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[PP-F5] Resolving PERSONAL Issues <Itzal, Kasier, Morgenstern>

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Itzal was getting tired of it.  They had built the guild to help other players get stronger and work together, but they couldn't even work together.  There was always someone upset with something or someone else in the guild and he had reached the end of his patience, which wasn't often.  Itzal had sent a message to Jonathan asking if he could meet him on the fifth floor, that he thought he might have spotted another quest.  This part was actually true except he wasn't telling him that he discovered the quest was a dud.  A false rumor.  Meanwhile he asked Kasier if she could help him with a project on the fifth floor and was now walking with her beside him.  Neither knew the other was coming.  And he had the perfect way to keep them from leaving until the issue was resolved.  The coordinates he gave Jonathan led into an underground room with a single door.  Itzal had the key.  With the two of them lacking the picking skill, only Itzal could open the door.  Once Jonathan entered the room the door would automatically close behind him.  Itzal of course could enter from the outside, then lock it back up once inside.  He had no doubt that Jonathan was already inside the room.  Itzal had lent Kasier his <Beauty Incarnated> ring which actually cooled the user off just a little bit.  He felt it was a good balance to his cloak which warmed him up, just as Kasier was the perfect balance for his personality.  He hated to use deception but the two were expertly avoiding each other and it was childish.  Itzal pointed to the door in the cliffside.  "There it is."

@Kasier @Morgenstern

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Jonathan sat on the thirteenth floor, watching the NPC's gather around the cathedral from some sort of ritual or something. He certainly believed that there was some sort of hidden thing here. Perhaps these could lead to a new unique skill. He could actually think of one he would love one to have that would match this floor. Of course Kayaba would not have made it but it was interesting. Angel's Grasp. It would allow to double all healing affects and make all damage Holy Damage. But that was quite far fetched. He sighed and heard a faint noise. He had recieved a message. He looked around before slinking back into the shadows. He opened his HUD and seen the message was from Itzal. He... Found a quest? Could this perhaps be a RGQ, or might it be something with a uniqu prize like a weapon or something? He usually gets really lucky. I better go and check it out. Jonathan sighed and equipped his armor. His body was engulfed in his silver armor, and his vision was sighted in. He grinned inside his armor and teleported quickly to floor five from the pad. He looked at the coordinates. He looked across the desert area and seen the area which must have been the area. He grinned and began to sprint, leaving footprints in the sand. 

After a few minutes of running, he finally made it to the area of the coordinates. There was a door in the cliff side, and Jonathan was not hesitant to open it. It was a room, in the cliff side which was pretty cool. Also was a lot like Itzal to just know where it was. He sighed and took a seat. Itzal had apparently not arrived yet, which was not like Itzal at all. But Jonathan was somewhat patient and would wait to here what his friend had to say. 

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A smile was brought to her face. The day would've have been an extraordinarily boring one had Itzal not asked her for assistance regarding a project. Although the man did not state or clarify what the project was about, she was sure that she had nothing to worry about. It was, in fact, Itzal who had asked her to follow him. Little did she know, Itzal was actually about to lead her to somewhere that she would definitely not want to be. Kasier's red eyes looked forwards as the sun reflected off her face while she followed Itzal. It was strange, really. Since Itzal was a lot more quiet than he was usually. Finally, after walking through a few structures and things of the fifth floor, they soon arrived at a steep cliff and upon that hill, there was a structure - an entrance to some sorts - which seemed to open into a room. Of course, there was nothing suspicious to the door, after all, it was Itzal who had instructed her to follow him. Kasier nodded, looking up at the door which was quite out-of-place before walking up the hill with Itzal trailing behind.

Within good time, the two players arrived at the top of the hill with the sun shining down upon them. Soon, they will be walking into an enclosed space free from the sun. As she opened the door, she looked back and asked Itzal, "So, what will this project b-?" And one step. One step was all it took to see the contents of the room. In the middle were logs, seemed to be used as a campfire. To the right and left, there were benches, and one of which acted as support for Jonathan. Within that second, Kasier realized what was going to happen and she knew that it was going to happen eventually. However, she was not ready for it yet. A sigh arrived and she turned back to discover that the door had smashed shut. There were no way of getting out... It was just the three of them. "Oh god, Itzal. What have you done?"

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Itzal walked over to the firewood and pulled out flint and steel, scraping the two together swiftly, sparking the fire to life.  "I love you Kasier but this?  What's going on between the two of you?  It's eating you two alive, more and more as time goes on.  So here we are and here we will remain until this issue is resolved.  And if need be I'm sure Hikoru can handle the guild for a few days.  I've brought plenty of food but hopefully we can be reasonable and listen to each other long enough to come to a solution.  The more you two avoid the matter at hand, the more aggressive you two become towards one another.  While I love you Kasier I'm going to need to play the neutral party here until this issue is resolved.  I alone have the key.  I hope you guys don't hate me for the rest of my life for this but it needs to be done."  Hopefully they wouldn't hate him.  He really liked having Jonathan as a friend, and he knew that while Kasier would indeed be pissed at him, she wouldn't hate him.  She would understand he was doing this for their sakes as much as his own.  It killed him to see the two of them hate each other so much.  It was time to move on he thought. 


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Jonathan sat patiently waiting for Itzal. He wondered how long the man would take. He usually was the first one to arrive. Jonathan side, but smiled as he heard the door open, but did not see Itzal. He seen... Kasier. The door closed as Itzal wandered in. Jonathan went wide eyed, and listened as Itzal spoke up. What's going on between the two of you?  It's eating you two alive, more and more as time goes on.  So here we are and here we will remain until this issue is resolved.  And if need be I'm sure Hikoru can handle the guild for a few days. Jonathan stifled a gasp and then echoed "A... few days? Jonathan looked towards the ground. He wanted Kasier and he to make up. How could thye fix something, when neither of them knew the source to the problem. Jonathan looked to Itzal, he had a face with many conflicting emotions. Determination, worry, and cluelessness. So, Itzal. What do you suppose we do. This is your idea after all I am presuming. Jonathan looked towards him expectantly, but half guessed the man who knew most things, would not know this. 

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Kasier looked at Jonathan, then back at Itzal as her black-haired boyfriend walked over to the center. "I cannot believe you've done this." Kasier said, her voice shaking in disbelief that his boyfriend had tricked her like this. However, this was probably the only way of getting her to stay in one place with Jonathan. Still, it was sad to her that Itzal wouldn't consider her feelings when he had done this. To her, this was selfish, because it violates not only her right to a choice but also Jonathan's as well. This method of trying to fix something was far from effective. How can it be effective? When Kasier was already in a bad mood before beginning the process. Kasier sighed, sitting down and giving Itzal a look that said, You have a lot to make up for after this. She made sure that she didn't sit too close to Itzal either, just to insert some guilt within his heart and to let him know that she was unhappy about the situation. "Okay, Itzal. Since you are the neutral side, I believe you should be the person starting the whole thing. Let's get this done quick. I don't want to be in here for too long." She stated plainly, not making eye contact with anyone but rather looking around the room, making observations about the characteristic. The room itself was quite large, allowing space for the three players. If this was real life, oxygen would not be able to reach the players, however, this wasn't real life. Oxygen should not be a problem. Since Itzal had already lied to her about the purpose of coming here, there was the possibility that there is an escape to this room as well. She wouldn't be surprised.

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Kasier's words and actions had confirmed Itzal's fear that she would be furious with him.  Jonathan seemed shocked at best but Kasier was far beyond that.  She looked at him as if he betrayed her.  When he saw the hidden message in her eyes he felt a stab of pain in his heart and nodded slowly, his regretful eyes saying back, 'whatever it takes'.  Pained that he had put her in this position as he was, they needed to move forward.  Kasier, none to gently, suggested he start them off since he was the neutral party and Jonathan agreed.  Most likely Kasier wouldn't listen much to Itzal now that he'd pissed her off, but he could only hope.....  Hope.  He had always wanted to be a beacon of hope.  However right now he felt like he was dragging everyone down even further.  The outcome however would be seen in later.  Maybe in the end the two of them will make up and.....  Itzal can earn back Kasier's trust.....  With a shaky sigh he began.  "Jonathan, in the guild meeting, after you told us your story, you glared at Kasier and asked if that was enough.  Were you referring to something she said to you in the past, and why was it so important to resurface to the present day?"


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Jonathan watched as Kasier got quite angry, quite fast. He could tell she felt many emotions including betrayal. Jonathan on the other hand, was not to happy about it, but understood where the man was coming from. Jonathan always thought of it as guild first. His primary job in this game was to help other players, and if this continued his only chance in doing that would be vanquished instantly. Jonathan listened up as Itzal began to ask his first question. The man spoke of what he personally seen happen which of course was the guild meeting

"Jonathan, in the guild meeting, after you told us your story, you glared at Kasier and asked if that was enough.  Were you referring to something she said to you in the past, and why was it so important to resurface to the present day?"

Jonathan thought a few seconds before diligently answering the question. I was indeed referring to something she had said to us in the past, and no there is really no reason. I should not have brought it up as there really was no reason. Right at the end, I remembered how she had told us off for saying stuff about ourselves in game, but then did not share anything about herself, and then remarked it without thinking. A bit rude on my part. He looked over to Kasier, seeing that she still would be a bit ticked. Will he even say anything against her, or will this be a talk mainly with me?

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"Yup, yup." Kasier began, wanting to get out of this room, having already been contaminated about the whole situation and the frustration she was obtaining from staying in this room. At this point, she wanted to get as far away from the room as she can physically get. However, there was no possible way for her to exit this room. Hence, she shifted her arms for a more comfortable position since the situation might get worse and worse. "By the way, how and when did this argument begin again? As far as I know, the only reason that I dislike you is because of how you act and your indirect actions toward me. Let's get this solved quickly so I can get out of here and consider my life choices, ok? I guess we would have to do this eventually since I'm a healer and you are a tank. Still, Itzi, this was so unnecessary, a few battles together and the whole thing would've probably been solved. Now, I want to get out of here, we'll talk about this later on. I'm not happy about this whole situation." Kasier said, feeling really bad about talking that way to Itzal considering that she still loved him so dearly. Such a small thing could not destroy her relationship with Itzal but she simply wanted to make Itzal feel bad for lying to her.

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Itzal listened to Jonathan talk and he nodded to his friend.  He seemed very reasonable and truth be told he wasn't that surprised.  After hearing his side Itzal considered this.  It seemed to be the, I forgot how it started yet I'm still frustrated and pissed at you type of scenario.  Then Kasier spoke up, clearly wanting to get out of the room as soon as she could.  She shared the only reasons she knew of why she was upset and they seemed to be very sound logical points.  Then she mentioned to Itzal, using her little nickname for him, which kept his hopes up for a few seconds, that it was unnecessary and that they'd have a talk afterwards.  Itzal's eyes showed regret and pain, some of it visible to Jonathan.  He let out a soft, almost inaudible sigh.  "Yeah, ok.  So it seems to me that Jonathan has forgotten the original reason for his anger towards Kasier, and Kasier refuses to treat you with kindness until you do the same to her.  Kasier there's a phrase I've known:  The best way to defeat your enemies is by killing them with kindness, and thereby pouring water over hot coals.  Even if he was still pissed at you, if you didn't act aggressively chances are he would have stopped and the whole thing might never have boiled up.  Jonathan, whether you know what the source is or not, you need to let this go.  This is helping no one, let alone yourself."


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Jonathan listened carefully to Kasier and Itzal about what they had to stay. Kasier just seemed to want to get out, and was is playing that obviously. He seen in Itzal's eyes that he was pained from having to do this, but it must have happened. Jonathan's focus returned to Kasier. She is not that good at getting out of things is she? It is all about the way you use words. I would fight more to get out of here, but this actually matters. Itzal spoke of how this feud kept rolling, and now how to dimnish it. It is true.... I have long forgotten the reason this started. Now, seeing as Kasier sees to be dying to get out of here, I believe we have come to the conclusion of that this feud is nonsense and pointless. I trruly believe that it will come to a cease. Jonathan looked over to Kasier. He was quite well with morphing his words and shaping them to get things done, but he had spoken truth. He truly believed everything he said, and he was willing to cooperate with her. He needed her to survive in this game, and so did she. They were corresponding builds, and guildmates. They had to cooperate. 

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Kasier shrugged and smiled. It seemed that the situation was settled and it was simply just a waste of time for the three to be trapped here. "Great, it seems that the situation was already settled. Now, if I am no longer needed, I think we should get out of here. Maybe we can go fight something together or something to make up for the day that you two has wasted for me. I don't mean to be mean, but it seems that this whole thing had been a waste of time. Just remember, Jonathan, treat me with respect and respect will be given. Just don't expect me to be all snuggly though, that type of stuff makes me sick." Kasier stated. Maybe she was being too sensitive during the whole thing. Perhaps she was just overthinking everything. She knew that Itzal had meant for the greater good but the method in which he had tried to obtain such goal was ruthless and completely against her wishes. Not only that, he had done it behind her back, using trickery for the greater good. This was not the Itzal that she had known in the past, and this is not the Itzal that would love her to the utmost degree. Kasier stood up and walked towards the door in which she had entered the enclosed room and as she had done so, she heard a sound and immediately recognized what was producing the sound. "Crocodiles. There are crocodiles outside of this door." She stated plainly. "Looks like we have some enemies on our hands."

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As the matter dropped faster than Itzal could have expected, Kasier mentioned how she didn't want to be mean but each word she spoke in Itzal's direction felt like another stab.  He nodded sadly and stood up, doing his best to appear glad the situation was resolved.  He pulled out the key as Kasier mentioned crocodiles outside the door and he drew his sword without looking.  "I'll tank them this time.  I have plenty of health and I've never really tried it before.  I'd like to see what it's like."  In truth he had tanked before, back when he was helping weak players get their first kill.  However he desperately wanted to get his mind off of this pain, even for a moment.  He opened the door and caught sight of the three crocodiles.  Their scales were sand colored and their eyes red.  Itzal rushed forward to gain their attention.  As he charged his sword glowed and he released Shadow Explosion with a roar.  There was no pain in his voice...  Yet.  Just desperation.  After he landed a hyper critical hit the three monsters roared and lashed out at Itzal, doing the same to him.

ID#  71489  BD:  10  CD:  12  MD:  10

Itzal:  707/860  <>  69/86  -  3 Hate

Crocodile x 3:  340/430  <8+2x9=90  Bleed added>


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Jonathan rose to his feet as amends seemed to have been made. Kasier looked stern to him and told him to not expect her to be snuggly. The blond chuckled and said, Never had someone be that way to me so it is cool. Jonathan turned quickly to Itzal and said, But Itzal might be a bit sad to hear that. The tank burst out laughing and then rose his hands up apologetically. Everything would be fine relation wise between he and Kasier if he treated her well. He smiled and heard her say something about crocodiles. Are you sure... Never heard of crocodiles in the desert. Kayaba might be putting killer birds under the waters. He really is crazy. Jonathan opened his HUD and moved to his side where it was placed. He unsheathed his Tier Two weapon, Dying Light, that was perfectly crafted by the blacksmith Macradon. He was just about to put on his armor when Itzal said he would tank. Jonathan sighed and closed his HUD. Well... If you're the Tank, I will be our Scout.... Jonathan laughed and twirled his sword his hand, the blade appeared to be almost like glass. He stepped through the door, Itzal charging forward. Jonathan smiled deeply, closing his eyes. He opened his eyes which were a bright green, that seemed to be ablazed like fire. 

Jonathan charged forward, watching as Itzal took a few hits after making a great strike, and then the Scout faded away. The blond boy growled, reaching his target. The first crocodile. He struck quickly, slashing seven times in total. The red scaled crocodile shrieked and turned quickly to get away from him. Itzal should be plenty okay since Kasier will most likely Heal him, if not this time, next time. Jonathan retreated quickly. He looked down at his sword, and noticed something missing from his hand. He had completely forgotten to equip his shield. He probably looked exactly like a scout or damage dealer, with only his Jacket and Sword being an Enhanced equipment. Sorry guys, would have done AOE, but If I were I would only do about thirty damage. Itzal, stay strong. He looked to Kasier, preparing to say something, but she could handle herself. He did not want to be pushy. Itzal on the other hand, He and Jonathan had a connection of some sort, and pushed eachother forward. It appeared Itzal had taken a large amount of damage. 



ID:71565 BD:7

Jonathan 620/620 <56/62> Energy: -6 <<Lasing Chopper>>

Itzal 707/860 <69/86>

@Kasier <<Fill in Stats>>


Crocodile A 270/430 -70 (10x7)

Crocodie B&C 340/430


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ID: 71623
CD: 4+3=7
<<First Aid>> Activated

Kasier ignored Jonathan's unnecessary comment regarding Itzal and her. The only response that she gave to Jonathan during his passage of speech was simply a shrug when he doubted whether there were crocodiles or not. Indeed, she admitted that it was strange, but everything was possible in this game. She could definitely bare witness to that. She had even heard about a shark that swims in the sand! If that was something real, than surely crocodiles are no where near bizarre. Kasier watched as Itzal charged forwards, offering to take the position of being a tank, and it was a smart, sly choice as well. As a tank, it was inevitable that he would be damaged and as a healer, Kasier would have to be the healer of the tank. That was the job, the role of a healer in this game... To rid of emotions and heal at whatever the cost. Her personal feelings cannot, simply cannot, interfere with what she is doing on the battleground and if it does, she must rid herself of her title as a healer. And just like she predicted, Itzal was hit immediately after striking. It was destined really, since he didn't seem to be the tanking type and didn't seem to have tanked very much in this game. Of course, like the healer she is, she clutched her fist and walked closer to Itzal, placing both her hands on her back and activating <<First Aid>>, healing Itzal's health back to full.

Jonathan 620/620 <56/62>
Itzal 860/860 <69/86> (+344)
Kasier 480/480 <48/48>

Crocodile A 270/430 -70 (10x7)
Crocodie B&C 340/430

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Itzal heard Jonathan's joke about them switching builds and he tried to wear a smile.  Emphasis on tried.  On a scale of one to ten, ten being perfect smile and one being weak, he was about a negative one.  And that was saying something.  He watched as Jonathan targeted one crocodile but not the others.  He was about to charge again when he felt Kasier place both hands on his back.  Was she just doing this for combat's sake?  To be useful?  Or did she really really care about him?  He knew the answer to this of course, but he wondered which was going on in her head currently.  He took a deep breath and allowed his body to relax before she let go.  Half his body yearned to reach out and hold her hand for a bit but the other half demanded they finish the fight.  So he rushed forward and released another aoe strike on the crocodiles.  The three roared and tried to hit him but he dodged their attacks pretty swiftly and agitated the three further.

ID#  71634  BD:  4+3  CD:  8  MD:  6-3

Itzal:  860/860  -  51/86  -  4 hate

Jonathan:  620/620  -  56/62  -  1 hate

Kasier:  480/480  -  48/48  -  0 hate

Crocodile A:  198/430

Crocodile B&C:  268/430


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Jonathan watched as Kasier healed Itzal, raising his health back to full. Jonathan sighed, and returned his attention to the lowest in health crocodile. He twirled his weapon in his hand, and made one more glance to Itzal, whose face was pained, before facing the croc once more. He smiled vigorously and dashed forward, able to reach high speeds since he no longer wore heavy armor in this fight. Itzal wanted to tank for a strange reason. So he fixed Kasier and Itzal's problem, and brought it upon himself. This s not going to end well. Jonathan began to activate a sword art, his blade glowing a crystal gold. The crocodile snarled and Jonathan thrust his weapon forward. His blade missed, and plunged itself into the sand. The crocodile snapped at him, and Jonathan made a back flip, retreating from his opponent. His weapon still lay in the sand, now guarded by the three enemies. Jonathan looked to Itzal and said, "Now I know why you like it... Without my armor, I feel so... Free. It was true, Jonathan moved much faster and manuevered much better without his armor. He felt like a bird about to soar into the air. No one is free. Even the Birds are chained to the sky. I am chained here. 


71635 BD:5

Itzal:  860/860  -  51/86  -  4 hate

Jonathan:  620/620  -  55/62  -  1 hate- Croc A

@Kasier:  480/480  -  48/48  -  0 hate

Crocodile A:  198/430

Crocodile B&C:  268/430


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Kasier was anticipating that Itzal do something like hold her hands or something but it turned out that that would not be the case. Far from it, in fact. He didn't acknowledge her touch of his back, didn't acknowledge her healing attempt on him. Instead, he simply dashed out with his sword held perfectly, his black hair flowing in the wind as he once more charged towards the sand crocodiles. To be perfectly honest, the crocodiles were never truly any threat to the players, especially since the players were a complete team, one healer, one tank, one damage dealer. There was perfect balance to this team, and hence, it would be quite difficult for the players to be harmed in the process of fighting these mobs. Kasier sighed, it was to be expected that Itzal would have to reaction with her healing. They did have a "argument" or "conflict" after all. She hoped that this wouldn't last that long, because she wanted Itzal back. Already, just a few hours of conflict between the two has already caused a hole in her heart. Still, she was stubborn, too stubborn to approach Itzal for something like this, even if he is the most loved person in her heart. More than anything, but apparently not more than her pride. But she loved him more than herself. Finding herself troubled in her maze of thoughts, she slowly backed away, keeping her eyes on Itzal, watching his fighting stance.

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The blond watched as Itzal attacked again, making a successful AOE attack. He must have had a accuracy enhancement, since he was hitting so often. Jonathan sighed and looked back to his crockodile. It was getting low on health, Kasier made no move which was not surprising since Itzal had not been damaged. The blond dashed forward, leaping over the mobs, and landed soundlessly in the sand. He retrieved his weapon and turned to face the enemies. He moved back, swinging his blade at the enemy. His blade bounced harmlessly off its scales and stabbed into the ground. Jonathan groaned and leapt backwards to void getting hit. I think... I have decided to get gear for hunting. An Accuracy Enhancement would be awful nice. He had no need to go out and get a new loot item when he could just take the Essence of Steel quest and upgrade it. It was a good quest to upgrade an item Itzal had gotten for him. 

71712 BD:2 DAMN DICE

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OOC- So I, uh, guess the post order changed?

Itzal heard nothing from either party as he continued to strike at the crocodiles, not stopping even for a moment.  He charged and released Shadow Explosion yet again, dealing a decent amount of damage on the three crocs.  After he struck the three became enraged and lashed out at him.  Itzal dodged the first and second blows, but the final one hit him.  Fortunately it wasn't strong enough to deal damage to him but it was forceful enough to launch him backwards.  Right into the girlfriend he'd caused problems with.  As he fell back and he knew where he'd end up, time seemed to slow down slightly as he wondered what he was doing.  Why was he separating himself from her?  Was it because of the guild he felt?  Was it because of his self doubt?  Was it because he felt he didn't deserve her for how he had treated her?  Experience could tell him nothing due to the fact that he'd never even had friends in the real world.  The only way he knew how to handle things was lock himself up and spam gaming.  However he didn't want to do that now.  He managed to twist his body in a way that allowed him to land on her in a not so harmful way, and kept his arms outward so as to avoid any unwanted contact.  After the impact, whatever she said or did, he would reach and hold her hand, and whisper the words:  "I'm sorry..."


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