was a red player. A maverick. But she should join. She finished her smoothie and got up. She put her hair back and equipped her heavier coat. She was going to need it. Wait she thought. What I Vile showed up and he teamed up with Daeron and they killed them together? Viles pretty strong. If they wanted to beat him they would have to have a huge boss like raiding party... Lets go I'm ready.

  7. Sure I guess. As long as it isn't a mission to kill us. What is the quest for? Mats? Col? Clary needed col he thought. He grabbed his blade and was ready to fight some enemies. If we are going into the mountains we need to try to stay out of the snow. Jace grabbed his blade and said I'm ready.

  8. If you must know we were talking about her and Sinthira. Me and Ruri had a "chat" about love on her birthday party. Now she had a boyfriend. That's what we were talking about. Jace looked at the player. Daeron one of the two big mavericks. You are one of the players who killed a friend of mine. But bows not tthe time for grudges.

  9. It was nice meeting you to Clary. He held his glass and finished it. He put down the col. He lifted his blade and stared at it. SkySlicer. If he had made Ruri a good blade he would get Soark a better sword. What does your blade do? Or do you have a starters blade.

  10. The smoothies arrived and the waiter handed Jace and Clary their smoothies leaving the bill. Jace took a sip letting the blue berry e chance the flavor in his mouth. Mines closer. My name. My real name is Jace Wayland. My favorite color is green. In r Facorite food. Probably spaghetti. In real life in 5 days I will be 15 so I'm 14 now. Favorite animal I will have to say is a wolf. And in conclusion I am a city gaming boy who loves books and blades more then you can say hi!

  11. I will go first. I copied off my name from the real world. My name is Clarissa Fray. My favorite color is purple. My favorite food is probably fried chicken. In real life I am 16 and my favorite animal is a horse. In conclusion I'm a single country family girl who likes to ride horses. What about yourself.

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