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Posts posted by Ceres

  1. "Whoaaaa....."

    Lilac eyes widened as Ceres stepped into the event. "This...is...amazing...." She had never been beyond the 4th floor - and had avoided that particular floor after bumping into a rather rude man there who did nothing but berate her and make her feel bad.  It was a good thing she met NIGHT long after - who helped put things in perspective. Who helped point out that sometimes, just sometimes Ceres could be quite oblivious to how her actions were perceived. NIGHT had also shown Ceres that there were kind-hearted people here, she had met Lessa, Image result for yona akatsuki fanartand NIGHT. Who were both amazing.

    Lilac eyes soured when they landed on a very familiar set of black robes. "Alkor." She muttered under her breath. She didn't recognize the girl next to him, but felt sorry for her - he'd probably be just as rude to her. Still - she would avoid him. Why deal with that? This event was meant to be a happy one. Ceres slapped her face twice with the palms of her hands. No. Bad thoughts should not be here today. This event was stunning. Crystalline flakes of snow fell from the sky - gently caressing her cheeks and clothes with a touch of cold that soon dissipated. 

    Ceres thought it'd be colder... yet she felt no real sense of frost here - was it a special effect from the event? She wasn't sure...before she knew it her feet had dragged her straight to the hot cocoa stand and an option sat in front of her as to which she should choose. "Well...this is easy." She said as she reached for the Lucky Hot Cocoa. "I could always use some more luck."



    Let's try and meet some new people.

    With new purpose Ceres approached the only other player who was currently at the event. A girl with flowing locks of coral flowing like silken flames down her back. She sat alone on a bench drinking a cup of hot cocoa. The redheaded woman promptly sat down next to the other player - perhaps a little too close, but Ceres had failed to notice. "Isn't this lovely?" She asked the other woman. "I've...never been to an event like this." Her eyes trailed over the stalls with the friendly NPCs beckoning players over. "I've...never been to any events really - I suppose I've been missing out." She turned to face the other woman. "I like yor hair - the colour and length suits you." 

    Ceres gave the player another grin, "I'm Ceres." She blinked as she glanced down at the mug the other woman held. "Ohh..." Ceres leaned over to look inside it. "What kind did you get? I got the lucky one, I always tend to have such bad luck. So maybe this one will help me?" Ceres held up her own mug and gave an awkward laugh.

    This was normal interaction, right? She hadn't forgotten anything, or done anything too forward again, had she?


  2. "I suppose you could call me a homebody - although my job does require me to travel. Sometimes interstate, sometimes overseas. It's why I never really kept a cat for myself. I just don't think it'd be fair. They live such short lives in comparison to us - we're their whole world and for me to up and leave them three or four times a year? I don't think I could do that." Ceres admitted. "Otherwise there is no doubt in my mind I would have kept at least two of them." The redheaded woman gave a small snort, "Ahah - it's never been 30 -  my apartment isn't that big...I think the most I had at one time was about 5."  Ceres shifted her gaze to the trees before her, they rustled gently in the breeze - now the Nepents were gone... this place was kinda nice. "It is sad, but its very fulfilling - and I get updates from their families. It's really nice watching them grow up and be loved via those photos."

    Ceres eyes shifted back to NIGHT when she moved - checking something in her bag - something that moved and wriggled. "Oh, you must have a familiar - right? You could show me sometime." Ceres said with a smile.  Then NIGHT mentioned that a sword would be good, the comment was positive - but the way she reacted...turning her back on Ceres and giving her shoulders a small shiver. Ceres went to reach out to NIGHT but caught herself - no that would probably give her the wrong impression  Instead, Ceres kept her thoughts to herself. Perhaps the other woman didn't like blades? Or knives in general?

    "I hear they have better attacks than daggers do too." Ceres continued - "But I mean... I don't really plan on putting any skill points into weapons or combat just yet. I'm sure I'll figure out where I want them to go eventually though."

    Ceres stood then arched her back as she stretched. "Sure, we can take that stroll - here..." Ceres opened up her HUD - and scrolled through till she found the add friend option. "If you don't mind...I'd like to add you as a friend." Lilac eyes lowered to NIGHT - "You'd be the first one on my list, oh but - I mean - if not that's ok too." She shifted her gaze away. "I figure - if we wanted to do more quests together... maybe it'd be better to keep in contact that way?" Ceres asked as she hit send on the request.

    NIGHT stood too - offering to walk back to the Town of Beginings with Ceres.  "You don't need to thank me for your concern." Ceres said with a grin. "It's only natural to worry about others, right?" Her gaze shifted to the furry head that popped out from NIGHTs shoulder bag, and this time - Ceres could not resist reaching out to stroke between the small kittens ears. 

    "Let's go then - I think you'd feel more comfortable getting cleaned up, right?"



  3. All in all, it didn’t take as long as Ceres would have thought. After several minutes of casually kicking stones into the lake, and grumbling about the smell of algae Ceres happened upon a small dock.  The dock jutted out into the water - made of dark oak slats. At the end of it sat a small boat. Almost comically so - Ceres had seen dozens of fishing boats in her time and this? This barely counted as a boat.

    The old man actually goes out in this?’

    Was Ceres’ first thoughts as she approached him. “Hey, are you Ol’ Pete?” She asked.

    The old man grunted in response, he was in his boat - back facing her - it looked like he was attempting to tie bits of fishing string together. Ceres huffed. Rude.

    “Fine.” She said with a shrug as she turned away.

    “I guess If you’re not Ol’ Pete I’ll just have to give this special package from a lovely girl named Hannah to someone else.”

  4. Ceres assumed there would have to be a boat, dock, or harbour or jetty… since she couldn’t exactly swim out to the middle of the lake to see the old man. Even if she hadn’t been questing all day - the woman was sure that she most certainly did not have the stamina for such a feat.

    So, instead - she walked. One foot in front of the other as they crunched against the hardened dirt that surrounded the lake. All she had to do was keep her eyes out for a structure along the lake - she just hoped it wasn’t on the direct opposite side. Ceres lifted a hand to her head to shield it from the suns glare.

    “Hrmmm….”  She couldn’t see anything just yet, but docks and jettys generally weren’t very visable - they were usually fairly flat.

    “It’d be better if this quest were near an ocean…” Ceres sighed as she kicked a pebble into the lake. “At least then I’d have the fresh sea air to breathe. This lake smells a little….” Her nose wrinkled.  “A musty, earthy scent of decay…” It wasn’t as bad as it sounded - but that was the best way the woman could describe the smell.

  5. Lilac eyes followed the man as he left, and it wasn't until he was out the door...and that she had watched him walk down the street from her window seat till he was out of sight till she threw her head down onto the table in exasperation. "Am I really that inept?" She asked herself.  Would it have been rude to ask for to add him as a friend? Probably. Did Ceres event want him as one? She wasn't sure. He was incredibly difficult and obtuse - but, wasn't she just the same?

    Ceres groaned as she rubbed her head to and fro on the slightly sticky tabletop. It would be nice.... to have one friend on her list. One person to be able to casually message. Even if they hadn't started off so terribly - she doubted that he'd be the kind of person who would enjoy a back and forth conversation via messenger. Hell - they barely mantained the one they just had.

    Ceres slowly retraced their entire conversation. Trying to figure out where she had gone wrong. Where it started... He had asked if she was lost. She, in earnest curiosity - asked why. Was that the wrong thing to do? Maybe he felt like she was questioning his persona and his motivations, when really it was just curiosity. Ceres didn't realize she looked lost. The conversation devolved from there...to the point where he even yelled at her.

    Ceres turned her head to the side, cheek pressed into the wood now.

    "Am...I really that bad?" She asked herself. "Am I really undeserving of talking to anyone?"

    Maybe it would be better for her to return to the first floor and go back to living her boring life. At least that was what she was used to.

    "People...are cruel."

  6. Ceres had been on the outskirts of the quaint medievil town picking flowers - the very same that the town had been named after. She didn't travel here much - and after her meeting with NIGHT the woman realized how much she missed it. The entire area always had such a lovely smell, the lush forests that surrounded the city, and the mountains - made the air smell so fresh and clean.  The NPCs were all Elven in nature - which helped remind Ceres they weren't human - and that helped with her more...eccentric  behaviors.

    It was embarrassing enough being enamored with an NPC the first time... it wasn't going to happen again.

    The redheaded woman pushed through the doors to the small tavern. Slightly damp. A cool summer shower had began to wash over the fields and Ceres had ran from there to here in hopes to stay as dry as possible. Even so...  image.png.09257467589d5dae6bb1530da05b0558.png

    Ceres had stepped to the side for a moment, catching her breath with a hand over her chest. Looped around her arm was a basket filled with the multi coloured flowers. Her loose clothing stuck to her skin, and the flowers that she had laced her long locks with were begining to fall apart, leaving a messy trail of petals trailing down her hair and falling where she stepped. "I had hoped I would miss the afternoon showers..." She muttered to herself.

    "Wait..." The place was busier than usual. Generally, the town was quaint, quiet - and overall had a lax vibe so why was it the complete opposite right now? A large group of people had surrounded a table where a tall blonde man sat. "Hrmmm..."

    Slowly but surely, Ceres inched closer. First one step. Then another. She moved slowly, as though she were convinced that if she did so, she wouldn't be spotted. Ceres stood on her tiptoes - trying to see what all the fuss was about.


    "Why is a card game so interesting?"


  7. "What? What did I say?" Ceres asked as he stared at her. Expression warped.  He didn't answer her. Instead Alkor downed the mug of ale then slammed it down on the table in an act of finality. His cloak clad chest rose and feel with a deep sigh of frustration.

    She had said something to set him off, hadn't she? Ceres inwardly cursed. She didn't mean that. She opened her mouth to speak aloud. "All I was trying to say was...despite everything - I actually don't mind the conversation...even if it isn't really going anywhere - but is that a bad thing?"

    His response was muttering a response about how he hadn't done anything positive for either of them. "Not everything has to be positive. If it did - then - " She was going to say more. About how Ceres believed there needed to be a balance, a form of Ying and Yang. The bad times made people appreciate the good times more. But instead- she bit her tongue. Figuring it was best to keep silent. His domineering and cold presence demanded that she kept quiet.

    'I just don't think I have anything worthwhile to offer you.'

    "You probably do..." Ceres quietly said as he stood to leave. "You just don't see it yet."

    She wasn't sure if he had heard her words or not. Instead, Alkor offered her a tentative thanks.

    "Thank you too, Alkor." Ceres said as she looked up at him with a small smile. "I hope you find whatever it is you're running to."


  8. "Broken foot? Aargh..." Ceres instinctively pulled her foot into her lap and rubbed her ankle. "I'd hate that."

    Ceres shifted slightly, crossing both her legs now that NIGHT was sitting next to her, unbeknowst to Ceres - her knee was slightly touching NIGHT's leg. Ceres, lost in her own world had been too focused looking at NIGHT's armoured body. Come to think of it, there wasn't much skin showing. "Most the times I don't mind." Ceres said as she held out her own bare arms. "I like the sensations I feel in this game - the warmth - the grass...even the loamy dirt sometimes." Ceres laughed softly. "Of course, I'd rather avoid any forms of slobber, slime, or muck."

    "Netball huh?" Ceres mused. "I was never really a sporty person. Give me a good book, a warm drink, and surround myself with thirty cats and I'm happy." Ceres snorted. "Gosh. I actually sound like a crazy cat lady when I say that, actually..." Her voice softened. "I miss that..." She shut her eyes, and after a few moments realized that NIGHT would need some sort of clarification. "I used to foster sick cats and kittens. I work from home - so I was able to look after them between business trips." Ceres grinned. "Saving their tiny little lives, it was really...heartwarming, but at the same time, so heartbreaking. Because you pour so much of your love into something, only for it to leave you."

    Ceres shook her head. It didn't matter now - thankfully she had been overseas, and returned not long after with the Nerve Gear - so hadn't been fostering anything when she logged on. IF she had Ceres probably would have been walking around with far more guilt.

    "Do you have anything planned after this?"

    Ceres turned her gaze back to NIGHT - somehow, she hadn't heard the rest of the words the other woman said. "Not really...I was thinking of just eating something. Maybe picking up some more quests tomorrow...oh - but I should probably get some armour at some point...and a better blade. I don't want to use a dagger - I think I'd prefer a sword...so I should probably do that...why do you ask?"

    Ceres pursed her lips as she thought about the reasons as to why. Did NIGHT want to help her more, or did she need help with one of her own quests? Maybe she wanted to talk to Ceres more about the information broker thing - they never really did finish that conversation. "Did you want to join me?" Ceres asked - again, oblivious to the tone and invitation of that question. To Ceres, it was a simple question of 'sure let's hang out again.'

    "Does that mean the Nepent dropped the Ovule? I didn't think to ask. I guess I was more worried about you."


  9. "Alkor...." Her tone turned soft for a moment. Why was he so defensive? Had she said something wrong? Something to upset him? Ceres stared at him with half-lidded lilac eyes, showing a mild concern for the man. He was right - though. He was a little annoying, but that was mostly her own fault. She found talking difficult. Even if he said it weren't that hard. To her it was.

    "You're not wrong." Ceres began as she traced the rim of the mug with her index finger. "I don't exactly find your presence...pleasant. But It's also like... I'm not exactly disliking it either. At least - not enough to tell you to go away. Even if I had been tempted to do so earlier but I think I've calmed down enough now to not be so rash."  Ceres shook her head. "You say talking is easy. I find it difficult. I say things all the time that are misconstrued - or out of context, they may be too forward - or too clueless. I'm terrible with it. Yet here I am, having some semblance of a conversation with a rabbit man."

    Ceres sighed as she placed her hands in her lap. "So again... I'm sorry if my questions are rude. I tend to...just ask things without fully realizing the ramifications."

  10. "You know...you speak like you've lost someone..." The comment was quiet, and completely inappropriate - but Ceres was never good with what was and wasn't appropriate. "I wonder if the people close to you - would be upset that you distance yourself like that?"

    Lilac eyes followed the waiter as he came back, bringing Alkor another ale - and without her even asking, her another hot chocolate. Ceres wasn't sure she wanted a second one. Still she picked it up and took a sip from it. Not wanting to seem rude.

    "I don't take it the wrong way - I know that reinvesting your skills is....a difficult and limited process. I want to get a feel for things before wildly throwing them around. I came here today to experience something new. I had not planned on leaving the town." Ceres pressed a cheek into her hand as she gave him a mirthful smile. "I appreciate the advice, I may seem clueless - but I'm not an idiot, as you probably think. The towns on all the floors are safe zones. If I didn't push myself to go out of my comfort zone into towns I normally would avoid...I'd never grow..." Ceres gesture toward Alkor.

    "Isn't that what you're doing now? Pushing yourself out of your comfort levels? Talking to a stranger you clearly want to chastise? I'm not a child."

  11. NIGHT came up to Ceres, concern lacing her voice - Ceres leaned into the girl to help her to her feet. "I'm just a little dizzy...I couldn't see where you where."

    She was showing such concern toward Ceres - and Ceres admired that, she really was fine, if not just a little shaken up. Literally.

    "Can you even get those in this game?" Came Ceres' response as she fell back to a seated position among the leaves that littered the forest floor, choosing to lean against a tree trunk. Ceres patted the earth beside her - offering NIGHT to join her.  "It's not a joke." Cers admitted as she turned her lilac gaze away. "I really have no clue - I know pain is just a mild zip-zap-zoop  which is more annoying than painful, but I haven't really been involved in many battles." She offered NIGHT a reassuring smile. "The worse I've experienced is having a Boar Pup bite my arm and envelop it in slimey slobber - you know the kind that's almsot chunky?"  The woman visably shivered at the recollection. It was not something she wanted to dwell on.

    "What about you?" The redhead asked - I didn't get to see your fancy footwork this time - just the bright flash of light. The way you fought reminds me of a figure skater -all those leaps an bounds. Figure skaters tend to have the blades on their feet though - not ih their hands...ah..." Ceres shook her head. Realizing she was getting off topic. "I'm fine. Are you?"

  12. "I envy you - in an odd way..." Ceres said - pausing to pick up the hot chocolate that had been placed in front of her. "Despite your prickly demeanor you seem to be doing well. You have friends." Ceres paused to take a sip of her chocolate, she drew in a long, satisfied breath. When was the last time she had anything beside water in this game? Doing those few beginner quests had allowed her to actually obtain enough Col to afford something aside from the bare necessities. "You're reaching out to others...." She set the mug back down and smiled softly as she watched the single marshmallow inside it slowly sink.

    "You remind me of an angsty rabbit - so ready to jump up and run away. But that's just a first impression. You're probably a bit of a softie on the inside."

    She picked up her cup and took another sip, setting it back down she sighed. "I don't have that sort of ability to reach out to others. I haven't been able to bring myself to yet. But - I've started questing. I'm looking into armour - and am accumulating SP..."

    Ceres laughed nervously. "Even....if I Haven't invested it into a single skill yet."

  13. "I always look lost - I think...partly due to my vacant expression - and my words. I'm...observant but often oblivious." Ceres tilted her head to the side watching him grimace, as he steeled away from her. Wow, he really wasn't that great with people. Perhaps - no - definitely -  worse than her. But at least he was trying, and he was better than her in one aspect - he actually reached out and helped others. Just like Lessa had. Ceres hoped she would find more people within Aincrad that did that.

    Her lilac eyes fell to the table. "Mmm... isn't it.... lonely?" She asked as she rose her eyes to meet him. "Do you have friends here?"

    His shoulders stiffened and his jaw clenched. It looked like Alkor was going to jump out of his seat and run away. "I guess." Came his curt reply, ever in that calm and even voice. How was he so composed yet so...erratic at the same time? What was going through his head? Ceres blinked. "Ah. Social Anxiety." The comment slipped out - she wasn't meant to accuse him of having it, or even say it out loud. If Alkor didn't say anything on the matter, Ceres would have been completely oblivious to the words that were spoken.

    Instead, she continued her point from earlier. "I always have this idea in my head - that we should be able to make it on our own. That we shouldn't rely on others. Isn't it better not to need someone that way?" A hand raised up to twirl an earring, "But after meeting someone the other day, I wonder - if that is really an acceptable way to live."

  14. Ceres was still being swing wildly around, the world passed her by in dizzying varying colours and motions - she cold barely make sense of what was what? Had NIGHT attacked? DId she miss? Is that why she was apologizing? Ceres wanted to tell her that it was fine - that she wasn't hurt. It was dizzying...and nauseating...but overall Ceres was fine.

    The Nepent Variant cackled loudly as it stopped swinging her. Ceres drew in a sharp breath - why... had it stopped?


    The world came crushing down on her hard and fast, her entire body jolted with the mild static zap that was meant to symbolize pain within Aincrad. Ceres coughed and wheezed as the air was forcably removed from her body. The Nepent Variant lifted her again, and in fear of being slammed into the ground a second time Ceres began to clamber up her own body - and only just managed to slice at its strange vine-like tail. The Nepent Variant gave a screech as it let her go.

    ....Ceres did not fall gracefully. She landed in a lump on the floor. "Urghh...." Shaken arms tried to push her body back up but the world still span around her.

    "D....Dizzy....NIGHT? W-where you?"




    CERES 174/180

    ID:#131955   BD: 6+ 1

    ID:# 131954   MOB: 8 - 1


    Nepent Variant is a Quest Boss and has the following statistics:

    HP: 15
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10
    LD of 12 or higher for <Nepents Ovule>

  15. Ceres blinked, as usual, completely oblivious as to what her own actions were doing to others around her. "Did you want to abandon the quest and rest?" She asked- as much as Ceres didn't like leaving things half finished - if the heavy hitter in the party was having issues then it wouldn't be right to push her past what she was comfortable with, and if Ceres were being honest -NIGHT looked very uncomfortable. "Well, hey - at least I'm good for getting rid of a little dirt then, eh?" Ceres offered to try and cheer up NIGHT.

    It was then, that the other woman tried to calm herself down with some deep breaths - Ceres could relate, she often did the same thing when she felt frustrated, anxious, or nervous. So Ceres took a half step back and patiently waited, lilac eyes staring at NIGHT as she rubbed her hand against her forehead. NIGHT started talking, mumbling at first - and it was difficult to hear - so Ceres had to step in close again - What would she say that I would take offense to?  Ceres was confused, and it showed on her face. Her brows knitted together and her lips pursed. Finally - NIGHT said what she had been trying to say.

    "Huh? Gay? That's it?" Ceres asked incredulously. There was a brief moment of silence before Ceres realized how that may have sounded. "I mean - it's not a big deal. Err...." She glanced away. She really didn't know how to talk to others, did she? "It's not a big deal to me, I mean. I personally never really saw gender as an issue. It doesn't matter what someone identifies themselves as - If I like them. I like them because they make me smile, or feel warmth in my chest."  Ceres hoped that answer helped because it was probably the best one she could give NIGHT. "You being gay doesn't change anything." Ceres added as she reached out to give NIGHT a reassuring squeeze on her shoulder.

    It was then - NIGHT blurted out that Ceres had been incredibly forward. "Wait...what?" Ceres looked dumbfounded. She had? When? Her eyes shifted from NIGHT to her hand then back to NIGHT, then back to her hand...that was resting on her shoulder. "Oh....OH..." Ceres pulled away. "I didn't realize."

    a deep hue of pink began to heat up Ceres' cheeks. She didn't think she had been flirting, hell - she had only just met the other woman. "I'm sorry I didn't - when did I....uhmmm...." She tried to think of any time where it may have seemed like she was flirting with the other woman but Ceres was oblivious, and the only thing that came to mind - was calling their trip to the 17th floor a date.

    NIGHT seemed to be struggling though, Ceres had never really had an issue with being 'out' because she had only ever dated the one person - and that was in her young teenage years and lasted all of a week. Anything beyond that had been flings. But she knew the struggles that people faced with it, the prejudice, the hate, and the bullying. 

    "Hey..." Ceres began, her voice calm. "It's ok. Really." Ceres reached out again, a little more tentative this time - because now she was aware of her actions and didn't want to hurt NIGHT or lead her on, and placed a hand on either one of her shoulders. "Just close your eyes and take a few more deep breaths. There's no need to lower your head like that."

    Ceres waited then, when she felt NIGHT had enough time to calm herself down she spoke softly. "Don't apologize when it comes to matters of the heart. I'm sorry if I lead you on - I'm not good with social interaction - and we have just met - but you're a pretty woman, and I'd be ok if we got to know each other a little better. But I want to let you know that I will make mistakes - and if I say or do things that are forward - then please tell me because I won't understand otherwise. Is that ok?"

    NIGHT wouldn't have time to answer;

    KekEKKEK KKEkkekek KEKEKKEkekek Kke kKEkeKEKEkeke

    The sudden sound jolted Ceres. A Nepent - bigger than the last burst through the trees. This one had a slight variation - a single red flower bloomed on its head. It must have been the boss one that spawned. Ceres expected it to come sooner. It was probably a good thing that it hadn't - it gave NIGHT time to calm down.

    The creature scuttled toward the two players as it continued its maddened laugh.

    way to ruin a moment for someone

    Ceres thought - she grabbed her dagger - forgetting that there was someone there that could probably completely decimate it and charged at the creature. But her attack failed - The Nepent instead wrapped its tail around Ceres and pulled her high off the ground. "W-whaaaat?" Ceres cried out as she was hung upside down. Thankful she was wearing loose pants rather than a dress or skirt. "PUT ME DOWN YOU ASSHAT!"

    Instead of putting her down, the Nepent Varient began to shake Ceres wildly to and fro.





    CERES 178/180

    ID:#131949   BD:  1

    ID:# 131948   MOB: 5 - 1


    Nepent Variant is a Quest Boss and has the following statistics:

    HP: 15
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10
    LD of 12 or higher for <Nepents Ovule>

  16. Ceres acted without thinking - she didn't think that it might have hurt or insulted NIGHT - being pushed to the ground. She didn't think about what other kinds of attacks the Nepents would have when she got close - she didn't think about the sheer level in difference the two had. NIGHT did say she could carry her own, and that this quest would have been easy - that Ceres could rely on her...but watching NIGHT battle - it was something different

    The other Nepents tried to lash out at her - but NIGHT easily dodged them, pivoting on the back of her heel - sliding under another - then throwing herself in the air to avoid the final one. It reminded Ceres of...figure skating, or gymnastics - but instead of ribbons and ice it was vines, dirt, and creepy cackling Nepents.

    All Ceres could do was stand there, stupefied as she watched. NIGHT was graceful, and held herself with the poise and confidence of an experienced fighter. It made Ceres feel kind of....silly for being here in the first place. Why did NIGHT ask her to come along in the first place when she didn't need any of the help? Was it really just to help Ceres? The redhead assumed that maybe NIGHT wanted some sort of aid or company.


    What use was Ceres in this situation?

    With a flash of strokes that formed a cross - the entire set of Nepents had been decimated. All that remained was dirt rising from the floor, and a panting NIGHT standing where they once were.

    Hold up.


    "Hold up!" Ceres cried out as NIGHT called back, completely unharmed. "You just...completely....all of them at once?"  Ceres thought they'd be in for a long battle against these creatures - followed by another long battle with the Varient - the boss that was supposed to spawn soon after.  But this? The shaky way NIGHT placed the blade back into her sheath did not go unnoticed, nor did the tone of voice, and the stutter.  Was it adrenaline?

    Ceres quickly broached the gap between them, "That was insane! What was that? A sword art." She began as she reached out and started to brush the dirt off the other woman. "I really feel useless now - I guess all we can do is hope the big one is taken down that easily but..." Ceres paused as she gave NIGHT a concerned look.

    "Are you ok? You're shaking like a leaf."


  17. -She is this oblivious-

    Ceres smiled.  "You know...I'm relieved to hear that I am not the only one that likes to people watch. I find it helps me understand others a little better. I sometimes like to give them stories too. Make up  entire plots in my head, I studied Journalistic writing and I feel like it helps my creative process when I work."  Ceres watched as NIGHT rubbed the back of her neck. "Hmm?" Was she worried? Nervous. "Don't be ashamed - a part of watching others, or sitting silently is so we can get lost in our own thoughts. It's important that we are able to reflect on things like that...and these days not many people take the time to do that." Ceres gave NIGHT a smile. "I think it's healthy that you do, and hey - you even go for runs here. You're probably one of the more self-aware and fit people I've met here." Ceres averted her gaze. "Err, not that I've really met that many people...you'd be the third."

    Why did she admit that? Why did she so willingly be like 'Oh hey nice new person, guess what I'm socially inept and after two years in this game I've met a total of three people! Isn't that absolutely amazing? Wait - that makes me a shut in? Well sh*t

    Ceres' thoughts would have continued along that line, self depreciating, if it weren't for the fact that NIGHT bought her hand up to her face. Ceres furrowed her brows in confusion at this. Had either of the two said something that was embarrassing or inapropriate? Ceres couldn't think of anything. Then came the stuttering. "Are you ok? Did I say something to embarrass you?" She rose a finger to her lips and spoke with a thoughtful tone. "No... I probably said something wrong, If I did I-"

    Their conversation was interrupted as 4 Nepents came bursting through the trees, each one cackling as they toppled over the smaller shrubbery, snapping twigs and branches as they neared the two women.

    image.png.8a8342538eae1dd26a674bf9c3b256ee.png"What?" Ceres recoiled, bumping into NIGHT as four strange plantlike creatures emerged from the forest. Four?  At ONCE!?  Up until now Ceres never had to worry about battling any more than one mob at a time, and now - there were four of them towering over the two girls. Beaming at them with wide, red glossy lips. Each scuttled forward on slimy tendril like tentacles that protruded from their base, and from behind them it appeared that they had a vine-like tail which whipped back and forward in a rhythmic pattern. Like a metronome.

    "These things...look really gross." Ceres commented as she turned her eyes away from them. "Why do they have lips!?" She questioned NIGHT.  "And why are those lips upside down?"  Ceres forced herself to look back at the creatures, what would their attacks be? If the two girls stayed far enough back - they'd use their tail vine things, right?

    Ceres pulled out her small dagger, and inwardly cursed. She promised herself that she was going to get a sword or something to replace it...but she had completely forgotten. That was okay...these things were much smaller than the giant Cave Guardian - and their..flesh? Their plant membranes? Whatever they were made of... was much softer than hard rock.

    The nearest Nepents tail stopped its rhythmic motion and coiled up - Ceres's eyes widened. That was a sign that It'd attack. The Nepents vine lashed up and out toward them.  "MOVE!" Ceres hissed as she literally threw her wait on top of NIGHT, sending them both to the floor - Ceres pushed herself up - hands either side of the other girl, NIGHT would be lying beneath her - looking shocked. "I uh- sorry I just-" Ceres wasn't able to apologize properly before being interrupted by the second Nepent, it must have struck her in the back with another vine attack- she hadn't seen it but felt it. Her body shook as that strange tingling sensation tickled the mid of her back.

    Ceres rolled off of NIGHT and tightened the hold she had on her dagger - charging for the first one. She jammed its old, rusted blade into one of the slimy tendrils it used to walk. "Kekekekkekkekeeeee" The Nepent cried out in pain as the words 'Critical Hit' appeared above its head.


    CERES 178/180

    ID:#131929   BD: 10 + 1

    NIGHT 440/440
    ID:#   BD:

    NEPENT #1:   3/7
    ID:# 131927   MOB: 5 - 1

    NEPENT #2:   7/7
    ID:#131928   MOB:7-1

    NEPENT #3:  7/7
    ID:#   MOB:

    NEPENT #4:  7/7
    ID:#   MOB:


    HP: 7
    Mitigation: 0
    Damage: 3

  18. Ceres gave NIGHT a proud smile, when the other woman told her she hit the nail on the head. "I may sound a little..absentminded - and admittedly - I am. But I'm quite observant. I just notice things others seem to miss - but that often gets me in strife, I catch myself staring at others without meaning to. I think..." Ceres paused. "I think...I've just always enjoyed observing people more than I have talking to them."  Did that sound...weird? Ceres furrowed her brows, if someone told her that all they did was stare at others, she'd think they were a loon.

    There was...stuff like that on higher floors? "Floor 17 you say? Ah...that sounds nice but - I haven't ever ventured past the third floor. Even then I was only ever in the town. I didn't go outside the safe zone. When I'm ready I wouldn't mind going there - when I'm a little stronger let's go together." Ceres grinned. "It'll be a date, right?" 

    Ceres, was oblivious to the tone of her words, the inflection that they carried. What she said reigned true. She was observant - but she wasn't practical in applying those things in social situations, it usually ended up with her commenting on how someone acted or looked, without thinking of what the other would think, or how her comments could be perceived.

    NIGHTS enthusiasm didn't put Ceres off - it was actually relieving, knowing someone who was strong enough was so willing and eager to help her.

    "No...not really - I'm just indecisive. I don't know what I want to do just yet.." Ceres reached up and started to twirl one of her long earrings. Her pink lips pursed. "Mmm....most of the skills...they are all for fighting, but I am not interested in that. I want to be able to do things like - collecting stuff. There are plenty of ways to do this game right? So why not do a collection build where I can seek, search, and loot all the things." Ceres turned her lilac eyes to NIGHT. "I think, I'd like to be an information broker."

    She stepped forward and lightly pressed her index finger to the tip of NIGHTs nose. "If I ever find anything useful, I'll give you a freebie. For helping me today." Ceres smiled with the slightest tilt of her head,  "And being so kind." She stepped past NIGHT, grabbing the other girls hand along the way.

    "Well, shall we go fight some of these Nepent things then?"


  19. Ceres listened as NIGHT spoke, talking about how the characters she wanted to put into the Nerve Gear wouldn't exactly work. This conversation...was nice. It didn't feel tense or forced like her previous conversations with others. Maybe it was because they were walking side by side during a sunny day, or it was the gentle breeze that carried away her worries. No matter the reason, Ceres couldn't help but smile.  "Japanese names are usually made up of two or three different Kanji - right? Did yours create the meaning of night Sky?" Ceres asked.

    The two had shifted away from the town of beginnings, walking together - side by side toward the forest. It was a pleasant day - and the pace was casual. It seemed that the two were in no real rush.

    "I minored in Classical studies -and for it I specialized in Greek Mythology. I really liked their lore - and how all their gods and goddesses were just as infallible as humans, if not more. They're portrayed as individuals with many faults rather than beings to be revered. I would have gone with Persephone...as she was always my favorite - but it wouldn't accept that name, maybe it was taken?  Demeter was also taken...So I picked Ceres, she is the Roman goddess of agriculture. So....its the Roman equivalent. I know they aren't exactly the same thing but..." She trailed off. Come to think of it.. the explanation made very little sense.

    "It's...just a name I like I guess..."

    Ceres checked the map - so they were heading into the forest to fight Nepents...and apparently they were gruesome. "Wow..." Ceres mused. "It looks like this quest could be quite bothersome if it doesn't drop what we need... I suppose... this is a bad time to mention I haven't invested anything into skills yet."

    Ceres paused in her stead just as they neared the treeline into the forest. She hugged her arm. Feeling uncertain. "I should have mentioned something about that earlier. I'm sorry.


  20. Ceres bit her tongue, doing her best not to snap at him as he quite literally shouted at her - Ceres didn't cower away - but she was visibly shaken at his words. The man turned to leave and she was tempted to let sleeping does lie. still.


    He paused.

    'I'm Ceres. What's you name?" She asked as she gestured to the set in front of her. Ceres had to extend an olive branch of some sort, if he accepted - then she'd try to make amends and if he didn't - then she wouldn't waste her time nor energy persuing him.

    He watched her as she offered him a seat at the table. His eyes hardened on the chair, as if he was uncertain of how to proceed,  If looks could kill that chair would be dead. "Alkor," he said finally. Hardly an eloquent introduction, but their meeting was hardly any kind of eloquent.

    When he resolved to accept the offer, he pulled the chair out and set himself across from her. He glanced up at her, like a child awaiting instruction.

    "I'm not good...with people." Ceres began as she lifted a hand to twiddle one of the long tasseled earrings she wore. "I don't...appreciate being yelled at but, I guess I deserved it. You approached me first asking if I needed help and..." Ceres drew a long breath and raised her shoulders - feeling tense. This was hard. "If...I'm being brutally honest - you're the...second person I've ever spoken to since we got trapped here. So when you approached me I inwardly panicked. And you just... you really look like you don't want to deal with people."  There was a small pause. "I can relate to that. Maybe that's why I was a little jumpy. We both made accusations we shouldn't have. I don't know you. Nor you me."

    Their conversation was interrupted as an NPC waiter came up to them, "Greetings to the lovely young couple. Anything I can get you?"

    Ceres turned her eyes to the man. He looked kindly. Balding white hair and a bushy mustache that covered the upper half of his lip. He wore a white shirt, black pants - and a dirtied apron. He wore a name-tag  'Tom'  "Oh...Tom? Just a hot cocoa please. With extra whipped cream and uhm...." She gestured a sprinkling action with her hands - and uhm - those little crushed cherries on top."

    The waiter, Tom - nodded then turned to Alkor. "And you?"


  21. The trek to the lake took very little time - keeping an eye on her map meant Ceres could avoid any roaming boars. If she never saw another boar again, it’d be too soon. Way too soon. Hell, she’d rather fight two crystal cave guardians at once than another Boar Pup.

    “Let’s see…” She mused to herself as the lake came into view on the horizon. “Hannah said he would be out fishing...and this wrapped package… is long and slender - no doubt it’s a pole.”

    That meant...that she’d probably have to go fishing with him - yet another introduction to another profession. Ceres decided if she were to ever pick a profession - it would be none of these. Even if it were purely out of spite.

    Ceres arrived at the lakes edge. It was large - its expanse reaching just beyond the horizon. “Oh...whoa….” Ceres said exasperated She knew it was big, but...taht was a little bit of an understatement.  So...here was the lake, but where was Ol’ Pete?

  22. "I'm Ceres, by the way."  The woman introduced herself with a faint smile, often she forgot to introduce herself - and wanted to make it a habit to do that first before she started asking questions or making observations.

    "That's...kind of you." Ceres said as the woman mentioned she was just looking out for newer players, helping them on their quests. A brief look of distaste crossed Ceres' features when she thought of Alkor - and how cruel he ha been to her when she attempted to see something new, just once. The redhead shook the sour thought from her head as she brushed strands of her own hair back behind her ears. "Not everyone is as outgoing as that but...I must warn you, I'm not very good with people - you'd be the first person I'm venturing out with."

    Ceres opened up her menu...glancing through the options. "Let me....see...if we were doing a quest together...I would need to send you a party invite, right?" Ceres found the option and sent it to the other player - now seeing her name. "Ah. So you chose to be called NIGHT?" She tilted her head to the side - eyes drifting up and down the other womans form with a half lidded gaze. "That makes sense - you look like the night sky."

    Ceres pressed send on the party invite. "Midnight hair and eyes like stars, I mean." Ceres said as she tried to clarify her words. She wasn't sure why the other woman seemed...flustered was it?

    "Are you alright? Your face is still red."


  23. This man...was so harsh, Ceres wouldn't be surprised if he had no friends at all. She guessed that may have been the only thing they had in common. Two friendless fools just wandering around the digital world. The greatest difference, is that he clearly had purpose - a will, and a strong urge to fight.

    "You're right..." Ceres mumbled. "It's...all I've been doing...living in an Inn - barely venturing into the wilds. I was content. Content with being alone and isolated for such a long time but-"  She stopped talking. This man clearly was not interested. He didn't need to hear how another woman inspired her to be more, or that she looked up Lessa. He didn't need to hear her own ambitions or goals.

    Even if she did tell him... The man pegged her as the type who wouldn't really listen. He was far too set in his own ways - his limited point of view.  "You don't want to hear it, I'm sure." Why did he bother to approach her in the first place if he was just going to be a di*k about it? Ceres turned her back to him. It was freezing out here and she wanted to feel the warmth of a fire - and enjoy the taste of a hot chocolate as she watched the snow fall outside. That had been her original plan.

    "You're full of assumptions and accusations." Ceres said as she turned to enter the 'Long Barrow'  "You judge someone harshly without understanding them. Or even trying to." Her palm rested upon the wooden door. "She did warn me - and I am getting stronger equipment made. I may not be a frontliner - or a fighter - but there's more to this place than battles and death. One day you might actually open your eyes and see that. Something could be right in front of you - and you'd miss it because of your stone cold ideals."

    Ceres opened the door and headed into the tavern - moving toward a free table by the window. She gave a heavy sigh as she glanced out, still seeing his shadowed figure. "Didn't even ask my name." She muttered. "I suppose I never gave him mine either."


  24. "You can actually have some tact you know?" Came Ceres reply, she didn't appreciate his attitude. Still - it slipped from her mouth and when she realized what she said she covered it  and shifted her gaze away. She wasn't good with people, but it didn't mean she had to be rude to the man. "Sorry... but - you don't have to be so rude." Ceres fiddled with her fingers, she knew...it was a constant reminder of why she was alone - why she didn't want to get too close to people.

    "I know. I know I can die in here. We all know this, everyone here barely manages to live each day with that terrifying knowledge looming over their heads. It's why I haven't really left the settlements. It's why I don't talk to people. This is my first time above floor 3...I guess..." Ceres sighed as she finally pulled her hood down and away so she could stare up at the man with doe-eyed lilac orbs. "I may not want to fight...but I'm not weak. I'm over level 10 - and I have...I have..." She trailed off. What else did she have?


    The answer was nothing.

    "The only reason I was even here was because of Lessa..." Ceres mumbled as she went to pull the hood back over her head. "This was a stupid idea."


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