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Everything posted by Watcher

  1. (this is arabelle) for post drafts, please ignore. if i see you lurking here, i will bonk you i swear.
  2. [ ALERT: Update Complete ]  Lost in the forest. The player had awoken from another long slumber to a world changed, and now she stood in the corner of a glade with her sword drawn on one hand, squinting up at the break in the great trees’ canopy. | here stood her memory of the entrance: a quaint stretch of a trail paved with flat stones, two
  3. Alice blinked -- slowly. Inches from her feet, a sunlight-kissed doorstep led into the polished interior of a little blue shop. Evening... Star...? The words passed through her head without any real meaning. She wasn't quite sure of how she ended up in this part of town, but the artisan's workshop didn't appear as imposing as its neighbors. Her aimless foray continued. "Um. Hello?" Her voice was nearly inaudible, even in the midst of empty space. The fog in her mind cleared just enough for her to give an involuntary flinch at the sound of it. She wasn't alone, she realized then.
  4. LEVEL 1 HP 20 | EN 20 | DMG 4 SKILLS USED 4 | UNUSED 1 01. 2H Straight Sword I
  5. ♔ ALICE (████████, ████) she/her • 19 ~ 21 • 5'3" -------------------------- [records] [inventory] [archive] [03/02/20XX] [19:12:52] [This recording was made for archival purposes and was not originally intended to be shared with the public.] The channels were flooded with emergency news reports. Rarely did she ever startle at the interruption. And just as rarely did it catch her eye. When you leave any old television to buzz along 24/7 at the same corner of the ro
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