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[SP-F3] Game Breaking Glitches <Escape> [Complete!]

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The crimson haired player looked up at the sky happily while panting like a dog. He was extremely exhausted but equally fulfilled. It didn't take too long of staring around for him to recognize the third floor. He knew where he was basically, and that was a major first step. He was finally free and he planned to stay that way. He groaned while forcing himself onto his legs, ignoring a pop up he had just received. He figured it was just the drops from the monster. Hours later he would realize it was a quest completion screen which would lead to several minutes of yelling and shouting at Kayaba. For now though, he was locking his eyes on the labyrinth tower for direction and headed towards the nearest shop to fill his stomach to the brim.


Quest Complete!

+3 SP, +800 Col, +Bandit's Guile

Edited by Kalesh
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