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Esthers Journal

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Real Name: Phoebe Harmon
Age: 23

Gender: Female

Height: 157cm

History Esther is the eldest of three siblings. There is not much to say on her history. It is uneventful. Dull, and typical. In the sense that there is no great tragedy here, no parents dying, no military school, no underground secret gangs, just a regular, simple life. She has a loving father and mother. Divorced. She lives in a small two bedroom apartment in a bustling city with her father, and her two younger sisters live out in the country with her mother. Esther moved to the city so she could go to University to Major in Astronomy and to minor in English.

This is quite possibly the only thing Esther dislikes about her life. Esther loves the night sky and fondly looks back upon memories of the family cuddled up under blankets drinking hot cooca watching the stars. Living 4 hours away  from any major town wasn’t viable if she wanted to study.


Esther is a friendly girl, she has a few close friends, both in the city and back home, with the use of modern technology she easily manages to keep in contact with them, and her family in the countryside. This Technology, funnily enough..was exactly how she happened upon SAO.

Esther wasn’t ever that big into ‘games’ but she had friends back home who were, there wasn’t exactly much to do in a small town- and they insisted that she play with them. Esther reluctantly agreed. They met up in the Town of beginnings, but lost contact with each other when the proverbial ‘crap’ hit the fan.


Esther was concerned with the situation - but being the woman that she was, she didn’t let it get to her- she told herself she had to stay calm, collected, and to logically tackle the situation.



Esther is a boring, kind, typical millennial young adult, but she does have her quirks. She’s the kind of person to visit a stranger's grave to leave flowers. She gets irrationally nervous in hospitals, and during confrontation. She always eats with cutlery - even if it were a pizza, sandwich or chocolate bar.

She’s usually up for a friendly chat, but sometimes grows bored easily with constant pleasantries where the conversation goes nowhere. If she finds someone uninteresting she’ll attempt to politely excuse herself rather than put up with a situation she does not want to be in.

To mistake Esthers kindness for weakness, or cowardice is foolish. Esther is honest, sometimes, brutally so - without meaning to she can hit peoples nerves, and ask very pointed questions; at times tearing down their walls. All the while smiling innocently as though she can do no wrong. She can hit nerves, tug at heart strings, and unknowingly manipulate her way around various situations. She's calculated, and knows what she wants, and how she wants to do it. Its difficult to waver someone with as much resolve as Esther.

Just as she is skilled in weaving her way in and around others, others are able to do very much the same with Esther. She has a few quirks that make her more comfortable being a follower rather than a leader, she is content to let someone guide her as long as she doesn't have any conscious objection to it. Esther can pick when people are lying directly to her face, but somehow still manages to find herself manipulated and played for a fool.





W2CRIFP.jpg Virtues
Optimistic Esther is optimistic to a fault. Wanting to see and find the good in everyone, and everything. She judges situations as they come, and quietly contemplates how best to address the situation to spin it into a positive light. Her personal endeavour is to attempt to restore hope where it has been lost. Feeling that Aincrad has lost the light of innocence it once had. She tries her best to be bright and have a positive demeanour.

✽ Charming: Call it charming, call it charismatic...Esther just has a way with words. She is well spoken and most who first meet her instantly like her. She is easy on the eyes and ears - and with her soft demeanour not many find her a threat. Esther has, on occasion used such wiles to her advantage, but those times are few and far between. Esther is simply, in the most boring sense - an outgoing person. Esthers kindness with her words can often be seen as a weakness, but she brushes it off without much thought.


✽ Honest: Its always difficult to elaborate on being ‘honest’ - it can be misinterpreted as being tactless, crude, even thoughtless. It’s one of those fickle things where if you don’t deliver something the right way, it can have a negative impact. Esther is honest, but she is generally thoughtful on how she speaks to others. Carefully navigating the situation to avoid strife. Despite how careful she tries to be, Esther can get herself into trouble with what she says. Generally asking questions, or stating things that are better left unsaid.







Trusting: Generally considered a virtue. Being too trusting is a double edged sword. Trusting the wrong person can land Esther in a myriad of trouble. She isn’t easily fooled, so can pick when someone is lying or attempting to deceive her - however Esther, being the trusting optimist that she is - often lets it slide in hopes that she can still help the person somehow- and in doing so it would all work out in the end.

☩ Impatient: Just because someone is kind, it doesn’t mean they have to deal with, or put up with crap they don’t want to deal with. Esther bores easily, and despite her best efforts to be polite this shows with physical tells. Her eyes will wander, she’ll sigh, and slouch - before finally excusing herself.

☩ Nosy: Esther is curious. If she finds someone or something interesting she will brazenly go and investigate. This can be something as small as asking someone what they are doing, or something like jamming herself into a conversation in which she does not belong. She may pick up objects that don’t belong to her, pry for information she is not privy to - or go where she does not belong.







Profession: Alchemist





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Total Skill Points: 19

Utility and Mobility Skills


Combat Skills


Locked Skills







Edited by Esther
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*Listed in Chronological Order*


-Synopsis Here-


Esther Meets Arc, a dark clad antisocial player. The two have a conversation before Esther heads off to bed, thankful for Arc's aid earlier that day, she created a flower crown for him. The mention of flowers triggered memories for Arc, and Esther saw a little more of the normally recluse man. She aided him in getting bed rest, and he swore to repay her kindness. 

Alchemic Remedy!
With renewed vigor, Esther decides she wants to help people in more ways than just standing idly by. So she chose to become an Alchemist. During her venture out into the fields of the first floor - she meets Lycan, and quickly becomes friends with him. The two collect materials, and head back to his stall after nightfall. However, Esther was too trusting, and accepted a potion from a mysterious man named 'Addel' this caused her to become fevered, and after a hasty remedy administered to her by a flustered Lycan - she recovers, forges her craft - and succeeds in her quest to become an Alchemist.

This Can't End Well
Esther was now an Alchemist, but had little knowledge of Alchemy - she finds a woman named Mari, and insists on becoming her apprentice. Arc, knowing Mari's reputation rushes to aid Esther - only to find that the situation wasn't as dire as he first thought. Esther, with her brash actions consumed a Truth Serum, and in a series of awkward and heated moments, agreed to be collared by Mari. Meanwhile, Arc and Mari spoke about Thom- and Thom didn't seem to leave on the best of notes.

Secret Medicine of the Forest
-In Progress-

Scouting Of The Field
- Blurb In Progress-

The innocence That Burns
- Blurb In Progress-

Edited by Esther
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