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Posts posted by Eryn

  1. "Okay Miaki!" She smiled as she sat around on the logs, in the small camp they had set up

    "Well its almost complete, the fire is all we need now!"

    She smiled at the sticks she had picked up... and sat them down, finally in the pile.

    "This was fun...!"

    She smiled at the small camp that was at first, some grass on a hill side.

  2. The Lion feels how his heart had been shattered yet not all the way ' I can take her, still!' he said in his mind as he looked up at Haine's heath bar and had believed in himself finally he began to growl and take the next attack.


    LION: 1/5

    Haine: 38/41

    [1-2] MISS TO LION


    [6-8] HIT, HAINE LOSES 1 HP




    Hit GRRRRRRR growls the lion as he steps back in his place he had taken 2 hp away from Haine he felt da power!

  3. The lion dodges the hit of Haine's and then growls as if laughing at her, then attacks the small girl Smileing and swiping at her.


    LION: 2/5

    Haine: 40/41

    [1-2] MISS TO LION


    [6-8] HIT, HAINE LOSES 1 HP




    Haine dodges and laughs as she takes the next punch.

  4. Haine misses and runs into the dirt. Her sword tightly into the ground. The Lion roared and charged his head at Haine.


    LION -3 HP

    LION: 2/5

    Haine: 40/41

    [1-2] MISS TO LION


    [6-8] HIT, HAINE LOSES 1 HP





    Haine -1 HP

  5. *I wake up.* "DUDE NOT COOL!" I shake her off my arm but then it starts to bleed the shake of Haine I pushed her off. Yet I was loosing blood FAST. The needle had stuck up out of my arm as I fling-ed it off and conserved my arm of any blood carefully. as I did so Haine floated away NEVER TO BE FOUND AGAIN

    (Lets leave this a mystery...)

  6. *She puts the piece of steak in her inventory with all her things, including her map.* "Come and get me!" I say to the monster lion. I pull out my ruby sword safely. "I dare you!" I say as I narrow my eyes in a really good attack stance. The little lion runs away sacredly. "HEH! Noob." I say as I put the sword back into my inventory.

    (I CANT FIGHT ._. so I scared him.)

  7. INTRO:

    A mysterious gypsy, who goes from place to place has told the two of a strange power obtained through feeding a monster a random food without killing it.



    I Go to the gypsy with Haine. "Should I except? I mean you already have a familiar. and for all I know I have no familiar or any power!" I say to Haine as I except the quest and don't even wait for her to tell me to except it. As the gibsy gives me a small piece of steak."Please, feed this to a BABY snow leopard." The gypsy says as the hologram swishes away as if it was dust. "Lets go find a baby snow leopard!" She smiles and skips around Haine playfully as if waiting to adventure on.

  8. "Okay!" She said as she went on the edge of a mystical forest of mystery. She entered it and picked up what seemed to be a million sticks yet there was creepy noises and she ran dropping sticks as a trail to she had been... she ran toward camp and put the sticks in the small pile. "Do we need another round of sticks?" She asked happily.

  9. "Oh yes, please do!" She begged him.

    "I could collect sticks for a campfire!"

    She picked up a twig and layed it as the first stick on the campfire.

    "Oh please Miaki dude, this will be fun!" She grinned at him.

    "Yet I feel like the fireflies should be safe... in my inventory incase we drop the jars!"

    She said quietly as I put them in my inventory then closed my menus again.

  10. "Oh, yes please!" She smiled as she grabbed one of the jars slowly.

    then was quickly assured that she could catch some of her friends.

    "Thank you Miaki!" She smiled as she held a jar and unscrewed onto of the lids as she held it out among her new friends. They gathered around the three

    . as she started to put them into jars.

    She fished through her inventory for some flowers someone from a different floor gave her earlier as she put them in the jar, a small girl-like firefly want into the jar.

    She closed the lid tightly and put the jar into her inventory, as she realized there was another jar, she got another flower and this time some other plant she didn't know much about.

    Yet the firefly seemed to love it and went in right away.

    As the two fireflies who had been named Jerry, and Emma had been captured with some of there favorite pollinated plants. and also some kind of glowworms she had picked up before (they are Fireflies favorite food of course!)

    As she put the two firefly's in her inventory she looked around.

    "Wow, wasn't that cool Miaki?" She asked the man from earlier.

  11. "Donno, Just want to look at some things, THEN decide."

    She replied as she smiled at Hunter.

    "Wow this village is quite beautiful!"

    She said as they got closer.

    This place really has what I would've imagined.

    She was quite happy for what had happened.

    It was really cool the architecture was quite complex with a touch of randomness.

  12. "Want to find somewhere to stay for the night?"

    She asked Miaki as she turned her head to face him.

    As I sit I feel like getting up...

    I see fireflies and immediately get up and chase them.

    I start t name them after random things.

    "This one is Ron, and this is Edyth, Also this one is Flower!"

    She tells Miaki as she pointed to them all.

    She then sat back down near him.

    She could tell that Miaki was tiring to decide something.

    So she kept her mouth shut.

  13. She thinks how he would like that of anyone, especially her....

    "Well I'm not THAT one of a kind." She blushes...

    "And I'm sure there are many more people like that, ESPECIALLY HAINE..." She says and sighs.

    "Anyway I'm sure anyone could really live out here if they wanted... It's just something FUN to do "

    She smiles at him.

    She swings her feet off the hill and smiles as the birds chirp and the sun goes down

    The wind had been blowing out of no where.

    To her it was the perfect time to see fireflies

    yet she wasn't sure if they existed here...

    She kicked her feet more and then lay on her back again, to join Maini and

    enjoy the wonders

    of stars...

  14. I Have I'll tell you the story

    We where gonna rent a car... right?

    Well We got into the car.

    To try it out.

    and I had opened the door and shut it again, wierdly I had my hand close to the bottom of the door.

    (I was probably asleep)

    Well then magically I guess it opened and shut the door

    (The wind)

    Next thing I know my fingers where stuck in the bottom of the door.

    My mom wouldn't stop driving

    (It was april fools day two years ago when this had happened)

    and i yelled OUCH she...

    stopped in the middle of the highway and I had to get my fingers unstuck they where backwards... now

    So we had to return the car to it's owner and we had to drive back to the house.

    To get me a simple ICEPACK.

    That and sleep... pretty much helped me a LOT

    That is how I broke my fingers...

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