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About Kindling

  • Birthday 10/08/1999

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  1. Announce Addendum Pheromones has been hotfixed to include a duration that it didn't before. In light of this fact and change, any who have made their purchases are allowed to reconsider and change their purchases in the event this effects your decision! Very sorry!
  2. Good Morning Challengers! Your weekly matches have been drawn up, and then separated between Hosts @Minako and I, @Kindling. Your host will be the one who posts the thread to introduce your fight, and give some flavor casting throughout the combat. With the drawn up matches, your Weekly Clash Shop has been rolled and assigned. Use this opportunity to understand who your opponent is, and plan accordingly either through your own build, and through consumables purchasable in the Weekly Shop. Remember! No outside consumables are allowed in these fights. Only those purchased at the Weekly Shop.
  3. One by one, the names came in. People finding their way to the designated spots. Many here knew each other; you had fought side by side in many battles. If their names were not familiar to you, their faces most certainly were. Still, there were those who had long lurked behind, their days in the golden light of the sun having past them by in the ages, while another might just find his first hint of daylight. Some still standing in it's brilliance. Many who didn't care to be any of those three things. Rising Stars and burning meteors; all set for a collision course! The red haired man spoke, a
  4. Welcome everyone to the first season of the Clash of Blades tournament! Clash of Blades will be a PvP league style competition. This will include weekly matches between combatants spanning over enough time so that all participants are able to face off against everyone at least once. Culminating in a tournament bracket at the end of the season, where the top half of contestants will be pitted against each other for riches, fame, and glory. Such Matches will comprised of 1v1 matches, with our own set of rules tailored specifically to increase the fun of short-form PVP sessions and encou
  5. Whether you're wandering the streets of the Town of Beginnings, scaling the Mountains to the villages of Floor 7, avoiding the horrors of Floor 29, or having a picture-esque day of leisure by the lakes near Coral, you'd be able to find it. Fliers spread far and wide, pinned up to posts and walls in nearly ever major settlement across the floors that have been battled for. This piece of parchment, more weathered on some floors than others, details on it the coming of a competition. Beckoning for a champion, promising you glory, and the rush of a crowd chanting your name. Think of the adrenaline
  6. Another Birthday Party?

  7. Kindling


    Profile (Rebirth Zelrius) Username: Kindling Real name: Osbourne Aiodus Age: 27 Gender: Male Height: 6'3" About: Men are forged in the aftermath of their childhood. Some tragic, some ordinary, even fewer blessed. Ozzy fit into the second catergory, though teetered into the latter. Born American, as a boy he went on to Study abroad in several South East Asian countries, the most prominent of which being China. As Irrelevant as that information may seem, Ozzy would cast the iron of his personality in these foreign lands. He talked with many, had professors, mentors, friends and lo
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