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[PP - F7] The Climb, Pt.4 (Mack)

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OOC// Figured they'd be more valuable than 4.5k in col.

ID: 53776
BD: 5 + 3(ACC)
LD: 2 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)

Takao: 197/197 (25/48) [Sword Art: Sharp Nail 1*6*22=132 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)

Gemstone Crab 9 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Gemstone Crab 10 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Gemstone Crab 11 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Gemstone Crab 12 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]

3/15 Remaining

"Something like that. It's a bit like Jujutsu in that regard, in that you're using your opponent's force against them. But in truth, swords weren't common battlefield weapons. Bows, spears, and axes ruled. Spears and axes were easy to make and easier to use than swords of any variety, and bows were a monumental advantage. Swords were also prone to breaking often. Duels were often bouts of skill, so using a weapon that required more martial ability put on a better show... even though duels were usually over pretty quickly." He shrugged and continued on, eyes revealing another four monsters lurking behind whatever obstructions they could find. They were met with the same fate as the countless monsters of the duo's spelunking ventures thus far, and were cut down with a trio of charge-powered cuts. "Also, no. It just gave me Cancer, that's all." Takao replied as a sly grin formed.

Total Rewards:

(+4)16 Mats - Takao
0 Col
4 Teleport Crystals

Edited by Takao
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OOC: Indubitably.

Mack considered what Takao was saying about battle. He supposed that all made sense. After all, if probably did take considerably less skill in the real world to wield an axe than it did to wield a sword. There were only so many ways you could chop with something like that, after all. The red-headed blacksmith watched as Takao cut down yet another group of rampaging bejeweled crab monsters. Who on earth thought up something like that for a monster anyway? They weren't exactly all that scary, truth be told. Not that Mack was all that scared of too much that a game could throw at him. Then Takao made the quip about cancer and that took the gigantic axe man a few seconds to put together. "Well, if you're going to make them and tell me I can't... I think that's pretty shellfish of you."

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ID: 53786
BD: 6 + 3(ACC)
LD: 15 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)

Takao: 197/197 (3/48) [Sword Art: Sharp Nail 1*6*22=132 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)

Gemstone Crab 13 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Gemstone Crab 14 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Gemstone Crab 15 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Gemstone Crab 16 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]

0/15 Remaining

"Aw, man, I was gonna use that one..." Takao grumbled, his pun stolen right from under his nose. But he wouldn't back down just yet, surely not. He had a title to uphold and a reputation to maintain. "Alright, alright, give me a second. I can come up with another one." Takao said whilst his reveal skill revealed the locations of four more enemies. Not wasting time with their disposal, Takao utilized the same sword art that had annihilated the groups of monsters before. With four more sources of colourful, glittering confetti fluttering away into nothingness, only the door to the boss room laid ahead. "Ohh, got one. Y'said I was the Bard, right? Is that from Dungeness and Dragons?"

Total Rewards:

(+8)24 Mats - Takao
4240 Col
4 Teleport Crystals

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ID: 53793
BD: 8
MD: 3

Takao: 185/185 (1/46)
Mack: 149/149 [Dynamic Violence: 4x3x16=192] (Energy 24/36)

Lord Clawcules 298/490 [77 DMG] (-192 DMG)

"You know, with me doing all the heavy lifting I really should see if there's an escape claws in my contract to make you help with these bosses," Mack rumbled in a dry tone. Before his sword wielding brunette companion had a chance to respond Mack went haring off towards the door that led into the boss room. This one had a sea shell motif, but it was no match for Mack's shoulder as he went rambling through the door like a freight train. Wasting no time, Mack charged towards the enemy with Invictus raised high over his head. The monster swung a heavy hammer claw in his direction, but the smith dropped to his knees and slid beneath the blow before unloading several retaliatory strikes of his own with his bearded axe into various parts of the monster.

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"Well, I can tell ya' right now there isn't. Unless, of course, you want to switch up the strategy, and you can wipe out the small monsters while I get the boss." Takao responded as he assumed his usual place in the threshold of the broken door. The lobster creature was a welcome sight, and in stark contrast to the nude Gnoll Chieftainess they'd encountered in the last dungeon. In truth, flipping their roles wouldn't be terribly detrimental to their progress. In comparison to Mack, Takao couldn't take the same amounts of hits nor could he heal it as efficiently, but his evasiveness was a force to be reckoned with, and with the proper consumables which he happened to have plenty of his damage output would make short work of the boss. Yet their process wasn't broken, so inventing a way to fix it seemed unnecessary.

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ID: 53793
BD: 6 (5+1 Concentration) [Concentration: 5/5]
MD: 2

Takao: 185/185 (1/46)
Mack: 149/149 [Dynamic Violence: 4x3x13=156] (Energy 13/36)

Lord Clawcules 142/490 [77 DMG] (-156 DMG)

"No, other than the naked dog thing I haven't had too much to complain about really," Mack called out to Takao. Even as he was speaking another round of Dynamic Violence kicked in and Invictus lashed out to deliver blow after punishing blow to the heavily armored crab monster. It was hard to tell if the Lord Clawcules was clothed or not, but at least with the crustacean lord thing it didn't matter since he wasn't anatomically horrifying. Hell, he might not even been anatomically male. Not that Mack was making a real effort to figure it out. "Well, her and that event we never speak about from earlier this morning."

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"Good, we'll keep it goin' as it's been goin' then. No reason to change up what's not broken." Takao said, nodding in agreement to his own statement. His arms folded at his chest as he observed from afar, the threshold providing just the right amount of distance and safety to keep the monster from engaging him. His mind wandered to the memory of the dog monster they'd fought on the previous floor, and a grimace pulled his face downward in response. "Ugh... I feel like I need to wash my eyes after seeing that. I get that it was 'spose to be a hyena thing, but like... Why'd it have to have shape to them?! Dogs don't have that!"

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ID: 53799
BD: 9 [Concentration: 4/5]
MD: 2
LD: 4 (Ouch)

Takao: 185/185 (1/46)
Mack: 149/149 [Dynamic Violence: 4x3x14=168] (Energy 2/36)

Lord Clawcules -26/490 [77 DMG] (-168 DMG)

"Your eyes," Mack grunted as Invictus slashed out once again. "At least..." The bearded head of the axe flashed and removed one of the crab monster's claws, which dissolved in a shower of pixels. "You didn't..." The axe snaked out, almost like a surgeon's tool and removed the monster's other clawed arm in a replica pixel shower. "Have to touch it," the Blacksmith growled, neatly removing both of the monster's legs. "And you didn't have it jump and rub all over you... I need to take a bath in bleach..." With one final roundhouse swing Mack neatly removed the crab monster's head and the entire creature shattered into digital nothingness.

Thread Rewards

24 Materials
4240 Col (Monsters)
400 Col
4 Teleport Crystals (Monsters)

Dungeon Rewards

700 Col = 4 (LD) + 6(Floor#) * 70)
6 Materials


30 Materials (Mack)
5140 Col (Mack)
200 Col (Takao)
4SP (Mack/Takao)
4 Teleport Crystals (Mack)

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