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[PP:NK:F1] <Out of the frying pan and into the fire> - Earning a Living (Aya, Vyrtew, Syn, Teayre)

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Aya jumped as laugh came from behind her “Again with the not noticing people behind you Aya what is going on with you.” Aya turned sideways to see who she assumed must be Teayre.  “You don’t say…” “You know they aren’t much more than overly large dogs.” she muttered. The relief washed over Aya and was displayed on her face. The wolves, for now, had been dealt with. “Syn, Vyrtew go in if you want. Suit yourselves with this." She moved away in the direction of some pigs the outer layers of her armour flickered as she moved and sat on the fence. Aya turned back to the woman but quickly turned back when she heard a small grunt behind her Teayre was rubbing a pig’s head. “Hello again little one.” Aya heard her say. Aya smiled to herself maybe Syn is right, maybe Teayre is just hurting she seems kind to me, She helped me and she doesn't even know me. “She’s an orange player, don’t let your guard down, just yet”

Aya turned walking through the door and into the large, aroma filled room.

"Take that smaller purple cauldron through to there hunny." she said pointing to an open doorway to the right of the kitchen. "Can I ask your name?" Aya asked the npc as she picked up the cauldron, which was a lot lighter than she assumed it would be. Closing the door behind her she replied "My name is Rachael, take it through and put it onto the fire". Aya walked into the smaller room which had a work bench of stone in the middle and a fire could be seen flickering from the opening in the center of the counter top, there was space to prepare materials. "What is it you would like me to teach you?" Rachel said smiling at Aya. "Well I haven't had any previous training I'm completely new to this but I know Alchemy appeals to me and I want to start supporting my friends with ite..."

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Syn looked over at the red head, nodding at her she followed the girl into the house. Her eyes darted around the place, rubbing her hands on the her coat she takes a deep breath in. “What the… That smell, all the herbs it’s like Vyrtew’s shop.” As she looked around the girl spotted similar things a cauldron, some alembics, mortar and pestles all scattered around. The various herbs hanging around made the white haired girl wrinkle her nose. “It stinks.” she says clasping a hand over her mouth, she’d spoken aloud. Her eyes going wide in horror.

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"Ok, that's enough information to go on" Rachel laughed kindly to herself. “I'll show you how to make HP Recovery Potion, Crystals will come later and you can come back.”

Aya placed her materials onto the workbench, as she did she caught Rachael smiling to herself. “Wonder what she’s smiling at” Aya thought. Rachael handed Aya an apron “Put this on”.

She to point out materials and teaching Aya how to cut and prepare them in their own unique way describing how they could be used for other potions.

“Now over to the cauldron” Rachel commanded gently.

She showed Aya how and when to place the prepared materials into the cauldron, then allowing  Aya to take over waning her when she was going a bit too quick or when she was being too hesitant. Rachel grabbed the ladle which had been attached to the cauldron and poured the steaming liquid into one of the bottles Aya had brought with her, sealing it with the stopper. “Now your turn, solo this time” as she left the room. Panic struck Aya and then the determination from earlier returned  Ok Aya you can do this!”

Aya re filled the cauldron with fresh water, leaving it to boil and started to prepare the materials in the same way Rachel had shown her to, and when she was ready she stood in front of the cauldron placing the items in as she had been instructed. Grabbing the ladle she too poured the liquid into one of the remaining bottles and sealed it. Turning she washed out the cauldron, cleaned the work bench and placed the newly made potions onto the shelf next to Rachel's supply,. Picking up the cleaned cauldron and ladle Aya turned to see Rachel stood in the doorway smiling as Aya stepped towards her.  

"I think that cauldron likes you," "Huh" Aya turned to Rachel."What do you mean?" "I mean I would like to give it to you for you to use" "I can't do that" Aya protested. Rachel smiled "Usually people would come here and expect to use my materials and then take whatever they create your honest hunny and I want to help you, will you come back and see me."  “Yes, of course I will ” Aya beamed. Before she left Rachael told Aya where she could find more materials. Before she left the house Aya swiped her menu placing the Cauldron into her inventory. She stepped back out of the house blinking in the sunlight, the rain was gone and the air smelled earthy.



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Teayre, Syn, Vyrtew - 1 SP & 100 Col

Aya - 2 SP & 100 Col

Vyrtew - 2 Mats

Edited by Aya
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