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[PP-F3] <<Search for the Hoya>> (Miaki & Clarance)

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Miaki watched Clarence grab the <> which triggered the cage to lift and the <> to awaken with a loud roar. "GET BACK CLAR!!!" Miaki yelled as he bolted away from the Minotaur. He took up a position behind the beast and readied for combat. "Battle routine! Set! Execute!!!"

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"[censored]!" I yell and fall back, just as a part of the cage flies above me. I jump back up and get into a fighting stance with my daggers."WE can either A: lose him in the labyrinth or, B: Stay and fight. Which you wanna do?" I call back.

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"Right behind you!" I yell as I run for the exit, actually right behind Miaki. As I'm running for another bend in the maze the Minotaur charged and I have to dive out of the way before it hit me, sending me into a different part of the mazes."Crap." I mutter to myself before I start running around bends and turns, trying to shake the Minotaur.

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Miaki ran down one of the many passageways. He kept glancing over his shoulder to make sure that Clarence didn't go a different direction. When he rushed through one large intersections he heard a blood curdling roar and to the horror of him and Clarence the Minotaur twin appeared. "TWO OF THEM!!!! DON'T STOP!"

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"Gotcha! THANKS FOR THE WARNING!" I yell back to Miaki as I start going around the opposite of Miaki, trying to lose the Minotaur through the turns. I send Miaki a message while I hide behind a turn.

Ok, if we can meet up, I can help us get out, but with this constant moving, I can't track the entrance, also ummm I think heard Medusa, yeah shes in the maze too.

I send him the message and quickly try to regain my breath and make a plan.

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I quickly side step a swipe from a Minotaur and I jump around it, trying to get back to Miaki. As I'm running around the turns and bends I see a snake."Oh god." I whisper and dive behind a wall. I hear a snake slithering sound as Medusa slowly walks around."I know your here ssss Clarence sssss. Where's your friend Miaki ssss Clarence?" I hear it ask. I quickly jump up and close my eyes. I run directly at her and throw her against the wall. With me still not being able to see I begin running around randomly.

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"Oh god this sucks. THIS Sucks. THIS SUCKS!" I start yelling, weaving through bends. I look to my side and see Miaki running. I quickly take a hard left and end up right at his side."Fancy meeting you here Miaki. Where is your Minotaur?" I ask while running."Medusa is dazed at my left and my Minotaur is. Dive!" I yell and go to my side as the Minotaur comes barreling at us.

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Miaki dove underneath the Minotaur that was chasing Clarence. He jumped and spun around hearing the hissing sound of the Medusa behind him. "Not good. SHE'S BACK!" Miaki put away his weapon finalizing his choice of flight over fighting and wanted more maneuverability.

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"Can't you get a hint woman. WE DON"T WANT YOUR GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!"I yell and smile. I sheath my daggers and back up against a wall. The Medusa creature close by, I am left with limited options, manly one. I pick up a rock and throw it at Medusa, hitting it in the head, making it dizzy and hurting it's snakes. I quickly go to the other path across from me, dodging Medusa."Miaki. I think the exit is this way!" I yell, leading the way.

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Miaki watched the rock smack Medusa clean on the head, stunning it. The twin Minotaurs started closing in on Miaki.

"Miaki. I think the exit is this way!"

Miaki ran between the twin titans following Clarence. "God I hope you are right!" He yelled.

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I take a couple of turns and finally come to a dead end."HELL TO IT ALL!" I yell while I try to turn around. the Minotaur's closing in fast."Wait this was the entranc-" I say while backing pup into the wall. Before I can finish I fall through the wall on the clod floor of the trap door room."Never mind, wait how do we get up!" I ask Miaki scared and nervous like.

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Miaki rushed into the room.

"Never mind, wait how do we get up!" Clarence shouted, nervous like. Miaki looked around frantically for a way to get up.

"Gah! Gotta think." Miaki used <> to enter his trance-like state and gather his thoughts. "Objective: Get out of the trapdoor room. Threats? Medusa and Minotaurs. The Minotaurs are too large to follow us through; however the immortal object known as the <> cannot be fought by conventional means. Therefore the only option is to escape. Both doors are pointless. Leaving only the trapdoor above us. The room we are in holds nothing stack-able to climb out. Climb out? Climbing rope!" "Rope! Of course!" With the speed of lightning, Miaki opened up his inventory and selected <>. The rope materialized in his hand and he started twirling it in the air before throwing it up. "It's taunt! GO! I'll be right behind you!"

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I give a salute motion and quickly start climbing up the rope. From under me I can hear Medusa's slithering noise."Clarencesssssss... Miakisssss Where are you?" She hissed and laughed, finding the rope, Medusa began climbing up the rope. I finally pull myself up into the room and help Miaki up also. I try closing the trap door but for some reason it wont close."Okay we need to open this secret door." I quickly gather my thoughts together and try searching through the room for a alternative way out. One second later I find it."Puzzle lock!"I yell and throw a couple books off the shelf, revealing a puzzle code to open the door."Hold Medusa off, I got this." I smile and begin working.

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Miaki drew his curved blade. "Of course. Hold off the immortal being climbing up using my rope... No problem." He said with some sarcasm. Miaki peered down the trapdoor, careful not to make eye contact. "Give up you damn harpy!" Miaki looked at the chair to his right. 'Let's try that!' He grabbed the chair and threw it do at Medusa.

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Ok the right, no left yes, ok right left left right top down diag! Yes. The door very VERY slowly creaks open, but I can't push it to move it faster."Okay, the door is being stubborn and the door wont open fully for a bit. Hows Medus-" I ask but before I can finish I watch Miaki through a chair down onto Her."Nevermind. Here try this." I give him a mirror."If you turn to stone with her look, maybe her reflection can cause it to." I say and hand the mirror to Miaki.

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Miaki caught the mirror thrown to him and looked at his reflection in it. "Okay then." Miaki made a smile of determination and threw his curved blade to the side of the room. "Hey Medusa! Lookie here!" Miaki jumped back into the trapdoor shouting. "GERONIMO!" He aimed the mirror at Mudusa, instantly turning her to stone. He landed on Medusa pushing her stone form toward the ground shattering her into thousands of stoney pieces which moments later shattered into digital data.

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I look down and smile."Did you, Miaki, destroy a un-destroy-able creature?" I ask, amusement in my eyes. I wait for Miaki to grab the rope and with me pulling up the rope while he climbed, he got up no problem. Right when he got up, the door finally opened. As I'm about to take a step something flies by my face and sticks into the wall. When I look at the culprits who threw it, it was none other then the two players Tyler and Mark who attacked me earlier.

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