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Posts posted by Eryn

  1. "You know Haine, our friendship is special!" She said as she reached back from the hug and sighed.

    "Wanna play a game?" She asked quietly and smiled as her tears dried away.

    "It's called... FIND THE RIPEST APPLE!" She said as she started rushing threw apples, finding really yummy ones, yet none looked perfectly ripe...

    then she spotted it...


    and ran for it as Haine was doing the same, they soon jumped on the apple... and smushed it. "thanks a lot, now we have to look for ANOTHER ONE!" She sighed/giggled as she started searching again.

  2. She sits in an orchard, eating ripe apples, that fall off the trees. "Hello!" She smiles to the girl (who obviously was Haine). "Welp, wanna sit next to me?" She said as Haine sat to the ground next her, and caught an apple I threw to her. "It's so awesome outside isn't it?" I ask my long lost friend as we stare off into the distance. I start to hug Haine out of no where. "I'm sorry, I just... M-Missed you" I say as a tear strikes my face painfully.

  3. (OOC: It wasn't really magic... I just thought it would be funny to put in xD) She sat, away from the wolves, luckally when she was there and hugging hunter she had set a way point, yet she was really far away, she ran, and sometimes walked there, as she quickly passed, yet he had already defeated the wolves. (OOC: This is later in xD)

  4. *She started to equip her sword, and as she did so, her curse tried... to take place, as then she was flown back from the fight, but had not moved her feet of facial expressions, yet the wolves tried to strike her, her curse just, kept fling her back, somehow. "What is happening?" She says in a frightened voice as if she couldn't move, or see what was going on from the fight, yet she kept flinging back. This was awful for what she was known for, and now she was frightened of the curse as she had flown back to the field about... a lot away (XD)

  5. "O-Ok Hunter" She had said in a quite voice as she opened her menu.

    "Well, here it is." She sighed as she took it out of her inventory and started to open it. "An necklace, and a smaller bag with red flowers?" She asked in a worried voice as It started to open the bag more. "Wow, I got a red sword too, maybe ruby!" She smiled as she opened it up now to find a small reddish pinkish jacket. "Thank you hunter!" She said as she hugged the man who had given her the tip to open it up.Yet there was no more things in it, it still wasn't much. She put it back in her inventory and have put everything put the sword into her inventory, she wanted to get used to it. She started to swing the sword unsafely away from the two. So she would get used to carrying and swinging it, as she put it back into her inventory and followed the man, once again.

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