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[F7-PP] When Snakes Fly... <Case of Wurms> (Allania)

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*Hissss...* Twilight was staring intently at Hydra, flickering her tongue into the air. "What is it?", he looked at his familiar with two dull eyes, wondering what was going on inside her head(s). She spent most the time sleeping, the rest eating whatever she could find and choking the owner half to death.  Hydra had stumbled across this creature towards the beginning of his journey, he had been on the first floor when the sound of a draconid's cry in a nearby forest caught his attention. There he stumbled across this... thing, but the two had been inseparable since. Now here they were on the next part of the adventure, the mountainous regions of the 7th floor.

Turning his attention back to the notice board Hydra scanned it to see if any quests were available. To be honest he hadn't been particularly active for the past few weeks, the town of Rig which was where he was currently staying, reminded him a lot of Ancient Greece, although he had never been to the country itself it still intrigued him. Slowly the spearman moved his finger across the board, most quests were written with such fine handwriting he couldn't muster the energy to read them. "Looks like there's nothi... Oh wait what's this." A sketching of something perked his interests, carefully he plucked the paper from the board. There was a picture of something off putting, a beast which looked similar, something he had seen before. The brunette couldn't quite figure it out...

A large gust of wind suddenly caught him off guard, the paper flew out of his hand and started dancing away from him in the wind. "Wait, Come Back!"  Without thinking the brunette had started darting down the streets chasing after the dancing piece of paper, his familiar hovering behind him closely. As the spearman reached out to grab it his foot got caught on the cobblestone pavings, Hydra went tumbling forward, crashing into the ground and missing the piece of paper which continued to float down the street.

Edited by Hydra
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