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Posts posted by Eryn

  1. "No guys, don't attack!" I said as I saw the person reveling herself "Let me.. talk to her." I said calmly as I started to talk to the new friend ^ ^ "Hi!" I said gently to the pink-hooded girl, yet she then put her hood down. "Nice to see you Akio!" I smiled at the figure I then recognized.

  2. "Well, if your gonna build a house, near mine... could you at least avoid my lake?" She says sadly as she points to her lake... "because my mom... died there" She dropped her head down having to drop a few tears... into the dirt below her as she turned her head and looked at the bright side, that she was still here and her mother was near her always... in spirit.

  3. *I head up a ladder to my usual hiding place... a large tree house with a small TV and two beanbag chairs. I sit near the TV and watch the animations of the shows go through, comedy is my favorite!* She changes the channel to comedy and she looks down near the pond, to make sure there where no frogs, for it was where her mother had died.. and she wishes for it to be clean, so some day hopefully she will find her spirit. "Hello?" She hears a noise in the distance, chopping down trees and calling timber...

  4. *I grab her and tickle her in till she sits down!* "You must settle down kitty!"

    She laughs. "You needed that!" She said as she sat a bit away from her ticklish friend as she laughed a bit...

    "yummy!" She said as she took out two small fish out of her sling. *She set one aside for Haine as she still laughed childishly*

  5. *She had felt Haine stroking her hair when she woke up... she timely took action as she stuck up some twigs on the ground as a weapon, for she didn't have any real weapon yet...*

    "STOP PLAYING WITH MY HAIR..!" She said with her afraid face on a bit she struck her split reaction to her stroking her hair.

    "Please.. Haine I don't want to hurt you!" She said in funny reality.. it was only a twig how could she hurt Haine with it?

    "I know how to tickle you" She said laughing as she wiggled her fingers up to her face...

    "Hunter... Please stand back!" She said to the man, who had backed up... for he didn't really want to get involved...

  6. "I would love to stay, of coarse if you don't mind!" She blushed kindly at the man. *She had kept tiring to recall her dream of the man...* "Y-Yes... I would love to find out some of the mechanics..." She said to the man as she sat back and tried to recall the daydream she had earlier.

    "Oh, i'm just fine!" She had woken up from the so called 'daydream' and had said warmly as she had a coat tossed at her. Yet she was a bit cold, she had put on the coat and had layed back into a dream...

    *It had been a dream about the man, that he had fought off millions of monsters just to... save her! As she still tried to recall the dream that she had...*

    But, just before the dream was done with... she just had to wake up to the sun, shining as the man, had still slept...

  7. Thank you for all the welcomes friends! (Alciel I'm willing to take that risk ^.^ I have confidence that we will!) (Yet I don't want to battle...) I hope everyone likes my into to SAO! ^ ^ I Hope to roleplay with you all at some point!! Keep being Kawii ^ ^!

  8. "Oh, I'm not looking for trouble! I just wanted to see who was there! It's ok if you would like me to go..!" She replied kindly as she hopped up into the small hut type house that this man has had. "anyway, since i'm here, I'm Eryn nice to meet you!" She raised a handshake towards the man as she smiled. *She had seen this man... before in her dream! she had thought to herself*

  9. Hello! I'm a 11 year old girl that had just happened to find this site. I hope you are able to see me roleplay, and learn with me hand in hand what to do in possible situations. I hope you like me as much as I will probably like you! ^ ^ Hope to see you roleplay and be Kawii together! Good Bye friends (Btw: I know I will get comments about my name it's Eryn :3)

  10. Eryn <>



    » Username: Eryn

    » Real name: Eryn Bunny

    » Age: 13

    » Gender: Female

    » Height: 4 "8"

    » About: She was a kind hearted friend as she grew up, when she had gotten this game it had changed her life... probably forever. She now has more friend then she could ever imagine as she runs around, she can play and never fight again as a friend she is very motivational and funny! ^ ^

    » Virtues:

    . Motivational: She like to influence others to keep moving forward! She has a great desire for everyone to do well in life, and to keep moving forward! In battle she would tell her team-mates to keep moving forward in dungeons!

    . Kind-hearted: She has a soft spot for EVERYONE even if she 'hates' them you must be able to find it, somewhere in her body. If you would battle her I don't think she would fight, due to her 'curse' and she is very kind-hearted... so yeah...

    . Beautiful: She is very cute and most people agree towards that as well. She is very cute and cannot NOT show it :3 the way her hair looks, and body is just 2 cute for boys. Every time she would battle the boys wouldn't really hurt her. Due to her cute being ^ ^

    » Flaws:

    . Cursed: She has a 'curse' and cannot fight due to it. She just dislikes fighting in general, but this curse keeps away from swords, or battle. this will have great effect in most dungeons she can only help in motivational words! She wishes to not battle, even if she didn't have this curse. It's just the way she is!

    . Split: One moment she can feel one way, the other moment the other way. She is split and dangerous, one way the other is kind-hearted and nice. This can be helpful at times, bad at others. If she where in a battle she would kinda want to fight, then she wouldn't this is how split she is..!

    . Dependent: Sometimes she seems to be unable to exist yet the other (due to her split) She could be in joy and running all over the place. one or the other... she could do anything at any moment... She could want to be fighting in some places, then not! You never really know what she wants/wishes to do.









    Weapon skills :




    » Beautiful green gemed necklace with cute framework, and three on the necklace.

    cute red flowered sling

    reddish pink jacket

    ruby sword

    12 Wolf Fur (from hunter)

    13 Wolf Fangs (from hunter)

    Wolf Hides (from Hunter)


    School RP: The School Maze (Haine, Eryn) [FINISHED]

    [OP-F2] The New One

    [PP-F2] The forest of thankfulness (Zeek, Eryn)

    [PP-F2] The Apple Orchered (Haine, Eryn)

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