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Posts posted by Seraphina

  1. Hey, Imgur! - Album on ImgurWelcome & hello Lucky!

    Although my username is Seraphina I just go by Sera. I'm also a little newer to this community (and am still learning the ropes) but so far everyone has been super helpful and friendly -  so don't be afraid to reach out if you have questions or wanna write with someone.

    Anyways, hope to see ya around. :)

  2. There had been no indication that anyone was there until a voice came out of the void. It was everything that she could do to keep herself from startling, but it was obvious that the quest giver was rattled by the other players sudden appearance. Turning a curious eye to who had addressed the duo warm, amber eyes found themselves staring into green eyes. A quick glance up would reveal soft blonde hair that appeared to be tussled by a wisp of wind. The rest of his ensemble was morbidly dark, so much so that the smile almost seemed out of place. Almost. Despite the one second analysis his gaze would have been greeted by one of her own toothy grins. "Really?" Sera rhetorically questioned, "That would be amazing." Then her attention was diverted back to the NPC.

    "Hear that, we'll get your kid back to you safe and sound," the brunettes' smile softened, "You can count on us." 

    This was an NPC. A non-playable character that would forever be stuck in the loop of loosing her child and having to beg players for there assistance only to be let down time and time again. If she could only provide a brief moment of hope then that is what she would do. At the news that the adventuring duo would go the women started to cry before rushing off to inform the rest of the family. Now that the NPC was gone a friendly gaze was turned toward her new partner. Scratching the back of her head the grin turned sheepish, "Thanks for coming with me," Sera stated, "Have you done this quest before?" 

  3. A lingering gaze that had been fixated on herself rather than NIGHT shifted again when the sounds of "whooshing" filled the space. Mesmerized by the calculated, graceful swings that the smaller player was creating Sera found herself unable to look away. Despite the continuance of movement there had been something that the player had not missed. A shift in air and presence. It appears the topic of schooling had caught NIGHT attention. That thought was confirmed when NIGHT stopped her actions.

    Leaning forward, Sera attentively listened as NIGHT shared her thoughts and about the other player who managed to successfully garden. How she would love to one day be strong enough, and stable enough, to afford a shop on the first floor and sell goods. That topic quickly moved on as the black-haired player discussed her school. 

    "I was... studying for my diploma majoring in... Let's just say it's IT and call it a day. Two years into the course, and I was on my way to complete my third. My final year."

    As the other player took a seat on the bench and leaned on the sword Sera scooted over to make enough room for both. The bench was much bigger than the two-player sitting on it. Deciding that now was the time to get comfortable the women folded up her legs and then placed an elbow on her knee so that it was clear she was paying attention. The next question was predictable, and rightly so. 

    "I was studying Non-Profit and Business Management," Sear relayed, wistfully smile at the ground in front of her, "My dad owned a non-profit company that assisted families who had been screwed over the medical organizations. He had a dedicated legal team and truly cared for those that came to him for help." It was obvious that he emulated her dad. He was smart and successful but also had a heart of gold. "Did you always want to major in IT?" 


  4. The words that normally came so naturally were suddenly gone. Cheeks now stained the color of a ripe cherry tomato and gaze fixated on her hand Sera nodded; simply because that was all the player was able to do. The sudden closeness a caught her off guard, but now her senses were returning. Where Chase's hand had overlapped her there was a warm, prickling sensation. For just a moment, the shorter women pondered on the fact that the game was not suppose to transfer sensations; however, the brain was a powerful tool and could often trick players into thinking that touch had a sensation. Despite the sensation being a trick it was a pleasant one. 

    Realizing that perhaps she had been quiet too long she turned her attention back toward Chase. "Eh sorry. Got distracted," Sera quickly explained, and then moved on before the question could be asked about what distracted her, "A walk sounds good." With that said the duo started walking back toward the town. Occasional light conversation was made, but in reality Sera just enjoyed the presence of another human at her side. The rest of the quest seemed to fly by. She talked with Lyle (who was just as rude as ever) and turned in the boar tusks that were collected.  Lyle mentioned briefly about a fishermen on a dock but didn't elaborate too much. With information regarding the next piece of the quest the duo exited the shop.  


    > 1,600 Experience Points [1,150 * 1 WC + 450 Quest]
    > 900 Col [400 Page + 500 Quest]
    > Boar Jerky (from defeating Mama Boar) | Perfect Consumable | DMG II | MIT I
    > Tealeaf Armor |T1 Uncommon Armor of Choice | MIT I


    > 10,350 Experience Points [1,150 * 9 WC]
    > 1,552 Col [Laurel Wreath]


  5. "If you're going to the frontlines, let me help you get there. There's nothing better for me to do but help others with the way things are. Until there's a party moving to unlock the 27th floor."

    This time it was her turn to blush. The soft pink glowed crossed her cheeks and nose. It would have been hard to hide the initial shocked expression but then a wide, toothy grin overtook the surprised 'oh' that her mouth made.  Despite the lack of luck that had occurred during fighting it had appeared elsewhere. A little cheesy, but true.  Nodding she faced the grin toward him, "I would love to have the company."

    With the ruby orbs focused on the blue haired player the casual sheathing of the sword did not go unnoticed. The smile did not falter. Sera knew exactly what the taller player was telling her without telling her. That action sent the message that ChaseR trusted that the next hit was going to land. That message was reaffirmed as the words, "Finish 'er off!" filled the distance between the duo. Considering the luck, or lack thereof, the nerves started to build back up. While she knew that it would not be a bit deal if she missed and that they would probably laugh about it there was something still very unsettling about the situation. Previously, it had been easy to be confident because the chance that she was going to get a hit was there, but the doubt was sneaking in through the cracks. With three misses in a row, it was difficult to have a little faith. After all, if she could not help with defeating a boar the how was she going to help defeat a boss? 

    Doubt was her downfall. As the boar stood directly next to her, she drew back the assault spear and struck. Unfortunately for her the head of the spear did not contact the robust body. Instead, the head of the spear hit the tusk of the boar. It was either that or the boar was able to block the attack. In all honesty, Sera wasn't too sure. Taking a couple steps away from the boar she readied the spear again in case the boar decided to come this way. "Are you sure you wanna travel with me? I seem to be cursed." It was made as a joke, but it really did feel like she was on the wrong side of lady luck. 


    Sera attach Mama Boar with <<Sonic Charge>>

    198685 1 8 4 2 Seraphina   Sonic Charge vs Mama Boar 2021-09-16 16:24:17

    BD: 1 [MISS]

    Seraphina | HP: 38/40 | EN: 6/22 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 11 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0
    ChaseR | HP: 840/840 | EN: 101/102 (+4, -1) | DMG: 21 | MIT: 69 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | HOLY: 16 | PARA: 9-10 | BH: 42 | V.(DEF): 42 | HBS: 16 | LD: 6

    [0,5] Mama Boar | HP: 28/60 (-16) | DMG: 15 | MIT: 5 | EVA: -1


  6. As NIGHT mentioned that fashion was the key to looking like an advanced player a quick glance was cast down at her outfit. If that was true, no wonder the small player thought that. If she saw herself walking around the first floor, she would think the exact same thing. Nice clothes. Hair piece. Gloves. The more attention that was paid to the outfit the more self-conscious she became. "You make a good point..." Sear mused out loud, while grimacing softly, "Maybe I need to go shopping tomorrow..." The thought of changing how she dressed was lingering in her mind.

    Hearing the words “mobile gamer” a firm nod was provided. "Yep, it was always so easy to just pull out my phone and mindlessly plant some crops." As NIGHT then pulled on the knowledge that the same thing could be done in SAO the white-haired player perked up. "That can be done here!" Sera exclaimed louder than anticipated due to the excitement bubbling over. "I've always heard player say that they could buy houses on the upper floors but never anything about farming or gardening." Just hearing that brought on a new sense of motivation. Even here, in this virtual death trap, there was a way to do the things that she enjoyed. 

    "Do you have any hobbies that you do?" Sera questioned, red eyes glancing up at NIGHT, "In the game or real life?" Earlier Sera had shared some inner thoughts and the weight that had been felt since learning her fate had lifted slightly. No one talks about the real world. No one talks about how much they lost or, sometimes more importantly, who they lost. There was an awareness there that those conversations brought up vibrant, painful emotions but that was part of the healing process. That was how one moved on.

    "I used to garden in real life too. There is something so calming about it. When I wasn't doing that then I was writing papers or working on presentations. I remember really liking presentations - there was just something about knowing about a topic and sharing knowledge"




  7. darkcave.jpg

    As the warm light of the teleporter started to envelop the pixelated form anticipation and excitement started to bubble over. This was Sera's first time leaving the first floor. As the blue light overtook the edges of once clear vision a soft smile fixated on the smooth features. 'Goodbye. I'll be back soon.' As that thought finished the blue overtook everything and there was a sensation of weightlessness. Just as suddenly as the feeling occurred it vanished. Taupe lace boots suddenly touched on something firm and then a burst of color exploded in her vision. Stumbling out of the teleporter Sera managed to catch herself on one of the wooden benches. Her breath came in short gasps as she attempted to re-orient herself. The calm that was starting to be gained did not last. As the small form was about to right herself a figure suddenly appeared. 

    "Pl-please," the women begged, "I've been trying to find someone to help me all day. My child--" she pauses, trying to regain her composure. "She-- she was playing in one of the caverns in the mountains with her friend. I-I told her not to go but she didn't listen to me!" Fat tears start to pour out of her eyes as she stared into Sera's warm amber eyes.

    Tenderly, Sera places a touch on the shoulder of the hysterical woman. It was just a moment of distraction, but it was enough for the player to be able to respond, "I'll help you get your daughter back" -and hopefully not die in the process. The last part was only said within the safety of her mind. While Sera was not a particularly high leveled player, she figured that she might be able to handle this quest.

     Or maybe she could call a friend. 

    There was moment of reprieve as NPC tearfully smiled at her. That was soon broke as tears started to well at the corners of her eye and she finished, "Her friend came back to me just this moment a-and said that they were attacked by monsters! T-the beast is still in there with her, please, I don't know how long my Koko can last in a place like that!"


    Seraphina | Lvl: 2 | HP: 40/40 | EN: 22/22 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 11 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0

  8. It felt like story-time, and Sera was an active participant. Wonderings about the boss battles and fights of the upper floors ran though her mind from time to time. What was it like? Who were you with? What was it like to beat a level? In this moment some of those questions had been answered. It sounded grueling and dangerous. Is that what she wanted? Did you want to be up there fighting with ChaseR and whoever else she meets on this journey? 

    Memories of her sitting at her favorite Cafe flew through her brain. It was a distinct memory since was the very first day she had visited the café. As she sipped her tea she watched as players from high level guilds walked by. They laughed, joked, and seemed to be having a wonderful time. She had decided that she would like that. She wanted to be on the front lines, risking her life to win this game and return home. 

    As that thought traveled through her mind Sera observed as ChaseR twirled and then smacked the boar with the flat end of his blade, stating "...So let's just have fun and keep playing with it while we can." For just a moment she held the spear between her body and arm all while clapping and laughing. "What a nice little touch," Sera joked, considering his words. ChaseR had a valid point. This was an opportunity to relax and just have fun. There would be plenty of other fights that they could stress about, and this was not one of them. As the boar started towards her, she lowered herself closer to the ground and prepared to allow the boar to use its own momentum to impale itself. 

    Unfortunately for Sera the was able to veer off course enough to avoid impalement. As the large body of the boar passed, she could feel the rough, plastic like fur brush against the right ear. Bending and rolling Sera popped up and faced the boar again. She was following ChaseR's led and having fun. 

    "I must have bad luck or something," Sera lightly acknowledged, jamming the head of the spear lightly into the ground, "Can't seem to land a hit." As a result of the purposeful tumble Sera had green strands of grass in her head and one on her cheek. Wiping it away she turned toward the male, a small smirk on her face, "I'm going to be fighting with you on the front lines one day. Also, switch." 

    198663 3 7 6 4 Seraphina http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png Sonic Charge vs Mama Boar 2021-09-11 13:48:06

    Seraphina used <<Sonice Charge>>  [3+1=4 MISS]


    Seraphina | HP: 38/40 | EN: 10/22 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 11 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0
    ChaseR | HP: 840/840 (+42) | EN: 101/102 (+4, -1) | DMG: 21 | MIT: 69 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | HOLY: 16 | PARA: 9-10 | BH: 42 | V.(DEF): 42 | HBS: 16 | LD: 6

    [0,3] Mama Boar | HP: 44/60 (-16) | DMG: 15 | MIT: 5 | EVA: -1


  9. The response was not immediate more for the fact that the smaller player had decided to wander back to the middle of the square and re-start practicing. As the other player wandered away Sera thought about what the NIGHT had said. The words "I'd figured you were... uh, experienced — yourself, too" rang through her mind. Had Sera come off as experienced? She had always perceived herself as someone who appeared to be new. Either way, the young women decided it was a compliment. 

    "I certainly will," Sera stated, not even being sure if sword moves could be transferred to the assault spear, "Also, I'm definitely a new player. Back in the real world I rarely played fighting games; only farming and puzzle. I couldn't stand the stress that came with trying to win a battle." As the statement finished a soft, sad smile befell the smooth features. How she missed the simplicity of a farming game. They were predicable. Move to a new town, inherit a house and land, tidy up the land, plant, and then harvest. There was rarely any surprises and the goal of the game was typically to grow your farm. Fighting games were not predicable. 

    Sword Art Online was not predictable. 

    Yet here she was. Sitting in a virtual world engaging with another virtual representation of a person and in a game that main premises was the very thing she tried to avoid in games - fighting. The memories of her friends and family come rushing back. Misha and Gwen. "It's funny," Sera said softly, "I probably would even be here right now if it wasn't for some friends. I don't even know where those friends are. Of if they even made it in..." In her head, Sera hoped that they were still in the real world. Alive and safe. Realizing that it was a depressing note to engage a conversation on Sera perked up a little and stated, "But yeah. That is why I was kinda surprised you thought I was experienced." 


  10. As the taller player approached the mama boar Sera followed a couple steps behind. Mentally, the women was reminding herself that her teammate was a tank and that role of a tank was to gain focus from the enemy while other players attacked. So that is what she was doing. Once ChaseR gained the mama boars attention then she would rush in.

    Only, it didn't quite happen exactly as she thought it would. For many reasons. Hunger Games Simulation: Beyond the Possibilities - TV Tropes Forum

    As the sword started to swing down the blade that was dimly outlined by wisps suddenly disappeared. What should have been a devastating blow turned out to nothing but a puff of air in the boars face. Well, air and the body of the player who was driving the blow. A sharp breath was taken as ChaseR fell. Unlike before, the worry that was present was lessened; rightfully so as ChaseR suddenly popped up and tussled the blades of grass out of the sharp blue locks. What only further caused the worry to subside was the fact that ChaseR was laughing. Shaking her head and smiling slightly Sera turned a determined gaze toward the boar. It's menacing orbs were not focused the least bit on her - just as ChaseR said. Feeling encouraged the white-haired female gripped the shaft of the plain spear and rushed forward. Thrusting her arms forward she attempted another <<Sonic Charge>>. Much like last time the head of the spear lite up but it was user error that caused a missed mark. As the head of the spear was about to land it's mark Sera's foot slipped and balance was lost. Stumbling slightly she managed to right herself once more and then create space between the boar and herself. 

    "Shit," Sera murmured to herself, red orbs flashing with distain. Her attention then turned toward the male player for a brief second before returning back to the enemy. "Looks like I'm not having much luck either. " Despite the frustration, annoyance, and embarrassment that was festering from a missed shot a wide, cheek-to-cheek smile decorated her features.


    Seraphine attacks Mama Boar with <<Sonic Charge>> | #198616 | BD: 1 [MISS]

    Seraphina | HP: 38/40 | EN: 14/22 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 11 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0
    ChaseR | HP: 839/840 (-1) | EN: 100/102 (+4, -2) | DMG: 21 | MIT: 69 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | HOLY: 16 | PARA: 9-10 | BH: 42 | V.(DEF): 42 | HBS: 16 | LD: 6

    [0,1] Mama Boar | HP: 60/60 | DMG: 15 | MIT: 5 | EVA: -1


  11. The movement had been swift and decisive. In fact, if Sera had dared to blink, she may have missed what occurred altogether; however, that was not the case. Ruby orbs still wide with shock watched as a hand was placed on the hilt of the sword before it was steadily removed from the sheath. There was unmistakable shift in aura around ChaseR as the wind picked up around the sword and then an almost translucent shape formed the rest of the two-handed weapon. Then there was no hesitation as he attacked. In mere moments what was lfile.jpg?1595325828eft of the boarlet was drifting off only to fade away. 

    Still shocked the white-haired player reminded frozen in spot. 

    Then warmth flooded her features as she listened to ChaseR dismiss the reaction as a standard reaction to allies getting hurt. Allies. They were allies. An ear-to-ear grin broke out on sooth features. "Thanks," Sera said, warmth enveloping her tone, "For demonstrating and explaining." The second part of the sentence was added it in a quick fashion. It was possible that ChaseR picked up on the pause, and if he had he may have realized that she was thanking him for much more than the fighting lesson.

    At the topic of the mama boar Sera nodded her head, "As for mama boar, let's do it. Together we should be able to beat that thing to a pulp." With that said a narrowed gaze turned toward the field. As far as the eye could see boarlet's roamed and fought; but then, several feet away, a large boar materialized. Its tusks were bigger than Sera's forearm, but she wasn't scared. Not anymore. "Ready when you are, partner."  



    Seraphina | HP: 38/40 | EN: 17/22 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 11 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0
    ChaseR | HP: 840/840 (+42+42+16) | EN: 101/102 (+4, -1) | DMG: 21 | MIT: 69 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | HOLY: 16 | PARA: 9-10 | BH: 42 | V.(DEF): 42 | HBS: 16 | LD: 6


    Mama Boar | HP: 60/60 | DMG: 15 | MIT: 5 | EVA: -1

    **Gotcha! I think that makes sense. *sweat*


  12. It did not take long to realize that a mistake had been made. 

    Well, not a mistake per say, but something akin to the idea of a mistake. Perhaps a misjudgment? Deciding the misjudgment was the preferable and more accurate word Sera found herself nodding. As the thought finished forming in her head the reaction from the other player - now known as NIGHT - caused ruby orbs to flicker with worry. 

    As the last question had been asked it suddenly dawned on the player why NIGHT was reacting such a way; such a way being wide eyed, choked, and coy. Not only that, but NIGHT's face turned the color of a ripe tomato at mid-summer. At the realization her own features started to turn their own version of cherry tomato. 

    It was too late though. NIGHT had moved on from the conversation. 

    "So, um... A-are you looking to train here too...?"

    Quickly, in an effort hide her own embarrassment, Sera waved her hand frantically in front of her face. "No, no," Sera chimed, bringing finger up to twirl one of the snow colored locks, "I got a little lost in thought and just kinda wandered here..." Being reminded of what on her mind prior to arriving the sheepish grin faltered for just a second before being replaced. In truth, Sera had been stuck thinking about her life in the real world. As much as she was aware that this was her new life it was hard to let go of what was once was -  especially went ones memory was struggling to recall important faces and imformation. 

    It was NIGHT that brought her back to (virtual) reality. Hearing that the other player would be willing to share the square caused the taller players eyes to glisten with excitement. "Thanks, I appreciate that." Then, Sera made her way over to one of the bench's on the outskirts of the square and sat down cross legged. "You can carry on training if you want. I won't disturbed you. Plus, you seem experienced and I could always stand to learn a thing or two." 


  13. Panic was starting to seep into the crevices of the mind, sneaking into the depths of thought like a mouse in the night and starting to take over. The panic only started to grow as ruby orbs watched the only friend she had at the time was being attacked by a boarlet. As the boarlet was batted away by an unperturbed blue-haired male player the fear started to inch its way back into the depths of her mind. Another lung-filled exhale and the words 'yo୨୧ Genshin Impact — Matching Icons !! ꒱꒱ ・ Like... - Tumbexu're not in any danger' echoed through her mind. Regaining control of the once wobbly legs Sera stood. Planting one foot in front of the other another deep breath was taken.

    ‘You can do this’ Sera assured herself, trying to allow the confidence that ChaseR was feeling influence her.

    Hearing the word “sword skill” brought back memories of the list that was labeled “sword arts” and how something called <<Sonic Charge>> was on there. Not really sure what to think, but wanting to do her best, Sera thought about the term and started forward. Not even seconds later and the two-handed spear started to glow that dangerous blue. Completely focused on the task at hand Sera grabbed the spear and ran forward. What happened next was phenomenal. The spear came to life and landed an attack right on the side of the boarlet. It then disintegrated into blue pixels.

    “Yes!” Sera exclaimed joyfully, “I did it!”

    For a moment Sera was so excited that the thought of the current task at hand become lost in the celebration of a successful hit. Then a high-pitched squeal brought reality crashing. The white-haired player was barely able to move out of the way as a boarlet came charging. Unfortunately, she did not move fast enough and one of the tusks scraped the outside of her left arm. 


    Seraphina hits with <<Sonic Charge>>! [#197952 | BD: 10]
    Boarlet 2 hits! [#197953 | BD: 7]
    **Roll was supposed to be against boarlet 2, not boar 1. 

    Seraphina | HP: 38/40 | EN: 17/22 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 11 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0
    ChaseR | HP: 839/840 | EN: 101/102 (-1) | DMG: 21 | MIT: 69 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | HOLY: 16 | PARA: 9-10 | BH: 42 | V.(DEF): 42 | HBS: 16 | LD: 6

    [0,2] Boarlet 1: HP: 0/5 (-21) | DMG: 3
    [0,0] Boarlet 2: HP: 5/5 | DMG: 3
    [0,0] Boarlet 3: HP: 5/5 | DMG: 3


  14. The realization dawned on Sera that she had been staring. Blinking rapidly, a hand was brought to the back of her head and an embarrassed grin expanded across pixelated features. “No no,” Sera reassured the women, “I was just walking around and kinda got lost in thought...”

    With that said a quick gaze was cast about the surrounding area. This was not the familiar streets that had been wandered the past two years. In fact, now the player was not entirely sure that she had been to this corner. Scolding herself slightly at being so unaware the white-haired women turned her attention back to the player in front of her. “If you don’t mind sharing, where am I exactly? I seem to be a little lost.” Sera turned in a tight circle before a curious gaze landed back on the other girl. “Also, I’m Sera. Nice to meet you.”

    As time had passed a routine had developed for Sera; wake up, go get breakfast, and then wander the streets, eat, and then wander again until dinner. There were a few spots that were enjoyed on a daily – much like the sweet shop – and then other places where she had never been. As much as an effort was put into trying new things it was hard to deviate from the normal. However, it appears that effort was not the key to deviation, it was luck.

    Pure, dumb luck.

    First she had met ChaseR and now this player. When she had met ChaseR there had been a feeling of content had filled her life. She was fine with living the rest of her days adventuring and alone - at least until going home. However,  now that a connection had been establish a craving for more was sparked and would not die down. It was that feeling that cause heeled feet to be planted firmly on the ground. 

    “Also, do you come here often? I can see why if you do. It would be a wonderful training location.” Sera mentioned while casually while trying to keep the conversation going. 


  15. For a moment, there was a pause as Sera waited anxiously for a response. Anything to let her know that they were still okay. Then there was a sudden shift of mood. The blue-themed player's face dropped, and laughter started to fill the air. The realization then dawned on Sera that she was getting messed with. Her laughter, deep from the gut, joined with ChaseR’s. There were a few players in the immediate area that stopped to stare at the two strangers laughing, but none of them bothered to question it. For Sera, this moment was everything. Since being forced to remain in SAO no connections had been made; no friends to laugh with or share moments with. It was the first real touch of normalcy in two years – and it was intoxicating.ningguang pfp Tumblr posts - Tumbral.com

    As the laughter died down and an answer about ‘sims’ were about to be provided they were interrupted. Three boarlets – bigger than expected – had appeared before the duo. As he spoke about relearning skills and such Sera waved him off. “No need to be sorry,” Sera grinned while readying the spear, “After all, being a dork isn’t a bad thing.” Following ChaseR’s advice, the white-hair player then started an attack. Gripping the shaft of the spear with the left hand first she thrust the weapon forward. Unlike everyone else’s weapon, it did not glow the intimidating blue. It just remained a plain, uninteresting spear. “Welp, look who proved to be the bigger dork.”

    The first boarlet startled as the head of the spear was thrust in its face. Then the surprise turned to anger. There had been a split moment where her attention was shifted from the fight and it cost her. The angered boarlet attacked. It rammed into Sera’s side causing her to gasp and lose footing. The boar stood before her form, eyes narrowed and ready to fight. 


    Sera critically misses [#197935 | BD: 01]
    Boar 1 hits [#197936 | MOD: 8]

    Seraphina | HP: 37/40 | EN: 21/22 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 11 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0
    ChaseR | HP: 840/840 | EN: 102/102 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 69 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | HOLY: 16 | PARA: 9-10 | BH: 42 | V.(DEF): 42 | HBS: 16 | LD: 6

    Boarlet 1: HP: 5/5 | DMG: 3
    Boarlet 2: HP: 5/5 | DMG: 3
    Boarlet 3: HP: 5/5 | DMG: 3

  16. While it appeared that ruby orbs were carefully scanning the field in what would be an attempt to find an enemy that was not already being fought; really her attention was on the player to her side. There had been just a moment where something felt off, but the moment was gone before it even appeared. Tuning back in from the moment distraction the women absorbed what the taller man was saying. Sera found herself nodding as he spoke, attempting to indicate that she was indeed listening. As the questions about this being her first game came up, as well as what level she was, a small part of her found she wanted to mess with him.

    As he was finishing his last sense Sera did her best to pretend to be horrified at the question. A hand flew up to her mouth [as dramatically as possible] and covered it. The hand was covering a smile, not a gasp of shock. “How dare you…” Sera started, ensuring to lace horror into her voice, “I’ll have you know that I am a very experienced gamer. I’ve-I’ve played – “She was forced to stop talking because as she turned to face him her wide gaze landed on a face that was painted with a pained expression. Immediately the dramatic play ended.

    “I was just messing with you,” Sera stated, hoping to rectify the situation, “I’m level 2. And this is really my first fighting game. Usually, I played farming sims and puzzle games. I’ve always had a rough time was combat, ya know?” Normally, she was open about everything, maybe even too much so sometimes. “Also, sorry. I was just trying to pick up the mood.” Another light rosy color dusted across pale cheeks. Way to go, Sera thought sarcastically to herself.

    Seraphina | HP: 40/40 | EN: 22/22 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 11 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0
    ChaseR | HP: 840/840 | EN: 102/102 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 69 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | HOLY: 16 | PARA: 9-10 | BH: 42 | V.(DEF): 42 | HBS: 16 | LD: 6

  17. Players of all kinds wandered by as Sera walk the familiar path to the sweet shop that was located on the first floor. Since the beginning of this journey, it had become a place of comfort. The NPC that ran the shop, Tallula, was as sweet as the pastries that were sold. Currently, the personal favorite was the cinnamon bun that was the size of Sera's head. She was pretty sure that the sweet was well known of the first floor; but if it was not then players were missing out. Sitting at the usual spot - the corner to the right of the counter - she waited patiently as Tallula walked from table to table purposely. The wait was never long. Before Sera could even think the bluedette was promptly taking, and bringing, the order. Feeling the tea slip down her throat a deep, muscle relaxing sigh exited. This was what she needed this morning. A little peace and quiet before the day officially started. 

    For the next half an hour the woman sat in the café minding her own business. Since starting the game Sera had only made one potential friend and that was ChaseR. Briefly, her mind wandered to what he might be doing right now and if he would like to party up with her for a quest. After several minutes of pondering the thought, a decision was made. He had just done a quest with her, and a break was deserved. Maybe even a little exploring. Standing, and scooting the chair back at the same time, payment was left and then the women exited the building. 

    With no destination in mind, the white-haired woman let her mind wander and her feet decide the path. Wherever they were going the surrounding area started to grow quieter and quiet until a strange noise could be heard in the background. More curious than a cat the woman followed the strange noise until she came upon a clearing. There, in the clearing, was none other than another player. Even more curiously a gigantic two-handed sword was being swung around like a baseball bat. Forgetting the manners that had been instilled ruby orbs stared in fascination. Sera was worried that even the slightest sound was startled the player; so, she did her best to stay quiet until the demonstration was complete. 


  18. There was a moment when the flow of conversation was interrupted by a brief silence. At that moment, players could be heard joyfully chatting to one another about quests, as well as gossiping quietly about the latest progress updates. It almost appeared as if they were invisible in the crowd. Despite the interesting conversations surrounding them, Sera found herself staring right back into the light blue eyes that appeared to investigate her very soul. For most people, the staring probably would have been off-putting, but for this player - who was used to stares - it was nothing new. As she was aimage.pngbout to say something to bring ChaseR's attention back to reality, he suddenly snapped out of it with a nod.  

    As ChaseR started to discuss how to battle, he had Sera's complete attention. In all honesty, the situation before them was nerve-racking; at least to her. As the man abruptly turned and started toward the fields the white-haired woman was right behind him. Jogging to keep up with the taller man she continued to listen. Ah, he was a tank. That sounded interesting, but also dangerous. "Okay, it's not that hard," Sera repeated, more of her benefit than his, "But what happens if I miss? or you get hurt?" Her nervousness was easy enough to see with eyebrows furrowed and the smile dropping to a small frown. "I mean, if you're right there you are in the most danger, right?" The idea that he could potentially get hurt due to her actions bothered her. While battle alone had been a terrifying thought; battling with someone was even worse. 

    As the question hung in the air a wide, vast field rolled before them. Players of varying shapes and sizes were battling the small monsters. Perhaps some were there to complete the very same quest the duo was on; while others were there to level up. Either way, it presented no problem as the boarlet that lived in the field were of plenty.

    Seraphina | HP: 40/40 | EN: 22/22 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 11 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0
    ChaseR | HP: 840/840 | EN: 102/102 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 69 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | HOLY: 16 | PARA: 9-10 | BH: 42 | V.(DEF): 42 | HBS: 16 | LD: 6

  19. Download wallpaper from anime Sword Art Online with tags: Windows Vista

    One moment ago, Sera was back at home cuddling with 'Stormy the cat', and then the next everything started to be encapsulated by a void. As the world around her - the plants, her favorite blanket, everything - was eaten by the darkness a bright light followed. In the depths of the light movement could be seen.  Shadows flicking dangerously and ominously in the distance. Then, spouts of color start to pass by in a whirl. Red. Blue. Yellow. All of them blending and molding together to create a figure that hovers menacingly over a crowd. Suddenly, everything dropped as her body was propelled downward. Helpless to do anything wide eyes watched as a light the - THUD! Loudly groaning the women slowly opened her ruby orbs and see a reddish brown before her. Blinking rapidly so that blurry vision cleared Sera found that the floor was staring back up. Pushing herself up so that she leaned on her right arm the player glanced around rapidly. There was nothing to be alarmed about. Sighing, the women then plopped back down on the floor as exhaustion took over. It had been weeks since this dream started to occur, and it was finally catching up with her.

    "I just wanna sleep..." Sera mumbled, her voice getting softer with each word. For the next few hours, she attempted to sleep, but the restful slumber that was needed never came. Instead, the light started to peek over the window seal was the world woke up. Slowly, the sounds of movement began to echo through the room. Perhaps it was time to get up and start the day. Effortlessly pushing off the floor the women rose until she was standing. Carelessly throwing the blanket on the bed she exited the room. 



  20. As words more vicious in nature were about to tumble past rosy lips another voice interrupted with a brief, "... I'll help." Head whipping around so fast that moonlit locks slapped the side of her cheek Sera glowered at the young man standing where no player had been before. For just a minute the temptation to let the words that were meant for the black smith befall on the innocent by standard; however, the voice in the back of her mind reminded her that the azure haired player standing before her had nothing to do with the current interaction. All thoughts of bitterness and annoyance left when a single screen lit up before her very eyes - an invitation to join a party. Through the screen ruby eyes could see a grinning, young man who radiated a pure energy. Sera's gaze softened and a light smile decorated flawless features. There was no doubt as a slender finger hit the 'join' icon.b385afe53269582792653de77337e8a093b52c7f.png

    Following the player, who was now known as ChaseR, outside the women observed as his foot tapped on the pavement but marveled at the fact that it was silent. It was ChaseR's voice that brought virtual reality crashing back in. Ah yes, the quest. "Yep, I'm a new," Sera confirmed, grinning at the player sheepishly, "Just started today actually. Well, not the game but quests and stuff..." A hand lifted to scratch the back of her head as a rosy color engulfed her cheeks. Despite the casualness of the interaction there was something about this player that read experience. He stood with a graceful confidence that she wished that she possessed in this world. Instead, the women was feeling more unsure than a fawn who was attempting to stand for the first time - and in some ways she was.

    "But yeah, I have to do the quest where player kill boarlets," Sera confirmed the second question with a nod, "Thanks for being willing to join me. I feel the need to warn you that I have not engaged in battle before this quest - if that was not obvious." Sera attempted to break the awkwardness of meeting someone new with a joke. 


    Seraphina | HP: 40/40 | EN: 22/22 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 11 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0
    ChaseR | HP: 840/840 | EN: 102/102 | DMG: 21 | MIT: 69 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | HOLY: 16 | PARA: 9-10 | BH: 42 | V.(DEF): 42 | HBS: 16 | LD: 6

  21. Moving through the crowd with ease Sera made her way to the blacksmith's shop. The directions that had been provided by the Potion's Mater, Zachariah, had indeed been accurate. From what could be observed, the main difference between the Potion Masters shop and this was the sign that hung overhead with the shop name and a silvery gray metal door. Laying a hand on the door the women pushed - only to find that more force than thought had to be applied. Nearly stumbling into the shop wide eyes glanced around the see walls outline in armor and weapons and another white-haired man on the other side of the anvil. A clanging rhythmically rang out as metal was pounded against metal. Thinking that this would be similar to the interaction with Zachariah she opened her mouth to speak, but was abruptly interrupted by a harsh, boorish voice.  

    "I'm busy," Lyle states tersely.

    Visibility frowning Sera attempted again to speak to the white-haired man, but he was not having it. Before another word could get past her lips he bit out, "I don't do anything without payment. Go kill a couple of those pesky boarlets for me, and bring back their tusks. They're pretty weak, so even you shouldn't have any trouble.  Do that, then I'll hear you out." As her mouth was about to open to respond to the rudest man that had ever been met the door behind her opened. 



    Seraphina | Lvl: 2 | HP: 40/40 | EN: 22/22 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 11 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 0
    ChaseR | HP: 840 | Energy: 102 | DMG: 21 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 3 | MIT: 69 | BH: 42 | HOLY: 16 | PARA: 1 (BD: 9-10)| Vamp (Def.): 42 (CD: 9+) | HBS: 16 | LD: +6

  22. After successfully making a potion it was time to head off to the complete the rest of the quest. With the newly transformed bottle of healing potion in her inventory Sera lingered at the door of the shop while she explained what brought her to his doorstep to begin with. Upon hearing that the mayor had loaned money to someone, but could not remember who, he laughed.

    "Leave it to Dorian to forget something so important," Zachariah's voice then turned to a more serious note, "No, I'm afraid it wasn't me that borrowed the col. You might try Lyle, the blacksmith. I've seen him talking with the mayor frequently the past month or so, and he's just up the road. I wish you luck!"

    Feeling a slight tingle of sadness Sera waved to the older man before setting off. While still an NPC Zachariah had showed her warmth and kindness; and that would not be forgotten. Turning to wave goodbye to her new found friend the ruby orbs watched as the old man returned back to the counter before swishing a potion around twice and watching it turn bright, ocean blue. 


    Quest Rewards: 

    • 450 Experience Points (+200 EXP [page rewards])
    • 500 Col (+400 Col [page rewards])
    • An Assortment of Potions:
      • (5) T1 Uncommon Health Potions: Heals 5% of Maximum HP.
      • (1) T1 Uncommon Damage Potion: +1 DMG for an entire thread.
      • (1) T1 Uncommon Overhealth Potion: Adds 5% of Maximum HP to users Maximum HP for a thread.
      • (1) T1 Health Potion, rare quality
    • Unlock <<The Second Lesson>> Quest
  23. Everything had been done precisely the way Zachariah had instructed. Three turns to the right, pause for 30 seconds, and then turn once to the right. During the interaction Sera found it hard to remember that the old man beside her was an NPC. For at least the second time during this adventure the average size women found herself marveled at the amount of detail that went into making this game - including the NPC's. Zachariah was so life-like in his interactions with her that it felt like she was engaging with a normal human being. 

    As all the ingredients were added to the bottle it began to shimmer and shine with a murky grey light. Almost intrinsically she took the bottle and whirled the materials around twice and then stopped. The murky grey swiftly turned a brilliant ocean blue. "Ah," Zachariah breathed before his eyes softened, "I didn't have to even tell you the last step." Grinning like a puppy that had just be given a new toy Sera placed the bottle down on the counter. The joy of her success brought waves of excitement. 

    I did it, I really did it, Sera thought to herself while staring the bright blue bottle. 


    197666 2 9 20 5 Seraphina   Craft healing potion 2021-08-02 07:24:31

    CD: 9 [Success | Rare Quality]

  24. This time, it was Zachariah’s turn to respond without hesitation. With a simple nodded the tools were placed back on the table and gentle smile spread across his wrinkled features. "Correct," He confirmed while turning away to grab the ingredients, "And now we continue on with making the potion. Picking the bottle and learning the tools are the first two, and easiest, steps. Now were going to move on the ingredients."  The five materials that had been collected and then displayed where moved in front of her person. As the next sentence left his mouth Sera found herself beaming. 

    "You've found excellent materials in the wilds of the first floor," He praised warmly, "Now take the small flower you've found, pick off the petals and place them in the pestle. Once you do that, you'll start to grind until it is fine dust." Slowly, as to try not to mess up the pitch-black gloves on her hands, the ruby eyed women picked the petals and started to grind the ingredient. It was a tedious, but mesmerizing experience. As the petals were grinded into a fine dust, they started to have a luster like finish. Several minutes of silence past as diligent hands worked at grinding stone again stone. Finally, when it was done Sera tilted the bowl so that Zachariah could see the result. "Nicely done," Zachariah praised, "Now add the moss...

    For the next twenty minutes Sera listened intently to the instruction provided and followed them to a "t". 

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