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Posts posted by Tala

  1. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 80(74+10)/80 || EN: 3(2+1)/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    She hadn't realized how much she needed that fight until it was over and she was walking again. Perhaps she would find something just to purposely beat it up while she waited. That didn't sound like a horrible idea. Plus, it would help her perfect her skills. Yeah, that sounded like it would be a good idea. Something that she could have fun with. Plus, beating up the creatures was better than going and actually beating up that owl anyways. Yeah, this should be a good thing. No icon changing colors for her and no need for her to worry. Of course, she was still going to worry about her brother, that was guaranteed at this point. Maybe she should just stop thinking on all of this right now and just focus on the task at hand now, finding herself a furry friend to teach to fight with her and be someone for her to confide in.

  2. End Combat:


    Tala: HP: 74/80 || EN: 2(4-2)/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    Boar: HP: 0(2-6)/20 || DMG: 6 >>DEAD<<

    ID: 130171
    BD: 10 (7+3) >>HIT<<
    DMG: 3x2=6

    ID: 130172
    LD: 2
    CD: 1

    378 Col
    Tier 1 Materials (2)

    This boar was close to dead, and she was slightly annoyed with it. It had hit her, bad on it. It stopped from dying with two hit points left, super bad on it. The darn thing just needed to turn to fragments so that she could get on with her hunt. Perhaps find something else to fight during the wait? She didn't know. She just knew at the moment that this staring contest between herself and the boar needed to end. She channeled Rage Blow once more before she charged the boar, closing the distance between the creature that was trying to run and herself. Her sword went right though it, causing it to burst into fragments along the way. Perfect. That was that, and she got herself some materials. Those would always be welcomed. She silently sheathed Okami and started to walk once more, unsure at the moment on what else she might find on this little adventure of hers.

  3. In Combat:


    Tala: HP: 74/80 || EN: 2(4-2)/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    Boar: HP: 2(8-6)/20 || DMG: 6

    ID: 130170
    BD: 11 (8+3) >>HIT<<
    DMG: 3x2=6

    MD: 2 >>FAIL<<
    DMG vs Tala: >>MISS<<

    Okay, so the boar does know how to not trip over it's own four legs. That was a good thing to know. She grimaced at the pain from the last attack but pushed that aside. She was sure that Masato has gotten hit harder than this after all. She shook off the hit and looked at the boar. She had things that she wanted to do and now this boar was in her way and annoying as hell. Awesome, it's a two for one. She started to channel her Rage Blow attack through Okami once more and soon charged the boar. She watched as it tried to move, but she countered and still hit the boar, right in the chest. Another chunk of damage gone from it, and boy was it close to dead now. The boar seemed to realize this as well as it staggered a bit from the attack and failed dodge.

  4. In Combat:


    Tala: HP: 74(80-6)/80 || EN: 4(6-2)/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    Boar: HP: 8(14-6)/20 || DMG: 6

    ID: 130168
    BD: 10 (7+3) >>HIT<<
    DMG: 3x2=6

    MD: 7 >>HIT<<
    DMG vs Tala: 6

    Yeah, she was a bit too nice to the boar, but hey, who was here to be able to call her out on it. No one. That made her chuckle as she watched the boar finally right itself. She grinned before she started to channel Rage Blow once more, her blade starting to glow green. She was going to kill this thing and tame herself a wild animal to be a pet. She knew it. It just might take time on the second half of this equation. But that was something to think on later, and not when she was slamming her sword right into a boar, taking more health from it. But the boar well, he was phased this time by her hit. The boar didn't let Akiara get away from it before it headbutt her right in the knee. Well, that was a dirty little trick there mister boar, how dare you.

  5. In Combat:


    Tala: HP: 80/80 || EN: 6(8-2)/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    Boar: HP: 14(20-6)/20 || DMG: 6

    ID: 130167
    BD: 11 (8+3) >>HIT<<
    DMG: 3x2=6

    DMG vs Tala: >>MISS<<

    Unsure of what she was supposed to actually be looking for, or even doing at this point, she just kept walking the road. Akiara looked around as she walked, wondering if it always too this long to find something. Because if it did, it's a wonder that anyone has a familiar. But these thoughts were soon stopped as she watched a boar. She would have been content with ignoring it, if it hadn't turned to look at her. Stupid boar. She didnt give it a chance to do anything before she pulled Okami from its sheath. Channeling Rage Blow, she charged the boar, slashing it once before backing off. Her eyes were trained on the boar, waiting for it to attack. But instead it tripped on it's own four legs. What luck. She watched the boar, not wanting to be rude and attacking it while it was down. That might have been too nice of her.

  6. Spoiler

    Level: 7
    HP: 140
    Energy: 14
    DMG: 3 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9

    » Curved Sword - Rank 1

    » Okami [Rare Curved Sword [Damage // Accuracy]]
    » Arrow Ring [Rare Ring [Accuracy // Accuracy]]
    » Sturdy Jacket [Uncommon Light Armor [Mitigation]]

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    » (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
    » (5) Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
    » (1) Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)
    » (1) Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)

    She didn't know why, but her brother wanted her to meet him at his shop. Hopefully that damned owl wasn't going to be there. In this instance, she meant both Noctua and Athena. That white owl was annoying as heck and the way that Noctua just kept talking to it wasn't normal. Wait...did Masato know that his girlfriend talked to her owl all of the time like that. Akiara figured that she would just have to tell him, just in case. Let's just add this on to that little scheme that she was attempting to plot up. She didn't have much on it yet, but she was getting there. Just little tidbits so far.

    Either way, she pushed those thoughts away when she finally left her shop and went next door, to her brother's. She started to think once more on what Masato would even want. He had been too preoccupied with the owl to even notice her after all. Oh, maybe he is going to apologize to me and acknowledge that I was right about that owl after all. Fat chance Akiara, fat chance. She walked into her brother's shop and looked around, "Masato?"


  7. Spoiler

    Level: 7
    HP: 140
    Energy: 14
    DMG: 3 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9

    » Curved Sword - Rank 1

    » Okami [Rare Curved Sword [Damage // Accuracy]]
    » Arrow Ring [Rare Ring [Accuracy // Accuracy]]
    » Sturdy Jacket [Uncommon Light Armor [Mitigation]]

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    » (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
    » (5) Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
    » (1) Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)
    » (1) Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)

    Ah good, that quest was done. Now, she did have the plans to do nature's treasure with Masato, but she felt like bringing Yukiro along was going to be fun. She had no intentions of seeing her brother squirm with Yukiro being brought along, while holding her hand. No, not at all.

    "I'd love to come with you. But are you sure you want me too? This was probably meant to be time for just you and your brother, right?" She smiled and shook her head, "He won't mind at all!" Okay, that might be a bit of a lie, but hey, this was going to be fun. Besides, it wasn't like Masato hadn't brought that damned owl along for things all the time. He was just going to have to suffer through the things that he put her throu-.

    She looked at Yukiro when his stomach growled and she laughed. "Come on. I'm sure we can go by a store real fast and grab you some food." In fact, she meant that too. After a few minutes they were finally headed to the meeting spot where she was supposed to meet Masato. Only, she was late, and had company with her.


  8. Name: Sturdy Jacket
    Your Profession: N/A
    Your Rank: N/A
    Roll ID: N/A
    Roll Result: N/A
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Mitigation
    Description: A black and red jacket.
    Post Link: 


  9. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 80/80 || EN: 8/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    ID: 130122
    LD: 4 >>FAIL<<

    A jealous sister who was vindictive enough to do anything that she could do to make sure that her brother was protected and safe. That was probably enough thinking about that. No, she needed to find something else to think about. Her plot was made, and that was the good part. But now, well, she still didn't have a familiar to coddle and talk to. So now, this was going to be the new thing that she was going to think about. What kind of animal was she actually looking for? Well, she knew what she was looking for, but it was more if she was going to be able to find it. Her name didn't mean stalking wolf in Native American for nothing after all. She smiled lightly at this thought. It was nice to know that her name meant something that she wanted it to mean. But of course, just because her name meant wolf didn't mean that she was going to get one, though she hoped that she was going to.

  10. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 80/80 || EN: 8/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    That was her problem. He was cute and the fact that she was thinking this already was horrible. She was going to have to close herself off. Pretend to like him like she had done with the guys in the past to make Masato focus back on her. Did she have a slight problem? Possibly. She didn't know why, but she had always been like this. Masato's attention had to be on her, and she didn't like to share him with anyone. This might make her a horrible sister to some people, but to her, well it was her way to protect him. Akiara didn't trust other women. She didn't trust someone else to be able to hold her brother's heart in their hands. He needed all of the love and attention that one can give, and that can't be divided. No, she needed to know that who ever was to take her brother's heart was going to be able to care for it like she did. Yeah, she was a jealous sister.

  11. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 80/80 || EN: 8/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    She loved to plot. She could plot for things that haven't happened yet. Mainly just to be sure that she had something to do. If she wasn't plotting something, she was learning. But right now, she wanted to run over her plot. First, start planting the thoughts and deeds of mistrust in Masato's mind about the owl. Second, let that thought grow and deepen. Third, hire a goon to corner the owl and Masato while they were out and about one day. This was going to be the entertaining part of the entire plan. Watching the owl fly away like the flighty little bird that she is. But there was still the part of making sure that Masato was paying attention to her by her dating someone. This was still where Yukiro would come along in the plan. But now she needed to think of the hardest part of this plan, how to not fall for him.

  12. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 80/80 || EN: 8/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    Just the thought of her basically being her brother made her laugh. Not because it was ridiculous, but because it was completely true. She knew that she was basically her brother's mini me. She embraced it really. Why mess with something when it was the right way to go? Why fix something that isn't broken? That was basically what was said about the two of them when people noticed that they looked the exact same and acted the exact same. It was uncanny sometimes. If it weren't for the fact that she was six inches shorter than him and obviously cuter than him, she would believe people. But hello, look at her, she was beautiful. Her brother, well, he could pass. Okay, that is mean of her, but she has to tease her dear brother even in her inner thoughts while she walked and plotted. Oh plotting, the thing that she did all of the time.

  13. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 80/80 || EN: 8/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    Then she would swoop in and be the person that Masato needed in the moment. She would be there as a shoulder for him to lean on. She would support him and be sad with him. But most of all, she would have his full attention back on her, where it rightfully belongs. Just the thought of this made her smirk as she walked the road that she was on. So, the rift between Masato and his owl was now decided upon. But how was she going to deal with Yukiro? She didn't want to chance making him think that she was really into him. The guy was sweet, but there was no way that he was going to be able to handle her. She knew already that the owl couldn't handle her brother. The owl and Yukiro seemed almost the same to her, and she knows for a fact that she is just Masato but in a younger and feminine body.

  14. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 80/80 || EN: 8/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    But that wasn't Akiara. She quickly scrapped that idea and started to think of a different one. She was probably just going to pay someone. It was going to be the easiest option for her, even if it wasn't about to be the least expensive. So that was now down. What was she going to have the goon say? Well, that he was an ex boyfriend. Akiara was going to make the most and best out of any col that she might pay someone. This was going to involve having a detailed history between them, even if it isn't true, one bit. She wasn't going to make up the story either, she would let the goon have fun with it. She would be watching from the shadows. She would be able to watch the owl squirm, and she would watch the rift that she would start finally be finished. She would watch that rift grow and officially push them away from each other.

  15. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 80/80 || EN: 8/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    What if, instead, the guy the bigger and badder than Masato? That would make things interesting because then he wouldn't want to actually get involved. Yes, this would work perfectly. But the downfall, it might make Masato feel bad about himself. Damn. Hm, what about someone who was more like the owl then? Shy, outspoken, stupid. That might work. Give Masato a confidence boost, but at the same time, make him realize that the owl isn't to be trusted. This could really work if she found the right guy. The only thing she would have to worry about after that would be the price. Eh, by the time she gets this all settled and ready to go, that might not be a problem. Or, perhaps she would just be able to convince someone. Couldn't be too hard. If she was able to get Yukiro to swoon over her as fast as she has made happen, convincing someone shouldn't be too hard.

  16. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 80/80 || EN: 8/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    Right, research will have to be done when she wasn't hunting down a familiar to tame. That was going to be a project for another day. Perhaps even when she is training the familiar? That might be interesting. Either way, right now, her mind was to the big finale on how to destroy those two. Yeah, at this point she was plotting out of order, but she was plotting what she wanted to plot first. Getting rid of the owl. So, Aki knew that the owl liked to say that Masato is her first relationship. But, Masato doesn't know that to be particularly true. So, if she was to find some poor goon on the first floor who wanted to make a small profit, things might be able to go her way. But what exactly should she have the goon be? It needed to be someone like Masato probably. So it seems that she just has this type. Or, perhaps not.

  17. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 80/80 || EN: 8/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    That's perfect! She can start off with small things. Just little tiny white lies that can all intertwine and connect with bigger lies later on. As she thought about this, she smiled an evil smile before she started to walk once more. She was going to get this plan perfect, and it was going to be glorious. But first, she needed to finish the plotting. Little white lies. Well, she has been caught talking to her owl, perhaps she could bring that up. Perhaps even that the owl is lying about having past relationships. That could be something that is easily done for someone who doesn't talk. Now, the question remains of why the owl didn't make friends in the real world. Sure, she says that it was because she moved around a lot, but Akiara thought differently. There is something wrong with the owl, but what it was, Akiara still couldn't fully place. That would need more research to be done.

  18. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 80/80 || EN: 8/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    Okay, she should be able to plot this to make sure that her brother doesn't go down a dark road, right? Honestly, it shouldn't be too difficult. But then, she also hasn't seen her brother in two years, so, it might just be possible. She sighed for a moment as she stopped walking to look around. She didn't know what she was watching out for really, just that she had to stop for a moment anyways. Rest her feet and all of that stuff. She hadn't realized how much she had been walking until just now really. Eh, oh well. A walk helps. That was when it hit her. What if she told Masato things about his owl that weren't true? Make him believe that they are, so that when something bigger does happen, he wouldn't listen to a word that she says?! That would be perfect, and then, there shouldn't be any kind of dark hole that he would end up going down!

  19. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 80/80 || EN: 8/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    So, how could she get Masato to pay more attention to her.... Well, since Yukiro seemed to like Akiara so much, use the man against her brother. Date Yukiro to get under Masato's skin. That has been established. But how to get Masato to get his eyes off that stupid owl... She had the feeling that the girlfriend hasn't told Masato about basically anything of her real life. That could be used to Aki's advantage. All she had to do, was find some stupid guy, pay him to say dumb things, and bam, no more trust between them. That could work, right? As she thought on that question, she wondered what was going to actually happen if things like that did work out for Akiara. Sure, she would have Masato back, but would it actually be him? Would he still be his normal self? Or will he go dark? Damn, too many variables to have to go through.

  20. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 80/80 || EN: 8/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    This plot needed to be perfect. Okay, time to start with the first course of action. She knows about the owl and the owl will be taken care of. But first, she needed to make sure that Masato was paying more attention to Akiara than he was the owl. That would be simple, she could use Yukiro for that perfectly. The two of them already have history together, so using that history was going to be perfect in this advantage. She clicked her tongue as she really thought on this. She needed to be sure that she didn't get attached, for that would be something bad that could happen. So she was just going to have to close off her heart, like she did back home when Masato left. That shouldn't be too hard, actually, it should be simple. Now, how much longer would it take to make Masato pay more attention to her. That was going to be the fun part to figure out.

  21. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 80/80 || EN: 8/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    She didn't need much more convincing to walk out of the town ad toward this road that the gypsy was talking about. Once she was free from the ear shot of basically the entire town, she started to plot. "So, Yukiro already seems to be head over heels for me. This might be able to work in my advantage. I could use him to make Masato pay just a bit more attention to me. But there is still that issue of the owl..." She trailed off then as she thought about things once more. That owl was going to be the biggest problem possibly. Or it might be Yukiro if he tries to get too close to fast. She was going to have to take this very, very seriously. She didn't want anything to go wrong, and well, knowing her luck that is what would happen. No, she wasn't going to let this plan go haywire, she was going to take her time plotting.

  22. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 80/80 || EN: 8/8 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3

    Akiara stopped in her tracks and looked at the gypsy who was talking to her. "No offense, but I don't feel like telling you my issues. Doesn't involve an NPC." The gypsy merely shook her head, "Not me. You need a familiar. A pet. A friend. Someone to talk to." The gypsy dug in her bag and grabbed some treats. "Here, take these on the road and tame yourself a friend. No need to bring me back the rest, you might need them to train your friend afterwards." Akiara wasn't given much of a chance to decline before the gypsy put the treats in her hand before taking off. Akiara sighed ad put the treats in her pocket before rolling her eyes. "Crazy lady." But perhaps the gypsy had a point? And it would also help her have the free time to not be found by Masato or Yukiro. This means that she would be able to plot in peace.

  23. Spoiler

    Level: 4
    HP: 80
    Energy: 8
    DMG: 3 // ACC: 3

    » Curved Sword [Rank 1]

    » Okami [Rare Curved Sword [Damage // Accuracy]]

    » Black shirt and pants [Vanity]
    » Arrow Ring [Rare Ring [Accuracy // Accuracy]]

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    » (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
    » (5) Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
    » (1) Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)
    » (1) Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)

    She was off on her own. Okay, so Masato told her that she couldn't do anything stupid to get herself killed. Great, that took out doing basically everything then didn't it. Plus, there was still the whole thing of him ad his damned girlfriend who apparently was making her brother feel like he didn't want to leave the game, ever. That wasn't going to fly. She knew what she was going to do, she was going to break them up. But the problem was figuring out how. She knew that she had one person already that she could use as a pawn. He seems to have fallen for her already anyways, so it would work out perfectly for her. It was not just figuring out how she was going to go about it. How long was she going to have to pretend that she liked him. These were the important questions that she was asking herself. At least, until, "Excuse me. You look like you need someone to talk to."

  24. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 80/80 // EN: 8/8 // DMG: 3 // ACC: 3

    She happily took Yukiro's hand when he offered it, smiling brightly. She listened to him tell the story on how he and Masato had first met. It was...interesting. Hearing the her brother was having a hard time with some monsters was kind of amusing though, she will have to remember that for later use of teasing. "That sounds kind of funny really. Just imagining him having a hard time with monsters." She couldn't help but laugh as she said it aloud.

    The walk seemed to go by faster than she might have wanted it to, but she wasn't going to complain either. They walked to Lyle's shop once more and soon enough handed in the materials. In return, he gave her a package and asked for it to be delivered to some artisan in a tree grove or something like that. Joy. But that was the end of the quest for now. She turned and looked at Yuki for a moment and smiled. "So, my brother and I are supposed to go to do Nature's Treasure, do you want to come with?"




    4 SP
    400 Col
    Safeguard Potion (1)
    T1 Light Armor (+1 MIT)

    2 SP
    400 Col


  25. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 80/80 // EN: 8/8 // DMG: 3 // ACC: 3

    Boar Pup Tusk (3)

    "I promise I'll tell you after I take care of this." Oh, a promise. That was promising. She smiled as she sat down and watched him. He was trying that move from before again, and well, she was prepare to go and help take grass out of his hair again. She didn't mind it the first time after all. That confident grin though, well, that was nice to see. It wasn't a scowl, a frown, or anything sad looking, it seemed to be happy. That was good. He seemed to make quick work of the boar pups, and she even saw the loot window pop up. Great.

    She rose back to her feet as he turned to look back over at her and she smiled. "Looks like we can head back to town now to finish this quest." She quickly closed the distance between them as she looked up at him. "So, I think you promised me some stories as we walk back?" She chuckled when she looked at him, waiting to see which story he was going to start off with.


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