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Posts posted by Ceres

  1. All the redhead could do was smile sweetly as the bickered amongst themselves. Something about getting a cold? "You should rug up with some nice hot tea with a big scoop of honey." She suggested. "And as for bad dreams - at least they're over now." Ceres laughed softly. "Now you're here with me, but maybe that could be a nightmare for some people."

    Ceres picked up the first item, the weapon.

    Her brows furrowed, "Hmm....wow...Look at this." She pointed to the blade, and in a small flash of light, it transformed to a curved sword. The handle was a dark blue and the handle, a light blue, as striking as ice. "How interesting..." She tilted it to and fro in her hands. "This weapon induces bleed, and damage. I hear bleed can be pretty strong! How lucky." She placed it to the side.

    "Let's see...What's next..."

    1 x [T1] [Rare] Weapon (ID# 133063)
    Slot 1 ID#133107   LD: 13- Bleed
    Sot 2  ID#133108   LD: 17 - Damage
    ITEM: Rare T1 Curved Sword +1 Bleed | +1 Damage
    PAID: 640 Col to Banker - Identification Fees

    Ceres grabbed the first consumable and twirled it in her fingers.  "Ooh, this one is easy! It's a damage potion. It will give you two base damage, but best use it before you start your battles." Ceres said as she grabbed a small rose-red ribbon and tired it around the bottle, then placed it to the side.

    1 x [T1]  [Rare Consumable]  (ID#133063)
    Identification Roll ID #133109  LD: 7 - Damage
    Item: Rare Damage Potion T1 - +2 Damage

    Ceres picked up the last item, another consumable. Ceres gave the small vial a shake."Ok and this final one is...ooh an accuracy potion. Man I could have really used some of these when I first started questing, I spent a few good hours fighting a swordfish once, I kept missing it..."  Ceres laughed awkwardly as she started to tie the same trademark ribbon around the second potion.  Right! I believe that is everything! Thanks for coming back, I really appreciate it you know...."  Ceres gave them all a wide smile. ."I'd be happy to help out with anything in the future too! Hopefully with a nice fast turnaround!"  She gave them a wink. "Gotta keep my customers happy!"

    	1 x [T1] Rare Consumable (ID# 133063)
    Identification roll ID# 133110 Loot Dice: 12
    Item: Rare Accuracy Potion T1: +2 Accuracy


  2. Ceres mumbled, she really didn't like how Mari had snapped at her. She was only trying to help. Didn't the other woman see that this was unhealthy? That caring about someone like that wasn't good for her? Just what on earth went on in this womans life to be so...hmmm what was the word? Co-dependant? yeh. That.

    Ceres read NIGHTs note and nodded once to note that yes, she got the message. That perhaps maybe, just maybe she shouldn't have yelled at the other woman and insulted the guy she had some bad obsession with. Ceres crossed her arms with a small huff, blowing strands of red out of her face. "I'm just saying..." She mumbled. "That I think it's important that you understand that even if he didn't mean to hurt you. It's still a crappy thing to do to someone. Shoving all the blame on yourself is just stupid and unhealthy." Ceres said with a small shrug.

    She turned to NIGHT  and offered her a reassuring smile followed by a light tap on the other girls knee to say 'hey, I'm ok now!'

    Ceres turned to Mari when NIGHT asked those questions. "OH...yeh, you could probably order from stores if you had the owners contact information right?" Ceres asked.  "Like, you did htat with NIGHT. Do people help you that easily or do you have issues?"

  3. "Oh Hey!" Ceres said with a grin when she saw a familiar group of people enter her store, rubbing their hands together from the cold. The group was a little more quiet this time than they were last time, had something happened? Ceres tilted her head slightly as each one of them gave her a nod of acknowledgement. Gosh...Ceres hoped that they were ok.

    Ceres smiled sweetly at Tsurei as he approached the counter with a few items for identification. Ceres did her best to reel in her excitement, she hadn't gotten many of these and was really looking forward to doing more."Oh I can do all of these today!" Ceres said as she picked up one of them, noting it was a rare weapon. The other two were consumables. Great. This should work out nicely for him.

    "That would be 350 Col for the Weapon and 360 for the two consumables. I'll bump 10 Col off so its a nice and even 700 Col! If you're happy with that make the transfer and I'll get started right away!"


  4. The group was so...gosh, Ceres wasn't sure how to explain it. Lovely? Lively? Yes. Lively. It was really refreshing to see people interact with each other in normal and friendly ways. "You're very welcome." Ceres said to Takumi. She didn't mind the comments about him showing more gratitude. She really was just happy to help, and what would she use them for? As a merchant she had no real use for them, so if she could offer them for newer players to craft things with then by all means she would.

    In the future, Ceres wanted to get higher tiered materials - and offer them so that those professions wouldn't need to go out hunting or gathering. She'd do that on her own. Let others have more time to grow their strength to fight. She'd help in her own way.

    "I understand that..." Ceres said with a small bow in return. Her hand over her heart. "I've...been laying around for the last few years myself - I thought...if others are risking their lives on the frontlines, why should I but..." She offered Rei a understanding smile. "Don't call yourselves weeds - everyone here is useful. You have no idea how impactful your life is. It's important and you're not useless."

    Ceres gave them a final wave.

    "I hope to see you again soon!"

    -Sent 15 Materials to Tsurei
    -Sent 1 X Glowstone to Tsurei
    -Sent 200 Col to Bank of Aincrad

  5. "You seem like you are all really close..." Ceres mused as she watched them interact. "I like that..." She offered them a smile filled with warmth. "It may sound silly... but it makes me feel a little fuzzy inside to see. Because so many people around here can be angry or mad - or sad...and sometimes we forget to enjoy those little things."

    Ceres shook her head, shaking the ornate flower pin placed in her head to and fro. "Ah sorry, I am rambling. Ok so the new pricing 250 for the glowstone and 10 materials at 50 Col each? That would be 750 Col. Oh..." Ceres leaned forward on the counter, offering Takumi a wink. "And I'll throw in an extra five for free. No insidious reason - I just like helping others."


  6. Just as Noctua had left, three others had come in. Ceres blinked, surprised. "A..ah..."  Ceres gave them a wider grin.   "Y-Yeh... Information Broker! I've been learning about quests, and spawns - even Pkers! I'm happy to share information with you..."  Her eyes shifted from one to the other.  Y-Yeh. "All of you! And you just donate some extra col! I don't think information should be hoarded by the rich. Now..."

    Ceres pulled out a stone from beneath the counters glass display case.   Now..."A Glowstone is 250 Col...if you want the Immolation potion too I can take 20 col off that. I know its not much but it's the best I can do right now! " counters  The redhead twiddled her fingers, feeling a little overwhelmed by all of them. But that wouldn't stop her from doing her best.

    "So, for just the Glowstone - 250 Col.  But if you want both that would be a total of 630 Col. Once payment is made to me, the items are all yours! Is there anything else I can help you with today?"


  7. Ceres beamed at Noctua as she came into the store - "Ah! Sorry it took a little longer than I thought but here you go." Ceres pulled the potions out from underneath the bench and handed them to Noctua. "One Damage Potion and one Mitigation Potion." She pointed to the little ribbon tied around the bottle. "Look! I even tied a ribbon around it. Cute right, it matches you!"

    Her lilac eyes lit up as Noctua told her she'd tell her fiance to come here. "Gosh, really? That'd be great!" Ceres said as she waved goodbye to Noctua. See? It really helped to be kind to your customers, now she would tell her fiance to come here, and maybe they'd tell someone else!

    "Thanks again!" Ceres said with a wave. "Gosh...that worked out so well. I'm glad I picked Merchant as a profession."


  8. Ceres had just messaged Noctua to let her know that her order was ready for pickup. Things were going...well...far better than Ceres would have thought. Her shop had been open for little more than a day and she had already managed to procure so much, and do so much with others. Ceres ran a hand over the smooth workbench, a soft smile on her lips. "This...is nice..." She mused softly to herself. Then - an unexpected message came through.


    It was an order, and not a small one either - from Mari. Ceres had met her once, she was a PKer who seemed to have a short fuse. A part of Ceres wanted to deny the order - why should she supply a Pker with items? But still...business shouldn't discriminate.  And Mari didn't seem that bad.

    Okay! So you wanted the following, and these are my prices.
    2 X Teleportation Crystals - 1800 Col
    3 x Immolation Potions +1 -  1980 Col
    2 X Field Rations +1 - 1320
    1 x Dimensional Backpack - 5,500
    Total:  10,600
    Once payment is made I'll send over the items~
    Thank you if you have any friends who can't make it in town pass on my information to them.

    Ceres had only just finished sending the reply. Almost instantly Mari had responded. Ceres had to wonder just what was this woman doing with her life to be able to respond that quickly. And wow, she was short in her messages. If Ceres didn't know any better she'd assume Mari was being on purposefully rude - but after having met the woman Ceres just had to assume this was how she was. No nonsense business when it came to stuff like this. At least no one could misinterpret her messages.

    Thank you.
    Payment has been sent. I don't know any other PKers.


    Well...that was that. Ceres had sent over the items, and received the col from Mari. Now all she needed to do was pay back the Bank of Aincrad for her orders. She shifted behind the counter and pulled out her book, crunching the numbers. A few of the items she had already pre-bought. So now she just had to pay the amount owing on the others, and keep the profits.
    Ceres chewed her lip. The profits...weren't that great - but that's why her junkage split was more in her favour.  Ceres leaned over the counter. Head on the wooden bench. "UGhh...Business numbers..."



    Sent to Mari: 2 X Teleportation Crystals | 3 x Immolation Potions +1  |  2 X Field Rations +1 | 1 x Dimensional Backpack
    Paid to Bank of Aincrad: 8,800
  9. Name: Ceres
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 1
    Item Type: Consumable
    Roll Id:  #132982
    LD:  10

    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Damage
    Description: A simple clear potion, around the cork a cute rose-red coloured ribbon has been delicately tied into a bow.
    Post Link

    Name: Ceres
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 2
    Item Type: Consumable
    Roll Id:  #132984
    LD:  10

    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Mitigation
    Description: A simple clear potion, around the cork a cute rose-red coloured ribbon has been delicately tied into a bow.

    Post Link

  10. "And this one is....oooh Mitigation. That sounds good...one damage and one mitigation - guess they'd go hand in hand." Ceres wanted to make a name for herself, and part of that was branding - she had read that book... 'Primal Branding' and it's all about creating a visual experience. That - for her - were the small touches, like tying the rose-red ribbon around the stem of each potion.

    "Ah!" Ceres blinked when the notification popped up. Just like that...just like that she had managed to gain an entire rank! Now - she was Rank 2. "That makes me a....pfft..." Ceres snorted. "A salesperson? I mean - I already am that but ok. That works too!" Ceres grinned as she gave the clear potion a light kiss. "Noctua you beautiful woman, you just helped me grow."

    Ceres picked up the second potion, and placed them both underneath the counter, safely on display in the glass case. "Right... Let's have a look at my stock options now I'm a rank higher."


    Uncommon T1 Consumable Obtained (ID: 127831)
    IDentified ID#132984   LD:10 -Mitigation
    -Sent 80 Col to Banker

  11. Right! This was her first ever Evaluation. Ceres did a small dance on the floor, trying to contain her excitement. Part of her wished she had opened up her shop earlier - that way she'd be able to experience this again, but hey - better late than never. The redhead picked up the first of the two consumables Noctua had dropped off. She peered inside its strange glassy surface.

    "Hmm....Oh, it's a Damage potion! Gosh.... I should think about getting these." Ceres said as she carefully wrapped a rose-red ribbon around the bottle. Sure, it seemed like a silly thing to do. But the woman thought it was the little touches that mattered. Ceres carefully put the potion down, and shifted to the next one. "Right! Just one more."

    Uncommon T1 Consumable Obtained (ID: 127779)
    Identified: ID# 132982  LD: 10 - Damage
    -Sent 80 Col to Banker


    Rare T1 Weapon (ID: 127831)
    Rare T1 Weapon (ID: 127288)
    Rare T1 Trinket (ID: 129888)
    Rare T1 Trinket (ID: 129904)
    Rare T1 Trinket (ID: 129777)
    Rare T1 Trinket (ID: 129861)

    6 Rare T1 items at 200 each
    -1200 Col for Ceres thank you <3

  13. "That's..actually a bit of a relief, I'd be a little nervous with someone watching- and wow your hands are so silky soft." Ceres said as she let go of Noctua's hand before quickly adding "Although I'd be supper happy to have any sort of company. Here, let me just write this down.."

    Ceres' brows furrowed in concentration as she wrote the information for Noctua in her book. Ceres dropped the quill into the inkpot. "There!" She said triumphantly. "And...." There was a pause as she breezed through her HUD, bringing up the menu to send Noctua the required Col. "Aaannnd here is the Col up front for you! Thank you so much. I really appreciate this. I'm having loads of fun...and I'm already meeting new people."

    Ceres closed the book and tapped it on the wooden bench top to even out the pages. "I'll let you know as soon as the evaluations are complete, although they shouldn't be too long! Oh and please do tell your friends I'm always floating around here and offer quick services!" Ceres gave an awkward laugh as she scratched the bag of her head. "I...kinda put all my SP into searching and looting - so this is my main source of income since I can't really fight mobs for Col...ahh.. look I'm rambling...I'll see you again really soon! Oh and Thank you Again!"


    	200 Col sent to Noctua


  14. Ceres' eyes lit up in sheer delight. "AH!" She picked up the two consumables. "Ohh! These will be fairly easy, that would be 100 col each - so total 200 col for them!" Ceres carefully put each one to the side. "I will get to them in just a moment - you can watch if you want! Or you can come back later when I am done...ah...." Ceres clasped her hands together apologetically. "But for those I do need the payment up front! Since I also need to pay the system to have a successful evaluation..." Ceres laughed softly as she shook her head. "Quite the bother, but hey - I'm already loving this profession so far!"

    Ceres pulled up the sack of items ready to be junked. "Hmm... let me see...6 Tier one items, these are all weapons or trinkets..." Ceres picked up one of them and twirled it in her hand. It was amazing...how easily she could see all the information, it made the woman feel a little giddy. "Ok! So these are all Tier 1 items...at a 30% rate you'd normally get 360 Col but since you're my first evaluation customer I'll bump that up to 400!"

    The rose-redheaded woman pulled out her book and started taking notes... "Ok....that 400 Col, taking away the 200 Col for the Evaluations...in the end...I'd end up giving you 200 in return for the scraps...and we'd call that even." Ceres snorted. "I guess that cancels out you paying in advance doesn't it?"

    Ceres realized that she was getting a little ahead of herself, lilac eyes blinked a few times before she extended her hand - "Oh, I'm Ceres. Lovely to meet you! Did anyone ever tell you you have eyes that look like sparkly emeralds? Oh uh, so does that all sound fine to you Miss...."


  15. "Good! Good!"  Ceres opened up her HUD and pulled out 2,000 col. It appeared as a small satchel with a neat ribbon tied around it to keep it closed. The ribbon was a strikingly similar colour to her rose-red hair. "Here." Ceres said with a bigger smile. "It's the best I can do, besides - again you're sorta my first customer and best friend."

    Ceres turned on her heel and with a merry skip to her step she slid along the wooden floor and shifted back behind her counter. "I'm updating the changes now... 30% to the players is viable for me right now, any lower and I'd struggle to maintain my own stock. Unlike adventurers and the like, I don't have the ability to defeat mobs to amass large amounts of Col. For me, this is the best way to do it."

    Ceres tapped the nub of the quill absently against the book as she finished. "Honestly...I think this should work out - intel around the place shows that not a lot of shops are active at the moment...I wonder if that is because the frontlines are at a standstill..." Ceres added thoughtfully.

    Her lilac eyes, filled with a radiant warmth landed back on NIGHT. "Either way. I'll be looking forward to seeing you in here more often, NIGHT!"

    -Transferred 2,000 Col to NIGHT

  16. Ceres crossed her arms over her chest as she listened to Mari list off the people she killed, a little too casually. She was short with her answers, and Ceres wasn't sure she was completely satisfied with that, but didn't want to push things so soon. "So...all but two of them...you felt like they deserved it?" She tilted her head to the side, her usual cheery demeanor replaced with a serious tone. "Do you think that justifies your actions?"

    Mari shook her head in response. "No...I don't...honestly - I don't know about anyone else in this game - but I plan on telling the authorities what I have one when we finally leave. I doubt they could do much - if anything. But it is only right." Said Mari.

    Ceres blinked in shock. "W-wait...What?" Was Mari lying? Why would she willingly turn herself in like that. "Y-You know they can't prove anything here. You'd be able to walk off, completely free."

    Again, Mari shook her head. "No, Ceres. Because those lives will still weight heavy on me for the rest of my life."

    Ceres fidgeted. She wasn't sure how to handle this information. She was expecting the woman to talk candidly about her kills, but she kept it very short and to the point. She wasn't sure if Mari was trying to hide something or just didn't want to talk about it. She sounded like she had remorse, but how could Ceres trust those words? Lilac eyes shifted to NIGHT - begging her for help. And that help came - as NIGHT asked Mari what was wrong, and the conversation shifted away from death.

    "Wait...A lie? Who lied to you? Was it that dark broody guy at the festival?"

    Curiosity got the better of her, and Ceres became distracted. She put down the notepad and pushed it just out of her reach. "I agree with NIGHT. It's important to talk about your feelings, bottling them up only makes you snap. And you're obviously upset. Did you want us to find him? I bet we'd both punch him, right NIGHT?" Ceres asked her friend as she turned to look at her.

  17. Ceres tapped her lips. "Oh...you think? Ah yeh....maybe I should give the players more profit? I'm trying to keep my evaluations fairly low - but maybe I should rethink my prices..." Ceres started to flip the pages of her book. "I did have a look at some other places...one place I think had a good 90% going toward the player...and I would love to do that...but I also need to fund my own general goods purchases...and the turnaround would be quicker if I had a slightly higher cut....argh...." Ceres leaned on the counter, one hand tangled up in her big, poofy hair (it's so big because it's full of secrets)   "Maybe if I did a 70 merchant...30 player split?"  Ceres began to second guess herself, and for a moment she forgot NIGHT was there."Am...I being greedy without realizing it...? Oh man....but those business courses...how am I meant to compete with that///"

    She started to scribble down various numbers. "Hmmm I don't know how well any of these items would sell...but I'd want to try and keep at least one in stock at all times - especially that dimensional backpack...If I lowered this and this....maybe I could...."  

    "I'd happily sell materials for cheap but...mmm...." 
    Finally she looked up at NIGHT. A bright red blush creeped up on her cheeks.  "OH!" Ceres said with a slam of her book. "I-I'm sorry I got in my own head YES!" She shouted, perhaps with a little too much exuberance. "S-Stay here as long as you want! Whenever you want!" Ceres shifted from behind the counter and grabbed Ceres' hands. "A-And I'll change it! 30% That sounds good...right? And for you I'd round it up to 2,000 Col!"


  18. "NIGHT!"

    Ceres said in surprise as she finished pushing a cardboard box up onto a nearby shelf. "I literally just opened." The redheaded woman gave her friend a large grin. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you were watching me! What do you think of the name?" Ceres grinned as she dusted off her hands and pointed to the wooden sign swinging to and fro out the front 'Best Kept Secrets'  I thought about it a lot - and  decided it'd be a cute name. Because it's nestled away in the first floor, like a little hidden gem. I -err...wow...." Ceres tilted her head as she watched NIGHT struggle to pull in a large bag of goods. "Got a lotta stuff there huh?" She helped NIGHT haul the bag onto the table, and Ceres quickly got to work.

    Ceres started counting the items, and totaling them up - marking each one down in a small notebook. "Don't worry." She murmured, clearly concentrating. "I won't look into them too much. Sometimes items hold precious memories, other times they're really awkward and embarrassing." With a final scribble Ceres looked up from her book.

    "Right so your 20% cut would be 1,240 col but since you're my first customer - and best friend...I'm going to round that up to 1,300! How does that sound?" Ceres said with a grin. "Just be sure to tell your friends I do quick work." She added with a sly wink as she opened up her menu to transfer the sales over to Ceres.

    "I'm really excited about this. I'll be able to buy some extra maps, crystals, and potions...since the shop part of my store is a little under-stocked at the moment..hahah..."


  19. Merchant Junk selling:

    In total Ceres will need 6,200 Col added to her inventory and these items will be junked, thank you! <3


      Hide contents

    Junk sell
    T1 Equipment:
    1,600col = 400col *   4 | Perfects
    3,600col = 200col * 18 | Rares
    1,000col = 100col * 10 | Uncommons

    Total: 6,200col
    - - -

    1. ID: 130845 | Crafting | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Tier 1 Perfect Confiteor |  >>
    2. ID: 130850 | Crafting | CD: 13 (12, +1) | Tier 1 Perfect Studded Spiked Pauldron |  >>
    3. ID: 131570 | Crafting | Tier 1 Perfect Bone Armor of Condemned Damnation |  >>
    4. ID: 131574 | Crafting | Tier 1 Perfect Vest of Haunted Memories |  >>

    - - -

    1. ID: 131994 | Crafting | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Tier 1 Rare Crafted Trinket |  >>
    2. ID: 131997 | Crafting | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Tier 1 Rare Crafted Trinket |  >>
    3. ID: 132062 | Crafting | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Tier 1 Rare Crafted Trinket |  >>
    4. ID: 132067 | Crafting | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Tier 1 Rare Crafted Trinket |  >>
    5. ID: 127709 | Crafting | CD: 11 | Tier 1 Rare Metal Crystal-streaked Ring |  >>
    6. ID: 127326 | Crafting | CD: 11 | Tier 1 Rare Cross-hair Lapel Pin |  >>
    7. ID: 127327 | Crafting | CD: 11 | Tier 1 Rare Cross-hair Lapel Pin |  >>
    8. ID: 127967 | Crafting | CD: 11 | Tier 1 Rare Karakuri Puzzle (Coffee Cup) |  >>
    9. ID: 127969 | Crafting | CD: 10 | Tier 1 Rare Karakuri Puzzle (Egg) |  >>
    10. ID: 127970 | Crafting | CD: 11 | Tier 1 Rare Golden Marble Ring |  >>
    11. ID: 127971 | Crafting | CD: 10 | Tier 1 Rare Silver Wolves Enamel Pin |  >>
    12. ID: 127627 | Crafting | CD: 11 | Tier 1 Rare Reinforced Crystal-streaked Ear Cuffs |  >>
    13. ID: - | Starter Package | Tier 1 Rare Standard-issue Heavy Armor |  >>
    14. ID: 132928 | Crafting | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Tier 1 Rare Crafted Trinket |  >>
    15. ID: 131543 | Combat | Tier 1 Rare Armor of Doomed Fire |  >>
    16. ID: 131550 | Combat | Tier 1 Rare Breastplate of Hellish Honor |  >>
    17. ID: 131551 | Combat | Tier 1 Rare Primal Iron Armor |  >>
    18. ID: 131572 | Combat | Tier 1 Rare Wicked Skeletal Broadsword |  >>

    - - -

    1. ID: 131991 | Crafting | CD: 6 (5,+1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Crafted Trinket |  >>
    2. ID: 131993 | Crafting | CD: 6 (5,+1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Crafted Trinket |  >>
    3. ID: 132156 | Crafting | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Crafted Trinket |  >>
    4. ID: 132158 | Crafting | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Crafted Trinket |  >>
    5. ID: 132305 | Crafting | CD: 6 (5,+1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Crafted Trinket |  >>
    6. ID: 127525 | Crafting | CD: 8 | Tier 1 Uncommon Crystal-streaked Ear Cuffs |  >>
    7. ID: 127710 | Crafting | CD: 8 | Tier 1 Uncommon Beastclaw Enamel Pin |  >>
    8. ID: - | Quest Reward | Tier 1 Uncommon Basic Greatsword |  >>
    9. ID: 132923 | Crafting | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Crafted Trinket |  >>
    10. ID: 132926 | Crafting | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Crafted Trinket |  >>

    - - -

    For the following items, they were appraised here and here.

    • Armor of Doomed Fire
    • Breastplate of Hellish Honor
    • Primal Iron Armor
    • Wicked Skeletal Broadsword
    • Bone Armor of Condemned Damnation
    • Vest of Haunted Memories


  20. Ceres pursed her lips. "Mmm... I guess... but I find it really hard to justify any sort of murder...yanno...I mean you're taking away a human life, no matter how you cut it - it just feels wrong."
    Ceres felt better when NIGHT had mentioned that no matter what it was a difficult field to study, and that NIGHT confirmed that she'd do her best to keep Ceres safe.

    The two came to the field, lead by NIGHT, Ceres stilled for a moment when she saw Mari. But NIGHT quickly broke the tension, Ceres drew out a relieved breath as she turned to NIGHT. "Thank you, I appreciate you - and this." Ceres said as they stepped toward Mari.

    "You don't really look like a crazy murderer..." Ceres said as she peered up close to Mari. "Mmm... oh  you have freckles. How cute!"
    Mari glanced from Ceres back to NIGHT then back to Ceres, she cleared her throat and leaned back. Ceres, ever oblivious, wasn't aware of how uncomfortable she must have been making Mari.

    "Ok then..." Ceres took a seat opposite Mari, wriggling her butt into the ground to get herself comfortable as she sat cross-legged in the grass. "There's 8 people on that monument because of you. Why?" Ceres took a deep breath, she could do this....this was a little daunting but she could do this. "Each one. Tell us why." She gripped the pen and pad tightly in her hands. This was a little scary but she was still confident Mari wouldn't hurt them.



  21. -Merchant  |  Rank 5 'Black Marketer - Able to Identify T1 - T10 items | 10 Identifications per day  |  Exp 3328/2560


    -Store Theme-

    image.png.4408013de2cff6f727e1af89b87579e9.pngAs you enter the store, you hear a faint tune playing in the background. Nostalgia washes over you as you are reminded of those rpg games of old, 8bit adventures - dragons, wizards, and magic. The store's interior is small, and cozy. The atmosphere friendly and warm like you're returning home after a long day. Somehow, the store smells like fresh bread - all the time. The counter is by the entrance, atop it is a small scale for measuring out Col, inkwell and quill - logbook...all the things one would need to detail transactions and secrets. There is a large closet filled with items ready to be junked  in front of you - the store itself contains some general goods such as potions, crystals and maps. Behind the counter stands a very bright faced and cheery girl.

    "Hello! Welcome to the 'Best Kept Secrets' I'm Ceres!" She introduces herself with the slightest tilt of her head. "I specialize in identifying items and have a build dedicated to it! I also have a few general goods items for sale. Did you need a teleportation crystal?" She blinks at you with lilac eyes. "Ah...what about a dimensional backpack? Potions? Oh, maybe you want to sell a bunch of your junk?" She gestures for you to come in with an excited wave of her hands. "Come closer... I can also sell you information about quests and mob bosses, maybe even certain players."

    She holds a hand up to her lips and gives you a small wink. "I am the keeper of secrets after all."




    -Please pay for your identifications in advance once confirmation is received-
    -Use the form below-


    Roll ID(s): [ID(s) of the roll(s) where you looted your unidentified]
    Item Type:
    Flavour text (leave blank if you want Ceres to write it)

    TIER 1 Rare: 350 Col Perfect: 680 Col Demonic: 1000 Col
    TIER 2 Rare: 850 Col Perfect: 1,250 Col Demonic: 2,100 Col
    TIER 3 Rare: 1500 Col Perfect: 2,100 Col Demonic: 2,650 Col

    TIER 1 Uncommon: 100 Col Rare: 180 Col Perfect: 350 Col
    TIER 2 Uncommon: 260 Col Rare: 440 Col Perfect: 650 Col
    TIER 3 Uncommon: 500 Col Rare: 750 Col Perfect: 1,100 Col

    ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ✩  ✪  ✩  ✪  ✩  ✪ ✩ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒

    Ceres 70% Player 30%

    TIER 1 Uncommon: 100 Col Rare: 200 Col Perfect: 400 Col
    TIER 2 Uncommon: 300 Col Rare: 500 Col Perfect: 750 Col
    TIER 3 Uncommon: 600 Col Rare: 900 Col Perfect: 1,250 Col


    TIER 1 Uncommon: 50 Col Rare: 100 Col Perfect: 200 Col
    TIER 2 Uncommon: 150 Col Rare: 250 Col Perfect: 375 Col
    TIER 3 Uncommon: 300 Col Rare: 450 Col Perfect: 625 Col




    !Any items not in stock can be ordered in straight away!
    !! FARMED T1 Materials JUST 50 Col !!
    !! FARMED  T2 Materials JUST 100 Col !!



    FARMED [T1] Material 50 Col  IN STOCK - 0
    FARMED [T2] Material 100 Col  IN STOCK - 0

    Tier 1 Crafting Material (350 col)
    Item Type: Crafting material
    Effect: Basic materials for use with any profession.

    Tier 2 Crafting Material (650 col)
    Item Type: Crafting material
    Effect: Second-tier materials for use with any profession.



    [T1] Blank Dungeon Map 150 Col  
    Effect: Assign a successful sub-dungeon search roll to a blank map in order to explore the dungeon in another thread. When used, apply the dungeon difficulty and roll ID (Ex. Beginner Dungeon Map #12345). Can only hold the location of one sub-dungeon that matches the Tier of the map.

    [T2] Blank Dungeon Map (250 col)    
    Effect: Assign a successful sub-dungeon search roll to a blank map in order to explore the dungeon in another thread. When used, apply the dungeon difficulty and roll ID (Ex. Intermediate Dungeon Map #12345). Can only hold the location of one sub-dungeon that matches the Tier of the map.

    [T3] Blank Dungeon Map (350 Col)
    Effect: Assign a successful sub-dungeon search roll to a blank map in order to explore the dungeon in another thread. When used, apply the dungeon difficulty and roll ID (Ex. Intermediate Dungeon Map #12345). Can only hold the location of one sub-dungeon that matches the Tier of the map.


    Field Rations (350 col)

    Item Type: Snacks

    Effect: Grants +30 to max HP. Cannot be used in combat. Effect lasts for one thread. A player cannot benefit from more than one Field Rations at a time.

    Field Rations +1 (660 col)
    Item Type: Snacks
    Effect: Grants +75 to max HP. Must be level 25+ to use. Cannot be used in combat. Effect lasts for one thread. A player cannot benefit from more than one Field Rations at a time.

    Field Rations +2 (1000 col)
    Item Type: Snacks
    Effect: Grants +120 to max HP. Must be level 50+ to use. Cannot be used in combat. Effect lasts for one thread. A player cannot benefit from more than one Field Rations at a time


    Immolation Potion (400 col)

    Item Type: Potion

    Effect: When used, successful non-critical attacks against you deal 10 unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Effect lasts for one thread.

    Immolation Potion +1 (660 col)
    Item Type: Potion
    Effect: When used, successful non-critical attacks against you deal 20 unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Must be level 25+ to use. Effect lasts for one thread.

    Immolation Potion +2 (1000 col)
    Item Type: Potion
    Effect: When used, successful non-critical attacks against you deal 30 unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Must be level 50+ to use. Effect lasts for one thread.





    Single Tent (450 col)
    Item Type: Consumable
    Effect: One player uses a post action to use the tent. Grants -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat. Effect lasts for one thread.

    Double Tent (650 Col)
    Item Type:
    Effect: Up to two players each use a post action to use the tent. Grants -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat. Effect lasts for one thread.

    Water Canister (500 Col)
    Item Type:
    Consumable [3 Charges]
    Effect: Grants +(5 *Tier) health regeneration while out of combat. Effect lasts for one thread. Item is destroyed once all charges have been used.


    Teleportation Crystal (900 col)

    Item Type: Crystal

    Effect: Use a post action to activate a teleport crystal. Teleports the player to the town or designated teleportation area they specify.

    Glow Stone (250 col)

    Item Type: Consumable

    Effect: While holding a Glow Stone, the area around you is illuminated. You and players near you do not suffer any penalties for darkness or low-light conditions. Cannot wield a weapon while holding a Glow Stone, but it can be swapped out and and back in to continue its effect. Effect lasts for one thread.




    Silver Key (550 col)           

    Item Type: Consumable.
    Effect: A single-use item that grants +1 LD when opening a Treasure Chest.    

    Golden Key (1,100 Col)
    Item Type:
    Effect: A single-use item that grants +2 LD when opening a Treasure Chest.           

    Spyglass: (1,000 Col)
    Item Type:
    Consumable [3 Charges]
    Effect: Use to reduce the number of posts required to search for a dungeon or familiar by 5 posts. Effect lasts for one thread. Item is destroyed once all charges have been used.

    Custom Ambition Tool (1000 Col)
    Item Type:
    Effect: Gain +1 bonus crafting EXP for each crafting attempt.

    Dimensional Backpack (5,500 col)
    Item Type: Unique Item
    Effect: Adds +1 to Battle Ready inventory. This item does not take up a Battle Ready inventory slot. A player may only have one Dimensional Backpack at any time.

  22. Ceres nodded, her hand reaching up to absently twirl one of her long earrings. "Yeh..." She said faintly. "That's kinda sad when you think about it though, isn't it? I wonder what just drives people to do that? To go into hiding and to ostracize themselves from the world like that." Ceres shook her head, then lightly slapped her cheeks. "No. No. Ceres. This woman is a murderer. No sympathizing with the bad people."

    Ceres turned her lilac gaze to NIGHT and offered the woman a warm smile as she watched her hide away in her scarf. "Don't worry." Ceres said, misinterpreting the action. "We're together." Ceres reached out and gave NIGHT's arm a reassuring squeeze. "I have a good feeling nothing bad will happen to us. You're my bodyguard - so I will be yours too!"

    Ceres tilted her head to the side - a wave of crimson spilling over her shoulders. "I'm glad you trust my judgement. I can say the same to you~" The two began walking down the path toward their destination. "Now this is all happening... I'm not sure what I should even ask. What prompted her to take so many lives? Why does she feel she has the right to wander around freely? How do Pkers survive without basic amenities that the towns provide?"

    Ceres shrugged, "I want to ask a lot of these, but I also don't want to set her off."


  23. "Ah! NIGHT!" Ceres jumped at the sound of the other girls voice. "You scared me!" Ceres grinned, "I hope you're well! Thanks for messaging me." Ceres tugged on her hair as as she gave an awkward laugh. "I didn't think we'd get the opportunity so...ah.. so soon."

    "The woods sounds lovely." Ceres mused. She gave NIGHT a light jab in her arm. "The woods is where we went on our first quest together! I think it'd e nice to have that sort of close discussion in an area where it's a little more intimate and private. I think Mari would appreciate that. "

    Ceres nodded. "Mmm! I think so! I mean... I'd do most anything for some god food, and I can get it anytime someone who can't?" Ceres gave NIGHT a wide grin. "I think it's a good tactic."
    NIGHT asked which one of them should contact Mari, Ceres chewed her lip in thought for a few moments. "Well, you already have her information right? Did she place an order? So it'd make sense for you to message her - and I think..." Ceres tapped her lips. "MMm I think it'd be best to let her know our plans?"


  24. Ceres was in the Town of Beginings - scouting out a location for her store. She had to make it soon, right? She couldn't just sit around forever saying she'd open it...when she hadn't done anything of the sort. Ceres wanted to prove she was something. Still...didn't exactly have a name for the shop but she'd figure that out in due time. Maybe something to do with Hermes? He was the Greek god of trading and deliveries...that'd be cute - but would it be too obscure. "Hmmm...." Cerse tapped her chin. She was so close yet so far to figuring this out.


    The redheaded woman blinked, seeing she had a message from NIGHT Ceres couldn't help but smile, and that smile only grew when she read the contents. Not only did she recall the lovely evening spent with her friend, but here she was, setting up an interview with Mari. "Ah! How Exciting!"

    To: NIGHT
    From: Ceres
    Ahh! What? You're insane, ok! Yes. I'll be there super soon. I'm actually super close by, was scouting locations for my store!
    See you soon ^_^


    The redheaded woman closed off her HUD and began to walk the path North from Town of Beginnings to Horunka. Ceres had only ever been there once - generally the place was a go-between for people who were in the middle of quests. A small village of no more than 10 houses, merchants, and the like. All surrounded by a thicket of trees. Maybe setting up a shop there would have been nice...but a promise is a promise. And whilst Ceres didn't always keep them, she felt she should at least keep this one. Besides...it'd be nice to be neighbors with NIGHT and Oscar.

    The walk there was pleasant - and uneventful. As always the first floor had a constantly sunny atmosphere, with a gentle breeze picking up errant bangs of red.

    Coming into the small town Ceres glanced around. "Hmmm...." NIGHT didn't actually say where she was going to be - it'd be worth a look around whilst Ceres waited for a response.


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