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Posts posted by Ceres

  1. "New....here?"

    Lilac eyes blinked a few times in mild confusion. Ceres had been absently staring up at the clouds, only to have her view blocked by another.  "Not new..." Ceres said airily, "I just...don't go out much."  And it was true - it was only recently that Ceres had begun to start venturing out and about - actually doing quests instead of doing the bare minimum to survive.  Never quite being good with social norms Ceres reached out to the other woman and pushed back errant bangs of raven coloured hair away from the others ashen face. Her cheeks were flushed, and her face glistened as though she had been...

    "Oh..." Ceres pulled her hand away. "You were...exercising?" It seemed like an odd thing to do- physical fitness didn't really matter here. Still. "That's very admirable... but you look pretty without the need for that.."

    "Nepents?" Where did she hear that name before? "Oh! It is that forest quest...I was looking at doing that..." Ceres shifted her gaze away. "But I haven't really done a quest with someone else before." She tugged nervously on crimson strands. Was this girl even a 'someone' ever since the incident with Hannah Ceres kept second guessing herself - she knew that the other girl had a player marker over her head - but did that even matter? What if she was a NPC?  It's not like Ceres really had anyone come up to her normally.

    How do you..approach someone about that? The other woman asked first, right? So was she the one wanting to join in?  "I assume...you do? I'd help... if that's what you're asking."

    LEVEL 9 | 180 HP | 18 ENERGY


    -Small Dagger: +1 DAMAGE | Left Pauldron +1 DAM MIT | Leather Chestplate + 1 EVA | Ring of Promise +1 ACC

    5 Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP) | 5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)  |  Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)

  2. "Why..." Came Ceres' reply. "Do I look lost?"

    She tilted her head to the side, waves of crimson fell over her shoulder. Who was this man? Why was he approaching her? Ceres shifted awkwardly, reaching out of the warmth and comfort of her flimsy coat and pulling the hood further over her face as she shifted her lilac eyes away from him. "I'm just...watching..." Ceres mumbled. People rarely approached her...for two years Ceres had comfortably wandered around the first few floors alone. Without bother - yet now... People wouldn't leave her alone. She was approached first by the bright exuberant blonde - Lessa. Who was like a radiant sun in a cloudy sky...now this man...

    Who was the complete opposite

    His entire demeanor screamed 'leave me the hell alone' His presence was calm as still waters. His eyes were a warm honeyed amber - but they held a distant coldness - a chill. His hooded form stood in front of her, shadowing what little sun managed to poke through the sky above. Casting Ceres in shadows. 

    "You look like you don't want to be here." Came her honest observation. "Are you the one who is lost? Or are you some form of quest NPC trying to activate a quest?"


  3. "Riker? Star Trek...?" Ceres repeated. The woman knew of the show - had seen it. Her eyes glanced back down to the exuberant wolf. Ceres reached out to lay a hand gently on its head, running her fingers through his fur. A small smile fell on her features. "So that would make you Captain Picard, right?" Ceres didn't tell many jokes with the intent of them actually being a joke - but when she did...they always fell flat. After a few seconds of silence the realization that it was a terrible joke hit her and she coughed - turning her attention to the quest board.

    "I...guess so. I mean...."  Ceres crossed her arms over her chest, tapping her elbow with a finger nervously. "We've been here for so long. I only just recently decided to do the beginner quests...you know the four connected fetch quests? It made me realize...I've been too complacent." Her tone turned thoughtful as she reflected on all the events that transpired earlier. "Talking to those NPCs...made me realize - that I haven't really spoken to anyone since being here. I almost convinced myself an NPC was a person, a friend. But..." Ceres turned her chin to glance at Lessa. She looked so strong, confident, composed. She seemed like the type of person who would have no trouble tackling anything that stood in her path.

    "I uh - " What the heck was she saying? This woman would think Ceres was stark raving mad. Mistaking NPCs for people? Not wanting to actually talk to others? Out of fear that what - she'd form some connection with them only to loose them? How stupid was that.

    "Oh...is that all?" Hannah laughed as she reached out and picked up Ceres' hand again. "Here." Hannah had slippped the gold ring onto Ceres' index finger. "This will help your aim reign a little more true. I told you I'd make you something to say thank you... So... Thank you for helping me Ceres, I'm happy to have met you."

    Ceres quickly turned back to the quest board. Ignoring the memory that bubbled up to the surface. "Decided I'd just start doing some more quests just to fill in the time since I think it'd be nice to just do something with my time because it made me think that I didn't want to be idle anymore I didn't want to have that painful feeling of realization that I've somehow ostracized myself and am so absent-minded I almost mistook an NPC for a friend but that's silly, right hahah."

    Her words came quick, rushed - and muddled together in one, awkward run-on sentence. Another few moments of silence passed.

    "I'm seeing what other ones I can do...maybe these two?" Ceres pointed to Secret Medicine of the forest, and 'Breaking the Unbreakable.  "But one of them is just...." Her brows furrowed. "Punching a rock...right?  Maybe I should just get a profession...I...oh..."

    Ceres turned to Lessa and gave her an embarrassed smile as she bought a hand up to twiddle one of the earrings she wore. "I think I rambled a bit. I'm sorry. You look so strong and confident...and you're so composed...why are you here?"


  4. Out of the forest, and into the fields......


    Ceres cherished the time she spent with Hannah. She enjoyed sitting in the glade, and talking with her - long after any sort of requirements for the quest. It was...a turbulent quest to say the very least. Ceres struggled to comprehend that Hannah was an NPC - and for a short time, had fooled herself into believing the Artisan was a human. 'Sometimes...lies hurt less than the truth...' Ceres thought to herself.

    But Ceres had to come to terms with the fact that Hannah will forever be sketching in that glade, forever asking players to fetch her gems. Still… Ceres lifted her hand up to see the ring that Hannah had made her. The time was special - the feelings were real. And at the end of the day, did anything else matter?

    Ceres would complete this quest, it looked to be the final one in the quest line. She’d try to have fun with whoever ‘Ol Pete’ was, then she’d return back to her secluded life within the Town of Beginnings - it wasn’t all that bad.

    Maybe, just maybe she’d try opening up to others a little more - as long as she made sure they weren’t NPCs first. Ceres had to wonder if there was any real way to tell from just a glance.




    LEVEL 9 | 180 HP | 18 ENERGY


    -Small Dagger: +1 DAMAGE  | Leather Chestplate + 1 EVA | Ring of Promise +1 ACC

    5 Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP) | 5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)  |  Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)


  5. rnCCYPP.jpgCeres didn't exactly feel completely better.. but she didn't feel that thick heavy melancholy that had settled in her chest earlier. Hannah...was an NPC - a quest one who was stuck in this glade. And whilst the place was beautiful...it must indeed get lonely.  A part of her wanted to question Hannah further, about if the emotions she felt were true - or again, just programmed reactions to various situations. But if she kept prying - she'd only just upset herself more.

    And right now. Ceres wasn't upset. She was...at peace with the fact. “I finished this quest for you, and I shall finish the next for you too.” Ceres turned to offer Hannah a wry smile. “I’m already well known for talking to myself - I may as well add befriending NPCs to the list.”

    Hannah grinned, “You wouldn’t be the first - we are quite a likable bunch, but I may be a bit biased in that.”

    “Thanks.” Ceres said as she stook. “You...reminded me how important interacting with others is - I’ve been wandering around this place for years, purposefully avoiding others because I wanted to remain detached… I didn’t want to make friends I would never see again, or be betrayed - or watch people I care about die… But I realize, that happens everywhere - here is no different.”

    Hannah stood along with Ceres, she reached out and wrapped her arms around Ceres - and warmth oozed out of her and engulfed the redhead like a thick ichor - honeyed feelings and prickling joy, and it was very hard to step back and let Hannah go. Hannah gave Ceres one final squeeze of her hand. “You didn’t need me to realize that. You just needed to wake up from a walking dream. I’m glad we had this talk.”

    “Me too.” Ceres said with a smile as she turned.

    “Me too…”

  6. "Do you think we are friends?" Hannah asked.


    Ceres didn't move her face out of her hands. It was too embarrassing to say yes. Yes she did consider Hannah a friend. That she was silly enough to be enamored wth, and to find solace and warmth and a connection with someone, so much so that you forget they weren't real to begin with.


    When Ceres didn't answer - Hannah continued. "I like to think we are. Countless players come here, wanting to finish the quest quickly. They don't sit with me - they don't want to watch me draw or ask me questions - they just get the information they need and leave. But you, Ceres. You stayed. You listened. You kept me company. Isn't that what friends do?"

    “Mmmm….” Ceres still had her face buried in her hands. “Yes but… I just … you’re so real. Do you really feel that way?”

    “I’d like to think I do. I can feel happiness and sadness, and loneliness - so can I feel friendship? Yes. And Ceres.” Hannah reached out to place a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

    “I may not be able to leave here, but I would welcome your company any time.”

  7. "I'm sorry I can't. " Came Hannah's cheery reply. "I need to stay here and work on my sketches and my artisan products."

    Ceres turned away, her voice stoic. "In other words. You aren't programmed to exist outside this small glade. Right? Would you just cease to exist if you stepped out of this beautiful golden halo of a life? Or are you just programmed to refuse to ever leave?"

    Hannah blinked. "I don't understand what you're talking about." She laughed awkwardly as she tugged on one of her braids. "Ceres - you're an odd girl, you know that? You always say the strangest things. I’m just a very busy woman.”

    “Except that you’re not.” Came Ceres’ blunt reply. “It’s fine. You don’t need to lie...I just...kinda forgot you were an NPC for a while. You’re very wonderful and warm and kind and it made me feel like I had made a friend here.”

    Ceres paused, and furrowed her brows - “I’m not saying I don’t have friends...I just - not here in Aincrad and my conversations with you are the longest conversations I’ve held with anyone...for years...and…”

    Ceres put her head in her hands. “UGh...why am I even saying all of this to you?”


  8. “I’d be happy to.” Ceres said in a disheartened voice. Hannah didn’t seem to catch the disappointment. She laughed a melodious tune as she turned to fish a wrapped package out of her rucksack to hand to Ceres. 

    “I’m so relieved, for a moment...I thought you were going to say no! I wouldn’t know what I would have done if that were the case. Here.” Hannah handed over the package. “There’s a giant lake not too far from here, i’ts between here and the Town of Beginnings. Talk to him. He can be a little salty…” Hannah paused and laughed. “Both figuratively and literally - but he’s got a kind soul. I’m sure he’ll be very thankful. Here - let me mark where it is for you.”

    A new quest appeared on Ceres’ HUD - along with a new quest Marker.

    So this was it then?

    “Why don’t you come with me?” Ceres asked.

  9. Ceres pulled her hand away to look at the ring. It sat innocently on her index finger, and as she turned it to and fro - the small red stone set in the center shimmered. “It’s really nice. Thank you.”

    Hannah breathed a sigh of relief,  “hahah…. I’m glad… actually…”

    “Hmm?” Ceres turned to see Hannah, she clasped her hands together in a sign of forgiveness. “I was hoping to also use it as some sort of bribe…. You see I got a small favour to ask you.”


    “What is it…?” Ceres asked, her voice low. Here it was - the next line in the quest - the next profession to deliver a package to. The next NPC - Ceres knew this wouldn’t last, but would it have been so wrong to let these small moments go on for just a little longer?

    “You see…” Hannah began. “There is this old man who goes by the name Ol’ Pete. I was wondering if you could deliver a package to him from me? You can keep the ring as payment.”


  10. ‘I’m always here’

    Those words caused Ceres to snap her hand away from Hannah.

    “Are you ok? Came the response from the other woman. No. No Ceres was not ok. But she didn’t say that - she didn’t want to make that smile disappear. Instead...Ceres shook her head and offered Hannah a smile.

    “I’m fine it was a static shock. That’s all.”

    It was a stupid lie, one that would never, ever normally work. But of course, with Hannah...it did. Because...Hannah wasn’t real She wasn’t a person, she wasn’t really concerned for Ceres...it was complex AI and nothing more.

    “Oh...is that all?” Hannah laughed as she reached out and picked up Ceres’ hand again. “Here.” Hannah had slipped the gold ring onto Ceres’ hand - “This will help your aim reign a little more true. I told you I’d make you something to say thank you. So…. Thank you for helping me Ceres. I’m happy to have met you.”

  11. Ceres was jostled from her stupour when Hannah shifted away. She blinked as she turned to Hannah. Hannah...had such a look of worry plastered over her face. It kinda hurt to see the other woman like that. Ceres felt like Hannah deserved to do nothing but smile sweetly and serenely as she drew her silly little critters. “Because.” Ceres said as she reached out and straightened Hannah’s glasses. “I Guess partly because I was running out of ideas, and struggling to figure out how to actually reach the damn thing…”

    Ceres turned away, “Then..the other part was that I wanted to quickly finish it off to see you. I wanted to tell you stories of how I climbed it and make you laugh but instead I made you worry, so...sorry about that”

    Ceres stiffened when she felt Hannahs hand wrap around hers. Ceres slowly turned to Hannah who offered a warm smile in return.

    “You don’t have to rush back to me, silly. I’m always here.”

  12. Hannah leaned in closer to Ceres, and again - their shoulders were touching. Ceres shut her eyes - this...was pleasant, she felt the warmth of another human being, something Ceres didn't realised she missed till now - and the faint smell of flowers. Ceres was content, sitting here by Hannah's side listening to her work.

    "You probably...struggled in the cave because of me right?" Hannah asked, her voice thoughtful.

    Ceres nodded, then replied verbally in case Hannah wasn't watching, Ceres still kept her eyes closed. "Yeh. A little - I think because the cave was darker than it is outside. I struggled to land a few hits on that Cave Guardian. But...in the end I beat him up good - climbed up to his shoulders and everything.”

    “You did what?” She said startled, shifting away from Ceres. “Are you mad?  You could have gotten yourself killed what on earth possessed you to do such a thing?” Hannah asked.

  13. "Oh...Yeh...sure, of course..."

    Ceres found her feet carrying her toward Hannah. The other womans warmth was contagious and Ceres couldn't help but smile back at her. Once seated Ceres pursed her lips. "So...what are you going to do with it now? You needed it to make something?"

    Hannah nodded- she was already tinkering with it in her lap. Nimble fingers holding a delicate pair of long tweezers as she set the stone into the golden ring. "Mmhmm....Lyle has such a terrible habit of giving me half finished things - His hands aren't exactly suited for this sort of thing." Hannah glanced up at Ceres and gave her a wry grin as she held up a hand twiddling her fingers. "Lyle's got sausage fingers - he'd probably accidentally shove an entire boulder into the ring."

    Ceres pressed her lips together, trying not to laugh at the thought, but the laugh came anyway. This felt nice. Natural - it felt...wonderful being able to talk to someone like this. "What kind of enchantment will you put on it?" Ceres asked Hannah, still watching her work.

    For the time being, her troubles had been replaced with the feeling of familiarity and friendship.

  14. Hannah's eyes lit up as she carefully took the gem in her hands - with a turn on her heel she headed back over to the warm rock bathed in a single beam of sunlight that shone through the top of the trees. "Ahh...it's so beautiful Ceres - let's see...one moment..." Hannah sat back down on the stone, cross legged and reached over to a small brown rucksack to her side. Hannah pulled her glasses out from it and placed them atop her head then bought the garnet closer to her face to inspect it.

    All the while Ceres stood, awkwardly to the side, watching her - Hannah.... was just an NPC right?


    "Oh!" Hannah exclaimed. "It's a garnet. I love the colour." She lifted her eyes to Ceres. "It reminds me of your hair and...what are you doing so far away? Come over here silly!" She beckoned Ceres forward and patted the spot next to her, just like before.

  15. "Oh! You're back!"

    Hannah's voice was filled with warmth and relief once Ceres had returned. The brown haired woman stood up and broached the space between them - reaching out for Ceres' hand. "Are you ok? I was worried about you."  A gentle squeeze followed suit before Hannah let go. "Were you successful? Did you run into any troubles?" her chocolate brown eyes were rife with worry as they looked upon Ceres.

    And it was at that moment - Ceres realized why she felt so melancholy - why she wasn't happy that she had defeated the Cave Guardian. Why the trek back was harder than the trek forward, despite there being considerably less difficulties. It was because this entire quest - everything about it had been for her. For Hannah. And Ceres had been treating Hannah like she was an actual human being, with human thoughts and emotions - but no matter how you could twist or explain it. Hannah was placed on Aincrad, solely for this quest. She would never leave this glade - she would never stop drawing the tiny green lizard.

    Ceres managed a smile. "Yeh...here..." She pulled the garnet out of the inventory and gave it to Hannah.

  16. Heavy feet carried her back through the cave. Down the path where she found the garnet in the first place - past the river illuminated with glowing crystals - past the lack and to the entrance. All the while her lilac eyes barely lifted themselves from the ground. Ceres couldn't work out what was bothering her. She had been fine up until this point. She had been doing such a good job. Heck...once this was finished- she would have completed three entire quests in a single day how many people had accomplished that?
    Ceres didn't want to know the answer - because the answer would have been 'everyone but you, you idiot'

    "Why does my heart hurt?" Ceres asked herself as she lowered herself down on her hands and knees to crawl back through the tunnel to come out the other side. Ceres took a few steps away from the cave entrance then looked back. Just as unassuming - just as simple as it were before. Ready for the next unsuspecting player to crawl through it and cherish its wonders.  It was darker now, but only slightly.

    Her time in the cave felt like it spread across countless days, but it was only a few hours. Ceres' eyes lingered on its entrance before she finally pulled her gaze away from it and back to the path that lead to the glade - bathed in the warmth of the sun - whre Hannah sat, waiting for her to return.

  17. After everything that transpired Ceres wanted nothing more than to collapse right then and there - exactly where the Cave Guardian fell, but she couldn't. She had to continue. Lilac eyes gently closed as she drew in a long, deep, breath and held it. All she had to do was track back through the cave - and meet back up with Hannah.  Now that she wasn't actively looking for the tiny garnet or attempting to avoid any monsters - that'd be easy....and would be thrice as quick as her venture into the cave.


    and release


    Ceres breathed out.


    Her eyes fell to the floor. Why...didn't this feel like a victory?


    Wasn't she having fun? Climbing all over giant Guardians, searching breathtaking caves and finding pristine gemstones? Ceres had defeated what most would consider to be a Monster Boss - and sure many would have done that before, but this was her first time doing anything of the sort within Aincrad. Shouldn’t she be ecstatic?

    Where was the adrenaline? Where was the rush?

    “What’s wrong with me?” Ceres asked as she pushed herself up off the floor.

  18. image.png.3edc440e77f1f33b86a1bd90123ead25.png


    Something that Lessa said had inspired Ceres.  She was right - the amazingly kind and warm woman who smiled with her eyes, and her heart... Ceres wasn't sure if she meant to or not but Lessa had encouraged her to do more - and that whilst it was ok not to fight on the frontlines, was it really acceptable to be so complacent with a life secluded away from others? Away from people? That Aincrad was full of terrible, terrible things - but also so many amazing and wonderful things. Being a part of Sword Art Online was not only a curse but a gift.  Ceres made a note that she'd have to thank the warrior woman if their paths crossed again.

    It was the final push that lead Ceres to the 4th floor - she had never ventured further than the third  - chronological order made sense...but.... 'Why was this floor so damn cold!"  Ceres' general attire was based off of Greek Mythology, and not entirely suited to the freezing climate. The moment her booted feet landed in the midddle of 'Snowfrost' Ceres regretted the lack of preparation she had made. Still, the one thing she did have - was a thin light brown cape which she promptly draped over her shoulders. Ceres knew she wanted to come to a higher floor - but...didn't know what to do after that. So, she stood awkwardly out the front of one of the taverns, rubbing her arms to garner some form of warmth.

    Lilac eyes glanced up at it's name 'Long Barrow' the sign swung gently above her, to and fro, to and fro, almost melodic in a way. Ceres softly smiled. It was cold...freezing, but...it was quaint. She had never seen snow before. Watching it fall was relaxing - and the people here... this place was much more lively than the Town of Beginnings. Ceres wasn't sure what to do - going inside was the smart choice, right? But at the same time...she wanted to watch the snowfall, and the people as they passed her by. "If only I were a little warmer this may be a little nicer..."

    Ceres wasn't sure how long she spent standing there - but her legs and arms had grown numb. Her cheeks became flushed. A cherry red glow sat atop rounded cheeks. Her form began to accrue a thin layer of powdered snow - but Ceres did not mind. It made her feel like she was part of the scenery - and - she was trying something new. That had to count for something, right?  "Small steps...." Ceres mused as she twiddled with the ring that Hannah had forged for her - "Better than no steps..."

    Speaking of steps.... 

    There was something different about the people around here. "Ah!"  Ceres exclaimed a little loudly when she connected the dots.

    Some of them had pointed ears...elves? Was that an option in this game or were they NPCs? Ceres pursed her lips. How was she supposed to tell who was and wasn't an NPC anymore these days? If that series of fetch quests taught her anything it was that  they were far too realistic. They had facial expressions, expressed concern, even warmth. Ceres still wasn't 100% convinced Hannah had been an NPC - with how flawless her speech and mannerisms were. The other two, Lyle and Zackariah had more of an 'NPC' vibe but now?

    "Excuse me, uhm hey you -" Ceres reached out to a woman wearing a thick hooded robe, tiny fingers clasped the edge of it as she passed. "Are you an NPC?"

    "What?" The woman said incrudiously. "What on earth is wrong with you child?" She yanked her arm away and stared down at Ceres with an intense blue gaze - eyes the colour of ice. "Asking questions like that will get you killed. Idiot."

    Ceres frowned as she pressed her back against the cold stone wall. "It was just a question. I just don't know..." Lilac eyes watched the woman stomp away. "NPCs here are all too human, and humans are all too...not human... it's confusing...is all."



  19. Ceres just had to dislodge the stupid blade  and attack it, then she could leave here. She could go back through the cave- she could visit Hannah and….


    Then what?

    Go home?

    That was her first thought, that she just wanted to go home - but Ceres didn’t have a home. She didn’t even have a single friend in Aincrad. No… that wasn’t true- she had Hannah. She’d go back to Hannah and they’d talk and laugh and -

    “Hiiiyaaaa!” Ceres finally ripped the dagger free from the crystaline Cave Guardian - without giving it a chance to throw her off she rammed the blade back into the surface of its skin. There was a rumble, and the beast started to vibrate before


    It exploded in a flurry of pixels and data - right underneath her. Ceres landed hard on the ground. Blinking a few times.

    Ok…. that was the plan… but she didn’t expect the plan to actually work.




    ID# 131836    MOB: 4-1

    ID# 131837  BD: 9-1


    CERES 100/120HP


    HP: 20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does no

  20. "Ha!" Ceres cried out, "You're as good as dead." Frustration began to turn into cautious optimism. Things looked like they were going in her favour but they could all too easily fall apart. What if the Guardian rolled over and crushed her? What if it sprouted more limbs like a spider?

    No. She couldn’t think of that, she had to focus. Concentrate...

    Just one more hit... one more hit and it'll be completely wiped out right? And Ceres was in the prime spot to strike it again. All she had to do was pull out this stupid, flimsy, little dager and...and…


    Ceres pulled hard on the weapon lodged in the Cave Guardian’s back but it was wedged in there tightly. “I can’t….” She tried to pull it out again. “It won’t move….dammit…” She grit her teeth as she tried to pull the dagger free, but it wouldn’t budge.

    It wasn’t helping that the Cave Guardian was rolling around to and fro trying to shake her off its back, they were almost at a stalemate.




    ID# 131834    MOB: 3-1

    ID# 131835  BD: 5-1


    CERES 100/120HP


    HP: 20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does no

  21. The golem reached behind and tore off another part of its body - ready to throw at Ceres. This time she was ready for it. "Same trick won't work twice!" She muttered under her breath as she charged forward, ducking the attack. The shard that came off the Cave Guardian uselessly hit the floor behind her, shattering then disappearing in a flurry of blue data. This fight couldn't go on forever...Ceres had to get back to Hannah.

    She wanted to see that smile, and tell her all about how she jumped on the Guardians back.

    Ceres ran right up to the Cave Guardian, and with a 'Hup' ,  'Hup' she jumped up its arm, over its shoulder and landed on its back again. There was now some space for her to tread since some of the shards hard been pulled out. Good. Ceres pulled out her dagger and struck it in the Cave Guardians back. It whittled away just a little bit more of the Cave Guardian's HP.

    "One more hit....surely..." Ceres breathed as she wiped her brow with the back of her hand.




    ID# 131832    MOB: 3-1

    ID# 131833  BD: 9-1


    CERES 100/120HP


    HP: 20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage fr

  22. "Please let me hit this time...Please?" Ceres clasped her hands together as she looked up at the ceiling - praying to whoever was listening. Administators? Moderators? AI's? Anyone because she didn't want to be here all day. Or night...it was difficult to tell how much time had passed in here. "I shoulda had another break before picking up that stupid gem..." Ceres muttered to herself as she charged forward.

    Before Ceres could draw close enough for an attack, the Cave Guardian reached behind and... and tore off a shard from its back then threw it at Ceres. It was completely and utterly unexpected and hit her square in the face. Stopping the woman in her tracks.

    "Excuse me!?" Ceres shouted indignantly. "Did you just rip a piece of yourself off and throw it at me?" The Cave guardian rolled around on the floor in response. Ceres picked up a loose crystal and threw it right back at the creature. The crystal shattered against the Cave Guardian. Ceres knew it wouldn't do any damage - but boy did it make her feel a little better about the situation. "I can't believe I'm getting angry with...and yelling at a moving pile of glittery rocks." Ceres said as she picked up another fallen shard and threw it uselessly at the Guardian again.



    ID# 131821    MOB: 7-1

    ID# 131822  BD: 3-1


    CERES 100/120HP


    HP: 20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage fro

  23. "I...will...no...be...manhandled ....by...a DAMN...CRYSTAL GEM...!" With each word Ceres uttered she kicked at the dying golem. Finally, it relented - and just in time too. It had tried to smash her a second time with its free hand - Ceres was able to back away - but not before trying to get a strike in of her own. Sadly- it missed.

    This is what bothered her about fighting, half the time it was fun, exhilirating even - other times...times like this, they became tiresome and frustrating.  This giant was on the verge of death. It's form heavy, slow, and large - so why wasn't she able to hit it? Should she take more chances and not dodge its attacks so readily so she had a better chance to strike?

    "How many times have we both missed each other now!?" Ceres shouted at the Cave Guardian, which in response started to drag itself closer to her so it could attack again.

    Ceres kinda wished the guardian would make some sort of noise - the silence was unnerving, but it was a creature made out of the very cavern that surrounded them, so how could it?




    ID# 131817    MOB: 3-1

    ID# 131818  BD: 5


    CERES 104/120HP


    HP: 20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage fro

  24. The Cave Guardian may be without its legs - but it’s attacks were unrelenting. If anything its attempts became more desperate now that it was so close to death. The crystalized beast reached out and grabbed one of Cere’s ankles and started to drag her toward it - no doubt in an attempt to crush her.

    “What the hell!” Ceres screamed, she rolled to and fro - kicking at the thick crystal wrist of the Cave Guardian in an attempt to escape. It stopped dragging her and lifted up its other arm. Ceres managed to roll out the way just in time to miss it flattening her into the ground. In retaliation, she had swiped up at the hand that attacked her rather than the one wrapped around her leg. She missed - once again because her weapon was too flimsy and to small to reach any distance that wasn’t right next to her.

    “Get. OFF. of. Me!”



    ID# 131815    MOB: 2-1

    ID# 131816  BD: 4-1


    CERES 104/120HP


    HP: 20
    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage fro

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