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Posts posted by Ceres

  1. NB: I accidentally paid for/listed the consumables as perfect in the rolls, when they are rare - it didn't change the rolls or the outcome - so I left it as is. IF I need to reroll for clarity sake please let me know asap.

    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 3
    Item Type: Light Armour
    Roll Id:
    Slot 1: ID: 133894  LD: 5   |  Slot 2: 833895  LD: 9  | Slot 3: ID: 133898 LD: 12
    Tier: 3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements:  +1 Regen | +1 Light Momentum
    Description: A siimple leather pauldron to be worn on your shoulder. The rim of the leather has been dyed a rose-red colour.
    Post Link


    Name: Ceres
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 3
    Item Type: Consumable
    Roll Id: 133897
     LD: 3

    Tier: 3
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements:  +2 Base Damage, Lasts a single thread
    Description: A simple potion, around the cork a cute rose-red coloured ribbon has been delicately tied into a bow.
    Post Link


    Name: Ceres
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 3
    Item Type: Consumable
    Roll Id: 133898
     LD: 16

    Tier: 3
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements:  Heals Player 120 HP Single Use
    Description: A simple potion, around the cork a cute rose-red coloured ribbon has been delicately tied into a bow.
    Post Link


  2. "Hello!" Ceres said with a smile as another youth entered the store. This boy had entered the store. Cool blue, almost aquamarine eyes stared at her from behind black rimmed glasses. He was tall, and a little lanky. If Ceres were to describe him in a manner of words, she'd say it looked like he rolled out of bed and into a bookstore. He just had that 'look' to him.

    "I'd be more than happy to do that for you!" Ceres said as she took the items from him.  "Oh wow..." Her lilac eyes widened when she clasped the items. "These are Tier 3! That's amazing!" Her eyes lifted up to meet his gaze. "You're amazing! You know that right!" She said rather exuberantly.

    Ceres picked up the first item and squinted. "Hmmm This is Light Armour; and...well it has a bit of everything. Regen, and Light Momentum, along with some mitigation So good for a all rounder build - or for someone who isn't sure what to specialize in yet...now for these consumables...."

    Ceres gabbed the first one. "Ahh a typical damage potion, These are always useful. Powerful too. +2 to a base multiplier is always good. Ceres scratched her cheek and laughed awkwardly before grabbing the second bottle. "This is a ..WOWZERS!" She said as she shook the bottle of clear liquid. "This thing heals like...120  HP! That's more than half my HP!"

    Ceres tied a rose-red bow neatly around the bottles and placed them to the side. "They'll be ready shortly" * (OOC: They will be available in your inventory once approved)

    "And yes, I currently have 51 Tier 1 materials! Although I now only have 28 T2 materials...and am currently out of T3, but I hope to get some in soon. IF you want to buy fifty of them that would be uhm...2,500 col but I'd be happy to offer you a discount, say 2400?"

    Ceres shifted from behind the counter so she could stand face to face with the youth. "Is there anything else I can help you with?" She asked as she gave her head the slightest tilt to the side, always offering that naive, sweet smile of hers.

    @Benjamin Bookworm


    1 Perfect [T3] Armor/Shield (ID 101408)
    Roll IDs     Slot 1: ID: 133894  LD: 5   |  Slot 2: 833895  LD: 9    |  Slot 3: ID: 133898 LD: 12
    Light Armour: The 'Everything' Pauldron
    Enhancements:   +1 Regen | +1 Light Momentum | +1 Mitigation

    1  Rare [T3] consumable (ID 101408)
    Roll ID: 133897 LD: 2  +2 Damage

    1Rare [T3] consumables (ID 101408)
    Roll ID: 133898 LD: 16  +2 HP Recover  (Heals  120 HP)

    Effect: Heals a single target for (20 per slot * Tier) HP.

    -sent 8440 col to banker for item and identification

  3. Ceres was just about to identify some more items, since the new day had ticked over and she was able to tackle some of the ones she had in her storage. Instead...a dark haired youth came in. Wrinkling his nose at the smell - ahh yeh the smell. Ceres loved it. Although often she found herself hungry whilst working. Oops?

    He spoke in a language she didn't understand but recognized. Ceres gave him a warm smile and greeted him with the only Korean word she knew; "Annyeong~" The redheaded woman immediately regretted it. Did she butcher the pronunciation? Was that too informal? Was there a formal and informal way of greeting? "Uhmmm ah....." She coughed. "1,000 Col and... oh you already sent it to me." She said.

    "Thank you so much for coming." Ceres said before offering him a small bow of her head. "Next time I'll give you a small discount, yes?" Ceres said as she waved him off. 

    Her business was doing quite well...at least she thought so. Not a day went by where she did not have a customer or something to identify, and wasn't that the definition of success?

  4. Name: Ceres
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 2
    Item Type: Trinket
    Roll Id: 
    ID#133681  LD:6  SLOT 1  +1 TAUNT |    ID# 133683  SLOT 2 +1 TAUNT
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +2 Taunt
    Description: Ring of Taunt. A ring that when worn can attract enemies because of how shiny it is! It's almost blinding. Don't look at it too long or else you will be blinded!



    Name: Ceres
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 2
    Item Type: Armour  (Heavy)
    Roll Id: 
    ID#133684  LD:1  SLOT 1  +1 REGEN |    ID# 133683 LD2  SLOT 2 +1 REGEN
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +2 Regen
    Description: This left Pauldron is pretty Snazzy. It's made of shiny metal, and has engravings embossed along the edge that look like tiny stars. YOU feel like a star, its simply REJUVENATING! 


  5. "Hmmm...." Ceres held up the items that were given to her to Junk. She'd paid Koga their share - but it seemed like such a waste to just get rid of the items without at least seeing what they were...right? And if anything, it was only going to cost her more money. Right? So what was the harm...

    Ceres snorted as she held back a giggle, first picking up the trinket - it was a very flashy ring. When she turned it to and fro in the light it almost blinded her. "Mmm...Taunt? I suppose that'd be good for tanks, I guess?" She said as she placed it down. No doubt she'd actually junk the item later. Next up...was the armour. A Pauldron. Ceres polished it till it looked spick and span. It was Heavy Armour - but it was simple, elegant.

    "Maybe you'd make someone happy." She said as she walked over to her closet and placed both items inside.

    Tier One Rare <<Unidentified Trinket>>
    ID#133681  LD:6  SLOT 1  +1 TAUNT |    ID# 133683  SLOT 2 +1 TAUNT

    >> Tier One Rare <<Unidentified>> Armor
    ID#133684  LD:1  SLOT 1  +1 REGEN |    ID# 133683 LD2  SLOT 2 +1 REGEN

    -640 Col sent to bank Identify costs
    2x T1 Rare Equipment

  6. Evaluation please

    Name: Ceres
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 3
    Item Type: Consumable
    Roll Id:  #132060
    LD:  10

    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +2 DAMAGE
    Description: A simple clear potion, around the cork a cute rose-red colored ribbon has been delicately tied into a bow.
    Post link

  7. Ceres snorted as she laughed when the dark haired player asked her to remind him not to tell her his secrets. "So...If I conveniently forget to remind you it's fair game then?" She joked. Ceres picked up the sack of junked items.

    "Let's see..Yup I can do that just give me a moment..." She shifted the sack to the side and began to work out the percentages. "Okie-Dokie that'd be 400 and you get 30% of that so...that is normally 120 Col but i like you so I'll bump that up to 150 Col~!" Ceres said with a grin as she transferred Koga the funds. 

    "Right..Let's see Here is your T2 Blank Map~!" Ceres pulled out a roll of paper from under the glass counter and slid it over to him. It was neatly wrapped in a rose-red bow.

    "Hmmm It looks like your consumable is a *Damage*  It'll be ready in just a moment."  Ceres said as she neatly wrapped a red ribbon around that, it was her trademark after all. "Is there anything else I can help you with today? Do tell me if you get anything interesting from the map! I love to hear those stories" Ceres gave him a wink.  "And I'll even promise to keep it a secret!"


    Roll ID(s): 132060  |   Item Type: Consumable | Tier: 1 |  Quality: Rare
    Identification Roll:133588 - LD: 10 = ACC
    +2 EVA

    -Sent 100 Col to Koga
    -Item sent to Koga once Approved.

  8. "Here - " Ceres sent off the materials to her friend NIGHT. "I really don't mind giving a discount you know...you've helped me so much and..ah..." Her head tilted to the side as she looked upon NIGHT - she seemed...rushed? Concerned? Fidgety. 

    "Is something the matter? Is there anything I can do for you?" Ceres asked as she shifted out from behind the counter so she didn't have anything between her and her friend. "You seem like you're in a rush so I won't keep you but...uhm..." Ceres pursed her lips. "Stay safe yeh? And if there is something bothering you, you'd tell me right?" Ceres asked as she folded her arms ocer her chest. "I'll be floating around here for a while anyway - I got things to identify, and want a rest before searching for more materials."


  9. Ceres jumped, almost dropping the items she was about to identify as NIGHT came bursting in with quite the large amount of gusto. "O-Oh! Hi NIGHT! I just got back, I was gonna message you! How are you?" The other woman turned to look at the door as it slammed closed, then with a wish of midnight hair she turned back to Ceres. Apologizing and asking for materials. This is exactly what Ceres wanted, to help others. 

    "Tier 1 materials are 50 Col Each so that'd be 750." Ceres said with a grin holding up a single finger, she held up her second finger. "Tier 2 are 100 Col each.So would be 1,500 Col... But because its you I'll give you a 20% discount!" Her grin faltered just slightly as she lowered her hand and grabbed her book. "Hang on I can't work that out in my head give me a moment...hmmm mmm...." 

    She scrawled a few things on the paper. "Ok so that would be 600 col for 15 Tier one materials and...uhm..." Another few moments of scribbles. "And 1,200 for 15 Tier 2 Materials." She put down the quill and offered NIGHT a grin.

    "Is that okay with you?"



  10. 1 X t1 Rare Consumable  |  #ID133221  | Post link
    Identify Roll:  #ID133284 LD 20 - Overhealth Potion (+30 HP)

    1 X 1 X t1 Rare Consumable  |  #ID133221  |  Post link
    Identify Roll:  #ID133285 LD 1 - Antidode.


    Junking these two items please  2 X Rare consumables = 200 Col to be given to Ceres thank you :3

  11. Ceres immediately pulled the golden key from her inventory. She only had the one left. "Ok...after this, I am definately taking a break." She said to herself. "I'm talking way too much, and I'm responding. That doesn't make me too crazy does it?" Ceres asked herself as she pressed the key into the lock with ease.

    "No, it doesn't you're only crazy if you fight with yourself and loose, having conversations with yourself is a perfectly normal way to work through things Ceres."

    The key turned and the lock clicked, and out of the treasure chest popped a large sum of materials, weapons, a consumable, and a big sack of col.

    "Oh heck!" Ceres said as she scrambled to pick everything up. "I think...that is a good sign to end it here today!" She said as she finished putting the items away and stood up again. "Sides...I need to get into some dry clothes and shoes..." Ceres muttered to herself as she squelched her way back to the town.

    -Used Golden Key, No Golden Keys remaining -

    #ID133508 LD 18+2= 20 | [21-23] = (Floor * 200) Col, (10) materials, (2) perfect weapon, perfect consumable

    Materials Collected so Far:   43 X T2 Materials
    Col Collected So far: 3,300 Col

    Equipment Collected so far:  1 X T2  Rare Weapon   ,   2 x T2 Perfect weapons
    Consumables Collected so far:  2 X T2  Rare Consumables,  1x T2 perfect consumable

  12. Ceres groaned and rolled over to lift herself back up. She shoved her boots onto her wet feet, ignoring the unpleasant feeling of wet shoes and made her way back down the path.

    As she was walking back toward the safe zone Ceres passed the log she had lifted up earlier. In a jesting tone she waved to it. "Oh. Hello again Log I-" She paused and blinked. Wait...what was that? Ceres turned to the log and knelt down in front of it. "What is this...?" Something was wedged into the log. She hadn't noticed it before. Was it because when she rolled it back into place she dislodged it?

    "What on earth..." Ceres jammed her hand into the log and managed to fish out a chest. It was smaller than the one she fished up from the river - but this one looked newer. The varnish wasn't peeling, and the lock wasn't rusty. "WHoaa...." Her hands danced over the wooden surface. "This is insanely lucky!"


    #ID133505 LD11 +5 = 16 CHEST FOUND
    Materials Collected so Far:   33 X T2 Materials
    Col Collected So far: 1,100 Col

    Equipment Collected so far:  1 X T2 Weapon
    Consumables Collected so far:  2 X T2 Consumables

  13. As Ceres was mumbling to herself the tip of the rod dipped down, snapping her out of her one person conversation. "W-What...Ah....Crap!" Ceres almost lost it, she stumbled forward a few feet and managed to regain her composure, quickly pulling up a few more mats in the form of river reeds.

    "That's it!" Ceres said as she half stopped, half slushed her way out of the water. "I'm done. No more fishing. Nope. Not today. Nuh-uh."  Ceres made it to the river bank and hauled herself back up and onto land. "I feel like I should continue...but I'm just...." Ceres sighed as she threw herself onto the path.

    She did like this... she was just exasperated. Maybe a little tired? She was pushing herself really hard lately. And had more or less began to isolate herself again. Ceres always did this... she got wrapped up in her own world, with her own things. Ceres had to remind herself there was more to life.

    #ID133504   CD =6 1 material fished up
    Materials Collected so Far:   33 X T2 Materials
    Col Collected So far: 1,100 Col

    Equipment Collected so far:  1 X T2 Weapon
    Consumables Collected so far:  2 X T2 Consumables
    *note Roll just says natures because I entered too soon stryder said this was ok

  14. "I know I should stop..." Ceres said as she cast the fishing line out again. "I'm cold...I'm wet...and I should just start gathering materials from elsewhere...but I found chests fishing...."

    If anyone came across the scene, they'd assume she was crazy, or at the very least, unstable. Ceres stood in waist deep water barefoot - mumbling to herself as she was fishing. Most people would stay far, far away from someone like that. But most people weren't Ceres.

    "So logically...it'd be better to keep fishing, right?" Ceres asked. Nobody answered. So she answered. "Yes, that's right Ceres. All you have to do is keep fishing. Ignore the cold. Ignore that slimy thing that just brushed up against your leg. This is just peachy." Ceres burst out into loud, fake laughter. "Ha...Ha..HA YUP!" She said with forced enthusiasm. "I sure do LOVE this! Especially the feeling that I'm gonna slip over and fall at any given moment."

    #ID 133469  CD =1
    Materials Collected so Far:   32 X T2 Materials
    Col Collected So far: 1,100 Col

    Equipment Collected so far:  1 X T2 Weapon
    Consumables Collected so far:  2 X T2 Consumables

  15. Another lure attached, and another line cast - Ceres was getting the hang of this. She wasn't sure what she enjoyed more, wandering around and gathering materials, or fishing. Both seemed to yield similar results, although since she was fishing she had managed to trudge up two chests, and foraging...no chests.

    "C'mon materials... I need a bit of a bite..." She said as she reeled the line in a bit, then let it back out. The water was getting a little chilly, but Ceres was never one to give up - and her perseverance usually resulted in success. Much like now, the float dipped below the water and the redheaded woman felt a tug on the rod.

    It was almost a ritual now - she'd give it a jarring yank to hook the target then cautiously reel it in. Reaching out Ceres pulled off another few materials from the rod. "Hmm how many does that make now? Hmmm 30..." Ceres frowned. "I was hoping to walk away with over 50 of them."

    #ID133468   CD = 9 - 3 Materials fished up
    Materials Collected so Far:   32 X T2 Materials
    Col Collected So far: 1,100 Col

    Equipment Collected so far:  1 X T2 Weapon
    Consumables Collected so far:  2 X T2 Consumables

  16. Ceres grabbed the end of the line and strengthened the knot that tired the lure to the end of it. She wasn't sure if she could actually lose it or not, but it was better to be safe than sorry, right? She wasn't even sure you could buy lures in this game, since fisherman wasn't a profession or class. "Ok fishing gods and goddesses....don't fail me now!" Ceres said as she hurled the line as far as she could to cast it out.


    The float landed several meters away. "Hah!" She cried out triumphantly as the float immediately began to bob up and down. That was probably the quickest catch ever!  Ceres quickly reeled it in, tongue sticking out the side of her mouth in pure concentration. As she pulled it up and out of the water she grinned. Seeing a tangle of some strange plant. She yanked them off the lure and they shifted into materials in her hands. "Perfect!"

    #ID 133467   CD = 11 4 Materials fished up
    Materials Collected so Far:   29 X T2 Materials
    Col Collected So far: 1,100 Col

    Equipment Collected so far:  1 X T2 Weapon
    Consumables Collected so far:  2 X T2 Consumables

  17. "Stupid dumb Swordfish...coming back to laugh in my face...why would that stupid thing even spawn in a river like this?" Ceres mumbled to herself. Back then she was a fish out of water, pun intended - she didn't know what skills were or how to invest them. She even thought an NPC was an actual player.

    If she could go back to the past she'd tell her past self that no, Hannah was not a real person - and to put some skill points into her weapon and to ditch the damn dagger as far as she possibly good.

    There was a tug on the line, Ceres tugged back in turn - to hook her prize. Ceres pulled a clump of pure white pebbles from the lake. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion at how on earth they were stuck to what was essentially the smallest Swordfish in the world.

    Still...Materials were materials. Ceres grabbed them and placed them in her inventory.

    #ID133463  CD = 7 - Two materials fished up
    Materials Collected so Far:   25 X T2 Materials
    Col Collected So far: 1,100 Col

    Equipment Collected so far:  1 X T2 Weapon
    Consumables Collected so far:  2 X T2 Consumables

  18. "Ooohhh....." Cers said as she carefully wadded her way near the center of the river. "Maybe this was a m-mistake..." She rubbed her shoulderes to generate some warmth as she jumped from foot to foot. Wincing. The riverbed was covered in pebbles - and it was difficult for her to remain balanced. The last thing she needed was to be dragged through the river.

    Ceres took a deep breath. "That's right...there's no chance to fish up any monsters in this quest..." She said as she cast her line.
    Several minutes later there was a tug- and Ceres began to reel it in. As the end of the line came up and out of the water, she couldn't help but stare in bewilderment. Hanging from the end of the fishing line was a miniature ...Swordfish

    "But y-you're not even a river fish!" Ceres exclaimed as she recast the line. She assumed it was meant to be a mob...or monster...but the quest limited it. Now it was little more than fishbait that had come back to haunt her.


    #ID133456 CD = 1
    Materials Collected so Far:   23 X T2 Materials
    Col Collected So far: 1,100 Col

    Equipment Collected so far:  1 X T2 Weapon
    Consumables Collected so far:  2 X T2 Consumables

  19. "It has a puppy face because I thought it'd be funny! If you don't like it that's ok, I'm sure I'll come across some other armour items soon. I know you're not a dog. That's just silly." Ceres blinked when she noticed he had already transferred over the Col

    "Oh... oh wait I Think you paid me the wrong amount, this is more than I asked for." Ceres said as she glanced at the Col Ronnel deposited into her account.

    The man shrugged his broad shoulders and gave her a sheepish grin. "I like to help where I can. You've helped me, it's the least I can do."

    Ceres shook her head, "Oh..gosh no I didn't really do much of anything. I'm just happy to help. Besides I made a promise to someone that I'd do my best to help out people who are just starting so uhm here I am!" She tugged on her hair as she glanced away. "I mean...its why my identification costs are fairly low...because I want it to be as friendly as possible to those starting out. It's also why I often offer discounts where I can."

    Ceres waved Ronnel off as he left the store. "I'll see you again soon Puppy!"

    Ronnel now owns Tem Armour

  20. Ceres gave Ronnel a warm smile accompanied by a wave as he entered the store. "Oh! Hello Puppy!" She said without skipping a beat, already used to her terrible nickname for him. "I just got your message, I didn't expect to see you here so quickly. You wanted to look at the armour, right? Give me a second..." Ceres shifted out from behind the counter and headed to the large closet to the side - normally it held items ready to junk but today - she was storing the armour inside of it.

    Since if Ronnel didn't want it, she'd probably scrap it anyway.

    "OOof!" Ceres heaved it onto the counter and wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. "There we are! What do you think?


    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +2 Heavy Momentum +1 MIT
    Name: Tem Armour
    Description: Shiny Heavy Armour - if you look really closely on the top of the left breastplate is the face of a small puppy

  21. Ceres took a few casual strides forward, her fishing rod hefted over her shoulder. This was good. It was warm but not humid and the air smelt like loamy earth and thick vegetation. If she were to explore somewhere like this out in the real world, she'd be attacked by a myriad of bugs and gnats. No doubt she'd also struggle with the humidty that normally came with areas like this.

    But here?

    Here she could enjoy it.

    Ceres wasn't beginning to think staying in Aincrad was better than the outside world. She missed her family, her cats, and all the simple things...but she'd be lying if she said she wouldn't miss this place. And was that such a wrong thing?

    Ceres paused and kicked off her boots. Gathering materials wasn't really getting her anywhere. And fishing was safe. So - why not do some more of that? Ceres turned and stepped into the river. Shivering slightly at how cold the water was.

    #ID133363 LD  4+5 = 9 ( 0 Materials) CD  (   Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far:   23 X T2 Materials
    Col Collected So far: 1,100 Col

    Equipment Collected so far:  1 X T2 Weapon
    Consumables Collected so far:  2 X T2 Consumables

  22. Ceres wasn't going to push her luck. She slung the fishing pole over her shoulder, she would get to fishing in a moment, but for now...Ceres wanted to revel in her victory. she opened up her messenger and realized she had an unread one from NIGHT. "Oh-Oops!" She snorted as she laughed. The last message she sent the other girl ended abruptly, NIGHT must be worried. Ceres shook her head with a smile on her lips as she opened up a response to her.

    To: @NIGHT
    From: Ceres

    Hey! Yes I'm fine sorry I was in the middle of fishing and accidentally sent the message in my rush to close the HUD - I'm on the 11th floor now farming some T1 materials. After that I want to try and get some T3 ones. Oh! I fished up another chest, I must be super lucky with fishing... I haven't found as many materials though...still... I'm doing well! I hope you are too








    After sending that off the redheaded woman stretched. Maybe she should look around here for some more materials before going back to fishing.

    #ID133361 LD 1 +5 = ( 0 Materials) CD  (   Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far:   23 X T2 Materials
    Col Collected So far: 1,100 Col

    Equipment Collected so far:  1 X T2 Weapon
    Consumables Collected so far:  2 X T2 Consumables

  23. Ceres knelt down beside the chest. This one was small, but heavy. Made with wood stained with red varnish and gold trim, its lock looked old and worn, the metal showing signs of rust. Ceres' fingers danced over the lock. "I'm pretty sure there's a lock-picking skill... I should probably invest in that next, that way I won't have to buy as many keys." She said as she pulled out the golden key and placed it in the lock.

    "Or at the very least... get better items from them. Its...definitely something I Should look into..."

    Ceres mumbled to herself, slightly distracted as he had to jingle the key around in the lock till it clicked and the chest opened. Out sprung a variety of different items. A large sack of Col which almost paid for the last lot of items she had to identify...a few consumables...and a weapon.

    "This definitely gives my store variety." Ceres said to herself as she started to pick up the items one by one, placing them in her inventory.

    -Used Golden Key.

    #ID133359 LD  10+2=  12  |   (Floor * 100) Col, (5) materials, rare weapon, (2) rare consumables
    Materials Collected so Far:   23 X T2 Materials
    Col Collected So far: 1,100 Col

    Equipment Collected so far:  1 X T2 Weapon
    Consumables Collected so far:  2 X T2 Consumables


  24. Ceres pulled out the stick and tossed it behind her. It clattered against the ground. Ceres paid it no mind as she pulled her fishing rod out of her inventory and secured the lure to the end of the line. She cast it out and watched as the float bobbed down the river a few feet before stopping as Ceres held the line down with her index finger. "I'm not about to let you just float away forever~" Came her mischievous response.

    It would be nice to be sitting down...or even standing in the water - Ceres began to second guess her choice of standing awkwardly along the riverbank, but just as she was about to reel in the line she felt a tug. "O-Oh!" With a yank on the rod to secure her payload Ceres began to reel it in.

    "Oof...It's heavy....what the heck is this?" She grumbled. With a final tug her annoyance turned to elation. "W-what's this!?" She cried out as she dragged the treasure chest to the riverside. "Whoa...didn't expect to get another one of these so quickly!"

    Materials Collected so Far:   18 X T2 Materials

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