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Posts posted by Quinn

  1. Hearing from Mari a few skills Quinn opened her menu and wrote something down, both the skill gatherer and searching where noted. Before much more Quinn took a look at the skill menu, taking a look here and there Quinn found the two skills both being quite interesting to be using, sadly at this time Quinn had no point to use them yet but she wanted to get there so she could use them, "M-Merci," Quinn said closing the menu before kneeling down to the ground. From the side now as she was kneeling down she really looked quite small and even young. But Quinn was not paying much mind to that as she was trying to look for some of these flowers.

    Kneeling down A small Smile came to her face, and it was clear to see, her carefree spirit was shining out and the little girl picked up a light pink flower from the ground and looked at it getting the information from the item she just got. 

    Material Item: Dahlia
    Item Buff: ???
    Rarety: Tier 1

    Quinn then puts the flower away and as soon as she did so the quest updated from looking for 5 to 4 more materials she needed to find. Turning to the attention of Mari as she spoke, Quinn looked around. To be honest there were not many flowers around here and the sounds of the lakes and flowerbeds sounded nice. There was a ray of happiness in Quinns eyes but still far away from being herself around people was hard as she still seemed nervous, "T-The flowerbeds, and... and the lakes sound nice," Quinn said looking away from Mari as she told this to her clearly being still a bit nervous.

    ID# 135907 results:
    LD 19, Gathering Succed


  2. Listening to Mari, Quinn got quiet and her tears now completely stopped. It seemed Mari this the same what she told Quinn to do and with her eyes now a bit focused on Mari and from time to time looking away fast her hands became warm and slowly she lowered them. As soon as Mari told Quinn she felt her warm hands a small blush came upon Quinn's face and a weak bit soft smile appeared. A calm but still closed Quinn was starting to show and the panic seemed to be disappearing.

    Once Mari got back with the drink as Quinn asked politely. Accepting the drink hesitant, taking a sip from it, hmm Apple juice. "Thank you," Quinn said softly and calmly to Mari. Then the next question came asking if Quinn was alright, "I... I'm alright now, Thank you," Quinn said low and soft clearly still in the progress in taking stuff around her in. Before turning back to Mari "pas d'inquiétude" Meaning if the translator found it No worries. Then Quinn went and sit down on a chair and took a deep breath before speaking again, "I'm sorry to be... to be of trouble," Quinn said to Mari and the other woman Mari had taken with her as well. It was so that Quinn always thought to be of trouble for someone if they started crying and at this moment it seemed like this was one.

    With a sigh and turning away to look at the party, she looked down again "I should not have come," She said low and barely hearable by anyone but without any stuttering in her voice. It seems that whatever plaguing Quinn is was not more a bit of guilt than being scared. Quinn wanted to leave and just not make more trouble for Mari, but on the other hand, Quinn also did not want Mari to be worrying about her as well. It was a call Quinn didn't want to make and for sure she was not up for that just yet. Hearing a voice come from behind Mari Quinn shocked a bit and, yes yet again she was completely Quiet and her mouth seemed to have gone shot right at that moment the person said something. New things don't make for great introductions at all for Quinn, and mostly everything here was new even the players.

    @Mari @Minako @Astralin

  3. "O-Ooh, Um yes," Quinn said fast listening to Mari what she was telling her. So it was not that simple as it was said in the book. Maybe Quinn should see if she wanted to focus more on the other stuff than combat, as this seemed quite important too. Quinn turned to Mari walking up to her a bit, "Mari... Are there any Skills to make it easier." Quinn asked her back to her softly spoken but deep France accent. It was an honest and curious question from Quinn as she was not really keen on fighting now that is all seemed so dangerous and deadly. 

    Mari showed Quinn how and what she should be looking for, that did look simple and Quinn with a small look of I can do it went around a bit and looked. But as Quinn looked around she was really stroking a bit of bad luck here and with how hard she was even trying she did not find it, Why can't I find this, Where are these!!! Quinn thought as she looked around for a bit before turning to Mari again, "No l-luck," You could see a clear disappointment in Quinn's eyes there as she said it. 

    ID# 135890 results: 
    LD 2, Gathering Failed.


  4. It was just all and nothing at this point Quinn was having everything thrown at her and in the end the bucket was full and everything wanted to get out. But then the woman, Mari, kneeled down even on her heels what was quite impressive. Quinn looked up as she was crying softly and nodded to Mari's question both times. Yes, this was a panic attack of sorts and the best Quinn could do was try to calm down. Ground herself, that was a term Quinn was not really used to at all. But Quinn tried her best to do as Mari said.

    Quinn's hands still twisted with each other as a clear sign of not being calm at all but Quinn at least tried to close her eyes. As Quinn did so still a few hiccups from crying she tried to listen to the sounds around her. It was very clear what she heard, her own snickering and crying as well as her heartbeat as well. Clearly not being calm at all Quinn tried her best and closed her eyes even more. It was quiet and for a moment a small piece for Quinn. "P-People... M-Music," She said still moving her finger into each other as holding them close to her chest. Quinn kept trying to do what Mari told, "Lonely." Was the next word. Before Quinn did more there was a deep breath. As Mari grabbed Quinn's hand there was a bit of a shock from Quinn before you could see Quinn sway a bit on the music playing on the background not speaking for a bit. It seems whatever Quinn focuses on it was the music for sure. "Roses and ... Don't need something," Quinn said in the end before opening her eyes.

    "M-Merci," Quinn said as it was clear to dry up her tears now and trying to get out of her panic state. A few deep breaths, in and out. "I'll like something to drink, please," Quinn said low and soft having a very clear France accent to it as well. "Q-Quinn, my name is Quinn," Quinn said to Mari as she whipped away her tears as her eyes still were a bit watery. I wish I had my headset now, So I could listen to some calming violin music, Quinn thought for a second. "Merci beaucoup," Quinn said still trying to grab hold of her emotions a bit as she spoke softly looking at Mari.

    @Mari @Minako

  5. as soon as Quinn asked to take care of this swan there was a small sigh and a little battle between the two. What is wrong with this swan why was it even following her in the first place and why did it not give up either. With the small dance, Mari had with the swan it all ended as Mari picked it up and it started to flail about trying to get out. There a wonder happened, A small giggle from Quinn, soft, but it was there. As the swan flew as elegant as it could as it was thrown by Mari and seemed to be away for now. Then the attention was back to Quinn with Mari's question.

    Quinn snapped out her small smile and back to her nervous self. "ah! Y-Yes I do!" Quinn said looking fastly at the ground before turning her attention back to Mari. Looking for Materials, sounded easy but to be honest Quinn never did it. Still, it was explained to her in the small book she had been reading. Just look around for items, they shine a bit. Those are the words said by the book. So knowing that the materials Quinn needed were just needed for potions it was easy to find some sort of plant.

    Looking around for a small bit Quinn tried her best looking at the place they were currently at. But it seemed maybe it was better to move a bit more away from the gates as Quinn looked up from the ground it was still like right there. "M-Maybe I don't," Quinn said to Mari with a clear small nervousness in her voice as she seemed to not know if she did it right or not.

    ID# 135832 results: 
    LD 2, Materials not founded!


  6. It seems that the swan from the pond, that is in the park INSIDE the safe zone was now outside, for Quinn a completely new thing to see happen. Remembering the first time Quinn found this swan in that same pond it also followed her around. But why she was scared of this thing was just because of her experience from the other side. The real world. A lot of things came to mind as the swan snapped at Mari's hand and a small shock was given my Quinn as it did so.

    As Mari spoke about the swan and this little standoff with them and the swan Mari spoke to Quinn saying about something with dinner. Taking a bit in Quinn straightened herself out and her voice became soft and quiet again, "K-Killing seems a bit, H-harsh for it." Saying this Quinn tilted her head a bit at the swan. Hearing that Quinn was the boss-ish of Mari, Quinn looked up and sighed a bit from those words. "D-Don't kill it, but do ... Do get him away from me," Quinn said to Mari softly and carefully clearly showing her fear for this creature.


  7. Once outside looking a bit sheepish around for this Mari until Quinn notice someone calling out to her and waving her over, it then came to her. This name was familiar, and now the face too. The redhead form that one and oh so great party ending in chaos for Quinn. At least she was the one getting to talk to Quinn and trying to calm her down, Saying much to nothing in fear. But that was over now, at least that is what Quinn was hoping for. Slowly and sheepishly walking over to the redhead Quinn looked at Mari "H-Hi," She said low and soft. listening to her for a bit Quinn shook her head, "pas de soucis, N-No w-worries," She said spoken quiet and soft to her. She felt a bit better speaking France to her but she still needed to translate it after that so that was a bit harder.

    So there was need of a plan, and Mari seemed well informed already about this quest as told Quinn about the whole goal of the quest. As she explained, however, a Honk was heard from behind and Quinn turned around to stare a swan in the eyes. "Eek!" A cry of panic came out louder than anything ever said by her before. With the quick movement of Mari Quinn was already behind Mari and out of her panic but upon seeing who or what it was Quinn stared and pointed getting even a bit angry looking face. "It's you! HOW DID YOU FOLLOW ME!" Quinn got out for the first time for Mari to hear Quinn speak so loudly. Her voice sounded mature more than anyone expected as well having a soft and caring sound to it even in her yelling state at the swan.


  8. Chaos and not just a little bit, This man no this beast was clearly losing its mind over something and this did not help Quinn at all. As slowly as she could she just stared in fear of what the hell was happening. Not only that there was not also a dragon attacking another woman and out of panic Quinn shocked and took a small step back as her fingers moved even faster now and there was a clear panic over her entire body now. Her eyes even spoke as they swelled up from tears still not on the point of letting it all out and slow down her cheeks. After the situation with the dragon was handled it seemed that the same woman walked up to Quinn asking if she was alright. "Y-yes," Quinn said soft, low and trembling and clearly a lie. While inside her head went the same few words over and over again, I don't want to be here, I don't want to be here, I want to go Home!!!

    Quinn was completely frozen now as more people showed up and Mari began to speak back to this monster, Macradon. It was a sight for sure and with all the chaos Quinn did completely nothing, paralyzed of fright. Quinn was zoned out by her fear and was completely off the world, that changed until a hand was placed on her shoulder and a small "Eek!" sound came out of her. Before she could do anything she was guided by this woman from the dragon straying frozen breath into her face. Quinn's face became red as the woman told her name, that being Mari. With that out of the way and Quinn being led to another place, she spoke again. gesturing at the table filled with food.

    At this moment Quinn could not hold in anymore and the tears started to flow down her cheeks with the smallest sound she made as the tears fell to the ground. With all the panic and chaos finally washing over her it seems the bucket was full and all the water was spilling out. Without much saying Quinn's crying became less and with still a few tears rolling down her cheeks she pointed at the strawberry and cream dip not speaking and her eyes still welding up.

  9. With some things out of the way, Quinn seemed to get better at walking on the streets of the first settlement. But yet she still held her hands held close to her chest she moved around for a bit. Knowing from experience how games worked she knew that she needed to level up her ability to gain at least a foothold in this game. As it seemed right now Quinn's level was low and not just low it was level one. Knowing her best way to start was by following the tutorial but she really had no idea where and how to find this quest. Knowing from some books asking at the player request bored was her best option. Placing down a request as quickly as she could before leaving the chaos again. With that in place, it was waiting for someone to get her a message and see what people will do.

    Once Quinn took some time to go stand in a calm and quiet place in the park within the settlement she looked out over the small pond in front of her seeing swans there. brrrr I don't like you, not even if you are just pixels, She though looking at the swan as she crossed her legs as she sat down on the grass. It took a bit of time before she got a message, a person called Mari message her and Quinn without thinking sent her own coordinations to this Mari person. AS she looked over at the pond and the swan making sure it did not get any closer a small connection was made. "Eh!" she said fast as her brain made the connection clear now as she knew the name Mari, someone she remembers a bit. But not sure as well. With this Quinn was trying to remember the face to the name she was awful with remembering names and faces so it took a bit as she was trying to remember how Mari looked like and what happened again.

    Getting a message back saying something about meeting at the gate Quinn tilted her head a bit but seemed alright doing so as she got up and stared at the swan, "Don't you dare follow me!" She said looking a bit angry as far as she could. Being honest her angry face was not the best. As she then made her way to the gate with her small spear on her back and her hands close to her chest as she walked passed people avoiding everyone who ran into her. Once there and the message popped up from leaving the save zone Quinn looked at the gate and sighed looking a bit scared. Taking her spear from her back and into her hands she held it close and waited for Mari to show up.



    Avatar Information,

    level 1
    HP: 20
    EN: 2
    MIT: 0
    DMG: 1


    SP: 5/5

    One-Handed Assault Spear Rank 1
    Empty Skill...
    Empty Skill...
    Empty Skill...
    Empty Skill...



    equipt items:

    • Assault Spear (T1 OHAS)
    • Starters Luck (T1 Light Armor)
    • Empty
      • 3x  Standard Healing Potions (T1 Potion, Heals 50)
      • Empty
      • Empty
      • Empty
      • Empty


  10. This was going to be something as Quinn was still bowing and saying sorry until the woman spoke saying not to worry about it. I messed up I messed up I... Her string of thought was cut off however by the present on a man and not just someone, it was more like it was the guy Quinn wanted to avoid in the first place. As he scoped his hand onto the bowl Quinn's face was clearly nervous and scared at the same time even after he spoke. As he spoke however to her as well she started to fiddle with her hands as they lay on her chest. "ah! eeh! Ah!" The only sounds that came out of Quinn were once of panic of the unknown.

    She stared at this man who just showed up, Macradon. It was really clear Quinn was not at home here and she was frozen of her fear and all the while fiddling with her fingers as her eyes started to water a bit but not so far where you could see the tears fall down her cheek. But at least it was clear that if this was going to be more then she could handle she would cry. It was clear he was in no means here to harm but Quinns thought of thinking was just frozen in fear and the only thing that went on was a small sound of panic from her, "H-Hi" She said low and soft.

    @Cordelia @Macradon

  11. It was still a bit late for Quinn to even start moving to this floor and even so It was really a dumb move for someone her level to even try to get to this floor in the first place. But it seems that this gala she heard about was happening and if she needed to gain something it was to going to be here. But one note to another She never been to something like this, her life was calmer and carefully planned than just out of nowhere got to this party like this. But now that she set her idea on getting to this gala it was clear to her. She will go there and gain what she wants. With a yellow dress around her body, and carefully places white flowers over her shoulder she made her way to this floor.

    Once there Quinn stood at the entrance sheepishly, it was something she would never do. But she needed to be here for her own best will to fight her own weakness. As her hand was close to her chest she took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright Quinn, you got this," She said low as she walked into the party. Quinn, you got this... You got this, you got this, you got... this, you Don't got this, you DONT GOT THIS! Her mind went a bit wild and with her hand, even closer to her body she walked around carefully getting absorbed by the chaos. What was even going on here the chaos the small panic of people doing the weirdest stuff around here, what was going on here people are weird especially once eating strawberries, for now.

    As Quinn walked sheepishly around the gala she was not paying much attention to anything as she walked up to the food table. Walking backward a bit in a panic of her own she dumbed into someone. "Eek!" she got out her self as she turned around in a panic. A woman with very light hair and a red dress was standing there at the punch bowl. "S-Sorry S-sor-ry!!!!" She said to the woman in her panic and made at least twenty no thirty small bows of apologizing to the woman. 


  12. Story On Aincrad:

    Beginning the game like this was something, being stuck in the game is hell. Quinn doesn't know what to do and is scared for her life. Her flaws got the best of her and she went and hideaway. With nobody she knew in the game she stayed out of the way to meet people and was busy trying to get her mind back onto its rightful path in helping people. Now she is back and ready to help anyone who needs help.





  13. Avatar Information,

    level 5
    HP: 100
    EN: 10
    MIT: 0
    DMG: 2
    LD: 3


    SP: 10/11

    One-Handed Assault Spear Rank 1
    First Aid Rank 1
    Empty Skill...
    Empty Skill...
    Empty Skill...



    equipt items:

    • Assault Spear (T1 OHAS)
    • Silver Serpent Ring (T1 Trinket, Loot Dice 2)
    • Bronze Covetous Serpent (T1 Trinket, Loot Dice 1)
      • 3x  Standard Healing Potions (T1 Potion, Heals 50)
      • 5 Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (T1 Potion,+40HP)
      • Empty
      • Empty
      • Empty


    • Assault Spear (T1 OHAS)
    • Starters Luck (T1 Light Armor)
    • Bronze Covetous Serpent (T1 Trinket, Loot Dice 1)
    • Silver Serpent Ring (T1 Trinket, Loot Dice 2)


    • 3  Standard Healing Potions (T1 Potion, Heals 50)
    • 5 Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (T1 Potion,+40HP)
    • Damage Potion. (T1 Potion, +1 Damage)
    • Over-Health Potion (T1 Potion, +50 Temp. HP)
    • Butterfly Effect (T1 Support Song, Familiar Sight)

    Col and Mats:

    • 5.350 Col
    • 36 Tier One Mats
    • 0 Tier Two Mats
    • 0 Tier Three Mats

    Unidentified Items

    • perfect shield,
    • 2 rare consumable
  14. 5588472303_45fc705f5c_b.thumb.jpg.64b4c51f07f787aba4f1a1d9a86d7285.jpgAn Quinn's tale!
    Yes its a pun on Queen's tale

    Username: Quinn
    Name: Quincy Lévûque
    Age: 20    DoB: 10 July
    Gender: Female
    Height: 146 CM, 4'7" F.
    Nationality: France









    Quinn is younger then she looks, Her height just being 4'7" Feet.  With this, she doesn't stand out much around people and is hard to be seen. With her blonde short and curling hair she wears two white little flower-like clips in her hair. Brown eyes and a wide smile. Wearing mostly blue and yellow as well as having a small personality.

    Personality & History

    Quinn, Born as Quincy Lévêque to a man and a woman from France. Her father is the man who traveled to Nancy to find love with a fashion designer from Nancy. Quinn had an easy-going life, with no family problems or any sort of illness. Growing up she got to learn how to play the violin and still has a fine keen sense of music and enjoys the small sounds. With her father getting a new job in Paris she was with both her parents living in one house. Quinn grew up respecting elders and being quite polite to people even being very helpful and open to them. Over the years Quinn got bullied and locked herself in for quite a bit. Never really speaking with anyone outside the school. She, however, did not really pay mind to this and just moved on with her life.
    Once in high school, she got into the music club and made some friends there, but because her past of being bullied was still hanging above in her head she was easy to get sad or either become quiet. But with the few friends she got, she made a deep connection with them. It was good to see that Quinn was making friends. On the train, you cloud always see Quinn with a headset as she was listening to Classic and most of all violin music. Being the more quiet person of her class she did not make much of a story for others and was left alone for the most part. With the few friends she had, she started chatting online as well as she was not really one to go out and go shopping or a night out.
    Once her High school was over she moved on to learn more about music and as she did so finding the perfect college for her ideals. Soon she found one and with a smile on her face, she wanted to enroll. Sadly once she got word back, it was no good and she was denied from the school. This made her sad and a whole year past where Quinn was more or less just walking around streets and doing nothing. Her life became a bit depressed and soon she even wanted to end her life. Her parents found out quickly and help was on their way. That was the moment she got better for the rest of the year and became the person she now is. Being helpful and a delightful person. Full of energy and happiness Quinn became quite prideful of the things she had and more or less became an optimist in most things. Once that year of nothing was done Quinn had her mindset on learning English, and she soon within a year got her degree in Cambridge English. After that year she made up her mind and went to a big college in Paris. Here she got enrolled in the school and said she wanted to live in a Student House.
    Once there, in the student house called Golden Fish, she was surprised to be the youngest (and smallest)  person there with all kinds of people from different studies. With the people already living there Quinn became fastly know with them and was really fond of everyone that lived there. At first, they were all a bit skeptical at her but later on, all went well and she even became the cook and the so-called little sister of the group.


    Helpful: Quinn is very helpful, yet she does have her limitations at the right point. Even if her Flaws block her from helping someone she still will try her best to help the person she wants to help. It would be quite a sight for sure to see Quinn help people and want and always will help someone even if they don't ask.

    Optimistic: After a few years of helping herself she became quite a turn around for her world. Becoming optimistic as she could look at everything with the half-full look. It got the better of her and she even gets to enjoy some of the darker days by looking on the bright side of life.

    Energetic: From the start, she always has been a bit hyper but nowadays her energy goes more into her emotions and actions. She never really gets exhausted and moves on without much trouble she could run for miles. With this much energy, she is always up to something day and night she just likes to be active and do something that would fit with her.

    Storyteller: apart from having skill in playing the violin and having a degree in English she also is quite skilled in making up the best campfire, adventure, and romance stories. She has a nick for getting the stories just right from her fingers, she does this easy and even without a good story she can easily make something up, that seems to fit the theme of the day. With this, she seemed to be very creative with most all the things she tells people.


    Venerable: it is known to many people that Quinn is not one to like much of any emotions and it is really easy to make her jump the gun on something. With this, she is very venerable and will be easy to either piss off, make sad or even scared. not only that she will easily just run away or cry if something just hits her on the wrong spot of her emotions.

    Nervous: With her ability to be as helpful as she wants there is this small side of her that is way too nervous to do something. Scared of failing people and opinions about her she gets very nervous about a lot and wants to hide away from a lot of things. She still goes for it but it is clear she is not a people person, but over time she will get used to the person she is talking to.

    Absent: While it is not really something you would think by her energy she can and will be very absent in an unknown location and even be more of panic then normal. It's not only her height that plays here as well but also her nervousness around people. She will become quiet and scared if she gets into new locations, not only it is mostly that she goes around unseen as she avoids people the most then.

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