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[PP-F1] Multicolor initiation <Itzal and Tricolor_Mina>

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Itzal stood on the first floor awaiting Mina's arrival.....  Well, more like perched on a large branch in the forest but the point still stood.  It was nearby the campsite Alisa and Itzal had used and in the center of the forest so they were pretty much in the center of the floor.  He had sent Mina a map via the mailbox he had collected from a monster quite a bit ago.  He wasn't the best drawer, but it should be enough for her to find the area.  In the meantime he waited for her and was quite excited for Mina.  He was going to initiate her into the guild.  Most of the time he had simply found recruits, but today he got to give out the actual test.  There would be some discussion first of course, Itzal wasn't one to just jump into things without explanation or discussion.  Never in fact.  He was a very cautious player and whether or not others were impatient he believed it important for them to have all the details, otherwise they would fail.  Hopefully any player like this would be smart enough to learn from that.  He was wearing his twilight cloak with Ascendant's Rosario hanging on his back.  The sword was crafted by Mina herself and it was an excellent sword too.  Very heavy to wield but he had adjusted to this fact fairly quickly.  He was thinking about what sort of tests he would use for whatever build she chose while he waited.


Edited by Itzal
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