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Posts posted by Ceres

  1. Ceres cast out her line and shifted so her legs wouldn't fall asleep. "You know..." She said quietly to herself as her eyes drifted up to the sky. "I think...I really like fishing." She said softly to herself. Her lilac orbs watched the fluffy white clouds drift lazily across a soft blue sky. Why would anyone want to fight and roll around monsters or caves, delve into floors of volcanic ash and lava...when there were beautiful places like this? And so close the the Town of Beginnings? It came as no surprise to her when she learned that more and more people had yet to leave the town to join the frontlines.

    Why would they? Especially when places like this existed.

    "I'll have to take this quest more often..." She mused to herself. Ceres didn't even mind that there was no familiar tug on her fishing line - because right now. She was content. She was safe, and she was warm.  And isn't that more than what anyone could ask for in a world like Aincrad?

    #ID133226  CD  3 - Nothing
    Materials Collected so Far: 46
    Col Collected so Far 150
    Equipment Collected so Far
    1X T1 Perfect Armour: #ID133221 Post link
    Consumables Collected so Far
    2X T1 Rare consumable: #ID133221 Post link

  2. Ceres yawned and rubbed her lilac eyes. The rush of fishing up that treasure chest was now wearing off and being replaced with a sleepy drowsiness. Maybe it was something about fishing. She was calm, sedentary. Resting in a warm and peaceful place beneath a beautiful sun. Who wouldn't begin to feel sleepy? Ceres began to understand where the whole stereotype of a sleepy fisherman came from.

    "Gosh...how long have I been here?" she asked herself with a yawn. "It feels like several hours...." Ceres knew it had only been close to an hour since she started fishing, but the past-time really made time feel like it was dragging on.

    She felt the familiar tug of the rod and lazily began to reel it in, every so often giving the rod a tug to ensure whatever was on the other end was well and truly latched on. As she reeled it up and onto land Ceres snorted, hanging on the end of it were two tiny goldfish. Was this a joke? She shook her head as she plucked them off, grateful that they turned into materials before she placed them in her inventory.


    #ID133225   CD  7 = 2 Materials fished up
    Materials Collected so Far: 46
    Col Collected so Far 150
    Equipment Collected so Far
    1X T1 Perfect Armour: #ID133221 Post link
    Consumables Collected so Far
    2X T1 Rare consumable: #ID133221 Post link

  3. Ceres shifted, getting herself more comfortable as she crossed her legs again. "Right...I can't expect to get more chests like that. It was a fluke." Ceres told herself, even though she hadn't fished anything up yet for several minutes - she was still excited. She could still feel her heart beating hard against her chest. She couldn't believe just how much was in that chest- and that looked like a common chest!?  She had to experiment with this more on the higher floors. Hopefully she'd be able to gain some more items from various tiers to fill her shop with.

    "The experience with identifying things would be nice too..." she said to herself. 

    Fishing was...surprisingly nice...and relaxing... she was able to sort out her thoughts here - think things through. Then, as if on cue - the rod dipped and she had a chance to snap out of her thoughts before she became too lost in them. Ceres was building a rhythm now - she gave a small tug on the rod before reeling it in - grinning as she grabbed the materials from it, it looked a little like algae - but hey, who was she to judge? She had snail materials after all!

    #ID133224   CD 10  = 3 Materials fished up
    Materials Collected so Far: 44
    Col Collected so Far 150
    Equipment Collected so Far
    1X T1 Perfect Armour: #ID133221 Post link
    Consumables Collected so Far
    2X T1 Rare consumable: #ID133221 Post link

  4. As the floater...floaty...Ceres wasn't sure what they were called. A bobber maybe? Regardless - as it sat there lifelessly above the water - the woman decided to Open up her messenger to send something to her friend. One hand remained holding the pole, in case anything tried to slip by her - whilst the other opened up her HUD.


    To: @NIGHT
    From: Ceres
    Subject: Treasure!

    Hey! I'm feeling pretty jazzed right now!
    I went to gather some materials, and wow I've almost got 50 of them! They're all Tier 1 though... after this I'm gonna have a quick break then go gather some Tier 2 materials...then Tier 3 - I decided that I wanted to help others who were too busy fighting and - OH I'm getting distracted.

    I fished up a treasure chest and it had SO MUCH stuff in it!
    I think I like fishing, as long as it doesn't involve fighting giant Swordfish! Haha

    Hope you're well,















    Ceres sent off the message with a smile. It felt good to be able to share her accomplishments with her friend, and NIGHT was one of the people who had done nothing but support her through thick and thin. The least Ceres could do was keep her updated on what was going on.

    A hand reached up and combed through her long, rose-red hair as Ceres leaned back, still watching the lake. No bites  yet. Darn.


    #ID133223   CD 2 = Nothing
    Materials Collected so Far: 41
    Col Collected so Far 150
    Equipment Collected so Far
    1X T1 Perfect Armour: #ID133221 Post link
    Consumables Collected so Far
    2X T1 Rare consumable: #ID133221 Post link

  5. Ceres had to take several deep breaths to calm herself down. Her heart was pounding in her chest and ringing in her ears. This was the same sort of adrenaline rush she had gotten from fighting....except without the waves of disappointment or fear that came with it. This was...this was pure and utter elation, and it all came from something as simple as fishing in a lake...

    A shaky hand reached out to grasp the fishing rod. "C'mon Ceres. Calm yourself down. That was an amazing find, but it's not going to be one that happens often...this is what is it...beginners luck. Yeh that's right...beginners luck!" 

    Ceres cast out her fishing line and exhaled. She rolled her shoulders trying to relax. But luck left her little time to do so. with a small dip, and another reel in of the line - Ceres had successfully fished up another few materials. 

    #ID133222   CD 7 = 2 materials fished up 
    Materials Collected so Far: 41
    Col Collected so Far 150
    Equipment Collected so Far
    1X T1 Perfect Armour: #ID133221 Post link
    Consumables Collected so Far
    2X T1 Rare consumable: #ID133221 Post link

  6. "I don't know when I"m going to get a chance like this again! So I may as well go hard or go home." Ceres said as she picked up the Golden Key from her inventory. They were expensive... and she didn't exactly have any sort of lock picking skills. Maybe that would be something she should invest in in the future...but for now...what was the absolute worst that could happen?

    All jokes aside, there was no way it would turn into a mimic - it was a special parameter set by the quest - to make this more safe. Safe that is definitely something Ceres needed.

    Her shoulders rose and fell with a deep breath as she clicked the key into the lock and turned it. The chest opened and a literal cornucopia of items spilled out. "W...what..." Ceres' eyes went wide at the sheer amount of stuff in it! There wasn't just a large amount of materials, but col...a piece of armour...and two consumables!

    "This...this is insane!" Ceres said as she scrambled to pick them all up and put them in her inventory. "Gosh... I should just sit here and fish for the rest of the day!" 

    1X Golden Key used. ( 2 Remaining)

    #ID133221    LD: 16 + 2(Golden Key)  = 18
     (Floor * 150) Col, (8) materials, perfect armor/shield, (2) rare consumables
    Materials Collected so Far: 39
    Col Collected so Far 150
    Equipment Collected so Far
    1X T1 Perfect Armour: #ID133221 Post link
    Consumables Collected so Far
    2X T1 Rare consumable: #ID133221 Post link


  7. Since the first attempt was successful, Ceres decided to throw the line out again, and once again, it wasn't long before it looked like something was tugging on it. Ceres began to feverishly reel it in.

    "wait...wait what!?" Ceres said as she scrambled to try and catch the small chest before it fell back into the water. The redhead dropped her fishing pole beside her and managed to reach the chest just as its wooden surface went to dip below the water. Ceres pulled it back up onto the land, it wasn't large by any means. She could fit it in her lap.

    Ceres leaned back cross legged and ran her hands across the wet wooden surface. She was in awe. "I...never expected to be able to do something like...this..." She whispered. Originally, the redheaded woman wasn't planning on bringing any kind of keys...now she was thankful that she had because now she could open it up - and gosh...wouldn't it be great if she managed to find something super rare?

    Actually...she'd he happy with anything.

    "As long as this doesn't turn into one of those mimic things..." she said with a laugh.

    #ID133220   CD 12 + LD: 15 + 5 =  Treasure chest fished up
    Materials Collected so Far: 31

  8. "Must...start...fishing..." 

    Ceres told herself as she stared at the pond. This was just a pond. There were no boss monsters here, no giant Swordfish lurking beneath the pristine waters. There wasn't some old guy yelling at her who smelt like week old crabs. It was just a beautiful day with a serene pond. Ceres pulled out her fishing rod. "This should be easy enough..." She said to herself as she affixed a floater to it. The rod already had a lure, and Ceres figured that'd suffice. It wasn't like she was planning on catching actual living fish to turn into some sort of meal.

    Maybe that's what chefs did, but not her. Ceres cast her line and waited. It didn't take long until the line bent, and Ceres felt a slight tugging on her line. She quickly began to reel it in, she knew there was no chance of a monster spawning but she still gave a sigh of relief as she reached out and pulled off a few materials from the tip of the line. 

    It wasn't as useful as gathering, but it was...somehow more peaceful.

    #ID133218   CD 7 =2 Materials fished up 
    Materials Collected so Far: 31

  9. Ceres arrived by the pond, she collapsed to her knees. "Ahh water! Sweet, bountiful, beautiful, life-giving, blissful, WATER!" Ceres cried out as she dipped her hands into it. Finally able to scrub away the grime, dust, and dirt that had accumulated on it thanks to the power of snail slime. "Ahh...that's so much better." Ceres sad as she leaned back from the water, now inspecting her clean hands. No more slime.

    She wiped them off on her clothing and sat cross legged by the water. Lilac eyes overlooking the pond. "Right....Fishing..." She murmured. Her last experience with fishing had been less than ideal - but reading up on information showed that...well..fishing could be very, very profitable. That is exactly what the woman needed- considering she wasn't planning on looting monsters anytime soon.

    She went to pull out her fishing rod, but paused - seeing something glint along  the waters edge. "Oh?" She dug into the mud with her fingers and pulled out a small handful of rocks - which flashed into materials before her eyes. "Oh! Lucky!"

    #ID133216   LD 16+5 =21  (  2 Materials) CD=12 ( 3 Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far: 29

  10. Speaking of fuzzy little friends...Ceres thought about it - and how cute would a little chipmunk or squirrel be for a familiar? The redheaded woman made a mental note to do that later - after she gathered all the materials she needed she'd perhaps ask someone to join her in her hunt for a familiar.

    Ceres let her hand dance along the leaves of the bushes as she slowly made her way toward the pond. She wanted to wash off her hand and try out her new skill. She had only just grabbed it before heading out. She already had invested a decent amount of SP into gathering and searching - and wanted to be ranked higher in those things.

    "Mmmm.... I wonder if I'd be chastised if I ignored any armour skills for n-ow!" 

     Ceres pulled her hand away from the bush, she turned to glare at it. Her hand had caught on a thorny looking berry. Similar to blackberries. "You better be materials!" She grumbled as she reached out and delicately started to pick some - lo and behold, they were materials. "Good!" Ceres said with a pout as she huffed and turned away from the bush.

    #ID 133215  LD 16+5 =21  (  2 Materials) CD=9 ( 2 Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far: 24

  11. Ceres lifted herself up and out of the flowerbed, she went to dust herself off but froze - Her lilac eyes stared at her dirty and stick hand. Her brows furrowed. Yeh...she wouldn't be able to touch herself with that right now. The redhead sighed as she turned to look wistfully at the shimmering pond in the distance. "Soon...." she whispered. She'd clean off her hand when she got to the pond. First, there were materials to be gathered.

    Ceres half hopped and half skipped out of the flowerbed and back to the pathway - she traveled down it a few meters before stopping in front of a shaking bush. "Mmmm...why is this shaking..." Ceres said to herself, she was cautious, last time she stuck her hand into a bush she winded up covered in snails. But, what could be worse than that? other than more snails that is.

    Ceres forced her eyes tightly closed as she took a metaphorical leap of faith as she shoved her dirt hand into the bush, they wrapped around something furry, which gave a squeal and ran off - then, they landed on what felt like a handful of nuts. Ceres pulled out her hand and looked down into it. "Oh...Oh I think I took a squirrels lunch." She said to herself, but - the nuts had transformed into materials in her hand, so she wasn't about to put them back.

    "Sorry fuzzy little friend."

    #ID 133214  LD  14+5=19  ( 2 Materials) CD=11 (3  Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far: 22

  12. After she picked off the materials from her hand Ceres shuffled forward. She wanted to get some more from around here - it didn't exactly matter what the materials were after all. Heck - she did just pick up a bunch of snails. her hand still felt pretty gross. Ceres tried her best to ignore the sticky feeling on her palms and fingers as she knelt down to carefully sift through a patch of white lillies. "Hmm.."   Ceres noticed one that was more vibrant than the rest. The others in the patch were mostly off whites, but this one in particular was as white as snow. She picked it up and successfully turned it into a material. "Haha, Nice!"

    Now she knew what to look for. Ceres sifted through the flowerbed till she found another two pure white lillies, and picked them up too. "Excellent..that's...almost 20 so far." She said to herself. "And the day has only just begun!"

    #ID 133213  LD  12+5=17  ( 2 Materials) CD=5 ( 1 Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far: 17


    Ceres stared at her hand in disgust as she held it out in front of her, the snails were gone but the slimy and glistening trails that stuck to her hand remained. "This...is really nasty..." She muttered. Ceres glanced around to see if there was anything nearby she could wipe it on. Nope..Nothing. "Bleargh.."

    She'd eventually make her way to the small pond and wash her hands properly there but for now, Ceres keeled down and started to wipe her hand back and forth against the grass to try and remove some of the slime. It was...less than successful. Instead of wiping things off, small blades of grass just stuck to her hand.

    "This...is ...ridiculous..." Ceres said with a heavy sigh. She was fine with dirt, and mud - she was even fine with snakes and bugs, but slimy things? Yeh, nope. That's where she drew the line.  Ceres stood up straight and began to make her way down the path toward the pond. "Hmm.." She may as well take advantage of her...sticky fingers.

    Ceres paused in front of a flower patch and shoved her hand into it, letting her hand roll around in them before pulling it up, and lo and behold! There were multiple materials shimmering in the light. Stuck to her hand.

    "Paydirt!" Ceres said with a laugh, because that was in this sense, very, very literal.

    #ID 133212  LD  9+5=14  ( 1 Materials) CD=12 (  3 Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far: 14

  14. "Ewww, Eww, ewww...." Ceres whined as she continued to pry the snails off her hands. Each time she managed to pry one off it left a glistening slimy trail in its wake. "This...is so gross!"  She emphasized the word with effort as she tried to hurl the snail as far away from her as possible...

    The creature landed no more than two feet in front of her, and without harm. The snail happily began to wander away from the redheaded woman, unaware of its dance with death. "Ugh..." 


    Another came off her hand, and it transformed into a material. The next two did the same thing. "At least these things are good for something..." Ceres mumbled under her breath.  She also secretly wondered what poor sap would end up with those materials. Not that they'd ever know that they were snails. Could you imagine a snail sword? Snail potions?  Escargo?

    Ceres visibly shivered.

    Nope. That was not for her.

    #ID 133211  LD  13+5=18  ( 2 Materials) CD=3 / ( 1 Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far: 10

  15. Ceres decided 'to heck with it!' And shoved her hands straight into the bush, she waved them around trying to grab a handful of whatever bounty that hid beneath its leafy surface. Her lilac eyes lit up as she grabbed a hold of something, Ceres made a delightful sound as she pulled her hands out only to find….


    That’s right, Ceres had somehow managed to grasp a handful of snails. The redheaded woman cried out in disgust as she waved her hand in a useless attempt to dislodge them. “Eww, Eww, Eww, please! Get them off! Get them off!”  Despite her frantic shaking the slimy creatures did not move, in fact - they seemed rather chilled just crawling around her hand.

    “Listen here you gross, slimy, inconsiderate, freaky, no eyed butt faces! I’ll rip each one off individually if I have to!” Ceres said as she pulled off one, then another and threw them as far away as she could (which wasn’t very far)

    “What kind of well kept garden has so many snails in it anyway!?”

    #ID 133210  LD  1+5=0  ( Materials) CD= / ( Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far: 7

  16. Ceres could spend all day here, the garden was nothing short of amazing. She continued to walk down what looked like a grassy path, the left hand side was lined with stunning fields of flowers, the further it stretched out the more varied the flowers became. To the right hand side were various bushes, some with berries, others with flowers and fruits. Ceres would go look at the flowers later...first, she thought it'd be nice to pick a bunch of berries for materials.

    So with a turn on her heel and a happy hum in her voice Ceres shifted her lilac eyed focus to the bushes - she carefully - not wanting to damage them, began to peel back the layers of leaves with one hand, and in the other she started to grasp somewhat blindly for materials. Her hands clasped something a little sticky, and wet- she pulled them out to see a very strange pile of yellow berries. "oh...oh..." They dissipated into a large group of materials before her eyes.

    "haha, Lucky~" Ceres said with a grin.

    #ID 133210  LD  16+ 5=21  ( 2 Materials) CD=10 ( 3 Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far: 7


  17. Image result for anime garden

    Ceres arched her back as she stepped out of the Town of Beginnings. Her goal was to try and gain as many materials as possible. Starting with T1 - as that was the current floor she was on. "Right..." She mused to herself as she checked her map. "There is a beautiful garden not too far from here...and in the center of it a really cute pond where I can even go fishing... wow that sounds so lovely..." She said to herself as she walked North-East from the town.

    It didn't take her long to come across the garden. It was...stunning... "wow..." Her hands breezed across a group of wildflowers as she entered - doing so she attempted to gather some materials. She deftly plucked a few from the nearby flowers and grinned. "Well, this may just be easier than I thought. I was only expecting to maybe, just maybe get 10 ish...but by the end of this I could very well have three times that!"

    #ID 133208  LD  20+5=25  ( 2 Materials) CD=1  (0 Bonus Materials)
    Materials Collected so Far: 2



    Level 15 | 300 HP | 30 Energy

    DAM 3 | 1 MIT | 3 ACC | 5 LD
    Gatherer + Fishing 

    Battle inventory
    3 x Silver Keys (+1 LD when opening chests)  | 3 X Gold Keys (+2 LD when opening chests)



  18. "Right!" Ceres said to herself as she clasped her hands together.

    "I want to go out and do some material gathering hmm...." She began to flick through her shops inventory. "I'm now a Rank 3...that's pretty cool - that means I can now buy golden keys...ohh that'd be so exciting - ahh... but I shouldn't waste all my money right now - especially if anyone comes in and wants more items identified. Maybe if I just get the one...and get two silver keys..."

    Ceres mumbled to herself, as she started to work out the cost. "Hmm well I do have Col to spare now..." She mused to herself. "And it'd be a great deal of help...you know what...I'm just going to buy 3 of each!" She said to herself as she ordered the items. "I bet NIGHT would be so proud of me!"

    Sent 1,500 to Banker for X 3 Silver Keys
    Sent 3,000 to Banker for X3 Golden Keys
    Sent 800 Col to Banker for 1X Spyglass
  19. "No worries! I'll have to go on a bit of an expedition and grab some more! I'll be sure to stock more T1, T2 and T3 materials for everyone to use since...err.." She gave another awkward laugh as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Since I have no real use for them...and I'm not a fighter - so hey...if I can help others by doing material runs then I'm going to do it!" 

    Ceres remembered the words of Alkor here, that it was ok not to fight. Everyone was useful, even people like her who really didn't like the idea of fighting. The success of her shop re-instilled these words in her, and re instilled the knowledge and satisfaction that she was indeed useful. People like Skeleton, or NIGHT, or others - they were busy out there fighting and growing stronger - they didn't always have time to gather materials. So, Ceres wanted to take that upon herself.

    "Take care for now, hope to see you again soon Skeleton!" Ceres said with a smile and a wave as he left.

  20. Name: Ceres
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 2
    Item Type: Equipment
    Roll Id:  #133187 = Slot 1 (LD 15)   #133188 = Slot 2  (LD2 20)

    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +1 EVA | +1 LD
    Name: Ace Brace
    An arm brace made out of a simple dark brown leather. It has gold edging.
    Post Link

  21. "Skeleton?"  Ceres asked. It was an odd name, but still...she wasn't going to judge him on it. "I bet you get a lot of bone puns thrown your way right?" The woman said with a cheeky grin.

    "Yup! That's right, I see you've already sent the Col so I'll get to this right away!" Ceres said in a cheerful tone as she picked up the item. "Ooh wow This is going to be a really nice arm brace." Ceres said. As she said that a flash appeared, and a small dark leather arm brace appeared in her hands. "This one has one slot for Evasion, and another for Looting. So I guess it's not so much for ermm..." Ceres glanced away. "Not so much for mitigation but more for quick movements eh?" She gave an awkward laugh as she gently wrapped it in a rose-red ribbon. "There you go, thank you s much for coming! Is there anything else I can do for you right now?"

    1 x T1 Rare Equipment #ID 132732
    Slot 1 ID#133187 LD 15  (+1 Eva)
    Slot 2 ID#133188 LD: 20  (+1 LD)
    -Sent 15 Materials to Skeleton
    -Sent 320 Col to Banker
    -Once Item approved sent to Skeleton


  22. "Ah! Hello!" Ceres said as another player had come in, boy was she busy lately! Not  an issue for her, she loved doing this. It was fun. It made her feel useful. Important. "Hi, my name is Ceres, it's a pleasure to meet you."  She listened patiently as he asked if it was the correct store. The redhead gave him an exuberant nod. "Yup! That's me! The 'Best Kept Secrets'  I currently have 15 T1 Materials in stock - I don't have any others currently, sorry!" She said as she clasped her hands together in an apologetic fashion. "When I do get more though, I'll be sure to list them in my stores inventory!"

    "I can also identify the rare armour for you! I will just need to know where you got it from and what tier it is, so I don't accidentally over charge you. It'd also help if you let me know your preference between Light or Heavy!" Ceres pointed to a sign just behind her. "Those are the identification prices. I try to keep them as low as possible!"



  23. "Oh, haha yeh that's a great choice!" Ceres said with a laugh as she handed over the potions. "My cave experience was completely different. It was a beautiful sparkling crystal cave... Ahh and the guardian was this giant crystal golem." Ceres covered her face with her palms, her next words slightly muffled. "It had a completely smooth face! It was unnerving!" The redhead lowered her hands.

    "Not as bad as hundreds of spiders though. You all have me best there." 

    They then ordered two of the Immolation potions, sending through the money - Ceres handed the group the two items. "I'm always happy to help you! I hope the potion works well. Let me know how that Swordfish fight goes!"

    Ceres waved them off. "Take care! "


    -Sent 600 to Banker
    X2 Immolation Potions

  24. "You're welcome!" Ceres said to Rei. "And I guess some people could find me uhmm careless maybe? Naieve?" She shrugged her shoulders. "But I guess the people who dislike me, won't talk to me - and I'm fine with that. You can't like everyone, nor can you expect everyone to like you."

    Ceres snorted as she laughed when they said that was their next quest. "Ooh...good luck. That old fisherman is an absolute butt! Oh...but I found the cave super easy, maybe because I wasn't in the middle of a lake. Hannah was..." Ceres sighed wistfully. "Super wonderful too. So I guess that made the quest so much easier." Ceres clasped her hands together.

    "Anyway! I'm still very happy to see you all as returning customers. You're already getting so strong!"


  25. Name: Ceres
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 2
    Item Type: Weapon - Curved Sword
    Roll Id:  #133107 Slot 1   | #133108 Slot 2
    LD:  Slot 1 LD: 13 | Slot 2 LD: 17

    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +1 Bleed +1 Damage
    Name: Bloody Ice
    Description: A curved sword with a dark blue handle and an ice blue blade, they say the blade is coated in the blood of an ice wraith and can cause severe bleeding damage to enemies.
    Post Link


    Name: Ceres
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 2
    Item Type: Consumable
    Roll Id:  #133109
    LD:  7

    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +2 Damage
    Name: Damage Potion
    A simple clear potion, around the cork a cute rose-red coloured ribbon has been delicately tied into a bow.
    Post Link


    Name: Ceres
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 2
    Item Type: Consumable
    Roll Id:  #133110
    LD:  12

    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +2 Accuracy
    Name: Potion of Accuracy
    A simple clear potion, around the cork a cute rose-red coloured ribbon has been delicately tied into a bow.
    Post Link


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