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Everything posted by Zenshu

  1. Success. It was a word that Zenshu was starting to think may be well outside of his grasp. No matter how much effort, no matter how careful he'd been over the past few days, he'd not found it. As he stared at the growing piles of reject - some salvageable, some complete losses - he couldn't help but begin to wonder if he would ever break out of the rhythm of lose that had occurred over and over again. "It may be hard to hold on to the hopes...to know that one day it'll change. But one day it will change! I'm going to keep working at it until I finally become successful - I can't fail fore
  2. He listened patiently to Krysta’s words, glazing over the topic of the game itself and instead focusing on the frontlines. He couldn’t blame her, there was a lot of contention in the fact that they were trapped here – even Zenshu had found himself becoming angry at it, at first. He knew that many players held on to that anger, using it to drive them towards clearing the game. “I wasn’t even aware that healers existed in this game! That is wonderful to hear! I may not be anywhere near as powerful as some individuals, but I will definitely try my hand at fronting…well, maybe not tanking, bu
  3. Zenshu listened intently as the girl – Krysta – spoke about the possible beauty of the many floors, and the concept that could be Aincrad. This all came crashing down, however, with the reminder of their current predicament. Zenshu shuffled his feet, the reminder crashing down his happy persona for a brief second, before he managed to recover. “Well…yes…there is that. Although…we could die in the real world too…so, is it so different? Not that I’m saying it’s better – it’s just…here, the real world, if we die, we die. I guess we should…” He hesitated as he considered what he was trying to
  4. The group appeared to be finally making some headway, a collection of materials found and stored away properly. He listened to their casual conversation, making some comments when he felt appropriate for him to jump in. His mind had begun to relax, enjoying the company, and he felt his entire body lose a tenseness he hadn’t even know he’d developed over the last little while. Shaking off the thoughts, he returned to the conversation just in time to hear the question about the time of day. Raising a hand, he pointed up towards his right side, just above his head. “There should be a univers
  5. Zenshu's success had completely halted, and as he glanced about his shop he began to wonder what he was doing wrong. He was thankful that his mistakes yesterday had not completely wasted all of his materials - he'd been able to save a good portion of the threads that he'd been using. "Well, I guess I should be glad for that at least! I'm not losing out on anything. Simply not making as much progress as I'd like to be making...but then again, I'm not really that skillful yet. I have only been doing this for a a little while, after all! I'm sure with enough time, and patience, that my skil
  6. Zenshu turned at the voice behind him, his soft smile suddenly halting across his face as he took in the blonde lady before him. Instinctively he averted his eyes, bowing slightly as he fumbled his words in response to her question. “Oh, no, no not at all! It’s just, well, I’ve never been to this floor before and I was thinking that there’s so many shopping opportunities, and maybe I could find wares for my crafting – I’m a tailor you see, and there’s lots of fine threading and – well, that’s not important! What is important, is that I’m here for a quest, not for shopping!” He rose from h
  7. Stepping off the platform of the fifth floor teleporter, Zenshu felt his eyes glancing every direction – trying to take in everything as quickly as he could. He’d never been to the fifth – in fact, he’d never been beyond the Town of Beginnings at all. He’d figured it was about time to make his way into the world beyond the town and fields he’d gotten used to, to explore the greater expanse of Aincrad. He’d heard rumours about a quest engaging a traveller who required guidance through a desert. From what he’d heard – and having read a bit about it in the details of the quest on his quest l
  8. Even with his increased rank, Zenshu was finding that his luck wasn't getting any better with his work. Sure, he'd managed to create the one set of clothing - which had turned out nicer than he'd expected, if he was honest with himself. But since then, he'd wasted more than he'd prefer to have done. He was aware that there would be loss - that just came with any success or business - however, he'd never expected to have this much trouble. Knowing there was no point in focusing only on the negative - it for sure wouldn't increase his success rate at least. Putting aside the thought of all
  9. Yesterday's piece had gone relatively well. He'd managed to complete a full set of samue that had turned out relatively stylish - enough so that he'd held on to the piece, considering using it for his own wear purposes. "Persistence is key. I consistently put my effort into it, and eventually I was rewarded with success. I just need to keep that in mind, with all the pieces that I'm trying - I won't always succeed immediately, but if I work hard, and keep trying then eventually it'll pay off!" He gave a broad smile to himself and the otherwise empty room, before seating himself at t
  10. Shop Post: Light Blue Samue Cost of Transaction: 1 material Crafter's Profession: Tailor Crafter's Rank: 2 Item Name: Light Blue Samue Item Tier: 1 Item Type: Clothing Item Rarity: Perfect Item Enhancements: Loot Die [3 Slots] Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID209502 Item Description: A simple light blue samue, well crafted and loose fitting. This piece appears to be in a traditional fashion, and contain
  11. Another failure of an attempt. Zenshu wondered what he was doing wrong - sure, he'd been gaining good experience even with his failures. He'd seen the progress in his level, but also in his ability to tell when something was going wrong and to stop. But he'd yet to figure out exactly how he was supposed to find success in the things he was creating. Pulling aside the wasted pieces, he settled himself into the work table once more, taking time to set his materials and goods up before beginning his work. "Soon, I'll get the hang of this. I can't let these failures drag me down. I'm already
  12. Zenshu listened patiently as the elderly man explained his connections with yoga – what limited those were. Zenshu waited politely as the elderly man bespoke about what Zenshu understood as a wife – from the sounds of it, spoken in the past as if no longer a part of the present life of the man, and not just because they were all trapped in a game that cut them off from the real world. Zenshu couldn’t help but assume that the wife had passed away, and from the actions and mannerisms of the man, he assumed some time ago – enough that Teddy seemed to have come to terms with it, accepting it.
  13. His success hadn't truly grown, but as he glanced about the tossed aside materials Zenshu was happy that he could at least save some of the materials he'd used the day previous. "Sometimes it's the little things...I may not have finished a piece yet - but at least everything I'm using hasn't been an entire waste! I can probably re-use some of this for today's work...and maybe I'll have a bit more success with it!"
  14. Zenshu glanced about the shop, his eyes passing over the heaps of clothing left incomplete on the table - most tossed aside once Zenshu figured out that the pieces were not coming out the way he wished. He sighed as he reviewed the growing piles, wondering what he was doing wrong. "I just need to continue pushing forward. Soon, I'll get the hang of it and have the success I need to really get things rolling around here!"
  15. Zenshu watched for a while as the fight came towards its finale. He gave a sigh of relief as the boar eventually exploded into a shower of shards, Syra’s first and only strike depleting the creature of its entire health bar in one go. He leaned back, letting his tension release as he realised that the group was – for the time being – out of danger. He considered the fact that the boar had posed such a risk, and wondered if they should maybe avoid combat for a little while – the party was well settled, but the boar had proven to be more than Zenshu had expected. His attention was pulled fr
  16. His surprise at the boar’s sudden dodge of his attack had Zenshu holding his pose a split second longer than the system required, and as he turned to face the creature again – it had already moved on, relatively ignoring him, moving on to dodge another target as Zenshu tried to right himself. He watched as the elderly man stepped forward, providing Syra with a healing potion before setting himself before the boar and calling out to it – likely in an attempt to draw its attention towards himself. Realising that the situation was being handled, Zenshu stepped back, sheathing his sword and l
  17. Zenshu patiently watched as Syra sized up the target, before pulling herself into the ready stance. The tip of her blade quivered on the air – likely the excitement, the thrill of combat rushing through the wielder’s arm and to the sword itself. He smiled, remembering his very first time in an actual tournament – the nerves he’d felt. Suddenly she lunged forward, the momentum and excitement carrying her towards the target. The sword slashed through the air, racing for the boar before it. Zenshu watched, his own excitement controlled and his outwardly appearance one of calmness. His eyes f
  18. Zenshu sighed as he laid on the bed, the sun filtering in through the window to awaken him long before his alarm had been set to go off. He’d not had the most restful night of sleep, and he wondered if he shouldn’t try to get some more rest before considering rising for the day. He knew there was much to do – today he intended to finally follow up with the third portion of the introductory quests and get that completed – but that required getting out of bed, something that he wasn’t entirely inclined to do at this point. “Well, I’m not going to get any more rested laying here thinking abo
  19. The strewn about clothing bespoke to the difficulties that Zenshu had been having with his designs. He huffed slightly as he glanced over his shop – cluttered with tossed aside materials and pieces of half-completed, yet abandoned clothing. His most recent attempts had been even more disappointing than those he had tried the day before. “Well, they do say success doesn’t come easy. But this is far harder than I had anticipated. I sure hope that the eventual payoff is worth my time!” Setting aside his feelings of disappointment and despair, Zenshu returned to his work, determined to find s
  20. Zenshu watched as the pair went to their searching in the fields – the father and…son?...duo quickly beginning their search, although their efforts appeared to provide no immediate results. Zenshu wasn’t surprised, remembering how long it had taken him to find even a single piece. The memory brought a slight smile to his face, and he quickly called out to the two in an attempt to bolster their spirits – knowing how defeating it could feel to find naught, even when you put in the work and effort. “Gathering is definitely a refined art, on which I would say takes a lot of time and patience
  21. Zenshu's eyes roamed over the discarded fabric that he had been working with the day before. Most of it was a complete loss - the designs either I'll fitting, or simply not turning out the way he had imagined. The pieces in his mind, which seemed so simple, had turned out to be far more complex than Zenshu was prepared for - and the final products, if they could even be called that - had been tossed aside as he realised they were doomed for failure. "Today is a new day though, so let's not let the failures of the past hold us back! Keep trying, and eventually I'll succeed. I just need to
  22. Zenshu stood in the doorway, staring into the shop. It was humble, meagrely stocked and overall underwhelming compared to most well situated storefronts that he had been in during his time in Aincrad. What it didn’t lack, however, was the fact that it was his – that he had earned it. “This is something that I’m not just going to run, I’m going to run it well. It’s going to take time, and effort – but I have an abundance of both, and I plan on making this a huge success. No matter how much time and effort it takes!” Determination abundant on his face, Zenshu stepped behind the counter
  23. One of the few populated locations in the large city of Yomi, 明るい - written in the Rōmaji language as akarui, or Luminous - this small shop stands out against those around it through the fact that it contains active power, a small light in the otherwise dark and abandoned city. Maintaining the traditional Japanese styling that is found throughout Yomi, the shop contains a windowless front, with a large noren containing the symbol for 'star'. Upon entering the shop, customers are greeted by a warm and welcoming shop front, containing numerous standing displays of clothing and armour pieces
  24. As each of the party pulled forth their weapons – or lack of – Zenshu nodded, taking note of the composition of each. Should it come to combat, he figured that most of them would be okay. The elderly man’s lack of weapon worried Zenshu at first, until he realised that the trade off had been much more durable armour – likely with increased capacity slots for upgrades. He considered offering his own weapon at first, before realising the handicap that would cause for himself. Putting the problem aside, if only for the moment, Zenshu continued leading the group out of the Town. Waving at the
  25. Shop Post: Royal Blue Shirt Cost of Transaction: 1 material [Quest] Crafter's Profession: Tailor Crafter's Rank: 0 Item Name: Royal Blue Shirt Item Tier: 1 Item Type: Clothing Item Rarity: Uncommon Item Enhancements: Loot Die[1 Slot] Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID209421 Item Description: A simple dark blue t-shirt, well crafted and form fitting.
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