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Posts posted by Eryn

  1. "Well, I can't do any of that stuff... I have some kind of 'curse' yet I've always wanted to get rid of it. I don't know how to. Now I just... cant fight... I maybe able to scare enemies but all I can really do is chat and have fun." She says as she sighs and joins him on her back, watching the stars come out of the setting night sky.

  2. "Well, I like to play hopscotch, and you know try not to get attacked with boars. I don't know where all my friends went. But some of them are freaks. and today I feel like you know getting chill and don't worry, you know that feeling?" She says as she sighs and looks out at the clouds and stars (Soon) into the sky...

  3. I wake up and slowly realized what I was dragged into and run, far away from my friend all the way to DA clouds where Haine would never know that she had stole all her candy. "HAHAHAHA APRIL FOOLS" She shouts from above and Haine looks up and a cloud starts to move the fastest a clouds EVER moved as it moves, Haine tries to catch up. yet she knew she never could. I drop off the cloud and clobber her. "BAD HAINE!" I scold her as she takes a turn at the blackouts.

  4. "It's quite settle. Yet i'm sure goof heads (OOC: HAINE) would burn it down as if it's nothing. I like it here... its very romantic, and it looks really cool too!" She says as she turns her head as Miaki does, and she sees the cute hat on his head as she pulls it over his eyes and laughs.

    "Ha ha u gotta hat face." She laughs, then stares out into the obis again as if tiring to contact something...

  5. "this is what I get... I guess" She says as she gets hit by Haine's arms and blacks out again... A deeper one now that made her dream of rainbow zombies eating Haine... and SHE WAS NEXT she woke up and blinked a bit, and slowly fell back to sleep again. She saw horrible things happening, and she was the president. (OOC: this is all a weird dream yet, Haine is a very weird girl and i'm sure she whispered this all into my ear... xD)

  6. "Oh Hi, My name is Eryn!" She smiled to the man who waved now called Miaki. "So, you enjoying the air while it lasts, too eh?" She smiled as she skipped over to where the man was standing, and sat near him. Looking off into the distance as if there was something she was day-dreaming about.

  7. "Sounds great, but where is it located?" She says as she opens her map concernedly and finds the way point she set earlier when she join the game. "Wow, quite a way away, well better get on the track while we can!" She says as she starts to skip toward the camp. "You coming?" She asked Hunter as she waits for an answer she stops, and stares at him.

  8. "Eh, This race is hard! Let me help you up!" I says sweating as I help her onto my head, as I try to balance her she quickly grabs the apple as we both fall down laughing, and looking at the apple as it lay straight up, in front of the two, yet Haine had won it was really fun. "Lets make apple angels!" She says playfully to her new friend as they drop lots of ripe and unripe apples to the floor, and role in them. "This is fun!" The chirp-giggles as they start to roll in it and make they're perfect angel.

  9. She walks outside, and starts to run around the grass finding stones, and playing hopscotch you know, NORMAL things. When she found... An small, golden necklace that had a blue gem in it. "Probably Haine's necklace, Eh?" She says to herself as she hides it in her inventory then sits, and enjoys the sky... she had a strange feeling someone was... watching her!

  10. "Heh, thanks!" She blushes at the boy again found as Hunter. "I'm glad you're here, and of course I'm okay!" She says as she blushes at the kind man shyly. "I'm okay, just... you know... flew too far almost to the north pole... is all..." She blushes at the man again as she gets up and greets him with a polite hug for the occasion of 'saving her' (even though she kinda saved herself with her curse ^ ^) "I just hope your okay!" She says as she suddenly sees his scratches on his face. "I do hope they heal!" She says as she now quit blushing, and now staring up at his face. "I'm just glad your okay!" She says as she again now hugs her.

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