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Found 17 results

  1. It was quest-searching time, and Jorentos was in full swing. He had to keep his focus on moving forward, and couldn’t dwell on the grim reality of what had happened. If I want to survive here, then I’ll have to get stronger, Jorentos thought as he rushed around Tolbana looking for NPCs, with others doing the same. About an hour into searching, a old man with a monocle approached him, walking with purpose. "Pardon me, but I am in need of some assistance, and you appear quite capable. My name is Dorian, and I am the mayor of this town. As part of those mayoral duties, I issued a smal
  2. Breaking the Unbreakable Quest Nymoria's nose itched. It was her first realisation as the morning came about, and she slowly forced her eyes open to figure out what had caused such a strong feeling. It was there, before her very eyes, that she saw the weasel standing upon her chest, it's nose mere inches from her own, and the whiskers spreading from it tickling her nostrils in a way that caused a severe desire to sneeze. Pulling her head back slightly, she groaned at the sudden wake up call that Musei had provided, wanting nothing more than to return to her restful moments. She still felt ex
  3. Profession...profession...why's it so hard to choose? It's not like the rest of my life is going to be designed around whatever profession I choose...so why is it so difficult to just...choose one? She'd scrolled over the various details of each profession numerous times, and although she'd read them each through with enough detail to almost have them memorised, she still felt like she was no closer to knowing what she wanted to do. The fact that she'd chosen to finally pick up a profession was one that still seemed like a questionable decision - she'd barely come to terms with her combative c
  4. The First Lesson | The Second Lesson Quest Nymoria had remained outside of Zackariah's shop for nearly an hour, trying to figure out what she was going to do with the expansion of the quest. She wanted nothing more than to return home, to give up on the chain that was slowly unwinding before her, to return to the normalcy that she had found within the game. The only thing that had stopped her was the realisation that if she gave up now, she would be returning to nothing more than a desperate reliance on others in order to bring about their freedom; another means of reliance that left he
  5. Tolbana. It had been some time since Nymoria had been to the large town on the first floor. Somehow, the place wasn't nearly as welcoming as it had once been. Maybe it was just her perception, or perhaps it was just the way in which the few players she could see almost seemed to display the emotions that she felt within herself. Whatever the reason was, Nymoria found herself skulking away from those few players that she passed, sliding out of their view before they could consider attempting to talk to her. She hated the feeling, as if she was a criminal avoiding some sort of law enforcement, b
  6. Enzo had just descended from the 21st floor after collecting his equipment from the skillful blacksmith known as Rencesvals. On his way down he was thinking about how nice of the blacksmith to give such high value materials as his starters, he couldn't thank him much as it would help him in future quests that require combatting mobs. He's excited to try combat with his new equipment as it would be a whole new different experience for him in this new reality they are in. But before that he thought he'd need to level, obviously. With all this excitement he has to try on different things in this
  7. "Floor Twenty-one. Definitely very...cosy..." She glanced around at the darkness pierced by the dim-lit lights and lanterns, the luminous mosses and glowing fungi that brightened the areas directly around it. Not that it made the ever pressing darkness any less overpowering. "Reminds me of floor ten...and every underground tunnel I've ever been on..." The kitsune followed alongside Nari, yipping in response to her commentary. The nine tails flowed behind it, an almost hypnotic pattern that Nari had come to enjoy watching in her free time. The light flowed across the kitsune in a way that
  8. Floor Four Nari shook off the snow that had fallen on top of her, most of it making its way straight down the back of her shirt and creating a frozen line down her spine. "Ohhhhh when I catch you, you are going to pay. No treats for you tonight!" The small fox seemed to pause at the threat, staring at Nari as if questioning whether she truly meant it or not. The pause was long enough for Nari to rush forward, her hands reaching out to grasp the fox. Yuki was far too fast for Nari, however, and the fox bounded into the snow, disappearing from sight off to her right. "Hey! Get
  9. Vengeance. That's what some would call it. Nari considered it something a bit more unique. None of these miners had asked for this to occur, the bandits which had been plaguing them over the last...well, who really knows how long. It could've been months, years, days...none of it really mattered. In fact, even the aspect of what she was doing really mattered - well, at least to anyone beyond herself. She was here, because she needed to be here. Not for some higher purpose, just...to be alive. To be out, and doing something, beyond what she had done for the past...well, that didn't matter.
  10. It was early in the morning , the sun hadn't risen high enough for the first sunlight to enter Kanas room, when he woke up, rubbed the sleep from his eyes and with a big yawn and a cracking stretch stood up from his bed in the Smashed Apple. Ha had a quick glance at the surrounding room, just to check that everything was fine, and when he noticed nothing out of the ordinary he nodded to himself, and walked over to the small table. Before he sat down, he quickly opened the menu to change into his gear, even though he omitted equipping the heavy armor and instead equipped the dark green uniform
  11. Three days had gone by since Kana had bought all those fancy items and had wanted to start his adventure, but the day after, he had woken up and felt kind of ill. He didn't really understand it, as it had seemed there wasn't anything like illnesses in the game. At least not without getting them from some monster or what not. So he had stayed in the tavern he had rented a room, lay in bed and dreamed about the amazing adventure he could now go on. The day after it had been better, but he still wasn't feeling to well, but by then he had realized it was fear and not some illness. What would happe
  12. Zenshu sighed as he laid on the bed, the sun filtering in through the window to awaken him long before his alarm had been set to go off. He’d not had the most restful night of sleep, and he wondered if he shouldn’t try to get some more rest before considering rising for the day. He knew there was much to do – today he intended to finally follow up with the third portion of the introductory quests and get that completed – but that required getting out of bed, something that he wasn’t entirely inclined to do at this point. “Well, I’m not going to get any more rested laying here thinking abo
  13. The last time he was out here he had found some armor and got a few mat . It was a nice small run this time he had on the Heavy Knight Armor and the cured long sword of power. He had used the blade a lot it was nice blade that an old friend had given him. Hopefully this old friend was doing ok he hadn't see him in a long time. He made his way out of the safe zone of floor two he unsheathed his blade with his left hand his green eyes slowly turned white as he looked around the area. Not seeing anything right then the winds picked up a bit blowing his semi long silver hair the air felt good as i
  14. Birds chirped over the houses on the first floor in the Town of Beginnings. Not much was happening after the big event with the invading fleet of water kin. The sun was high in the sky this morning. The sound of the birds was joined in with the sound of the busy streets of the town on the lowest floor on the flying castle Aincrad. A clinging could be heard beside the Rank 10 Blacksmith shop from the backyard of the plot. Stirring in his coffee, Macradon sat on a stool, relaxing after the big fight against an entire army, against a ton of minions, their handful of commanders, and their one big
  15. LMB9

    LMB9 Journal

    Profile Username: LMB9 Real name:??? Age:18 Gender:male Height:5'5" About: History/personality Virtues: (Insert Virtue here. Must be 3 sentences minimum.) (Insert Virtue here. Must be 3 sentences minimum.) (Insert Virtue here. Must be 3 sentences minimum.) Flaws: i have a mild hearing disability which stops me from hearing certain noises in the wild and i may not here what others are saying (Insert Flaw here. Must be 3 sentences minimum.) (Insert Flaw here. Must be 3 sentences minimum.) Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living
  16. The First Few Lessons Are Free : Vivlia fidgeted with her fingers as she slowly trudged through the town. “Where do I find it again..” she muttered to herself, her arms hugging her shoulders. Agh, where did that NPC say it was? Her lower lip trembled, can NPC’s give you false programming in this game? The peach haired player heaved a sigh and shook her head. This sucks, I’m lost in a giant town, I should’ve left here when I had the chance.. she whimpered and looked up, scanning the area in front of her. After a few seconds of standing in the middle of a large crowd, she quickly fou
  17. After spiralling into a depression and being saved by Mai, Life could finally see the world in front of him again. He wasn't going to sit idle and watch the world go past him anymore. Mari and the others had taken down Yamata fairly easily and quickly without many casualties. There were definitely some strong players, but Life wasn't about to be undone. He was once one of the strongest players in the game and he wasn't about to let that title slip. He needed to step things up, and that's exactly what he planned on doing.
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