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Posts posted by Ceres

  1. The redheaded woman kicked off from where she was standing and with a happy hum she began to jovially trek down the path. All in all she was in very good spirits. She wasn't as successful with this venture as she was with her previous one but she still had something, and something was always better than nothing.

    In a world that was cold and harsh like Aincrad Ceres wanted to do her best to continue to look at the positive rather than the negative. So what if by now she would have had 30 materials if she was on the first floor? These were of a higher quality. So it was only natural that they'd be harder to find.

    "Hmm...maybe here?"

    Ceres asked as she shifted her stead toward the water. It looked plenty deep enough. But she couldn't tell with just a glance. Instead of jumping in headfirst (and she was tempted to) Ceres grabbed a nearby stick that was lying on the floor - close to her height. She dipped it in the water - And it three quarters of it was submerged. "Perfect!" Ceres said with a wry grin.


    #ID13348 LD 1 +5 = ( 0 Materials) CD  (   Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far:   18 X T2 Materials

  2. Ceres groaned as she felt something warm and soft bump into her. "Mmrgmm..." She shifted her face, pressing it further into the muddy ground. "Five more minutes please...." THen there was shuffling. Ceres lifted herself off the ground, half her face covered in mud.

    NIGHT was sprawled out on top of her. "Ehh? NIGHT?" Ceres asked as she groggily rubbed her eyes. "What are you doing in my bed?"" It took a few seconds for Ceres to click that no, they were not lying in bed together, and if they were that would have rasied a lot more questions.

    "Wait.. Oh WAIT The fires!" Ceres stumbled, trying to stand up but slipped, forgetting NIGHT was still on top of her.


    Down came another person who was unlucky enough to trip over her. Ceres couldn't help but laugh. "Haha, Skeleton right? Do you have a bone to pick with me?" She patted him on the head. "What brings you down to the mud club today?" She asked with a smile.

    Ceres was trying to make light of the situation but it was clear she was very, very tired. She was short of breath, soaked with sweat and water - and her hair clung to her face.

    @NIGHT  @Skeleton


  3. Ceres stared at her hands, they were dirty- not exactly a bad thing. It was far better than having her hands covered in snail slime. An amused snort came from her as she realized that some poor person was going to be buying materials from her - ones that used to be snails. "I should probably wash these off before I get too excited and too dirty." She mused to herself as Ceres turned on her heel to wash her hands in the nearby river. As she watched the dirt slide off her hands Ceres couldn't help but notice how much deeper this part of the river was compared to just a few meters down. "Hmmm...Would it be a good idea to fish here?" She asked herself.

    Fishing had proven to be such a fruitful thing last time, and she'd be amiss if she did not at least try it in this area too. Ceres dried her hands off on her clothing as she stood up. Deciding that first, she'd travel a little further down the path.


    #ID133320  LD 4 +5 = 9( 0 Materials) CD  N/A (   Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far:   18 X T2 Materials

  4. Extinguish the Fires 10/10

    Ceres was sitting on the ground, which was quickly becoming a pile of slush and mud as water continued to gush from the hose. She groaned. Out of breath and out of energy she wasn't sure she could continue. There were no fires this way... So did that mean they were done.

    "Better drag this back..." She mumbled to herself as with a great deal of effort...she pushed herself to her feet. With one shaky step in front of the other Ceres grabbed the hose and began to drag it back to the pump. The hose whipped haphazardly around behind her. Spewing water everywhere.

    'Well....at least nothing behind me will magically burst into flames...its all wet...'

    Ceres arrived at the pump and leaned down to turn it off. Only to stop. Lilac eyes staring ahead of her "Are....are you KIDDING me?" There was one more fire....thankfully close enough that she'd be able to lug the hose over to it.

    "Please...PLEASE let this be the last one..." She breathed in exhaustion as she lugged the hose behind her toward the fire. Ceres wanted to give up. she wanted to cry, but she persevered.

    She wouldn't let this beat her. "RRaarggh..." With a grunt Ceres hefted up the hose and aimed it at the fire. Quickly dousing the flames. Once the final dancing licks of orange and yellow disappeared into plumes of grey smoke a small notification popped up

    -All fires extinguished-

    "Y..Yaay..." Ceres feebly celebrated as she dropped the hose there. Screw carrying it back to the pump. She trudged through mud and derbris then collapsed by the pump as she reached out and turned it off.

    "I'm....just gonna...rest.....here for a...minute..." She huffed as she let herself fall to the ground in a heap.

  5. Objective put out fires 9/10

    Ceres was dripping wet with water and sweat...and she wasn't sure which was which. The majority was water...thankfully... hopefully. The rose-red headed woman was breathing heavily, her thighs hurt... and her arms hurt - and the hose was beginning to get taut. She wasn't sure how much further she'd be able to carry it before it ran out of length.

    Her eyes watered and she knew she'd come out of this smelling like soot and ash...still Ceres persevered. She wanted to prove she was useful. That you didn't have to fight on the frontlines or be the highest damage dealer to be useful and be respected. She'd forge her own path forward. Without pressure from others. Without judgement. Without faltering.

    Despite her thoughts Ceres did falter, arms buckling as they struggled to carry a heavy hose spewing out water. Still she continued- seeing the fire near the end of the street. She pulled hard on the hose - it was taut - she couldn't go any further. But the fire was only a single house away. "I'll SHOW YOU!" She screamed at the top of her lungs as she hefted the hose high over her head with shaking hands.

    The plume of water poured high over her, and just managed to reach the fire, dousing it and extinguishing it. "Phew.." Ceres said as she collapsed to the floor. She couldn't carry the hose any further. She was gasping for air. She had done it...right?


  6. Objective put out fires 8/10

    "I AM THE FIRE FIGHTING QUEEN!" Ceres shouted followed by a cackling laugh. She was hot. She was sweaty - and her laughs were broken by a coughing fit as she accidentally inhaled too much smoke. Ceres sprayed the hose upwards. Relishing in the spray of cold water that came crashing down on her.


    "At least this will cool me off a bit!" The redheaded woman said as she began to move, not wanting to waste the water presssure -

    "Ok...next house....next place...Ah!"  Ceres almost tripped over the hose as she had to stop, finding another fire, this time down a small alleyway - the entire thing set ablaze. "Ready...Aim....FIIIRE!" She shouted as she hefted the heavy hose in the direction of the flames. The water doused the flames quickly. Leaving behind a pile of charred boxes and crates. She wondered what used to be in them...and who kept starting all these fires anyway?

    "How many more could there possibly be?" Ceres asked herself

  7. Objective put out fires 7/10

    Ceres had no idea where the other player had gone, not that it mattered. He could take his heavy bucket filed with sand and water and make a sandcastle for all she cared...Ok..maybe that was a little harsh...Ceres didn't like this. The flames and fires, the heat, the sweat dripping down her back and face.

    It made her more than a little antsy. Still, she was holding onto a hose that was spewing forth a torrential wave of water. She didn't have time to wonder where the other player was. Ceres' lilac gaze shifted to another place just a few doors down - she slowly approached it, first dousing the house in between - that way the fire would be less likely to spread.

    Then Ceres heaved the heavy cloth hose to the house on fire - lifting it up high she started to spray the large flames. Thick black smoke plumed up from the ashes. Ceres coughed and lifted up her short to cover her mouth. Her eyes stung - but at least the fire was out.

  8. "Maybe if I just..." Ceres placed two palms on the log. "Give it a...." She then exerted pressure, trying to dislodge it from the ground. "A good PUSH...." With that final word Ceres managed to heave the log out of the way "See!" She exclaimed to no one but herself. Underneath the log was more fungal growths, similar to truffles. Ceres was tempted to give them a taste, she heard truffles were really, really good. But even in a game she new better than to eat random plants growing in a forest.

    Ceres reached out and plucked a couple from the ground. Some others she had to dig her hands into the earth a bit. "Success!" She said as she rolled the log back into place. Ceres was taught the importance of leaving things where they should be. Ceres gave the log a few slaps. "Thank you log, you served me well."

    #ID133293  LD   8+5 =13  ( 1 Materials) CD 8  (  2 Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far:   18 X T2 Materials

  9. Objective: Put Out Fires (6/10)

    Ceres saw another player nearby...he was also putting out the fires, at least she thought so? It was hard to tell between all the chaos. He gave her some sort of nod then followed her to the wall. As Ceres tore open another bag of sand the male player put it in his bucket then..."What on earth?" He was filling it with water. "Don't do that!" Ceres chastised. "Just sand works! you're just making it needlessly heavy and..." Oh.... he was already gone. Half running with the bucket.

    Well...she supposed he would learn the hard way. Ceres sighed and shook her head. She lifted up her arms and quickly tied her rose-red hair into a loose ponytail to keep the tendrils from sticking to the sweat on her face. It would have been better for one of them to focus on water, and the other on sand - but - whatever.

    Ceres moved away from the sandbags and found a small waterpump nearby, next to it, a hose. "HA!" She cried out. This was perfect. Ceres attached the hose to the pump and started pumping till water flowed out from the hose. The small woman grabbed the hose and ran in the direction of the fires. Leaving a trail of water behind her.

    At the next fire, Ceres lifted the hose and started to spray the roof of the small home. The water quickly doused the flames, thanks to the pressure of the hose. "Take that Fire!" Ceres exclaimed as she punched the air in the direction of the flames.


  10. Objective put out fires 4/10

    "Ah...uhm...oh gosh...." Ceres wasn't sure how this all happened..nor how it exploded so fast. All she wanted to do was scout the higher floors in preparation for her hunting T3 materials, and what did she come into? RAGING INFERNOS!? Like....really? This was absolutely intense.

    Ceres had a bucket in her hands, unlike others, this did not contain water but sand. The petite woman struggled to lift it high enough to splay over the wooden floorboards of a nearby shop. The one beside it was already blazing, and the flames were licking at the ground below. She could suffocate the flames and cover the flammable material with a single throw.

    "HUuyaaah!" With a great deal of effort the redheaded woman had hurled the sand up into the air - it landed over the flames and quickly snuffed most of them out. She wiped her brow. Giving a sigh of relief. "Ok...just a few more....." 

    Ceres ran back to the wall, and knealt down - ripping open one of the sandbags to fill her bucket again. Then, with a slightly slower pace Ceres managed to return to the store, throwing more sand over the fire. She repeated this a few times till the flames were completely extinguished.

    Her legs were shaking, and she was dripping in sweat. Still. No matter what... at least she was able to help, even if it was in the smallest of ways.

  11. Name: Ceres
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 3
    Item Type: Consumable
    Roll Id:  #133284 (LD:20) Overhealth

    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Overhealth Potion (+30 HP)
    Name: Overhealth Potion
    Description: Effect lasts a single thread, use it to gain +30 health! A cute rose-red ribbon is tied around its neck.
    Post Link



    Name: Ceres
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 3
    Item Type: Consumable
    Roll Id:  #133285 (LD:1) Antidote

    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Antidote
    Name: Antidote
    Description: Effect cures poison effect. A cute rose-red ribbon is tied around its neck.
    Post Link




    Name: Ceres
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 3
    Item Type: Heavy Armour
    Roll Id:  #133286 Slot 1   | #133287 Slot 2  | #133288 Slot 3
    LD:  Slot 1 LD: 17  |   Slot 2 LD: 12  | Slot 3 LD: 12

    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +2 Heavy Momentum +1 MIT
    Name: Tem Armour
    Description: Shiny Heavy Armour - if you look really closely on the top of the left breastplate is the face of a small puppy
    Post link

  12. Now that those were out of the way, Ceres picked up the armour.  "Let's see.... ooh this is a nice piece of Heavy chest armour."

    She pursed her lips. "Hmmm didn't Ronnel say he wanted armour? I'll send him a quick message to let him know."

    To: @Ronnel
    Subject: Perfect Armour

    Hey Puppy.
    I picked up some perfect armour from a chest. It's been evaluated right now, but I thought it might be good for you. And it's an absolute bargain at only 700 Col! ;)  We could probably bump it down a tad if you want! But it cost me a lot to evaluate! >.<

    Come and get it Puppy,









    As usual, Ceres had absolutely zero idea just how the nickname or words would be perceived. If NIGHT saw what she was saying the other woman would probably have a mild heart attack. Still..Ceres felt satisfied. She had not only managed to find a large supply of T1 materials, but she also managed to find some sweet loot too! Next up she'd have to focus on gaining some T2 materials, then T3 - for the frontliners. But her focus, Just like Oscar suggested - would be helping newer players. "Hmm...It's been a whilse since I've seen him....I hope he's doing ok."

    1X T1 Perfect Armour: #ID133221 Post link
    Slot 1 ID#133286  LD: 17 +1 Mitigation
    Slot 2 ID#133287  LD: 12 +1 Heavy Momentum
    Slot 3 ID#133288 LD: 12 +1 Heavy Momentum
    -Sent 640 Col to banker

  13. Now that Ronnel was gone, Ceres had to work on identifying the few items she had gotten from her recent trek into the first floor. It had been a resounding success. She now held 50 T1 materials, which always seemed to sell well - and even had some equipment to identify. Ceres grinned.

    "Gosh I love doing this!" She exclaimed as she pulled out the unidentified objects. Two consumables...and a piece of armour. "Mmmm." She pursed her lips. Picking up one of the consumables. "Holy mother of llamas and alpacas!" She exclaimed. A rare overhealth potion? Was that good? .... That was good right? Yeh. That sounded good. Ceres neatly tied a ribbon to around it and placed it to the side.

    "Let's see...and this one is...ugh...an antidote? Why even have this?" She mumbled as she haphazardly wrapped a ribbon around the second bottle.  "Well, I suppose It can just sit in my shop and gather dust."


    1 X t1 Rare Consumable  |  #ID133221  | Post link
    Identify Roll:  #ID133284 LD 20 - Overhealth Potion (+30 HP)

    1 X 1 X t1 Rare Consumable  |  #ID133221  |  Post link
    Identify Roll:  #ID133285 LD 1 - Antidode.

    Sent 320 to Banker - Identification costs.


  14. Ceres approached the log and knelt down beside it. She ran her hands over its moss covered surface and stifled a giggle. It was so fuzzy and cool. Like patting a sheep if it were made of grass...and wet. It reminded her of the very first time she ventured out from the Town of Beginnings...her very first quest involved gathering materials. Who would have thought she'd be here? Several floors higher - doing the exact same thing but on a far larger scale.

    "It's strange..how the world works sometimes, isn't it?" She asked the log. The log didn't reply.

    Ceres started to pick off some of the tiny, tiny, mushrooms that were growing on the mossy surface. They reminded her of shiitake mushrooms...if they were green and glowing. "how pretty..." Ceres said as she drew one closer to her face and twirled it between her thumb and forefinger. "Well...let's see what other materials you're hiding, Mr Log."

    #ID133257  LD   12+5 =18  ( 2 Materials) CD 7 ( 2  Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far:   15 X T2 Materials

  15. Ceres listened patiently to his proposal, ever the gracious and kind smile upon her face. He seemed nice enough, if not a little lost and confused - wow, he really was like a big puppy.

    "Sure thing puppy!" Ceres said with a smile. "It's a date!" Of course, Ceres' idea of 'date' and the normal idea of 'date' were two different things. She had no intention of actually asking the man whom she just met out - it was simply the way she had spoken. She did the very same thing when she met NIGHT. Ceres was cheerful, smart, and had an acute eye for detail - but when it came to social interactions, she...was not the sharpest tool in the shed.

    "Here you go!" She tapped him lightly on the head with it. "I'll help you find your friend later too!" Ceres tilted her head and laughed softly. "I think it'd be a lot of fun!" 



    	Sent Banker 800 Col- Spyglass
    Sent Ronnel Spyglass
  16. Ceres really really wanted to take her time here. So instead of bee-lining toward some sort of destination she made her stead forward slow. In fact, it was only a few steps forward till she stopped - being hit in the face with a low hanging vine. "Aahh..hey!" She said as she tugged on it. "Where did you come from mmm?" It was her own fault. She was too absent minded and had walked head first into the vine which was very clearly overhanging on the path.

    "Hmmm.." Her hand travelled up and down the plant like tendril, she noticed the leaves - green with a yellow tinge around their edges. "Well, lets see..you're a material...and you...and you!" Ceres said happily as she started to pluck them from the vine. She was beginning to enjoy these solo adventures. She'd been so overwhelmed with social interactions lately that this... was like a nice reprieve. Ceres pushed the vine out the way and continued further down the path - something ahead of her had caught her attention. A fallen log - and they were always filled with so many different things.


    #ID133256  LD  16+5 =21  ( 2 Materials) CD 2 (  1 Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far:   11 x T2 Materials

  17. "You're making me not wanna leave here you know..." Ceres said to the group of fish as she poked her finger into the glassy surface of the water. "You're all so sweet, I'd take you home as pets except I don't have a home - and you are wild fishies...your home is here, in this river. Not in a tiny bowl."

    Ceres dipped her hands deeper into the water, it was shallow enough for her to see the bottom of the riverbed - and she could see more of the glass stones. She pulled out another few, and added them to her inventory. Ceres slowly stood up, arching her back to crack the bones in her spine and neck. "Well, I suppose I should let you guys go. You were a fantastic help...." Her lilac eyes shifted forward. There was a path here...once...now the large cobblestone path was overgrown with moss and vines. Unlike the first floor, the 'Garden' here was unkempt, but it still held a silent beauty, teeming with life.

    #ID133255   LD  7+5 =12  ( 1  Materials) CD 4 ( 1 Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far:   8 T2 Materials

  18. Ceres was humming softly to herself, lilac orbs hidden away behind closed eyes. She wanted to enjoy this moment. To take this floor easier than the last. She had all the time in the world, well, figuratively at least. Her serenity was broken, ever so slightly as she giggled. Feeling the tiny fish nip at her fingertips. It tickled. And reminded her of her goldfish at home.

    Goldfish that were probably long since dead...

    Ceres opened her eyes and wistfully stared down at the fish. She hoped they were still alive. But if they weren't, there was little she could do about it now. It was a good thing she wasn't fostering any cats either...Ceres wasn't sure if she could forgive herself if any of the foster kittens died under her watch.

    The quiet woman blinked when a few of the fish swam up to her carrying small glass beads in their mouths. "huh, is this for me?" She gently held out her palm to them and they dropped them into it. Ceres lifted her hand. "Awww...thank you little fishies, this is exactly what I needed."


    #ID 133254  LD  7+5 =12  (  1 Materials) CD 9  (2 Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far:   6 T2 Materials

  19. Ceres didn't want to move just yet...this river was nice... the water was cool...and she could see tiny fishes swimming around in it. Reds, whites, and orange- the fish danced around her fingers as Ceres splayed them out. "You're all like cute little babies, aren't you?" She asked softly as she tilted her head to the side.

    Ceres knew she had to hunt for materials. She wanted to get through today on a high note. Having spent the morning gathering a large amount of Tier 1 materials - she'd end today on a high note by spending the afternoon harvesting Tier 2 materials. Tomorrow, maybe....she'd message someone else about accompanying her to the next floor to get Tier 3 items... Ceres was nowhere near a high enough level to venture that high. She was  barely high enough to be here.

    Her lips pursed. Would Alkor be scolding her right now? Even though this area was relatively safe? Maybe she should have purchased a teleportation crystal...just to be on the safe side.

    Ceres closed her eyes, listening to the sounds of the birds above, singing songs to each other. "Aincrad is so pretty..."


    #ID 133253  LD  1+5 =6  (  0 Materials) CD /  (0 Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far:   3 T2 Materials

  20. Ceres laughed, covering her mouth with her hand as a tall, broad shouldered man came into the store. He looked like a lost puppy. "Hello Puppy!" Ceres said in a jovial tone. "Err, Ronnel I mean!" She gave him a short bow of her own, rose-red hair spilling over her shoulders. "I'm more than happy to help out anyone who comes to my store."

    "I do!" Ceres bent down and pulled a small spyglass out from the display case as the man asked her if she had an item that would help him with the quest. "I just got one of these for myself actually! I wanted to go get a familiar too...I have put all my skills into searching so I think I'd be able to get it rather quickly I just...." Ceres glanced away from Ronnel as she turned  the spyglass to and fro in her hand. "I just don't really wanna do it alone - but at the same time its almost difficult finding people to talk to and OH!" She blinked as she turned back to Ronnel, quickly grabbing his hand to place the spyglass into it.

    "Here. Have a look. It would help reduce the time to find a familiar, since yanno..." She gestured with her hands, creating binoculars on her face. "It'll help you see better!"

    She lowered her hands and her brows knitted together when he asked what else she was selling. "Err..." She gestured to the board behind her. "That. Oh but..." She quickly started listing things off despite the fact they were written clearly behind her on a blackboard. "I can help you sell your junk items or identify things you got from monsters. I also have potions...tents....field rations...keys...a really neat dimensional backpack...." 

    She clasped her hands together in a loud snap. "OH! And Materials, but I'm currently out of stock for those, I'll have some soon! If you're looking for them I can message you when I have some in, just tell me which Tier you wish for."

    Ceres gave him a sly wink. "And sometimes, I may even have special equipment!"


  21. Image result for forest anime garden


    Ceres' previous expedition had been nothing short of absolutely amazing. This time - today...she wanted to hunt for T2 materials. It was important to her - to be able to do this. To be able to stock her shop with them, besides....NIGHT had said how proud she was of Ceres, and Ceres wanted to get another good hunt in before she met up with NIGHT again.  How amazing would it be for NIGHT to come into the store and see So many gosh darn materials!?

    Of course... now she was on the 11th Floor, and Ceres was a little nervous - she could probably run away from any mobs that were here...but if she wanted to venture to a higher floor and hunt materials - she'd definitely need help. The directions on the quest lead her to another garden - outside the city of Taft. This one was not as bright and looked like it had been overtaken by the surrounding forests.

    Still, there was a beautiful river bubbling to her left. "How sweet...." Ceres said to herself as she lightly dipped her hand into the waters trickling surface. She pulled out a few shiny pebbles, they glistened in the faint light that trickled in from between the leafy canopy above. "Well, that's a good start." She said to herself

    #ID 133252  LD  14+5 =19  (  2 Materials) CD=2  (1 Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far:   3 T2 Materials


    Level 15 | 300 HP | 30 Energy

    DAM 3 | 1 MIT | 3 ACC | 5 LD
    Gatherer + Fishing 

    Battle inventory
    3 x Silver Keys (+1 LD when opening chests)  | 2 X Gold Keys (+2 LD when opening chests) | 1 x Spyglass [ 2 charges]



  22. Ceres cast her line out one more time, and once she had reeled it in ever so slightly, to get it to sit where she had managed to dredge up the last few materials she carefully - very carefully - let go of the rod with one hand. She didn't want anything to accidentally rip the rod out of her hand.Especially if she had the possibility of opening up another treasure chest because hot diggity gosh darn damn that was such a nice surprise. 

    With her fishing rod balancing carefully on her knee, and anchored with one hand, Ceres opened up her HUD to reply to NIGHT.


    To: @NIGHT
    From: Ceres
    Subject: Re: Treasure!

    Awww, Bless your heart you galaxy, star studded angel! The quests definitely helped. I also invested the SP I had floating around into Search and Fishing because I thought It'd be good to have since I'll be focusing on gathering things! I'mlgnma;bbabbaana; 




    Ceres fumbled with her words as she felt the rod tug - with a flurry of scrambled letters Ceres managed to send the message off to NIGHT, but not before the rod was yanked out of her hands. "H-Hey ! NO Crap!" Ceres watched helplessly as it dipped below the surface with a 'bloop' sound.


    That was as good of a sign as any to call it quits here. Ceres lifted herself up and dusted herself off. "That was pretty successful." She mused as she turned on her heel to head back to the town. She had things to restock.

    #ID133229 CD 4 - Nothing
    Materials Collected so Far: 51
    Col Collected so Far 150
    Equipment Collected so Far
    1X T1 Perfect Armour: #ID133221 Post link
    Consumables Collected so Far
    2X T1 Rare consumable: #ID133221 Post link

  23. "Oh!" Ceres exclaimed as she got a note from NIGHT. Was she free? was that why she managed to reply so quickly? Lilac eyes breezed over the message. It always took Ceres a couple times to read over it, she wasn't entirely used to shorthand writing - maybe it was a regional thing? Ceres was just so used to typing everything out longhand on her phone that it became second nature. Didn't help that she did half her work from her phone, when a perfectly good laptop lay a few feet away. 

    To: Ceres
    From: NIGHT
    Subject: Re: Treasure!
    omg for real??? 50 mats r nothin to cough at

    im real jealous ngl
    but im happy for you, you're doin great sweetie
    ill see what i can do; might get a few items in thru ur door soon
    might also stop by for your materials. never know when i might need them
    take care, b safe b




    Ceres wanted to reply, but before she could there was a tug on her fishing line. "W-whoa!" She almost dropped it and had to first, focus on reeling in whatever was tugging on the line. With an extra hard tug she managed to reel the line in, and secured another 3 materials.

    "Well...that puts me past 50 now..." Ceres said with a satisfied sigh. She shifted her neck back and forth, cracking it. "Mmm, I suppose I should wrap this up soon then."


    #ID133228 CD  9 = 3 materials fished up
    Materials Collected so Far: 51
    Col Collected so Far 150
    Equipment Collected so Far
    1X T1 Perfect Armour: #ID133221 Post link
    Consumables Collected so Far
    2X T1 Rare consumable: #ID133221 Post link

  24. "I suppose that it is easier to gather materials from...well..." She glanced behind her at the bountiful rows of bushes, trees, and flowers. "Things like that but..." Her lilac eyes drifted back to the serene pond. "This...just...." Her hands gripped the fishing pole. "Relaxing..." She yawned again. "Even...if it does make me a little bit sleepy."

    Her eyes drifted close for a few moments, then opened lazily. It would be very easy to fall asleep here - but Ceres couldn't...wouldn't... She wondered if NIGHT would reply soon. Ceres hadn't caught up with the other woman ever since their encounter with that Mari girl. And the situation then had been a little bit tense.

    Just as her eyes began to drift close again Ceres felt a tug on her fishing line, a small, tiny...tug. "A-Ah!" Ceres shook her head, trying to be rid of the drowsiness as she began to reel in her line. "C'mere you!" When she reeled it in, Ceres successfully pulled up two materials. 

    "Well, better than nothing." She said as she placed them in her inventory.

    #ID133227  CD  7 = 2 materials fished up
    Materials Collected so Far: 48
    Col Collected so Far 150
    Equipment Collected so Far
    1X T1 Perfect Armour: #ID133221 Post link
    Consumables Collected so Far
    2X T1 Rare consumable: #ID133221 Post link

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