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[PP-F5] The Theft Chronicles <<Arabian Nights, First Night>>

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All he could do was witness the scene in front of him, and it did not look too good. The energy was slowly being gained, but not fast enough sadly enough. On the plus side, he was able to handle the other brother who needed help. But in doing so, he also would end up dealing with a bit more than what he usually did back when he was taking the blood in the sand quest with Jonathan before. Placing his palms in his pockets, he would watch the scene in front of him, hoping for the best. Maybe he can attack on the next round to occur, but it would end up having a nightmarish result if he failed, and he would lower his energy in doing so. If the attack was a critical hit, he would aim. How would he know? If an opponent left themselves in a painfully obvious opening that can't be missed. He exploits, then destroys the weak point.


Can't attack

[4 Hate] Jonathan 660/660 <<50/66>>

[4 Hate] Sey: 340/340  7 Dmg l 27 Mit l 1/34 Energy

Thief A 27/135 [27-(70-25=45=DEAD]

Thief B 72/135


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As Jonathan caught a glimpse of Sey. He held his hands in his pockets and seemed to be overall depressed for running out of energy. Jonathan cursed himself. If he could transfer enrgyt o him, he would have already done it. Something might have actually got done. The blond sighed and returned his attention over to the last thief. It needed two more hits on it for him to die. Jonathan charged, swiping his blade across the creature's chest. The thief dodged and countered with a well placed blow to the shoulder. Jonathan growled and looked over to Sey, knowing that he would not be able to do anything quick enough. Why could I not have been a damage dealer? This is the most annoying thing I have ever dealt with. Kind of retarded actually. 


72801 BD:4 

72802 BD:8 CD:7 Infinite

[5 Hate] Jonathan 660/660 <<49/66>> [660-(/6x5=30/[107-30=1DMG] +56=FULL HEALTH)

[4 Hate] @Sey: 340/340  7 Dmg l 27 Mit l 1/34 Energy

Thief A 27/135 [27-(70-25=45=DEAD]

Thief B 72/135  [89 - 42 + 25 = 72]


Edited by Morgenstern
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He tried, moving his tired body out to lash at the only thief among them. It was going down, but as he sliced, it would just flinch from the attack before he went back to avoid the hit that it would try to lash out towards him. It did not strike him successfully at least, but now he was risking it. The damage that the enemy took was beyond low, and he knew that he was currently useless until he could get passed the mitigation of the enemy. But he knew that there was nothing he could do but rely on Jonathan, who was the one that knew better unfortunately. He felt useless right now, even with the amount of damage was able to inflict. If only he was a little bit more careful with the attacks he carried out, because now they were not doing anything to contribute to the fight.



72803 BD: 7

[5 Hate] Jonathan 660/660 <<49/66>>

[5 Hate] Sey: 340/340  7 Dmg l 27 Mit l 1/34 Energy

Thief A 27/135 [27-(70-25=45=DEAD]

Thief B 71/135  [72 - 1 = 71]


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Jonathan watched as his opponent raised its weapon, and the blond stood with an angered look. He was getting tired of fighting this thing, and Sey made another hit, but his attack was actually futile. Another seventy hits and the man would have done something. "This ends here, and things ends now." The creature thrust his dagger into Jonathan's chest, but Jonathan made no sign showing that he had actually bee touched. He rose his weapon and slashed repeatedly, flaying the creatures chest. The thief fell down, scrambling just as its friend had." one more strike my little friend." Jonathan smiled menacingly and looked over to Sey. Don't bother, you're attacks are literally futile, no use in wasting energy. Jonathan rasied his weapon readying for the final hit. 


72805 BD:8 

72804 BD:3+1+2 CD:12 MD:6 Shadow Stich

6 Hate] Jonathan 660/660 <<49/66>> [660-(/6x2x3=36/[107-36=1DMG] +56=FULL HEALTH)

[5 Hate] @Sey: 340/340  7 Dmg l 27 Mit l 1/34 Energy

Thief A 27/135 [27-(70-25=45=DEAD]

Thief B 26/135  [71-45=26]


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There was nothing he could do, and the energy was going to take forever, so he just needed to hope that the tank was able to inflict enough damage to end the fight. The energy system was far too hard for him to keep up with, and he expanded far too much from the bar. "Sorry dude, I can't do anything I'm afraid." He would explain as he would watch with violet eyes on the scene. It was unfortunate, how acting was not an option anymore. Until he gained more energy, he would be as useless as he was right now. The brother being guarded was the best thing for him to do as of right now until he found enough strength to carry out one more attack. But it he did nothing, Jonathan might right out of energy as well. And only then would they have a real trouble on their hands. Just one more hit... He needed to muster out some more strength. But alas, not as of this moment can such a miracle occur.



[6 Hate] Jonathan 660/660 <<49/66>>

[5 Hate] Sey: 340/340  7 Dmg l 27 Mit l 2/34 Energy

Thief A 27/135 [27-(70-25=45=DEAD]

Thief B 26/135  [71-45=26]



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Jonathan heard Sey, but the man was useless, leaving it up to Jonathan. Jonathan felt his muscles tense and he watched as his blade began to seep a dark gold glow that eventually became brighter. "I said, this is your END" Jonathan charged forward, slashing the thief up into ribbons. In second the thief was nothing more than pixelated data and Jonathan sheathed his weapon having his work finished. The blond turned to Sey and said, We are free to go, I don't believe any other thieves would dare step in our path. We should be able to travel safely the rest of the way." Jonathan waved back for the NPC to follow and nodded over to Sey to encourage him to lead the way. They needed to go and turn this in, their journey had lasted a bit longer than expected. First thing I do will be getting an accuracy item. 


72829 BD:9

72859 BD:6+1 CD:3 Side Bite

[6 Hate] Jonathan 660/660 <<49/66>> [660-(/6x2=12/[107-12=1DMG] +56=FULL HEALTH)

[5 Hate] @Sey: 340/340  7 Dmg l 27 Mit l 2/34 Energy

Thief A 27/135 [27-(70-25=45=DEAD]

Thief B 26/135  [71-45=26]



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"Sweet! Let's bring the brother to his... Brother and we shall get the reward!" He would declare before moving out from the territory of the unknown, looking to make an escape. They seemed to not have much else, for the next encounters did not occur at all. Instead, the path seemed clear. And with a clear path, they could make it back to the bar, where all they had to do was present the brother of the man who was crying. In return, they get some col and they all lived happily ever after. How nice. With this in mind, he would place his hands in his pockets with the spear gone as he was walking, they no longer had anything else to do on the mission, and that was nice. It was a little bit harder than expected, but nothing they can't handle. "Accuracy for a tank build. I want to see that in action! Brings something new to the table, a tank that fights back" Which is also what he was aiming for as well.

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Jonathan nodded to Sey's order on bringing him to the brother. They began to move briskly down the sand, making light conversation. Sey was interested to see a tank build that could do damage. Hmm. When I use it though, I will probably not be much of a tank. More for getting damage done quickly, and relying on my Battle healing skill to keep me in good shape. Jonathan sighed and noticed the man named Ali that orginally gave them the quest. Ali darted forward and said, ""Brother!!!" After the emotional reunion scene ends, Ali moved to Sey and placed a large pouch filled with Col coins next to you "I can't thank you enough for this. I won't forget what you did for me, please accept this as a small token of my gratitude." he adds with a joyful expression. With one more "Thank you!" he goes to his brother and celebrate his return with opulence. The two left, leaving Jonathan and Sey alone. Well wasn't that just a fun experience? That was a lot of col we just got though. You think he was kidding about the cave of wonders? Or actually talking about something." Jonathan unequipped his weapon preparing to depart. 

@Sey get your last post...

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A shield that knows how to fight back,  that is definitely something interesting. Tell me when that time comes, for I plan to also have that sort of thing in the near future as well. Hopefully in at a time much sooner than one might imagine." Sey explained with a smile before being handed the col from Ali, who clearly was grateful for the event of having his brother back. Seems like they won't be returning to the caves, which was good. But that left one thing out of the the equation, though it was Jonathan who was able to pluck out the detail first rather than the snow-haired player, timing was crucial. "Well according to the quest, it said that they were stopped from finding it because of the kidnapping of the brother. It does not confirm nor deny that it may or may not be true... I think we have a little bit more work to do later on. This time, maybe even uncover a mystery."

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