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Posts posted by Ceres

  1. rfvmW7E.jpgIt had no legs. It had no legs….

    This should be easy, go in quick, go in hard - and finish the job fast. That’s what Ceres told herself to do. So that’s exactly what she did - Ceres charged forward with her dagger at the ready - aimed directly at the Guardians head - right between where its eyes would have been, if it were not a plain, smooth surface.

    Instead of her hitting the Guardian...it hit her - literally sweeping her off her feet. And for the second time in that battle Ceres found her face meeting the hard surface of the floor.

    Ceres pushed herself back up off the ground to a seated position- a dumbfounded look on her face. Did that...Did that just happen. How did she miss so incredibly badly? How did she not notice its giant arm moving to knock her over? Ceres prided herself on her observational skills, and how she could dissect the smaller details that others would miss. So why...how?  Maybe this just didn't exactly translate well to practical things like fighting giant Cave Guardians formed from crystalline stalagmites.

    "UGh.....Ok when I tell the story of how I fought you - I'm leaving this part out."




    ID# 131813    MOB: 9-1

    ID# 131814  BD: 1-1


    CERES 104/120HP


    HP: 20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage fro

  2. “Seriously!?” Ceres cried out as she dislodged her dagger. “A few hits on your back and you go down this easliy? Good to know for the next time I’m fighting one of you.”

    Not that there would be a next time, right? Ceres didn’t really want to be on the frontlines...she didn’t want to be fighting - fighting wasn’t fun. It was stupid, and tedious and dangerous - especially here - where you could die for it.

    So why was she laughing? Why were her cheeks flushed?

    ‘What the heck is wrong with me?’

    Whilst distracted, Ceres didn’t realize that the Cave Guardian had began to move agian - despite it not having legs the creature still had two very long arms. It reached behind and tried to crush Ceres.

    Ceres managed to spring off the creature just in time - but in doing so she missed her own strike against its back again.

    So close yet so far….what did it need, two...three more hits?

    "Concentrate Ceres...concentrate..."




    ID# 131811    MOB: 3-1

    ID# 131812  BD: 2-1


    CERES 108/120HP

    HP: 20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage fro

  3. The elation of landing a blow was incredible, she was actually climbing a mob, a monster!? Something like this would have been impossible in any other scenario - in any other game. But Sword Art Online, the only limitations really seemed to be ones imagination - and a series of numbers and stats that all things had to abide by. Ceres pulled her dagger out and glanced down.


    She was a little higher than she first thought - but it was fine...right? Even if she suffered some form of fall damage it wasn’t like she’d break any bones - this was fine. In fact… Ceres decided she’d climb higher. The insane redheaded woman maneuvered around its shoulder as the Guardian tried to slap her off. Here - she easily avoided the attack. It felt like it couldn’t hit her. If it did - it’d just be hitting herself.

    Clambering around the beast like it was a jungle gym...Ceres wasn’t physically inclined in the slightest but that limitation didn’t exist here. Now hanging off from the protrusions of the Cave Guardians back - Ceres struck again.

    It must have done some major damage. The Guardian didn’t make a noise but it started to crumble, its legs shattering beneath them.

    “Oh shiiiii-”

    THe Cave Guardian fell forward with a loud ‘thud’ that shook the entire cavern.

    It was alive - but legless.

    It shouldn’t be long now….surely.



    ID# 131809    MOB: 1-1

    ID# 131810  BD: 10-1


    CERES 108/120HP

    HP: 20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage from crits)

  4. The Guardian continued to try and shake her loose but Ceres held fast. This was a good strategy. She beamed when she thought of Hannah’s reaction at such a story. Imagine that? A newbie player who refuses to put skills into battle..literally climbing a giant golem made of crystal - the so called mighty Cave Guardian? Hilarious, right?

    The Cave Guardian tried to strike her, but its movements were slow - Ceres was able to shimmy further up its arm, using various crystals that jutted out as stepping stones. It was almost like rock climbing.

    If the rocks were sentient - and trying to kill you.

    Ceres managed to get a strong foothold and used this opportunity to drive the dagger into its shoulder blade - or at least the place its shoulder blade would have been.


    "Ah!" Ceres' expression brightened when she noticed that finally, after missing over and over - its health dipped to the halfway point. "Hahaha! Not long now Crystal Boy!"


    You know...this is kinda....fun




    ID# 131807    MOB: 4-1

    ID# 131808  BD: 7-1


    CERES 108/120HP


    HP: 20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage from crits)

  5. "Fine...Fine...This is.... perfectly...fine.... absolutely peachy keen." Ceres mumbled to herself. "I keep missing because this thing is too damn tall right? Easy..."

    Ceres took a few steps back, if she was further enough away the Cave Guardian would have to throw a wide punch - or floor slap - or whatever the hell the move was called. The point was that she was too far away for it to merely kick at her or stomp on her.

    Silently, the Cave Guardian raised a crystal cladden arm and lowered it to strike Ceres. This time, she had been paying attention- and managed to dart out the way. But instead of trying to strike it, Ceres….

    JUMPED ONTO ITS ARM  as the Crystaline Cave Guardian raised its arm. Ceres struggled to hold on, and strike it at the same time, as she tried to strike it - the Guardian shook its arm, trying to dislodge her.

    “Not Happenin’ buddy!”




    ID# 131805    MOB: 4-1

    ID# 131806  BD: 4-1


    CERES 108/120HP


    HP: 20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage from crits)

  6. Ceres darted forward - she couldn't  fight the Cave Guardian if she had no weapon, and it was downright embarrassing to have it land blow after blow against her - but she could barely scrape it. "After this...I'm definitely going to get a different weapon....no more stupid flimsy- "ARgh..."

    As Ceres' fingertips clasped the worn hilt of her dagger the Cave Guardian lifted its leg and stomped on her - It didn't hurt but the sensations were not pleasant. It felt like someone just decided to drop a bunch of weight on her, before lifting it up again. The placebo effect caused Ceres to gasp for air as the Guardian stepped back. It felt like it had winded her. Ceres barely had time to recover from it - no - she had to try and hit it.

    She tried.

    But failed. It’s leg lifted up and once again only just out of her reach. Ceres began to think that if she had a longer weapon - it’d actually hit the stupid thing.




    ID# 131803    MOB: 9-1

    ID# 131804  BD: 6-1


    CERES 108/120HP


    HP: 20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage from crits)

  7. The Cave Guardian's health...it had dipped into the yellow. That meant she had managed to whittle down just over a third of its health, right? Ceres took a few deep breaths to steady herself. "This is fine...it's still better than the boars - this is more interesting..." Her lilac eyes glanced around the field. The place was cooler, figuratively and literally - and the guardian had an interesting move set....speaking of which...

    The Guardian had bought its two giant hands together to form a big crystalline fist. "W-What the...." Her eyes widened as she stared at its width and breadth - there was literally no way she could avoid that move. Ceres braced herself against the attack by crouching down and placing her arms over her head in a cross section - she lowered her head and grit her teeth ready for the


    The entire cavern shook, Ceres winced as she peered out from behind her arms - the Cave Guardians hands slowly lifted up and away from her - good now was her chance - ignoring the tingling feeling of being hit Ceres leapt up to slash at the Guardian...and missed.

    "This is  too small!" Ceres said in exasperation as she hurled the flimsy dagger across the room - it slid under the Cave Guardian- coming to a stop between the wide gap of its tall kegs. "Ugh...smart move Ceres...smart move..." She slapped her hand to her face and pulled down on her skin. "You just had to throw the tiny dagger didn't you?"



    ID# 131800    MOB: 9-1

    ID# 131802  BD: 5-1


    CERES 112/120HP


    HP: 20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage from crits)


    "Good thing nobody saw that..." Ceres mumbled into the ground as she tried to push herself back up, onto to slip and fall back down again. Why were these damn crystals so slippery? was it the moisture in the caves air? It was bad enough that it was a little hard to see in here, now Ceres had to deal with a sudden case of the clumsies.

    "I'm not a damn child though...." Ceres mumbled indignantly at her own thought - The woman went to stand. Just as she pulled herself to her own two feet the guardian swung again. The side of its arm pelted her straight across her chest and sent her flying across the floor, tumbling over and over.  aA1Vwhw.jpg


    The Cave Guardian was silent, so unless she was keeping an eye on its moves - she'd miss her opportunity to evade them. Huffing, and puffing - Ceres pushed herself up off the floor. It had been a heavy blow, but her health was still in the green. She was still safe  

    Ceres wiped her brow with her sleeve then charges, she jumped, and with her dagger barely managed to scrape its arm as the Cave Guardian raised it to strike her again.

    "I need....a better weapon..." She breathed, watching its health whittle down just that little bit more.



    ID# 131796    MOB: 10-9

    ID# 131798  BD: 6


    CERES 116/120HP


    HP: 20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage from crits)

  9. Tiny shards of crystal fell away from the Cave Guardians arm as it drew away - it took a single step back. Ceres braced herself. Was it going to attack again? If so how? The giant beast didn't roar - or squeal like the Boar Pups - it made no real discernable sound beyond the mild rumbling of the area around her. Another silent strike - the same move. The Cave Guardian was slow - which meant it'd be easier to dodge its movements - but the thing was Freaking Giant Ceres wasn't sure she could completely avoid it purely because there wasn't all that much space to maneuver around.

    Those things would never stop me before, they won't stop me now

    Ceres gave a wry grin as she ran forward- ducking under it as the golem's fist hit the ground. The impact caused more crystal shards to dislodge from the Cave Guardian -Ceres dodged a few of these as they fell, easy! Grinning. She had this! She was going to completely and utterly crush this beast.

    Her confidence was her downfall. She held her dagger high in hopes to let it scrape against the Cave Guardians arm again, but she failed to pay attention to the crystals that now littered the floor. Her foot landed on one and it rolled backward, sending Ceres tumbling forward.

    Her arms flailed wildly as Ceres tried to counterbalance herself but- gravity had a funny way of just....working


    Ceres fell flat, face first into the ground. The all to familiar tingle of pain shot through her head - but it was nothing more than pins and needles - at least  it didn't knock of any of her health.



    ID# 131792    MOB: 3-1

    ID# 131793  BD: 1-1


    CERES 120/120HP


    HP: 20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage from crits)

  10. MYXATRh.jpgWIth a final clatter of crystals the Cave Guardian was complete - it didn't have any discernable features. Ceres couldn't see any eyes, nose, or mouth - was the creature blind? The giant thing towered high over her head - no roaring - no sounds of unrest. Just a silent, sentient guardian.

    Ceres grit her teeth. This time - she wasn't going to fluff around like with the boars. She wanted this over, quickly - and as soon as possible. So - the second potion she drank was the potion that gave her a damage boost. This would end the quest quicker right? And the last thing Ceres wanted was a long drawn out battle.

    'Especially if it could destroy such a beautiful place'

    "Heyyy...." Ceres said. "I really like your cave - I promise I won't touch or take anything so - how about we let bygones be bygones?"



    It lifted a single crystaline fist and without word, nor sound it drew its fist down, into the ground and onto Ceres - It was unexpected, so much so that all the woman could do was weakly hold her arms out in front of her - but - something stopped it from striking her.

    A thin shield appeared mere millimetres between her and the golemn, then shattered.  A notification popped up in front of her  'Safeguard diminished' Ceres blinked. Oh... This is what Hannah meant, the first blow was meant to be the last - but thanks to the potion, she would actually be able to fight the thing.

    "Right, My turn."

    The thing was thrice her size - which was troublesome, so she did the only thing she could do at that moment in time, rip out her dagger and slice away at its arm as the Cave Guardian withdrew from the attack.

    It was...more effective than she expected. Parts of its arm already crumbled away, and the attack managed to remove almost a quarter of its HP.

    "Am...I...that strong?" Ceres glanced down at the small weapon in her hands. She didn't like daggers, she went with it because it was small. The thing was rusted, and dented- the handle chipped and worn. And yet...it still did this much damage? The potion she drank probably helped.

    No, it definitely helped.




    ID# 131790    MOB: 7-1
    -Safeguard potion activates- 50 Damage mitigated-

    ID# 131791  BD: 10-1


    CERES 120/120HP


    HP: 20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage from crits)

  11. "W-What was that!?" Ceres exclaimed as the floor started to rumble around her. Threatening to shake her headfirst into the column blockades. Ceres stumbled forward - making her way further down the path where she could see it branch out into a large plateau. The rumbling continued and knocked Ceres to her knees - the redhead managed to brace her fall with her hands.  "Is this what Hannah was trying to warn me about?"  She did mention something about there being a hidden guardian in the cave. That meant the tiny gem she picked up earlier had been the quest item - since it activated the....whatever the hell this was.

    b8c0fba2fd3d72e8fa6a0ae4ee6c3709-700x400.pngCeres managed to push herself to her feet, thankful she still had the armour from the previous quest equipped - along with the pauldron she had received from Lyle. "For someone who doesn't want to do battles...I'm sure experiencing them a lot today..." She muttered.

    'Crack, CRACK, SMASH'

    The crystals that surrounded. the area began to snap and break off, rolling into the center of the area. Ceres took a step back - but almost tripped on a series of crystals as they tumbled forward- toward the rest of them. Slowly, they began to crack, snap, and break - shifting to form.... Her brows furrowed. "Legs?" She watched as the crystals piled higher and higher. The legs grew shape into a torso - then the torso grew arms...

    "Huh..." Ceres tilted her head to the side. "I see...it's like some sort of Crystal Cave Golem? It's because I took a piece of the cave, right?"
     There was no one to answer her, so Ceres answered for herself.  "Throughout the entire cave I felt this strange feeling that I shouldn't break anything, or take anything with me - if I did ... I'm sure you would have appeared earlier, huh?"

    The Cave Guardian, which was still forming, didn't reply.

    'Please...will you drink the potion Lyle gave you...Promise me?'  Hannah's words echoed in Ceres' head. If those rumbles were anything - it meant the big boss was coming soon. If Hannah hadn't mentioned it to Ceres, chances are, she never would have bothered to do so.  The woman opened up her HUD and flicked to the potion 'Safeguard Potion-Mitigates the first attack of 50 damage' Lilic eyes widened at the description. She read it over a second time just to be sure.

    'Why would I need something that mitigates such a powerful hit?'

     Ceres grit her teeth, ripped the potion from her inventory and downed it. Now was not the time to question such things.

    -Safeguard Potion in effect-

  12. Solitary footsteps echoed as Ceres trekked deeper into the cave, the further she went - the darker it became.  Her brows furrowed, this would be slightly bothersome - especially if she were to be hunting for a gemstone of some sort. How could she find it if things became too dark? The pathway lacked the beauty and allure of the previous rooms. The ground beneath her feet seemed to be made of a smooth stone, small cracks formed on either side of the path - and in some places there were crevices - it was here - that Ceres checked for the gemstone. Any gem would work right? Hannah didn't seem like the person who would need a flawless diamond. Just something that would hold an enchantment.

    BKVSjhZ.jpgCeres approached the side of the path- running a hand up and down a cool stone shaped like a tall column. Smooth to the touch, strong. No doubt to serve as a blockade -a barrier to stop players from wandering off the path. What did they call it in video games? Invisible walls?

    Even so, Ceres felt that if she were not delicate in her touch - they'd crumble around her. Her doe-eyed gaze shifted to the floor, there were so many small cracks and crevices here. She should really search them all...

    It was a tedious process, and time consuming. Ceres kept telling herself this was far better than fighting boars. Here it was quiet. Ceres was able to go at her own pace, and whilst her own pace had considerably slowed down, it was still on her terms.

    Nearing the end of her search Ceres wondered if the gemstone were in this room at all. "Maybe the next one..." Ceres stood, and just as she were about to pass into what looked like a wider platform ahead - she noticed it. Just out the corner of her eyes. Anyone else may have just passed it without a second glance. But it was so out of place.

    A single rock made of sandstone - three shades lighter than its surroundings sat wedged in a divot in the ground. The rock had small cracks on its surface - that almost looked like a sigil. "It's always the most obvious place."  Ceres bent down and picked up the rock - beneath it sat a small gem. "I'd say its always the last place you look - but it is always the last place you look. One doesn't seek something after they've found it."

    Ceres picked up the gemstone and examined it - "Garnet...maybe? Ruby?" She wasn't sure - but it was red, and seemed to be exactly what she was looking for.  "Now... I should just find the way out and -"


  13. The next room wasn't as bright as the first few - less crystal shards and stalagmites grew from the ceilings and floors, and the pristine river stopped here. Ceres sighed. She quite liked walking through the waters, but perhaps that was for the best. She was warned that there was a beast lurking within this place...somewhere - so wandering around starry eyed with no shoes - wasn't exactly being 'careful' but Ceres was stubborn, and wanted to do things her way. Her way just so happened to involve wading through water every chance she got.

    OK6W_koKDTOqqqLDbIoPAvpv3F-G94qhy9_t9pZQ Ceres  stepped up onto the stoney bank of the cavern river. It was here - she decided to take her break. Time was of the essence, but something about this place made her feel irrevocably calm. Or maybe...it was because she was doing it for a nice, kind-hearted woman instead of two burly insistent men - who Ceres had a sneaking suspicion were related. Besides... if the last quest taught her anything, it was that it was important to take breaks often, and not overwork yourself.

    Ceres didn't have any more food on her - but that was alright. She wasn't hungry. Instead- lilac eyes danced over the intricacies of the cavern. It didn't seem like the gem would be in this room. She had already looked through the riverbed and found nothing. The smooth stones were pilled high atop each other, melded together - so no gemstones would be wedged in between them.

    Even so, Ceres wanted to be sure. She splayed her plams out on the smooth surface of the rocks - trying to find anything out of the ordinary. Nothing

    With a sigh, Ceres gently lowered her back to the floor to lie down, giving herself a few moments reprieve. Lilac eyes danced to and fro as they studied the intricate and endless crystals that formed the ceiling above. She could rest here for hours. The ambiance was perfect even the slight chill in the air somehow worked perfectly for this quaint little sanctuary.

    Still... Hannah was waiting.

    With that thought Ceres pushed herself up and carefully stepped over the rocks to the next section of pathway - at least this placed seemed to have a singular path and wasn't a labyrinth of underground caves and tunnels.

  14. "I must have to chastise Hannah..." Ceres breathed as she stopped to take in the scenery of the next room.  For not telling me that the entire cave was a crystal wonderland - I'd love to have taken her here."  Ceres coughed, catching her faux paux. No. Not Hannah. Hannah wasn't real. Ceres... if Ceres ever made a friend - she'd have to bring them here one day. Would they like that? is that what friends did? Take each other to places they liked?  It wasn't like Ceres didn't have friends. She wasn't some loner shut-in too afraid to leave the house or answer the phone...she just...didn't exactly go out and do things. She liked her safe bubble, its why she took so long to even accept these quests. Now... Ceres began to regret that. All that time wasted, all those years... If she were to ever get out of here she'd try new things. Take more chances.

    2faa849df307d2372d4273f5a27b7b8f.jpg The rock formations almost looked like trees growing out of the ground and into the ceiling above. The entire room...no...the entire cave seemed to be aglow in a luminescent blue hue. It was so calming. And Despite the warnings of monsters and beasts- so far there were none.

    The only sign of life beside her own was that of the gentle ebb and flow of the water as it's currents urged Ceres forward. So forward she stepped, deeper into the crystal cavern.

    Ceres wanted to be careful here, the place felt sacred, special, and delicate. She felt if she were to press forward too fast or to speak too loud - the entire place would shatter around her. That thought hurt.  Every so often Ceres would wade through the water to it'd edge, carefully inspecting the series of protruding crystals. As pretty as they were - they did make it hard to find any small gemstone - or gemstones in the cavern. 

    "Hmmm...." The woman backtracked, an repeated this close inspection on the other side of the riverbank - carefully, ever so carefully lifting up fallen crystals to see if they hid anything beneath their glowing forms. Nothing  That was ok...there was still plenty of time, and Ceres didn't feel like she was in any danger. It looked like the small river continued on into the next room. So - still holding her boots in one hand...Ceres continued forward.


  15. Hand over hand Ceres crawled  through the tunnel. The ground was covered in dirt and rock, cold to the touch. Every time she shifted a little further forward she inwardly cursed the fact she already cleaned her clothes once today, and now she'd have to do it yet again. The crawl forward was short, the light ahead grew closer and closer till Ceres was finally able to stand straight. "Right...a gem...Where am I supposed to..." Words caught in her throat. image.png.71f1ee4db4f0e23bbec60351367f19f5.png

    This was not what one would expect from such a dingy, small cave entrance. The phrase 'looks can be deceiving' was a gross understatement. For once Ceres had no words, not even to say to herself. The scene before her was nothing short of breathtaking. She was supposed to find a gem - but the entire place was covered in them. Crystal stalagtites growing from every nook and cranny- from the room, the floor, gaps between the smooth rocks - even protruding out from the water. 

    Well, at least the water explained the cool breeze she felt. The quest wouldn't be this easy - there had to be a trick to it. There was no way she should be allowed to just 'snap' off one of these crystals and call it a day. No - as beautiful as they were... they were clearly only a distraction. Even so...it wouldn't hurt to look around right? "It's almost...romantic..." Ceres finally said as she stepped forward. Walking further into the cave Ceres allowed her fingers to reach out and gently graze the walls. Feeling the bumps and ridges.

    "Hello Darkness~" Ceres called out.

    "Hello Darkness~ess~sss." 

    kcryiiH.jpg?1"Hhah..." Ceres laughed lightly listening to the twinkling sound of her own voice as it reverberated off the wall,s calling acou out to her, the echo wasn't as long or as loud as she had hoped - but it was still something...fun...something she hadn't been able to experience before. She wanted to see if it worked just like it did in all those cartoons and movies you see on tv.

    Ceres approached the water and knelt down next to it - to her right - it appeared to flow down into a waterfall and to the left it flowed onward into another room. In a few moments...she'd follow that. But right now... right now... Off came her shoes once again - and for the third time that day Ceres dipped her feet into water. She shivered- the water here was much colder than it was outside. But it was so much more pristine.

    Ceres waded through the water, her eyes keeping an eye on the floor below. Sometimes, people found gemstones or gold in riverbanks - so perhaps that same logic would apply here? The water was so clear it was almost like glass. Ceres felt like she could reach down and find no resistance whatsoever. So when the redheaded woman found what looked like a small glimmering gem wedged underneath a rock, she did just that. Ceres was almost surprised when she felt the water hit her hand - and had to remind herself there was water there

    The gem-like thing came loose easily enough but when Ceres pulled it out of the water and held it close to her eyes to inspect it, it was nothing more than a piece of polished glass. Beautiful, in its own right - but not what she was looking for.  Rather than ruin such a beautiful environment Ceres carefully placed the glass bead right back where she found it. Under the water and wedged by the rock. For the next person.

    There wasn't anything in this room - so she would move to the next room. Ceres waded through the water and picked her shoes up from the ground. But rather than put them back on she chose to stay in the water - following it along the path into the next room.

  16. image.png.8bbb655f29c70f772ebd5a5773a25b28.pngHannah was right. The cave really wasn't all that far away - she was kind enough to mark it on Ceres' map so it was easy to find and - 'wait - she was kind enough? No - she wasn't being kind she was just doing what NPCs do, she's a quest...She. Is. A. Quest.'

    "Just a quest..." Ceres repeated to herself as she tapped her cheeks. "Even if she had such a nice warm smile, and her shoulder felt nice - and her hands were soft." Ceres wasn't too good on social cues. Or responses. Or even talking to people. It flustered her. And here was this overly kind woman, talking to her about promises and mementos and the importance of rings. RIGHT before saying she'd make a ring for Ceres. If it were a person Ceres would have had half a mind to high tail it out of there and run for the hills.

    Still, the thought of Hannah's smile, made Ceres smile. To think Sword Art Online had such things hidden away in its depths. This was the first floor - only the first floor. Imagine what the others would be like? Would it really be so dangerous if Ceres were to explore the higher ones? It was a thought that the redheaded, skilless, and jobless player would have to push to the side for the time being.

    The sun was still high in the sky - but the trees grew thicker - so the light grew dimmer. Ceres frowned as she equipped a small light brown hood to cover her loose clothing. They suited her fine in the warmth of the sun - but when the air became brisk - they were less than ideal. Still, Ceres wouldn't change them for the world. She liked them - they reminded her of what the gods and goddesses wore in Greek Mythology.

    Her footsteps halted when she arrived that the mouth of the cave. It was smaller than she expected. Even with her height she'd have to crouch to enter it. The surrounding rocks were covered in moss and a cold breeze echoed within. "I should really hurry and finish this quest..." Ceres said as she crouched down, crawling on hands and knees to pass the entrance.

  17. x "Honestly, I'd rather Lyle get that - I'm sure you've already done so much today.  But if you don't mind, I'd be very grateful...Oh...I know..." Hannah turned to Ceres and picked up her hand, clasping it between her own.

    Ceres' eyes widened - what was going on? This was a quest right? Yeh - it was... and she's most definitely an NPC right? Did she act this way toward every player? Or were they more complex?  Ceres went to pull her hand away but Hannah held fast.

    "If you get me that gem - I'll create a special ring, just for you Ceres. It can be like a memory. Whenever you wear it, or look down at it...you can think of me. Since I don't really have any col to share, is that ok?"

    'Is that okay? Is THAT ok? Just what kind of a quest is this lady? There was nothing about romance in the quest description!'

    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQi7JgcYmf39TYQmb34qSLP90Y0k_JiyfMoRcg_ieiXO-Ycc-SogA&sCeres laughed awkwardly. She didn't know how to handle most social situations, let alone something like this. Was Hannah...flirting with her or was she being overly friendly? Lilac eyes met chestnut brown and Ceres found herself not really caring about the answer - how how much time she had wasted sitting there with Hannah. Her sun kissed face was sprinkled with a flurry of freckles over her nose and cheeks. It looked...Cute.

    "That's fine." Ceres said as she pulled her hand away and stood up abruptly to gain some distance between the two of them. "Just let me know where the cave is, and I'll find it as soon as I can - bring it straight back to you so you can... uh..."

    Hannah beamed at Ceres, barely skipping a beat. "Make you a ring, so you don't forget me."


    "There's a cave not too far from here, they have a variety of gemstones that contain magical qualities - I don't have any weapons nor armour so cannot go myself. Do you have equipment? I am in no rush and would much-"

    "I'm fine!" Ceres blurted out, stopping Hannah, who looked a little shocked at the outburst. "Really. I will equip it just before entering the cave so don't worry about me. I'm  level 6 now." Ceres pressed her palm to her chest. "I know...I know that doesn't sound like a lot but just this morning I was level 1. So don't worry. I will bring it back for you! I promise!" Ceres turned to go to the cave, she didn't want the conversation to continue. It was...embarassing, so embarassing - why was she worried about Hannah's feelings? Why did she want to reassure Hannah?

    The warm, charming girl was... was just an NPC.

    "Wait." Hannah called out. Ceres was caught in her tracks, as Hannah had latched onto her sleeve. "Please - be careful. There is a big bat in there. If you see it - drink the potion Lyle gave. you. Promise me?"

    "I promise." Ceres said as she gently pulled her arm away from Hannah.

    Finally...she was headed toward the cave.

  18. Hannah took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes. "Sorry, sorry. Ceres... It's not your fault. Here... Come sit..." Hannah patted the ground beside her. Ceres stilled, wait? Why was this woman asking her to sit? Wasn't she going to ask Ceres to go on some fetch quest like the others? Why sit? Wasn't this wasting time? Ceres wanted to decline, and tell Hannah that whatever she needed- Ceres would fetch right away. Without delay. Why waste time with an NPC?

    Even so.. Ceres found her feet carrying her toward the inviting woman, and then found herself seated next to her. 'She smells like a fresh flowergarden' Ceres thought to herself. Not knowing what to do with herself akatsuki-no-yona-episode-1-9.jpg Ceres placed her hands in her lap and folded them, tapping them against themselves. Why did this make her nervous?

    "Have a look at this." Hannah leaned closer, her shoulder pressing against Ceres' and it felt...warm - and human.  Was this really an NPC?  Ceres began to have her doubts. Her lilac eyes shifted toward what Hannah held in her hands. "A gold ring?"

    "Yeh..." Hannah said as she gently pried Ceres' hand free and placed it in her palm. "Look at it closely, on it's own, it is a beautiful thing. Rings hold so much symbolism. Love. Commitment. A promise."

    Ceres pursed her lips, her cheeked turning a pale hue of pink. Just...Just what was this woman trying to say? You don't just hand someone a gold ring and talk about promises and commitments and loyalty. "I suppose...they do...." Ceres muttered as she brought the ring closer to her eyes. "Lyle made this for you?"

    "He did, but not in the way you are thinking - I'm an artisan. I find peace in the art of fiddling with small details. Don't you think there's beauty in the smallest of things?"

    Ceres turned to reply - only to find Hannah close, very close. "I...yes...but...it's missing something right? What was it? A gemstone or something?"

    Hannah laughed as she shifted away, picking the ring back up and out of Ceres' hand. "You're quite observant Ceres. Yes. I do need something like that. The ring is beautiful on its own, but if I want to enchant it, I'd require a small gem."

    "And...you want me to get it for you, right?" Hannah asked - turning her gaze to the tree before them. The lizard had moved, but not by much. It now instead sat curled up on a small branch. Its teeny, tiny stomach rising and falling as though it was asleep.

  19. baobnTu.jpg The glade, a cosy clearing hidden amongst the trees was drenched in golden hues. The grass here looked softer  than it did in the wilds - Ceres wasn't to kneel down and caress it just to be sure but something else had caught her attention. A woman sat upon a rock, an outcrop on a small grassy mound. She wore her long, chocolate brown hair back in two neat braids. Her attire were all muted colours. Hues of earthy browns. Despite that - the woman practically shone - her lips were quirked in concentration - and her be-speckled eyes focused so intently on the sketchpad in front of her.  Ceres could not see the pad itself - but her eyes drifted to what Hannah must have been sketching.

    A tiny green lizard. The lizard quirked its head every so often, but otherwise stayed very still. Ceres almost didn't want to disturb her.

    'She's not real though....'

    Ceres had to remind herself that this woman, this plain, warm woman was not real. She was just a mix of data and binary code. But...wasn't Ceres also that right now? She shook her head. If she stood here all day, she would never complete this quest, and the next - before the day's end.

    "Excuse me..." Ceres asked as she stepped into the clearing, admittedly - feeling a little awkward. The woman looked looked up at her and smiled. "Ah, hello." Her voice was soft spoken with sweet honeyed tones. It reminded Ceres of a caring teacher, or a mother.

    "I'm... Ceres. I have something for you..." Ceres took another step forward and paused, glancing toward the lizard - it didn't seem to care she was there. It still stat on the tree, every so often tilting its head to one side and the next.

    "Nice to meet you, I'm Hannah." Hannah gently shut the sketchpad and placed it along with her pencil on the ground beside her. "Oh? Are you the one Lyle sent?" Hannah shook her head, "He should have come himself, that lazy old man. I'm sorry he made you come all this way for me."

    Ceres shifted her gaze away as she passed the parcel to Hannah. "It wasn't anything...really - this was much easier than what he asked me to do earlier."

    "Really, Thank you- oh..."  Hannah's tone turned from warmth to mild disappointment. "It's missing something..."


  20. If one thing was for sure, it was that the redheaded woman would sleep very well that night - all the walking began to tire her - and if it weren't for her three rest stops throughout her adventures Ceres was sure that she'd be too exhausted to continue on. The 'Town of Beginnings' was well behind her now, as was the sun. It kissed her back, giving her the sensation of a tingling warmth that lingered even after she made it into the forest. B7om9lm.jpg

    The Forest...

    This was the first time Ceres had ever entered anything of the sort within Aincrad, although, one would call this a grove, more than a forest - the breadth of the trees didn't reach a vast enough space - but still...it was lovely... Ceres lifted her chin to glance up at the sun, no hidden behind leaves that were ever dancing within the gentle breezes that carried themselves through the whispering woods.

    Then, Ceres closed her eyes. Listening to the sounds around her. There were so many sounds and they were different to that of the town. These sounds didn't belong to people - or NPCs programmed to sound like people. This was the sound of life. The forest was teeming with it. The scurry of tiny creatures beneath her feet. The cracks and creaks of the trees around her as furred critters jumped from branch to branch. The scents of the loamy earth. The prickle of floral - the babbling of a nearby brook...

    And finally...the distant sound of....humming?

    Ceres glanced around, there weren't any signs of people - no broken or snapped twigs - no clear pathway. But the humming must have been coming from the source of her quest marker - the NPC, Hannah.  "I guess I See why someone would come out here now..." Ceres said as she carefully made her way through the forest. With delicate steps Ceres made her way closer and closer toward the sound, it grew louder - and the red marker on her map drew closer.  Just ahead - the trees parted way to a small glade. And it was there, that a woman sat.

  21. Ceres left Lyle's workshop with a heavy sigh.

    She should have told him no. She should have accepted it a different day. Going from no quests for years, to two - now three in a single day? What the hell was Ceres thinking. "I should have stopped him in his tracks..." Ceres mumbled... but how could she? He was so...outspoken, kindly, and warm. Lyle was just an NPC - but he reminded her so much of her grandpa, a friendly and burly fellow - who was very handy with his tools and always wore a bright smile that split his face from ear to ear. Perhaps, the biggest difference between the two had been the accent. Ceres' grandpa was a retired white collar man - and did not hail from....whatever nation Lyle was meant to be based on...

    "NPCs....are a little more realistic than I first game them credit for, huh?" Ceres asked herself as her lilac eyes drifted skyward. The sun was still high in the sky - judging by it's position...it was just past noon. If Ceres was quick enough, she should easily be able to finish this quest before dusk. The woman was stubborn - and wanted to finish the entire quest line before the days end, but she was not an idiot. Once night time hit, the woman would have no choice but to wait till the next day.

    With a flick of a slender finger Ceres opened up her HUD display, studying the map - the marker was just outside the Northern entrance to town. So that meant the Artisan was...in the forest? Strange place for a person who created jewels to hang out, wasn't it? Still...Wasn't it just a few hours ago - during that first quest? That Ceres was contemplating visiting a nearby forest? This honestly seemed like the perfect opportunity to complete two goals.

    This Quest.
    And to see something new.

    "These fetch quests may just be the death of me..." Ceres mused - "But at least they are showing me new places, beings, and experiences."



    ...Maybe...Aincrad isn't so bad after all....


    2 Quest SP
    2x page SP (1Sp Page X 2)
    1 X Bonus SP

    800 Col (400x 2 pages)


    1 Tier One armor with one (1) slot mitigation
    'Left Pauldron: A T1 Armour to be worn on ones left shoulder, it has +1 Damage mitigation

    A potion of 'Safeguard' that can only be used in the quest 'The Third lesson, Is Just as Free'. Safeguard blocks the damage from the first successful attacks that hits the player.

  23. Lyle returned after several moments with two packages.

    Uh oh...two, one for me and ne for...

    Lyle’s next words finished voicing her concerns. “Actually lass. Yer seem like a stron’ an’ confident youngin’ I got a order fer someone. An Artisan by tha name o’ Hannah wants me ter deliver this.” He held out the small box to Ceres.

    “Would yer mind?”

    “Not...at all…” Ceres said. She wanted to tell him to shove the box where the sun would never touch it, but that was rude - and he was after all, just doing what he was programmed to. Ceres couldn’t really get annoyed at that now, could she?

    Ceres accepted both boxes - the one meant for her - containing the quest reward items, and the one for the next NPC.

    “Hannah, was it?” Ceres gave Lyle a smile. “Don’t worry - I’ll get it to her.

    “Aye, I know yer will.” Lyle said with a friendly wave goodbye.


  24. The smell of iron, soot and fire was welcoming as Ceres entered the front of 'Lyles Workshop' THe big burly man grinned, wide - a smile akin to that of a proud father who has just watched their daughter achieve something great. At least, that's what his smile reminded Ceres of. Her parents were divorced, but it wasn't like she never saw her father - he did live a few states over but they found time for each other when they could, via calls or visits. Or... at least they used to. A small pang of longing tugged at Ceres when she realized he wasn't just a phonecall away. No-one was. At least she knew they were all safe. No one, except perhaps her younger sibling would have had an interest in SAO - and a 7 year old couldn't exactly get their hands easily on the game without being the son or daughter of a CEO

    "Ahhh, Lassie! What a Serprise!" Lyle bellowed as he came out from behind the workbench. "Aye, Tis such a sight for sore eyes." He quickly broached the space between them and gave her an unexpectedly warm, and very real feeling hug. "Uhm y-you're welcome?" Ceres said as she quickly pulled away.

    "Bit damp there 'eh? No troubles?"

    Ceres shook her head. "No, I just washed off some of the dirt from battle in a lake. Here..." Without wanting much delay, or to have too much discussion with the NPC because this felt way too real Ceres pulled out the boar tusks and handed them over.

    Lyle gave her a hearty slap on the back. "Perfect. See? Piece 'a cake right lass?"


    'like hell it was a piece of cake...'

    Lyle gave her a nod. "Jus' stay here' but a moment' I got a lil' somethin' fer yer troubles. Let me get it from mah workshop."  The NPC took the items, then disappeared behind the door leading to what Ceres could only assume was his fires and kilns.

    At least this guy wasn't egging her on to be a Blackmsith.

  25. The Town of Beginnings seemed....so quiet.

    It usually was, but it felt even more so now - was it because she was out in the wilds fighting boars? After experiencing the adrenaline of a challenge the quiet pace of the town seemed...lacking. Ceres had been so very content here, for such a long time. In just a day and two quests, she was already begining to wonder if she should travel further up.

    Ceres had been to the second floor before, but not much further. The Forth floor was a winter tundra - and the tenth? Nothing but a black cave. Why go to places that would make you feel uncomfortable? Wasn’t there also a volcanic floor?

    “Ugh...No thanks…” Ceres mumbled to herself.

    The sunny disposition of the floor had dried her off relatively quickly, and by the time Ceres had returned to Lyles workshop she was nothing more than slightly damp.

    “Time to turn in this quest…”

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